What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 4, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What a Life!


Saturday morning we all drifted into the kitchen for breakfast around nine-thirty. Sean and I had made love again that morning, and I'm sure that Steve, Josh and Jim had also enjoyed some morning fun with their young men too.

Saturday, we headed out to the beach together, filled up on cheese-steaks on the boardwalk at lunch, sucked down a couple of cold beers, and after a little more time on the beach, headed back to the house.

We showered off the sand at the outdoor shower, and tired from the sun and surf, headed to our rooms for a nap. My partner, Sean, and I decided to take a shower in our bathroom to wash away all the salt, and after playing a little in the shower--kissing, caressing, and stroking each other a bit--we fell into bed and feel asleep for a late-afternoon nap, holding each other and enjoying the touch of our bodies.

We awoke about five thirty to the sound of others in the living room. We pulled on shorts, tee shirts and sandals and joined our friends for cocktails. We could smell good smells from the kitchen. Jim's chef-for-hire was at it again, creating another great meal for us. Nicely lubricated with a couple of drinks, we sat down to dinner around seven. Again, the food was superb, and the wine good and copious. We were all comfortable with our partners now.

During dinner, as often happened, our conversation turned to our years in college. Our partners--about the age we were when we graduated--all thought it was fantastic that we had stuck together all these years.

Jim said, "Well, we had a lot of shared experiences back then. Not many guys were out, so when we found a gay friend, we stuck with him."

"Or stuck it IN him," quipped Aaron.

"Damn right," said Steve and gave Aaron a knowing smile.

"Hey," Jim said. "Remember when everyone was reading Fanny Hill?"

"Yeah," Josh said. "I had never read anything like that before."

"What's Fanny Hill?" asked Angel.

Jim explained: "Fanny Hill was a book that was an icon of the sexual revolution back then. It was a chronicle of the sexual exploits of a young woman in England in the 18th century. She was a high-class hooker, so to speak, and she described the sex she had with many men it graphic detail."

Josh said, "Yeah, I really got turned on reading it. But I kept imagining that I was in Fanny's place getting fucked by all those guys." That brought a chuckle from the rest of us at the table.

Jim said "You remember that scene when she and several of her hooker-friends are entertaining a group of men, and after dinner they retire to a room for the "country dance", where they take turns performing sex for each other?"

I said "Yeah, that was a hot scene. I always had a fantasy about doing that, like a real performance, not just the random group sex at a sex party. Don't get me wrong though. A good sex party is always super-hot."

Jim said "I particularly remember her relating how one man had a very long cock, and when he mounted the woman he was with, they all watched as he pushed into her slowly, inch by inch. It seemed to take forever, and that really turned me on."

Josh said, "Yes, I remember that scene perfectly."

Jim said, "Since we're done with dinner, I have a surprise in the living room."

I could tell something cool was in the works, just like his surprising us last night with our partners for the weekend. We all filed into the living room, where candles were burning, and there now was a new upholstered six-foot bench at one end of the room.

Jim took out a deck of cards, shuffled them a couple of times and fanned them out. He came to each couple and asked one of us to draw a card.

"What for?" I asked.

"You'll see," he said, smiling.

I drew a five of hearts, Josh drew a jack of diamonds, Steve drew a ten of hearts, and Troy drew a queen of spades.

Jim said "OK, we're going to re-enact that scene from Fanny Hill. Each couple will perform for the others. Low card goes first. After the performance, whatever happens happens, OK?"

He smiled his most devilish smile. I'm sure that he planned to engineer that conversation at dinner around to Fanny Hill and that particular scene in the book. What could we do? He was the host, and it was his party.

"John and Sean go first," he announced, and everyone clapped and hooted.

Sean smiled sheepishly, and we stepped forward in front of the bench. There was a dish of condoms, a pump-bottle of lube and a bottle of poppers on the side table, plus some small towels. I had had plenty of group sex before, but, like I said, never a situation where everyone was a performer like in a porn video.

Sean turned his back to the rest, put his hands on my hips and whispered "We're going to give them a show to remember, OK? Just concentrate on us, and pretend they aren't there." Then he kissed me softly on the lips.

We kissed for a little, and then I pulled his shirt off, running my hands up and down his strong back. He did the same to me. I could see everyone's eyes focused on us, and could feel Sean's cock hardening against mine.

I whispered for him to turn around, and when he did, I slowly ran my hands up his sculpted abs and pecs, pausing as he raised one arm and then the other to lean around him to work his nipples, first on one side and then the other. I kissed and lightly nibbled on his neck and earlobes. He pushed is ass back against my hard cock, causing me to moan.

I untied the string at the waist of his shorts, and pushed them down, revealing his bulging manhood in is tight white briefs. He turned his head to kiss me as I caressed his hardness, revealing its outlines to the others. I then hooked my thumbs in his waist-band and lifted it over his cock, pushing his briefs down over his thighs.

I moved to the side and knelt, turning him so that my mouth could take him in, slowly swallowing him all the way to his base, and working his balls with my fingers. I sucked him for the next few minutes, using all the skills I had to enhance his pleasure. He moaned loudly, and slowly pumped his cock in and out of my eager mouth.

