Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on Sep 12, 2013


Disclaimer: I hope you know what you're doing!

The following story is purely fictional. Please read it legally - be of a legal age and in a legal place. Any similarity in plot or resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and/or publish this story without expressed permission from the author. Thanks :)

Pre-story author's note:

Hello loyal readers! Thank you for returning to read the latest chapter of my story. I know I'm pushing my luck by taking so long. Yeah... I hope you enjoy this chapter. I think most of you will like what I've got towards the end of the chapter :P Woop! Don't forget to check out my post-story author's note at the end!

Please consider donating to Nifty.org! It's a great place to keep alive! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

I apologise for any typographical errors!

Wet shame, wet fun

Chapter 6

Theo was lying on his bed playing with his phone at 5:50pm and there were ten minutes before the end of Jake's very last exam. Theo had finished his final exam earlier that day and they had planned to go out for dinner after Jake finished.

Half an hour later, Theo heard a soft knock on the door and let in a gloomy looking Jake. The younger boy dumped his backpack on the floor and dropped himself onto Theo's bed in a huff. Theo observed Jake as he just stared up at the ceiling.

"So...," Theo began. "Everything went down all swimmingly?"

Jake looked at this boyfriend and pouted. "Yeah, I guess." Then his brow furrowed. "But I pissed my pants," he admitted. His pout turned into a frown. "I thought I was gonna get away with not having to go throughout that whole exam."

Theo moved over to his boyfriend and took his hand. He studied Jake's crotch and noticed the lack of dampness. "Well, looks like those briefs did the trick. Nice and dry." Jake snorted, still not impressed with his lack of progress in controlling his bladder. Theo placed a hand over Jake's groin and felt the warm, swollen bulge through his pants. "So you've been sitting in it for a while now, huh?" Jake nodded. "How does it feel?"

Jake shrugged indifferently. "It's okay. The wetness is starting to seep back out of the absorbent material. My junk's just about bathing in pee." Theo's eyes brightened at that last bit. Theo pulled him in for a deep kiss, while his hand massaged Jake's diaper-brief covered crotch.

"Mmmm, so good," Theo moaned.

Jake gently pushed him away. "Please don't let this be another one your weird pee things that turns you on." Theo smiled before pulling Jake's face back to his, coaxing his tongue back out for another sweet kiss.

"So what if it is?" Theo said as he continued massaging Jake's cock through his wet diaper briefs. He pushed his boyfriend down onto his back and dove his face into his neck, inhaling Jake's sweetly innocent scent. "What are you gonna do about it?" he murmured into his skin. He rolled his hips against Jake's, rubbing their hot groins together.

Theo moved down and removed Jake's shoes and socks. He kissed the balls of his feet. "Such cute feet," Theo said earning a giggle from the other boy. Theo moved back up towards Jake's groin and undid his jeans. He pulled them off to reveal a heavily-loaded pair of grey diaper briefs. Theo shoved his nose into the crease between Jake's thigh and groin and inhaled deeply. "Fuck yeah." He licked and kiss the soft skin of Jake's thigh. Theo slipped a hand underneath Jake's shirt and rubbed his slim tummy causing Jake to purr at the attention.

Theo took a hold of the diaper briefs and slowly slide them off before chucking it in the bin. Before him was the sight of Jake's soft, uncut cock lying lazily against his thigh, below it hung his smooth, hairless sack. However, it wasn't just the sight that caused his cock to stiffen in his pants. It was a smell. The warm vapour of fresh piss floated off the young man's junk.

"Oh fuck yeah," whispered Theo as he licked his lips. He planted his nose at the base of Jake's dick and inhaled deeply some more. He shuddered at the salty vapour in his nose. Theo looked up when he felt a pair of hands run their fingers through his hair. Jake was looking down at him, his eyes half closed and his mouth open, tongue hanging out. "You smell so good, baby." Jake nodded gently.

