What a Wonderful World

By Lking 4you

Published on Oct 6, 1998


DISCLAIMER: ----------

The following story is a work of fiction depicting a consensual sexual relationship between an adult male and a young teen. Any similarities between the characters and someone in real life is purely coincidental. If you are under the age of 18 or do not approve of adult youth relationships, or the subject matter is not legal in the area you reside, please do not read further. The author welcomes any comments or constructive criticisms. As usual, flames and bashers will be ignored. Please direct your comments to: lmtdedition@hotmail.com The intent is for this to become a series if enough positive response warrants it.

"What A Wonderful World"

In the quiet, middle-of-the night darkness of my room, my minds eye could see him so clearly approaching the pool. For the second time in as many hours my wide-awake senses were acutely replaying all I had seen and felt less than eight hours before. Once again my body became flushed in the memory of his fluid motions, graceful yet strong, as his slender body had pierced the still water and he began the journey to the other end of the pool. My cock was hardening again, and I rolled over onto my stomach as a rush of passion stiffened me to to full length. My hands grasped the edge of the mattress and my breathing was heavy as I rotated my hips, grinding the head and shaft under me in rhythmic motions, serving only to heighten my senses.

I rolled onto my back trying to let my feelings subside. My mind was like a VCR now, speeding in fast re-wind to the late evening hours of yesterday.

I rarely go to the club at night, preferring to stop after work when traffic is heavy and I can unwind with some vigorous time in the weight room and a trip to the pool. It's also the time when many young teens from the Converse Boys School are finishing at our racquetball courts and the locker room and showers are filled with their beautiful, naked pubescent bodies, and the air captures the pungent aroma of their rich young male musk. I always smile to myself when I think how, as a member of the Club Board I had steered through the motion to allow them limited access to our facilities in the late afternoon hours. More than once I've had to choreograph my movements around the showers to avoid the discovery of their unknowing acts of arousal in me. The passage of my motion had served to create a lot of motion in my groin since that vote.

But yesterday I was late. A frustratingly long and unseasonably hot September day at our law firm. The air conditioning had failed from overload and everyones patience along with it. As the up and coming "junior partner", the task of tying up the days loose ends had fallen to me, as the senior partners had sought refuge in cooler environs. It was past 8:30 when I entered the deserted locker room and stripped from my sweat-soaked clothes. Too tired to exercise now I decided, so I slid into my trunks, grabbed a fresh towel and headed for the soothing comfort of the pool.

As an over 18, men only private club, we had retained nude swimming privileges for those who elected to. I hadn't participated, choosing rather to conceal my easily stimulated package in a pair of boxer-style trunks. Our pool is the best feature of the club for my money. Low-lit blue lighting overhead, and soft yellow below water spotlights give the entire room an almost ethereal atmosphere. Mirrored on two walls, reflecting the mixture of water, lights and sometimes unclothed bodies can be pretty heady stuff.

The room was empty as I entered. I tossed aside my towel, slid my my trunks down and off, and for the first time slipped naked into the soothing water, lost in time and fluid space. I had been a competitive swimmer in school. Now as the coolness enveloped my body, my mind began to drift away from the toils of the day. I began slow free-style laps, the energy returning to my strokes. The flow of water through my pubic hairs and along my free-floating organ and balls made me realize what I had been missing wearing my trunks these past two years. As I pulled myself up and out of the water, I looked at my mirrored reflec- tion and felt good that my 32 year old body was still in great shape. I wrapped the towel around me, grabbed a mineral water from the cooler and returned to the edge of the pool.

As I sat down and lowered my legs into the water, I heard the locker room door open and close as an obviously young teen emerged from the darkness into the light of the pool. As he approached he smiled and said "Hi", acknowledging my presence. "Hello", I responded, my eyes catching a full view of this stunningly handsome young boy. "I'm surprised anyone is here this late. The whole club is deserted with the heat and all", he said. "My name's Kevin Tyler," he offered. "Mason Langley", I said, extending my hand. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Langley. "Sure is hot out there tonight. I couldn't wait to get out of my clothes and into the water. I've had a hard day", he said. "The water's great", I answered.

