What a Find

By TJ Mason

Published on Jun 4, 2012


Greetings all. Sorry for the delay in getting this chapter to you. Hope you enjoy it!

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Reminders: if it's not legal for you to be reading this, please navigate away. This story involves consensual sexual activities between teenage boys and teenage boys and adult males, and includes the use of marijuana. This story also describes unsafe sex practices. It does so because this is a fantasy.

Do not engage in barebacking in real life. It can kill you!

No part of this story may be reproduced or used in any way without my hand written consent. Hope you enjoy!

What a Find - Chapter 2

From Chapter 1 ~

"Thanks, Jessie," Aaron said. "That was amazing."

"Hey man, it was amazing for me, too! I sure hope we can do this again."

"Well, I seem to recall saying something about wondering what it would be like to fuck without being stoned," Aaron said.

"What time to Tommy and your dad get back tomorrow?" Aaron asked.

"Probably not until near suppertime. They're supposed to call me and let me know," he said.

"Well, maybe we can find out tomorrow afternoon," Jessie said with a big smile.

"Maybe we can at that," Aaron said.

The warmth and wetness of the mouth on his dick felt amazing. Jessie stretched, and wiggled his ass on the figers that were pushing and pulling in and out of him. He was surprised that Ginger was playing with his ass, but he didn't care. The feeling was awesome, and the wet heat of the part of his dick that was in her mouth, and the coolness of the air were bringing him closer and closer. Those probing fingers hit that sweet spot up inside him and he felt himself going over the edge. "Ahem!" Jessie's eyes flew open even as his orgasm crashed over him. He was disoriented, but he knew that he was cumming in someone's mouth, and that something was wrong. As he was trying to process what was happening he heard it again. "Ahem!" Jessie looked up, and there was his dad, standing in his doorway, looking at Jessie and... Aaron, whose mouth was wrapped around Jessie's dick. "Dad, I..." "Clean up and straighten up and come downstairs. Your mom has breakfast ready." And with that, David, Jessie's dad, turned and walked down the stairs. "Oh, fuck!" Jesssie said, as Aaron pulled his fingers out of Jessie's ass. "I didn't hear him," Aaron said. "Oh, fuck!" Jessie said again. "I'm SO dead!" "Your dad didn't seem so upset," Aaron said. "What the fuck were you doing?" Jessie all but hollered at Aaron. "Um...I was giving you a wake up blow job, one that you apparently enjoyed, but my name is not Ginger," Aaron replied. "Why is the door open?" Jessie asked. "I may have left it open when I got up to pee," Aaron said. "Oh, fuck!" Jessie said again, as he climbed out of bed and grabbed his underwear from the floor. "Just calm down," Aaron said. "Calm down?" Jessie was almost screaming again. "Calm down? Dude! My dad just watched me cum in your mouth with three of your fingers up my ass! You want me to calm down?" Aaron moved closer to him and said quietly, but forcefully, "Damnit, Jessie, keep your voice down! You don't know what's going on with your dad, but he didn't seem pissed off or anything, so let's get dressed and go downstairs." Without another word Jessie went to the bathroom, washed his face, and washed his ass. He hated that such an awesome blowjob had gone so bad so fast. Aaron stood by the sink waiting his turn. "It WAS a great blowjob, tho," Jessie said with a little smile. Aaron grinned a little and said, "Thanks! I aim to please!" "Well, if I'm still alive this afternoon, and not grounded until the end of time, I WILL repay you," Jessie said. "I'm counting on it," Aaron said with a sexy grin. Five minutes later the two boys gingerly walked into the kitchen. "Oh there you are," Ruth, Jessie's mother, said as she set a plate full of pancakes on the table. "Here's the pancakes, there's the eggs and sausage links," she said pointing at the other plate. "Jessie, I need you to clean up the kitchen for me. I'm running late, and if I don't soon get out of here, I won't get to your Aunt Inez's house until after lunch." "You're going to Aunt Inez's?" Jessie asked. Ruth laughed, "You silly boy! I told you Wednesday that I was going to have to go help your Aunt Inez this weekend! Uncle Ralph has got to work all weekend, and she can't do for herself yet after the surgery." She started to walk out of the kitchen, talking to herself, "I sure do hope that this surgery helps. She and Ralph really want a child of their own..." and she disappeared into her bedroom. Aaron was filling his plate with the pancakes and eggs, but Jessie didn't