What a Wonderful World

By Lking 4you

Published on Oct 8, 1998


DISCLAIMER: ----------

The following story is a continuing work of fiction depicting a consensual sexual relationship between an adult male and a young male teen. Any similarities between the characters and someone in real life is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, or do not approve of adult/youth relationships, or the subject matter is not legal in the area you reside, please do not read any further. The author welcomes any comments or constructive criticisms. As usual, flames and bashers will be ignored. Please direct your comments to: lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Authors Note: The response to Part 1 of this story was simply overwhelming. My thanks to all of you who wrote to me encouraging me to continue, you know who you are! I am grateful for your support.

"What A Wonderful World" - 2

Part 2 ------

Sometimes you are ripped from your sleep by the heart pounding realism of an unwanted nightmare. Sometimes with the unwelcome jolt of an alarm going off, and once in awhile you just sort of awaken out of habit. Far too rarely you get to ease from your slumber, gradually and peacefully becoming aware of your surroundings, and your senses click on one by one, your body telling you this was a sleep worth remembering. For the past 32 years I can only remember one time when I awoke to such surreal peace. I had visited friends in Brussels and following a delicious meal of crepes, escargo and fine wine, had been shown to my room to retire for the night. It was winter, and the room was cold to my American born standards. I stripped from my clothes and slid into the bed and found myself lying on a hugh thick eider-down comforter, a one piece affair which allowed for an equally thick cover to be pulled over me enveloping me in a cloud like atmosphere. I had slipped into oblivion and remember when I awoke that I had never rested so wonderfully. Nothing had ever come close to how I felt on that cold December morning following that night. Nothing until now! There were two momentous difference between now and that evening in Brussels. One, I was not sated by rich food and alcohol. Two, far more meaningful, I was not alone!

As my subconcious whispered softly "Mason wake up", the rest of my senses "re-booted", and I was suddenly aware of Kevin's soft warm body nestled against me, his right arm and leg drapped gently over me like that comforter. My mind whirled. I knew where I was, and I wondered about the circumstances that had brought us together. What I didn't have, was the foggiest idea of what would happen next. For now, I was grateful for a lot of things. Grateful that he was still asleep for one. I didn't want to wake him anyway, and as he laid there breathing ever so shallow and serene, his beautful young face against my shoulder, I closed my eyes again and relived everything that had taken place in the last 48 hours. "How does this happen?", I thought to myself. How does an adult gay male find himself wrapped in the arms of a young teenager? More importantly, now that our lives have been inexorably joined, how will we hold on to each other and not lose our way? The one thing about all this I was sure of was that I loved Kevin more than I thought was possible, and I had told him so last night. I also had made a deep personal commitment to him, and no matter what the consequences for either of us, I would fulfill that. Even if it became the only thing in my life I would ever accomplish. There was so much to think about, and as the first soft rays of sunrise illuminated the room, I thanked God it was Saturday and we had the weekend to sort this all out. It was clear to me while we knew the most intimate details of each other from last night, there was so much more to learn.

Like an 8 week old puppy dog. That was the thought I had as I opened my eyes again and looked down on Kevin's face. He had that contented look about him, and he stirred for a brief moment and opened his eyes. He didn't say anything at first, just pulled us closer together, as if that was even possible, and nuzzled his face under my chin, like he was expecting me to scratch his tummy or something. "I love you Mason" he said, tenderly kissing my neck and rolling on top of me. "Me too you", I responded wrapping my arms around him and just holding him to remind myself he was really there. Now usually my morning "piss hard on" is nothing to be concerned with, but when it was pretty well all scrunched up next to what was obviously Kevin's own version, it made for our first awkward situation. On the one hand there was no where else on earth I would rather be than lying naked under this extraordinary young man, and my inclination was to stay like this until hell froze over or his mother came home Monday, whichever came first. On the other hand, if I didn't get to the bathroom soon, I wasn't going to be able to feel anything else for a long time and the prospect of that ruled out the other options right then and there.

