What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 6, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What A Life 5

2003, Cock Robin 2

During the summer after graduating from Penn, Robin had an internship in a medical lab at Penn, working on virology research. He had intended to just continue living in the apartment he shared with his roommates, but they had left after graduating. Robin had been spending a lot of nights at my loft, and so I suggested that he move in for the summer. He was lucky to find a summer sublet for his apartment, albeit at a discount. The place was furnished so all he had to move were his personal things.

We had a wonderful summer together. In the morning, we would have coffee and breakfast, and he would take the subway to Penn and I would go to work in my studio. He was usually back between six and seven, and we would have dinner I made, sometimes Ugandan dishes he cooked or we would go out for Chinese or whatever.

And then there was the sex: just about every night was an adventure with Robin. We had to stop the multiple encounters each night because he had to be alert and functional at his lab the next day. That did not preclude us from indulging for a couple of hours before falling asleep, or having a quickie on awaking in the morning or during a morning shower.

After a few weeks with Robin, I admitted to him that I loved him, but missed being a real sex-pig at the baths, indulging in three- and four-ways or going to an occasional sex party. He said that he loved me too, but also loved indulging in anonymous and group sex--safe of course--and so we started about once a week going to the baths or picking up other guys to play with. We went to a couple of great sex parties during the summer--friends with pools, etc.--and Robin was in heaven with the abundance of older guys there to satisfy his daddy cravings.

Before meeting Robin, I had planned a week at one of my favorite gay resorts, and since it fell during the several weeks he had between his internship and starting med school on the west coast, I asked him if he would like to join me, my treat of course. He had planned to spend a week camping anyway, before seeing his parents in New York for a week, but had not fleshed out his plans, so he agreed. He could stay in my room with a modest increase in the rate, and the cost of the flight was not a big deal for me.

So in the late afternoon one Friday in August, we checked into our room, just off the pool at the resort. I took him on a quick tour of the place: pool, hot-tub, video room, glory holes, the works, and then we went to dinner in town, foregoing the free cocktails and buffet at the resort for a much better dinner out. When we got back, we were tired from the travel and made love and fell asleep early.

The following morning, we had scheduled a windjammer lunch cruise. While in the line for the breakfast buffet, we were joined by another "dad-son" couple. Paul was in his early 50s, in good shape but with a solid looking belly and a hairy chest going gray. He was a VP in a big firm in Chicago. He was with a stunning young man in is early 20s, Jason. Jason looked like a porn star: six feet tall, probably about 175 or 180 pounds with a well-muscled but natural body: one of those guys that was born with it and didn't have to work to get the great definition, six-pack abs and great pecs. He was wearing board shorts and a tank top, and the shorts looked like there was a nice package underneath. He told us he worked as a trainer.

We had breakfast together, and both guys were very personable. I was lusting over Jason, and Robin was lusting after Paul. He was also scanning the other guests, among whom there were a number of other daddy types. Since the resort was not cheap, it tended to attract more mature men who were successful financially.

Robin and I went on our (non-gay) windjammer cruise and got back to the resort around four. We were tired from the day in the sun, and lay down for a nap before dinner. Around six, we got up, took a quick shower, got into our swimsuits, T-shirts with flip-flops and headed out to the bar area for the complimentary drinks followed by the dinner buffet.

We met several attractive men before drifting once again to Paul and Jason. We talked of this and that--mostly small talk--while we drank and then helped ourselves to the dinner buffet.

After dinner we sat around talking trash for a while, and then the "boys" decided to go for a swim. They stripped off their T-shirts and headed to the pool, the eyes of all the men there following them. Robin wore a lemon-yellow Speedo, his muscled very black skin glistening in the lighting around the pool as the sun was going down and the daylight was fading. The Speedo showed off his big package. Jason had on board shorts, but it was easy to see how endowed he was anyway. They both dived into the pool and Robin quickly and effortlessly swam to the other end, a picture of power and grace. Jason swam well but was no match for Robin.

They started to chase one another, but it was clear that Jason was outclassed by Robin. Robin turned around and chased Jason, and when he got near him, dived. There was a tussle as Jason fought off Robin under water. But in 30 seconds, Robin surfaced with a broad grin on his face, waving Jason's board shorts in his hand. He threw them onto the pool edge near our feet, and took off to the other side of the pool, Jason in hot pursuit. Robin dived, and surfaced half a pool away and Jason turned to renew the chase. Again, Robin dived, and this time, Jason managed to get him cornered. Laughing, they wrestled in the corner, Robin pushing Jason under, but Jason surfaced in a few seconds, waving Robin's yellow Speedo, which he tossed at our feet.

