What A Wild Adventure

By Joyce Devries

Published on Nov 29, 2003



What a Wild Adventure

By Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com ICQ: 26082876

Note, this a true story, some of the names have been changed, but certainly not the events of the days!, this is taken right from my diary entry of the time, please read the adventures with Brad and Brenda to understand this one.

My (email) name is Joyce Devries and it was a real life adventure, after dating both Brad and Brenda, they invited me to one of their "special" parties, here is exactly what happened. My spouse knows about and totally supports me as "Joyce"; she is an incredible woman, as you will see. I am 5'2", TV, live near Toronto, Ont., Canada, pass quite well as a woman and have done tons of "real life" things as a woman, this was a really, really wild erotic adventure.

A few weeks after the incredible night with Brad, Brenda, Paul and Eric, I got an email from Brenda, asking me if I wanted to get together for a lunch date. I answered back and told her I thought it was a nice idea, as how can a girl resist a chance at getting out in public!, especially with a genetic female!. So I booked off work a Friday, of the following week and the plan was simple, she was picking me up at 11:30am, and we were going to East Side Mario's again, at Oakville Place. I did not even have to think about what to wear, as I knew it was going to be business, and I told Sharon about it and she told me to have a good time.

The Friday came and I still had not 100% decided on what to wear, I had 3 or 4 choices in mind and I decided to get into my lingerie for the day as they all required the same and then choose at the last minute for the final outfit. I got up with my spouse, Sharon at 7:30am and decided to get an early start on the day. While she showered upstairs, I did downstairs and made sure I was all clean. I must have taken a long time, as I never heard her leave for work. After drying off, I put on my cozy blue terri-cloth robe, and favorite red lace bra and matching panties and relaxed while reading a recent copy of Glamour magazine. It was about 10:15 am and I then decided on getting dressed for the day and went to my room and slipped off my robe and then put on some satin gloves and then opened a new package of ultra sheer nude pantyhose, sheer toe to waist, and slipped them on. Once they were on, I put on a pair of low black heels to ensure that I would not snag them. I grabbed my robe as the temperature was rather chilly and then started to go through my clothes to see what I was going to wear. I scanned all of my business suits and career dresses, but was feeling a little more "sexy", and then decided that it was going to be an outfit I have never worn in public for a long time, I wore it as part of one of my photo shoots in the outdoors in 1996, but never out for a long time out.

I knew how much Brenda loved my legs and knew this outfit would not disappoint her!, I decided on my favorite red single breasted business jacket, a black silk blouse, and a very tight and very short, red spandex miniskirt. The heels were going to be my favorite, 4" black patent ones, and I decided on simple gold earrings and a strand of pearls for jewelry. I knew this look was "way over the top", but since we were just going to lunch and nothing else, I could get away with it. I sat down and applied nail polish to my fingers making them look as sexy as possible, as well I applied a healthy coat of Halstons perfume and slipped on my heels and then a gold anklet on my right ankle and then checked my purse and headed upstairs to the kitchen and was just checking the temperature when the doorbell rang. I went and met a smiling Brenda at the door, she too was dressed for business in a black slip dress, below the knee length, complimented with a blue single breasted jacket, she was wearing "nearly black" hose and a pair of low black heels. Her makeup was perfect and she was wearing her "Charlie" perfume. I invited her in and she looked me up and down and came and gave me a light kiss and lightly said, "are we going to lunch, or going to get you a date to make love to?". I smiled back at her and asked her if she liked my outfit, she just shook her head and said, "man, I wish I had legs like that", she smiled and grabbed my hand and told me the weather was not cool at all and no coat was needed, I grabbed my purse and walked with her to the car, hand in hand, the sun must have really come out and warmed things up as the house was freezing compared to outside.

I slid in and my skirt literally was at the edge of my panties and Brenda looked over and said, "might want to tug the skirt down a little, a poor truck driver might be killed looking down at your red panties". I laughed with her, but did tug it down as it was a little too high, as my panties were definitely showing. We had a general chat as we drove to the restaurant and it was not that far away and she pulled up to just outside the restaurant on the upper level and managed to get a parking spot close to the outdoor entrance to the restaurant. We got out of the car and started walking towards the entrance of the restaurant and in the distance I heard a "wolf whistle" and saw a car full of kids driving away. Brenda started giggling and said, "you know that was for you?", I smiled back at her and told her I knew it was.

We got into the restaurant, East side Mario's, and Brenda took the lead and told the hostess, "a table for 3 please". I looked over at her as she just smiled and I followed her and the hostess to a booth and as I walked, I could tell the place, that was crowded with businessmen were checking me up and down, and I loved it as I knew I was showing maximum leg and my heels were showing them off even more. As we slid into the booth, the hostess plopped down three menus and told us that our waitress would be by shortly. I immediately looked over at Brenda and asked, "who is the third?", and she said while patting my hands, "patience my dear, patience". I was about to keep on asking her about it when our waitress came and said, "hi my name is Tammy, I will be your waitress, can I get you ladies anything to drink to start?". We both ordered coolers and Brenda told the waitress that we were expecting someone else and that when they arrived that we would be ready to order lunch. The waitress left and I was about to ask Brenda who the other person was and I heard Brenda call out, "over here Sharon!".