He walked to the head of the pool initiating that familiar routine of stretching and limbering up I had done myself so many times in my competitive days. I watched transfixed at his beautiful frame. A swimmers body if I had ever seen one, and I had seen a lot. I guessed him at maybe 16 years old, about 5'9, no more than 135 pounds. Clad in a scant white racing speedo, his darkly tanned body was perfectly sculptured. Long graceful legs, and a slender waist rising to a totally smooth youthful chest accented by twin, dime sized rose pink nipples. Curls of soft wavy chestnut brown hair cascaded down his fore-head and his dark brown eyes glistened in the soft lighting. Perfect white teeth and high cheek-bones acccented his truly remarkable face.

My body jerked involuntarily as my gaze settled on the pouch of his briefs. My cock twitched as I tried to remove them in my mind. He leaned forward and slipped like a gazelle into the water, drawing long graceful swimmers strokes as he traversed the pool. "Would you count my laps for me?" he called. "Sure", I answered, elated at this opportunity to follow his body without fear of being caught staring. "Stop me at fifty", he yelled, and turned to continue. I watched him slice effortlessly through the water, and as my stare focused on the small of his back and the rise of his firm undulating hips above the water, the head of my cock rose against the towel I was grateful to have around me at this moment. It's too bad nude swimming isn't mandatory I thought. How great it would be to see those nylon clad buns bared to my riveted eyes at this moment. "Fifty", I hollered as he reached my end of the pool. I was grateful for the elapsed time, now that my swolen member had subsided. "You've got great form, Kevin", I said as he swam towards me. "Thanks, Mr. Langley," he answered. "Please, call me Mason", I said, as he stood up in front of me, his wonderful chest rising and falling effortlessly, his thick long brown eyelashes dripping water. "Sure", he said.

As he pulled himself out of the water my eyes settled on the front of his suit, knowing for a millisecond his soft penis would be outlined as the water drained from his crotch. My anticipation was richly rewarded as the outline of tender young flesh was visible for too brief a moment. My dick stirred again as a faint impression of his cock-head pressed against the wet whiteness of his speedo. "Have you competed before?" I asked as he settled down beside me. "Two years at State," he answered, "How about you?" "Only one year after High School," I said. "I quit for my academics. Law school you know, tough as hell!" "You're kidding," he said. "My one dream in life is to be an attorney some day," he said. "What a coincidence, what firm are you with? he asked "Roderick, Williams and North, I am a junior partner in corporate law", I responded. "Wow", he gushed. "They are really heavy hitters. What I wouldn't do to be with a firm like yours someday", he said. "Anythings possible", I replied. `Anything,' I hoped to myself. "Are you done with your laps?" he asked. "Yea, I think I'll hit the stair-stepper and the showers". I answered. "Catch up to you later", he said as I headed for the locker room.

As I reached the darkened entryway, I turned and stood in the shadows for another view of Kevins fantastic body. My heart jumped as he suddenly slipped off his suit and dropped them at the edge of the pool. The pearl sheen of his ass-checks contrasting with his richly tanned skin and his mirrored image in the wall beyond literally took my breath away and almost buckled my knees. He stepped into the water and disappeared from view and I escaped to the locker room fighting every urge to return to the water, but knowing my throbbing cock would not allow that. Dressed once again in my trunks, my mind raced as I literally ran the stair-stepper, blood rushing to my head as well as into my dick.

It was going to take all my years of training to control my emotions I knew as I walked back to the locker room. Perhaps Kevin had already gone. Perhaps he was still in the pool. Perhaps I'm losing it, I thought as I entered the dimly lit, empty dressing room and settled in front of my locker. He must still be in the pool I reasoned, spotting a sports bag a few feet away on the bench. "Are you here, Mason?" Kevins voice echoed through the room. "Here, I answered. I'm just heading for the showers". It's now or never I thought, as his towel wrapped body came around the lockers and he dropped his suit on the bench next to his bag.