move, just looking at his father. "Go ahead and eat, son," David said. "We will wait for your mom to leave, and then we will talk, just the three of us. For the record, I'm not planning on killing you, ok?" he said with a smile. Jessie let out the breath that he had been holding. David continued, "We're going to talk, make no mistake about it, but let your mom get out of the house and down the road a piece before we do. I'm done with my breakfast. As soon as you boys finish, clean up the kitchen, OK?" "Ok, dad," Jessie said. "Sure thing, Mr. Simons," Aaron echoed. The boys ate in silence, finishing off the huge plates of food. While they were cleaing up the kitchen Ruth came in and said her goodbyes, reminding Jessie that she would be back near bedtime the following night. A few minutes later the boys were wiping the last of the dishes and putting them away when David walked back in. "When you guys finish, how about joining me out back?" he said. Two minutes later the two boys were sitting down by the pool across from Jessie's dad. "Dad, I..." "Hold on, Jessie. I'm the grown up, I'm going to go first," David said. He paused for a second and rubbed his chin before continuing. "I've been fifteen before," he said, "and I've been eighteen. I know what it's like to be a young guy, I know what it's like to be horny. I even know what it's like to get high with a friend. To that point, just because your window is open does not mean that the smell doesn't linger. I really am uncomfortable with you smoking pot in the house, because your mom might find out, and then all hell really will bust loose. So, if you're going to ignore my warning, and, having been eighteen before, I fully expect you to ignore my warning, you need to invest in a good room spray deoderizer. We'll go to the store in a bit and get one." "No, regarding," and he made air quotes with his fingers, "'helping out a friend,' I've been there before too." Jessie and Aaron both were shocked to hear David confess that to them, and it registered on their faces. David chuckled and said, "What? You think you're the first two guys to get high and help a bud out?" "No," said Aaron and Jessie at the same time. Jessie continued, "But I have to admit, I try NOT to think about you and mom having sex, so I most definately would not ever think about you," and he also used air quotes, "'helping out a bud.' In fact, before last night, I really had not ever even considered doing anything with a guy." "I see," said David. "It's my fault," Aaron interjected. "I'm gay. I've known for a long time, and, honestly, I've always thought Jessie was hot, and so last night, knowing that I was going to be spending the night here, I thought that if I got him high he might be open to fooling around. And that's why you found me sucking him off this morning, because I'm gay, and I like having sex with a really good looking guy." "But I went along with it," Jessie said. "Once we got started, I was in like Flynn." David chuckled at that old saying that he knew Jessie had learned from him. "Guys," David said, "I really don't care if you're having sex. I just want you to be more careful. Jessie, your mom is pretty progressive, but I don't know how she would have reacted to see her eighteen year old son getting off on three fingers up his butt." Jessie blushed bright crimson. David and Aaron both just chuckled. "Look," David continued, "There's no reason for me to get all bent out of shape. I messed around some when I was your age, so I don't think it's a real big deal. Aaron, you say that you know that you're gay. Do your parents know?" "I really don't know," Aaron said. "If he doesn't already know, I think my dad will be cool with it when he does find out. I'm not sure about mom. She seems pretty open minded, but, you just never know." Jessie interjected, "Dad, what exactly do you mean that you 'messed around some' when you were my age?" "Are you guys ready to tell me the intimate details of every grunt and squirt you experienced last night?" David responded. Both boys shook their neads no. "Well, then don't expect me to talk about what I did when I was your age. We'll just leave it at I fell confident that there's most likely nothing that you can do with each other that I don't at least know how to do, whether I've done it or not." "OK, I'm glad we had this little talk. You guys need to be more careful, with your dope and with your dongs!" David said laughing. "I'm not giving you my permission to smoke dope, and I'm not giving you permission to have sex. It is my duty as the adult to tell you that dope is bad for you, and that you should wait on sex until you meet that special someone. So, my 'official' Dad