Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on May 7, 2017


Disclaimer: The following story is purely fictional. Please read it legally - be of a legal age and in a legal place. Any similarity in plot or resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and/or publish this story. Thanks :)

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*************************** Wet shame, wet fun

Chapter 9

The next morning, Theo called the library manager and changed as many shifts that his class schedule would allow to avoid having to be on the same shift as Joseph. The handful of shifts that he couldn't swap he would spend far away from the other man.

Theo still hadn't decided whether to tell Jake or not about Joseph's wandering hands last night. However, his attention was quickly shifted away from the incident when he received three long-awaited emails a few days after. All three of the universities that he had applied for had invited him to an entrance interview for respective their medical schools. While this made Theo extremely pleased, it also meant that he'd have to organise time and transport to travel to each of these universities to attend the interviews. His first interview was in a week's time and his last was simply a week after that.

The week leading up to the interview was spent organising a way to get to his interview with missing as little of class as possible, and soon came the day where Theo had to fly out to head to his first interview arrived. Jake kissed his boyfriend goodbye before Theo boarded the bus to the airport. Even though Theo would have to return home in between interviews in order to continue attending classes and clinics, this would be the first time they spent nights apart from each other. While Jake was happy with Theo's success, their relationship was still a bit rocky due to Theo's hectic schedule and Jake greatly missed spending time with his boyfriend.

The next morning, Jake awoke alone in bed, which quickly reminded him that Theo wasn't in town. It made him anxious, but he had to remind himself that it meant Theo was getting closer to becoming accepted into a medical school. Jake, himself, had already been offered a place at all three universities that he had applied too, but he hadn't yet accepted any of the offers yet. With all things going to plan, he'd accept his offer to Auckland University with Theo coming along with him.

As each interview was completed, Theo came home a little less stressed and was happily received by his boyfriend. Theo began resigning from the few of the roles he had taken up earlier in the year because of the stress it caused his relationship and the fact that he had earned his entrance interviews already. He began spending more of his evenings with his boyfriend, taking him out to dinner and events in their spare time. Their relationship was starting to return to how it was before and their sex lives returned with a vengeance. It hadn't quite dawned on them how sexually deprived they had been until one day Theo received the following text message from Jake:

"Meet me by the back entrance to the Chemistry Building. Now"

Fearing something had happened to his boy, Theo raced to the south end of the chemistry building where he found Jake nervously pacing. When Jake saw Theo, he grabbed him by the hand and hurriedly dragged him into the single toilet room located just inside the door. He locked the entrance and pushed Theo against it and began kissing the bigger man with great urgency. Theo's cock began thickening inside his pants as he felt his boy grinding himself against his crotch.

Jake made quick work of Theo's pants and had them unbuckled and pulled down before Theo knew what was going on. As he looked down, the sight and feelings that greeted him almost floored him. Jake was looking up at him as he took Theo's thick cock into his mouth. He was feverishly slobbering over Theo's meat as if his life depended on it. The noises that his boyfriend was making as he sucked his thick meat drove him wild and it took all his self-control to stop himself from grabbing onto Jake's head and skull-fucking him, however, he somehow knew Jake probably wouldn't have minded that.

After a few minutes of feasting on Theo's cock, Jake stood up and pulled him over to a bench in the middle of the room. Theo shuffled along as fast as he could with his jeans puddled around his ankles. He watched as Jake swiftly pulled down his own jeans and bent over the bench, exposing his gorgeous ass to the older boy. Theo couldn't help but spy the pair of diaper briefs that was bunched up around Jake's ankles along with his pants, which turned him on so much.

With a tone most desperate, Jake pleaded for Theo to fuck him. In an almost animalistic nature, Theo dove his face against Jake's hole and worked with vigour, eating the younger man's hole out. Jake moaned as he felt the Theo's stubble rub against the soft, sensitive skin of his taint. He pushed his ass back trying to get Theo's probing tongue into this ass.

He felt the warmth of Theo's treatment leave his ass and was quickly replaced by the prodding of a thick head.