I slid off my suit and stood naked before him. As I stepped towards the showers, his towel dropped to the floor. I could not control my desire to see him and lowered my eyes for an instant. Like the flash of a camera my mind took him in. He was beautiful! A small, thick mound of rich black, moist, curly hairs glistened in the light against the paleness of his untanned lower abdomen. Flowing from them, the most beautiful cock I've ever seen!! He was not huge, nor thick, but the sight of it resting softly over the curvature of his glorious hairless balls, hued from light tan to the rich pinkish crimson of the perfectly circumcised head, it was ample and breathtaking. My knees weakened. I wanted to stop, to turn to him, to confess my deep longing to hold and caress him, but stepped beyond him and quickly entered the shower room, fighting to stay soft, fighting to stay sane. I faced the wall and turned the water to cool, hoping that would help me fight off the fire welling within me.

He had turned on the shower on the opposite wall. I was grateful for the distance and security it offered. A strange sensation rushed through me. I somehow felt he was looking at me, but my senses wouldn't allow me to turn towards him. "You're in great shape," Kevin said at that very moment. "I can see you take care of yourself", his voice quavering slightly. "Do you come here often?" he asked. "I try to. Usually after work", I replied. "Why so late tonight?" he continued. "Rough day at the office", I said, as I turned off the shower and half-turned towards him. the sight of him now weakened my knees. His young cock looked bigger now, and he quickly turned to the wall. I could swear he was turned on, but I exited the shower and grabbed a towel quickly covering my own shifting meat. "I'll be out in a minute", he yelled. I was grateful for the time, quickly slipping on my briefs and slacks. "Do you need a ride home?" I heard myself say, wondering what the hell I was thinking. "That would be great," he said as he emerged from the shower. I was careful to avoid looking at him, though the desire to was overwhelming me again. "I live in an apartment with my mom about a mile from the Academy. It's on Agency, if that isn't out of your way", he said. "Right on my way", I answered.

It was cooler ouside as we climbed into my Jeep CJ. "Great wheels, but not much of a family vehicle", he said. "I'm single", I responded, wondering what the hell can he be thinking. "Wow, you've got it made Mason", he said. Not yet,' I said to myself. If you only knew, Kevin, if you only knew.' "I'll bet you have a great law library", he said. "First rate I replied, marvelling at his interest. Would you like to see it sometime", I asked? "Could I, I've always wanted to see what one is like. I really do want to be a lawyer, Mason, but I don't know if I can ever--" "I'd be happy to show you," I interupted. "Well, I have actually already done a lot of reading, but the local library doesn't have too much, and my mom thinks my ever going to law school is just a dream anyway", he said lowering his head. "Why is that?" I asked, my curiosity piqued. "Well, since my dad died when I was seven, we have not really had all that much money, and she says the only way I can even get to college is if I can do well enough to get scholarships. But I know I can do it. I work hard on my grades, and other than the swim team, I spend as much time as I can studying. I wouldn't have any place to practice if it wasn't for your club, because I always hit the books and don't always make it to practice on time. Coach says he knows my priorities, and helps me out with the time. The reason I work hard on my swimming is I thought I might be able to get a scholarship for that too, and it helps me relax", Kevin said. "I know how it is, Kevin, remember? I'd be glad to help you, if your mom would think it would be alright" I offered. "Whoa, that would be absolutely awesome, I know my mom won't care. She is either working or going out. She does her best, but she is always saying how much I look like my dad and all, so she seems to be better when I am not around, I think. Besides, she knows how important it is to me, but I'll bet you're really busy right now," Kevin said. "The pleasure would be mine and I won't take no for an answer!" I stated emphatically. Never in my life had I been so totally taken by anyone, let alone this handsome youth. If I could help him in anyway possible, my mind was already made up to do so. Just being around him made me remember what it was like to be young and full of life.