"You know that race horse everyone keeps saying can piss really good?", I asked. "Huh"?, Kevin uttered. I began to chuckle. "If I don't get to the bathroom in the next 7 seconds, you are going to find out", I said. "Hurry, me too", he grinned. "Down the hall to your right", he shouted as I dashed across the room and out the door. I must have looked like that stallion too, because the last thing I heard as I entered the bathroom and exploded into the stool, was Kevin's uncontrolled laughter echoing in my ears. Bladder duty finished, I grabbed two towels and headed back to the bedroom, only to see a flash of flesh pass me as Kevin made his own dash to relief. "I love a parade", I sang loudly in his direction in my best Ethel Merman voice, and laid back down on the bed, a towel drapped across me, covering my now soft cock. Twenty seconds later he came strolling back in, naked as a jay bird, with one noticeable difference. His magnificent cock stood erect, salient and proud, and Kevin grinned like the proverbial Cheshire cat as he leaped on top of me jerking my towel away and pressing his hardened meat into my own rising cock.

"Make love with me again", he said as he slid his arms up under mine and held me close. Now, I had been with a few lovers in the past and the only thing I can tell you, is every time they said something about sex, it was always "Make love TO me", and for the first time in my life I realized that Kevin had it right without even thinking about it. There was a "Grand Canyon" of difference between making love "TO" someone and making love "WITH" them. Somewhere deep down inside me, between my sexual arousal and my chest, came this totally new feeling. It was akin to a seizure and a wonderful ache, only it was a loving sort of feeling, the kind I had always thought must be attached to the soul of a person because it only could have been to feel this good. At any rate, it was the most earth shattering feeling, because I recognized it for what it was. To be perfectly honest about it, I hadn't felt it since I was around Kevin's age myself and discovering my own first love. Here I was 16 years later, rediscovering it all over. Only this time, it was far more intense.

My arms closed around him and he began a slow rotating grind, his hips undulating, his turgid cock kneading and stimulating my own in an ever rising urgency. My fingers danced along his back and found their way to his fleshy ass cheeks grasping them firmly as we established a rhythm so fluid we became one. His lips found mine and we once again explored the silky recess of our mouths our tongues dueling voraciously the passion exploding within us. Kevin pulled away and began kissing my face gently now. Slowly he began nibbling and tonguing my earlobe, the warm air of his nostrils hitting the inner recesses of my ear and sending shivers throughout my body. He descended down across my neck teasing and exciting my flesh with his soft supple lips. When he found my nipples he languished intense attention to each one, gentle moans of hunger emitting from his throat, an effusion of pre-cum lubricating our groins and spuring us onward. I cradled his head against my chest, running my fingers through the soft brown curls of his hair. He still smelled wonderful, his youth emanating out of every pore in his young body. His foray continued, drawing him ever closer to my rigid cock. As he reached the periphery of my pubic hair he greedily licked and tugged at them, inhaling deeply, his face flushed with ever widening passion.

"God, you smell awesome", he said. "I can't get enough of your wonderful body", Kevin managed to say as his mouth closed around the cap of my manhood, his tongue doing things to the tip of my cock, I had never felt before. He suckled my flesh in a never ending progression of nips and licks and tender bites. For somone who only hours before had experienced this for the first time, he had already surpassed my solitary fantasies of the most wonderful and passionate lover I could possibly imagine. As I gazed downward at him, I realized that Kevin was the most beautiful, handsome and virile young man I had ever seen. He was just plain georgeous! How I ever deserved to be in the same bed with him, to this day I will never know. I don't know how much more of this I could take as his mouth suctioned deeper and deeper until his lips pressed tightly against my hairs. His throat was contracting, his tongue still sliding from side to side as one hand gently held my balls, and the other tenderly twisted alternately each of my erect nipples. I could feel the heat deep in my loins searing me, dragging my nerve endings with it. I couldn't let that happen yet. Not now! I had to pleasure him equally, before it was too late. I sat up quickly as his lips came free of my swollen cock, and pulled him to me once again. His own was cock emitting a rich, thick viscous flow of sweet pre-cum, making the deep crimson head shine like a beacon in the night.

