What a Find

By TJ Mason

Published on May 3, 2012


After a rather lengthy absence, I've returned. I have other stories on here, if you'd like to know what they are, shoot me a message and I'll give you the names (I'm not currently listed as a prolific author).

But, here's something new for you.

Reminders: if it's not legal for you to be reading this, please navigate away. This story involves consensual sexual activities between teenage boys and includes the use of marijuana. This story also describes unsafe sex practices. It does so because this is a fantasy.

Do not engage in barebacking in real life. It can kill you!

No part of this story may be reproduced or used in any way without my hand written consent.

Hope you enjoy!

What a Find

Jessie was high. He knew that being high was the only way he was going to be able to stand having to "baby sit" his best friend's younger brother. He wasn't even really sure how it had happened that he had gotten roped into this, but he was pretty sure that it happened one night when he and Tommy were getting high together. The only bonus was that Tommy's little brother, Aaron, wasn't a complete asswipe, and had actually been the one to offer to get Jessie high.

Tommy was out of town, helping his dad bring back a load on the truck. Normally Tommy's mom rode with his dad, but she was taking care of her mother who had broken her hip, and needed someone staying with her while she recovered. So, when Tommy's dad told Tommy he needed help, Aaron ended up needing somewhere to stay, because there wasn't room for three in the cab. So, Tommy had gotten Jessie high, and then tricked him into agreeing to let Aaron stay with him for the weekend.

Apparently, Aaron had gotten into Tommy's stash, deeply into it, because it looked to Jessie like there was more than ten joints left after they had each smoked one. And it was Tommy's "good" stuff, so the one joint was quickly zoning him out.

"So, Jessie," Aaron started, "What do you and Tommy usually do when you get high together?"

"We just hang out and enjoy being high," Jessie replied.

"Oh," Aaron said, sounding a bit disappointed.

"Why, what did you think we did?" Jessie asked.

"Oh, I don't know." Aaron replied. "But, surly you guys do more interesting stuff than just lay around stoned."

Jessie laughed. "Well, we talk, usually about bullshit. Normally about girls from school we'd like to fuck. Or chicks from TV we'd like to fuck. Sometimes we talk about sports. Hell, I don't know! Most of the time we're too high to really have deep, meaningful conversation," he said.

"Man, It's hot in here," Aaron said. "What's up with that?"

"It's too early in the year to turn on the A/C," Jessie said, "so I just have to tough it out."

"Well, I'm going to get comfy, cuz I'm sweatin' my balls off," Aaron said.

Jessie started giggling.

"What's funny?" Aaron asked.

"The thought of your balls falling off onto the floor," Jessie said.

"That's not funny," Aaron said, which only made Jessie laugh harder.

"Don't fuckin wake up your folks," Aaron warned. "You don't want them coming up here and smelling those joints we just smoked," he said.

Jessie tried, unsuccessfully, to stifle his giggles as Aaron pulled off his shirt and pants. Aaron grabbed a pillow off the bed and threw it at Jessie. Jessie grabbed the pillow and held it over his face while he laughed. After a couple of minutes, Aaron started giggling too, not really knowing or caring why, just being affected by Jessie's laughter.

They both eventually calmed down and Jessie said, "I think you're right. It's pretty hot in here," and he got up and turned on the fan on his dresser. "Guess I might as well get comfy too," he said as he started pulling off his clothes. A couple of minutes later the two boys were sitting side by side wearing their white sox and underwear. Jessie was wearing boxers, Aaron tighty whities.

Jessie looked at Aaron and said, "As long as we don't get really loud our really crazy, my folks probably won't hear us. Their bedroom is at the other end of the house, downstairs. I can usually play my music pretty loud without bothering them."

"That's good," Aaron said. "I'd hate for them to come up and catch us smoking a joint in our underwear!"

Jessie busted out laughing again, and reached over the goosed Aaron in the side, to try and tickle him.

Aaron swatted his hand away and said, "Hey, let's split another joint."

"I don't know," Jessie said. "One full joint by myself, and I'm pretty high."

"Jee-zus!" said Aaron. "You a lightweight, or something""

"I'll show you lightweight," Jessie said. "Fire one up!"

