What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 12, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What A Life! 11

2006, Joao

Over breakfast in the morning Mark said "Do you like men of color?"

I said, "Sure, I like men of any color. Why are you asking?"

"Well," he said, "there is a hot black Brazilian on staff this year named Joao. He was off the last couple of days, so you haven't seen him, but he will be on again today. He's killer handsome, endowed like a horse, and one of the best bottoms I have ever met. And he is perhaps the most sensuous guy I have ever been with. He seems just a little effeminate, but it is really more that he moves like a cat. He seems to just purr when you're having sex with him. And his Brazilian accent is a total turn on."

I said, "If he's around today, can you introduce us?"

"No problem, mate," Mark said.

A little while later he had to get dressed and leave for his work day. I took a shower and headed out to the beach an hour later.

I joined a game of beach volleyball and got to know a couple of new guys among the other guests. We had sat down to lunch together at the beach-front bar when Mark, in his waiter outfit, walked up to our table with the most stunningly handsome black man I have ever seen. The eyes of all of us at the table were popping, and heads were turning all over the bar.

"G'day, guys," Mark said. "John, I want you to meet Joao," which he pronounced Jo-ow, "but you can call him Joe."

Joao stepped forward with an incredibly sexy, gliding movement, and shook my hand. He was in his beach-attendant mode that was simply a skimpy bright-pink Speedo with the name of the resort embroidered at the top left.

My breath was literally taken away and I struggled for words. He had about the darkest black skin I had ever seen, smooth and flawless with a beautiful sheen very like the fabulous black boyfriend, Robin, I had had a few summer before. His body was one of those natural bodies that some lucky men are blessed with: naturally muscled and defined, not a spec of fat, but none of the unnatural bulges that guys who work out often have.

He was perfectly proportioned: about five foot nine, maybe 155 pounds, with a chest to die for, beautiful nipples that looked almost erect even when they were not, nice meaty thighs. It was hard not to gape at the whole man, but our eyes quickly focused on the package in his Speedo, one of the fullest baskets I had seen since my trip with Robin introduced me to Jason.

I finally sputtered "Pleased to meet you Joe."

He said in his charming accent, "Mark told me what a good time you had together, and that maybe you would like to spend some time with me too."

"Mark's right on about that," I said. "When?"

"Maybe ten tonight?" he asked. He sure didn't waste any time!

"Yes, see you then!" I answered, and he and Mark turned to go back to work.

One of my table-mates said "Geez, John, Joe is a walking wet dream. How did you manage that?"

"I guess Mark is just spreading good will!" I said.

The ensuing lunch was a continuous conversation of fantasies of what we would each do with Joao, and envy seemed to drip from my lunch companions. Oh, well, I thought, they will have their opportunities too!

The afternoon found me jerking off again, thinking about my night to come, and the early evening dragged by unbelievably slowly, my anticipation of the night's pleasure weighing on me.

Ten o'clock came and went and the minutes dragged by. I wondered if I had been stood up, when about ten fifteen there was a soft knock on the door. I opened it to find Joao standing there wearing a soft white silk shirt loose over tailored white shorts and white slip-on sneakers without socks. The fabric of the shirt draped over his muscular body, revealing in a different way the beautiful physique beneath the cloth, and the dazzling white fabric made his dark skin look even darker.

He smiled sweetly, apologized for being late, gave me a peck on the cheek and glided in his cat-like way over to the love seat. I had opened a bottle of white wine and poured him a glass and we toasted each other.

After sipping our wine, he put his hand on my thigh and squeezed it lightly, sending a shiver through me. My cock was already hard just sitting next to him and looking at him, and it throbbed in anticipation with his touch.

He leaned over closer to me and said softly "John, what do you like to do with a man? I really want to give you pleasure the way you like it."

I answered, "I love almost everything that isn't painful, and I especially like making slow love to another sensuous man."

"Do you like to kiss another man?" he asked.

"Uh huh," I responded.

"And do you like the feel of a warm tongue on your body?"

"Uh huh," again.

"And do you like to feel soft, warm lips around your penis?" he purred softly.

"Oh yeah."

"And do you like to lie in another man's arms, with your hard cock deep in his him, and his legs around your waist while he massages you with his ass?"

"It's like you're reading my mind!" I said.