"Lay down Kevin, My turn", I smiled tenderly. He settled onto his back, his long slender 6 1/2" cock jutting upward in the morning sun flowing through the window, creating a sundial of such magnitude, the shadow cast across his lower abdomen pointing the way and drawing me to it. It was time without a doubt, and his eyes and tender smile told me he was ready for me now. I wanted to just stare at him and memorize this moment. His soft body stretched out fully, his flawless silky smooth skin, the gentle definition of a six pack honed from lap after lap, turn after turn in the pool. There was no hairline from his navel to his pubic hairs. Only the small tiny patch of luxuriantly downy-soft, short curly back hairs that hugged the base of his cock, shrouding him in splendor. If there was an ounce of fat on his frame, I had yet to find it. His tiny dark pink erect nipples perfectly spaced on his still boyish chest, the slender Roman nose accented by his blush stained high cheek bones, and those eyes, those deep penetrating chesnut-brown eyes. They absorbed you like a male siren pulling you into the recesses of his heart. His lips were so perfect for his face, you could only want to gather them to your own and savor the pliant warmth of his kisses. As much as I just wanted to behold him for hours, my need to bring pleasure to him was far greater than for anyone I had ever been with. As my eyes met his now, I felt the need swelling within him, almost pleadingly they drew me to his body to fulfill his every need.

I spread his legs widely, knelt between them and lowered my head to his pliant cock. Rivulets of limpid pre-cum were running down the shaft. I had never known anyone to produce such copious amounts of this rich seminal nectar. As I gathered it up hungrily, Kevin gasped and moaned deeply. I could sense his expectations as his body tensed for my warm mouth. I drew him in tenderly, just holding the flaring crown between my lips, allowing the emissions to stream out onto my tongue, then began swilling it around before closing my mouth firmly and drawing his slender shaft fully within the depths of my throat. My fingers traced the countours of his waistline, eliciting shudders as the skin spasmed beneath them. "Jeeeesssuusss", he cried as the tips of my hands did figure eights around his distended nipples and my tongue danced just below the crest of his cock. Several more rapid suctions and his whole body began to vibrate with with wave-like shudders. It can't be yet, as I constrained myself from continuing. 'This should last forever', I thought, releasing his shaft and gazing at him intently watching the throws of passion sweep across his body.

I slid to my stomach and raised his legs high into the air, and pressed my lips delicately to his balls, which were drawn up tightly to his groin now, two walnut sized globes encased in satin smooth flesh. My tongue flicked and lathed each one of them drawing gasps from the depths of Kevin's throat. The rich aroma of his searing loins wafted deeply into my nostrils as I worshiped the seeds of his youth. I followed the pink line below them that led me to the shallow crater of his loins, it throbbed expectantly as my lips pressed forward and my tongue fondled and probed his delicate sphincter. Kevins arms hooked behind his knees and he pulled his legs further upward, the anal entrance opening wide allowing my tongue to press further and he began short high pitched sighs. "Please Mason, Oh God, Please put it inside me", his now staccato voice pleaded! I was stunned momentarily and rose up to my knees. "Oh Kevin", I could barely speak, "no lube", I said frantically. I would no more hurt this tender young lover than I would a living soul. "Here.... HERE", he said rooting frantically around in the drawer of his night stand. "I use it to jack off", he said almost desparately now, tossing it to me, jamming a pillow under his exposed bottom and pulling his legs to his head. "Hurry Mason, Oh please hurry", he moaned.

