What a Life

By John the Artist

Published on Mar 11, 2021


This is the fictional memoir of a gay man, told in the first person. Some of the stories in this series are based on actual experiences, usually embellished a lot, as well as completely fictional ones. They depict sex between consenting adult males. If this offends you, do not read them. These are my stories. Please respect the copyright. If you enjoy them, let me know at johntheartist@hotmail.com. Please Contribute to Nifty.org and keep this wonderful resource going!

This is the third in a series of books that began with C'est La Vie! (1970-1997), and continued with One Thousand Men (1998). Th stories in this book start in 1999 and continue to the present. I hope you like them!

What A Life! 10

2006, Hot Resort

It had been a long time since my last vacation, and I really needed relief from the hard work.

True, I spend my summers in Maine at my cottage/studio, but always worked hard there. There had been too many projects, too little time, too many demands on me, and a decreasing resource of patience and will to solve other people's problems. What I really needed was a week at least of no work, no contacts with art or gallery stuff, no chores to do. In short, doing nothing planned or required.

It was mid-November, and I realized that I really could get away in a few weeks. Best of all, it was coming to the time of year when there were bargains galore: the slow season between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Usually, I am happier vacationing where there is a lot of stuff to do: museums, restaurants, concerts and bars, or the opposite: camping and hiking in a far-away place with no one around. This time, though, I was really in the mood to sit back on a beach and do nothing--that is unless something or someone interesting got my attention!

So a week after Thanksgiving, I found myself on a plane to a gay beach resort outside the US. I had done a little web research and this place sounded great, and because of the off season and the dollar was strong there, it was a bargain too.

Next to me on the plane was an attractive man I judged to be a few years younger than me, probably in his mid-40s. We flirted a little, and it was clear that he, too, was gay. We started up a conversation, and found we could speak freely since the rows around us were empty. After a little while into our conversation I learned that he was headed for the same resort, and this was his third trip there.

"So how was it last time?" I asked.

"Fantastic," he said. "Otherwise, why would I go again?"

"Tell me what you did there last time," I said.

"Well," he said, "It's your basic sit-on-the-the-beach-eat-five-meals-a-day-and-fuck-all-night kind of place. Do you think you're up for that?"

It sounded like my prayer was answered. I had a few misgivings before booking the trip, because I'd heard these trips often look better on the web than in real life. But my new friend, Jake, said it was just like they advertised, only better.

"How so?" I asked.

"Well," he said, "there are a lot of guys of all ages, and they are all after the same thing, and a some of them are really hot."

"Even for guys our age?" I asked.

"Yeah, even for guys our age," he replied. "But the hottest thing is that the staff are all guys in their 20s. They hire only really good-looking guys, and they have to be gay too. A lot of them come from Australia or New Zealand, or other places where they are on summer break from college while we are heading into winter."

"That sounds hot," I said, "but it must be frustrating to be able to look and not touch."

"But that's the best part," Jake said. "Nearly all of them want to make extra money by spending an hour or a night entertaining the guests one-on-one, if you know what I mean. And, because the dollar is king there, you can probably afford to take advantage of that deal more than once!"

"Wow!" is all I could say. He wouldn't tell me more, wanting it to be a surprise when we got there.

After we landed, met our shuttle to the resort and checked in, I met Jake for dinner, and had a look around. Sure enough, there were a lot of hot guys working there, waiting table, working at the desk and so forth. It was hard to keep my eyes off them and to concentrate on our conversation. But Jake snapped me back to attention.

After dessert he said, "I bought some single-malt Scotch from the duty-free, and they have some great porn channels here. Do you want to join me?"

I was definitely ready for some action with a throbbing erection from watching some of the staff and fantasizing about having hot sex with them. As we were leaving the dining room, an unbelievably hot guy, blond, six-one, built but slim, and with a dazzling smile, came into the room.

"Hey, Mark," said Jake, "remember me?"

"How could I forget?" said Mark. "That was a hot night last year!"

"Well, maybe again this year?" said Jake. Then he continued "I want you to meet my new friend, John. Met him on the plane coming down. This is his first time here, and I told him he wouldn't be disappointed. Maybe you can show him some of this place's legendary hospitality!"

