What a Wonderful World

By Lking 4you

Published on Jan 30, 1999


DISCLAIMER: ----------

The following story is a continuing work of fiction depicting a consensual sexual relationship between an adult male and a young male teen. Any similarities between the characters and someone in real life is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18, or do not approve of adult/youth relationships, or the subject matter is not legal in the area you reside, please do not read any further. The author welcomes any comments or constructive criticisms. Please direct your comments to: lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Authors Note: I would encourage you to read the first 9 parts before beginning Part 10, as this is an evolution of their story. I wish to thank all of you that have written with your appreciation and words of encouragement as this story has unfolded. If is for all of you that I write. I would especially like to thank my new friend Ed, for his proofing the last chapter as well as this one. I am indebted to him

"What A Wonderful World" - Part 10

Part 10 -------

I stood in the gentle rain as the tail lights of Mason's Explorer faded into the gray early morning light. I felt like he was going away forever. Even knowing he was headed to Atlanta and would hopefully be home tomorrow night late, the ache that settled into my stomach just lingered there reminding me we were meant to be together, not apart. Why is it that being more miles away seems to heighten the longing you have when you are separated? Both time and space seemed exaggerated now.

Here I was, standing on the curb in front of Converse Academy ready to face the Monday morning doldrums, and all I wanted to do was find a taxi and rush to the airport for one last hug and another kiss good bye.

Suddenly I heard the chants, "Kev-in....Kev-in....Kev-in." I turned to find my fellow classmates standing under the portico yelling my name in unison. Above the archway hung a huge white banner, the cold wind whipping undulations across the bold red letters announcing for all to read: "Converse Wins - Kevin Tyler - Two New Records". The blood rushed to my face as I tried to decide what to do next. I had always enjoyed my anonymity amongst my fellow students, and here a large number of them were hailing my arrival like some sort of hero.

So I did what all soon to be 16 year-olds would do. I started to laugh and met their continuing cheers with my right arm thrust in the air with the index fingered "we're number one" sign and rushed headlong into their midst. I am easily embarrassed I guess, and was silently grateful that the two medals I still proudly wore were tucked secretly under my shirt. It seemed that the long weekend had served to let the news of our victory spread throughout the school. Everywhere I looked there were students and teachers clapping and trading high and low fives as if the meet had just ended. I don't think I will ever forget the joy I felt at being honored this way. The same adrenalin rush that I had felt at the pool coursed through my veins, as I once again traded hugs and slaps on the butt with my teammates, doing all that I could possibly do to divert the attention from just me to the entire swim team's accomplishments. The Monday morning blahs had changed in an instant!

They say everyone has their 15 minutes of fame, and as the bell rang reminding the crowd that we had a school day to begin, it was hard for me to crash from the emotional high and return to some degree of normalcy. As I sat in homeroom with the indelible smile still on my face, I could only think how wonderful it would have been for Mason to have been here to see all of this. Now, as Mr. Bergstrom began calling roll and the reality of the school day settled in, all I could think about once again was how glad I was that Coach Austin had given us the morning off from practice and how hot the sex with Mason was this morning, since we didn't have to rush to get me here.

It must have been a combination of all the excitement I had just been a part of, and the vivid images of Mason and me making intense love less than two hours ago that made my cock swell and grind against my jeans on its way to tempered steel-like hardness. I sure wish I was in a cubicle in the restroom at the moment, rather than sitting here, my balls getting tighter and the head flinching from the stimulation my briefs were treating it too. I shuddered and smiled to myself thinking how many times in the last few years I had scrunched over and spurted my boycream into the stool below me in order to relieve myself from the frequent cases of "blue balls" I was forever getting at school. Usually it happened following P.E. class after I had clandestinely admired the pubertal bodies of the other boys as we rushed around showering and getting ready for our next class.

I kind of giggled to myself thinking back on how many times I had snuck into the rest room only to find another pair of feet already occupying one of the stalls, the jeans piled unceremoniously around the ankles of the occupant. It always occurred to me that they were probably in there doing the same thing that I had in mind, which only served to make me all the more hard. What struck me oddly now was the fact that I never tried to see who it was or if that is what they were doing. I guess I just figured that I would want to cream in private too, so always made a hasty retreat and searched out another "john" so I could get my own rocks off.

As I sat there kind of massaging my dick with the palm of my hand musing to myself about all the loads that must have been washed down the stools over the years, I actually laughed out loud at the thought, which only served to have 25 sets of eyes focus on me at once. "Care to share with the rest of us what's so funny?" Mr. Bergstrom asked as he approached my desk.

"Um, no....I stammered. I was just thinking about how much fun this morning was," I answered. Mr. Bergstrom grinned and handed me a yellow hall pass and a note from the office, requesting my presence. For a second my heart dove into my stomach as I had this insecure feeling that Mason's plane had crashed or something. If I hadn't read that my mother wanted me to call her in South Bend, I am sure sheer terror would have overtaken me at that moment. Nothing can shrink a boner faster than a little fright or embarrassment, and I was totally relieved I wasn't "'showing" as I gathered my books and headed for the office.

'Wonder what's happening with mom," I thought as the operator put through my collect call. "Maybe she and Craig eloped," I chuckled, thinking if that was the case, I could be moving in with Mason even sooner. "How was Chicago honey?" she asked following her usual greeting.

"You mean to tell me that you wanted me to call just to find out about the weekend?" I teased. "It was awesome, absolutely awesome, Mom, but I can't tell you about it now," I stammered, while old lady Nichols did her best to conceal her eavesdropping.

"Craig and I have decided to stay for another day Kevin, so we won't be back until tomorrow afternoon," she said. "Bet that breaks your heart since you will HAVE to stay with Mason again," she laughed.

"Oh man," I groaned. "Mason had to fly to Atlanta to meet with some big wig, and won't be here either," I said. "But I'll be ok, Maggs, I can fend for myself, you know that," I said.