statement has been made. If you're going to do these things anyway, please, lock your door, and use the air spray we're going to get at the store this afternoon. Now, what do you guys have planned today?" "We were just gonna hang out, maybe swim," Jessie said. "Aaron's dad and Tommy are supposed to be back around suppertime today." "Well, I have a couple of chores to get done. I would really appreciate it if the two of you might be willing to help me out by mowing and trimming?" "Sure, Dad," Jessie said. He turned and looked at Aaron, "Do you want to mow, or trim?" "I'll mow," he said. "Can we go swimming later?" David responded, "Swimming is the perfect way to cool down after mowing and trimming. While ya'll are taking care of the mowing I'll take care of a couple of other things, and maybe we can all take a dip before heading to the store." The boys went back inside to put on their shoes. While they were in Jessie's room Aaron said, "Why don't we go commando while we mow?" "Well," Jessie said, "Normally when dad and I jump in the pool after mowing we strip to our underwear." "And if you're not wearing any, then we'll be skinny dipping," Aaron said. "In front of my dad?" Jessie asked incredulously. "What, are you chicken?" Aaron taunted, stepping out of his underwear and putting his shorts back on. Not to be outdone, Jessie removed his boxers and put back on just his shorts. They went downstairs and got busy mowing the grass. Two hours later they put the mower and the weed eater back up in the shed. David was just finishing the project he was working on. The two boys watched as he finished, and then cleaned up. As he was wiping his hands after putting up his tools, he ushered them out of the shed and closed and locked the door. As he turned he yelled at the boys, "Last one in is a rotten egg!" and ran towards the pool, pulling his shirt off as he ran. The two boys looked at each other and broke into a run for the pool. When they arrived, David was already pulling his shoes off, his shorts unbuckled. The boys quickly toed off their shoes, pulled off their socks, and started pulling off their pants. David turned around as he stepped out of his shorts to find two naked teenagers headed for the pool. A bit shocked he faltered, and the two boys jumped into the pool. "You're a rotten egg, dad!" Jessie yelled. "You're naked!" David said. "We were mowing commando," Aaron said. "It was cooler, and the pool DEFINATELY feels cooler without a suit or underwear! You should try it!" Not to be outdone, David shucked his underwear and jumped into the pool, cannon balling the two boys, but not before they both got an unimpeded view of his dick, balls and ass as he curled into the proper cannon ball form. As soon as David surfaced the two boys worked together to try and dunk him under the water. As the three of them struggled to dunk or be dunked, there was a great deal of grabbing and rubbing and touching. Each of the three of them were getting aroused rubbing around all over each other. Both boys used the opportunity to run their hands down David's butt crack, to caress his balls, and to gently tug at his turgid penis. And David felt both of their hard dicks rubbing all over his legs, into the crevice of his ass, and more than once he "accidentally" grabbed one or the other boy's junk as he was trying to get leverage to dunk them. The two boys and David were eventually all fully hard, and, whether they meant to be or not, they were all somewhat aroused. At one point Aaron said to David, "Mr. Simons, would you be willing to sit up on the edge of the pool for a minute?" David 8.5" cock was fully erect, and it would take some real concentration on his part to make it go down. "Maybe in a minute," he said. "But then you'll be soft," Aaron said. "Oh, so you want to see my hard dick?" David asked. Aaron moved closer to him and nodded his head. "I really shouldn't," David said. "Oh, who's gonna tell?" Aaron asked. "Jessie?" he asked, looking at Jessie. Jessie was as mesmerized as Aaron was about seeing his dad's dick. He knew from having felt it underwater that it was plenty big. "Come on, Dad," he said. "Be a sport." The three of them moved to the shallow end of the pool and David lifted himself up onto the edge, his dick pointing straight up. Aaron whistled and Jessie said, "Damn, that's big." Aaron moved a little closer and said, "Man, Tommy's is big, and so is Jessie's, but nothing like that." David blushed and said, "It get's the job done. Ruth never complains!" to which Jessie said, "Ewww! TMI!" David threw his head back and laughed, and before he knew what had happend, Aaron had moved in between his legs and swallowed him two thirds of the way down