"This is it on the right, number 117", Kevin pointed to his building, as I parked at the curb. "I've got an idea Kevin, why don't I pick you up after work tomorrow. It's Friday and we can drive out to the office, I'll show you around and afterwards we can play some tennis or go for a swim at the club. You want me to come in and meet your mother to make sure it is okay?" I asked. "No, its okay, she works second shift and won't be home until around 11:30. We hardly ever see each other anymore anyway. I will write her a note. I know it will be okay", he smiled. "This is so great, I can't wait!" Kevin said. "Well, you'll have to, its too late tonight", I said with a laugh. He grabbed my arm as he opened the door. "Thanks for everything, Mason, you're terrific! See you at 5:30," he said. "Wouldn't miss it for the world", I answered. With that, he grabbed his bag and ran across the lawn and disappeared.

My whole body was electrified replaying these events. The faint dim light pierced the darkness of my bedroom now and my engorged cock oozed long clear streams of lubricating pre-cum My balls were tight against my body aching for release. As my mind caressed Kevin's body, my hand grasped the shaft of my six-inch cock and with a gut wrenching moan I exploded in long throbbing streams across my chest. Moments later as I lay there, my shallow breathing returning my spent body to normalcy, my alarm clock jerked my senses back to reality with its high pitched beeping.

A cold shower can work wonders for sleep deprivation I'd decided as I grabbed my tennis gear and briefcase, climbed into my "CJ" and headed for the city. The weather was perfect, I thought as the sunrise broke across the eastern hills. Visions of Kevin flooded over me once again. 5:30 couldn't come soon enough, I said to myself as I entered my office to begin some day long depositions. A catnap at lunch and an adrenalin rush that began at 4:30 and I was fully regenerated. A quick change to my tennis whites and I was history. As I exited the parking garage, turning south for the fifteen minute drive to Kevins, I popped a Louis Armstrong CD into my player. As I turned onto Agency and stopped in front of Kevin's, I found myself humming: `... and I say to myself, what a wonderful world.'

As I headed up the walk I heard a distant voice. "Mason!" he yelled. I turned to see Kevin waving as he rounded the corner and ran towards me. "Sorry, I'm late," he panted breathlessly. "I missed the bus. Come on in while I change. I'll only be a few minutes", he said. I followed him in and watched him disappear into the bedroom. "Make yourself comfortable", he hollered. Mom left yesterday with some friends and won't be back until Monday", he shouted, "Take your time, no rush", I said as I envisioned him changing while my eyes scanned the apartment. Clean and simple I thought to myself. At least he has a safe place to live. I settled down on the sofa and continued to look around. A red light was blinking on the VCR, a white-labeled tape half way out of the ejection slot. I got up and stepped over to shut off the machine and WHAM!! It was like a ten thousand watt bolt hitting my senses as my eyes focussed on the tapes label. "Men, Two Men", the title electrifying every nerve inside me! I owned it myself, and as I stood there holding the tape and envisaged the passionate sexual, gay scenes it portrayed, I turned to find Kevin standing in shock, his eyes riveted on my hands, his mouth agape. He was beginning to tremble. "I--I--I--", the words caught in his throat, his face glowing crimson. I walked to him slowly and stood facing him. "I don't know what to say", he offered, his head bowing, eyes cast downward. His words began hesitatingly. "When you dropped me off last night, I--I, well, my mom was already gone and I sometimes, I mean I watch--I, well,--" his voice trailed off. "It's okay, Kevin, its one of my favorites", I said softly, putting my hand on his shoulder. "You mean you've seen--?" he stammered. "Yes, I have, its a a wonderful film", I said. "Then you're? Then you have? I mean are you?" he stuttered as his brown eyes met mine and his face flushed even redder in a nervous frenzy. "Yes, I am Kevin, and I lost a lot of sleep last night", I said, moving my hand to the back of his head. "You did?" he asked swallowing hard, his voice quavering.