"Well maybe you can stay over at a friend's, or have someone over to keep you company," she said. "But don't destroy the house if you do," she laughed. "And no parties either," she added. "I know you'll be fine, and I'm sorry Mason's gone too. We just wanted to let you know our plans, Honey, and I'll call and leave you a message at home if anything changes," she said. "See you on tomorrow; have a great day Kevin, bye".

The morning passed quickly and each time we flooded the halls between classes with boisterous laughing, I once again relished in the congratulatory remarks of my friends and especially from those I didn't even know. I began to make plans for after practice, and the fact that for the first time in a long time I would spend the evening totally alone.

Lunch time found me sitting with my teammates once again reliving the events of the meet. If it were possible for the celebrations to last forever, it sure seemed like it today. I slid from my seat to go and get rid of my tray, when Jonn grabbed my arm and pulled me aside.

"Hey bud, what's up?" I smiled. "All ready for practice after school?" I asked. His face was flushed and I could tell immediately that something was bothering him. "What's the matter Jonn, is there something wrong?" I pressed.

"Um, can I talk to you....you know....um in private, Kevin?" he said, while his eyes darted around to see if anyone was looking at him. He was obviously nervous. He had almost dropped his books he was fidgeting around so much.

"Sure, how about after practice this afternoon; I don't have to be anywhere and we can talk then, would that work?" I asked.

"Yeah, that would be great," he said. "Um, but don't tell anybody, ok?" he said. "It's....um...it's kinda personal," he stammered and then blushed profusely again.

"No problem buddy, I can keep a secret," I whispered and then winked at him to settle him down. "See you at practice, Jonn, I gotta run...later dude," I said, as I dropped my trash and headed out the door. "Wonder what the big deal is with Jonn?" I thought as I once again ran the gauntlet of my schoolmates' compliments. This was one hell of a day for me! I mean nothing with the exception of my time alone with Mason could compare to this. To cap it off, there was a shortened 7th period so the whole school could attend the impromptu victory celebration in the gym. Coach Austin introduced both teams and made a short speech and proudly hoisted up the championship trophy. Talk about your pressure. By the time he was finished, you would have thought we had won the state title or something rather than just our first meet. But Converse had never had this success before, and I think he wanted the whole school to get behind us now.

Everything he said was working, and when he started to talk about my new meet and conference records, I could feel the blood fill my face and even my ears got really warm. I guess I am not too comfortable with all this attention, because I sure was grateful that he didn't ask me to speak. There was definitely a state of euphoria and the heightened desire to work even harder as my team mates and I spilled into the locker room and stripped and changed for our afternoon practice. Jonn seemed to be my shadow for most of the two hours, and the only time he disappeared was when we once again entered the locker rooms to shower and get dressed. That's when he vanished.

I figured the best place to look for Jonn was at the exit to the soccer field adjacent to the lockers. Sure enough, as I emerged into a bright afternoon sun, there he was sitting cross-legged on the retaining wall, clutching his bookbag to his stomach, looking more nervous than I had ever seen anyone. "Hey Jonn, come on we can walk home together and talk now," I smiled. I could tell he was really nervous, and even though my mind was pretty much racing trying to guess what it was that had him in such a state, I figured he would start talking when he felt like he could.

We pretty much just talked about the meet and other stuff as we stopped in front of his house. I could tell he was having a real hard time with this, because he had this constant look of both dread and fear on his face. I felt my heart going out to him and kept wishing he would just start talking and get it out. By this time it was nearly 6:00 PM and I had two other things on my mind. First, Mason had said he would call me from Atlanta around 6:30, and second my stomach was growling and demanding to be fed.

"Your mom still working second shift, Jonn?" I asked. I also felt kinda bad for Jonn. I mean, he and I were pretty much in the same boat, since he lived with just his mom, and they struggled pretty hard to make a go of things. I remember hearing one time about how his dad had taken off when Jonn was like 3 or 4 and just never came home. So even though he had a dad somewhere, Jonn never knew him.

"Yeah," she won't get home until almost midnight," he answered.

"I guess that makes us both 'latchkey' brothers," I smiled, letting him know I knew just how it felt. "Kinda nice not having them around to nag at us though," I smiled. "Sometimes it's good to have the privacy and place to yourself too," I laughed, pulling his face into a headlock, and giving his platinum blond hair a pretty good "dutch rub", which really helped him to relax. "Hey, you hungry, Jonn?" I asked. "Why don't you ditch your bookbag and come on over to my place, and we can get something to eat?" I suggested. "Then maybe you will feel more like talking," I winked, knowing he was much more comfortable once again.

"That would be awesome; be right back," he gushed, and sprinted up the steps, opened his door, tossed his bag in and returned in the span of about 2.5 seconds. "Race ya," he yelled, as he tore across the lawn and headed at full speed the two blocks to my house. He was beaming from ear to ear as I arrived out of breath.

"Your mom not home either?" he asked as his eyes scanned the living room.

"Nope, she and her fiance are in South Bend until Wednesday, so it is just you and me," I grinned.

"Wow, you mean you stay all alone; don't ya get scared and stuff?" he asked.

"No, I do it all the time now," I answered. Jonn had this really kewl look on his face and I could tell he was amazed that I would be here by myself. It was a combination of envy and disbelief, I think, but he was really impressed. Suddenly, the phone rang. A quick glance at the clock and I knew who it "should" be.

"Loch Haven Anex," I answered, beginning to laugh. "Hey, how are you....make it ok?" I asked. "Miss you too....Nope just going to fix something to eat and maybe watch a video or something," I said. "Maggs won't be home until tomorrow either so I am all alone again" I said... then turned to Jonn and winked just to let him know I knew he was listening.

"Kevin, I really miss you," Mason said. "I won't be home until late afternoon tomorrow. This is taking longer than I'd planned. I hope you understand," he continued. "This is a really big potential account, and so I have to give it everything I've got," he said.

"Well, don't give them that too," I laughed. "You've got to save that just for me," I teased. "No, really, I understand. Just call me and let me know when you are back and when I can see you," I answered. "Can't wait for you to come home either," I said.