For the next few minutes, the men around the pool were treated to quite a sight as the boys raced and dived, jumping up and then diving with their bare asses on display. After a few more minutes of horsing around they swam over to where we were sitting by a table enjoying a glass of wine.

Hoisting themselves out of the water was a beautiful sight, as their arms and chest muscles flexed and strained and they deftly emerged--beautiful mermen--from the pool, naked and gorgeous. Now their full manly beauty was on display: their big cocks and balls. I was used to seeing Robin naked, but Jason took my breath away: his flaccid cock must have been at least six inches long and thick, and his balls were the size of golf balls.

They picked up their swimsuits, shirts, and towels and Jason said, "We're gonna check out the hot tub. Why don't you join us?"

"We'll just finish our wine and see you in a few," I said. Paul nodded in agreement. With that, they sauntered off, naked with their big cocks swinging between their meaty thighs, a gay man's wet dream. Every guy around the pool was staring with their mouths open, some reaching down to adjust the growing bulges in their pants.

I said to Paul, "Your boyfriend is really something. Geez, how big is that thing when it's hard?"

"Ten and one half by seven, I measured it," he said, "and I have a little confession: He's not my boyfriend."

"No?" I said, intrigued.

"Well," he said, sheepishly, "he's an escort I hired for the trip. I've seen him off and on for about a year, and I explained to him that what I wanted was to have him available for my needs 24/7, and that at this place there is usually a lot of trading of partners, 3- and 4-ways and so forth. He's cool with that and we made it clear that sex with others would be included in the generous fee I'm paying. He really enjoys sex. I didn't have to twist his arm. I almost think he woulda come gratis just for the kicks. Robin is super-hot," he added, "is he cool with maybe trading partners tonight?"

"He's been eyeing you since we met," I said. "He's really into daddies. By the way, he is mostly a bottom, but if you like sucking cock, his is fantastic and getting it sucked until he cums in your mouth is one of his favorite things. I can get fed every time I do it. He's also a fantastic bottom. Active, verbal, loves getting fucked any way you can do it. He has the most mobile ass I've ever had, both inside and out. And he's good for as many times in a night as you can do it!" I stopped to finish my glass of wine. "But I'm sounding a bit like a pimp" I said with a chuckle. "How about we go join the boys and see what happens?"

Of course we both had hard-ons now, but who cared if they showed? At this place was clothing optional, more so as the night went on, and erections were the business of the night. Paul finished his wine and we got up to go join Robin and Jason in the hot tub.

The hot tub is big enough for about 15 guys at once, and when we got there, Robin and Jason were sitting on the near side and there was a couple in their 30s on the other. They were talking softly and making out from time to time. We took off our T-shirts and climbed into the tub, me next to Jason, Paul next to Robin. The Jacuzzi was going so you could not see under the water at all. We leaned back in the warm, bubbling water.

"Nice life here, huh?" I said to Jason.

"Yeah," he replied, "I'm having a ball," and he winked at me.

"So you're having a good time?" I asked. "Tell me about it."

"Well, maybe later," he said looking me in the eye and putting his hand on my thigh.

"OK," I said, as I drew him into a kiss, putting my hand on his tight belly and slowly moving it up to his chest. "Play with me tonight?" I asked.

"Uh huh," he murmured as he moved his hand up to my hard cock and my tongue pushed its way into his mouth. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see that Robin was kissing Paul passionately. "Nice cock ring," he whispered. I had put on my engraved silver cock ring before dinner, anticipating this encounter.

We continued kissing and caressing each other's bodies, taking short breaks to whisper--who knows what?--to each other. Robin and Paul were entwined, and the couple across the pool were making out passionately with no awareness that we were there. Up until now, I had been steering clear of Jason's cock even though he had slipped his hand down my swim suit to grab mine.

"Afraid of something?" he asked, smirking.

"No," I said, "just leaving the best for the last."

I kissed him again and moved my hand down to his thigh, then slowly up to caress and cup his balls, feeling their weight. They were shaved smooth as a baby and I was looking forward to getting them in my mouth. Then I moved my hand up to his cock, which was standing straight up. I closed my fingers around it but they wouldn't meet.

"Everybody tries that first," he said. "I've had a couple of pro basketball players whose hands were really big and they could do it."

"What's it like having sex with someone seven feet tall?" I said, smirking back at him.

"Oh, they were OK," he said, "but kinda full of themselves. I like guys who act more like a real boyfriend, not just a john."

