What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 23, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What A Life! 19

2009, Jake in Key West

Jake, 21, and I had been talking about how our lives as gay men developed and I told him about my first experiences with older men when I was young.

"You know, John," he said, "when you were talking about being young and getting it on with older guys, like, I think that is really exciting. I mean, I spent an evening with a guy in his 40s last year, and it was really not."

"You're saying youÉ.?" I started.

"Yeah," he said, looking down at the bulge in my pants, and then leaned over to kiss me.

He was not in the least bit shy, like I was at his age. The whole deal about admitting you're gay and being comfortable with it was obviously much more highly developed in him at his age that it was in me. Not that I had not had a lot of time to make up for whatever lost opportunities I had back then. It just seemed surprising.

He really got into the kiss, losing himself in my arms, his tongue exploring, his hands moving slowly up and down my back or caressing my cheeks, or playing around my ears. My hands were doing their own wandering, and one of them had found its way under his tank top, and was feeling the smooth silkiness of his young skin. He was not muscular in a built-gym-toned kind of way. He just had the natural taught firm muscles of a fit young man: a little definition on his pecs, and a pleasant tight bumpiness on his abs, nice cords of muscles at the small of his back, nice lats, neither muscular nor too skinny. My other hand slowly worked its way up his thigh, under his shorts, which were fairly loose, riding low on his hips as young guys wore them now. I didn't want to go too fast, and was not as far up as his balls, but just feeling the nice firm muscles of his thighs, and the light crop of hair on his legs.

My cock was fully hard, and throbbing strongly. This whole happening was so unexpected and just seemed so natural that I couldn't believe that I was being seduced by a guy who was only 21.

His hand moved over to my crotch and found my erection and pushed the fabric of my shorts around it so that he could feel its size and hardness. The kisses were accompanied by soft moans, and he took my hand out of leg of his shorts and placed it squarely on his hard-on. I squeezed it a little and moved my hand up and down along its length and he moaned louder, and whispered a husky "Yes", shoving his tongue farther down my throat.

I took my hand off his cock and put it under his shirt again and pushed it up. He sat up so that I could work it off over his head, and then we were back into a deep kiss again, both my hands working over his smooth boy-body. I found his nipples, nice defined ones, with something to grab onto, and softly worked them between my thumb and forefinger, while we kept kissing. "Oh, yeah, baby," he gasped between kisses and I knew I had found one of his buttons to push.

We could have kept up the slow kissing and caressing for a long time, but I sensed that he wanted to go faster, and that this would not be a single-event night. I was not worried about him, or both of us, cumming too soon, because I guessed that he was into it for a longer session later, if not for the whole night. So I started working south with my mouth: his neck, his shoulders, back up to his ears, tonguing around his pecs, finding his nipples with my tongue and lips, going from one to the other, working down over his abs, and then back up again. He was now sprawling back with his hips at the front of the sofa, his head back, his eyes closed, the moans coming as he anticipated what was going to happen next.

Up and down I went with my tongue and lips, gradually going lower each time, gently touching his cock through the fabric of his shorts, then unbuttoning his waist, and unzipping him. I slipped my hand in and went back up to kiss him some more. He held me around the neck tightly and desperately, then pushed me back down toward his cock.

He raised his hips and I eased his shorts down to the floor. He had kicked off his flip-flops earlier, and now kicked off his shorts. His cock stood out in a sharp ridge under his tight white low-cut briefs. He was better than average size, but not really big, just the size that feels totally comfortable inside me. I hoped he liked to top, though I am perfectly happy swinging both ways.

I gently lifted the waist-band of his briefs over his erection, which sprang up to stand up at a nice angle, curved, cut, symmetrical, a nice set of plum-sized balls to set it off, a beautiful fresh boy cock.

Back up to kiss him some more, I gently and teasingly swirled my fingertips around the head of his cock, so lightly he could barely feel it. Then I ran my fingertips very lightly up and down its length, feeling the veins, the shape of the head, cupping his balls to feel their weight, and doing it again, as we kissed.