I looked over and there was Sharon, dressed in a long black skirt, dark floral blouse and nude hose and low 1" black heels. She was wearing her work makeup and was smiling as she walked towards us. When she got to the table she gave me a light kiss on the cheek and a hug and did the same to Brenda and sat down. She looked me over and said, "care to show any more leg Joyce?, damn!, that skirt is short, or is it a belt?, I cannot tell?". Brenda giggled and told Sharon that she wore it for her, to show off my legs and Sharon said, "well it did it's job!". About that time the waitress came and asked Sharon if she wanted anything to drink and she said that she would have what we were having, and then we all ordered our lunch. Sharon a club house sandwich, Brenda, the soup of the day and a salad, and me, just a simple salad. The waitress took the menus away and when she was far enough away I asked Sharon what she was doing joining us. Sharon just giggled and said, "what, a girl cannot come and have a lunch with girlfriends?". I could not disagree, but judging by the look in the faces of Sharon and Brenda I knew that something was up.

Brenda was the first to "break the ice", and gently grabbed my hands and I could see Sharon smiling and said, "that was quite the performance after the date with Eric and Paul". I blushed and must have turned about 10 shades of red. She squeezed my hands harder and looked directly at me and said, "did you enjoy what happened at the end of the evening?", I told her I did, but she got a little serious and looked sternly at me and said, "are you REALLY sure you liked it?". I looked back at her and told her that I really did like it and it was a very erotic time.

I knew Sharon and Brenda had been talking and I saw them exchange fleeting glances and smiling and then Brenda said, "would you do it again, except this time with other people?". I kind of knew what was going on and looked over at Sharon and she was giggling with her hand over her mouth. I stuttered out, "I guess so, it was fun", Brenda then said, "well my dear, we have 'parties', with 3 of our friends, and we have all long talked about having a female at the parties to do 'cleanup work'". I had not even started to drink and my head was spinning and blurted out, "what do you mean". Brenda looked at Sharon and they were both smiling and with her hands still in mine, she said, "the parties we have are parties that allow couples to share each other and each others talents". I blurted out, "you mean an orgy!?". Brenda calmly said, "well you can call it that, but we call it sharing". I then asked, "so what exactly is it that you want me to do?". Brenda said, "well, we only have one bathroom on the main floor and all of the women at the parties complain about having to wait after making love to their partner, to clean up, and I thought after last weeks performance, you might want to be the woman we have been talking about".

Sharon was smiling at me and staring and I was not sure what the heck was going on, and at that time the waitress came and plopped down the food for lunch. Sharon and Brenda were smiling and I was still wondering what was going on. Once the waitress left, Brenda reached over and grabbed my hand and said, "so Joyce, are you going to be the girl?". I looked over at Sharon and she was smiling and I knew that she had been talking to Brenda about this, and I blurted out, "what will I have to do?". Sharon and Brenda just giggled and then Brenda explained, "well, firstly, serve drinks, then when a couple needs cleaning up after making love, go and clean them up". I asked, "serve drinks?, sounds like you want me to be a server?". She giggled and Sharon kind of looked away and said, "well yes, apparently you have the appropriate uniform for the job". I looked over at Sharon and she was still looking away and I said, "well I do have a uniform, but is a French Maid's uniform!". She smiled and said, "yes that is what Sharon has told me, and I have heard you look darling in it, especially with the black fishnet stockings, it would be perfect".

I was sitting there, still dumbfounded, and my mouth on the table and Sharon still looking away and smiling and Brenda quietly said, "oh by the way Joyce, you will be paid". I looked back and sternly said, "what I am going to be a hooker for the evening?". Sharon looked up and then over at Brenda and said, "no my dear, the people are going to be offering other things than cash, ticket vouchers to Stage West, Jewelry, and one, lingerie, things I know you will enjoy other than money".

I had only one sip of my drink and at that point I had to clear my head and grabbed my purse and bolted off to the ladies room. My head was so cloudy I did not care the fact I was almost falling over in my 4" heels and the fact that the washroom was at the back of the restaurant and tons of people were watching me, and my very exposed legs as I walked. I went in and sat down in a stall, I pulled up my skirt, but did not have to pee, and pulled down my pantyhose and sat there wondering what was going on. I heard the door to the ladies room open and the click of heels coming right in front of my stall and then a light knock and then Sharon's voice, asking if I was alright. I pulled up my panties and pantyhose and then grabbed my purse and there was Sharon waiting for me. We were all alone in the ladies room and came and grabbed my hand and pulled me close and gave me a kiss and a hug. She asked if I was alright and asked if the idea of Brenda's party scared me and I had to admit it did. She assured me that all of the people were tested and safe and that I would have a great time.

