What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 19, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What A Life! 17


"Ryan," I said, "I think we could make your dream come true. At least we could give it a try!"

"How, John?" he asked?

"Come here," I said, leading him to my computer. I sat down and logged onto the local website where I had hooked up with his friend, Dan.

I hit the button for a new post and typed the title:


He giggled a nervously. "Boy friend?" he said?

"Well, I don't mind stretching the truth a little to get the results we want. Anyway, who knows where we'll go together?" I quipped. Then I filled in the description:

He's a hot bottom, and wants to be tag-teamed. We want to do this now.

We host. Send stats and pic. No pic, no reply.

"OK, Ryan?" I asked.

"Hmmmm," he murmured.

"I'll take that for a yes," I said, smiling, "but we need to add a picture."

I got my digital camera out and asked him to stand in front of the bed. He had another erection now, thinking about what fun this posting might bring later. I shot a picture that showed his hot body from his chin to mid-thighs. I had no doubt that after posting it we would get a bunch of replies. I transferred the picture to my computer, and added it to the posting.

OK, Ry," I said, "let's get a snack while we wait for the replies to pour in."

We went to the kitchen and I made a quick sandwich and we each opened a beer.

About fifteen minutes later we were back at the computer to see what, if anything, had happened. As I expected, there were already over ten replies.

We went through them, and three more came in while we were reading. Three didn't have any pictures--what's with these guys that can't follow simple directions?--and another couple were obvious cranks. That left seven plus the new three. We reviewed them, and I asked Ryan to choose three. He chose a well-built guy in his late thirties, a bearish man with a goatee in his early fifties, and a tall, hot black man in his late twenties. I emailed them with my cell number, and emailed the others with a thank you for responding.

A few seconds later, my cell rang. It was the guy in his thirties. I told him my address and asked when he could be here. He lived close by and said about fifteen minutes. Great, we were off to a start. The other two guys called right after that, and I scheduled each one about a half-hour apart.

"Ry," I said, "let's have a little fun while we wait for number one to arrive."

"OK," he said.

I led him to an easy chair in the living room and he sat down with his legs spread. I knelt in front of him, and took his hard young seven-incher in my mouth and gave him a slow, easy, teasing blow job while we waited. Ryan was a bottom, but that didn't mean he didn't appreciate a good blow job too. I didn't want him to cum, just to get him primed for the dream he was about to live. I brought him close once, we kissed some and I worked his nipples, and then went back to servicing his beautiful cock when the bell rang. I pulled on my briefs and robe and went to answer the door.

The first member of the tag-team arrived. His introduced himself as Enzo, and he was about 6', 180 and solidly built. He looked at Ryan, naked, erection and all, smiled broadly and licked his lips.

Ryan walked over to him, and Enzo reached out to take hold of Ryan's cock. Ryan pressed himself up against him and they kissed hard and deeply. Ryan then took his hand and led him into the bedroom, where he unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off his shoulders. Enzo's chest was covered with short swirls of hair that concentrated into a stronger trail down his abdomen. Ryan undid his belt, and then his jeans. He bent down to untie his shoes and help Enzo get them off, then he pushed his jeans down and helped him out of them. Enzo stood there in a pair of bikini briefs, his hard cock straining for release.

Ryan pushed him against the bed. Enzo perched his hips on the bed, and Ryan went down on him, taking his whole cock into his throat.

"Oh, yeah, fuckin' A, man, get me good and hot Ryan. When I fuck you I want to be the hardest I have ever been."

Ryan said nothing, but obliged by using all his new-found skills on Enzo's cock. He sucked his cock for about fifteen minutes, every so often coming up to kiss him and work his nipples and run his tongue over his pecs and down to his cock again. In the meantime, I sat in my easy chair in the corner and slowly stroked my cock to the live sex show I was watching.

"He baby, I can't wait any longer," Enzo said.

"OK," said Ryan. "What do you want me to do?"

"Just come up here and kneel," he said, and Ryan did as he was told, and went on his hands and knees facing the bottom of the bed and me, stroking myself in the corner of the room.

Enzo reached for the condoms on the side table, slipped one on, lubed himself and Ryan's waiting ass, then knelt behind him and plunged right in up to the hilt. Ryan gasped and moaned loudly, and Enzo started fucking him energetically, pounding his ass and gasping "Oh, yeah, man, you have such a beautiful, tight ass, this is so fuckin' hot, boy," and other words like that, keeping up a continuous commentary as he fucked Ryan and Ryan moaned and bucked his hips to meet is thrusts.

They were going at it strong, when the door-bell rang, and I let second guy in. His name was Stuart, he said. He was maybe 5'9", 170 or so, built more thickly, but nice and masculine. He was in his early fifties but seemed younger in spite of his gray hair and goatee. He heard the sounds coming from the bedroom and smiled a big smile.

