What a Wonderful World

By Lking 4you

Published on Feb 14, 1999


DISCLAIMER: ----------

The following story is a continuing work of fiction depicting a consensual sexual relationship between an adult male and a young male teen. Any similarities between the characters and someone in real life is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, or do not approve of adult/youth relationships, or the subject matter is not legal in the area you reside, please do not read any further. The author welcomes any comments or constructive criticisms. Please direct your comments to: lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Authors Note: I would encourage you to read the preceding parts of the story before beginning Part 11, as this is an evolution of their story. I wish to thank all of you that have written with your appreciation and words of encouragement as this story has unfolded. If is for all of you that I write.

"What A Wonderful World" - Part 11

Part 11 -------

It must have been 3:30 AM when the dream that had enveloped me jerked me into consciousness. My heart was beating with almost a desperately irregular rhythm. Pounding with fear! I was sweating profusely, even my hands were dripping. It had been years since I had experienced any nightmares. They use to invade my sleep so often when I was about Kevin's age. I can remember being afraid to go to sleep back then. Afraid that the demons that cruised the night would once again overtake my rest. As terrifying as those nightmares were, nothing had compared to this.

This one was so severe, that even though I was awake and consciously able to reconcile that in my mind, the events of the horrific dream still held me in their grasp. I had been searching for Kevin, staggering across some bleak stark terrain. Dark and moody, wet and dank with the most bone-chilling of fogs, like the Scottish moors, drenched in a blanket of despair. I could hear the faintest of boyish giggles there in the distance, but always up ahead. I was calling Kevin's name over and over, trying desperately to catch the shadowy figures as they always seemed to fade into the mist. Each moment I seemed to be gaining, the muck beneath me would impede my progress. Over and over, I would glimpse the fading forms of two youths as they were enveloped in the distance by the hoary fog.

One by one my feet would trace the footsteps that led me deeper into the darkness. Then I was standing on a small rise among gray boulders covered with dark moss, looking across an opening at them standing there waiting for me on a small hill. It was Kevin, dressed in white muslin, his shirt hanging open, his slender neck exposed, a black twisted rope around his neck. His feet were bare and bruised, blood oozing from multiple scratches and cuts. Next to him a totally naked white-haired lad was tugging at him, pulling him once again away, while laughing incessantly.

I began to race, but was caught in the bog. I struggled desperately, each movement pulling me deeper. My throat was raw from screaming his name, and a panic overtook me as I was being sucked further down, the cold mire surrounding my chest. My whole being felt as if the earth was consuming me now, the pressure of despair seizing me in a its grasp. My eyes were locked on my lover as the two of them disappeared into the mist. Suddenly a jagged bolt of lighting splintered a tree on the hill beyond, and as total darkness enveloped me and my life turned to black, I heard a final laugh and then one terrifying scream; then a long howl, like the "Hound of Baskerville's" sending someone to their end.

I slipped from the bed, the wet sheet below me sticking to my back, and stood there trembling in the silence of our room. Kevin lay there undisturbed, sleeping peacefully. Only the calm serenity on his face and his reassuring presence could pull me from the grip of my dream. I staggered into the bathroom, the bright lights forcing my eyes to squint, and I splashed my face with cold water, almost in a desperate attempt to rinse off the imagined goo of my nightmare.

As in the memories of my youth, I knew I would not sleep again this night. I pulled a robe from its hook, and slipped on some socks and quietly made my way downstairs to the "great room" and started a fire. For the next several hours, I sat there in deep thought. I knew, of course, the full meaning of my dream. Last night as I had held Kevin in my arms, while he poured out his heart to me about his indiscretion with young Jonn, my thoughts were only of his pain, his need to find forgiveness from me, his need to feel secure in our love. Now I sat here in the still of the night, watching the flames randomly dart into the air in the fireplace and began the process of sorting things out.

I don't care what age you are, your level of experience with life or love. When someone you have issued your soul to for safekeeping all through life, someone you love more than life itself, does something that tears at your heart, you can't help but have some sadness invade your thoughts. That is what happened in my dream. Now all I had to do was to rationalize this and have these few hours to myself before he woke up. I can't remember how long it had been since I had actually felt sorry for myself. I am not even sure now whether that was what I was feeling. Perhaps knowing that someone else had been intimate with him, even under the circumstances that had taken place, somehow made me feel violated. After all, I am human. I realized as I sat there that this had affected me more deeply than I had even been able to admit to myself. It took a nightmare to make me face this, and for the first time in my life, I was glad I had been scared.

Within that first hour I had worked my way beyond the self-pity and began thinking about how all this would affect us at least in the near-term. More than anything, I think that this was a reaffirmation that love is not something you can ever take for granted, or that the decisions you make will always be right ones. Inside I really didn't harbor any bad feelings towards Kevin. Maybe ultimately that was the one thing I could understand completely. My love for him transcended any feelings I had ever had for anyone in my life. In reality my love was unconditional and my forgiveness had been true. My thoughts were now turned to helping him, to allow this to strengthen us. Just know- ing my love truly was more for his happiness than for my own now gave me a real peace.

I also thought about Jonn. This hobbledehoy jumble of flesh attached to emerging hormones and sexual identity. In reality he could have found no one better to talk to about his feelings than my Kevin. He probably couldn't have ever found anyone who could have been as caring as Kevin must have been also. I didn't really have a struggle over the fact that the discussions had led to sex. While I knew in my heart it would never happen again, I also knew that Kevin was important to Jonn, maybe now more than ever. I knew I could support that entirely, and I knew that I must encourage Kevin to help all he could. These were things we would talk about in the course of events. For now, all was right in my spirit again, and I felt safe.