"Crap, Theo. This is so weird. I'm filthy down there right now, you know that right?" Jake's voice was breathy. Theo responded by starting down at Jake's balls and slowly licked all up his sack and the full length of his cock, ending at the tip of his wet foreskin. Jake squeezed his eyes closed. "Oh my god. I can't believe you did that."

Theo savoured the salty taste in his mouth while he rubbed his face against Jake's balls. "Damn. If only you could always smell like this." He took Jake's hardening cock in his mouth and sucked off as much moisture as he could. Pulling back Jake's foreskin, he lapped up the extra moisture that was trapped underneath.

Jake tugged at Theo's hair. "Ugggggggggggh, yeah. Please. More." He squirmed below Theo's determined mouth. Theo spent another few minutes nibbling and sucking at Jake's supple skin, licking off as much residual piss he could find. After that, he swallowed his boy's cock whole and worked his warm mouth on the uncut boner. "I'm gonna cum," Jake warned shortly after. He squeezed his eyes tighter before he felt his body convulse and a familiar pulsing in his groin. Theo felt squirts of hot liquid hit the inside of his mouth. He rubbed Jake's heaving belly as he held Jake's slowly softening cock in his mouth. When Jake sufficiently calmed, Theo moved up to give Jake a passionate kiss, sharing the thick, salty fluid with him. Jake accepted and swallowed down his own cum from Theo's mouth like the good boy he was.

Theo took Jake's hand and placed it over his stiff, aching cock. "Your turn."

*** ~~A week ago~~

Ring ring, ring ring


"Hey mom. It's me."

"Jake! How are you, sweety? Long time no chat."

"Yeah, I know. Sorry about that. I'm good, mom. Really good, actually."

"Is that so? How's uni going?"

"It's okay. I've got exams coming up next week. I've been doing heaps of study."

"That's good to know. You think you'll ace them all?"

"Haha, perhaps. I dunno. I'm okay with most of my papers, except statistics. I still gotta work a bit on that. It's my very last exam though so still plenty of time."

"Well that's good then, honey. How's that friend of yours, Theo is it?"

"Yeah Theo. He's good. Umm that's actually why I'm calling you right now."


"Umm, do you remember that talk we had last year?"

"Yes, sweety. I do. Has my boy fallen for a young man away from home?"


"Haha, I can almost hear the blush grow on your face."

"Mooom. Don't do that."

"Do what? Now tell me. Is this about Theo?"

"... Yeah. He's been real good to me. I really like him."

"Does he make you happy?"

"Really happy, mom. He makes me so happy."

"I'm so happy for you, dear. So when do we get to meet this exceptional young man?"

"I don't know, mom. I need to ask you something. Can I go spend some time with his over the summer break? He's going back to see his family after exams. Can I go with him?"

"I hope you're coming back to visit your parents too."

"Yes, mom. I'll come home too."

"And will you bring Theo with you?"

"Umm, I don't know. I'll ask him?"

"You do that, honey. Just text me the details, okay?"

"Yup, will do. Thanks, mom. I'll talk to you later okay? I gotta get back to stats."

"Love you, dear. Study hard. And I'm really happy for you. I really am."

"Thanks, mom. Love you. Bye."

Jake zipped up his last luggage case and stood up. He pulled it towards the door, gathering it with his other luggage bag.

"I'm really excited, Theo. Can't wait to spend some time away from campus." Jake wrapped his arm around Theo's neck and gave him a gentle kiss. Theo smiled.

"I'm looking forward to it too, baby." He gave Jake a kiss in return. Theo's face suddenly grew serious. He took Jake's hands and pulled him towards the bed, sitting them both down. "There's something we need to talk about," he gently started. Jake's eyes widened in fear. He quickly pulled his hands back and shuffled away from Theo.

"W-What do you mean?" Jake asked in great concern.

Theo closed the gap between them again. "Calm down, baby. It's not what you think it is. It's not bad. Well, not terrible." Theo had taken Jake's hands again and were slowly rubbing them. Theo took a deep breath and exhaled. He looked defeated. "I've never told my family that I like guys." He kept his eyes down, watching Jake's hands sitting in his own. "They don't know about you." He looked up at Jake with pleading eyes. "I've been meaning to tell them. I really want to; I just don't know how. I'm sorry, Jake." Theo sighed.