There was no need asking him if he was sure, no need to delay the inevitability of this coupling. With restraint I did not think possible, I squeezed the clear soothing emoliant onto the puckering sphincter of his hole, and slid my lubricated middle finger inside the velvet channel to prepare the way. "IEEEEeeeeee", he moaned, "Hurry, Oh, please hurry", he cried. Two fingers widened him now and still he pleaded for me to enter. "Easy Kevin, I will soon, I promise", I said. My engorged swollen cock driping with my own juices joined the generous amount of KY jelly as I prepared to enjoin us. Ever so slowly I pressed the tip of my penis against his waiting canal. "Unnnngggghh" his throat reverberated in a carnal voice as the rim of my cockhead slipped slowly inside. "Deeper", he pleaded grabbing at my waist, his delicate fingers grasping me firmly and pulling me foward as he thrust his groin violently at my surging cock. Suddenly without warning, my shaft slipt inside. He enveloped me fully and our union was complete. I leaned slowly forward and he wrapped his sinuous legs around me crossing his feet in the small of my back. We were inescapably locked together, two lovers in a trance. Our mouths met and I felt the rigidity of his wonderful cock pressing against my stomach as our tongues found their own rhythm of love.

We were beyond sex now, my Kevin and I. We were so absorbed by one another I doubted if this plateau of nirvana could have ever be reached. There was no sensation of pistoning as our hips thrust forward and backward, time and time again. Only the corporeal oneness that we had found embracing us now. Sweat broke hard on our foreheads and our chests heaved as we rocked, the sleeve of his body held me sheathed in its splendor and the sounds we made were those of deep seated emotion and love. "Ahh, Ahh, Ahhhhhh", Kevin groaned as wave after wave of bliss swept over him. "Cum in me noooowwww", he screamed as his body shook violently in the throws of orgasm. His cock began jettising profuse streams of white hot boy cream and his anal muscles clamped down with a constricting force that propelled my own seed at light speed upwards and forward jettising within him. Neither one of us were breathing, we were locked in a trance. If I hadn't heard the roar of our two hearts beating I would have known we had passed over and weren't coming back. Gentle pulses were all that remained now as the last of our sperm was expelled. We lay there for what seemed like hours, just basking in the after glow of this wonderful moment. We rolled to our side and held fast to each other, planting butterfly kisses across each others cheeks. "I love you Kevin", I whispered. "Do you know that?", I asked. The shallow breathing was my answer as the slumber encased him again. I closed my eyes and as Rod McKuen always urged, I "listened to the warm" as I craddled his head.

Sometime during the two hours we slept, Kevin had slid down my body and rested his head on my stomach. "Geesh, there's a lion in there"!, he chortled, as it produced long drawn out rumblings. "Havn't had anything to eat for 24 hours", I chuckled watching his fingers circling my navel. "Nothing but you I mean" I said, as he sat up on his haunches and stretched his arms over his head in a wide sweeping arc. "A ha ha he", he cackled. "Wasn't that enough?", he beamed pulling me to my knees and wrapping his arms around me again. "More than enough as far as fluid intake", I smiled. "But I need something a little more substantial if you have any hopes of keeping me alive for very long", I laughed. "Can I fix us breakfast?", he asked climbing out of bed, wrapping a towel around his waist, his penis flacid and resting peacefully against his tender body for once. "Let's go out, my treat", I urged. "Kewl!", he said in the charming way that only our youth can emote. "Great, we've got a lot of talking to do too Kevin", I replied. "Anything wrong?" he queried, his brow furrowing with seriousness, his eyes searching mine for reasurance. "Nothing could be more right, but our lives have changed forever and I don't know about you, but I have a couple hundred questions I need answers to" I said. "Yea, me too" he said, as we stood there face to face.