As the embers of the fire smoldered, the wisps of smoke wafting upwards, the deep love of Kevin surrounded me. It was as if he was a ghost shrouding himself about me. I lifted my eyes towards the landing and saw him standing naked in the early dawn light. His arms were extended and locked in place on the railing as he leaned forward and his eyes met mine. Sometimes a gaze is telepathic, the thoughts and messages going back and forth in a ceaseless knowing way. I could see the limpid pools filling his eyes, and I held my arms upward to him. He rushed to the stairs and raced downward, the tears flowing freely as he fell forward into my reassuring embrace. "Dear God, I love you Kevin," I said as we frantically kissed each other all over our faces and held on so tightly that we were laboring to speak. "Everything's fine," I replied to his searching young eyes.

"Just hold me," he answered and curled up in my arms.

I don't know how long I held him that way, just gently rocking slowly, allowing the security to once again surround us. I can remember my eyes slowly scanning downward along his body and realizing that this was the first time that we had held each other naked and neither of us had an erection. No, this moment was different, just as special and forever meaningful. We had returned to the place where we were both born to belong. In each other's arms, held together by trust and an unending love.

I think one of the things I treasure most about the way we love each other; the fact that our feelings, our emotions and needs are so often expressed without a word being spoken. Kevin nuzzled me under the chin, his lips parting as he began to run his tongue over and around my Adam's apple. Adam, God's first man, his first creature on earth, his gift of humanity. And here I was, Kevin's first love. As I stood and lifted him up, cradling him in my arms and walking slowly to the stairs, I realized that I had been with others before, and so too now had Kevin, but from this moment on, we would forever be only one for each other and we would both be stronger for knowing that.

Someone once told me when talking about his lover that he "could never find the words to describe how he feels about him, and 'I love you' never says enough." It was moments like this that made me truly realize that the act of love is the expression of words unspoken. Kevin and I lay facing each other in the silence of our bed. We kissed tenderly and knowingly, the mind and heart memorizing the expression on each of our faces. I thought at that moment the words from a new song, and just how true they were to me about Kevin. "When I look in your eyes, I know that it's true, God must have spent a little more time on you!!"

It was the most erotic feeling now. We were pressed tightly together, staring into the black holes in the center of each other's eyes. I felt a slight stirring as Kevin's penis moved, causing mine to respond with it's own gentle pulse. As if in some sort of wonderfully strange choreography, that caused his to respond in kind. Each time he swelled further, it drew mine larger too. Back and forth the pulses telegraphed the primordial urges to the other, pulling and tugging at the growing need within the other. The sensation was hypnotic as a slow smile came across Kevin's face. His slender cock reached its full length as mine did as well. He flexed his by contracting that secret deep down muscle that all boys discover in their youth, causing it to begin a duel with mine, and we both giggled in pleasure, the only motion now between us was the flexing shafts that were expressing their need.

Then suddenly deep down within the bowels of our sexuality the fuse was lit, and the need began to grow. The dueling batons that had been so playfully engaged, suddenly pulsed with a gnawing desire and the long slow grinding began. Our heads pressed forward, and Kevin brushed his lips softly against mine, his tongue probing forward seeking mine. His lips sucked it in and moaned softly as he began to fellate my tongue deeper and deeper into his mouth.

Instinctively, he rolled on top of me, his arms sliding under mine gripping my shoulders just at the base of my neck, and slid his cock between my legs under my ballsack, then pushed my legs tightly together, around it. His long smooth legs were pressed on the outside of mine. He began to slowly dry hump, the warmth of his penis tucked up under my balls in the cleft of my crack. Our toes intermingled, as our feet began gently massaging each other, and my hands began to brush up and down his back in a rhythmic motion like a harp being played. Each time my fingers slipped across the firm flesh of the twin globes and searched for the moist hole that lay below, Kevin sighed and his fingers tightened on the muscles of my shoulders.

As he thrust forward, I pushed my hips up to meet him, the crown of my cock oozing a profusion of pre-cum between our flesh. His weight rested fully on me, the burden not felt. My fingers combed his soft brown hair as my hands continually circled his scalp. Each area of our body was engaged in its own passion, mouths sucking deeply, hands groping and caressing, our groins pushing and pulling, and our feet abrading each other deeper and deeper.

Slowly Kevin pulled free, and slid upwards bringing his warm pink cock to my lips. My nostrils deeply inhaled his youthful musk and I flicked my tongue across the satin smooth opening allowing the quivering shaft to expel its sugary precum onto my tastebuds. He began moaning deeply as my fingers caressed his low hanging sack, feeling the seeds of his youth resting gently in my hand. I laved the crown and ridge over and over as his hips gyrated in front of me, his head hung low watching intently as I worshiped his cock. I pushed forward drawing his 6 1/2" thin shaft deep within my mouth. Never before had I ever achieved such penetration, but the angle allowed him to slide entirely within my sucking mouth, the compressed apex of his penis entering my throat. I hesitated, then stopped, the soft curly brown pubic hairs nestled against my nose, his aroma feeding my senses and fueling my desire.

He withdrew slowly and lowered his tight hard nipple to my lips. I pinched and nibbled each one as he threw back his head and groaned. He slid down on my body again, and began flicking his tongue back and forth on my own nipples, teasing and kissing them, making them harder and can causing me to tremble as the searing wired nerves sent shock waves into my groin. He looked up and our eyes met, his face filled with a solicitous gaze. He slipped my cock into his mouth and began swallowing over and over, his throat muscles contracting and sending rhythmic contractions undulating up my shaft. I convulsed and my stomach muscles began shaking as he sucked deeper and faster.