"Sounds like the party has started!" he said.

I smiled and led him into the bedroom, where Enzo had picked up his speed a bit, his head back and his eyes closed as he banged away at Ryan's young ass.

"Man, that's hot," said Stuart and rapidly stripped out of his clothes. He was hairy, and his chest hair was gray. His cock was about six inches, uncut and very thick, standing up at a strong angle from a large set of balls. He stepped up to Ryan at the foot of the bed, and Ryan lowered his arms to his elbows, making his ass stick up even more, to Enzo's pleasure, and allowing him to wrap his mouth around Stuart's thick cock.

Stuart happily pumped away, fucking Ryan's mouth as Enzo sped up even more. I could see the tension building in Enzo's body, and in a few seconds, he grabbed Ryan's hips and slammed his hard cock all the way in, holding him tight as he convulsed and came hard. I knew that Ryan had clamped down on his cock with his strong ass, and that was giving Enzo even more pleasure.

Ryan just kept on blowing Stuart, varying the pressure with his mouth, and occasionally taking his cock out to lick its length and work his big balls, before plunging down on it again. Enzo withdrew, and happy smile on his face, pulled off his condom and dropped it in the trash, got dressed and waved good-by as he left.

Stuart pulled his cock out of Ryan's mouth and climbed onto the bed.

"Hey, baby, put a condom on me and ride my cock," he said to Ryan.

Ryan obliged, gently rolling down a condom on Stuart's fat cock, and lubing him up. Stuart saw the bottle of poppers next to the bed, and opened it to take a big whiff as Ryan, still facing the foot of the bed with his back to Stuart's head, impaled himself on his cock and started riding, slowly at first, then swiveling his hips around.

He had started with his knees on either side of Stuart, but gradually pulled his legs up so that his feet were flat on the bed on either side of him. Stuart reached up to massage his muscular back Ryan rode his cock, and Ryan leaned back, letting himself be supported on Stuart's hands and strong arms.

They hadn't been fucking long, when the bell rang again, almost twenty minutes earlier than I had thought it would for guy number three. I answered, and there was our last tag-team member, Gene. The pic he had sent with his reply showed an awesome body: glistening black skin, a ripped chest and abs, and a huge cock. But it did not reveal the handsome face that went with that fabulous body. Gene was 29, 6'2" and about 190 lbs, with a friendly but devilish smile.

We went into the bedroom, and when Gene saw the scene in progress he said "Fuck, your boy is hoootttt!"

I said, "Yeah, and he really has a thing for big cocks too."

Gene stood there, his mouth literally hanging open, and I could see the bulge rapidly forming in his pants.

"Let's get you ready for the action," I said, coming up behind him.

I put my hands on his shoulders and ran them down over his strong biceps and over to his hard chest, slowly coming down over his abs.

"Let me undress you, and I will get you primed, man," I said.

He just murmured "Sure" as I pulled his tank top over his head, undid the buttons on his jeans and pushed them down, while he kicked off his sneakers.

Out of his pants, he stood there is his boxers, his prodigious cock tenting them out impressively in front of him. Ryan was witnessing this scene, smiling and pumping his ass more enthusiastically on Stuart's hard-on.

I pushed his boxers down until he stood there completely naked, sporting a beautiful nine-inch cock, thick, cut, curving up and just a bit to one side. I had my robe and briefs off now, and my arms around him as I nuzzled his neck and we watched the show on the bed.

I moved around in front of Gene, kissed him hard on the lips, while I started working on his nipples with my hands. I sank to my knees, still working his nipples, and licking all around the beautiful, hard shiny head of his gorgeous ebony shaft. I started working him with my lips and tongue, holding on the base of his cock, and stroking it in time with my sucking. I think I must have been doing a good job because he was moaning loudly, and slowly meeting my lips with his thrusts.

On the bed, the action was getting heavier and louder, and it was clear that Stuart was close to cumming. Ryan leaned forward now, putting his hands on the bed between Stuart's legs to give himself a little more leverage and maneuverability, and sped up his own counter-trusts, occasionally reaching down between his own legs to stroke himself a few times. He wanted to keep on the edge, but I knew that, like in the video, he wanted to cum when his final partner did, and that would be me after he was done with Gene.

When Stuart came, he sat up and put his arms around Ryan and Ryan did his last few ups-and-downs, and turned his head to meet Stuart's hungry mouth.

They held that position for a minute or two, and then Stuart said, "I don't want to keep your friend there waiting," tuning his eyes toward Gene, who I think he would be happy to get fucked by also.

"This was really great, baby," he said. "Put up another posting if you want to do it again. I always check a few times a day."

"Cool," said Ryan, getting off the bed with Stuart as Stuart stripped off the filled condom, handed it to Ryan, and walked over to his heap of clothes on the floor. Without thinking, Ryan, put the condom to his lips and drained its contents, then put it on the bedside table.