"I'm sorry I've got to run, Kevin, but the client wants to go to the Varsity for 'naked dogs' and 'frosty oranges'....but I promise I will call you tomorrow night for sure, or if I can get away earlier, I'll leave a message on your machine, kiddo."

"What's this about naked dogs?" I asked. "Sounds kinda kinky," I laughed, as Jonn got this really screwy look on his face. "Oh, I see... ok....have a nice night. I love you," I said. "Come home soon..... Goodnight."

I could tell Jonn was trying to sort out just who I was talking to by the look on his face. It never occurred to me when I told Mason that I loved him...that Jonn would start wondering about it. Seemed both Jonn and I had a dilema or something to talk about. "This should make for an interesting evening," I thought.

"Burgers and fries sound good to you?" I asked, making sure the question didn't come up. "We can fix stuff together, should be fun Jonn," I said.

"Kewl," he answered and jumped up and followed me into the kitchen. We talked a lot about school, our teammates and other than the huge blob of mustard Jonn managed to deposit on the front of his shirt, didn't make much of a mess as we sat and devoured our food.

"Ah, Kevin....umm...can you....um...would you like to stay at my house tonight....you know, since your mom is gone and all," he asked. "I got my computer and some really great video games and stuff, and we can talk all night if ya want to," he said. I could tell he was starting to get nervous again, so I grabbed him in a bear hug and lifted him off the floor, his slender legs flopping around like a rag doll.

"Sounds great to me, Jonn, I really didn't want to spend the night all alone either. You sure it will be all right with your mom?" I asked. The thrilled look on his face gave me the answer. "Why don't I grab some clothes for tomorrow then, and we can go on back to your house," I said. It was a curious feeling that suddenly enveloped me at that moment. Jonn was blushing again, just like at the meet, and as I walked from the kitchen towards my room, I glanced back at Jonn making an obvious adjustment to his groin. "Hehehe....didn't mean to cause that," I chuckled to myself. Five minutes later he was writing his mom a note of explanation at his kitchen table, then leading me upstairs to his room. His excitement was obvious as he showed me virtually everything he owned.

I liked Jonn. He reminded me of me. He just had something about him that made me wish I had a brother. I knew he looked up to me. It was a kind of role that I guess just sort of happened with me and my younger teammates. But I was enjoying his company...and I could tell he was thrilled having me there. He was a computer whiz for sure. I really got into all the different programs he showed me. I didn't even come close to beating him on any of his games, although he was quick to point out that he had lots of practice. He was telling me that to put me at ease, and even though I knew that was what he was doing, I never let on. He had a kind way about him and we were really having a blast.

"You're the first person who has ever stayed over before," he said. "I've been wanting to ask Corey, but his parents are pretty strict on him," he continued. "But, man....it's so kewl that you came over Kevin," he gushed, then put his arms around me and gave me a hug. He kind of blushed red quickly and then just took two quick steps and sat down on the edge of his bed in silence, his eyes gazing down at his feet. He seemed to be getting nervous again, so I figured it was time to try to press him a little. I climbed up on to the double bed behind him and sat cross-legged, hoping he would turn around.

"Jonn, you know you can talk to me about anything," I began. I promise you that no matter what you want to talk about, I will listen and we will always be friends," I said. He turned around and then scooted back and sat Indian style, our knees touching as we faced each other. I waited there patiently, smiling and allowing him some time to collect his thoughts. "Go on, Jonn, it will get easier if you just start," I said.

"Um, well....ah...you know the other night when we were at the club and you got mad at me for you know...when I got....a boner in the shower," he said, his face getting red again and then his eyes meeting mine as he stared intently at me. I had suspected this might be part of what was bothering him.

"Sure, I remember," I smiled, "but lots of guys have that happen, Jonn, especially at our ages. I get em too all the time ya know?" I said.

"You do....really?" he asked.

"Yeah, I even get them at school all the time," I answered. I got one this morning in home room," I volunteered hoping that information might help him relax. "Wow," was all he could manage to answer.

"Do you know a lot about...uh..sex stuff, Kevin?" he asked. "Because I get all these feelings and don't know anything," he went on. "You know mom and I moved here a year ago, and she never talks to me about nothin', and they didn't have any classes about it in the school I use to go to either," he said. "And I've been getting....uh..you know boners all the time and having these feelings and stuff too," he said looking at me and sort of pausing now to let me in.

"Hmmmmm, well, I know what you mean....I mean I've been lucky cause of school, and I talked to my mom a bunch of times too, so I knew lots of stuff by your age," I said.

"Wow, you talked to your mom about sex things?" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, she's pretty cool about it and all...you'd be surprised what all we talked about Jonn." I dreaded saying that, because I was afraid he would be asking me what I talked to Maggs about, and I just wanted to talk about the things he wanted to know, so I figured I better ask him something quick, before he started on me.

"So, maybe you should tell me what you know about, Jonn, and if there is something that isn't right, or something I think might help you to know I can tell ya about that, would that work?" I asked.

"Um, I guess so," he replied. "I know about rubbing it when it gets stiff and stuff," he blushed. "I heard some of the boys talking about 'jacking off' during lunch one time, and this other kid asked what that was. These boys started teasing him and then told him it was when you get hard and pull on it and 'shoot your shit' and stuff, but I didn't know what that was then. But I would get....you know... big at night and used to kind of lay on my stomach and rub it against the bed, and it felt really good," he said, once again flushing red. "Then after I heard them talking about it, I did it with my fingers that night and it felt really better, so I know about jacking," he said.

I could tell Jonn was pretty excited, because he was absently pushing on his crotch, and it was obvious he had gotten hard. I could feel my face getting redder myself, but it wasn't from embarassment. I was thinking about him naked in the shower again like he was at the club. I remembered him getting hard and then starting to jack off, which had scared the crap out of me because Mason was due any minute.

"Well you remember what I told you as we were going out to Mason's car that night don't you Jonn?" I asked. "I said all guys do that all the time, but it wasn't a good idea to do it in public, where other people might see you," I reminded him.