Jake placed Theo's hands on his lap and wrapped his arms around his boyfriend's neck, giving him another kiss. "It's okay," he whispered. "I don't mind. I'm just happy that I have you."

Theo looked into his boy's eyes and saw the understanding. "You sure? It means I can't introduce you as my boyfriend just yet. You're going to have to be `just my friend'. Can you handle that?" Theo held his breath for Jake's response.

Jake kissed him again and smiled. "I'll be fine. You make me happy, Theo. I'll do anything for you."

Theo smiled at his loving boyfriend and kiss Jake's hands. "Damn, baby. You're so good to me." He leaned in and slowly savoured a deep kiss with Jake. "Thanks."

An hour later, they were seated in a long-haul bus, starting their 2 hour journey to Theo's home town. When they weren't napping, they were chit-chatting about mundane affairs or what their plans for the holidays were. At around 3:30pm they arrived at their destination bus stop. Their luggage was unloaded and Theo looked around the bus station for his dad.

"There he is!" Theo dragged his luggage bags towards his father's car, Jake in tow.

When Theo got near, his father embraced him in a short hug. "Welcome home, son. How was the trip?" Theo smiled up at his dad. He always admired his father and had missed him greatly in his first year living away from home.

"It was good, dad. Hey I want you to meet my best friend. This is Jake. He lived next door to me this year."

"Best friend, aye? Nice to meet you, Jake. Feel free to call me James." He gave Jake's hand a firm shake. Jake smiled at the older man.

"Nice to meet you too, James. Thanks for having me."

The boys loaded up their luggage into James' car and they made their way to Theo's home. When they arrived, Theo's mother was at the door to greet them.

"Theo! It's so good to see you," she said as she embraced her son. "And this must be Jake." She let Theo go and shook Jake's hand. "My names Susan. Theo's told us so much about you. Seems like you've been a good influence on him," she said as she gave her son a nudge.

"Haha mum. Don't embarrass Jake. Look at his face."

Susan chuckled at how red Jake had become. Jake noticed a young teenage girl standing beside Theo's mother. She looked about 13. "Jake, this is Theo's sister, Kasey," Susan introduced. Jake shyly smiled and nodded a `hi'.

After Theo's father moved all their luggage inside, they showed Jake his room.

"I hope you don't mind the guest room, Jake. It's a bit small," Susan said as she helped wheel his luggage case inside the guest room. "Leave your things here for now. Come have some lunch."

They spent the rest of the day unpacking their luggage and settling in. Theo showed Jake his room and all the knick-knacks he had. That night, they went out to have dinner at a nice French restaurant. Theo's parents got to know Jake really well. Despite being pretty much strangers, Jake opened up to them quite quickly. Theo talked about how he met Jake as his lab partner. He talked about how quiet Jake was initially and that he never spoke to anyone else. Obviously, he stayed away from mentioning anything about Jake's `leaking' problem or the true nature of their relationship. By the end of the evening, Theo's family were captivated by Jake's politeness and bashfulness.

"You turn the most delightful shade of red when you blush, Jake," commented Susan.

"Yeah, you're so cute," Kasey enthusiastically piled on earning them a heavily blushing Jake. Theo chucked and draped an arm around Jake's shoulder before casually removing it when he noticed what he was doing.

Later that night, both boys were in the bathroom brushing their teeth together preparing for bed.

"Sorry you have to sleep in the guest bedroom. I would rather you sleep with me," explained Theo. Jake shrugged.

"It's okay. You'd have to do a bit of explaining if your parents found us together in bed." Jake chuckled at that.

The boys reluctantly said their `goodnight's and joined for a brief and silent kiss before retreating into their respective rooms, which were opposite each other.

After an hour of tossing and turning in bed, Theo sat up and made his way to his door dressed in just a pair of boxer briefs. As silently as he could, he opened it and listened out for any noise in the house. It appeared everyone was asleep in bed. Closing the door behind him, he tiptoed across the hall and let himself into Jake's room. Jake, not asleep either, sat up to find Theo make his way towards his bed.