his throat. David reacted by trying to pull Aaron off his dick, but Aaron had wrapped his arms around David's waist and locked his hands together. Between both David and Aaron being wet, and the incredible feeling enveloping his dick David's attempt to get Aaron off his dick were ineffecitve. Aaron bobbed his head up and down and very quickly had David's cock buried all the way down his throat. "Damn!" David said. "Not even Ruth can do that!" Aaron hummed happily and David moaned. Jessie moved in behind Aaron to watch his dad's dick disappear down his friends throat. "Aaron, you have to stop," David said, without much conviction. "This isn't right!" But his moan gave away his enjoyment of what Aaron was doing to his dick. Thirty seconds later, Jessie was looking up at his dad, and raised his eyebrow. David looked away. Jessie pulled at Aaron's shoulders, and Aaron, realizing what Jessie was trying to do, released his suction hold on David's dick, and moved out of the way. Jessie moved in, and put his nose in his dad's crotch. He reached out his tongue and licked his dad's balls. David moaned and spread his legs. Jessie reached up and pulled his dad's big dick down level with his mouth, leaned forward, and started sucking the dick that had made him. Aaron was both playing with Jessie's dick, and fiddling a couple of fingers around Jessie's ass. Aaron leaned up and whispered in Jessie's ear, "Climb out, see if he'll suck you, and when I scratch your leg, sit down." Jessie realized what Aaron was suggesting, and moved out of the way so that Aaron could suck his dad's dick. David watched as Jessie pulled himself up out of the pool and walked over to stand in front of his dad. Jessie's hard dick was higher than David's face, but his balls were dangling right at David's eye level. David reached up and pulled Jessie's hard dick down and licked the end of it. He jerked it a little bit, and Jessie backed up and crowched down so that David had better access at his son's dick. He milked it a bit, and then leanded forward and licked the big drop of precum off Jessie's dick. Then he leaned a little farther forward and took the head of Jessie's dick in his mouth, licking all over the head. Aaron had been deep throating David's dick, getting it all slimed up. When he was satisfied, he reached up and scratched Jessie's leg lightly. Jessie pulled his dick out of his dad's mouth, got on his knees and leaned back as Aaron pointed David's dick up at Jessie's hole. Once Jessie made contact with David's dick, David's eyes opened wide as he realized what was happening. Before he had the chance to react, he was completely buried in the liquid volcano that was his son's tight, gripping ass. Jessie moaned, opened his lust filled eyes and looked directly into his dad's eyes as he started grinding his ass onto his dad's dick. Then he started bouncing up and down ever so slightly. "The concrete is hurting my knees. Can we move to one of the chaise's?" he asked. David nodded. Aaron got out of the pool and ran inside while David and Jessie got repositioned on the chaise, Jessie stradling his father, impaled on the 8.5" thick fuck tool that was his dad's. He grabbed the arm rests for balance, and then started bouncing his ass all the way up, and all the way down on his dad's dick. Two minutes into the fuck and Aaron walked back outside, lighting a joint as he stepped outside. He took a big drag off of the joint and held the smoke as he walked over to Jessie and David. When he reached them, he grabbed Jessie's head, and shotgunned the smoke from his lungs into Jessie. He handed the joint to David and said, "Now you do that to him." David took a big hit of the joint, held it, then, as Jessie stopped fucking himself on his dad's dick, breathed the smoke into jessie's mouth. Then Jessie got a hit by himself, but every time Aaron or David took a hit, they shotgunned their exhale into Jessie. By the time the joint was done, Jessie was really, really high. Aaron took the hand lotion that he had brought with him and lubed up his dick, and crawled up behind Jessie. He said, "Lean down on top of your dad, and relax." Jessie did what he was told. Aaron easily slipped one, then two, then three fingers up into Jessie beside David's dick. David was still slowly pumping in and out of Jessie's ass. Removing his fingers, Aaron pushed the head of his dick into the space between David's dick and Jessie's ass. "Relax..." he said to Jessie. Jessie relaxed, and, slowly but surely, Aaron's dick pushed up into Jessie beside David's dick. Once he was firmly planted in Jessie's ass, he said, "We're both inside you, Jessie. Me and your dad, both of us, in your ass. How does it