"Ya, I remember," he said. "I did it when I got home that night right after you guys dropped me off," he grinned. "Do you do it a lot too Kev?"

"Of course I do," I grinned, "....I just told you all guys do it, didn't I? Hey it's almost 9:30, don't you think we should be getting ready for bed?" I said. "At least you'd better get your pajamas on or something and then we can talk more."

"Ok," he said as he scooted off the bed trying to hid his obvious erection. "Aren't you going to put your pajamas on too?" he asked, pausing to look over his shoulder at me while he took off his shirt and pulled a pair of pj's out of his drawer.

"Actually, I don't wear them, I usually sleep nude," I stated, before I realized what I had just said. "But I'll wear my boxers, since I'm here with you," I added. He carried his pajamas into his bathroom, and I could hear him unzip and change. I decided it would be better if I were already undressed when he got back, so I quickly pulled off my clothes and was lying on my stomach with my head facing the side away from the bathroom. My half swollen cock was safely tucked underneath me, when I heard his bare feet slapping on the floor, and then he landed face down next to me. He turned on his side and looked intently at me once again.

"Why don't you turn the lights off, so we can get some sleep?" I said. As he slipped out of bed, I could tell his cock was still fully erect, but now he seemed to either not notice, or didn't care any longer about hiding it. It sure poked out as he switched off the lights. A small automatic night light turned on, giving the room a kind of soft glow, and he gave a kind of nervous giggle as he layed back down next to me once again.

We lay there almost whispering for about another half hour as he asked me all kinds of questions about sex. He really didn't know all that much, that was for sure. When I explained about intercourse and the sex that a guy and a girl have, his eyes seemed to double in size, as his brain took everything in. I kind of laughed to myself at some of the expressions he showed as I did my best to repeat what he would learn in sex education as a freshman. I tried to keep it all black and white, almost clinical like my teacher and mom did, but I could tell he was really intensely absorbing all that I said.

"What's a 'naked dog'?" he asked. "You said it was kinky or something when you were on the phone earlier," he reminded me.

"Oh, it's some kind of a hotdog at this place called the Varsity in Atlanta, Georgia," I answered. "I guess even presidents have gone there to have em....at least that's what Mason told me," I said, hoping he wasn't going to say anything further. But of course I was wrong.

"Was that Mason you were talking to?" he asked, in an even lower whisper. I could tell he was really thinking deeply now, because he wrinkled his forehead and then leaned up on one elbow and was poised anxiously waiting for for me to answer.

"Yes," I answered, knowing what was coming.

"I heard you said that you loved him, are you...um...do you mean love him like a dad or something, Kev?" he asked. I knew that this moment was going to be one of the most critical things in my life. On the one hand I couldn't minimize what my feelings were for Mason, nor deny my love about him. On the other hand, here was Jonn, looking up to me for explanations and for the first time in my life, I really felt like it was important to be helping someone understand about the feelings I have.....and even more important, the fact that I was gay.

"Jonn, can I trust you....I mean can I trust you more than anything on this Earth?" I whispered. "Because there is something I will have to tell you about....explain to you...and you have to promise me right here and now that you will never tell anyone else about it ever."

"Oh God, Kev...I promise, I mean you are my best friend in the whole world. I promise that I won't ever say anything to anyone, not ever," he said, then he got even closer to me. So close that I could feel his breath on my face. The moment of truth was at hand. How we got to this point I will never know, but I just had to tell him.

"Jonn, I love Mason with all my heart, but not like a dad.....Mason and I are in love with each other....he is my lover," I said. Jonn's eyes tripled this time, and I could see the vein on his slender neck pumping blood so fast that I knew his heart beat was just racing. "Listen to me, Jonn. I'm gay, and so is Mason, do you know what being gay is?" I asked, my own heart beating so loud I thought I could actually hear it roar.

"It means you like guys instead of girls, doesn't it?" he said in such a soft voice that I could barely make it out. "So you love Mason because... um.....because you're gay and he is too?" he asked.

"Yes," I whispered back. "I have known for about four years that I was gay Jonn. My mom knows too, and a couple other people, but Mason and I met, and we fell in love, and my mom and her boyfriend Craig are getting married, and I am going to go live with Mason for the rest of my life," I said. "We really love each other Jonn....I hope you can understand that, because it is super important that you do," I said. The silence was deafening. For a full minute I just stared intently at Jonn's face waiting for him to react.

"Ohhhh Wow!" he said. I had hoped there would be more from him, but the tension was so thick a chain saw couldn't dent it, so I just waited a bit more. Finally, he said, "So you guys are in love and love each other....and like do things....I mean like do sex things....to love each other.....when you are....um....alone together?" he asked. "I won't say anything to anyone Kev, I promise," he added.

"Yes, we make love with each other, Jonn, because when you are with someone you truly love, whether you are gay or not, it doesn't make any difference. You make love because you want too, Jonn, and with Mason it is beautiful," I said. "You ok?" I finally said. "I mean do you understand now?" I asked.

"Oh WOW, yes.....that's so kewl" he said, and as he actually grinned at me, his face just seemed to shine. "I think that's awesome!!" he said.

Jonn just had this totally understanding and accepting look on his face. It is really hard to describe it...almost like the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders. It is amazing what knowledge can do to one's spirit. I was so thrilled that he totally understood that I wrapped my arms around him, pulling him close and just hugged him tight. "You're really special, Jonn. Thanks for understanding," I whispered in his ear as we just held each other for a few moments.

I was aware that Jonn's cock was hard and pressing into my leg. I was really caught up in the emotion of the moment and was rationalizing that the talk we were having about all of the sex and especially about Mason and me had no doubt caused him to get that way. But I wasn't prepared for, nor did I expect, what happened next. We pulled away from each other and I looked back in his eyes.

"Um....Kevin....how do you know if you're gay?" he asked. I mean you said you knew four years ago already, but how do you know?" I knew it was "in for a penny, in for a pound" now...so I just figured I had to cover it all.