"I missed you, baby," Theo admitted. Jake just nodded and scooted over. Theo climbed into the bed before covering them both up with the duvet. He wrapped his arms around Jake and pulled him in for a kiss. Jake was dressed in his sleeping singlet and his briefs.

"I missed you too," Jake said after pulling away. He gave a content sigh and rested his head on Theo's bare chest. Comfortably embraced in each other's arms, the two boys were easily fast asleep within a few minutes, rounding off their busy day.

"Theo, you awake?" Theo's father gently knocked on the door of Theo's bedroom. "Your mother says breakfast is ready," he said as he opened the door, only to find an empty bed. He looked behind him at the closed door of the guest room. He would assume Theo was inside with Jake except he reckoned Jake was still asleep due to the silence. He stopped by the bathroom to check if Theo was in there before heading to the kitchen again. He asked his wife if she knew where Theo was, which she didn't. Perplexed, James returned to the guest bedroom and gently knocked. "Jake? Is Theo in there?" He turned to door knob and opened the door. What he saw caused him to gasp audibly.

Jake had turned so that his back was against Theo's chest. Theo had his arms around the smaller boy's waist and was spooning him. He had tucked a leg in between Jakes' and had buried his face into Jake's hair. James was not expecting to see his near-naked son to be embracing another male in such an intimate fashion. The two boys remained asleep, unknowing of the intrusion.

Hearing her father's gasp as she was making her way to the bathroom, Kasey walked over to the guest bedroom to see what the matter was.

"Hey, dad. What's wrong?" Her eyes then drift to the bed where she spied what had spooked her father. Her eyes grew wide and she let out a high squeal, quickly rousing the boys from their sleep. "Oh my god look at them two. It's so cute!" She gripped the sides of her face with the palm of her hands.

Theo quickly sat up, still slightly confused from the residual effect of sleep, and looked around the room for the source of the sound. By the door, he spotted his father looking as surprised as ever, mouth agape, and his sister bouncing up and down like an excited little girl.

"Oh shit," Theo exclaimed as he yanked the bed sheets back up to cover both himself and Jake. "Dad, this isn't what it looks like," he began. His father's mouth just opened and closed for a while before any words came out.

"I'm so sorry, son," James quickly blurted out. "So very sorry." Grabbing a hold of his daughter by the shoulders, he walked both them out and slammed the door shut. "Let's go, Kasey."

"Did you see Jake's cute little briefs, dad?" Theo heard Kasey say as they walked away from the door. He heard Jake groan beside him. Theo looked down and saw Jake holding his head in his hands. Theo couldn't move.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Holy fuck," Theo began, his breathing turned rapid and shallow. Jake sat up on his knees and gripped Theo gently by the shoulders before pulling him into a hug.

"Theo? Calm down. It's going to be okay." Jake softly rubbed circles on Theo's back. Theo buried his face into Jake's neck and slowed his breathing. Jake's skin smelled like sweet milk. His eyelids began to droop as he relaxed at Jake's light touch. "Your dad's just freaking out a little bit. Your sister seems to be more excited than she should be, which is disturbing."

Theo pulled back and look at Jake. "I can't leave the room. I can't. I don't want to hear what my dad has to say about us. Did you see his face? Oh my god, Jake." As he began shaking again, Jake pulled him into another hug. He ran his fingers through Theo's hair and down his neck.

"It's going to be okay, Theo. I'm here for you," Jake cooed as he stroked his boyfriend's hair. Theo pulled away.

"What do I do? What do I do if they can't handle it – handle me. I don't want to think what it would be like if my parents never talked to me ever again."

Jake took Theo's face in between his hands and gave him a gentle kiss. "Whatever happens, Theo, we'll work it out together." He gave Theo another kiss. "Together," he repeated.

