What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 17, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What A Life! 14


I woke around eleven the next morning, took a shower, put on briefs and a robe and was in the kitchen making coffee when I heard the shower running. A few minutes later Dan was sauntering into the kitchen naked, his big cock swinging between his legs, looking hot as hell and with a devilish smile on his face. My cock couldn't help rising to the occasion.

I got up from my chair. "Good morning, stud," I said, with a big smile.

"Mornin', stud, yourself," he retorted, and put his arms around me.

I put my hands on that beautiful chiseled chest and kissed him softly, then pulled away from his lips a little and said "How about staying for the day to play? Can you do it?"

"I'll call my admin and have her cancel my appointments," he joked, and pulled me back into a kiss again.

As we kissed, I pushed my now-hard cock against him. I could feel his starting to rise between my legs and I spread them slightly until I could feel it like a hard rod under my balls.

"Hmmmm, your friend wants some attention, I think," I said, and sat back down on the chair as I pushed my briefs down to the floor and kicked them off.

Pretty soon, I sucking on him, licking up and down his huge shaft, cupping his balls, licking them, swirling the head of his cock around in my mouth and taking him as far down my throat as I could, admittedly only a little more than two-thirds his length. He moaned, bucked his hips to fuck my mouth, and ran his fingers softly through my hair and down my shoulders and back. I reached for my own cock and stroked away as I sucked.

Between his moans of pleasure, he managed to say "Hey, John, I have a bright idea."

"Yeah, Dan, what would that bright idea be?" I answered before going back to servicing his erection.

"I have this friend who just discovered sex with men about a month ago. He's eighteen, really hot, likes older guys and is a total bottom. He has been bugging me about trying to set up a three-some for him. [moan] Want me to give him a call?"

I paused from my blow-job, looked up at him with a big grin on my face, and said "Sounds hot to me. Go ahead and see if he can come over."

I went back to sucking him, and he picked up the phone next to him on the kitchen counter and dialed.

"Hey, Ryan, it's Dan. Yeah, OK. YeahÉ.yeah. Look [moan] I'm with this hot older guy I hooked up with last night, and I have been thinking about you wanting to do a [moan] three-way. [Oh yeah, John.] Want to join us?"

He paused while Ryan answered. Then he said "That? Oh, he's giving me a blow job right now. It's unbelievably hot, man. When can you [moan] be over? [pause] Great! This is going to be totally awesome, man!"

There was another pause and then he turned to me and said "He wants to know if you have any porn."

I nodded yes without taking my mouth off his cock and Dan moaned again and said "No problem, man." Then he gave him my address and hung up.

He pulled me up to kiss him again and said, "Let's save this until Ryan gets here. Maybe we can sit and watch a video while we're waiting."

"When did he say he could come over?" I asked.

"Should be under a half-hour," he said. So we went into the living room and I looked through my collection of DVDs for one that I thought would suit the occasion. I found one that had a "lads and dads" theme, and featured a hot three-way with a hairy, muscular guy in is 40s and two fresh young guys. We settled down to watch while we waited, our legs pressed up against one another, and slowly stroking each other's hard cocks to the action on the video.

We had been watching about twenty minutes when the bell rang. I jumped up and slipped into my briefs and robe, and Dan went into the bedroom. The bell rang once more and I headed to the door.

When I opened the door, I couldn't believe what I was seeing: the hot young man I had seen last night outside the restaurant. He had a slightly quizzical look on his face, like he was trying to place me. He was about 5'10", probably 165 lbs. or so, with short red hair, a fresh boyish face that looked like he had never had to shave, and a muscular body like a gymnast. He was wearing a tight white muscle shirt that showed off a beautiful pair of shoulders and biceps and stretched across a cut chest and a ripped abdomen that descended in a V to a narrow waist. He was wearing cargo shorts and a pair of flip-flops.

I held out my hand. "John," I said.

"Ryan," he replied with a big smile.

"Dan's in the living room," I said. "We were watching a video I think you will enjoy."

As we walked into the living room, Dan was just heading back from the bedroom, where he had slipped into his jeans. They did little to conceal his erect cock, and Ryan smiled hungrily when he saw him.

"Hey, Dan," he said.

"Great you could come Ry," Dan replied and put down some items on the end table that he had retrieved from the bedroom.

We all sat on the sofa with Ryan between us and I hit play on the video again. The part of the video with a three-some was just beginning and Ryan's eyes were glued to the screen, and he was subconsciously licking his lips. He had one hand on Dan's leg, and was rubbing his crotch with the other.

On the screen a muscular man in his forties, tight body, nice hair on his chest, tan, wearing a Speedo, is soaking up the sun on a chaise next to his pool. The doorbell rings and he shows two hot young blond guys from the pool service in. He goes back to the chaise while they work, but he starts playing with himself and they keep glancing over with interest, until he takes out his cock--a big oneÑand starts stroking. They come over and take off their shirts and one kneels down to start sucking him while the other one pulls his cock out of his pants and starts having the older guy suck him. Pretty standard plot for this kind of video, but it was new to Ryan, and clearly it really turned him on.

I leaned over to him, put my hand on his hard chest and said softly in close to his ear, "Pretty hot scene, huh? We're all going to enjoy something like that right now."

He murmured "Yeah, man," and slouched down on the sofa a little to give me more access to his body.

I slipped my hand in under his shirt, and felt up along his abs and chest until I found one of his erect nipples, and started squeezing it lightly between my thumb and forefinger. He turned his head, and we started kissing. At the same time, his far hand was feeling up Dan's hard-on through his Jeans.