"Well, I never ever thought of girls....I mean never thought of girls and sex," I said. "As long as I can remember, I just always got excited when I would look at some of the other guys, Jonn. I remember when I was in first grade, and I thought a boy that was in my class was pretty. I mean I was thinking he was pretty and I just wanted to touch him....you know...I guess I was feeling about him the way guys who like girls think about girls, but with Tommy, I really wanted to like him," I explained. "Then when I was older, I kept looking at the boys and men at the pool and especially naked in the showers and stuff."

"Whenever the guys talked about sex and girls, it was always the guys that made me get excited. I used to get hard looking at the men and at night I would lay in bed, feeling myself and picturing them naked, and wanting to....you know...touch them too," I said. "So when I learned to jack off...kinda like you did, I used to do that and think about doing things with other guys too; and when I had sex education last year and we studied homosexuality...you know....people who are gay....I did a lot of extra reading...and decided that's what I was. I was gay," I explained.

"And you never thought about girls ever?" Jonn asked. "I mean you only got excited when you thought about other boys?"

"Yes Jonn, only when I thought about other boys. You see, no one makes you gay. I think being gay is special...and that makes me special Jonn, and I know lots of people hate gay people and call us all sorts of dirty things, but I know I was born this way, and I like being gay. I like it because that's what I am, Jonn."

Several minutes passed without a single word being said. We both lay there on our backs, hands behind our heads. Jonn was staring up at the ceiling, his mind obviously deep in thought. I didn't want to overwhelm him with facts and details, all the things I had learned about myself. The important thing was he knew my secret. He had acknowledged it and accepted it so easily. I was actually proud of the way it came out. Then once again Jonn broke the silence.

"Kev," he whispered. "I'm gay too!" Then the silence hit again like a shroud of darkness enveloping the two of us. I knew I heard what he had just said, but couldn't get any response out at all. My spit turned to cotton and my stomach began to fill up with butterflies. I rolled onto my side and just looked at him for a few moments, his eyes were still locked on the ceiling.

Finally I said softly, "How do you know Jonn?"

"Because everthing thing you just told me about it, is the way I have always felt too," he said, as he turned towards me once again and looked even more deeply into my eyes. "Can I tell you a secret too, Kevin?" he asked, with the same intensity that I had extracted from him. I nodded and he spoke even more quietly now. "I think about guys when I jack off too, but mostly just about Corey and one other one," he said, then his eyes lowered and his lips trembled for a split second, and his body shuddered twice. "Promise you won't get mad at me Kevin?" he asked.

"Hey Jonn, after all we have talked about already, do you think I could ever be mad at you?" I answered. The tension just sort of melted away now, and he raised his eyes once again, and said "Kev, the other guy I think about all the time is you."

I was absolutely dumb struck!! I could only only once again put my arms around him again, and pat his hair gently as he sobbed into my neck, the tears running down his cheeks at the enormity of what he had just confessed. Everything made such perfect sense to me now. The way he had always found a way to be next to me, my shadow, the way he had gotten hard that night in the shower. Even the way he couldn't control his erection at the meet last week, and more than anything....now!! Now I knew that this was what he really wanted to talk to me about earlier today. His feelings....the jumbled up nerve wracking gay feelings he had.....the feelings that I knew so very well!

"Hey Jonn, it's ok," I whispered. "Being gay too makes you also really special, and I am proud that you are that way too," I said.

"Really?" he asked, as he pulled away and sniffed the moisture that was caught in his nostrils back up inside. "Then, there isn't anything wrong with me?" he asked, once again looking into my eyes for reasurance as he wiped his tears on his sleeve.

"Not one blasted thing," I grinned. "Except that your mother can't plan on any grandchildren now," I giggled.

"Oh, guess not," he smiled. "Your mom either," he laughed as he poked me in the ribs. "Man, this is so kewl," he said and he plopped backwards on the bed, and once again put his arms behind his head. I wish you could have seen him. His incredibly green eyes were just sparkling. He had the most peaceful look on his face. His face was still flushed with enormity of what he had discovered, his long blond eyelashes just seem to flutter each time he blinked. He was at peace with himself too and that was the most important thing of all.

"We better get to sleep, early practice tomorrow," I said.

"Ok", he smiled, and he looked at me one last time and said "Thanks Kevin...you're the best." Then he closed his eyes and snuggled up close to me, his right arm drapped across my chest.

I lay there myself, counting the holes in one of the acoustical ceiling tiles, and trying to put this all into perspective. I knew that Jonn and I would be having a lot more talks. He needed me, and in ways that I really didn't understand, I needed him.

"What's it like Kevin?" I heard him whisper. I turned my head to see him gazing up at me.

"Wonderful....more than you can imagine," I said. The moment just overwhelmed me. I turned on my side and lowered my lips to Jonn's, tasting the supple flesh. He pressed his to me too, the full "bee stung" boy lips parting allowing my tongue to flicker across his perfect white teeth. He gasped and tugged at me with his arm as we pulled closer together, the warmth of his body resting fully against mine. Our tongues met at the entrance of our mouths and slowly danced side to side, just savoring the slick warmth.

His breath began to come in short gasps as he closed his mouth around my tongue, the hot breath exuding quick bursts from his nostrils as he suckled my tongue as it explored the soft lining of his inner mouth. His arms wrapped around me tightly, his tiny hand stroking the back of my neck. He pushed his tongue past mine, the long slender probe entering my mouth for the first time. It swirled round and round, back and forth across my teeth and under my lips high up on my gums. Further he probed, as his face began to gently rock against mine. Our heads rotated in slow motion as we lay there lost in time, joined together for the first time, as Jonn gave himself up to me.

I began to kiss his lips softly, then one-by-one each cheek. My fingers found the buttons on his pajama top and one-by-one released the binds that covered his chest. My lips traced each eyebrow as his tongue and lips suckled my neck. I turned his head slowly to the side and exhaled deeply into his ear, as the passion began to increase. "Oh, Jonn," I whispered, as his hard tiny, pink-tipped nipples were exposed to my eyes. I felt my cock reach its fullness and begin to release my pre-cum into my shorts. It strained for release, and yet, my lips were drawn down along Jonn's slender neck. I tasted the sweet smooth skin, dragging my tongue across the protruding collar bones and down to his pubescent chest.

