What a Surprise

By Mark Fischer

Published on Dec 8, 2023


I woke up a few hours later because I didn't want to sleep the day away and I needed to pee. I swing my legs off the bed and step on boy, for a moment forgetting he's still in my house. I hear his startled cry and he's up on his feet in no time. "Morning Sir", he says with the a deep sleepy voice. "Morning boy, to the bathroom, I have to piss." With that he's off to drink his first piss of the day. I tell him to sit on the toilet and then place my cock in his mouth and let it flow. He gulps it down, better than he did last night. After I'm through I tell him to pee also and do it in the toilet. I then ask him if he's working today and he tells me he's off for the week also. "Good, then your training will continue today."

I'm hungry so I ask him if he can cook and he says yes so I have him fix us some breakfast. As I read the paper I watch him moving around the kitchen preparing the meal and his dick is hard and leaking. Whenever he gets close to the stove or the counters, his dick is in the way and I just smile. In the daylight I get a good look at his features. He's 35 and about 5' 8", 145 lbs, nipples the size of quarters, defined chest with little hair, low hanging balls, muscular legs, and arms that are defined as well but nothing too muscular and his dick is probably 7 inches. I on the other hand am 45 and 6', 160, hairy chest, well defined body, low hanging balls and my cock is 9 inches. Just to tease him I'm wearing underwear and a robe. I like to be dressed while my boy is naked. While we eat I allow him a place at the table where we discuss what the day will be like. First he must get his water problem at his house corrected, then he's going to learn to keep his pussy clean inside and out, then we'll see what happens after that. Before I have him clean the kitchen I have him call the water department. He tells me they'll be out by 12:00 today. Once the kitchen's cleaned I have him shower since we don't have much time before the appointment and we'll get back to his training. After the shower he begs me to let him cum telling me how horny he is but I tell him he has to wait, then I shove my cock in his mouth and down his throat a couple of times and tell him to go home and I'll be there shortly. "And do NOT touch your dick, do you hear me?", I say to him sternly. He meekly says, "Yes Sir."

While he's gone I shower and dress then go next door to see how things are going. The water man is already there and Mike (that's boy's name) is sitting at his dining room table smoking a cigarette and drinking coffee. He stands to greet me and I slap his crotch a couple of times, making him whimper. We sit and he pours me some coffee and we talk waiting for the water guy to complete his task. While we're waiting I have to pee and ask him where his bathroom is but before I go I tell him to wait for me (and he looks disappointed). I pick up his empty coffee mug and take it with me. As I come back with his warm drink he's talking to the water guy who is quite handsome. While the guy's talking, boy cannot keep his eyes off of the man's cock. I hand boy his mug and shake the water guy's hand. Water guy goes back to explaining the situation and how the problem's solved and boy is still checking him out. Water guy notices the mug and can tell it's not coffee and smiles real big. Before leaving he asks is he can use the bathroom so I tell boy to show the man where it is.

Boy doesn't return immediately so I go down the hall and hear water guy telling boy to sit and he'll give him what he likes. As I turn into the bathroom boy is on the toilet with water guy's cock in his mouth and drinking his piss. I smile at the both of them and watch until he's through. Without a word he zips up, thanks me not boy and starts to head out. I stop him before he's out the door and tell him to come back sometime and I'll have my boy show him a good time. "Thanks man, I will" and shakes my hand.

Boy is still in the bathroom and I find him with his jeans around his ankles and he's stroking his dick. "No boy! What did I tell you about that?, I holler at him. He stops and looks like a little kid being caught, almost getting ready to cry. "And now you'll be punished for disobeying me. Now get up and follow me" and I head to the living room. I tell him to strip and lay across me lap. I proceed to spank him until he's crying, pleading that he'll be good and his ass is nice and red. "Now maybe you'll think about following orders" and i push him to the floor. "Now get dressed, we have some things we need for your training today."

We stop at the drugstore and I have him buy an enema kit, lube, rope and a few other needed items. Then we head to an adult bookstore where I have him purchase butt plugs in different sizes, dildos also in assorted sizes, and a ball stretcher. Before we leave I take him to the bathroom and tell him to drop his jeans, I stick the smallest plug in his mouth and tell him to get it good and wet, then I pull it from his mouth and plug his pussy with it. He moans and whimpers but doesn't protest. "Now pull up your jeans and let's go", I command. As he walks out ahead of me I can tell he's not comfortable but he doesn't utter a word.

Back at his house I tell him to strip and lead him to the bathroom with our goody bags in my hands. I have him bend over and tell him to push as I pull the plug from his pussy. I show it to him and say, "See, this is why your first lesson today is to keep yourself cleaned out at all times." I have him wash the plug while I get the enema bag ready. Once the bag is full I have him bend over and place the nozzle inside his pussy and let the water flow and his dick is standing straight up. As the soapy water is working he starts looking bewildered and wanting to let it loose but I tell him to hold it until I say so. After a few minutes of him squirming and pleading, I tell him I'll leave him to sit on the toilet and let it all out. Once that's done I tell him repeat the enemas until only clear water is coming out and he is to let me know when he's through. Several minutes later he'd calling for me so I come in and inspect him. His pussy looks all nice and clean so I fill the bag again and fill him up once more and tell him to get in the tub. "Now squat and let the water out of your pussy," I tell him. He does just that and what a sight to see him in that position. "See you do have a pussy. It gets fucked and now it pisses." He is so humiliated but his dick is hard and asks if he can cum. "Of course not and stop asking me. I'll tell you when you can cum," I bark at him. "Yes Sir," he responds feeling defeated. "Boy if you don't stop worrying about cumming, then I'll have you buy yourself a chastity belt and your little dick won't even get hard. How would you like that boy?" I sneer at him. "Please Sir, I don't know what that is but I'll be good, I promise," he says very quietly.

"Show me your bedroom," I say to boy and he leads the way. "Now show me your underwear and jockstraps." He goes to a dresser drawer and pulls everything out. I pick through the underwear trying to find a small pair and choose one as well as a jock. I have put on the jockstrap but his dick is so hard it sticks out the top so I smack his balls and slap his dick around and I can tell he's trying to hold off on shooting his load so I tell him to let it go. He shoots it on the floor and while he's coming down from his orgasm I tell him to clean it up with his tongue, which he does. After that's done his dick is soft enough to put in the jock and I pat his crotch and tell him that's all he can wear today in the house. He thanks me for letting him cum.

"Boy, I've got some things to do today so you take care of your house and get things put away and cleaned up and tonight I'll be back and maybe have a surprise for you." I say before I get ready to leave. "Yes Sir, I will and I look forward to seeing you. Can I fix you dinner?" he asks. "Yes you can. I'll see you later." And before I walk out the door I kiss him deeply. At first he'd not sure about kissing but he accepts my tongue and kisses back very passionately and hugs me like he's sorry to see me go.

Next: Chapter 4

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