"Well, I'm a John," I quipped.

"You know what I mean," he said, smiling.

I slowly moved my fingers up, feeling his length, the wonderful upward curve that I find so appealing and that feels so good when I am getting fucked on my back. His cock did, indeed, feel ten and a half inches long (and I have felt many, many cocks of all sizes--some bigger if you can imagine: remember my year of over 1000 men when I turned 40?). You could call me a bit of an expert. Our lips were locked, and as I lightly moved my fingers up and then swirled them around the head of his cock, and then back down again, he moaned softly and whispered in my ear "Fuck, that feels good. Keep going but don't tease me so much."

"Baby, I love to tease," I whispered back.

"Oh pleaseÉ." he said.

I just kept it up, this time circling my fingers lightly around his cock, barely touching it, and moving my hand up and down. His hand was still in my swimsuit, working my cock, but I pushed it aside so that it was just me doing the pleasuring.

Next to us, Robin and Paul were clearly working each other's cocks under the warm water. Across from us, the 30s couple had stopped making out and one of them pushed himself out of the water to sit on the edge of the hot tub. You could see his erection tenting his swim suit, and his partner moved around between his legs, pulled down his trunks, an plunged his mouth down on his hard cock, eliciting a loud moan from his partner.

Seeing that, we heard Paul softly say to Robin, "You want me to do that?" and Robin answered, "Oh yeah, daddy." He pulled himself up on the side of the hot tub and leaned back on his elbows as Paul parted his legs and started licking and kissing the inside of his thighs, working his way up to his throbbing cock. Robin was wearing his jeweled cock-ring, and so his cock was extra big, extra hard, and extra sensitive. Paul kissed the tip of Robin's cock and his mouth took about three quarters of it in before he had to stop. Robin moaned, like he always does when I suck him, which I think is his favorite thing on earth.

Several other men had gathered around watching. There was an unwritten rule to keep your distance unless a gesture or glance invited you over to join, and Robin and Paul were not doing any inviting, nor was the couple across the tub.

Jason whispered, as I fingered his cock head, "You wanna do that?"

"Yeah, baby, but not here. Let's go to my room."

He started to leave the hot tub when I stopped him and said, "I think you'd better put on your board shorts. You might start a riot walking around with that flag-pole waving in the breeze."

He smiled, grabbed his swim suit and somehow managed to fit his cock into it. While he was at it, I marveled at Robin's glistening black abs and chest, working as he slowly thrust up to meet Paul's mouth. I knew from experience that he would be cumming soon.

Jason and I climbed out of the water, and dried ourselves off with our towels. "We'll catch you guys later. Come to our room if you want," I said, but I'm not sure that Robin and Paul heard me. I took Jason by the hand to lead him to my room, with a bevvy of envious men following us with their eyes. There was no way to hide his giant erection and my more-than-average one.

In my room, I turned to him and said, "Let's get naked," and we quickly stripped of our swimsuits. I had turned down the lights before Robin and I headed out for dinner, and laid out condoms, poppers, lube, and some moist wipes and towels.

Seeing my naked body and erection, Jason said, "John, I really like what I see."

"I hope you like what you'll feel," I replied.

I faced him, put my hand around his cock and pulled him into a deep kiss, letting go to get both hands around him, feeling his strong lats, and his muscular ass. I hooked my hands under his arms to feel his shoulder muscles and his traps at the top of his back, then down again to the cords of muscle on either side of his spine on his lower back.

"Sit on the bed," I commanded, and he complied. I moved forward standing in front of him and tilted his chin up to kiss me. When we broke the kiss, he leaned forward and gently took my cock in his hand. "Fuck, that's beautiful," he said.

"Thanks, I'm glad you think so. You've probably seen a lot of cocks," I said.

"Why would you think that?" he said, smirking a little.

"Paul let on what your arrangement is. Don't worry, I'm cool with it. I've tried a few escorts in my day, though I gotta say you beat the pants off of them all."

Playing along he said, "Well you haven't really tried out the merchandise yet."

"OK," I said, "why don't you give it a taste," and I moved forward so my cock was right in front of his mouth. He bent forward and took me down to the base--no preliminaries, kisses, caresses, etc.--but a full-on blow job.

His mouth moved up and down and he did amazing things with his tongue and throat muscles, bringing me close to cumming three of four times before I pulled away and said "Your turn."

I knelt in front of him an reached over to retrieve a leather snap-on cock ring from the drawer in the bedside table. I looped it under his balls and snapped it tightly around his erection. His hard cock almost instantly got even harder and lengthened perceptibly, easily to over eleven inches.