Then as suddenly as he began he stopped, pulled free and grabbed the lubricant from the nightstand and quickly squeezed the soothing gel at the tip of my cockhead, then closed his fist once again at just the tip and pushed down smearing the clear emollient along the skin of my prick, melding the slick salve onto my hardness. He sat upright and raised his hips and reached around behind his slender waist and guided me to his searing smooth hole, then pushed slowly down as my cock was seized within his channel and drawn fully within. He leaned slowly forward and brought his head next to mine, and whispered tenderly into my ear, "I needed to feel you in me again," he sighed, then began kissing me deeply our tongues once again enmeshed.

I raised my legs behind him pulling my heels up under the flesh of his bum, and felt the softness of his cheeks against the creases on each side of my groin. My body was on fire, the thrusts became a piston as he begged me to go faster. Deep wrenching guttural moans and groans hurled forth from our throats, the pulling and pushing intensified as the slapping of our skin echoed around the room. Suddenly he sat bolt upright as his orgasm seized him, and his cock jerked violently upward and spewed his seed outward in long viscous threads splashing warmly onto my face and throat, then across my chest. He screamed, then sucked in air like a tidal blow hole as a deeper wave hit, spewing ever more of his ejecta outward across my body. His sphincter contracted violently enervating my cock time and again. From deep within, my cum rocketed upward filling his need and mine, as he jerked from side to side totally consumed by our gut-wrenching climax.

My body left the bed, and he fell forward onto my chest as the last tumultuous explosion of my sperm effused deeply within my precious lover. We began weeping and holding each other, the tears streaming down our faces. He pressed his cheeks to mine rubbing his seed all over our faces, collecting all that he could and feeding it into my mouth so I might savor his essence. Then we just held and caressed each other as the wonderful afterglow surrounded us.

He sat up once again and looked down and then back into my eyes and then down again as he surveyed the site. "Guess I kinda made a mess, didn't I?" he grinned, then contracted that secret muscle three times around my softening cock, the last one causing it to slip out. How we could go from ecstasy to tears to laughter to panic in the short span of two minutes, I have no idea, but that is exactly how it happened.

As fate would have it, the alarm went off like a five alarm fire at the very second my penis cleared his hole. Kevin was so startled he immediately began to pee all over my chest. I couldn't avoid the stream and took it full blast in the face, all the while trying to deflect the flow with my hands and at the same time laughing hysterically. As he convulsed with laughter, his ass decided that was the appropriate time to expel some trapped air. That only made it worse as Kevin fell backwards in contortions, as his piss continued to spray wildly about like a firehose out of control. His momentum caused him to tumble off the end of the bed, executing a perfect somersault. He came up standing there pinching off the flow with both hands and raced into the bathroom to resume his relief.

I hopped out of bed with all sorts of fluids in all sorts of places running down my body and gingerly walked in to join him and let the spirits drain free. We were still laughing and half-choking as I turned on the shower and we ducked beneath the warm spray. We wrapped our arms around each other and just hugged tightly. After what we had just been through, I think we both knew we were going to be all right.

As we finished our duties and walked back into our bedroom and began stripping the sheets, I turned to Kevin and couldn't help laughing again. "Jesus, I think we need to open some windows and air this place out," I said as I crossed the room and began raising the sashes.

"Yeah, wonder who lives here," he said, as he grinned once again from ear to ear. "Must have been one awesome orgy tho," he chuckled as he gave me his patented wink. "I think Maggs still has some rubber sheets at home from when I used to wet the bed," he laughed. "But I don't think I want to explain to her why we would need them now that I think about it," he continued to snort.

"No, duh," I heard myself answer, not really knowing where that came from. "God, have I been around Kevin's friends that much?" I thought as we went arm and arm down the stairs.

Things really did seem normal once again as we shared the time making breakfast and then heading into town. Kevin had early practice this morning, and we needed to stop by his place on the way to pick up all his things since he had missed school yesterday. I think we both knew that more would be said about yesterday, and I for one wanted to encourage him to talk more with Jonn. It really was a beautiful morning to be out.

"Listen Kevin, I don't think either one of us needs to go into any details about yesterday," I began. "I just know that we love each other more today than ever before, and that is all that really matters," I said. "I do know you should try to help Jonn all you can understanding what his new feelings are all about too. You know I trust you and you know you can trust me too, but I think you should try to spend some time with him particularly now," I went on. "My only real concern is that he won't somehow accidentally expose either of us to people that don't need to know at the moment, just what our relationship is," I said.

"You can trust me Mason, and you're right, I should talk to Jonn right away. We have practice this afternoon at school, so I can talk to him after that," he said. "Will you be at the club after work, or can you come by for supper?" he asked. "Maggs would love that," he smiled.

"Isn't she going to be at work by then?" I asked.

"Oh, didn't I tell ya, she quit her job just before they left to go to South Bend," he said. "She and Craig talked about it, and he wanted her to have more time to spend with me, you know before they move and all, and also to be able to have the free time to plan the wedding too," he explained. "Uh, but don't worry, we will still have all our time together too," he added, just to make sure I understood.

"Well, why don't I take everyone out to dinner tonight if that will work for your mom and Craig?" I said as I pulled up in front of his apartment. "Why don't you ask her while you're grabbing your things?" I suggested.

"Oh, that will be a little hard to do," he grinned, looking over at me as he opened the door. "If I am at our house, she is at Craig's, I'd bet my left nut on that," he laughed.