"Oh no", I mutterd painfully. "What?" he said, the faint trace of concern spreading across his face. "Come with me" I said, taking his hand and leading him down the hall and into the bathroom and turning his face to the mirror. "I'm afraid I've given you a slight case of razor burn. I should have shaved again" I said, gently caressing his cheecks and pointing to the flushed spots caused by the evident stubble on my chin. Now, I am one of those guys that doesn't have much facial hair, and I couldn't grow a worthy beard if I tried, but there wasn't a trace of any growth on Kevin's fair face and it pained me deeply that I had marred his beauty. "Red badge of courage" he grinned, raising his chin and assessing the extent of damage as his image gazed back at him in the mirror. "Just finished reading it in "Lit" class" he beamed, as he turned towards me wrapping his arms around me again and giving me one of those puppy dog looks. "And just what grade is that?" I asked, already fearful of his answer. "Sophomore", he replied. "We do have a lot to talk about, and soon", I replied.

"Yea, but you better get out of here right now, I've gotta poop, and if you want to live long enough to talk, then you don't want to be here after that happens", he laughed wildly. "I need to shower and brush my teeth too" he said, as I stood there in the doorway admiring his candor and choice of words. "Want to shower with me?" he asked. "Not if I'm going to be standing in a gas chamber", I grinned. "Why don't you get ready and we can go get some food" I said. "I need to clean up too and we can eat at my house, or where ever you want" I shouted, as he closed the door in my face. "Surprise me" he hollered as I walked back to his bedroom and got dressed, Hearing the toilet flush and the shower begin running, I couldn't help but feel a deep swelling rush of contentment thinking of Kevin standing there under the cascading water, his young lithe body being lathered with soap. Perhaps, I should reconsider and join him I mused. 'Later perhaps', I thought to myself as I dropped on the sofa and waited for my young lover to finish his duties.

"How do I look?" Kevin inquired, as I turned my head and found him standing in the doorway wearing only a smile and a half erect penis. "Get dressed, and hurry" I laughed. If anyone exuded sexuality, it was this young thoroughbred. "What shall I wear?" he hollered. "Why don't you wear what you started to wear last night, they ought to be clean", I shouted. 'Besides, I want to remember you in them' I thought to myself. "OK", came his reply. I picked up the gay video tape and turned it over and over in my hands, only to hear him whisper gently into my ear: "We can watch that later if you want". "I've been meaning to ask you how you managed to acquire this" I said. "Mom", he grinned. "What!!? I replied astonished. "Yea, really!" he said. "Mom knows I'm gay Mason". "You're kidding, right?" I asked. "Nope", he said. "So, when did all this happen?" I said my curiosity overwhelming me. "Bout a month ago", he began. "I've known since I was about 11 that I liked to look at guys and stuff, but when I was 12 I really started to have these feelings", he said. "You know, feelings about sex and all", he continued. "Last year when I was 14".... "Wait a minute", I inturrupted...."Last year when you were 14?" I was starting to get nervous as hell. "Just how old are you Kevin?" I asked. "I'll be 16 next month, why", he responded. "Is something wrong?" "Uh, Ah...we really need to talk" I managed as my mind raced doing the math. "Go on", I said intent on hearing the rest. "Sure", he said matter-of-factly, and proceeded to explain.

"So, like I said, last year we had this really involved discussion in our human sexuality class at school. It was at the begining of the term, you know of my Freshman year", you listening Mason"? he nudged me, my mind reeling with a thousand thoughts at once. "Yes", I said. "It was this big talk about homosexuality and I was sitting there thinking 'hey, they are talking about the way I feel', and I just sat there listening and sort of got this really kewl feeling cuz up until then I had never really figured it all out, you know put it all together before", he said. "Only they really didn't have anything for us to read about, and I sure knew I wanted to know more, and that's when I found the information at the public library down town, which is where I also discovered my love of law books, cuz some of the stuff I was reading about being gay and all forced me to look up some other things about the law" he breathed heavily, out of breath with his revelations.