I tossed the tape aside and put my other arm around him and pulled his head next to mine, holding his trembling body close and spoke into his ear. "Because I've never been so attracted to anyone as I was to you last night. Because my night was filled with thoughts of you Kevin. You're the most wonderful young man I've ever met," I whispered, my lips brushing the edge of his ear lobe. I felt his arms close around me now, holding the small of my back. "I couldn't sleep either," he said gently, our bodies pressed together now. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest. "That's why I had the tape--" his voice trailing off again. "I want to be with you, Kevin. I want you so much," I said. "Do you?" I asked pulling my head away, searching his eyes. "Yes, yes," he said, as his eyes closed, his head moving forward, our mouths meeting in the most breath taking and tender kiss I have ever experienced! Our tongues met, probing, our arms were tightly around each other now, our bodies merging. We held each other breathing deeply, passionately, expectantly. "I want to be with you more than anything, Mason, but I've never--" he paused looking pleadingly into my eyes. "I've never done, I've never been with anyone. I don't know what, don't know how to--" he choked up and held me so tightly my breathing became labored.

His confession overwhelmed me. My desire for him growing even stronger. "We'll find the way together", I said, my hand dropping to his and turning us towards the bedroom. He led me to the side of the bed and turned silently towards me, his eyes meeting mine again. I wanted to strip him, to go down on him there, to give him pleasure and release his seed in the heated passion of that moment. But, I wanted him to know all of the special feelings he could have, all the joys of a slow intimate sexual blending. I wanted him to experience it all, and I wanted to as well. I wanted to be his first and only lover. I wanted it to last for both of us.

I knelt down before him untying our laces, slipping off our tennis shoes and socks and discarding them to the side. As I rose up, I pulled my knit shirt over my head and dropped it behind me. His eyes were longing now and he inhaled deeply as my fingers pulled his white knit shirt from his waistband and guided it over his head, revealing his perfectly tanned chest with its small erect bud-like pink nipples. I leaned forward, my lips and tongue caresssing and gently nibbling each one as his breathing grew heavier. His hands rested on the crest of my shoulders rubbing them gently, then he pulled me to him, our mouths seeking each other, as we pressed our smooth chests together, holding our naked backs in each others arms.

We were passing our breath into each others lungs and our rythmic breathing was intoxicating. His lips were full, soft and supple and the flavor of his mouth on my tongue was wonderful I could feel the pressing hardness of his fully erect cock as we slowly rubbed back and forth across each other. I had been hard since our first embrace and rubbed my shaft against his now, hoping his sensations were as intense as mine! I slowly knelt before him once again, my fingers brushing ever so softly across his stomach. I looked up at him and he smiled gently closing his eyes, his arms hanging tensed at his sides. My hands traveled up his inner thighs across the bottom of his shorts and clasped his hips. I pulled him to me and rubbed my nose along the outline of his rigid shaft and inhaled deeply searching for a hint of his male scent. His hands clenched. He shuddered as my hands unbuttoned his front and my fingers slowly drew down his zipper. One smooth tug and his shorts dropped to the floor. He raised each leg and I cast them aside. Only inches away now, I could see a small wet patch on his gleaming white Calvins, as the head of his cock pressed against it, a faint trace of color showing within it. The rich fluid I craved was now flowing freely from him. My hands grasped his ass cheeks as I pulled myself upward and I gathered him again in my arms, pressed my lips to his ear and whispered, "You look wonderful". He began to mirror my earlier ministrations, his warm mouth encircling my own erect nipples. I felt a deeply wired connection spreading through my groin as his tongue danced around them. Kissing my lower stomach he tugged urgently at the elastic waistband holding up my shorts. "Leave my underwear on just now", I said softly as my shorts slid off and he buried his face against the root of my throbbing cock. His left hand grasped my balls gently and his right hand slipped beneath the hem of my briefs and cupped the soft flesh of my ass as he stood once again.