"Please," Jake begged. He arched his back further, inviting Theo to pummel his ass for the first time in many weeks. Knowing Jake hadn't been penetrated in a while, Theo tried his damn hardest not to simply force his thick cock inside the younger boy. He gently pushed his cock against the tight opening of his boy's ass, but it appeared his boy was growing impatient because he felt Jake pushed back and his cock popped right past his tight hole and deep into his gut.

Theo felt Jake's entire body shudder around his cock and the boy let out guttural moan. Jake began moving his body back and forth impaling himself on his boyfriend's thick cock, moaning like a some hot whore. Theo threw his head back and let his boyfriend pleasure them both.

Not long after, both boys felt the impending orgasm. Theo's thrusts became more intense before he dove deep and began unloading his warm cum inside his boy's willing ass. Feeling Theo's throbbing cock inside him shooting his seed drove him over the edge and his ass clamped down on that pulsing cock as he painted the ground with his own seed.

Happily glowing from their release, both boys sat down on the bench with their pants still around their ankles, leaning against each other. Jake rested his head against Theo's shoulder.

"Wow," Theo simply said. He turned to Jake with a large grin. It always surprised yet thrilled Theo whenever Jake became horny enough to initiate sex like this. Theo pretended not to notice the red tinge appearing on his boy's cheeks. He kissed him gently and rubbed slow circles on Jake's inner thigh.

Jake suddenly stood up and started pulling his pants up so he could walk properly.

"Gotta pee," he said as he began to waddle towards the toilet, but before he got any further he felt a hand grab his arm.

"Whoa hang on there, buddy." Theo pulled his boyfriend back towards him. He pulled Jake's diaper briefs up fully and pulled the boy onto his lap. "I can see you've got a perfectly fine pair of briefs waiting to be pissed into. No need for the toilet."

Jake squirmed on Theo's lap as he felt the increasing ache of his spasming bladder deep within his abdomen. He tried to get up but Theo kept a tight grip around Jake's torso.

"Theo," he whined. He squirmed some more but was trapped. One of Theo's hands snaked down between his legs and cupped the bulge of his diaper briefs. Jake felt Theo's other hand wrap around his belly and began pressing down just below his belly button. His eyes grew wide as he felt an increasing pressure on his bladder. Theo was deliberately trying to get him to piss himself.

Jake squirmed even harder, which made Theo hold on even tighter causing the pressure on his bladder to further increase. Knowing he wasn't going to win this battle, he stopped squirming and sat limp on Theo's naked lap. He felt his boyfriend's thickened cock pressing against his ass through the briefs. He turned to look at Theo who captured his lips in a passionate kiss.

Jake could do nothing but whimper into Theo's mouth as he felt himself lose control of his bladder and filled his diaper with hot piss. The pressure on his bladder eased and Theo's firm press against his abdomen turned into soft stroking motions.

Theo kept his hand cupping Jake's diaper bulge and he felt it warm up and expand ever so slightly as it absorbed all of Jake's piss. They continued to kiss while Jake pissed himself, the younger man letting out the occasional whimper. Jake also felt his hole open up as his boyfriend's seed leaked out into the briefs.

When he was finished, he peeled himself away from Theo, took off his soiled diaper and chucked it in the bin. Theo watched as his boy used some paper towels to wipe up any residual piss around his groin and pulled his pants up.

After fixing himself up, Theo walked up to Jake and pulled him into an embrace. Jake wrapped his arms around Theo and they stood like that for a moment. Theo buried his face into Jake's soft hair and inhaled deeply.

"Sorry I haven't been around much, baby," Theo apologised. "I know I've been a bit of a dick the last few months. You've been so good to me."

Jake nodded his head against Theo's shoulder.

"It's okay," Jake whispered. He lifted his head and looked into Theo's eyes. "I'm proud of you." The boyish smile that Jake gave him filled Theo's heart with the a whole lot of warm love. "You did what you had to do to prepare for the future." In Jake's eyes, his boyfriend could do no wrong. "I love you."

