What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 3, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What a Life 2


The four of us--me, Jim, Steve and Josh--met more than twenty years ago in college. It was a state university, and not the best place to be if you were gay: too provincial with regard to gay sex at the time and too "fraternity-ed." When we were sophomores, a gay and lesbian center was started, and that's where we learned that each other were gay.

After that, we hung out, drank a lot of beer, laughed, and yes, explored sex with each other. Three years later we graduated and went our separate ways, but we kept in touch, and even continued to meet up--and hook up--with each other when we got the chance. There's something that can be really great about sex with an old friend.

Now, more than two decades later, we just happened to have finally all ended up in Philadelphia.

I had been here the longest, making paintings in my studio, exhibiting and teaching at an art school. Steve was in sales and had been transferred to Philly about ten years ago. Josh was an attorney and had accepted a position with a big firm here just two years ago, and Jim had moved here recently when he retired early, mostly because the rest of us were here already.

Well, he didn't exactly retire early. The story is that he started a small software company in Silicon Valley, saw it grow, and when it went public, he ended up a very wealthy man. The problem is, that Jim is really a very plain guy. He's not into clothes, fancy cars, big houses or toys. So he has been living almost like he is just out of college--which is how I think he thinks of himself--and supporting good causes with his wealth.

There has been one exception to his frugality: ever since he found success early in his career, he has always been a big spender for the other three of us when his birthday rolls around. One year, he took us all to New York for a Broadway show and an outrageous dinner. Another year, he flew us all to California for a tour of wine country. We enjoy his generosity, but in truth, he often is the one who enjoys it the most.

Which brings us to his most recent birthday last June. He was turning forty-five, but he doesn't need a major milestone to do something major. He got in touch with us and told us he had booked a house at the beach for the weekend, and he expected us to all be there. Oh, and there would be a surprise (no hints though).

Jim went down early, and the rest of us drove down late on Friday afternoon, getting there around six. We could smell delicious smells from the kitchen. Jim had hired a professional chef and server for the evening.

We came in, exchanged hugs and back-slaps, made ourselves comfortable and started with a glass of wine. Man, it feels so comfortable being with old friends. We talked, laughed and needled him. "Hey, Jim, what's the surprise?"

"You'll see soon enough!" he replied with a twinkle in his eye.

It was then I noticed that there were eight places set at the dining room table. "Hey Jim," I said, "who's coming to dinner?"

"You'll see soon enough!" he replied again. Oh, that Jim!

At seven, the doorbell rang, and Jim came back with four stunningly gorgeous young men, all in their early or mid-twenties. He introduced them.

Sean could have been an Abercrombie model: tall, olive skin, a tee shirt revealing a V-shaped torso, clearly lean and muscular, and smooth arms with pleasantly bulging, but not beefy, biceps.

Troy was a little muscle man: maybe 5'8", with bulging biceps, an incredible chest, a thick muscular neck and thighs like tree trunks. He was probably about 185 or 190, not an ounce of fat, and I knew he was precisely Jim's fantasy man. Nice bulge in his crotch too!

Aaron was a blond a little over six feet, slim with ropy muscles, pierced ears, a pierced eyebrow, tattoos up his arms, and pierced nipples showing through a white tank top. He wore his oversized jeans low on his slim hips. Steve was always fantasizing about punk kids with piercings, so he was all smiles now.

Angel was a gorgeous black-Hispanic man, with smooth coffee-colored skin, black eyes and naturally long eyelashes. Josh was a connoisseur of men of color and Angel was just the way he liked his men. Jim was always good at figuring out our desires, and he had catalogued them to a T to come up with these guys. An entertaining night just got a lot more entertaining.

The waiter came in with a bottle of champagne, we popped the cork and drank a toast to Jim and then made our way into the dining room. Jim had put place cards at the table but, in fact, we had already paired up the way we were supposed to. We sat down and started a fabulous meal that, with the liberal supplies of very good wine, went on until about 9 o'clock.

The wine loosened any inhibitions that we may have had, and we were laughing, joking, and having a very good time. I could see that the other guys were getting more physical with their partners, touching, holding hands, even some little kisses.

Jim and Troy were really getting into each other. From across the table, it looked like Jim had his hand in Troy's lap, and I could see Troy's hand rooting around in Jim's lap too. It looked a lot like he was in his pants, and from the little gasps coming from Jim I figured he was probably not going to last at the table much longer.

For my part, Sean had his muscular leg up against mine and I was getting hard. I took his hand in mine and stroked it, then gently placed it in my crotch where he could feel my erection growing.

He leaned over and whispered "It feels like you're ready for some fun."

I just gasped "Yeah" under my breath.

Jim and Troy got up, and when they did we could see Jim's erection clearly outlined in his pants, and his zipper was down. Troy was now sporting a nice bulge too.

Jim said "See you guys in the morning," and they stumbled off to Jim's room.

We all got up from the table to follow suit. It was clear from looking at their pants that Steve and Josh were as hard as I was, and their partners also displayed noticeable bulges.