Then I started to work toward the prize. I caressed his muscular thighs, kissed and licked the insides, moving closer and closer to his balls. I took my time. He lay back, and closed his eyes. I kept up my soft, slow approach, while I watched his penis throb with each beat of his heart.

I approached his balls, shaved smooth. I blew warm breath on them as my hands slid up his thighs and then his sides, coming together on his six-pack. He whimpered, "Please, John, pleaseÉ." and I replied "All in good time, baby."

I reached my tongue out and softly flicked it on his balls, just the lightest flicker, while my hands moved up to his chest, sliding from the center out to his erect nipples. I kissed his balls lightly as I found his nipples and gently started massaging them between my thumbs an forefingers, while my kisses and licking continued all over his balls.

I reached over to the bedside table, grabbed the poppers, and opened them, taking a deep inhale on each nostril and handing them to him. He did the same as I took one of his balls into my mouth and swirled it around as the poppers washed over me, and my desire for his huge cock became overwhelming. From now on, I was going to make love to every inch of it, worship it, and do my best to make him feel the best oral sex I could give and, hopefully, the best he had ever received.

He moaned loudly as the poppers took him on a wave of pleasure. I licked up his length, and then took him in my mouth. I could only work the top four or five inches because he was so thick, but with him in my mouth, I just held him there, sucking and releasing the pressure, and moving my tongue around the sensitive area just under the head of his cock.

I moved my hands down and held his cock with one hand, and pulled, caressed and lightly squeezed his balls with the other. My mouth started to move up and down on his thick shaft, and my spit started running down the sides, coating his balls.

He moaned loudly and bucked his hips up to meet my mouth, and he propped himself up on his elbows so that he could watch me. I paused and looked up at him, and he bent forward to kiss me and whisper, "Don't stop John" before taking another hit of poppers.

For about fifteen minutes, I sucked, caressed his cock, ran my lips up and down the underside and flicked my tongue at that hot spot under the head. He bucked his hips, and pulled me off of him four times whispering "Baby, I don't wanna cum yet."

All good things have to end sometime. I worked him up so that he was almost screaming with delight, and I knew he was not far away from cumming. When he took another deep whiff of the poppers, I did too and I sped my mouth up, and stroked the base of his cock with one hand while pulling his balls down with the other. He yelled, "Oh fuck, JohnÉ." and his cum exploded in my mouth. I pulled back a little so that rather than going straight down my throat, I caught it on my tongue so I could savor his sweet/salty semen. He shot six good shots and then his cock contracted another six or eight times before he was done.

He smiled at me and said "John, that was fuckin' amazing. I want to go another time. Please?"

I kissed him, sharing his cum with him as our tongues wrestled together, and then I said "I have other plans, Jason." I milked the final drops of semen out of his still-hard cock, and licked them off, then got up and said, "Lie back on the bed and let me join you."

He lay on the bed on his back, his big cock poking toward his chin. I lay down next to him, my head on his shoulder, and a hand on his chest, rubbing it in slow circles, and letting it move south slowly in circles until it found his hard cock. Our lips met again and we kissed deeply as I thrust my hard cock against his hip and stroked him slowly.

My cock ring was keeping me ultra-hard and I felt like my normal seven-plus inches was more like eight, but who measures at a time like this? I was enjoying just lying next to him and feeling his young, hard body, reveling in his post-cum intimacy. But, it was also my turn for some pleasure and simply lying there, making out and shoving my cock against his hip was definitely not going to be enough.

After a few minutes I put my leg over him and then straddled him, reaching around to pull his cock up between my buns. I moved my hands over his beautiful pecs until I got his nipples between my thumb and forefinger, and gently stimulated them as I bent forward to kiss him. He shoved his cock up and down between my buns and I moved my hips to rub my cock against his sweating belly. Gradually I moved up until my cock was on his chest. He reached up and held it against his chest and I fucked his hand for a little while.

That felt really good, but I wanted the pleasure of his mouth again. "Scoot down the bed a bit," I said, and he complied, moving just enough that I could hold onto the headboard and get my cock into his mouth which I wasted no time in doing.

For the next seven or eight minutes, I fucked his mouth very slowly enjoying his talented lips and tongue, and sometimes just a touch of his teeth, which I find very stimulating. He brought me close to cumming a couple of times and I had to pull out to cool off, and bent over to kiss him again.