I felt a little better and gave her a little kiss and she followed me out of the ladies room and back to the table. As I sat down Brenda gave me a little peck on the cheek and asked if I was alight and I told her I was. I started nibble on my salad and Brenda started telling me about the party and that it was to start at 6pm, and that I should be there around 3pm, to get to know the house and help with the food preparation. Sharon spoke up and said that she would make sure that she was available to drive me there for that time and that she would make sure I had enough money for a cab home afterwards. Brenda went on to explain that they have never had a girl like me to their parties, but they all talked about it a bunch. I had specific duties that I was to perform, outside of the obvious:

  • Serve drinks and welcome guests. * Serve the food to the guests. * All female guests had to give their panties to me (huh?). * Be available for all male and female guests that wanted pleasure.

I asked about the panties as I had no clue what that was all about and Brenda just laughed and said, "the attire for the women was mandatory to be short, no pantyhose, and that all of the women and men had to keep their clothes on all evening and thus the panties had to come off so they could be made love to for the evening with ease". I looked over at Sharon after she said that and she just smiled. I then asked about if anyone would know who or what I was, she was smiling and said, "no dear, you will be nothing more than a woman for the evening, all people know is that you are there only to please and will leave you alone sexually as far as your vagina".

We ate our lunch and we chatted in general about the party and I could see that Sharon was listening intently and then we finished our lunches and Sharon and Brenda grabbed their purses and headed for the ladies room, leaving me alone at the table. When they returned, both with their lips fixed up, they sat down and told me that I was going to have a great time at the party. We sat and chatted more and then ordered another round of drinks and I blushed as Brenda asked me to describe in detail my uniform I would be wearing to the party. I did and she smiled and told me that I was going to be a hit and that I would look perfect. She asked about me heels and Sharon spoke up and said, "oh I will make sure that they are the ones that she wore during the date with Paul and Eric". Brenda then asked Sharon, "are you sure?, she is going to be standing for hours in them, as she will not be allowed to sit down all night, and those were 4-1/4 inches". Sharon laughed and said, "of course she does it all the time, right Joyce?". I smiled back and told them both that I would be able to manage.

We finished our drinks and just before the bill came, I had to use the ladies room and Brenda grabbed her purse as well and followed me to the back and into the room. We both grabbed a stall and I sat down and did my business and then met Brenda at the mirror as we fixed our lipsticks. Brenda looked around the room and saw that we were alone and then looked over at me and said, "are you really SURE about the party?". I smiled as I closed my lipstick and said, "well, it does sound like a fun time, and if everyone does not know who or what I am, then sure". She smiled and told me that it was going to be a wild time and then said, "besides, I am sure you will get to clean up Brad's massive cock more than once". I smiled back and told her that I was looking forward to doing that. After closing our purses, we left and joined Sharon back at the table, and we all split the bill and settled the tab. We then grabbed our purses and headed out to the parking lot, were we all exchanged little hugs and Sharon ensured Brenda she would be sure to get me to the party on time. Brenda drove me home and took the opportunity to gently caress my legs and tell me how pretty they looked and felt, and could not wait to see them peaking out from under my uniform!. Brenda pulled into the driveway and I offered her to come in for a bit, but she told me she had to run to a meeting and leaned over and gave me a little kiss and told me she would see me on the day of the party.

The days leading up to the party, Sharon and I exchanged emails and she told me that she would clear out of the house and let me get ready starting at 1pm, it would be more than enough time, as Brad and Brenda only lived about 15 minutes drive away from us. The last email, she told me to have a great time and relax and enjoy.

Saturday finally came and around 1pm, I heard my spouse leaving and I was just getting undressed and I heard her call out, "have fun getting ready Joyce and I will be back in a bit, I have some running around to do". I jumped into the shower and made sure I was 100% clean and then after drying off, slipped on my terri-cloth robe and made my way downstairs to my bedroom and pulled out all of the clothes for the evening. First was my uniform, which was the classic black French Maid look, very short, black satin, white lace trim around the short sleeves and the bodice and the hem of the skirt, the skirt had a stiff crinoline built in, to push out the skirt, pure white satin little apron, a white lace garter, that I was going to use as a choker. Then the lingerie, which was a matching black satin and lace bra and panty set, and pair of pure white, frilly, "sissy panties" for modesty, (the only way I can describe them), and then the pair of black fishnet pantyhose. Jewelry was going to be simple, a single strand of pearls and little pearl drop earrings. I slid off the robe and put on my latex vagina and then the bra and panties and realized it was freezing in my room and quickly put the robe back on, then moved to the bathroom.