"OK, I'll call them from the office then and make inquiries about tonight, but HEY....let's not be making bets on the family jewels, we need both those from now on," I teased. I could see him shaking his head back and forth and giggling as he ran up the steps.

Three minutes later he came dashing down the walk and hopped back in the Jeep. "Good thing you talked me out of the bet," he grinned. "The house is as empty as my 'nads' right now," he laughed.

"Your what?" I asked.

"My nads....my gonads," he chortled as he grabbed his crotch for effect. "Maggs is at Craig's, so you'll have to call them and set up dinner, and I'll find out the plan when I get home after talking to Jonn," he said.

"Sounds like a plan," I smiled, tucking another Kevinism away for future reference.

As we pulled up in front of the school, several of Kevin's team mates were standing close by. He turned to me, then hesitated, remembering where we were, then reached over slightly and squeezed my knee. "I love you Mason," he said. "Thanks for forgiving me," he said. "I'll make you proud of me, I promise," he smiled.

"I've always been proud of you Kevin," I answered. "And I love you too. See you tonight."

"Can't wait," he grinned as he slipped from the seat and waved to his friends, and with that he was gone.

"Good morning all," I said as I walked into the office.

"Terrific job Mason, welcome back," Jim Roderick said, as he grabbed my hand shaking it heartily. "I just got off the phone with Sam Worthington in Atlanta, and it's a done deal Mason; lock stock and barrel. As a matter of fact the contracts just came through by Federal Express," he congratulated me, while slapping me on the back.

"That's fantastic," I said as the other senior partners Christian Williams and Clarence North walked up with outstretched hands.

"Lets go into the board room and take a final 'look see' before we send them back," Jim said. "You look a little tired Mason, I guess your trip didn't leave you much time to sleep," he said as he placed his arm on my shoulder and opened the door, and we entered the room.

"Have a seat, right here Mason, the three of us would like to ask you something," Christian said. For a moment my heart froze in almost sheer terror. I thought something had gone wrong, and my secret was out. I slipped into a chair and waited for them to get seated. "Go ahead Jim, why don't you tell him," Chris said.

"Mason, you've been our most outstanding employee and junior partner since joining the firm right out of law school," he said. "Landing this account was important to the firm, as I am sure you well know, and that's why we asked you to go there instead of one of us," he continued. "Truth is, we believed that only one man could do the job with Sam Worthington, and that is why you were sent. Mason, you have helped this firm grow tremendously in the 10 years you have been with us. Chris, Clarence and I have decided to make you a full partner, effective today," he grinned. "We feel you have more than earned it, and it is richly deserved," he beamed, extending his hand once again.

I was speechless. I guess everything that had happened to me since Kevin came into my life, everything I had been thinking about and being absorbed by with him, the enormity of this moment just overwhelmed me. "I'd be honored," was all I could muster.

"Well then, break out the champgne, we've got a little toast to make," Clarence laughed.

For the next half hour, I learned the details of what this momentous occasion would mean for Kevin and my future together, as well as my professional career. Full partner meant an equal share of the corporate profits, at least a quarter of a million dollar raise. The Worthington account was closed today, the last day of September, and the quarterly bonus check was presented to me three months in advance as a token of their appreciation. I couldn't believe my eyes when I was urged to open it to see the amount. $65,000. My heart jumped into my throat. I was to have a new office, a suite...and responsibility for two junior partners and seven other attorneys. My professional dream had just been realized, and all that could have made this a more joyous occasion were just two things. First and foremost was for Kevin, my love to be here to see this, and secondly my folks. I knew that they were all with me where it counted, but it sure would have been nice for them to be here in person too.

I don't think I had ever had so many important things come together for me in such as short time. I can't begin to describe the elation I felt, as they took me into the employee lounge and made the official announcement to all the assembled firm. I felt genuine warmth from everyone there, right down to old Mr. Cryle the custodian. Just as the gathering was breaking up, Jim pulled me aside once again. "Listen, we want you to get your butt out of here....take the rest of the day off. We have everything taken care of here and want you to have some time with someone special to celebrate," he smiled. "Besides, you've earned it ten times over Mason," he laughed and then gave me a hug.

I really don't remember what happened after that, except I just sort of floated out to the Jeep and started the engine and drove off into the early morning Indiana sunshine. Jim Roderic had been my mentor and almost like a second father to me. I couldn't have been more honored in any other place than I was right there.

"Now what the hell am I going to do?" I thought to myself as this big shit-eating grin spread across my face. "Well, first stop's the bank," I chuckled to myself, as I touched my suitjacket where I had carefully tucked away my bonus check. God, I wished I could just drive over and pull Kevin out of school and whisk him away for the day. I fought back tears of joy as I drove downtown, then realized I was heading to Craig's bank and could begin the rest of my day there.

"First things first," I thought as I walked into the bank. "I'd like to see Craig Sherburg please; I'm Mason Langley," I said to his secretary.

"Mr. Sherburg's in a board meeting for about another 15 minutes, would you like to wait?" she smiled. "I'll memo him that you are here," she said.

"Perfect, I have some other banking to do while I wait, so I'll be back in a few minutes," I said.

I was just leaving the cashier's window, my bonus safely tucked away, when Craig's beaming face appeared around a corner, and he waved me over.

"Mason, what brings you downtown so early?" he asked as he wrapped his arm over my shoulder and ushered me into his office. "Hold my calls please Jane, and I'll pick up my messages a little later," he spoke into the intercom. "Now pull up a chair and fill me in," he smiled. "Maggs told me there had been a bit of a scare," he said.