"Sure, mate," said Mark. "We want him to go home happy. John, let me know how I can help make your experience here memorable."

"OK," I said, stunned.

When we left and Mark was back at work, Jake said "I had the most unbelievable night with Mark last year. He's Australian, if you couldn't tell from the accent. He has the biggest, most beautiful cock you have ever seen, and he knows how to use it. And he has all the energy of a twenty-year-old, which is probably about what he is. He fucked me silly one night, six times I think it was, but I was so delirious I might have lost track."

By now we were both incredibly horny, and when we got to Jake's room, we forgot about the drinks and porn and headed straight for bed, where we made love for a couple of hours, and I fucked him twice, before heading back to my own cabana for some well-deserved sleep.

The next day, I headed down for a late breakfast, and then out to the beach with a book. I wasn't there long when Jake showed up and plopped himself down in the chaise next to me to get some sun. We sunned and chatted for a while. I was getting thirsty and was just about to get up to get a beer from the beach bar, when Mark stopped by. He was on duty as a beach attendant today, and he was an eyeful more than last night, when he was in his waiter outfit.

On the beach, all he wore were a pair of long surfer-style swim trunks low on his hips. His body was smooth, tanned and muscular but not bulky. I don't think there was an ounce of fat on him, and you could see every muscle clearly outlined and glistening from the sun-tan oil he was wearing. My cock started rapidly rising as he walked over.

"G'day, Jake" he said, with his charming Aussie accent. "What'll it be, boys?"

"A couple of beers," Jake replied.

"Comin' right up mates," he said, pronouncing it like mites, and he headed off to the bar to get them.

Jake said, "Here's your chance. Why don't you ask him?"

I said, "Geez, I'm a little nervous about it. I just met him last night."

"Carpe diem!" exclaimed Jake, just as Mark showed up with the beers and took our room numbers.

"Hey Mark," said Jake, "I think John here would like to get to know you better. What are you doing tonight?"

I was blushing and nervous, but Mark beamed at me and said "I get off around nine. You want me to come over to your room, John?"

"Yeah, that would be great, Mark."

Jake added, "Still the same as last year?" to which Mark replied, "That's right, mate, John, do you want me to stay an hour or the night?"

"I'd love the night, if you can do that," I said.

"I'll see you a around 9:30," he said.

"Perfect," I said.

Jake told me the rate he had paid Mark last year, and it really was a bargain, leaving an opportunity for a generous tip if the night went well. An hour later I headed off to my roomÑa beach-front cabana suiteÑfor a nap. But I was so excited about what was to come, that I jerked off before falling asleep, imagining my night with Mark.

After dinner that night, I went back to my room. The hour after 8:30 seemed to never go by, but around nine thirty there was a soft knock at the door, and when I opened it, Mark was standing there looking incredibly hot in a tight tank top, baggy shorts hanging low on his hips and flip-flops. He had a small bag of personal stuff with him. My cock sprang instantly to attention, but I had the presence of mind to invite him in, and gestured for him to sit on the love-seat.

"Want some water?" I asked, and he said

"Sure mate," as he sat down.

Returning with the water, I sat next to him. When I did, he smiled and took my hand in his.

"So," he said, as he slowly circled the palm of my hand held in his with the index finger of his other hand, "is this your first time here?"

I could barely get out a reply "Yeah."

"I know that Jake had a super time last year, and I think you're going to have one too," he said, suggestively pushing his index finger in and out between the base of two fingers. "Let's show you a little of the hospitality of this fantastic place." And with that, he leaned over and softly kissed me on the lips.

His kiss was soft and sweet, and his tongue slowly probed my mouth. His hand crept up my thigh and inside my shorts until it was just an inch from my balls. He caressed my leg lightly, as I slipped an arm behind him on the love seat, and put my other hand on his stomach. I could feel the firmness of his abs under my hand and slowly moved it up over the ridges of muscle to his chest, seeking out his nipple on the far side. Our kissing got more urgent and I moved my mouth over to nibble his ear, and probe it with my tongue.