Dan obliged by unzipping, and slipping them down to give him access. While Ryan started stroking Dan, Dan unbuttoned Ryan's waist, and unzipped him. Ryan lifted his hips and Dan pushed his shorts to the floor, revealing Ryan's hard cock straining for release from his white briefs. Dan slipped his hand in, and pulled out Ryan's hard cock. Ryan was not big, but his cock was very respectable, hard, cut and fresh looking.

I paused to pull off my briefs, and Ryan took my hard cock in his hand and started slowly stroking it. It felt so good while I was exploring his hard body with my hands, and nibbling on his neck and ears. Dan worked his jeans off until he was naked, and helped Ryan shed his shorts and briefs. I shrugged out of my robe, and now we were all naked.

I gently pushed Ryan's head down toward my cock. He didn't need much urging: he wrapped his lips around me and went down all the way. Being new to M4M sex, he was not yet an expert, but what he lacked in finesse, he made up for in enthusiasm. He moaned loudly as he sucked. And while he sucked, Dan started feeling around his ass, which was lifted slightly off the sofa as he sucked me.

"Hey, Ry," he said, "move around on the floor to suck John, OK?"

Ryan complied until he was kneeling in front of me, gobbling my cock, his strong muscular back stretching down to his nice, firm round ass. My hands kneaded his shoulders and moved down to his chest and worked his nipples.

Dan had other ideas. He got up from the sofa and knelt behind Ryan with his big cock aligned with Ryan's smooth, young ass. He got a squirt of lube from the bottle he had brought back from the bedroom and lubed himself up well. Then he took Ryan's hips in his hands and started rubbing his lubed cock up and down Ryan's ass-crack.

In anticipation of what was to come, Ryan moaned and gasped "Oh, yeah, baby."

Dan kept rubbing up and down and pushing against Ryan, teasing him, making him wait for the big moment. Every so often, Ryan took a short breather to see what was happening on the video, and then went back to his sucking with renewed vigor.

Dan moved away briefly, tore open a condom and rolled it on. He lubed up Ryan's ass, and played him open with one, two and then three fingers. Ryan responded by sucking more desperately. Finally, Dan lined up his cock at Ryan's eager hole, and started pushing in, very, very slowly. It was really hot seeing that huge cock slowly disappear inside of that fresh young ass. Ryan tried to push back to get him all in faster, but Dan held his hips and wouldn't let him. But finally he was all the way in, a happy smile on his face.

He leaned over and said softly in Ryan's ear "Ready for a hard ride, Ry?"

His mouth full of cock, Ryan just grunted his assent.

Dan started slowly fucking Ryan, pushing in fast and withdrawing slowly, for a while, then reversing the sequence. He swiveled his hips, probing all sides of Ryan's ass. His hands ran up and down Ryan's corded back muscles, and the sweat dripped from him. It was so hot watching his lean body, every muscle tensed, take possession of his young partner.

"Squeeze me baby," he told Ryan, or "Hold me tight," and Ryan would respond to his directions.

They picked up speed and Ryan started pushing back hard against Dan as Dan's hips slammed into his ass, and his low-hanging balls banged into the space just below it. Ryan was bringing me close, what with his sucking and the really hot scene I was witnessing. But I didn't want to come until later when I had my own cock buried in his warm ass.

I could sense that Dan was getting close. I pulled Ryan off my cock, and bent forward to kiss him just as Dan reached around him and pulled him to his chest, his hands working Ryan's nipples. Ryan's cock was twitching, and I knew that if I touched it it would flood it's cum onto my lap. I held off, and instead, watched as Dan's spasms, filled the condom with his cum.

When he was done, he pulled Ryan's head around to kiss him, and I took that cue to go down on Ryan, wrapping my soft lips around his beautiful boy-cock. It didn't take long: five or six long strokes in my mouth, and he started shooting his sweet-salty cum into my eager throat. A couple of minutes later it was over, and we were a happy mass of half-sitting, half-kneeling naked man flesh.

"Hey, I think it's my turn to cum," I said. "Let's go into the bedroom."

Dan and Ryan followed me in, and I flopped down on the bed on my back, and pulled Ryan on top of me. I was incredibly hard, and Ryan's erection had not subsided at all, even after cumming. It felt so great to have his smooth, muscular, young body on mine, and I let my hands explore his back and ass, as our cocks pushed against each other and our lips devoured each other.

"Will you ride me, Ryan?" I asked.

He said "I can't wait."

I pulled on a condom, lubed up and he straddled me, moving his ass down my hard cock in one quick move. Ryan was a natural-born bottom. He did fabulous things with his ass muscles as he rode up and down, and I pushed up to meet him. Dan watched for a while, and then, his cock hard again, climbed on the bed to stand with his feet on either side of my head, as Ryan leaned forward and took his hard cock into his mouth. Ryan could not get even as much of it into him as I had, but it didn't seem to make any difference to Dan, who started wildly fucking Ryan's mouth as I fucked his ass.

It didn't take long until Ryan brought me to the edge. I reached out and grabbed his cock, and started furiously stroking him as my cum welled up in my balls, ready to shoot. I really didn't expect him to shoot again so soon after cumming in my mouth, but I had forgotten how quick young guys can recover.

As I started shooting my load into the condom in his ass, his own cum arced across my chest, hitting me in the chin, on my nose, and landing in my mouth again. The scene of our cumming was too much for Dan, and he took his cock out of Ryan's mouth and furiously fisted himself to climax, adding his load to Ryan's on my chest.

A minute later, we were all lying there, me in the middle and the two boys on either side, feeling each other, kissing and lightly stroking each other's bodies. After a little while, we recovered and all headed to the shower to clean up.

In the shower there were more erections, but no more cumming for now. But Ryan was able to join us for a day of more-or-less non-stop sex. His thirst for three-somes was temporarily quenched, and between our own play, we watched a bunch more videos, so he left with a treasure trove of potential moves.

Next: Chapter 16

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