I started with my makeup and decided to leave my hair for when Sharon came home so that she could help me with it. I did my makeup on the dramatic side, heavier than normal eyeliner, deep purple on my eyelids, both upper and lower, then a thick coat of mascara. I put on my blush a little heavier than normal and then finally my deep burgundy lipstick. I slid off my robe and grabbed my obsession perfume and put it everywhere on my body, and before I froze, quickly started getting dressed. I grabbed a pair of satin gloves and slid on the black fishnet pantyhose, they felt amazing sliding up my legs. Once I had them up, I slipped into my comfortable 2" heels and then went and grabbed my uniform for the evening. I put it on and was able to get it zipped up all the way, I then put on the white satin apron, the "sissy panties", and grabbed the white lace band for my hair and played with how it would look, but decided to wait for Sharon to come home and have her help me with it. I put on the pearl necklace and small pearl drop earrings and then finally sat down and carefully did my nails to matching burgundy lipstick. As my nails were drying I heard Sharon come home and once they were dry, grabbed my strappy 4-1/4" heels, white, wide lace garter, and went upstairs to meet Sharon. Sharon looked me over and complimented me on my makeup job, telling me it suited the role I was playing and had me sit down and helped me put on the heels, asking, "are you really sure about these Joyce?". I told her that I would be fine, and she just shook her head. I asked her to help me with my hair and with a few bobby pins and brushing it out, she framed my face really well, and managed to work in the lace band for my hair. She asked about the choker and I told her that I was going to wait until I got to the party to put it on, and she told me that was a good idea.

We checked the time and it was a little after 3pm and we should get going, so I went down to my bedroom and grabbed my purse, making sure that everything was there and went back upstairs. Sharon was there with my long winter coat and handed me $40 and told me to put it in my wallet for a cab ride home. She helped me on with my coat and told me to do it up tight as it was really cool out and the clothes I was wearing I would freeze if I did not. I stuffed the choker into my purse and followed Sharon out the door to the car. As we drove to Brad and Brenda's house she held my hand and kept telling me how wonderful of an evening it was going to be and that she would be thinking about me.

We got to Brad and Brenda's and it was in a very ritzy area of Oakville, $700,000 homes and such, when we pulled in the driveway, I pulled out the lace choker and put it on and Sharon commented, "now the look is perfect, now go my dear, you have duties to perform". She gave me a little kiss and I left the car and she told me to relax and have a good time and she would see me later in the evening when the party was over. I grabbed my purse and went to the front door and did not even have to knock and there was Brenda, dressed in a little mauve spaghetti strap dress, she obviously had been to the salon as her hair and makeup were perfect. She was wearing her usual sheer black hose and 3" black strappy heels. She gave me a little hug and told me I smelled wonderful, then asked me for my coat and she lead me to the front hall closet and told me that all of the guests coats were to be hung up there. As I handed her my coat she had a huge smile and told me how "darling" I looked, she then asked for my purse and told me it was not going to be needed that for the evening, and placed it high up on the shelf in the closet.

She grabbed my hand and lead me into the spacious living room, were Brad was relaxing dressed in the same suit when he dated me, including the green silk tie, reading a magazine, he immediately got up and showered me with compliments and gave me a little kiss, telling me how much he was looking forward to the evening, and perhaps my lips, which made me blush. She told me it was time for a tour and still holding my hand lead me to one of the two bedrooms that were on the main floor. The first was called the "pink room" and had pink satin sheets on the bed and on the nightstand next to the bed was a vibrator and a bell. She explained that the vibrator was there for the guests in case they wanted it, the bell she would explain in a minute. Still hand in hand she lead me to the room called the "red room", which had red satin sheets, and again, there was a vibrator on the nightstand with a bell. She then lead me to the very spacious kitchen and started showing me were everything was. At this point I was getting nervous and excited all at the same time and was wondering what I was getting myself into. She then explained that I was to prepare all of the light finger foods and showed me were they all were, they included things like cucumbers, radishes, cheese and crackers, celery, etc. As well as the serving plates for them, she also showed me the fridge and the wine and where the glasses were and told me that she had a few things around the house to get ready, but she wanted to give me a few final instructions.