Not wanting to cum yet, he pulled me up into a kiss again, and then knelt to undo my shorts, and peel down my briefs too so that we were both naked. He pushed me a little to sit down on the bench, and then leaned over and took me into his mouth, sucking me with the wonderful skill I had gotten to know last night. I lay back on the bench, and his hands roamed all over me, working my nipples, caressing my legs, abs and balls as he sucked. Several times I had to pull him off so that I wouldn't cum.

Then he stood up, and without taking my cock out of his mouth, moved around, and threw one leg over the bench so that his cock was right over my mouth while he kept sucking. I eagerly took him in and we got into a sixty-nine for a couple of minutes, moaning like sick dogs.

Then he stood up, reached for a condom, rolled it down on my cock and then lubed both my cock and his ass. Finally, he walked forward with legs on both sides of the bench so that he was standing over me. He bent down to kiss me again, and as he did so, he squatted over my cock, and guided me into his ass with his hand.

Sean started to ride me. It was a fantastic ride. Every muscle was tensed as his strong thighs pushed his body up and down on my cock. He took my hands in his, and held on tight, his head alternately slung backward, and then forward, looking at me in the eye and smiling in ecstasy.

He gradually picked up speed, and I couldn't help it, I started thrusting up to meet his ass as it pumped up and down on me. I tore my hands away from his, and my right hand went to his left nipple, and my left hand took hold of his cock and started stroking him in time to his ass riding my cock.

We lasted only a few seconds longer. I made a couple of furious thrusts into him and started shooting. A few seconds later, his cum started spewing onto my throat, chest and belly. I briefly turned to our audience, and they were all staring in rapture, most of them kneading their swollen cocks in their pants.

A minute later, he bent forward and kissed me deeply, then pulled himself off. We both slowly got up, and bowed to the applause of the others, smiling, acknowledging their praise, and then stepping back in place with the others.

Next up were Steve and Aaron.

The rest of us had seen Aaron's pierced nipples and body tattoos at the beach, but now we were treated to the full show. As Steve undressed him, we could see tattoos all over his body. Waves swirled down into a whirlpool around his cock and balls, all the more amazing because he was shaved. A set of elaborate arrows pointed from his back, legs and ass toward his asshole.

Aaron's cock was already erect. Not very long--perhaps six inches--but really thick. It was pierced with a ring at the tip, and he had another piercing low between his balls. We had all seen that he had a pierced tongue, with a round stud in it, and that was to be the centerpiece of Steve's and his performance.

For the next fifteen minutes or more, Aaron gave Steve a blowjob that I will never forget. He seemed to know every way to arouse the most feeling in his partner, and Steve was clearly in ecstasy the whole time. As Steve got closer and closer to climaxing, Aaron started stroking his own cock in time with his sucking.

A minute later, Steve exploded, and Aaron opened his mouth so that we could see Steve shoot his cum onto Aaron's tongue. When he was done, Steve knelt down, opened his lips and returned the favor as Aaron shot his load into his eager mouth. They finished by standing up together and kissing, exchanging each other's cum.

It was a hot performance. We all clapped and whistled, and they bowed as their cocks started to soften, and moved back into the role of spectators.

It was Josh and Angel's turn now. They moved over in front of the bench, with their arms around each other's waists and moved into a deep kiss. Josh was always the most passionate love-maker of us all. You could spend a night with him, and leave thinking that you would be with him always and that he was completely yours. Josh was a man of the moment, and got completely wrapped up in his partners. He was also the consummate bottom: completely masculine, yet controlling the way that his partner dominated him fully.

Josh and Angel didn't disappoint.

They shed their clothing like it was a move in some fantastic tango. Of the four of us, Josh was always in the best shape. Part was genetics --at least his brothers all looked good too!--but he worked out regularly and had the body of a man fifteen years younger. Josh and Angel's arms and legs twined together, first standing then as they sat facing each other, straddling the bench with Josh's legs over Angel's and their cocks moving together as Angel held them in his hand and gently stroked and caressed them. All the while their mouths were entwined in an endless kiss. For his part, Angel's trim, lithe, coffee-colored body took possession of Josh, urging him on, making him do his bidding.

Soon they were lying on the bench, Josh on top, kissing his way down Angel's smooth skin that glowed in the soft candlelight, until he came to his hard eight-inch, uncut cock.

Josh proceeded to worship that beautiful specimen of manhood, kissing it, caressing, licking, and sucking it all the way down to his pubes. When he brought Angel close to climax, Josh pulled his head off and he kissed Angel's legs and belly, or worked his nipples softly.

Finally, Angel pulled him up into another long kiss, and maneuvered him onto his back on the bench, with his legs over Angel's shoulders. Somehow, in the midst of these smooth moves, Angel had put a condom on, and so, without breaking rhythm, he slowly slid his cock into Josh's waiting ass. Their tango continued in long slow strokes, accompanied by kisses and constant caressing by each other's hands. Gradually they picked up speed, but the passion continued right up to Angel's climax deep in Josh's ass, followed by Josh shooting all over his own chest.