"Everything's terrific Craig, as a matter of fact it is even better than terrific," I said. "Kevin and I have everything talked out and that's all behind us," I smiled. "You don't know how it eases my mind to know how much both you and Maggs support us in this," I said while gazing intently at him. "But another reason I came to see you was to invite you and Maggs to dinner tonight with Kevin and me," I said. "I have a very important announcement to make myself and would like you all to be there when I tell Kevin, and I'd like to formally celebrate your engagement too," I grinned. "Do you have any plans?" I asked.

"Not a damn one buddy, but let me call Maggs just to be sure," he grinned. It really amazed me to find myself so close to my old childhood friend again, particularly to the depth that we now found ourselves in. I guess life just has a way of coming full circle in many things, friendships included. I listened intently as Craig reached Maggs and could tell immediately that our dinner was on.

"Here, she wants to talk to you for a sec," Craig said as he handed me the phone. "Dinner tonight is great; she wants us to just work out the details," he laughed.

"What's the big occasion?" Maggs asked the moment I greeted her. "I know you haven't gotten my son pregnant," she laughed sending the blood into my ears at near light speed.

"God, you really know how to hurt a guy," I chuckled, trying to regain some composure. Maggs has a way of always keeping your guard up. "I have something to tell you all about and also want to celebrate your engagement. I really appreciate your both being there too, Maggs," I said. "What? oh...no...hehe...I have the rest of the day off, so we can set it up for about anytime I think. I know Kevin will be busy until at least 5:30 or so, so why don't we say meet at your house at 6:30 and go from there then, would that be ok?" I asked.

"That sounds terrific Mason, you sure have my curiosity piqued now," she said. "I was so glad you had Kevin call me last night. I almost turned around and came back to wait for the outcome, but knew in my heart that you two would get it worked out," she went on. "You know you can come talk to me anytime Mason. I will always be here for you too; after all I still know Kevin pretty well myself too," she said. "I know your love will sustain you both, that's why I love you too," she said softly. "You have Craig call me later this afternoon, and I will make sure Kevin and I are ready on time. See you tonight Mason. And thanks!"

"You've got a wonderful woman in Maggs, Craig," I smiled as I hung up the phone. "I don't think my life would even be remotely possible without her love and understanding," I said. "Listen, I should let you get back to your work. I do have a bit of a problem, though. I drove the Jeep in this morning, not really thinking that this would all be happening tonight," I said. "Would it be too much of an imposition if we meet at Maggs' at 6:30 and you drove to the restaurant?" I asked.

"Hey, don't give it a second thought my friend; that's the least I can do if you are treating us to a meal," he laughed.

"Well, that's wonderful of you Craig, and I'll let you pick wherever you would like to go," I grinned.

"He he, well, let me find someplace really expensive then," he laughed, then hit me with another one of his famous hugs.

"Sky's the limit," I grinned up at him as he set me gently down. "See you all at 6:30," I said as he walked me to the door.

It occurred to me rather quickly now as I hopped in the Jeep once again. I don't have a damn thing to do until tonight, and it's only 11:45 now. I could drive home and then back in, but then that didn't seem all that necessary. I could have lunch and then kill a couple of hours and then slip by the school and pick up Kevin, but then I don't want him missing practice and the time to talk to Jonn. This was becoming a dilemma. It had been a very long time since I had time on my hands and absolutely nothing to do with it.

Then the light bulb in my head went on, and the silent voice said "go on live a little," so I pulled a "U-ie" in the middle of the street and headed towards Skiffington's, the finest menswear store in the city. Two hours later, I carried armloads of bags out to the Jeep. I felt like I did the first time my mother had taken me to buy my first suit. I shot the moon this time though. A new Armani and all the accessories. I wanted to look as good as I could for the dinner tonight.

But the real inner joy and smile spreading across my face was the other suit I carried and carefully hung safely in its bag. The extraordinary clothes I had bought for Kevin! I left no stone unturned on this adventure. I knew his sizes as if it were my own skin, and the tailoring was exquisite. I had the whole nine yards for him, right down to a royal blue Italian silk thong, which had managed to make me give a "semi" as I had held it up admiringly just before discreetly handing it to the salesman. He had given himself away I think as a slight knowing smile showed on his handsome young face, when he handed me that sack with the others.

I think the thing I looked forward to most now was how Kevin would look emerging from his bedroom dressed to kill. I knew he didn't have a suit, and my senses went into overload just thinking about tonight, I was so fired up. I decided to spend the balance of the afternoon just lounging at the club. That way I could shower, shave and dress for dinner, and starve off until it was time to eat.

Across town the 3:20 bell rang, and students poured into the halls ending the schoolday. As Kevin closed his locker and turned to head to the changing room and the afternoon practice, Jonn slipped up behind him quietly and tentatively grasped his arm. Startled, Kevin spun around, causing Jonn to jump and stumble backwards awkwardly, his books sailing in all directions. To make matters worse, he tripped over the feet of another student and landed butt first in a circular trash basket up against the wall, his feet pointing at the ceiling at a 90 degree angle.

"Whoa dude," Kevin laughed as he crossed the hall and held out his hand helping to extricate him. For Jonn's part, his face was a mixture of fear, embarrassment and no small degree of humiliation, especially with a dozen other students applauding his feat. "Hey, it's OK man, I just didn't see you coming," Kevin grinned while he helped Jonn collect the scattered books and papers. "Ready for a workout?" he asked, the words being misinterpreted by Jonn causing his face to go crimson immediately.