She grabbed her purse and pulled out a lipstick, which was the exact same as the one that I put on and was wearing and came up to me and gave me a light kiss and said, "this is for you, make sure your lips are always as pretty as they are now, no matter what happens", and reached down the front of my uniform and tucked it into my bra. Then she told me that all of the women will know to give you their panties and you can put them in this bag, which was a zip lock bag and she told me "they are for your memories and for you to keep", she then reached down and pulled off her panties and they were blue, satin and lace and handed them to me and said, "here is your first pair, and they just may fit you", pushing them up to my nose and I could smell her scent and then slowly putting them in the bag and then placed it on the counter, all the while smiling at me. She then reached into her purse and pulled out what looked like a box from a jewelry shop and told me to turn around and I did and felt her undo my pearl necklace and then felt a necklace being put around my neck. I asked her what it was for and she just said, "so people will know your name, consider this your first gift, from Brad and I, those are real diamonds and that is sterling silver". I had no clue what it was but by feeling I could make out a few letters of my name and gathered it spelt "Joyce". She then told me that to be proper I was going to be addressed as "Miss Devries", a single person type of reference, to which I agreed. I asked about the bell, and she just smiled and said, when you hear that, you are needed and they will be waiting for you to clean them up. Finally, she opened her purse and pulled out MY rhinestone tiara and came to me and carefully started to put it on and gave me a little kiss and once she was finished she told me that I looked perfect and that Sharon had given it to her in advance.

She smiled and said, "I have to get a few things ready, and you "Miss Devries", best get to work, the guests will be here in no time, oh and by the way, you do know that as a 'server', you are not permitted to sit down in front of the guests right?". I looked at her and told her I understood that and she just chuckled and said, "remember, you were the one that said those heels were no problem", I simply smiled back as she was about to leave the room. She then handed me a regular full length apron and helped me into it, tell me that I should wear it as to not ruin my satin uniform.

I started chopping and dicing the vegetables and laying the plates out and could hear Brad and Brenda talking and working on arranging things. I got 5 plates ready and started questioning my decision on the 4-1/4" heels, as my calves already started to ache, but I thought it was the fact I was just standing in one place. It was 5:50 pm and the doorbell rang and Brenda called out, "oh Miss Devries, one of guests have arrived". I quickly removed the longer apron.

For the purpose of this diary entry and the remainder of it, I have chosen not to refer to names, other than the obvious ones, the time was too wild and people came and went and to describe each one and to track them and describe them would make a mess of this wonderful evening and confuse the heck out of me as well for memories sake.

I cleaned up my hands and made sure my apron was straight and made my way to the door, I opened it and there was a professional looking couple, he was about 5'8", dressed in a nice gray suit, she, about my height very attractive, very long blond hair and wearing a figure hugging black lace over satin dress, sheer nude hose and clunky 2" heels. I welcomed them in and took their coats and hung them up, the woman came and gave me a slight hug and said, "you must be Joyce, we have talked so much about you, welcome, that outfit certainly is cute". She smiled at me and pulled up her dress and pulled off a pair of plain black cotton panties and put them in my hands and said, "I believe these are for you Miss Devries".

I smiled and thanked them and then headed to the kitchen to get a tray full of glasses of wine and heard Brad and Brenda talking with them, I put the panties in the bag. I came out and all 4 of them grabbed a glass and about that time the doorbell rang again, and I put the tray down in the kitchen and quickly went to the door. When I opened it there was an oriental couple, possibly in their 40's, he was in a blue suit, she was in a really cute short purple sequined dress, matching 4" heels, nude hose, but even with my heels and such, I towered over her, and I am only 5'2"!, her makeup was perfect and she was adorable. She came and gave me a little hug and told me I looked nice and that they were glad I had come to the party. I grabbed their coats and hung them up, she came to me and pulled up her little dress and pulled off her tiny silky purple and lace panties and handed them to me and gave me a little kiss on the cheek, saying, "for you Miss Devries", I smiled back at her and thanked her, and went to the kitchen and put them in the bag and then grabbed another tray of wine and brought it out and served them, taking empty glasses back to the kitchen.

Just as I was doing that, the last couple rang the doorbell and I hurried out to greet them, I opened the door, and they were a "30 something" couple, she was a very plus sized woman and he was a smaller sized man. He was in a gray business suit and she in a burgundy dress that was short and totally did not flatter her figure, she had on nude hose, basically flats for shoes, and smiled at me and gave me a little peck on the cheek as she walked in. I grabbed their coats and hung them up and came back and she already had her very large plain white cotton panties in her hand and came and gave me a light kiss and said, "these are for you my dear". I thanked her and took them to the kitchen and placed them in the bag with the other panties. After serving drinks to the last couple, Brenda came and quietly told me to start bringing out the trays I had prepared and I did. I placed them down, one after the other and once they were all out, the quests were nibbling and I stood to the side and held my hands in front of me as conversations went on. Every once in a while they would turn their eyes to me and made me blush as they commented on how cute I looked.

There was one last knock at the door around 7:10pm and Brenda looked at me and told me that she would take care of greeting this guest and I should continue serving the couples that were there. I went and got a tray of fresh wine glasses after picking up the empty ones and almost dropped them as I came back into the living room. As in the hallway was my spouse Sharon, in her white faux fur coat, perfectly made up, her hair up in a bun, she obviously went to the salon, with her black clutch purse and as Brenda helped her off with her coat I could see she was wearing one of MY DRESSES. I was in shock, as the dress was a short black form fitting velvet dress, really high front slit, with fuchsia satin trim around the top, she had on sheer black hose and 4" black patent heels. Brenda carried her coat into the main room and held her hand and then announced, "ladies and gentlemen, we have a surprise guest for this evening, this is a good friend of Brad and myself, Sharon, she is single and is looking for some action, please welcome her".