"Amazing", was all I could reply. "I know!", he continued. "So I knew that I was definetely gay, but then it hit me that I didn't know anyone that was too, and I sure wasn't going to say anything to anyone at school, cuz you know there are so many people who have these dumb prejudices and hate us and all", he said. "I figured I should talk to somebody and since I knew mom had always said if there was anything at all I ever needed to talk to her about, to just come right out and say it" he went on. "So, about a month ago she found a magazine I had swiped from the newstand showing these naked guys in it, and she said I think we need to talk"?. I was kind of scared at first, and then I just blurted out: "Mom, I am gay!"

"I waited for her to say something and she just brought me into the living room and we sat down and talked it all out", Kevin said. "She told me that she understood that it was genetic and biological and she said she loved me just the same", he went on. "I asked her what dad would have said and she got all these tears in her eyes and hugged me really tight and then said 'your dad would have been proud"! "You see Mason, she's kewl with it", he said. "And that's all there is to it", he finished. "Unreal", was all I could manage to say. "Well, what about the tape then"? I asked. "Oh, hehehe, sorry" he laughed. "We were at the video store about 3 weeks ago renting Titanic for the first time and I sort of wandered off into the adult section cuz there weren't any other people around at the time", he mused. "And the next thing I know, mom is standing there beside me, saying 'not now' Kevin, and she pulls me outside and we left. "The next day I got home from swim practise and there was this package laying on my bed from mom, cuz she had already left for work", he said. "So I opened it and here is this tape and a note from her and like they always say, the rest is history", he beamed. "Want to read the note Mason?" he asked. "If you're sure you wouldn't mind" I said.

"Dear Kevin: This is for you, but if anyone ever asks you where you got it, this tape will self destruct in 5 seconds! I know you have lots of feelings that are new to you and I want you to know that talking with you yesterday made me feel very close to you. I meant what I said about your dad being proud of you, and I know that he is. I wish I could spend more time with you, but you and I have always managed to get through things together. This is no different. I thought really hard before I bought this, but something your dad said to me a long long time ago made me realize it was the right thing to do. Just before your dad passed away, he and I were talking about you. "Kevin's a fighter he said, and he can handle anything thrown his way". So knowing your curiosities would not go undiscovered for long, I thought the best way was for me to provide this as a way of showing my support. We need to talk about safe sex and responsiblity to someone you might love, so lets talk soon".

I love you Kevin,


"Isn't she kewl?" Kevin said, as I handed him back the note, silently reflecting on the enormity of all of these revelations. "She sure sounds terrific", I replied "I'd love to meet her sometime, I said. "You will, I told her all about you", he revealed. "When?" I asked. "She called the night you dropped me off to see how I was doing, and I told her then", he stated. "I told her I had a "crush" on you too", he laughed, as my jaw hit the floor! "You what!!? I implored him, thinking his words had gotten scrambled somewhere between his mouth and my ears. "Well, not really" he grinned, "but I told her I thought you were really handsome" he gushed. It was my turn to blush now, and as I grabbed him throwing him over my knee and swatting him a couple of times, he giggled wildly. "Right after that is when I started watching the movie, cuz I knew I'd be hard all night if I didn't" he said, with a wonderful sparkle in his eyes. "And that did the trick?" I asked laughingly. "Yup, sure did" he giggled. "I'm starving, can we get something to eat" he asked. "If you promise to behave" I answered, as I removed his hand from my groin. "All right" he resonded. "But only when nobody's looking", he teased.