Aaron reached in his bag and pulled out a fat joint and lit it, inhaling and holding the smoke, and passing the joint to Jessie, who did the same.

Jessie didn't pass the joint back, and Aaron said, "hey, don't hog the damn thing."

Jessie waved at him, still holding his breath, and then exhaling.

"I'll shotgun ya," he said leaning over towards Aaron.

"Here," Aaron said, "do it this way. Scoot up to me, and put your legs over mine so we can sit face to face."

Jessie put his legs over Aarons, and they scooted up so close their dicks were all but touching. Jessie realized that he was "that" close to Aaron, and felt a little tingle in his dick. He and Tommy had shotgunned like this a time or two, but they had been fully dressed, not basically naked.

And then there was the whole thing about being a horny 18 year old high school senior that plagued Jessie. And pot typically made that problem worse. He and Tommy had jerked off beside each other several times, usually fantasizing out loud to each other about what they wanted to do to some girl. But, the reality was, Jessie had never been this close to another person with this little clothing on. He had never really considered having sex with a guy, but his body was responding, surprisingly, to being so close to Jessie.

"Well, come on, damnit," Aaron said, breaking Jessie out of his brief fade out.

Jessie took a deep breath and held it, and then put the hot end of the joint in his mouth and closed his lips around it. Aaron leaned in close and turned his head, using his hand on Jessie's shoulder to steady himself. Jessie concentrated as hard as he could on blowing the smoke out of his mouth.

A few seconds later, Aaron's lungs full of smoke, Jessie quit blowing. They were both weaving a little at this point. Jessie took the joint out of his mouth, and Aaron reached up the hand from Jessie's shoulder and put it behind his neck, and pulled him forward.

Jessie leaned forward, and Aaron started to blow the smoke gently into Jessie's face. Once Aaron had exhaled completely, and Jessie inhaled as much as he could, Aaron drooped his head forward, resting his forehead against Jessie's.

After what felt like only a couple of seconds, but must have been longer, based on the length of the ash on the roach, Aaron giggled and said, "Ok, now I'll blow you," and reached for the joint.

Jessie giggled, and thought about how close he was sitting to Aaron, how hot they were, how high they were, and how good he thought a blow job would feel.

"Promise?" he said, looking at Aaron.

"Give me the joint and I'll show you," Aaron said.

Jessie passed the joint to Aaron, who then shotgunned Jessie the same way that Jessie had, but in the process of blowing the smoke into Jessie's mouth, their faces, or more exactly, their lips touched. Only for a brief moment, but they both realized it had happened. Jessie pulled back and held his breath.

Aaron took the joint out of his mouth, and crushed it out, since it was almost burnt out anyway.

Then Jessie motioned him to lean in, and Aaron once again steadied himself on Jessie's arm as he leaned forward to inhale the smoke Jessie was exhaling. This time, it seemed to be a mutual decision as they looked each other in the eye as their heads moved together. Aaron put his open mouth over Jessie's open mouth, and Jessie exhaled directly into Aaron's open mouth.

When he had finished exhaling, before he could move his head away, Aaron stuck his tongue into Jessie's mouth and started French kissing him.

And Jessie kissed him back. The two boys, gently at first, and then with the rising passion that teenaged hormones, fueled by an abundance of really good pot, produce, they kissed harder, and with more abandon, wrapping their arms around each other, pressing their naked chests together as their tongues dueled for supremacy.

Jessie realized that his dick was achingly hard at about the same moment that he realized that Aarons hard dick was pressing against his own.

The kiss ended and Jessie pulled back just enough to look Aaron in the eyes and say, "Wow!"

Aaron just leaned over, stuck his tongue out, and licked Jessie's erect nipple, causing Jessie to suck his breath in.

"I'll stop if you want me to," Aaron said, and then covered Jessie's nipple with his mouth, and began tonguing the erect nipple.

Jessie grabbed Aaron's head and pulled back and said, "Holy Fuck!"

Aaron, fear in his eyes, pulled away, but Jessie, even in his jumbled state of mind, wouldn't let him go.

Aaron fought harder, trying to get away, so Jessie wrapped his arms around the younger boy and whispered in his ear, "you almost made me cum!"

Aaron stopped fighting, relaxed, and said, "Yeah?"