As stood there stunned, Brenda came up to me and quietly said to me, "she is a guest, please go hang up her coat and ask for her panties and no ones knows about you two". I walked towards Sharon and she was staring at me and smiled, I walked past her and hung up her coat and came and was still staring at me and quietly said, "surprised?", I was full of emotion at the time and did not want to answer and played the roll and said, "your panties mam please". She smiled at me and then pulled up the dress and pulled off a pair of black lace and satin panties I had never seen before and handed them to me and gave me a light kiss on my cheek and quietly said, "enjoy Miss Devries, and I do love this dress of yours". I looked back at her and she had a sly smile on her face as I went to the kitchen. I placed her panties into the bag and then grabbed another tray of glasses of wine and went and served the guests, including my spouse, Sharon, who was already flirting with Brad.

Eventually the heavy set woman placed down her glass of wine and came and gently grabbed my hand and said, "come my dear, I want to see what kind of girl we have invited to this party". I looked back at Sharon and Brenda and they were just smiling. She lead me to the "red room" and closed the door and then laid on the bed as I stood at the side and she pulled her dress up and as she spread her legs I could see that her pussy was completely shaved bald, she was wearing a garter belt and stockings, and motioned me to come and please her. I positioned myself in front of her and she had a very aromatic pussy to say the least and I started licking and sucking and was taking my time to ensure maximum stimulation. She must have been really horny, as before I knew it she was grinding her hips into me and came "like no tomorrow", she kept thrusting for about a minute or so and then finally stopped, breathing heavily. I got off the bed and was using the mirror in the bedroom to adjust my lipstick and she came and gave me a light kiss on the neck and told me that it was one of the most intense pussy lickings she had ever had, and I was to be congratulated. I turned to her and we shared a little kiss and she told me, "hope to see you a little later this evening as that was incredible". I looked in the mirror and saw the necklace that Brenda had put on me, and it was gorgeous, it was a diamond necklace and in the front was my name spelt out with a diamond in between each letter, it was amazing.

As I left the room after her I noticed several of the guests had finished their drinks and went and filled up another tray and headed back into the main room and served the drinks, I noticed that my hubby Sharon was missing, so was Brad, Brenda and the oriental gentleman. I served the drinks and was taking empty glasses back to the kitchen when I heard the first bell. I walked back into the main room and had to ask what room it was from and I was told it was the "pink" room, and headed towards it. I had no clue what was behind the door, but slowly entered it and there was Brad, with his huge member, deep inside my spouse's pussy, he had obviously cum in her. I walked to the bed and Brad told me to kneel and I did and he pulled out of her and moved his massive member to my lips and I quickly started licking and sucking all of the juices from it and again, it was a unique taste of he and my hubby, Sharon's juices. He then got off the bed and zipped up his pants and gave my hubby a long kiss and left he room, Sharon kept the dress still pulled way up, and I saw she was wearing stay ups and she asked me to lie down on the bed. I did and she lowered her also bald pussy to my face and globs of cum poured out and I licked and sucked it all up until it stopped. I started concentrating on her clit, but she stopped me and told me that she already had cum and wanted to get back to the party. She quickly got up and adjusted her dress, and said nothing to me. Leaving me lying on the bed and then went out of the room and back to the party. I pulled the lipstick out of my bra and used the mirror in the bedroom and applied a fresh coat.

I had only taken a step out of the "pink" room, when I heard the ring of the bell from the "red" room and walked into it to see the oriental gentleman inside Brenda, I noticed she also was wearing stockings and a garter belt and was shaved bald. I approached the bed and the oriental gentleman pulled out and laid back, and I moved on the bed and started licking and cleaning his modest sized member, which was not that big, I could take him all the way in easily, and enjoyed the flavor of him and Brenda, he then did up his pants and left the room. Brenda then asked me to lie back on the bed and I did and she lowered her pussy to my face, and "oh my God", I have never had so much cum come out of a pussy, she was at it for 3 minutes at least tons and tons came out, I could not believe from such a small member and person could this happen. She got off me and told me that I should make sure all of the drinks were properly taken care of, and got off the bed and adjusted her dress and left the room. After that I got off of the bed, and I made my way to the mirror to adjust my lipstick and then packed it away in my bra and then left the room to the main area and headed right to the kitchen as I could see a number of empty glasses.