I was so turned on I was afraid that I would cum just from listening to his sexy accented voice talking like this.

Instead, he melted closer to me, moving his hand farther up my leg toward my erection, and his other hand slipped under my T-shirt and started gently caressing my chest. His lips were close to my ear, and I felt his warm breath as he whispered "John, you are so warm and sexy. I want to make love with you so bad."

He started nibbling on my ear lobe and then across my cheek until our lips met in a soft, sensuous kiss. His full lips felt so good against mine, and his tongue snaked its way into my mouth, searching and feeling all over. I knew that that tongue would prove its talents later on my ass.

I reached over and started to unbutton his shirt, and when I was done and it fell open over his smooth black torso, I let my hand move all over his extraordinary body, his chest, his abs, finding his nipples one at a time, gently rubbing them to full erection while he moaned and then almost literally purred with pleasure, just like Mark had said.

In the meantime, Joao had slipped my zipper smoothly down and moved his fingers into my fly to gently caress my erection through my briefs. Oh, my, that felt good. He moved his hand over my cock smoothly almost like he was pouring his hand over it, gradually enveloping it in his warm touch. I lifted my hips and he pushed my shorts down, then helped me push my shirt up over my head. Again, his hands flowed over me like warm liquid, covering me with the most sensuous touch I had felt for a very long time.

Now I was naked except for my briefs and I wanted to equalize things. I moved to push his shirt over his shoulders, feeling the strong flesh under his smooth skin, touching the tops of his shoulders next to his neck with a light touch while I eased off the silk shirt. He had kicked off his slip-ons and now he was slouched back on the love seat wearing just his white shorts.

His torso and lower legs gleamed like dark polished wood in the soft light of the room, and I could see a huge bulge angling from his crotch to his waist-band on one side. I unbuttoned his waist, slowly unzipped him as our mouths worked together in another mind-blowing kiss, and then pushed them down as he lifted his hips for me.

There before me, with his briefs straining to contain it was the prize of his manhood, fully erect and begging to be released. The tip of the head was pushing just beyond the elastic of his waistband just under his left hip-bone. I looked at his beautiful body slouched next to me on the love seat, his skin smooth over his supple muscles, his nipples standing erect, and a look of pure pleasure on his face. I reached over and let my fingers trace the outlines of his erection. I had not been with many men that big before

My exploring fingers seemed to go on forever, tracing the outline from his balls up to the ridge around his cock-head.

He moved his body over to me, almost pouring himself on top of me, so that our cocks were pressed together, his lips were locked to mine, and his chest pressed against mine. I moved my hands over his smooth, muscular back, down over the muscles at its base, and then down beneath the waist-band of his briefs, cupping the smooth, firm, flesh of his ass, then slowly pushing his briefs down.

He moved one of his hands down to briefly free the tip of his cock and then stood up as I kissed his chest, then worked his nipples as I slowly pushed his briefs all the way down and he stepped out of them to stand naked before me like a beautiful sculpture in ebony. Ohmigod, what a sight he was!

My cock was throbbing uncontrollably as I looked at him standing there, his cock standing up stiff and hard at the level of my chest. He was big--nine and one-half? ten inches--and when I slowly put my hand around him, my fingers would not quite meet. But more than that, his cock was extraordinarily beautiful: just veined enough, curving up just slightly, evenly thick all the way to his head, over which was stretched his fore-skin so that just the hole at the end peeked out.

"Go ahead and pull it back for me," he said softly, and I moved my hand around the tip and slowly pushed his foreskin back, revealing a beautiful, pinkish head that contrasted gorgeously with his dark skin.

I just couldn't help myself. I slowly leaned forward and kissed the tip of his erection as I let my hand move down its length to feel the weight of his ample balls. My tongue circled his head, and my lips slowly moved over the tip and down the shaft. A third or half way was all I could do. It had been long time since I had had so much cock in my mouth before.

Even though I couldn't deep throat him, he moaned softly and whispered, "John, you make me feel so fantastic, just keep sucking me." And so for the next fifteen minutes or so, while he stood before me, I gave him the best blow-job I could, given the challenges. While I was working on him with my mouth, my hands were exploring the rest of his body that I could reach, his thighs, his back, his chest, belly and arms, and working his nipples softly.