Theo gave his boy another passionate kiss before returning the sentiment, "I love you too."

They left the bathroom with a spring in their step as their relationship had returned to an all-time high. But it wouldn't stay like that long for Theo. The seed of guilt that was planted at the back of his mind from the Joseph incident had germinated and was starting to form roots.

**** It had been a month since Theo had his entrance interview and he was beginning to get antsy. He checked his email about five times a day to see if he had received an acceptance letter from any of the universities he applied at. Jake had to remind Theo that he had a class in 10 minutes and practically had to push him out of the house while Theo had his eyes glued to his phone, continuously waiting for an email.

Not long after Theo had left the house for class Jake heard a knock at the door. He was surprised to see Joseph on the other side. While he didn't know him very well, he knew he worked at the library with Theo and was the guy who introduced him to the idea of medical school.

They greeted each other and Joseph peered past Jake and looked around the house from the doorway.

"Is Theo around?" Joseph asked cautiously.

"He just left for class. He'll be back in about an hour though if you want to come by later."

Jake's friendly demeanour threw Joseph off. Joseph knew it was a risk coming to Theo's house to talk to him and he hadn't even considered that it was Jake that would open the door. It occurred to him that he could possibly be assaulted by the boyfriend of the guy he tried to have sex with. But from Jake's polite smile, it dawned on him that Theo hadn't told Jake what had happened a few months ago back at his place.

He smirked at opportunity to carry out some petty revenge on the guy who rejected him.

"That's fine, Jake. I just wanted to have a quick chat with him." He stopped to gauge Jake's mood and when it was clear that Jake truly was oblivious to what had transpired between his boyfriend and him he continued, "I just wanted to tell him I'm sorry for kissing and touching him."

Without allowing Jake to respond, Joseph spun on his heels and started walking away from the house. Doing what he needed to do he snickered at the stunned look that he managed to plant on Jake's face. He even cackled when he turned his head to see Jake still speechless at the door. He knew he just started a shit storm.

When Kevin returned to the house that afternoon he found Jake quietly sobbing at the dining table. He guardedly approached him and took a seat next to him. Kevin wasn't very good with emotional people. If someone was crying, he was the type of person to slink away in the opposite direction, and if trapped in a dire situation, he would simply give them a gentle pat on the head as a means of consoling them. However, Jake was his flatmate, as well as very sweet boy.

"What's wrong?" he asked.

Jake buried his face in his arms on the table top. He hiccupped a few times before he could pull himself together enough to speak.

"Someone kissed Theo."

Kevin frowned. Theo didn't seem to be the cheating type. In fact, he felt that Theo and Jake's relationship was incredibly tight and that there was no universe where he's even remotely imagine either of them cheating on one another.

Many questions started to fill his head. "Um, how did you find out?"

Jake sat up and looked a Kevin with his sad, puffy eyes.

"One of the guys he works with at the library came to the house this morning looking for him. He said he wanted to apologise to Theo for kissing a-and –," he stumbled on his words and had to pause and take a big breath to ground himself, "and touching him." Jake sniffled a few more times before he continued to ramble. "I don't even know when this happened. It could have been at any point when Theo used to come home so late. Do you think he hadn't been working that entire time? Do you think it was something I did? Does he think I've been a bad boyfriend?"

Even though he was feeling extremely uneasy, Kevin put a hand on Jake's shoulder and gave it a squeeze to stop Jake from spiralling.

"Hang on there, buster." He gave Jake's shoulder an awkward pat before removing his hand. "Do you believe him? Joseph, I mean."

Jake cast his eyes downwards and looked at his fidgety hands.

"I don't know. I don't want to..."

"And Theo wouldn't. I wouldn't believe it. I think you need to talk to him."

And at that moment, they heard the front door unlock and Theo walked in.

"Honey, I'm ho-..." He trailed off when he spotted a very upset looking Jake. He rushed over and knelt down in front of his boy. "What happened?!" He reached up to cup Jake's face and wipe his tears away. "Why are you crying?"