We hugged and held each other tightly for a moment and as if in slow motion, we tumbled onto the bed, our arms and legs wrapped around each other, our lips in their own rhythm, our rock hard cocks in another. "You okay?" I asked with a slight smile. "I want you so much", he answered. "Lay on your stomach, close your eyes and relax and I'll give you a massage", I urged. He dutifully rolled over and I knelt by his left side as my hands began rotating in circles over his shoulders and neck, working down to his feet and then ascending to his lower back. "Raise up a little", I said and I slowly pulled his briefs down and off, exposing his soft warm firm and rounded ass cheeks, my eyes drinking in the full lenth of his nakedness and drawing a deep breath. The contrast with his tan was mind blowing. I began fingertip massaging him now, as softly as I could, the fingers of each hand lightly brushing separate areas of his backside, rotating slowly but surely, one along his inner thighs upwards to the juncture of where I knew his balls would be resting, the other slowly tracing his lower back and the smooth,hairless fleshy mounds of his magnificent ass, finally trailing from the small of his back down the center of his crack, until the fingers of both hands met, and I slowly spread apart those firm twin globes revealing his warm hairless brownish pink tight virgin hole.

My mind exploded with desire as he moaned lowly at that very moment, each round cheek of his firm ass involuntarily clenching, and that beautiful anal entrance puckering with each spasm, his sphincter muscle contracting. I moved his legs further apart and settled on my knees between them. As I looked down now, his tight rounded scrotum holding its precious cargo of firm oval seeds nestled invitingly just below me. I wanted him desparately now and fought off my desire to bury my face in the warm tender recess of his glorious offerings. I used the very tips of my fingers with featherlike brushing, tracing the outline of his nutsack and up and around his delicate hole. He wreathed in ecstasy at each tender movement. I bent forward slowly drawing my nostrils close to his balls inhaling the rich musk of his unique scent. I was falling in love and loving it all. Knowing the best was yet to come later, I moved to his side, and laid on my stomach next to him drawing his face again to mine, our tongues probing deeper and more passionately than ever.

"Can I do that to you too?" he asked softly. "I want you to feel as wonderful as you made me feel", he said quietly. I smiled at him, nodded my head, rolled over and closed my eyes. He moved slowly to my side, his knees lightly brushing my waist. His hands worked their magic, his fingers caressing me tenderly, my nerves alive, responding to his every movement. My throbbing cock oozed more and more fluid into my briefs, as I thought again about this being his firt time. His hands slid slowly under the waistband of my underwear and I raised up allowing him just enough room to slide them off. "You feel fantastic," he said. "I've loved your body since I first looked at you in the shower last night. I started to get hard when I saw you," he said. "I was afraid you would see me", he laughed tenderly. His admission confirmed my hopeful suspicions of the evening before and I sighed heavily as he straddled me and sat down on my upper legs, his balls resting just below the crest of my ass.

As his fingers trailed along the sides of my waist, my abdominal muscles twitched involuntarily. He leaned forward and I felt the hard naked flesh of his cock sliding forward and back again nestled between the two of us in the furrow of my cheeks. He leaned forward and began brushing the tips of his nipples back and forth across my upper back, his arms suporting his weight as he rocked from side to side. He laid down now and began tonguing and breathing heavily into my ear, triggering a gut wrenching spasm and seizing my breath away. "Show me how to make love, please?" he whispered pleadingly, looking deep into my eyes. "You're doing just fine", I answered, smiling and kissing his passion-flushed cheekbone. I thought to myself: `It's time! I want to look at all of you, to feel all of you, make love to all of you.' "Close your eyes and lay on your side facing me," I said, rolling onto my right side closing my own eyes and facing him, my penis brushing against his sides as he moved to me.