"See you guys in the morning" I said, and the six of us made a bee-line for our rooms to start the real fun.

When Sean and I got into my room, I saw that the dinner waiter had lit candles around the room. It sparkled romantically and the flames were reflected in the mirrored closet doors next to the bed. A bottle of lube, a little dish of condoms, a pile of clean towels and an unopened bottle of poppers were on the bedside table. I put my hands on Sean's hips, smiled at him and said softly "You're like a dream come true!"

Sean said "Well, I want to give you the best time I can this weekend."

I said, not believing it "You mean you are here for the weekend?"

"Yep," he said. "We're going to have time for lots of fun, so we can start slow if you want."

"Perfect," I said, as I pulled him close to kiss him.

We kissed softly and gently for a few minutes. I liked exploring his full, sensuous lips, and sucking his tongue into my mouth. He tasted good, like the wine we had been drinking. My hands explored his strong back, moving up to his shoulders and down his lats, then resting lightly on his firm ass. He put his hands on my ass and pulled me to him, and my erection pressed against him, where I could feel him just starting to swell.

"When I said I wanted to take it slow," he said, "I thought that maybe we could just make love for the next three hours and put off cumming until after midnight. I want to see you explode!"

"Well," I said, "I'm so turned on already I hope I can hold out that long! But I'll do my best."

He said "You just tell me if you're getting too close. I have a couple of techniques I know."

I whispered "I want to see all of you," and started by pulling his T-shirt out of his jeans and slowly pushing it up over his abs and chest, then pulling it off over his head.

I stepped back to look, with the flickering light playing over his smooth, defined torso. His pecs were sculpted slabs, surmounted with beautiful nipples like pencil erasers. His tan skin clung tightly to a rippling six-pack, and there was a little trail of black hair descending beneath his belt. I put my hands out and gently felt his shoulders, moving them down his arms to feel the firmness of his biceps and triceps, then crossing over to his chest--smooth and silky--and finally letting the backs of my fingers slowly feel the valleys between the muscles of his abs.

"Wow, you're gorgeous," I said, and he just smiled a sweet sexy smile and flexed his abs for me.

He stepped forward and unbuttoned my shirt slowly, again kissing me softly and pushing one leg forward to press against my cock. When my shirt was off, my arms went around him and pulled his beautiful firm body against me, kissing him more passionately and deeply, and running my hands all over his skin, while he did the same to me.

From Jim's room next door we were hearing loud moans and Sean said "It sounds like they're already having a lot of fun!"

Next, I knelt in front of him, and slowly undid his buckle while I kissed his chest and abs, then let my tongue descend as I unbuttoned his waist and fly. I bent down to untie his shoes, and he kicked them off. Then I pushed his pants down around his hips and legs, and he stepped out of them, standing there with just a pair of briefs on and a very pleasing bulge.

I put my hands on his strong thighs, covered lightly with silky straight black hair, and drew him toward me to mouth his cock, which was not yet fully hard, through his briefs. I hooked my fingers in his waist-band and slowly pulled his briefs over his cock and down to the floor.

I stepped back to view him in his natural glory. He was one of the most beautiful men I had ever been with: so perfectly proportioned and flawless. His cock was hanging down over a nice ample pair of balls. He was cut, and still not hard, about 6" and beautifully thick.

I moved in and kissed all around his cock: above, to the sides, on his thighs and finally moving my lips to the tip to kiss it and then run my tongue up its length. As I did so, it slowly began to swell and arch away from his body. My hands gently fondled his balls and traced up the sides of his cock as my lips kept kissing the tip and my tongue moved up and down its swelling length until he was fully hard.

Sean gently pulled me to my feet and we kissed once again. Now he turned me around with my back to him. He put his arms around me, and kissed my neck and nibbled on my shoulders as his hands moved across my chest, and down to my waist to unbuckle my pants and lower my zipper. I kicked off my shoes and put my hands on his thighs as he pushed my pants down, then followed by lifting the waistband of my briefs over my throbbing erection.

We had been together nearly a half-hour and were only now undressed. I couldn't remember having made love this slow for a while. It was thrilling and immensely frustrating too: I wanted it to last, and I wanted desperately to cum.

He turned me to face him and smiled. We kissed and he took our cocks in his hand and slowly stroked them together. Erect he was about seven and a half inches and perfectly thick. Bigger than me, but not too big. For the next five minutes or so we stood by the bed, our arms around each other, kissing, stroking, caressing and moaning softly.

"Let's get into bed," he whispered, and I complied, lying down with my legs spread.

He lay on top of me, kissing me as I twined my legs around his, our cocks pressed together. He propped himself up on his arms, and started moving his hips against me in slow fucking motions. Watching his flexed arms and the rippling muscles of his chest and abs was too much and I was beginning to feel like I couldn't hold back any more.

Our passionate grinding was interrupted by sounds from Jim's room.

"Ohmigod! Troy," we heard Jim yell, "How big is that thing?"

"Guess," we heard Troy say.

"You must be at least nine inches," Jim said.

"Well, ten by six to be exact," we heard Troy say with a chuckle.