After another ten minutes of panicked pacing and putting of clothes on, the boys exited Jake's room and headed towards the kitchen where both of Theo's parents and his sister were seated. Silence blanketed the room when the boys entered and all eyes were on them.

"Boys, come sit down for some breakfast," Susan finally said after a few moments of stillness. Theo and Jake shuffled over to the dining table where Susan had set out two plates for them. Kasey was enthusiastically finishing off her plate of eggs, while James was busy focusing on his cup of coffee. They all sat there for a few more moments in silence. The only things heard were the sounds of chewing and of cutlery against plates.

James coughed before opening his mouth of speak. "So, Theo. How is university doing?" Theo furrowed his brow, not expecting his father to beat around the bush like this.

Theo cleared his throat. "Umm. It went well this year. I'm still waiting for my exam results to come back. Should be soon."

The room fell back into a lull. James took another swig of coffee before continuing.

"So, Jake. Has my son been treating you well?"

Jake's eyes widened in surprised, not expecting James to acknowledge him. A slight blush flashed before his face, earning a snicker from Kasey. Jake stammered.

"U-U-Umm, yes, sir." He stared down at his bacon before looking back up. "Theo treats me very well," he finally asserted with a nod. James smiled at his answer.

"Keeping him in line, I hope?" James asked Jake.

Jake shot an amused side-ways look at Theo. "Every day, sir."

James chuckled before patting Jake on the shoulder. "That's what I like to hear." Theo pouted at his father.

"Hey, you can't take his side," whined Theo.

James smiled at his son. "Okay then. Now, is there something you would like to tell us?" putting Theo back on the spot.

"Umm, well," he inhaled deeply before exhaling. "I MAY have a subtle attraction to a certain male. He's sweet and adorable. Umm, yeah. And he's sitting at this table with me." He slumped down and rested his chin on his hands, looking up at his family. His mother smiled back at him and so was his father. Seeing as how the whole fiasco had died down to a gentle simmer, he gingerly smiled back at them. He noticed that Jake was slowly rubbing his back. After a few moments of an accepting silence, Theo's father spoke.

"In case you're wondering, Theo, your mother and I are happy for you. We're proud that you've found a lovely boy to be with." James paused to smile at Jake who bashfully smiled at him in return. "I don't want to make a big deal out of this, but just remember that your family will always love you."

After a few more heartfelt words from the other members of his family, Theo and Jake returned to Jake's room. Upon entering the room, Theo hastily embraced his boyfriend into a tight hug, thanking Jake for being the wonderful and loving guy that he was. A tear or two might have fallen, but it didn't matter. As far as Theo was concerned, all was right with the world and it was all thanks to Jake.

The boys were back to packing their bags, ready for another trip. After having spent a few weeks at Theo's house, they had planned to visit Jake's home. It would take them another 3 hour bus ride to get to Jake's home town.

They were dropped off at the bus station and after bidding Theo's family farewell, they boarded their ride. Compared to their bus journey to Theo's house, this bus was relatively empty. A few lone riders were seated towards the front while the boys made themselves comfortable in seats at the back. They held hands all throughout the entire ride even while Jake fell asleep on Theo's shoulder. At one point, Theo managed to convince Jake to give him a blow job. After Jake sat back up from swallowing Theo's load, Theo reached up and wiped away a glob of cum that Jake had left on his chin resulting in Jake turning a shade of beetroot red.

When they arrived at Jake's childhood home, they were greeted with a similar warmth that they had met with Theo's family. Both of Jake's parents ushered the boys into their home, the inviting scent of freshly baked cookies welcomed the boys. Lynn, Jake's mother, embraced Theo into one of those big hugs that only matronly figures can give and gave him a kiss on the forehead.

"And this must be Theo, the young man who's caught the eye of my little boy." This earned them a rare blush from Theo. Jake chucked and linked his arm with Theo's.

While the boys were settling into Jake's bedroom, Jake's dad, Mark, stopped by.

"Would you like a mattress, Theo?" he asked. He grinned at his son's boyfriend already knowing the answer to that question. Theo looked between Jake and his father.