Gene walked over to him and said "You ready for some extra-large man-sized fun, boy?"

Ryan responded by wrapping his arms around Gene's neck and pulling him into a passionate kiss, while he took his huge cock in his hand and started stroking him, feeling his length and girth, getting his mind ready for being penetrated his monster cock.

Fortunately, Gene had brought some magnum-size condoms, and he ripped open a package and rolled it down on his cock. While he was doing that, Ryan lay back on the edge of the bed, and raised his legs in the air, revealing his wet pink rosebud ass for Gene to see. Gene lubed up, though by now it was probably not necessary.

He leaned over Ryan with his face a few inches from his and said "Ready, baby?" to which Ryan responded "Uh huh."

Gene held the base of his own cock to position it at Ryan's waiting hole, and then leaned over to lock lips with him as he slowly pushed in. Both of them were moaning loudly. If Ryan felt any pain at being penetrated by that huge cock, he didn't let on. The look on his face was one of pure pleasure.

Gene started pumping slowly and then faster, and I could tell that with him the act would not last long. He was simply too turned on by watching Ryan and Stuart, my preparatory blow-job, and mostly by Ryan's hot young body. He leaned forward to lock lips with Ryan again, and Ryan locked his arms around Gene's back and his legs around his waist.

Gene stood up, completely supporting Ryan's weight. He reached under his ass and pushed him up and down on his hard cock, Ryan helping him by doing pull-ups, hanging onto Gene's bulging shoulders. I had to stop stroking, because I knew I would cum watching those two muscular young men going at it with such passion.

A couple more strokes, and they collapsed again onto the bed, Gene ramming his huge erection all the way inside of Ryan. All his muscles tensed, and he shot his load into the condom deep inside Ryan, and then stayed there for several minutes basking in the good feelings that followed.

He stood up, withdrew his now-softening cock, removed the condom and dropped it in the trash. He was smiling broadly, and as he got back into his clothes, he said, "Man, anytime you want my cock in your hot ass, let me know. I wanna do that again!"

We said our goodbyes, and he was out the door. Ryan came over to me and knelt down before me.

"John, it's time for dessert. I've been saving my cum for you," and he started to suck my cock. He was still a little rough around the edges, but since we had been together on Saturday, he was getting better.

"Ry," I said while he serviced me, "it feels like you have had some practice."

"Yeah, John," he said, "Dan was giving me some more pointers and I was with a guy last night who was not shy about directing me to just what he wanted."

He sucked me for a few more minutes, but we were both too hot to spend much more time in foreplay. We went to the bed and lay down, and I pulled him on top of me, kissing, feeling his hard body against mine, wrapping my legs around his, spreading his cheeks, and working his ass with my fingers until I had three inside him and he was bucking desperately in my arms.

After a couple of minutes of this, we rolled over with me on top, and I sat up to don a condom, lube up, and open the poppers. I put his legs up on my shoulders, held the poppers to his nose, and then to mine, inhaled deeply and slowly let my cock fill him up.

"Ryan, baby, you feel so good to me," I whispered as I leaned forward to kiss him.

"Yeah, those three guys were really hot, but I'm so glad that you're the last one, John," he said.

We kissed deeply as my cock hit bottom and our mouths remained connected as our bodies moved into a sensuous tango of love. Every millimeter of my cock seemed super-alive and sensitive, and every move I made Ryan responded to in kind, wiggling his hips, screwing them in a circular motion, grabbing me with his strong ass, responding to my moves with a series of groans and moans that showed how much he was enjoying it.

Rather than speeding up as climax approached, we did the opposite: our bodies slowed, savoring each tiny feeling, feeling each other's hands on chests, back, arms, and my hand slowly closing around his cock, slicked with lube and lovingly caressing it, bringing him to conclusion with me.

A few seconds later, I started pumping my cum into the condom, and that was followed shortly by his own cum, the accumulation of the last hours or being tag-teamed, shooting out in great gobs on his neck, chest and abs. We collapsed in a happy, exhausted heap on the bed, nuzzling, caressing, and enjoying each other's company.

"Hey, Ry, let's take a shower," I said. He followed me into the bathroom, and we showered the sex off of each other, then went naked back to the bedroom.

I said, "I have a little present for you. He smiled.

"What's that?" he asked. I walked to the corner of the room where I had concealed a small video camera, and came back with the memory card.

"You starring in your own tag-team video," I said. "You can relive tonight anytime you want."

"Awesome, man," he said, kissing me. We fell asleep, and in the morning made love once more after watching his video. I remembered back to the sex tutor I had had when I was in college and realized how great it is to bring the next generation along. The details are different now--safer sex, videos, more openness among gay men--but the sex is still the same, or even better, depending on how you look at it!

Next: Chapter 18

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