"John, ya gotta help me out here," he managed to gasp, pushing my head down, and so I assumed the position that is one of my favorites: kneeling between his legs on the floor, his cock in my face, his abs and chest forming a rippled ramp up to a view of his young face and its look of eager anticipation.

I leaned forward, touching the tip with my tongue, then kissing it lightly. I moved my tongue around the head, flicked it at the tender place just under, and kissed my way down to his balls, kissed his balls, and then slowly went back up again.

"Oh, yeah, John, that is so fuckin' sexy," he said smiling, as I took him in my hand and put the tip to my lips, opening my mouth so that I barely touched his cock as I took him all the way down my throat. I gradually closed my mouth around him and let my tongue work around his cock slowly as I gradually increased the pressure and sucked in. Slowly I moved my mouth back up as my hands went up over his abs and his chest, gently massaging his torso, and my mouth slowly descended again.

I kept up this slow sucking, every once in a while coming up to kiss him and work his nipples before going back down on him again. I probably had only been sucking him for about ten minutes now, but his body was tensing up, and he was slowly thrusting his cock into my throat as I moved down on him. I could feel his climax building, the muscles of his belly and chest tensing up, his legs moving into the action, his breath coming shorter, his hands moving onto my shoulders and then to my head, guiding me to the right speed as his climax moved toward its conclusion.

"Oh, shit, man," he gasped, and I felt the first warm spurts of cum in my throat. He thrust his cock eagerly into my mouth, as spurt after spurt of his warm juice flooded my mouth, warm, salty, a little sweet. As he eased off his climax, I slowed down and went back to the soft sucking that I had started with, finally looking up at him, his eyes closed, and a beautiful smile on his face.

I came back up to kiss him, keeping a little of his cum in my mouth to share with him. He kissed softly and sweetly, satisfied for the time being, melting into my arms as he wound down. "Shit, John, that was fuckin' awesome. That's gotta be one of the best, no probably THE best, oral I've ever had. How did you do it so good?"

"Practice makes perfect," I said, "and sometimes the chemistry and the setting is just right, like now."

We cuddled on the sofa for a while longer, and then I said, "My turn."

Jake started to do what I had done, but I said, "Why not go out to the hot tub in the garden? It's totally private, that is if we don't get too vocal, and I love getting sucked in a hot tub."

"OK," he said, "but first we gotta get you naked." We stood up and kissed some more as he slowly pushed my tee-shirt over my head, caressed my body as I had done his, then undid the button at my waist, unzipped me and let my shorts fall to the floor.

"Wow," he said, "your body is so beautiful. How did it get that way? I can't put on any muscle in the gym, no matter how hard I try!"

"Oh, but you're wrong!" I said. "I can feel how strong you are, it just doesn't show yet," and I explained how I was in my 30s before I could put some bulk on my muscles. I then explained how, when I was turning 40, I decided to celebrate by working on the body I had always wanted: muscular, defined, a real man-magnet and how I had worked out a routine to keep it that way. I left the story of my project to have sex with 1000 men during my 40th year for another time. [Read One Thousand Men in Gay/Encounters]

Like I had done, he explored my hard-on lying sideways in my briefs, and then pushed them down, so that my erection snapped up against my belly, before coming to rest straight out from my body. "Beautiful, and tasty-looking," he said with a grin.

I took his hand and led him out the back door to a side section of the garden where my friend had a perfect small hot tub that would seat four. We took off the cover, climbed into the hot water, I settled back, and in a second he was over in front of me, pressing himself into my arms, finding my mouth with his, and rubbing his cock, now erect again, against mine under the hot water.

Slowly, we repeated what we had done on the sofa, this time changing roles. He guessed, correctly, that I had made love to his cock the way I wanted to be made love to, and he repeated the gentle caresses on my cock and balls as we kissed, and slowly worked over my torso, down and up, interleaving kisses with nipples, licking my body and slowly working his way down to my cock.

Like me, he went down on me with the lightest, teasing pressure, then sucked me in and played with his tongue around my head, and down my length. He looked up at me while he was sucking and I smiled back at him to show how much I was enjoying his mouth-work.