"Oh, yeah, man," he moaned. "I love that."

I slipped my hand under the hem of his tank top and pushed it up as I felt the satiny smoothness of his stomach and chest, like silk stretched over something firm, yet slightly yielding and warm. When I got it up over his chest, he moved his hands to pull it off over his head, and then settled back again. His body glistened in the low light of the room, tanned and smooth, a small waist, broad shoulders and tight, lean arms with well-defined biceps and forearms.

I slowly started kissing my way down his neck, using my lips and tongue, working his closest nipple.

"Give me a little teeth, mate," he whispered huskily, then moaned loudly as I nibbled softly on it.

As I worked his nipple, his hand moved up my pants leg more, and started brushing my balls with the tips of his fingers. My hand moved down to his waist, and urged open the button, then gently and ever so slowly, started slipping the slide down on the zipper.

His hand came out of the leg of my shorts, and he unzipped me, then slipped it inside sending an electric shock through me as he stroked my erect cock through my briefs. For his part, as I moved my hand beyond his zipper, I discovered the he was naked underneath, and my hand could trace the outlines of his cock without anything in the way. It was all that Jake had promised, at least by the feel of it: thick, at least eight inches long and rock hard.

I couldn't resist any more. I kissed my way down his abs, as I gently slipped off the love seat to the floor, and moved around in front of him, shedding my shirt, shorts and briefs as I did so. Still kissing his belly and then working his nipples again, I started pushing his shorts down his legs, and eased them off his feet as he kicked off his flip-flops.

I then leaned back on my heels to survey him naked, the white skin where he wore shorts contrasting with his deep tan.

"Oh, God, man, you're so beautiful. I didn't dream that you could look any better than you did on the beach today, but, I was dead wrong,"

He was slouched back with his hips at the front edge of the love seat, his six-pack glistening in the soft light, his cock standing up straight and proud.

My hands moved to his strong thighs and rubbed them gently as I looked up into his eyes and smiled. He bent forward and met my lips with his as my hands moved slowly up the insides of his thighs, then cupped his smooth balls, feeling their weight. With our lips still locked together and our tongues working, and my cock throbbing between my legs, I let my fingertips move slowly and lightly up the sides of his cock, feeling the veins, the bulge of the urethra on the lower side and then the ridge around the head. He was cutÑnot what I expected from an Australian manÑand his cock was so hard that the head was taught and shiny, silky smooth.

I slowly closed my hand around his cock, which was so thick that the tip of my third finger and thumb could just meet, and began to slowly stroke it.

"Fuck, yeah, mate," he whispered, as our lips parted and I moved down to kiss the tip of his fantastic manhood.

My other hand moved down to my own aching cock and slowly started to stroke myself as my tongue probed the slit at the end of his, my tongue swirled around the ridge of his cock-head, and my lips slowly and softly, with almost no pressure at all, wrapped around his cock and descended as far as I could.

If he had been less thick, I might have been able to get him into my mouth all the way down to his pubes, but the best I could do was about three quarters. I could feel his heart beating through his cock, pulsing in my mouth as I began to suck him earnestly. I alternated soft pressure, suction, rolling him on my tongue, pressing harder with my lips, and even giving him some light pressure with my teeth from time to time.

He stroked my head and ears as I worked on him, moaning softly, urging me on, letting me know exactly what he liked. He slowly raised his hips to meet my mouth, and I ran my fingers over his flexing abs as he did so. It was an incredible turn-on to feel those muscles working under his smooth skin.

Every so often he would pull me off so he wouldn't cum, and we would kiss, or I would suck on his balls, or run my lips up and down the underside of his spit-slicked member. I worked his nipples some more, as my hand lightly caressed his cock, and fingertips swirled around his cock-head again.

I could have kept this up all night, I think, but after about a half hour of pleasuring him orally, he pulled me back up on the love seat, facing him so that I was straddling his legs, our cocks together in his hand, and his lips locked to mine again.

"Let's go into the bedroom. I want to pleasure you too," he said.