He began to moan softly as the tip of my tongue contacted his wonderful nipple, the eraser sized nib, so incredibly hard, yet supple to my lips. I lavished praise on one then the other as John's small fingers slid into my hair and stroked and held my head against his chest. I could hear his heartbeat. Like a baby robin's, it beat with such a flutter....a metronome gone wild. My fingers brushed back and forth over his belly, causing his skin to vibrate, and his tight swimmer's muscles to twitch over and over again. I drew figure eights with my finger tips around and around his navel. He was an "outie" and each time I grazed the nub, he sucked in his stomach and gave out a passonate groan.

My left hand found the first tiny metal snap that held his pajama bottoms around his tight tiny waist. My fingers fumbled and pinched, and I could hear the click as it gave up the struggle and parted. I glanced down to see the protrusion of Jonn's hot pink cock poking against the next and final snap. A dime-sized patch of moisture contrasted with the light blue cotton of his shorts where his cockhead pressed forward. Jonn instinctively raised his hips upward in anticipation of the release. My fingers splayed the fabric, twisted quickly, and his wonderfully warm penis was free. I tugged off his bottoms as he sat up and threw aside his shirt. He was naked and tender before me, trembling like a newborn lamb.

He reached for my cock, his tiny fingers grasping at the fabric of my boxers, tugging urgently at the waistband to release my swollen prick. I lay on my back and raised my hips, as his hands pulled on each side. Halfway down, the cloth caught on my swollen cock, pulling the hardness downward sharply as he struggled to free me. "The snaps, Jonn, the snaps," I whispered, as his hands found them at last. My full 6 1/2 inches slapped upward released from the confines and lay throbbing in the cool air. Jonn gave out a gasp, as I was revealed to his eyes. His gaze was riveted on my turgid cock as he tugged my shorts down and off, completing the task.

His hand trembled as he ever so slowly reached over and closed his hand around my cock. He pulled upward allowing the soft skin to slide through his fingers as the eyelit released a ceaseless flow of nectar. He sat there mesmorized as he fondled and caressed me. His hand cupped and encircled my hairless sack, his fingers gently rotating my balls, memorizing the feel. This was a magical moment, and he was transfixed in the ministrations of my groin. His fingers were so delicate, as their transient explorations covered my body.

I took hold of both arms and pulled his slender nakedness on top of me, the warmth of our bodies enveloping one another. I wrapped my arms around him, and began to gently caress his back. His 4" penis was resting on top of mine. He slipped his arms behind my head and lowered his lips back to mine. He began a slow rocking motion as our hips began grinding back and forth, up and down, then around and around.

The passion was driving us now, that unseen force of need. I could only hold him close and caress him now. My hands slid down across his lower back and up and around the small soft globes of his youthfull ass. He arched his back and groaned as my fingers traced downward along his crack and brushed against the hairless pucker that his anus presented.

He clung to me tighter and tighter as our cocks released more and more pre-cum. I rolled us onto our sides once again and slid my face downward towards his pubic mound, my tongue once again tasting his tender flesh. In the soft light, there was only the faintest trace of short tiny blonde hairs beginning to show at only the two sides of his pubic mound. I breathed deeply as my tongue brushed them and the first scent of his youthful musk entered my nostrils.

My fingers, slipped below and held his walnut sized seeds, encased in an almost translucent bag that was drawn up tightly to his body. His sack was like mine, devoid of hairs and so soft. He moaned over and over as I pressed my face against the shaft of his slender cock. My tongue began to flicker back and forth as it rested and then jerked over and over as I ever so slowly worked towards the tip. I pulled gently on his balls and his cock pulled away from my cheek. I paused for a moment to marvel at the beauty that pulsed before me, so expectant in its need.

I pressed my lips to the soft warm crown of Jonn's beautiful cock, the sweet precum saturating my tastebuds as my tongue began to flicker around and around the tip. Jonn gasped and raised his tiny hips upward as I opened my mouth and then closed it around the ridge of his penis. In a long single motion his swollen shaft slipped inside, and my lips met his pubic mound as he was fully encased within. I clamped my lips tightly and sucked upward to the tip, a flow of clear juices emerging to greet my taste buds once again. I felt his cock jump as I held it softly in my mouth. Then, as before, plunged downward to meet his upward thrust.

His hands grabbed my face and pulled me away. He pushed me down and rolled towards my own swollen cock, his explorations of discovery driving him onward. His hands surrounded my balls, his tongue met the free flowing pre-cum that oozed from the slit. He was moaning over and over as his mouth explored every inch of my shaft. He was kissing and licking me in an ever-increasing passion. He let out a groan and sucked me in and began to take as much as he could. His teeth scraped against the ridge, and I recoiled from the abrasion, but sensing what needed to change he began to go up and down, taking as much as he could within. My nerves were on fire, my need to explode so great. I fought off the desire to cum, not knowing what to do, and desparately pulled him off me, and rotating so our mouths could give to each other at the same time.

He buried his face in my pubic hair, smelling my musk and licking the hairs and sucking on them too. His hands were all over me, his fingers exploring the warm moistness of my ass, and his hand caressing my balls. I suckled his cocklet and deep throated each inch. Our sighs and moans echoed through the room as the slurping and feverish needs increased. We were racing to conclusion, lost in lust.

Jonn's whole body went rigid and from deep within him a gutteral sound began to rise. I felt his cock swell and in a cataclysmic explosion, my mouth filled with the thin boy semen his body egested. His high pitched screams took over as he thrust his hips against my face. The flow ceased, and he collapsed and pulled me even tighter than before.

His head was like a machine as he drove me insane. His mouth sheathed my cock and sucked harder and harder. Somehow he instinctively knew when it was time. He tickled my anus with his finger and gently squeezed my balls, then pulled upwards with his mouth as my cockhead swelled, and the dam burst as the tides of orgasm egested into his hungry mouth. I shook violently as his small body held on for dear life. I could hear him almost whimpering as he fought to swallow all that I gave.