Jessie pulled back so he could look in Aaron's eyes.

"Yeah," he said. "I haven't beat off since yesterday morning, pot always makes me horny, and I've never done anything like this with anyone before."

"You're a virgin?" Aaron asked, incredulously.

"You're not?" Jessie asked.

"Well, no! You know what a horndog my brother is," Aaron said.

Jessie looked at the boy stupefied.

"You have sex with your brother?" he asked.

"Yeah, all the time," Aaron said. "Does that weird you out?" he asked.

"I'm just going to have to wrap my head around that," Jessie said.

"Well, while you're wrapping your head around that, can I wrap my lips around your dick?" Aaron asked.

"Uh...sure, I guess," Jessie said.

"Look, we don't have to do this," Aaron said.

"No, I want to," Jessie said. "I have always wondered what a blowjob felt like. I just always assumed my first one would be from a girl, not my best friend's younger brother."

Then he leaned back and started pulling down his boxers.

Aaron grabbed his hand and said, "Stand up."

The two of them stood up. "We'll do as much or as little as you want to," Aaron said.

"What do you mean?" Jessie asked.

"Well, there's a lot that two horny guys can do together," Aaron said.

Jessie just stared at him.

"Well, It's a given that I'm gonna suck your dick, and you are welcome to cum in my mouth. In fact, you don't even have to tell me it's going to happen, just lay back and enjoy what I'm doing until you dump your nut."

"You're gonna swallow my cum?" Jessie asked, unbelievingly.

"If you'll let me I will," said Aaron.

"What else?" asked Jessie.

"Dude, there's so much," Aaron replied. "How long does it take you to recover after you cum?"

"I don't know. I usually just jerk off and then roll over and go to sleep," Jessie said.

"Well, we can figure that out together, if you'd like, and we can figure out how many times you can cum one right after the other, if you want," Aaron said.

Jessie thought for a minute and said, "And what about you?"

"Well," Aaron said, "Tommy never sucks my dick. Sometimes when he's fuckin me he'll jerk me, but he doesn't want to be touching my dick when I cum."

"Damn, he sounds like kind of a jerk," Jessie said.

"It's not so bad," Adam said. "I'm gay. I've known I was gay for a couple of years, so, I actually like sucking his dick and getting fucked. I'd love to feel what a blowjob feels like, and someday I'd love to fuck someone, but, trust me when I say, I will be happy just suckin your dick, and you can fuck me all you want, and I'll be more than happy."

"Nah, I don't think I can operate that way," Jessie said. "That's too selfish. I think if we're gonna do this, I'm going to want to make you cum as well."

"That would be great," Aaron said, "but you really don't have to."

Jessie pulled the boy, three years his junior, to him and kissed him again. This time, Aaron wrapped his arms around Jessie's shoulders. They began swaying together, kind of like they were dancing. Jessie was running his hands up and down Aaron's back and sides, grabbing and rubbing Aaron's ass.

That was making Aaron moan a little, which turned Jessie on even more. Jessie slipped both of his hands into the band of Aaron's underwear, and started working it down over his ass. Aaron reached down with one hand and pulled the underwear up over his hard dick, and it slid to the floor. He stepped out of them as they continued to kiss.

He returned the favor, and helped Jessie out of his underwear, so that, finally, they were pressed up against one another, both completely naked, and hard. Really hard. Both guys dripping precum like crazy hard.

Aaron pulled away from the kiss and said, "God, I want to suck your dick!"

Jessie said, "I want to suck yours, too."

Aaron replied, "Tell you what, let me suck you off. I want you to lay back, and I'm gonna give you a blowjob that you will remember for the rest of your life. Just trust me what I'm doing, ok? Once I'm done and you have cum, when you recover, if you still want to, you can suck my dick, ok?"

"Oh, I'll want to," said Jessie.

Aaron chuckled and said, "Tommy nuts and is done. In fact, most of the time, by the time I finish jerkin off, he's already asleep."

"I won't do that to you," Jessie said.

"Enough talk," Aaron said. "Lay back on the bed, propped up on your pillows. Whatever I do, if you don't like it, just tell me, and I'll quit. Otherwise, just trust me, ok?"

"I trust you," Jessie said, as he got up on the bed the way Aaron had directed.