"Oh noooooo"!!, my Jeep is gone" I yelled frantically. "Some son of a bi...." "Hey relax Mason" he cut me off. "Nobody took your CJ, I mean, nobody but me" he beamed. "I parked it in Swansons garage last night", he revealed. "I got worried someone might steal your things, your CD player and stuff, so I got your keys and took it over across the street to their house while you were sleeping" he grinned. "Besides, I thought it might rain and with the top off, I didn't want it to get wet", he explained. "You mean to tell me that after we, uh after we errr...you moved it?" I asked. "Yup", he laughed. "You are something else, you know that? I said grabbing him and tickling his sides. "I never even heard you get up" I stated emphatically. "Well, you were pretty tuckered out" he continued. "And it only took me a couple of minutes, I've driven before you know", he chuckled. "I hope you put some clothes on first, you're not a streaker are you?" I asked tongue in cheek. "Only now when you are around", he volleyed catching me with a fist to the ribs. "Come on Mason, hurry", he yelled as he sprinted across the lawn and raced across the street.

"I sure hope I can keep up with you", I said as Kevin stood there next to the Jeep. "You're doing fine", he laughed. "Besides, you are the one teaching me, right", he asked. "Hmmmmm, good question" I mused, as I turned the key over and we drove out of the garage and turned onto the street. "At least you put the seat back where it belongs" I teased. "Hey, I am the same height you are" he said defending himself. "Well, almost" I challenged him back. "I'm a 1/2 inch longer" he said with a wicked grin, his gleaming white teeth showing his humor. "So, I noticed", I acquiesced. 'Round one, Kevin' I laughed to myself. "We're the same height laying down", he laughed hysterically in an effort of conciliation. "You're going to make a great attorney some day Kevin", I said. "You really think so?", he gushed. "I'm sure of it,and I'll do anything to help you get there too", I said. "I love you Mason", he replied. "I love you too Kevin, I truly do".

"Think you can hold off your appetite long enough for us to go to my house so I can "S,S and S?" I asked. "S,S and what?" he asked curiously. "Oh, hehe...shit, shower and shave" I laughed. "Sure, not going to brush your teeth"? he bantered. "That will cost you, what have you got"? I retorted. "You've already seen what I got", he returned fire. "And you can have that whenever you want to", he smiled gently now, the wind blowing his curly hair away from his face, the warmth of the sun surrounding us fully. "Thanks, Kevin" I answered, and we drove onto the beltway for the 20 minute drive to my house, just two lovers in love.

"Tell me about your mom Kevin, anything you feel comfortable about" I asked. "Well, her names Karen, and like I already said, she's pretty kewl and all", he started. "Wait a minute, I thought her name must be Margaret or Marjorie or something" I said confused. "Oh, from the note" he laughed openly. Mom and Dad met at college. Dad wanted to be a psychologist and my mom was studying to be an Anthropoligist" he explained. Dad was a year older and mom was a Freshman when they met. She was all excited about this lady named Margaret Mead, some sort of famous lady who lived in the jungle or something and studied people" he offered. "Anyway she was always driving my dad crazy talking about her, so he first started calling her Maggie and then shortened it to 'Maggs' and everyone else just started calling her that too" he said. "She pretty much loved it I guess, because from then on she always went by Maggs he explained. "Makes sense to me", I responded. "Anyway, wouldn't you know, right in the middle of her Sophomore year she gets pregnant with me and so they got married during Spring break and I came along in October, so mom dropped out of school and took care of me while dad finished" Kevin said. Dad graduated and we moved here to Indianapolis and he started to work as a clinical psychologist until he got sick, and then mom took care of both of us until he died when I was seven" Kevin explained, as his eyes began tearing up and I reached over and gently squeezed his leg in a gesture of understanding. "Life can be hard sometimes" I offered. "Yea, it can" he smiled to me, squeezing my hand.