It seemed like eternity that we were caught in the lust. We kept each others penises in our mouths as we softened, neither one of us wanting to release the other just yet. Finally, we separated and wrapped our arms and legs around each other and kissed each other ever so tenderly again.

Jonn was still shaking as we lay there for the next few minutes. Then suddenly we heard his front door open and close, and scrambled to cover ourselves. I was caught up in stark raving terror, not knowing if the door was locked or whether his mother would be opening it any second. My heart was pounding so hard, I thought my chest was going to burst. No sooner had we pulled the covers over us, the door slowly opened, and our eyes slammed shut.

Then it hit me!! It hit me so hard, that I began to shake and break out in a cold sweat. My stomach began to churn, and my throat began to violently contract. I stumbled from the bed, and raced across the room to the bathroom and fell forward, my head finding the porcelean stool just as the vomit spewed forth. I wrenched over and over as the guilt seized control of every fiber in my brain. What had I done?!! How could I have gotten so caught up in the events that had just taken place. I grabbed a towel and began to sob, the tears streaking my face. I had just betrayed my lover, disgraced the wonderful trust that we had so devotedly pledged. I wanted to run, I wanted to flee in the panic that controled my every breath. I wanted to cease to exist, and I knew that nothing I could ever say or do, would make things right.

Suddenly, I felt Jonn's hand on my shoulder as he knelt down beside me. "Are you ok, Kevin?" he asked, a look of terror in his eyes, as he begged me to respond. "Did my stuff make you sick?" he asked, as I pulled myself up and tried to gather my senses. Just then there was a knock on the door. His mother called out from the darkness of the hallway.

Is something wrong boys?" I thought I could hear someone getting sick?" she asked.

"It's all right now, Mom, Kevin had an upset stomach, but he's ok now," Jonn said. He pulled me to my feet and held me tightly as if to apologize. "She's gone, Kev, come back to the bed," he pleaded. My whole body felt like I had been savagely kicked in the groin. All I wanted to do was get dressed and go home to try to hide my shame for all time. I looked at Jonn and his eyes were flooded with tears, his face full of fear.

I wanted to go, but I knew I had to stay. I couldn't let Jonn think that he had made me sick, and this was all his fault. "Let's just lie down for a few minutes," I said, pulling him towards the bed. I collapsed and he put his arm around me and laid his head on my chest. In the quiet, he just trembled and held me without moving. I don't know how long we stayed that way, hours maybe. I know I just stared blankly at the ceiling, waiting for the Grim Reaper to appear. Finally Jonn quit trembling, and he lifted his head and looked into my eyes, searching for something from me to let him understand what happened.

I struggled to find the right words. "I'm sorry, Jonn, I shouldn't have taken advantage of you like that," I began. "And I just cheated on Mason, and I love him so much that I don't know what I'm going to do now," I cried.

"So my stuff didn't make you sick then?" he asked once again.

"No, it was really wonderful, Jonn, and you were wonderful too, but don't you see, I shouldn't have let it happen, and I feel like dying for not being faithful to Mason. I've got to tell him, and I don't think he'll ever forgive me either," I said, as the tears began to flow once again. For Jonn's part, he was really trying to comfort me now. He couldn't say anything but that he was sorry, and all I could do was keep reminding him over and over that it wasn't his fault. It was close to 3:00 AM before the black shroud of sleep finally gave us some peace.

Jonn's mother woke us to get ready for school, and my head hurt so bad that I just wanted to go home. After making my excuses to Jonn's mom about not being hungry and explaining that I still didn't feel good, I asked her if she would call the school and report me sick, so I could go home to sort my life out. Jonn walked me home as he headed for practice. He really was a great kid; even if he didn't understand it all, he still tried to cheer me up. He asked me if I would be ok by myself all day, and I assured him that I just needed some time alone to think.

"Jonn, I just want you to remember this," I said as we stood on the sidewalk in front of my building. "Being gay is special, and I am glad that we could find out about each other last night," I said. "And being....well you know...your first was something I know neither one of us will ever forget either....but it can't happen again, and I don't want to lose you as a friend either," I said. "I know we got a lot of other things to talk about too, so please just remember you are a terrific person, and I'll get through this, and we can still be best friends, ok?" I asked.

"It was so kewl," he grinned, and yet he knew a little bit more about how I felt. I watched him dash down the street towards school and walked slowly into the house, not really knowing what the rest of the day would bring.

The last thing I remember was falling exhausted onto my bed. I must have slept for hours, because I awoke to Magg's voice calling my name. I sat up just as she peered into the room, her eyes meeting mine. I couldn't help it. At the moment she saw me I just started to weep.

"Dear God, sweetie, what's happened?" she asked as she sat on the bed my head craddled in her arms. I wanted to talk, needed to talk, but the only thing I could do was see Mason's face, and how he would be hurt by what I had done. I could only cry shamefully, and shake uncontrolably. "Kevin, talk to me," she said sternly. "Calm down and talk to me honey."

Telling Mom what I'd done....what had happened.... was so painful, that it made me even more terrified of being able to tell Mason. No matter what Maggs told me, it didn't seem to matter. I knew deep down inside that she was doing all she could to comfort me, but some things just get so bad, that your mind detaches and you can't make your emotions catch up to sound reasoning, I suppose. I have to give credit to Mom though. Not once did she ever condemn me for my actions.

"Mom, you've got to take me out to Loch Haven...I mean you've got to take me out there NOW so I can talk to Mason.....Please!!," I pleaded. "He's supposed to get there late this afternoon, and I don't want him calling and having to tell him on the phone...can we go out now?" I begged.

I really don't remember much about the drive out to Loch Haven, except that the closer we got, the more dread I felt. Maggs kept trying to tell me "things would work out," but I really wasn't listening all that much to her words. I just kept picturing Mason's face...kept feeling the hurt and wiping the tears from my eyes.