"Bridge to Jonn, come in.....swim practice remember?" Kevin said.

"Uh...Oh, right," Jonn answered. "Sorry I scared you bud, is everything else OK, um....you know, with Mason?" he whispered as the two walked slowly down the hall. "I was worried about you all day yesterday and didn't see you at lunch today either. I got worried that maybe you weren't here, until Corey told me he saw you," he said.

"Everything's cool. I skipped lunch to make up a test I missed yesterday," I answered. "I want to fill ya in on everything, can we get together after practice and talk?" I asked. "We have some super important thinks to talk about Jonn, can you meet me after?" I asked.

"Sure, same place, out back?" Jonn asked.

"Perfect, now we'd better hurry or we are going to be doing laps," I said. I could tell Jonn had been doing a lot of thinking and probably had a ton of questions to ask me too. I wasn't exactly sure how I was going to handle all this, but I knew a direct approach was probably the best. As I spent the time doing laps (yeah, we were late), I began to formulate what all I would say to Jonn. Everyone was glad to see me back at practice, especially Coach Austin since we had another meet next Tuesday. Other than telling me to keep my workout light due to my having the flu, hehehe... the practice went well. As usual, Jonn disappeared when it came time to shower up, but then only I understood why.

"We've got about an hour before I have to be home," I said as I collected Jonn from the retaining wall and headed towards home. "First of all Jonn, I want to tell you that what happened; you know what we did was something we shouldn't have," I began. "Not that being gay is wrong or sharing sex with another guy, but it was wrong for me because I really do love Mason and I hurt him a lot when I told him what happened," I said.

"Bet he hates me something awful doesn't he?" Jonn said, tears starting to build in his eyes.

"No, No, Jonn, actually he wanted me to talk to you today, to make sure you knew he wasn't mad at you at all, and he really never got mad at me either, only I know it hurt him, but we have that all worked out," I said. "Mom took me out to his house and I stayed there last night, now everything's kewl, honest Jonn," I said. "You see, when you are lovers, being with someone....you know....having sex....well, neither one of you wants the other to be with anyone else but you; and being faithful is the most important thing there is," I continued. "But Mason and I agreed that you and I need to be the best friends we can be, and I want you to know that I will always be here for you Jonn, and anything you ever need to talk to me about you can, starting NOW," I urged.

"I'm glad you guys aren't mad at me Kev, cuz I would hate myself for like forever if you ever were," he began. "Ever since we did.... um...since we did it, all I can think about was what it was like, and it makes me want to....uh...you know...do it again, but I know that we can't and I understand," he said. "I don't want you to get mad at me about me thinking like that though," he sighed. "Can I ask you about something else Kevin?" he sorta half grinned as we climbed the stairs to his house and sat down beside each other on the steps.

"I told you already, you can ask me anything Jonn, and Mason said to tell you that if you ever needed to talk to someone older about things, he would be happy to talk to you too," I added. "So tell me, what's on your mind?" I asked.

"Well, um...how did you know that you were, you know...that you loved Mason?" he asked

"I think that there were a lot of things that made me feel that way," I answered. "I mean, it was not just thinking about him, you know and doing sexual things, but I just loved everything about him," I said. "Besides, there has to be a whole lot more about someone than just the sex, Jonn," I smiled. "I suppose a lot of it is just the way you feel inside that tells you love someone, does that make any sense or help ya?" I asked.

"Yes, but what has me so screwed in my head was when you and I um...like when we were doing....you know when we did it, I was thinking about someone else some of the time, is that goofy?" he asked.

"Well, I don't want you to tell me anything you don't want to Jonn, but can I ask you who it was?"

"Corey," he said, then blushed and brought his hands up to his face and grinned like a Cheshire cat.

"Oh, NOW I remember, you told me that he was who you thought about a lot when you were jacking off," I said. "Well, why don't you tell me why you are always thinking about him, and maybe then I can answer you better," I said.

"Ever since we moved here and the first day I met Corey, I have always really liked him. I mean I like being with him and joking and laughing, playing computer games, and just hangin' out," he smiled. "I don't know just what it is, because we have lots of other friends too, but he makes me feel all funny inside sometimes, especially when we like sit close playing games and stuff," he said. "And I've been having dreams about him at night all the time too, um....you know sex dreams, and that makes me nuts; am I bad because of that?" he asked, looking pleadingly at me intensely.

"No, it doesn't, Jonn. It's that you are attracted to him, you know, kinda like Mason and I are to each other actually, but then you know you are gay now, so the feelings you have about another guy will be pretty much like a guy who isn't gay has for a girl," I said. "But this is the really hard part Jonn, like I told you the other night, being gay makes you special, but it doesn't mean that who you like will be gay or ever have the same kinds of feelings about you....not even if they are gay, and so what you have to remember is, you just have to kinda take your time and see what happens," I said.

"Besides, and don't take this wrong or anything Jonn, but you are still younger and have lots of time to be sure about your feelings too," I said. "Can I ask you a really personal question Jonn?"

"Sure Kev, you can ask me anything," he smiled.

"Have you ever had a sex dream at night about me?" I asked, then kind of wished I hadn't put him on the spot.

"No, only Corey, is that OK?" he asked, looking up at me sheepishly.

"Well, to tell you the truth Jonn, I am pretty glad that you haven't because I have been thinking a lot about what happened the other night, and I think we both just got carried away, and now I think that we were both in the wrong place at the time, and that's how it happened," I explained. "So what you felt was good, but it wasn't the same feelings as when you think about Corey, am I right?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think that is why I was thinking about him so much when we were like doin' it, ya know," he said.