Our bodies absorbed one another, our surging groins thrusting together, my prick enmeshed in his soft nest of hairs, his own rigid cock abrading against mine. Flesh on flesh, desire unabated. We were surrendering to one another everything that could be given, caught in a sexual frenzy. As Kevin rolled slowly to his back, I turned my head moving my mouth across his shoulder and running my tongue into the wet matted recess under his arm, savoring the salinity of his persperation. I slid my head downward below the rise of his chest, slowly circling the perfectly rounded recess of his navel, the flesh beneath my toungue twitching and causing Kevin to moan in low gentle whimpers. My face finally coming to rest low on his stomach, my fingers sliding onto his dense soft pubic mound, my eyes opening to gaze for the first time upon his magnificent cock. Slightly longer, perhaps six and half inches, much more slender than mine, almost delicate, its distended, wonderfully mushroomed head was covered with rivulets of flowing pre-cum running over the wide flaring pink ridge and down the length of his perfectly straight shank, drawing me to the threshold of emersion.

My tongue brushed the soft pink crown of the glistening head and it jerked involuntarily. No longer could I hold back. My lips nibbled the tip, my tongue lathing around and around, tasting and gathering his free-flowing juices, soft gutteral moans emitting from the recess of his throat as his dick spasmed again and again. My left hand gathered and encircled his balls and I closed my mouth around the head and drew down on the warm spongy shaft, sucking it hungrily in, burrying my nostrils in his velutinous pubic hairs, inhaling his musk. His young male scent was rich and intoxicating and it splayed across my senses. Each time I sucked up to the summit of his pulsating phallus, Kevin writhed in ecstacy and more sweet emissions seeped across the corona onto my tongue fueling my passion.

I rolled between his legs, my tongue tracing the length of his shaft in a slow degression, my fingers fondling his erect supple nipples, my mouth savoring the smooth skin of his hairless ball sack, swilling the periphery of each oval seed, alternately rolling and sucking each one into my mouth. My tongue flickered along the side of his balls as I withdrew my hands and placed them below his knees, raising his legs upward towards his chest. The warm rich aroma of his man scent filled my nostrils, difusing across my mind and his body quivered and his breathing became deep and hard as my fingers spread across his loins and my tongue began it quest towards the warm moist portal of his ass. My tongue darted arond the rim of his crater with ever deepening sorties until, at last, I could delve deep inside him in primal thrusts, devoid of time and space.

He writhed from side to side in a deep wrenching visceral frenzy as I savored the pliant recess of his hole. His body convulsed and I knew he was close, lacking any further restraint, lost in a carnal void. I slid over his leg and laid on his left side. He raised his body as I slipped a pillow under his ass elevating him slightly. I moistened the middle finger of my right hand with saliva, slipped my arm under his left leg and slowly slid the finger into his hole, grasping his balls with the remaining fingers, massaging them tenderly, as I lowered my head once again to his cock. I wanted his rich warm sperm. "Don't hold back, cum for me" I said, as I began running my tongue all round the turgid head, gathering and savoring the free-flowing nectar seeping from the slit at the apex of his wonderful penis. I began rotating my finger deep inside his anal canal, finding and pressing against the soft nub of his pubescent prostate. He gasped loudly, his body going stiff as I sucked him in with a long deep thrust, devouring his meat, feeling its warmth in the depths of my throat, my mouth creating long coital thrusts, my tongue a Lothario to his young ripe prick. His whole body was palpitating from the ministrations of my mouth, and with one final deep sucking breath, he exploded like the brisance of a cannon. With one tremendous swelling contraction, his cock expelled the first stream of virgin seminal cream, filling my mouth with his rich warm essence. I swallowed in succession each profuse ejection of his wonderful brew. Again and again he moaned as each orgasmic pulsation within his cock released more and more of his load. With one final surrendering screaming shudder he expelled the last of his semen and collapsed on the pillows, his face flushed, his eyes closed and flickering, still lost in the rapture he was feeling within.