When I came out with the tray, everyone was pretty much involved with everyone else, my spouse Sharon was heavily kissing with the professional looking man, his fingers were playing with her pussy under her dress. I saw Brad hand and hand with the oriental woman and they were going in the "pink room". The heavy set woman was kissing and playing with the professional woman, and got up, hand in hand and went to the "red" room. Brenda was making out with the oriental gentleman. I stared at my spouse and saw that she was really having a good time and I got a little jealous, but stuck to the task at hand and cleared the empty glasses and then grabbed a few of the trays that had the food and was in the kitchen restocking the plates when I heard a bell go off and knew that it was the room Brad went to. I walked past my husband and the professional man had three fingers jammed up her pussy, under MY DRESS and they were making out heavily.

I went in the "pink room" and Brad was firmly planted in her tiny pussy with his huge member. I closed the door and then walked to the side of the bed and had my hands clasped in front of me. Brad finished kissing her and came up, and pulled out of her and he looked at me and I knew to drop to my knees and slowly licked and cleaned all of the tangy juices off of his huge member. He zipped up his pants and left the room and closed the door, and then oriental girl, politely asked me to lay down, saying "Miss Devries, would please help clean me up?". I did and she pulled up her dress and I could see she was wearing stay ups and she lowered her pussy to my face. I saw her pussy as she lowered it to my face and it was so pretty, small and petite and also bald, and I could not imagine how Brad could have entered her, but he did as a load came out of her pussy and into my mouth. As I was licking and cleaning her up, then she lowered her pussy right to my lips and moaned out, "please Miss Devries, make me cum, please". I started licking her clit hard and fast and then she began rocking back and forth as I licked, slowly at first, but then faster and faster. She finally screamed out and shuddered as she came. She then rolled off of me, and was calming down and adjusting her dress and then I got up and made my way to the mirror, she then came up behind me and gently massaged my breasts and gave me a light kiss on the back of my neck, and said, "perhaps one day you can teach husband how to lick like that, it incredible", she then turned me around and gave me a little kiss and left the room.

I finished my lips and then left the room and headed to the kitchen, the time was 9:30 pm and I started putting hot food in the oven to heat for the guests as Brenda had asked. I noted that my spouse and the professional man were not in the main room, and knew they were in a room making love. I brought more drinks out and all of the people in the room were involved and were basically making out and feeling each other up, there were all sorts of combinations, female and female and male and female, basically waiting for a room to come free.

For me the routine was pretty much the same over and over, going in and cleaning up when a couple made love, and this happened so many times, I lost count, I know my hubby had been made love to at least once by all of the guys, I concentrated on making sure the food did not burn and serving it. As the night wore on, I REALLY started feeling the effects of the 4-1/4" heels, I have worn them for hours before, but never had to stand the entire time in them!, so the breaks were I laid down on the beds were welcome ones. As I suspected, the guys started to, shall we say, "run dry", the girls started going into the rooms together and my participation was not needed for those, but a memorable time did happen.

I had been standing for about 15 minutes as people were chatting and my heels were really starting to get to be a pain, and the "red" room door opened and out came my spouse and the heavy set woman hand in hand. Brenda then stood up and grabbed the professional woman's hand and then came to me and grabbed my hand and asked me to come to the "red" room. When the door was closed, she came and gave me a long kiss and then did the same with the professional woman. She then got up on the bed and pulled up her dress and told the professional woman to crawl up and start licking her, then handed me the vibrator and told me to go to the rear of the professional woman and to insert the vibrator and pleasure her. I turned it on and pushed her dress up and as she licked Brenda's pussy, I slowly inserted it into her already well lubricated bald pussy and gently moved it in and out. After about 10 minutes, Brenda started breathing heavy and then the professional woman called out, "faster!, faster!", I pushed in and out faster and faster and eventually Brenda started shuddering while she orgasm, and then the professional woman did as well. They cuddled together and were kissing and fondling each other's breasts and I got off the bed and went back to take care of the guests.

I picked up some of the empty trays and took them to the kitchen and noted that all of the people, except for the professional woman and Brenda were in the main room, sipping on wine and talking. I saw the time was 1:30am, and my calves and feet were absolutely killing me. Brenda eventually came into the kitchen and asked if I was alright and I told her I was (even though I was lying), and told me that guests were going to be leaving and they needed their coats.

I left the kitchen and the party was breaking up, all of the guests were hugging and kissing and telling each other how wonderful the evening was, including my spouse. I stood patiently by the door and then one by one they came and I handed them their coats and each one of them, male and female, gave me a long probing kiss and a hug and told me how much they appreciated me, including my spouse!, and I watched as she walked out the door in her faux fur coat and got in her car and drove off. I went back to the main room and helped clean up the last of the glasses and plates and then Brenda asked me to the main room and had me sit down. She sat down next to be and Brad came with a series of presents, neatly wrapped and handed the first one to Brenda and said, this is for you, from the professional couple, I opened it and it was an absolutely gorgeous deep burgundy negligee, long silk and lace all over the bodice with a matching cover, and Brenda whispered to me, "it is pure silk", and it matches your lipstick. Then she handed me another package and in this one was 5, yes 5!, vouchers for Stage West, and they were for Saturday night performances and for 2!, she told me that was from the oriental couple. Last package was from the other couple and I opened it and it was a gorgeous diamond ring, with parts of my birthstone in it, I slipped it on and it was the perfect size!, Brenda told me that they were real diamonds. I was shocked, but loved each and every one of the gifts.