As we passed under the archway and the house came into view, I started hyperventilating and got the dry heaves. Mom stopped the car and took hold of my arm and pulled me close and once again did her best to calm me down. When we stopped in the driveway, I jumped out and looked in the garage windows, the Explorer wasn't there....Mason wasn't home. I was suddenly afraid once again, that maybe he would stop at our house on his way.

"He'll be here soon," mom said. "Why don't you just sit in the car while we wait, and we can talk it out some more?" she offered.

"I need to be alone mom....why don't you just leave me here and go on home?" I said.

"Don't you think maybe I should stay, Kevin, in case you want to come back with me," she replied.

"I guess you're right, but I'm going down to the lake to think," I said. As I walked down the pathway, the calm waters of the lake looked dark and moody. I climbed up on the boulder and once again buried my head in my hands, lost in the thoughts that overwhelmed me again.

A half hour later, Mason's Explorer turned into the lane and pulled in slowly next to Magg's car. She stood there with her eyes locked on Mason's. He could tell that there was real concern on her face as he looked around for Kevin, then got out and approached her.

"What's happened, Maggs?" he asked as she took his hand and led him over to a redwood bench and sat down. "Where's Kevin, is he all right?" he said the concern rising in his voice.

"He's here, Mason, but I have to tell you that he is in a lot of pain right now, I mean he isn't injured, but he needs to talk to you badly and that is why I brought him out," she said. "I can't tell you what it is, that is for him to do," she said. "But he is being terribly hard on himself, and please just hear him out before you react Mason," she gently smiled. "He loves you so much, please just remember that, ok?"

"Where is he?" Mason asked, as he stood up and Maggs gave him a tender hug.

"Down at the lake," she whispered. "Go to him; he needs you, Mason. Don't worry, I know you love him enough. I'm going to leave him here and go now, because I think that is the best thing for both of you," she added. "I love you both and know you two are meant to be, so just go to him now, and remember what I've said."

They stood and embraced, a knowing understanding passing between them; then Mason turned and walked slowly around the house as Maggs drove away. He paused for a moment at the top of the hill. There in the distance he could see Kevin sitting atop the granite rock, just as he had photographed him early one morning. He seemed so small, motionless, but his body also seemed to be frail, wrapped within himself. His eyes remained riveted on Kevin, as he slowly and silently walked to his lover.

"Hello kiddo," he said as he stopped five feet from Kevin and waited for him to look up.

Slowly Kevin's head lifted from his knees and turned to Mason, his eyes red and overflowing with tears. He slipped down slowly and walked to Mason's outstretched arms and gentle warm smile. For several moments he just clutched tightly to the warm chest of his only true love. Mason could sense the pain that Kevin was feeling, and although he was inwardly concerned at the news he was going to hear, he was grieving for Kevin as he could see the pain in his eyes. He took Kevin's hand and led him silently along the lakeshore and into the redwood gazebo that was perched on the point, then gently sitting the two of them down beside one another, he turned to Kevin.

"No matter what you have to tell me, Kevin, I just want you to know that I love you," he said. I know you are hurting and it hurts me to see you like this; but no matter what it is, I promise I will understand," he softly spoke. Several minutes passed as Kevin sat there, his head down, drops of saline tears falling onto his jeans, staining the fabric with the sorrow he held within. Then he slowly raised his head and turned to Mason and looked deep beyond his eyes.

"I.....I've...I've been....unfaithful...." he managed, then began weeping again, falling against Mason's shoulder as his lovers's strong arms held him close once again. Mason's heart beat heavily with the words echoing time and again in his brain. Then Kevin raised his head again, and all the events came pouring out just as they had happened as Mason absorbed them all. "Please don't hate me....Please don't make me leave you," Kevin said. "I'm so sorry I hurt you....I would never do it again....Please don't hate me Mason."

"I could never hate you, Kevin, no matter what happens in our lives," he said. "I love you so much and would be lost without you too," he sighed. "You know, Kevin, first of all I love you more now than ever, because you felt so strongly you had to tell me about this, but you are being too hard on yourself." He slipped the bracelet off his wrist and exposed the inscription to Kevin's eyes. "What does it say Kevin?" he asked.

"Always lovers, always friends," Kevin cried tenderly.

"That's right, Kevin, and that is what we will always be. You just happened to be in a situation where demonstrating to Jonn the actions that you and I share, seemed like the best way to help him come to an understanding about his own feelings. Nothing more, and in a way, I accept that and what happened as just that," Mason explained. I knew that Jonn had a crush on you, Kevin, and that's why I understand how this happened. I made you a promise the day we met, do you remember what it was....about forgiveness?" he said.

"Yes," Kevin answered. "You said that you forgave me in advance for anything that I might ever do in order for me to know just how much you loved me," he said.

"Guess you needed to remember that today, didn't you then?" Mason said, as he pulled Kevin's face to his, and kissed him softly. "I read somewhere, Kevin, that the true meaning of forgiveness is 'my giving up my right to hurt you for hurting me,' and although I understand about all of this more than you might think I would, my love for you has already put this behind us, is that ok?" he asked.

"Oh yes Mason, yes," he answered, as he held on tightly once again.

"You and I have chosen that road less traveled, Kevin, the one that is bound to have a few more bumps and bruises along the way, but it is the one we chose because we love each other and I believe that is always the way it will be," Mason said. "Now, your mom's gone back to town, and I don't know about you, but I'm starting to shiver out here, so let's go inside and build a fire, and I'll treat you to a 'naked dog' and anything else you want," he laughed. Kevin's smile turned to a grin, and they held hands and walked arm and arm back up to the house. A reassuring phone call by Kevin to Maggs, and the world seemed right once again.

Later that night, as Kevin nestled up against him in the quiet security of their love; once again content and knowing that what they have is special, Mason silently thanked God for his tender young lover and the gentle inward voice whispered... "What A Wonderful World!"

I hope you have enjoyed this continuing love story. If you have any comments, please write me at:


Next: Chapter 11

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