"And I'm supposed to get fucked with it?" Jim pleaded.

"Yup," said Troy, "inch by inch."

That little conversation was followed by moans, first soft then louder.

Sean said "It sounds like Jim is having a unique experience!"

"Oh, God, Troy," we heard, "shove it all the way in!"

For the next ten minutes or so we lay side-by-side, kissing and lightly caressing each other while we listened to the moans and bumping and Jim's yells and Troy's grunts from the next room. Jim was yelling "Harder" then "Faster" then "Oh God YESSSSS" and we could hear the bumping going faster and faster, and then "Oh, man, I'm gonna shoot," followed by Troy saying "Get ready, I'm gonna fill your ass."

There were some final loud moans and gasps as they climaxed, and then a couple of minutes later, silence.

Sean smiled at me, and started to kiss my neck and chest, then worked my nipples with his tongue, while the tips of his fingers slowly and lightly swirled around my cock head, down its length and then back up again. Slowly he moved down my body to my cock. He was kneeling between my legs, and his soft lips slowly engulfed me, sending shivers of feeling through me. Slowly he sucked up, up and down, swirling me in his mouth, playing me on his tongue, while his hands moved over the rest of my body.

He brought be close to climax, then shifted his attention to my legs, or my chest, or met my lips with his again. He brought me close to climax again, and this time squeezed the base of my cock and balls tight until the feeling subsided.

When I could stand it no longer, I asked him to lie on his back and I did the same to him, savoring his meaty manhood. Looking up at him with his cock in my mouth, I saw him smiling and looking lovingly at me as I pleasured him. We kept that up for a long time, taking turns, playing with each other's balls, playing with each other's asses, probing gently with a finger or two, aided by some lube. When we got too hot and thought we would cum, we simply lay together caressing and kissing.

I said "I never thought I could keep going so long without cumming! This is unbelievable."

"Yeah," he said "I like to do it like this. But I'm getting sweaty. How about we continue in the shower?"

"Yeah, I'd like that," I said.

It was around 11 when we headed into the shower. For the next thirty minutes we washed each other, kissed, soaped up and moved our slippery, soapy bodies together. I knelt in front of him and sucked him and he did the same to me. I turned him around and pulled his cheeks apart and rimmed him, probing his smooth, clean ass with my tongue, then pushing in a finger, another and still another, moving them around and stretching him. He moaned with pleasure and lifted me back up again into his arms, leaning against the wall and pulling my legs off the floor so that my weight was held entirely in his strong arms, our lips locked. He put me down and turned me around and returned the favor, rimming me like I have not been rimmed for a long time.

Finally, we shut off the water and toweled off and headed back to bed. In bed we rolled around, grinding hips, sucking, doing a hot 69, rimming some more, kissing, caressing, and getting more and more desperate to cum.

I looked at the clock: it was 12:05 now. "Ready for dessert, John?" Sean asked.

"Yes, a big helping too," I replied.

"I'd really like you to fuck me now, John," he said.

"Oh, yeah," was all I could muster.

Sean got a condom from the bedside table, opened it and put it in his mouth, then he went down on me, skillfully rolling it down my throbbing cock. I had to struggle not to cum then. He lubed me up, and then lubed up his ass. Finally, he pulled the safety seal off the poppers bottle and opened it up.

"I want you to come in from behind, John" he said, and lay down next to me with his legs spread, and his ass slightly elevated.

I knelt between his legs, he opened the bottle and took a deep breath, then handed to me. As I was breathing in the poppers, he moved his hand to my cock, and pulled me to his waiting ass. I screwed the lid on, and slowly moved into him.

We both sighed in unison "Fuck, yeah!" as I entered him. Inside, I stopped and let the poppers wash over me and felt the warmth of his ass, and his sphincter closing around the base of my cock. I moved my hands under his shoulders, and kissed him on the nape of the neck, then started a slow, rhythmic thrusting, moving in and out of him, as his body pushed up and back against me, his ass grabbing at my cock and messaging it as we worked together to our common goal.

We both knew that this was not going to last long, but it didn't matter. We had earned it with our patient lovemaking over the past three hours. Our rhythm sped up, he was writhing like a snake under me as I fucked him, pushing back against my thrusts, squeezing me in his ass, doing push-ups with is muscular arms. I couldn't remember if I had ever had such a good fuck before. It was un-fucking-believable.

We hadn't been at it all that long--what, three minutes or so?--when I realized that I just couldn't hold back any more.

"Sean," I gasped, "I'm gonna shoot."

"Me too," he said, and then all the muscles in both our bodies tensed, and we stated our spasms of orgasm together.

Sean had had the good sense to put a towel under him on the bed and he shot his load onto the towel. When we were done we both collapsed, breathing heavily, with him still squeezing me every so often with his sphincter, milking the last of my cum into the condom.

A few minutes later, I rolled off, stripped off the condom, and took him in my arms one last time for a deep, satisfying kiss. That is how we fell asleep. But while we slept, I dreamed about what the rest of the weekend would be like and it was amazing that some of those dreams would come true.

Next: Chapter 3

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