"MmmmÉ," I murmured, and, putting his arms under mine, he stood up, lifting my whole weight off the floor, while I wrapped my legs around his waist. Lips locked together, bodies pressed together, my hands feeling his strong arms flexed, he carried me the few feet into the bedroom, where he laid me down on the bed, then lifted me up so that my head was on the pillow and he was stretched out on top of me.

The resort had thoughtfully installed mirrors on the ceiling and on the closets next to the bed, so the view of our love-making added to the stimulation.

He was lying on top of me, thrusting his hips rhythmically against mine as I ran my fingernails up and down his strong back, and watched the muscles there contracting in the ceiling mirror above us. He propped himself up on his arms, reached for the lube on the bedside table, squirted some out on his hand and applied it to our cocks and bellies. Still up on his arms, with my legs wrapped around his thighs, he was dry-fucking me, our cocks rubbing together, bringing me closer and closer, making me feel so hot as I watched his lithe body, glistening in sweat, move in waves over me.

"I want to suck your cock now," he said.

"You can do it later," I said, "what I need you to do now is fuck me like I've never been fucked before."

His hand moved down to my ass, and started massaging my puckered hole, relaxing it and preparing me. He crouched between my legs, lifted my hips to give him access, and then brought his lips and tongue to my ass, probing my hole, kissing, nibbling, driving me totally crazy. I was dying to feel him in me, but he was doing his best to hold off the final, best act of our first session that night.

Finally, he laid my hips down again, took a couple of strokes with his hand on my throbbing cock, and whispered "I need to get something."

He went back out to the sitting room, and came back with his little bag. He took out a package of large-size condoms, and a fresh bottle of poppers with the seal still on. He handed me the condom package and said "Will you put it on for me?"

I ripped it open with my teeth, took it out, and slowly rolled it down over his hard, cock, then reached for the lube and lubed his cock and my ass for the onslaught. He was so thick, I didn't know if this would even work, but he opened the bottle of poppers, pulled my body into a vertical position so that he could hold them under my nose, and after we had both taken a good whiff, he spread my legs, positioned his rod at my hole and slowly pushed his way in, inch by inch.

I thought it might hurt, but instead, with the poppers washing over us, the pleasure was indescribable. All my fantasies over the last day of being possessed by this handsome sex god were being fulfilled.

As his pubes met my balls, and his balls rested against my ass, he leaned forward to kiss me once again, and as he did, he started long, slow, in-and-out strokes. Going out or going in, his cock seemed endless. His shoulders, chest and abs were flexed, and in the mirrored doors next to the bed, I could see the full length of his cock as he pulled it out and then slowly pushed it in again. The view of his back and buns flexing in the mirror over the bed as he fucked me was wonderful.

He fucked me for perhaps seven or eight minutes, working slowly, building the tension, then he took hold of my cock, put my legs on his shoulders and started picking up speed, stroking me in rhythm to his own thrusts.

I knew I couldn't last much longer, and I thought that neither could he. I got more lube and squirted it onto my cock as he stroked it, enhancing the pleasure of his hand on my hard flesh.

As the speed increased even more, and the tension became nearly unbearable, he once again opened the poppers, and without missing a beat, took a deep hit and held them for me as I did too.

He somehow got the top back on, reached under my arms and pulled me close to him, our lips meeting, the poppers exploding in our heads, our cocks throbbing and his final muscular thrusts pushing deep into me as we both went over the edge, him pumping load after load into the condom in my ass, my own jizm shooting up between our bodies as we desperately clutched each other in an embrace that felt like me might just melt together if we didn't let go.

"Ohmigod!" I exclaimed. "I can't believe how intense that was!"

"Me too, mate. You made me cum like I haven't in a long time."

We lay there caressing and kissing in the warm afterglow, knowing that we would be at it again several more times before morning. I didn't know how anything could be any better than what had just happened, but, I underestimated the night still to come.

Lying in his arms, I asked Mark to tell me about growing up in Australia, and to share his life with me. He had a great story, and the next day I wrote it all down, so I could remember him for years to come.

Next: Chapter 11

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