He lay back, and spread his legs wide enough for Aaron to get between them. Aaron crawled up to his crotch and started sniffing around Jessie's crotch.

Jessie's dick was, to Aaron, beautiful. It was probably over 7 inches long, and pretty thick. Longer and thicker than Tommy's, and definitely bigger than Aaron's 15 year old, just under 6 inch cock.

Even though it was dark in the room, Aaron could imagine what Jessie's dick looked like in the light. Jessie was a natural red head, and Aaron couldn't wait to see how orange his pubic hair was. But, for now, he buried his nose in the boy's pubic bush and breathed in that wonderful smell of boy crotch.

Gently, he stuck out his tongue and started licking Jessie there where his leg met his torso, just beside his nutsack, and Jessie, pulled back and sucked in his breath.

"That felt crazy!" he said.

"Look, You're gonna just have to let me do this," said Aaron. "Grab your pillow. When you want to move, don't. Just scream into the pillow, and let me do what I'm going to do, ok?"

"Ok," Jessie said, as he pulled his extra pillow over his face.

Aaron put his face back in Jessie's pubes and licked his groin again. Jessie made a noise into the pillow but kept his legs apart. Aaron began licking all around Jessie's nuts, licking the groin area on both sides and lapping the fuzzy balls, getting them good and dripping. Jessie was trying hard not to move, and was only partly successful. Between the pot and the exquisite torture of Aaron's tongue, Jessie's poor brain was in overload.

Then Jessie felt Aaron's tongue dip a little farther down below his nutsack. Without realizing what he was doing, Jessie scooched down to allow Aaron more access.

Aaron reached down and put his hands under Jessie's knees and gently lifted them as his tongue worked its way down to Jessie's rosebud. The second that Aaron's tongue hit Jessie's ass, Jessie squirmed and screamed into the pillow, but didn't move enough to disturb Aaron from what he was doing.

Aaron licked around the bud, gently bit at it, then rolled up his tongue and started working his tongue up into Jessie's virgin ass. He licked and slobbered, and tongue fucked Jessie's hole for a few moments, until Jessie's ass started twitching, and Aaron knew he needed to get his mouth over Jessie's dick, because the end was near.

He licked his way back up to Jessie's dick, and as he licked Jessie's dick from his nutsack to the head, he flicked Jessie's asshole with his middle finger, and pushed gently.

Jessie's ass gave way and Aaron's finger slipped in to the second knuckle. Jessie just moaned, and Aaron saw a stream of precum gush out of the end of Jessie's dick.

He lapped up the precum that had gathered in Jessie's bellybutton, and then started licking the head of Jessie's dick. He pulled his finger out of Jessie's ass, wiggled it around the ring a bit, while he continued to lick the head of Jessie's dick.

He took the head of Jessie's dick into his mouth, and pushed his finger back into Jessie's ass, again to the second knuckle. He began gently bobbing up and down on just the first few inches of Jessie's dick. Precum was leaking out of Jessie's dick like piss, and Aaron moaned as he greedily drank it down.

He started finger fucking Jessie's ass as he bobbed up and down on Jessie's dick. Between the Jessie's sweat from the heat of the room and the passion of the blowjob, Aaron was able to slip a second finger up into Jessie's ass.

Three times pressing in, and his index and middle fingers were completely buried in Jessie's grasping ass, and he was using his two knuckles to massage around his asshole.

Jessie was bucking on Aaron's fingers, trying, it seemed, to get them deeper into his ass. Then he started a moan that Aaron knew meant his orgasm was on the way.

Jessie pulled his two fingers out of Jessie's ass and quickly slammed his index, middle and ring fingers back up Jessie's twitching ass, all the way in one push. At the same time, he deep throated Jessie's dick all the way down to his pubes.

Jessie screamed into the pillow, his ass fluttered and gripped Aaron's fingers, and then he began pumping a huge load of cum directly into Aaron's hungry gullet. After the first two blasts, Aaron pulled back to catch Jessie's cum in his mouth so he could taste it. Two more powerful blasts from Jessie and Aaron had no choice but to swallow, but Jessie kept squirting.