"I sure do!! you nut....I think you are in love with Corey, that's what I think Jonn!" I said. "There's a super big difference between sex and love, and one day you will find that out for sure bud! So from now on you can think about Corey and just see how it goes, and you and me, well we can still be best buds, er...I mean I will be your second best bud after him," I teased. "But you can talk to me anytime about your feelings and how things are going with him, OK?" I asked while I tousled his hair and gave him a little hug.

"Ok Kev, man you're the best," he grinned returning my hug.

"Oh, two other super important things Jonn," I said. "First of all promise both me and Mason that you won't ever tell a living soul about him and me," I stopped and waited for him to answer. He nodded his head in total agreement. "And second, I think you need to keep your feelings about your being gay to just between you and me for now, and that will make it a whole lot easier for awhile, OK?" I asked.

"I promise," he smiled again. "Wow, this has been a hell of a week, hasn't it Kevin?"

"Sure has!" I answered. "Oh shit Jonn, I gotta go, it's almost 5:30 and Mason and I are going out to eat. I'll talk to you tomorrow, OK? Say hello to Corey for me," I yelled as I took off down the steps.

"I will, thanks again Kev," he grinned, and I grabbed my book bag and raced at light speed across the lawn and down the two blocks to my house.

"Whoa, slow down sailor!" Maggs said as I crashed through the door into the apartment. "Where have you been?" she asked.

"Clearing up some things for Jonn at his house," I answered. "Did Mason call?" I asked.

"Talked to him this morning Hon, he's taking us all out to dinner, will be here at 6:30 Kevin. So is everything straightened out with Jonn then, he's OK?" she asked.

"Yep, everything's kewl Mom; nothing could be better in my life right now," I answered.

"Better take another shower then and get ready; you're sweating all over the place," she said. "Wear your best shirt too, and polish your shoes, we want to look as good as we can for our guys," she grinned.

"Oh, I will Mom, you can be sure of that," I laughed, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek and then heading towards the bathroom.

Back at the club, the clock read 6:10 as Mason walked from the locker room dressed "to the nines". After a couple of friendly cat calls from a couple of the members including Jeff Wells, Corey's father, he slipped into the cool late September evening and headed for Kevin's.

The closer I got to Kevin's the more excited I became. I kept glancing down at the packages lying on the seat beside me, and envisioning Kevin's face when I would give them to him, and better yet, how he would look wearing them. I loved him so very very much. Now I loved Maggs and Craig as well. We were all becoming more and more like family with each passing day.

As I pulled up to the curb at Kevin's, Craig's Mercedes was already parked, so I knew they would all be waiting for me to arrive. My heart began to race expectantly as I walked up the steps, the garment bag slung over my shoulder, my other hand carrying the rest of the things. Two quick knocks on the door, and Maggs opened it, took one look at me, and then started in.

"Hi Maggs, you look beautiful," I said as I leaned over and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Holy cow, would you look at this guy. Hey Kevin, hold onto your heart, Mr.'GQ' just strolled in," she grinned, sending blood into my face for the second time today. Craig gave out one of his infamous whistles, which didn't help. Both were eyeing the bags I was carrying and I could see the curiosity was killing Maggs.

"For Kevin," I smiled gently, as she reach out to help me by taking the sacks. "I have such wonderful news," I said.

Just then, Kevin rushed out of his room, and stopped dead in his tracks his jaw open, his eyes locked on me like in a trance. His face said it all. Never in my life have I felt what I felt now as I felt him "look me over". He took several steps towards me, stopped and said only one word.

"Gosh!!!!" Then he just put his arms around me and held me softly, almost like he was afraid he would wrinkle my suit. If this was what it feels like to be adored, then I gotta tell you, it is pretty damn good.

"Pretty spiffy huh?" Maggs piped up to kind of break the spell. "Looks like Mason did some shopping too," she said holding out the garment bag and packages for Kevin. He looked at her, the packages, and then back at me, his eyes getting bigger than I had ever seen them, then flung his loaded arms around me only much harder this time! Craig was standing there beaming with his arm around Maggs, obviously enjoying what was happening.

"Are they really for me?" he whispered into my ear, as he hugged me tight.

"Absolutely!" I said. "Can't wait to see you in them either, why don't you go on and change?" I grinned as he kept looking me up and down. "That is unless you aren't hungry," I laughed.

"I,... I'll be right back," he said, then turned, then stopped and ran back over and kissed me on the cheek, then turned, and rushed back into the bedroom and slammed the door.

At that the three of us began to laugh, and the tone was set for the evening. For the next five minutes we visited quietly, mostly about the surprise birthday party for Kevin which we were doing everything in our power to keep just that....a surprise! More than once during the time we whispered, the muffled sounds of "Oh WOW" could be heard from Kevin's room. The suspense was building for all of us by now.

Then slowly Kevin's door opened, and he stepped out into the room. Maggs gasped, Craig's eyes opened wide and he smiled, and my heart wedged in my throat with an ache so deep, I thought I just might start to cry. There stood the love of my life! He was so extraordinarily handsome, I was absolutely in awe of his presence. His face was flushed with the passion of youth, his eyes sparkled and danced around the room. He was a vision....something you only get to see rarely in a lifetime. I don't think I ever believed I could love anyone this much, and to see him now, well, I was just flat out overwhelmed.

Everything, absolutely everything, fit him perfectly. The white linen shirt, radiated beneath his jacket, the french cuffs the perfect length where they met his graceful hands. The european collar caressed his neck, accenting his slender throat in just the perfect way. The charcoal blue silk suit could have only been made to hang over HIS shoulders and no other. I could have spent the rest of the night just gazing at him lovingly. The most amazing thing about all this, was HE made the outfit perfect, not the other way around.