Brad had left the room, but he came back in, he was completely naked and as Brenda moved the gifts to a table I saw her leave and go to one of the bedrooms, and Brad came and gave me a big long kiss, and moved my hand to his massive member, and I started caressing him. I saw Brenda come back and she was in a little black lace teddy, still wearing her stockings and heels and had a vibrator in her hand. Brad then said, "I saved some for you", I smiled and leaned over and started licking and sucking him till he started getting hard. Brenda on the other hand came and sat down next to me and started caressing my breasts and turned on the vibrator, pulled up my skirt and started gently rubbing it over my crotch. I found it hard to concentrate on Brad as I was getting more and more excited. I was thrusting my hips to get more and more excited and Brenda picked up the pace of getting me more and more excited and then I felt the pre-cum of Brad building and then he blew and gave me a mouthful of his juice and I swallowed it, and then as I was cleaning him up, I could take no more and blew my own load into my latex vagina and it did not stop for a while and I saw stars. I threw my head into the couch as my crotch was up in the air and then finally collapsed.

When I came down from the orgasm which was about 2 minutes, Brenda was there and was slowly massaging my legs and back, and had a brand new pair of black sheer pantyhose, a new pair of black lace and satin panties and she had a plastic bag and my purse. I grabbed everything and quickly made my way to the bathroom as I had my own seed running down my legs and jumped into the bathtub and pulled down my pantyhose and panties and emptied the latex vagina into the bathtub, and it was a bunch!. I used a washcloth and cleaned up my crotch and slid on the new panties and carefully opened the package and slid on the new pantyhose. I took the latex vagina and my soiled panties and put them in the plastic bag and then into my purse. I freshened my lipstick and joined Brenda back in the main room and she had the snap of her teddy open and was massaging her pussy. I put down my purse and asked her if she was still horny. She just smiled and said, "Oh I am, and Brad is in bed and I want to get off again, and you are the only one left".

I laid down on the couch and Brenda crawled up on me and put her well worn pussy in my face and I started licking and sucking on her clit and pussy. She started rocking back and forth and then eventually was screaming and came and came. She got off me and told me how good I was at licking pussy, and went to the kitchen. I sat up and applied another coat of lipstick, and she came back with a glass of wine for me, my first of the evening and it was 3:23 am!, as well as the bag of panties from all of the women. She told me that she had ordered a cab for me, as she had had too much to drink for the evening and could not drive me home. We chatted about the evening and I asked about my spouse and she laughed and told me that it was planned right from the start that she was going to be participating. I asked if she had in the past behind my back and she gave me a light kiss and told me that she had not, "and this was her first time and probably her last, only reason she came is that you were here".

I had just finished my glass of wine and the doorbell rang and Brenda helped me with my coat and I did it up tight and she came and took off my tiara and the garter and told me to tuck it in my purse, and I did and then she came with a bag with all of my gifts and then gave me a long kiss and told me that she would be in touch. I left into the very cold and chilly night to the cab and the driver knew were I wanted to go and started to drive me home. As he drove me home, I was thinking about the wild events of the evening and what had actually happened. Before I knew it we pulled into my driveway and could see that the house was dark. I paid the driver and then left the cab and went in the downstairs entrance and then to my room. I stripped off my uniform and heels and my legs were killing me. I put on the brand new lingerie I just got and it was like heaven as I slipped it on and then got into my bed and very quickly fell asleep.


  • Monday morning, our house must have smelled like a funeral home, as all of the couples, including Brad and Brenda sent me a dozen roses, red, yellow and pink. * We will be using one of the Stage West vouchers for our anniversary in December 2003. * The day after the Saturday evening, my jaw was so sore that I could not even talk, and my legs were so sore, I could barely walk.

So here is the offer: I AM NOT A PRO. This 38 year old, petite, passable TV, would love to entertain you if you are in my area, Toronto Ontario, as described in the story above. I love to be the girl of your dreams, and as long as I can remain the girl at all times, I would love to hear from you. I am not interested in being a TV/TS "girlfriend" and "BI" sex, but rather I will be the woman of your dreams for a wonderful and possible formal evening, I promise, you will not go home frustrated. If you are a NON-smoking male or female, that would like my company for the evening, please contact me, kisses,

Joyce Devries, joyce_devries@hotmail.com ICQ: 26082876

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