It tapered off somewhat, but Jessie shot three more squirts of cum into Aaron's waiting mouth. As soon as Jessie quit squirting, Aaron quickly pulled the fingers out of Jessie's ass, and spit the cum into them.

He then reached down and lubed up his cock with Jessie's cum, and quickly slipped his dick into Jessie's still quivering ass. It slipped in to the hilt with no problems.

Aaron grabbed the pillow and pulled it off of Jessie's face, and leaned down and kissed Jessie hard, letting Jessie taste his own cum in Aaron's mouth, while Aaron's dick began to pull out and push into Jessie's ass.

Jessie moaned, and wrapped his arms and legs around Aaron, pushing up his ass to meet Aaron's cock as it plunged into Jessie's ass.

Jessie broke the kiss and, in a husky voice said, "Fuck me dude...fuck me hard!"

Aaron asked, "Are you sure? It might hurt."

"I want to feel you plowing my ass. I want to feel your cock slamming into me, and I want to feel you cumming in my ass!"

"Ok!" Aaron replied, as he started really banging Jessie's ass.

Aaron was also incredibly horny, and had gotten really worked up while he was sucking Jessie's dick. He knew that if he power fucked Jessie he wouldn't last long.

"Dude, as good as this feels, if I keep pounding you this hard, I won't last long," he said to Jessie.

"We can do it again later," Jessie replied. "I just want to see what it feels like for you to cum in my ass.

So Aaron kept up the onslaught of Jessie's ass, their sweaty bodies making all kinds of squishy noises as he slammed into Jessie's ass. Jessie began grunting every time Aaron plowed into him.

"I'm close," Aaron said.

"Don't tell me when, just do it," Jessie replied.

Aaron pulled his dick completely out of Jessie's ass and then slammed it balls deep four times in a row. The fifth time, he held his cock deeply embedded in Jessie's bowels as his fifteen year old nuts dumped their load into his older brother's friends' ass.

"Yeah," Jessie yelled, "That's it! Dump your nut in my ass!!"

Aaron grabbed the pillow and clamped it down on Jessie's face as his cock continued to pump sperm into Jessie's ass.

As soon as his orgasm subsided, he collapsed on Jessie's chest. Jessie pulled the pillow off his face, grabbed Aaron's head, and turned it so that he could kiss him.

They kissed until Aaron's limp dick slipped out of Jessie's tender ass. A little bit of Aaron's cum ran out of Jessie's hole.

Aaron worked his way down' Jessie's body, pushed his legs back up, and began eating his own cum out of Jessie's well fucked ass. Jessie moaned, and relaxed his ass so that Aaron's tongue had better access.

Jessie's dick began getting hard again, and Aaron could feel the dick harden as he ate out Jessie's dick.

Satisfied that he had sucked as much of his cum out of Jessie's ass as he could, he crawled back up Jessie's chest, put his lips to Jessie's, who opened his mouth. Aaron opened his mouth, and let his cum slip into Jessie's mouth.

Jessie moaned and squirmed under Aaron, realizing that he was tasting both Aaron's cum, and his own ass juices. He was turned on, and hard as a rock.

"If you have some hand lotion or something, you can lube up your dick and fuck me," Aaron said.

"I have a better idea," Jessie said. "Why don't you turn around here, plant your ass on my tongue, and I'll lube up your ass while you lube up my dick?"

"That sounds like a much better plan than mine," said Aaron, has he turned into a 69 position with Jessie. Jessie didn't hesitate one moment. As soon as Aaron's ass was in front of his face, he attacked it with his lips, and teeth, and tongue. He nibbled and licked, and tongue fucked Aaron's ass just as Aaron had done for him.

Even with the fan blowing on them, they were both still sweating. And they were leaving large amounts of saliva where their mouths were. It didn't take but a few minutes, and Aaron was saying he was ready.

He turned around, straddled Jessie's lap, and slipped Jessie's fairly large dick up his ass. It really was bigger than Tommy's dick, and with only spit as lube, it was a bit uncomfortable, but he kept pushing back until he felt Jessie's pubic hair on his ass.

Then he leaned back, pushing Jessie's dick even deeper in himself, and began rocking his ass back and forth, around and around, and up and down on Jessie's dick. He was fucking himself, masturbating his ass on Jessie's dick. As much as Jessie may have thought it was about him fucking Aaron, for Aaron, it was about giving himself as much pleasure as he possibly could, and doing so with Jessie's dick as the instrument of his pleasure.