As I worked him, he moved his hips in and out slowly, and his soft hands caressed my head and hair, and moved around my ears and over my shoulders and upper back. My own cock was still enclosed by my briefs, and it was throbbing and aching, wanting to be caressed too. But I was just too busy appreciating Joao's fantastic cock and body.

After a while, he pulled away from me, saying "I want to keep from cumming for now. It is my turn to give you some pleasure now."

He pulled me up into his arms and as our lips met and our bodies pressed together, he pulled me to him and wrapped his arms around me. His hands ran down my own back and into my briefs to cup my ass, as we ground our hard cocks together. He carefully pulled my waistband over my hard cock, and pushed my briefs down my thighs. I helped him out until I could get them all the way down and step out of them. He smiled at me, and held our cocks together. My own cock looked so puny next to his, but that did not bother him.

"Your sex is beautiful, and I think it will fit me perfectly," he said, smiling. "And it looks delicious too!"

With that, he slowly kissed his way down my chest and belly as he knelt in front of me and slowly took my throbbing cock all the way down his throat. For the next fifteen minutes he worked me with his big, talented lips and that fantastic tongue: slow, fast, almost no pressure, then sucking in hard, even giving me a tiny feel of his teeth from time to time. Four times he worked me up, edging me to where I had to have him stop so that I wouldn't cum.

Finally, he stood up again, and led me into the bedroom in front of the dresser. We stood with our arms around each other kissing in front of the big mirror as he slowly stroked my cock and I stroked his.

"I want you inside of me, John," he said. "Let's do it in front of this mirror." It was amazing, because that was exactly what I had fantasized that afternoon as I jerked off.

He picked up a condom from beside the bed, and brought back the pump-bottle of lube with him. He ripped open the condom and kissed me as he rolled it down over my cock, then lubed me up.

"John, put some lube on my ass, and open me up," he whispered in my ear after kissing me again.

I followed his directions and as I probed his tight hole with first one finger, then two, then three, he gasped and moaned almost uncontrollably.

"Please come into me," he said with a husky, desperate tone.

He leaned with his arms against the top of the dresser, facing the mirror. He spread his legs to give me access, and pushed his ass back to meet me as I stepped up to him.

"Hmmmm, that feels so good," he purred as I moved forward to him, and he reached behind me to guide me to his waiting hole. "Oh, God," he gasped, as I entered him and he pushed back against me.

My cock in his ass released some kind of animal instinct in him. He started pulling and pushing as my cock plunged in and out of his ass. He grabbed me with his sphincter, and made the most incredible massaging movements with it. His arms, chest and shoulder muscles flexed as he worked his weight against the dresser, and his body writhed against mine. He was a power bottom of legendary skill.

I reached around and grabbed his huge cock, then got some lube from the pump bottle and smeared it over his hard ebony pole as I stroked him in time to my own thrusts. My other hand found one nipple after the other, rubbing, pinching softly, pulling too. He turned his head and our lips met as our bodies moved together, like we had melted into one passionate organism.

I felt myself building so that I could no longer hold back. "I'm gonna cum, Joe," I whispered into his his ear.

He gasped "Me too, John," and with that we both exploded, me into the condom in his ass, and his cumÑ--n an amount that matched his endowment--hit the mirror and then spread in white ropes over the top of the dresser. My cock was still in him and moving softly with his own movements as we wound down, he turned to kiss me one more time.

Finally, I pulled out and he turned to face me, pulling off my condom and holding it to his mouth to drink my cum from it. He took my hand and led me to the bed where we lay down together and cuddled for a long time.

It was going to be hours before we got to sleep though.

After cuddling for maybe a half hour, we were ready to go again, and this time he rode my cock, while I stroked him to completion again. And even then we were not ready to stop. We talked, finished the bottle of wine, and then were back in bed again, doing a sixty-nine and then me fucking him as he lay on his stomach.

After that we finally fell asleep, but when I woke up briefly at five AM, I couldn't help myself and started to make love to him again. He slowly responded as he woke, and we climaxed again with him on his back and his legs over my shoulders. And when it was time to really get up, around ten in the morning, we did it one last time before showering and he had to go.

I think I'm going back to this resort again next year! I just hope that Mark and Joao are there again!

Next: Chapter 12

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