Like I did with him, he slowly moved up and down, and my excitement gradually grew over the next ten minutes, until I was just short of blowing. I leaned down to kiss him, and when he resumed, I held his head gently between my hands and slowly thrust my cock into his throat, my muscles tensing up, the climax building an almost intolerable tension in me.

I didn't know if he swallowed or not, so I said, "Jake, I'm gonna shoot," but he did not take his mouth off, and a couple of seconds later, I exploded in his mouth. He kept right on sucking me until I was dry, and my cock got so hypersensitive that I had to pull out. Like me, he kept some cum in his mouth and shared it with me when we kissed. My hands roamed over his body, as we kissed and cuddled, and wandered down to his cock again. It was rock-hard and ready to go, and as I slowly stroked him under the water, his kisses became more passionate and desperate.

"You want more, don't you, Jake?" I said. "You wanna fuck me now?"

"Oh, yeah," he replied. I'd had the foresight to stock condoms and a bottle of lube near the hot tub in case this happened during my stay at Key West, and so I was ready.

I stood up and turned around, and he came up behind me, pushing his cock between my buns so he could slide it up and down standing behind me in the warm water. He kissed my neck and ears, and I turned sideways to kiss his mouth.

I reached to the edge of the hot tub and handed him a condom, and then turned around to sit in the water, as I brought his hard cock once again to my lips and sucked him in, getting him primed to penetrate my eager ass. I sucked him for a few minutes, as he rhythmically pushed his hips forward and back, fucking my mouth.

I stood to kiss him, ripped open the condom and handed it back to him, then turned around, put my arms on the edge of the tub, and pushed my ass back at him, arching my back and presenting my hole to his hard cock. I handed him the bottle of lube, and he lubed up his cock and my ass, pushing two fingers in to loosen me up. He put his hands on my hips, and I reached around to guide his cock to my ass. He slowly pushed his way in, popping past my sphincter, and smoothly gliding in up to the hilt.

I squeezed him with my ass and pushed back against his cock. His hands moved up to my shoulders and around to my chest to find my nipples as he started his rhythmic thrusts, moaning softly as he did. I worked his cock with my ass muscles and rotated my hips as I pushed back against him.

Again, youth was on his side--or working against him, depending on how you looked at it. I realized that this session would not last that long either, that he was eager to blow his load again. I didn't mind at all. I was enjoying his youthful energy, and if he wanted to go straight for his satisfaction, I was more than happy to oblige.

I looked over my shoulder at him as he fucked me. His head was thrown back, his eyes were half closed, and his stomach and chest muscles were tensed and gleaming in the low light of the garden and the light from inside the hot tub. As he neared his climax, his speed increased and his motion became more urgent.

"Turn on your back," he managed to gasp, and he withdrew, I turned around, and he pulled my legs up so that my shoulders were resting on the rim of the hot tub, and my legs were wrapped around his waist. He bent forward and locked his lips to mine as he plunged in for the last few strokes, and started shooting into the condom in my ass. "Oh fuck, John, oh fuckÉ." he spat out, and finally collapsed on me, our lips locked in a kiss once again.

Gradually, we relaxed, he withdrew his now softening cock, and I settled back onto the underwater bench, and we wound down, kissing and cuddling. "That was beautiful, John," he said softly. "I want you to fuck me too."

"I'd love to, Jake," I said, "but I would love to do it long and slow. Why don't we take a little break, and then go to the bedroom. I'd love it if you could stay the night, and we can enjoy each other as much as we want."

"I'd like that too," he said. Back in the living room, he called his roommate to let him know that he would not be back to the room that night. His roommate was happy because he had found another cute guy he wanted to spend the night with in their room. I was happy, because I would get to fuck this hot young man, and maybe have a hot morning session before we parted.

All-in-all, my "spring break" was off to a rousing start. I wondered if it would be just this one night, or I would have this much fun again in the next few weeks of my Key West visit.

Next: Chapter 20

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