"Uh, if it's all the same to you, I think I'm all good, sir." Theo shoved his hands in his pocket and shyly looked up to Jake's father. Mark gave a hearty chuckle.

"He knows what he wants, doesn't he?" he spoke to Jake. Jake grinned at Theo's usual honesty.

At that point, dinner was ready and the males made their way to the kitchen to feast on some home-made chicken pot pie. Dinner at the household of Jake and co was a festive affair. Theo witnessed a Jake that he had rarely seen before in the company of other people – open and talkative. An animated Jake quickly scoffed down his food while his arms flailed as he retold stories and experiences of the year to his parents. He spent plenty of time praising his boyfriend and even relinquished a few stories about how Theo helped him during his times of need. By the end of the evening, Theo was glowing in the eyes of Jake's parents.

Before the boys retreated to bed, John took Theo aside and gave him a manly pat on the back, thanking him for taking his son under his wing. He told Theo that he seems like a very special young man to his son and that he hoped that they would be happy forever. Stuttering a `thank you' to Jake's father, Theo returned to Jake's bedroom to get settled for the night, but not before John added a, "Now you two be sensible in there. Don't get up to any silly business."

The next morning, the boys woke together, Theo spooning Jake. Jake looked over at the clock which read '10:30'. He grimaced at how late it had gotten already, thinking about what his parents were up to already at this time of day. Theo had simply rolled over and buried his head into Jake's pillow, quickly falling asleep again. Jake moved himself out of the bed and into the bathroom to relieve himself before making his way into the kitchen. He noticed that the house was silent before he spotted a note left on the kitchen counter. Reading it, he learnt that his parents would be out for the rest of the day and that the boys would be left to their own devices. Upon ending the note, Jake decided to head back to bed now that there was no pressure to actually get out and do something productive with his day. He walked back to his room and found Theo in the same position. Jake slipped underneath the covers and snuggled up against his boyfriend. Theo roused and wrapped his arms around Jake. He took a few moments to fully waken up.

Jake told Theo about his parents absence and that they had the house for the day.

"Ooh yus. Got my baby boy all to myself," teased Theo. Jake blushed and gave him a light kiss. Theo looked over his boyfriend. He smoothed his hand over Jake's tousled hair. "You're so damn beautiful." Jake's blush intensified and he planted another gentle kiss. Both boys stared at each other silently, basking in the morning sunlight that streamed into the room. So content with their current life, Jake and Theo smiled warmly at each other, looking into each other's eyes lovingly.

"You have made my entire life, Theo," Jake said and nuzzled Theo's chest. He took a big breath. "I love you," he said quietly. Theo looked back in surprise at first before his face softened and he took Jake's face in his hands and gave him a gentle kiss. Jake had never said that before. It was a sacred phrase for him. They have had discussions about saying the 3-worded sentence. Jake made it explicitly clear that it was something that he only admitted if he was 100% sure. By telling Theo that he loved him, Jake had cemented the true love that he felt for him - You couldn't doubt it now. Theo had given Jake so much of his life back.

Theo kissed Jake's nose. "I love you too, baby."

With no more words said, the two boys playfully engaged their tongues in a session of kissing. Theo firmly grasped Jake's hair in his fist and while his other hand made its way into Jake's briefs. Jake moaned into Theo's mouth and pushed his hips against Theo's hand. His cock thickened in Theo's hand as his boyfriend nibbled on his lower lip.

Theo forced Jake onto his back and climbed on top of him. He lowered himself gently and began grinding his crotch against the boy underneath him. Jake whimpered as he felt Theo's hard sex mash against his own. Theo swallowed Jake's tongue and they mixed warm spit. Theo's fingers made their way to Jake's erect nipples and pinched them firmly causing Jake to groan loudly against Theo's mouth.