Five minutes of this amazing torture, and Jessie said, "I really want to fuck you, Aaron."

Aaron said, "Ok. Roll me over," and they moved legs and arms and rolled over in such a manner that Jessie's dick never came out of Aaron's ass. Now with Jessie on top, Aaron wrapped his legs around Jessie, and they fucked long and slow for a while, Jessie slowly and methodically pulling his dick almost completely out of Aaron's ass, and then slowly and deliberately pushing it back in all the way to the hilt.

After several minutes of this slow, steady fuck, Aaron said, "I want to try a position I read about, but haven't done," he said. "Pull out, and let me turn on my side. Get up behind me, let me lift my leg over yours, and you push back into me."

So Jessie entered him from behind, but he quickly realized that in this position, he could reach around and play with Aaron's dick. Aaron also turned his head back, and they were able to kiss. And so they did, tongues tangling together, Jessie jerking Aaron's dick to the same pace that he fucked his ass, they moved their bodies together, savoring the feeling of being high, and having sex.

At one point Aaron broke the kiss, looked into Jessie's eyes and said, "I wonder what this would be like not stoned?"

Jessie grinned at him and said, "I can't wait to find out!"

Jessie then said, "I'm really close, man."

Aaron replied, "Cum in my ass."

Jessie responded, "No problem, but I want you to hold off and let me finish you off by sucking your dick."

"You don't have to," Aaron said. "I'm perfectly happy with you jerkin me off with your dick in my ass."

"But I want to. I've felt your dick spurting your cum in my ass. I want to taste your cum. I want to feel your dick spurting your sperm in my mouth."

"Well, then you better hurry up and get your nut, cuz what your dick is doing in my ass, and your hand is doing to my dick, all this talk about cum is getting me close!"

Jessie pulled his dick out of Aaron's ass, and crawled back up on top of him, lifted his legs, and plunged all the way into Aaron's ass again. And then he plowed the hell out of Aaron's ass. Jessie fucked hard and long up into Aaron, just the way that Aaron' had done to him a bit earlier. And he was right. About two minutes into the power fuck and he slammed into Aaron's ass, and with a cry he started cumming.

Even though he had cum just a little while before, getting to fuck someone for the first time had reloaded his nuts and he came with a vengeance.

He didn't have any time to rest because almost as soon as he nutted Aaron said, "I'm really close man...like, if you're gonna suck me, you better get to it!"

Jessie pulled out of Aaron's ass, opened his mouth, and began to bob up and down on Aaron's dick. Less than a minute of his sucking and Aaron cried out, and began squirting in his mouth.

Jessie was fascinated with what it felt like to feel a dick squirting in his mouth, and he was amazed at the taste of Aaron's cum. Sure, he had tasted it earlier, but that had included his own juices. This was pure Aaronic nectar, and Jessie realized he was going to have to have more of it.

As soon as Aaron quit squirting, Jessie swallowed about half of what was in his mouth, and then crawled up Aaron's heaving chest, and dripped his cum into his mouth, just like he had done to Jessie earlier.

Then Jessie leaned down and kissed Aaron hard. The kiss lasted for several minutes, until Jessie broke it.

"Hey man, we need to clean up and put the stash away, and get to sleep. I'm afraid my dad may be up in the morning to wake us up, and he doesn't need to find us naked with joints laying around the room!"

So the two boys cleaned up the room, washed each other, taking care as they each gently cleaned the ass that they had just pounded. Then they went back to Jessie's room, and crawled up into his bed.

"Thanks, Jessie," Aaron said. "That was amazing."

"Hey man, it was amazing for me, too! I sure hope we can do this again."

"Well, I seem to recall saying something about wondering what it would be like to fuck without being stoned," Aaron said.

"What time to Tommy and your dad get back tomorrow?" Aaron asked.

"Probably not until near suppertime. They're supposed to call me and let me know," he said.

"Well, maybe we can find out tomorrow afternoon," Jessie said with a big smile.

"Maybe we can at that," Aaron said.

Next: Chapter 2

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