If you have ever gazed on the fresh young face of someone emerging from the glow of their first orgasm, lovingly brought forth by someone who wants them to experience it the way it should be every time, then you know the serene tranquility of the expression Kevin presented to my eyes as I gathered him in my arms. For that brief moment in time, the only sound you could hear was the now shallow and contented breathing of this warm, loving young man child, as he nestled his nose in the warmth of my neck. If life ended a minute from now, I knew that we would go peacefully together, and nothing could take that away from us now. For several more minutes I held him tenderly, savoring the residue of his seed in my mouth. It occured to me at that moment, that his rich young cream would soon be absorbed by my body, becoming a part of new cells, and I marveled at the thought I would carry him with me always now, even when we were apart.

Kevin slowly sat up and pulled me to him, kissing me deeply. "Unbelievable!" he said. "I want to see your cock, to make love to it, to taste you too", he said passionately, pushing me onto my back, his hands grasping my protruding rod, sending shivers through my body. "You're so thick, so beautfiul", he said slowly stroking the length of me and lowering his face closer and closer. "I've waited forever for someone -- for you! You're more than I ever dreamed of, so fantastic, I want you so much, he breathed deeply burying his face in my crotch. You smell so good," he gushed, as his lips nibbled and teasingly pulled at my hairs. His tongue began licking my shaft working its way to the head of my aching pole, feverishly collecting the milky dew as it effused from the eyelit. I closed my eyes and felt his hot breath as his mouth closed warmly around me, halfway down, sucking tightly against my flesh, returning to the head and then plunging down, submerging all of my length, sending spasms of pleasure into my groin. Over and over he greedily sucked my cock, passionate moans emitting from his throat as he drove me further and further to the brink. As if anticipating the nearness of my explosion, he paused allowing me to subside. Our eyes met as he kissed and licked the tip of my throbbing dick, and he smiled tenderly at me and my attention was riveted on his own swolen cock, fresh lubricant pouring from the head. He was hotter than ever and the beauty of this Adonis was overwhelming me, fueling my desire for him. I rolled forward laying full length atop him our cocks abrading one another, kissing him with abandon. His arms enveloped my back, his hands caressing my skin in slow widening circles until they came to rest on my ass and he tenderly traced the crack, his fingers probing into the warmth of my hole causing me to groan deeply and thrust forward against his hot body, my tongue going further into his sucking mouth.

I knew he needed release again. I could sense it with every nerve I had and fueled by the need that was welling up within my own body, I could no longer delay the inevitable. I rolled off Kevin and reversed our bodies and we pulled each other tightly forward, our mouths searching and finding each others cocks taking them in and down until we were joined and inseparable. With unbridled passion we devoured each other, racing to extract the juices residing and swelling within. Hands caressed, fingers slipped inside, probed and extracted wild gutteral moans as they pressed and manipulated the hidden glands. Our mutual need to give and take at this moment was like none other. We became as one and our surging bodies raced to extract and explode. With some primordial force driving us onward, we both stiffened and shuddered, then shook violently as our cockheads expanded and the essence of life spewed forward and splashed across our tongues, spurting over and over as we both greedily consumed what we gave lovingly to each other, frozen for an electric moment in time and space. The sweet nectar continued to ooze as we gently suckled our softening cocks. The need to cradle him in my arms again overpowered my desire to continue to hold his soft spongy cock in my mouth and I slowly released it and we slid into each others arms tenderly kissing and holding one another.

"I love you, Mason," he said, as his glowing eyes gazed into mine. "I'll always love you," he whispered as we held each others faces and our lips touched again. "I love you too, Kevin". "No matter what happens from this day on, I will be here for you. I want to be a part of your life as long as you'll have me", I said. "Forever" he said, and we closed our eyes and allowed the enormity of our commitment to envelope us amidst the security of our arms. Silence and serenity surrounded us now and as we drifted into the most peaceful sleep I had ever known the melodic words once again came forward: "... and I say to myself, What A Wonderful World!"

End Part 1.

There will be continued installments if you readers think you would like to read more. Please let me know. lmtdedition@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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