After a minute of recovery, they got up, still with their arms around each other, kissing and feeling each other as they acknowledged our praise and retired to the corner where they continued to make out as Jim and Troy stepped forward.

Sean and I had heard Jim and Troy in the room next to ours last night as Troy fucked Jim. We heard Jim exclaiming in ecstasy over Troy's thick ten-inch cock, and moaning loudly as Troy took him and fucked him silly. I had shared the "facts" with my other friends, but now we would see the real thing in the flesh.

By the time they got to the bench, Jim had stripped completely, his own cock standing up proudly in front of him. Jim, at eight thick inches was no slouch in the size department, and he was always great to get together with when you wanted to practice sucking a big one.

But, once he had stripped off Troy's clothes, next to Troy he looked puny. Troy really was 10" x 6", just like we had heard last night when they were noisily making love in the next room.

In addition, Troy had an incredibly developed body. At five-eight and 190 pounds, there was not an ounce of fat on him. His chest, shoulders and arms bulged with muscle, and his legs were like a couple of oak trees. I like my men slim, lithe and more lightly muscled, but Jim really gets off on body-builders and Troy was his dream man.

Troy was cut, and his erection was curved up slightly, and standing proud and hard at an acute angle--almost against his belly-button--over his big, low-hanging balls.

Jim's hands moved over his body, tracing the edges of all his cut muscles, following all the hills and valleys as he slowly sank to his knees in front of Troy and skillfully started to suck him. He couldn't get more than about half of his cock in his mouth, but even that was quite a feat! Troy moaned loudly. Jim is a really talented cocksucker, as I knew from experiencing his talents many times first hand, and Troy was enjoying it to the fullest. Occasionally, Jim would turn his attention to Troy's erect nipples, or kiss him and then get down to business again.

Finally, Troy pulled him up into his arms and said "Time for the main course, right?"

Jim just gasped "Oh yeah, Troy."

Troy laid Jim down on his back on the bench, ripped open a magnum-size condom and put it on. Then he lubed himself up, and pumped a lot of lube onto his hand. He started working Jim's ass with one finger, then two, then three and then four. Jim was gasping and moaning loudly and pushing his body back against Troy's hand. We saw Troy's whole hand disappear in Jim's ass, and he slowly fisted him as Jim twisted and moaned, begging Troy to fuck him.

Finally, Troy took his hand out and wiped it off with a towel, then put Jim's ankles up on his shoulders, Jim grabbed his giant cock and guided him as Troy slowly, slowly pushed into him, disappearing in his ass inch-by-inch, just like in the Fanny Hill story.

Jim sighed a sigh of satisfaction and Troy paused slightly before starting to fuck Jim slowly, pushing in, and withdrawing as Jim squeezed him with his ass. All of Troy's muscles were flexed as he plowed Jim, moaning and grunting loudly as Jim urged him on. He sped up, slowed down, swiveled his hips, and gasped as Jim worked his nipples or massaged his massive chest and biceps. Periodically, Jim would grab his own cock and pump it madly as Troy fucked him, or Troy would do the same, keeping him right on the edge of coming.

They sped up and their bodies both tensed more as the passion built. Troy bent forward and kissed Jim passionately, slipped his arms under Jim's and lifted him off the bench, Jim now with is legs locked around Troy's waist, their mouths locked together as Troy pumped him up and down on his massive cock like he weighed nothing. Their moans and gasps got louder and more urgent as they sprinted to the finish.

Finally, Troy threw his head back as he jammed Jim's ass all the way down on his cock and screamed as he pumped his cum into the condom in his ass. Jim reached down and finished himself off with a couple of strokes and moaned loudly as he shot his own cum between them, where it fell on both Troy's and his chests.

Their mouths locked, and Troy still pumped him up and down, first urgently, and then slower and slower. Finally, without withdrawing, he laid Jim gently on his back on the bench, and lay on him, panting and still kissing.

Our applause was deafening for only six guys. It was one of the hottest performances I had ever seen, in life or in a porn movie. I vowed that before the night was out, I would try to take that cock up my ass too, thought I didn't really know how I would do it.

Jim and Troy finally parted, and joined us. But not for long.

Their performance was so inspiring that Steve and Aaron, Josh and Angel and Sean and I were already preparing for more action. The long and short of it was that the next couple of hours were one of the best orgies that I had ever participated in. I got sucked by Aaron, and fucked him, sucked Angel and let him fuck me, sucked on Troy and rode him and made love to Sean again, fucking him again while he was fucking Josh.

Exhausted, we finally all tumbled into bed with our young men to enjoy the warmth of their bodies for one more night. In the morning, I fucked Sean one last time, and he returned the favor. I promised to call him up when we got back to Philly, where he was working for an escort service, as were the other guys Jim had set us up with.

I wonder how Jim is going to top this for his next birthday. And what about when he reaches the big five-oh? I guess we'll just have to wait. He hasn't disappointed us so far!

Next: Chapter 4

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