Finally, I pulled out and said, "Scoot back up and turn over," and he did what I asked. I still straddled him, and now my cock was just above his spectacular muscular buns. I reached over and got some lube and squirted it there, and spread it from his hole and up to his back. Speaking of his back, it too was spectacular. His arms were up on either side of his head, and his back spread from a narrow waist to his broad shoulders. He had those two ridges of muscle on either side of his spine just above his buns. His muscular lats flared out at his sides, and it was all topped off by his beautiful traps and deltoids: an incredible display of male beauty.

I lay forward with my chest on his back, and moved my hands around to cup his chest and started dry-fucking his buns. He responded by squeezing them together, and I kissed his neck and nibbled on his neck an ears, whispering, "Fuck, Jason, you're hot. Do you know what I want?"

He played along: "No John, I don't think I do."

"What's the closest two men can be? What's the ultimate act of love between two guys?" I whispered.

He still played dumb: "Fuck if I know," he whispered back.

"Spread your legs and I'll help you find out," I said.

He moved his thighs apart, and when he did so, his ass moved up to reveal the ultimate source of pleasure. I moved down and knelt between his legs, shoved my arms under his legs an put my hands on his lower back, and dived in with my mouth to pleasure his pink, shaved hole. I kissed his buns and kept moving closer and closer to his anus. He pleaded "Please, please, John, you're making me feel so good but you know what I want."

"HmmmÉ.," I said, "I wonder what that can be," and I started to kiss his hole, and probe him with my tongue.

"Oh fuck, please, please, baby," he pleaded. "Don't tease me."

"Gonna make you wait," I growled to him softly, and spent the next five minutes rimming him relentlessly. But, to tell the truth, my cock was throbbing almost painfully, it was so hard.

Finally, I relented. I grabbed a condom from the bedside table. "I'm negative," he said, "got tested just before coming here."

"Great, Jason," I said, "but I err on the side of caution. Show me your test results after this and I'll show you mine and we can take it from there, OK?"

"Sure, I want you to be comfortable" he said.

I ripped open the condom, rolled it on, then got more lube from my pump bottle and leaned forward to nuzzle his neck as I worked one finger, then two, then three slowly into his hole. He whimpered and squirmed and begged "Please, please, John," and I whispered, "Let's do some more poppers."

He grabbed the bottle, twisted it open and took two deep inhales, one on each nostril, and then handed them to me and I did the same. I positioned my cock at his anus, and he reached around to guide me in and I pushed slowly all the way in, just as the poppers hit him and he whispered, "Oh fuck, baby, that's just what I want."

The poppers hit me just as I bottomed out and I was now in my mode of complete abandonment to pleasure. My cock felt super-sensitive and felt like it had grown a couple of inches. He massaged me with his sphincter as I leaned forward with my back against his and he turned his head to kiss me as I slowly started to fuck him. My hands found his nipples once again and our bodies were in total contact as we moved as one: he raised his ass to meet each slow, passionate thrust, and worked my cock with is anus.

"Oh God," he whispered, "that feels so fuckin' good. I don't want it to stop."

"Me either," I whispered back, "but I am so turned on that I don't think I'm going to last long."

I kept up the slow, intense rhythm for a couple more minutes, and whispered to him "I'm gonna cum soon. Hand me the poppers."

He said, "Me too," and passed me the bottle. I took two hits and handed it back to him and he did the same.

I pulled his body to mine as he turned his head, the poppers hit both me and him a few seconds later, as we both climaxed together. I could feel his anus contracting around my cock: five, six, seven strong contractions followed by some weaker ones as I shot my load into the condom.

When I was done, we collapsed into a sweaty pile of skin and muscle on the bed, our lips glued in a final kiss. I lay on his back for a few minutes, enjoying the post-coital bliss and then rolled off him. He turned to face me and we kissed again. I reached for one of the towels on the bedside table, wiped his cum off the sheets (I'm sure the resort did plenty of cleaning of cum-stains on the sheets!), pulled off the condom, and put it on the bedside table. He bent down, took my cock into his mouth an cleaned off the residue of my cum, then came back up for a kiss.

I laid back and he put his head on my shoulder an whispered to me "That was really special, John. When Paul told me I would be having sex with other guys here, I didn't think that it would be with someone who treated me like his lover. Thank you."

"And thank you, Jason. You're a special guy and I am really happy we could have this time together. Do you want to stay with me tonight?"

"Do you have some more plans for us, John?" he asked with smile.

"What do you think, Jason?" I said.

"Just let me go to my room and get a change and toothbrush," he said, and he got up, pulled on his board shorts and tank top. "See you in a few," he said, and was out the door.

Next: Chapter 6

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