Theo sat up and freed himself from his underwear, flinging them onto the ground. His thick cock sprang into the air and smacked him against his flat belly. Jake watched the throbbing piece of meat and licked his lips. Jake also removed his underwear, but before he threw them on the ground, Theo grabbed them off of him and brought the garment to his nose and inhaled deeply. The mild smell of urine mixed with ball sweat entered Theo's nose and made him shudder and his cock jerk. Theo lowered himself to Jake's crotch and buried his face into the space between Jake's balls and thigh. The smell that came off of Jake represented everything about a young man. Theo drew his tongue over Jake's scrotum and up his stiff, uncut penis. Jake threw his head back and moaned loudly. He felt the warmth of Theo's mouth engulf his cock and a tongue wash itself over his sensitive foreskin and cockhead. Jake pumped his hips up and down, moving his shaft in and out of Theo's busy mouth. Theo moved a hand towards Jake's head and pushed a finger into his mouth. Jake readily accepted and sucked on his boyfriend's digit. Jake removed his moistened hand and used it to gently rub the entrance to Jake's virginal boy hole. Jake responded phenomenally. His back arched, lifting him off the bed as he grasped his bed sheets in tight fists, letting out a moan that surprised and satisfied Theo.

Theo moved himself back up Jake's body and they engaged in another session of passionate and animalistic kissing that only two hormonal young men could pull off.

In a voice that was breathy and urgent, Theo whispered into Jake's ear, "Let me finger you, baby. Can I, please?"

With his face buried into Theo's necked, Jake nodded feverishly and replied with a `yes' in an equally urgent voice. Theo shoved his finger into his own mouth and slicked it up with copious amounts of spit. He settled between Jake's legs and got him to bend them at the knee and place his feet flat on the bed. With his legs spread widely, Theo spied the hairless pink hole the was his target.

"Fuck, baby. I just need to play with that sweet hole of yours." Theo continued to stare at the winking hole that was undoubtedly as sensitive as it looked. Jake had never been in such an exposed and vulnerable position in his life and the realisation lead to a light blush appearing on his cheeks. For a moment, Jake couldn't look Theo in the eye and he placed a hand over his crotch. When his eyes returned to look at Theo, he saw Theo looking lovingly at him and Jake gave him a shy smile in return. Feeling safe and at peace with his boyfriend again, he removed his hand from his softening cock and placed it on his belly, once again revealing himself to his boyfriend.

Theo planted soft kisses down Jake's left thigh before moving to his right. A content sigh was heard from Jake before he giggled at the ticklish sensation as Theo began nibbling gently at the skin. Theo began rubbing the outside of Jake's anus again, which earned him another jolt from Jake followed by a string of shudders and unrepressed moaning.

"Damn, your ass is super sensitive, isn't it?" Jake could only nod, his eyes glazed over in a daze.

Gently, Theo inserted his finger until the first knuckle and wiggled the tip around. He could feel the boy's tight sphincter rhythmically contract and relax. A steady stream of soft moans continued to be emitted from Jake's slightly open mouth. Advising Jake to relax, Theo pushed in the remainder of his first finger. Jake quivered momentary before relaxing entirely as he let out another moan. His cock pulsed in time with the contractions of his anus. Theo moved his finger around, rubbing the inside of Jake's hole. Jake's cock jerked and a thin stream of pre-cum oozed out of his piss slit and gathered at his foreskin. Theo removed his finger and shoved it, along with his middle finger, back into his mouth, slicking them both up.

"Ready for two fingers?" he dared. Jake's hole fluttered at the thought of being penetrated with two fingers. Without waiting for an answer, Theo slowly forced the tip of both fingers into Jake's waiting hole. At first, Jake was squeezing too tight, but after a few seconds of Theo rubbing Jake's belly gently and having Theo whisper sweet words to him, he relaxed and the two fingers entered into him. Theo grunted at the tightness and slowly rotated the two fingers, rubbing against the soft flesh of Jake's insides. Jake bucked at the feeling and pushed himself down against the two fingers, wanting them to go deeper. His cock continued to jerk and leak clear juice.

Whimpering, Jake looked deep into Theo's eyes as the older boy penetrated and explored his most intimate space – an area that he had never let another human touch. His breathing was shallow and his cheeks felt warm. His blush never left his face as he remained on his back, legs spread wide like a common slut.