"Oh Wow, Kevin squeeled. Is this your house?" he asked as I turned into the driveway and hit the remote for the garage door. "Yes, you like it, I queried. "This is awesome Mason, so kewl" he said. "Thanks" I laughed feeling giddy about his youthful enthusiasm about my rather large log home. "It was just finished this summer" I explained as his big brown eyes took in the view. "Geesh", whose are these?" he asked pointing excitedly at the two tarp covered vehicles next to us as we stopped in the garage. "Their mine" I chuckled amazed at the exuberance he displayed. One is a 1958 Alpha Romeo that my dad bought new and became my first car, and the other is a Ford Explorer which I use when I go on long trips or camping" I said. "Man, can we drive them?" he implored. "Hey, what about eating" I reminded him as I tugged him inside. "I've got to clean up Kevin, before I start to smell" I laughed. If you've ever watched the innocence of some wide-eyed child as they marvelled at something for the very first time, then you can picture Kevin's face as he looked around the "great room" with its vaulted ceilings, two story field stone fireplace and expansive windows overlooking the lake. This was my dream home, and now as I watched Kevin drinking it in, absorbing what I had so carefully decorated, the reality of his standing there, the fact that it didn't compliment him, but he complimented it, was overwhelming to me.

"You can look all around while I clean up, but first let me show you where I will be" I said. I led him up the submarine spiral staircase and stopped at the landing overlooking the great room. "Great view, isn't it?" I asked, pointing to the lake. "Beautiful, he said leaning gently against me. "Only half as beautiful as you Kevin" I whispered, hugging him tenderly at my side. "Come on, the bedroom is in here" I said tugging at his shirt. "Awesome!" Kevin whistled as we enterd the master bedroom. "Ha ha, you like that word...Awesome don't you" I teased. "Anyone ever tell you that you were awesome Kevin?" I asked. "Not until now" he grinned as I began to disrobe. "My home is your home Kevin, you are welcome here always", I said as I stood there in my briefs. "Want a shower partner?" he asked licentiously, as he began to rub his crotch. "Not on your life" I smirked. "Just look around and enjoy being here. I smiled. "Man, you must love after shave" he said as I headed for the bathroom. "You must have 20 bottles here" he informed me. "Try anything you like, I'll be done in about 20 minutes" I hollered, and with that I closed the door, turned on the shower and was, for the moment, totally alone.

As I stood at the foot of my bed dressing, I could hear Kevin racing down the hall and dash into the room. "Shoot" he said disappointedly as I pulled a polo shirt over my head and tucked it into my slacks. What's wrong?" I asked. "I was hoping to catch you naked" he grinned, as he put his arms around me and kissed me full on the lips. "You wish" I laughed loudly, then pulled him in close. "Mmmmm, you smell really awesome, what do you have on?" I asked. "I've got a hard on he roared, but I didn't think you could smell it!" "Here we go, here we go I chuckled. "Come on, lets go eat, I said, tugging him out the door and down the hall. "Can't we eat here Mason, I can cook you know", he stated matter-of-factly. "I want to stay here just the two of us" he was pleading once again. "Sounds great to me" I replied and we walked arm in arm down the stairs and into the kitchen.

Early Autumn can be a special time of year in the rolling country side of Western Indiana. As Kevin and I sat devouring plates piled high with our late morning breakfast of eggs, sausage, hashbrowns and especially some delicious French toast a-la-Kevin, the breeze off the lake drifted through the open windows carrying with it the sounds of nature to our ears. Even though we were silent for the first time all day, our eyes and smiles said volumes about how comfortable we had become with one another. "Get enough" I asked breaking the silence again. "Is this a trick question?" he grinned downing the last of his milk and reaching over and slowly rubbing my crotch. "Didn't mean for it to be" I answered feeling the warmth spread through me again. "Want to go upstairs"? I asked as I stood pulling him close. "Last one there is on the bottom" he yelled as he raced from my arms and scrambled up the stairs. 'How could he have known', I thought to myself. I stopped long enough to switch on the in-house stereo system, activated the stackable CD player, and as I began climbing the stairs the music began: "I see skies of blue, red roses too.....and as I slid naked onto the bed and gatherd Kevin into my arms, I heard Louis once more: "and I I say to myself, What A Wonderful World"!

End Part 2.

I hope you have enjoyed this evolving love story. If you have any comments, please write me at lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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