"What?" he finally said, making us all realize that we were staring him like he was a manikin in the most exclusive store in Paris.

"Oh Honey, you just look so handsome," Maggs said as tears filled her eyes with joy. "So grown up," she said.

"What a stud," Craig piped in, which served to get an elbow in the ribs from Maggs and a laugh from me.

"You look sensational Kevin," I said. "Just AWESOME!!!!"

"Thanks," he beamed as he walked over and gave me another hug, then whispered in my ear, "I love you so much," then looked longingly in my eyes.

"I gotta take some pictures of this," Maggs said. "Now where is the camera?" she said starting a search for it. Craig joined her, and Kevin stood there with both his hands holding the end of my tie and stroking it, looking me up and down, as I did the same to him.

"I REALLY like the thong!" he giggled. "Made me hard when I put it on," he whispered as he grinned up at me. "Otherwise I would have been out earlier," he laughed. Thank God, his mom and Craig didn't here that remark.

"Here we go," Maggs said, emerging from the hall carrying the camera. A dozen clicks later from as many angles and poses as the four of us could compose, Maggs turned to me and winked and said, "Now, what is this exciting news you have got for all of us Mason?"

Kevin looked at me with this totally quizzical look, having no idea what was going on. To be honest, I was so caught up in seeing him like this, that I damn near forgot, but for now, all eyes were on me.

"The seniors made me a full partner today," I almost yelled. "Hit me totally out of the blue when I got there this morning," I said. "Took me into the board room, sat me down and broke the news to me that they were making me an equal partner, literally blew my mind," I gushed. For the next few minutes I was being hugged, kissed, hand shaked, and high fived almost to death. Of course I filled them in on the majority of the details and the events that had taken place at the office, and it just felt so wonderful to be sharing it with them. But just seeing the emotions on Kevin's face was what made this one of the most special days in my life. He was so proud, so caring, just so loving in the way he showed me how he also felt. It took the strength of Samson not to weep with joy at this moment.

As Kevin and I climbed into the rear seat of Craig's car, he leaned over to me and kissed me deeply and told me once again how proud he was of me and how much he loved me too. "Does this mean you got a raise too?" he grinned.

"Whoa, lemme tell you," I laughed, "but later when we are alone," I grinned.

The rest of the evening was magical! Wonderful food, elegant surroundings, fine wine (yes, Keven shared a toast too), and we celebrated the future for all of us. I had laughed so much, my cheeks ached, and time stood still so very many times when my eyes met Kevin's, the loving looks being exchanged. I remember particularly the moment when he slid his hand under the white linen tablecloth and clasped his fingers around my hand and squeezed it gently. It said "I love you Mason" in our own knowing way. We had shared a night we will remember always.

As the valet pulled Craig's car up to the entrance, Maggs pulled me aside and gave me a tender hug. "I want Kevin to spend the night with you Mason," she smiled gently. "It's the only place he should be on a wonderful night like this," she said. "No arguments from you I hope," she started to laugh. "Didn't think so," she grinned, not hearing me voice any objections but only shaking my smiling face from side to side with that new found aura of appreciation for her always doing or saying the right thing. She knew. She knew we needed each other tonight. But then she knew we needed each other for the rest of our lives too. I kissed her on the lips for the first time, and she smiled tenderly knowing that it ultimately meant we truly were family now.

Maggs must have told Kevin while I was climbing into the back seat, because the moment he was inside and next to me, you would have thought he was going to wet his pants, he was so excited.

"She told you huh?" I grinned.

"YES!!" he damn near screamed back, and squeezed me hard enough I knew the cleaners would have a hell of a time getting the crease out of my new suit.

"Don't worry, I'll hang everything up properly," Maggs laughed as Kevin raced from his room, duffel bag in one hand and tugging at my arm with the other. "Thanks for everything," she smiled, and Craig dittoed her remarks.

A half hour later, Kevin and I were standing at the side of our bed naked facing each other, our arms at our sides, our fingers intertwined, just breathing in the moment we had been yearning for since the moment Maggs had sent us on our way home.

All the way home we had alternately groped and fondled each other in anticipation of this moment. Yet, sometimes the expression of your love just has to flow out in a soothing way, nothing hurried or driven by a frantic need; only consummated in a slow gentle and tender deep abiding way. We slipped under the fresh sheets and gathered each other closely, our lips meeting in the most tender of kisses.

We were both swollen and aching with the desire to be released, yet not driven to expel at all costs. We held each other, renewed our vows of love, and as Kevin raised my legs, pulling a down filled pillow under my hips, his eyes radiated the soft glow of love that we both hungered for.....could never feel enough of and could only pledge that we would always share. He slipped into me quietly, then lowered my legs and lay down on top of me. We rocked gently kissing and caressing each others skin. The music played softly, the memories of what had become our song, drifting out from our collective past. I felt his penis contracting and his body stiffened ever so slightly, then he gave out a long slow sigh and his sperm effused within me. I held him tenderly as he did to me.

I don't know what time it was; time had stood still, but as my tender and most gentle lover fell asleep in my arms, his softened organ still held within me, I closed my eyes and stroked his hair and thanked God for this wonderful creature. I can still hear our best friend's words, as I slid into the slumber that I knew would never again be invaded by dark gloomy thoughts, and I said to myself..."What A Wonderful World!"

I hope you have enjoyed this continuing love story. If you have any comments, please write me at:


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