feel?" "Full," was Jessie's reply. Aaron and David got a rhythm going, one pulling out while the other was pushing in. After only a few minutes, Aaron pulled out, grabbed the wet washcloth he had prepared while they were smoking the joing, and wiped off the hand lotion from his dick. He moved up to the head of the chaise and pointed his dick at Jessie's face. Jessie, now actively working with his dad so his dad could pound his ass, leaned over and started sucking Aaron's dick. "I'm almost there," Aaron said. Almost as soon as he finished saying it, he started cumming. Jessie might have been high as a kite, but he knew enough to swallow the first couple of shots, but saved the last several small squirts. When Aaron's orgasm had subsided, Jessie milked the last of Aaron's sperm into his mouth, and then leaned down and started kissing his dad, snowballing Aaron's cum into his dad's mouth. David grabbed Jessie, rolling the two of them over so that Jessie was fully under him. He grabbed his son's legs, lifted them up, and then started pile driving his aching dick into his son's tight, hot, grabbing ass. "Yeah, Dad," Jessie cried out. "Fuck me hard!" "You like that, son?" David asked, as he pounded harder and harder into his son's hole. "Yeah, Dad. Fuck me hard!" David went crazy, fucking Jessie as hard as he could, feeling the beginning of his orgasm building deep inside of him. He pulled his dick completely out of Jessie's ass, and then slammed it in to the hilt and said, "Here..." He pulled his dick completley ouf of Jessie's ass again, and then rammed it all the way back in again, saying, "it..." He pulled his dick completely out of Jessie's ass a third time, ramming it back in to the hilt with all of his might, screaming, "comes!!!" as his orgasm overtook him, and his sperm poured into his son's ass like he was taking a piss. Shot after shot, his body quaking with each blast, his balls dumped the biggest load of his life deep inside his son's ass. As he felt his dad's sperm shooting into his body, Jessie gave into the orgasm that had been building within him, and started shooting his own sperm all over himself and his dad. "Oh yeah," Jessie cried, his body and his father's body each shaking with orgasm aftershocks. The two men laid there, panting heavily, slowly coming down from their orgasmic high. After their breathing started becoming more regular Aaron said, "I want to clean your dick up, Mr. Simon." "What? Oh," David responded as he sat back and slowly pulled his long dick out of his son's still gripping ass. Once his dick was free of his son's ass, he turned, and Aaron knelt in front of him, and slurped the cum and ass juices off of his dick. Once David's dick was mostly clean, Aaron said, "Why don't you go sit over there?" and pointed at a close by chair. David moved to the chair, still worn out from the amazing fuck, and watched as Aaron pushed Jessie's legs back up into the air, and leaned in and started eating out Jessie's ass, licking and sucking David's cum out of his ass. Aaron's dick was hard again, and as he lowered Jessie's legs, he pushed his dick up into Jessie's hard fucked ass. He leaned over Jessie, opened his mouth, and while David watched, Aaron dripped David's cum into Jessie's open mouth. Once all the cum was out of his mouth, he leaned down and started kissing Jessie as he fucked him. One advantage, from Jessie's perspective, of Aaron being fifteen was, it didn't take him long to recover, or long to cum the second time. As David watched, Aaron fucked the hell out of Jessie, with Jessie holding on and moaning all the while. Once Aaron finally came, he fell down on Jessie's chest, breathing hard. "Be sure to rinse off before you guys come in," David said to the boys. A million thoughts were running through his head. He couldn't believe what he had just allowed to happen. He knew as soon as the boys had jumped in the pool naked that this was a probable outcome. He knew that it had been, hands down, the best sex he had ever had in his entire life. And he knew that if he were ever invited into his son's bed, and he was pretty sure he would be, he would go and not think twice about it. "We're leaving for the store in thirty minutes. You can both be ready if you don't fuck again while you're showering," he said, going into the house. "That was hot," Aaron said to Jessie. "No shit!" said Jessie. "But I still want to have sex with just you with us both totally straight." Aaron busted out laughing. "I understand what you mean, but me and you having sex is anything but straight!" he said. They got up and headed inside to get ready to go to the store with Jessie's dad.

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