Jake shrugged away Theo's hands and scooted his chair back. Theo looked between Kevin and Jake with a very alarmed expression.

Kevin picked up his backpack and started making his way to his room. "I'm going to leave you two to talk. Jake, let me know if you need me." The boys were left alone after they heard Kevin's bedroom door close.

Jake kept looking down at his hands as he felt Theo's very intense stare on him.

"Baby, tell me what's wrong," he asked as he took the seat Kevin had vacated.

Jake had a billion things he wanted to ask and took his time organising his thoughts. He took another deep breath before proceeding.

"Joseph stopped by today."

Theo sharply inhaled at the name he wasn't expecting to hear. He audibly swallowed before asking a question he wasn't sure he wanted to know the answer to.

"And what did he want?"

When Jake didn't answer immediately Theo went to reach for his hands, but Jake pulled back. Jake's deliberate evasion of Theo's touch physically pained him.

Jake's voice became small and quiet. "He wanted to say sorry for kissing and touching you. Those were his exact words."

Theo immediately buried his face in his hands and swore. He stood up and started pacing the lounge.

"Fuck fuck fuck," he repeated. He appeared to be mulling something over in his mind when he startled at the sight of Jake as if he didn't realise he was in the room. He dove down in front of Jake again and forcefully took his boyfriend's hands into his own. He felt Jake try to tug his hands away but he wouldn't let him pull away.

"Nothing happened, Jake. I want you to know that I didn't do anything." He put great emphasis on that last word. Jake stopped trying to pull away and stared back at Theo who looked so defeated as he knelt in front of him. "Please hear what I'm saying. It was just before when I had my interviews. He invited me back to his place to have a beer because I was so on edge. When we were on this couch, he lunged himself at me, kissed me and tried to touch dick."

Jake grimaced at the replay of what had happened.

"But I pushed him away and stormed out. I told him that I loved you and that he better not come between you and me. I love you, Jake, I love you." He brought Jake's hands up to his mouth and kissed them.

Jake tried his best to process all the information that Theo was giving him. Fortunately, he began to feel better about what he was hearing. It seemed clear that Joseph had tried to make a move on Theo, but Theo quickly barred him. His tense shoulders slowly relaxed as he realised Theo hadn't cheated on him.

"You know I'd never do anything to hurt you," Theo gave Jake's hands another kiss.

Jake wanted to accept final Theo's declaration, but he had one last question.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jake asked. Theo didn't know what to say. He couldn't look Jake in the eye and he felt Jake slide his hands out from his grasp. "Why did you keep it a secret?"

Theo got up from the ground and sat back in the chair. He rubbed his face in frustration.

"I don't know." Jake frowned at the unsatisfying answer. "I didn't think it mattered. It didn't change the way I felt about you – nothing between us changed. You still mean the world to me. The only thing that's different is that I'm now down one friend, but I don't care about that because you're the only one that's important to me."

Jake felt troubled with that answer. Even though it didn't change their relationship, what other secrets could Theo be hiding? If he had sex with Joseph and it was a mistake and Theo maintained that it didn't change their relationship, would he have told Jake? Jake was insecure and he was unhappy.

"I'm sorry, Theo. I have to think about this."

Jake got off his chair and walked into their bedroom. Closing the door behind him, he effectively closed all conversation with Theo for that night.

Theo growled in frustration. He thought they were doing so well after the bomb dropped, but it seemed like Jake didn't like his last answer. Theo kicked himself mentally. He should have told Jake when it happened. He shouldn't have kept it a secret. What an idiot he had been and now he's paying the price.

He felt a stray tear fall down his face. For the first time in their relationship he might be in real trouble of losing Jake.

Hey guys. Thank you for reading my latest chapter. I'm starting to wind things up as I've completed most of the story line that I had planned. I appreciate any positive feedback. Feel free to send me a note on kylenewton25[at]yahoo.com

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