After a few more minutes of being pleasured by Theo's fingers, Jake pushed Theo's fingers out of him and got up off his back. He kneeled in front of Theo and wrapped his arms around the older boy's shoulder, inviting him again into another session of deep kissing. When the boys separated for air, Jake rested his head against Theo's shoulder and closed his eyes.

"Theo," he whimpered against his skin. Theo's arms had encircled the smaller boy and he rested his hands on Jake's lower back.

"Hmm? What is it, baby?" he whispered back. Both kneeling in front of each other on the bed, Theo rocked them back and forth gently. When Jake didn't answer, he pulled his face out of Jake's hair and looked at his boyfriend. "You okay?" he asked. Jake opened his mouth to say something, but paused before anything came out. He took a big breath and exhaled, but still, nothing came out. Theo gave the boy a gentle kiss. "You can tell me anything, you know that right? I love you, Jake. I always have." He planted a gentle kiss on Jake's forehead and nose. A shade of shyness that he hadn't seen on Jake for many months made a reappearance on Jake's face. Theo patiently waited for Jake to gather the courage to say what he wanted to say.

"C-Can we..," Jake paused and buried his face into Theo's shoulder again, giggling. Keeping his head to Theo's shoulder, he looked up at Theo with one eye before giggling again and diving into Theo's shoulder. Theo planted another kiss against his forehead. Jake inhaled deeply again and he steadied himself. In a very small voice, Jake finally came out with it. "C-Can we, umm, make love?" His body tensed up and he held his breath.

Theo gently ran his fingertips over his boy's back and gave him another loving kiss. "I will make love to you until the Earth freezes over, my sweet," Theo endearingly replied. Jake looked up to find his boyfriend's charming smile. They shared another warm kiss. "Are you sure you want this?" Theo asked as he dipped his finger between Jake's butt cheeks, running a finger past his warm hole. Jake's eyes closed and a small moan escaped from his red lips.

"Yes please, Theo," he begged.

Theo smiled and nudged at Jake's neck, sucking on the skin, bringing red marks to the surface. "Tell me what you want, baby," he demanded. Jake's cheeks burned a bright red again. He craned his head back as his boyfriend continued to assault his neck.

"P-Please," Jake began to stutter. He shuddered as Theo continued to brush his fingertip against his hole. "I want you inside of me," he said meekly. Theo groaned animalistically and forced a finger into Jake causing the boy to buck against him.

"Tell me exactly, Jake. Tell me what you want inside of you," Theo continued devilishly. He pulled his finger out and resumed rubbing the entrance, stimulating the fine pleasuring nerves of Jake's virgin hole. Their cocks were once again erect and sandwiched between their hot bodies. Jake panted hungrily, his cute tongue hanging out of his mouth. He wiped away some saliva that had dripped down his chin and tucked his face back into Theo's neck.

He quivered at the feeling of having his hole played with and whined. "Please, Theo. Don't make me say it." He let out guttural grunt as Theo once again penetrated him with a finger and wiggled inside of him.

Theo gently nibbled on Jake's ear before whispering into it. "I need you to tell me exactly what you need, baby. Go on. Be a good boy for me," he teased and he felt Jake shiver against him. He pulled his finger out and pushed Jake gently onto his back. Theo remained up on his knees and surveyed the sight before him: a perfectly naked Jake with hair slightly dishevelled and a glisteningly wet cock standing stiff. Jake became increasingly self-conscious as he watched his boyfriend's eyes wander over his exposed body. His cheeks lit up with a warm blush again. Theo smirked and bent down to give Jake a sensual kiss.

Jake wrapped his arms around Theo's neck and pulled him tightly into him. A shy, crooked smile decorated Jake's face as he looked into Theo's eyes and took a deep breath. He gave a giggle and placed his lips against Theo's ear. "I want your hot cock inside of me," Jake whispered. Theo grunted and grinded his cock into the boy underneath him. He felt the smaller boy's hand weave down in between their bodies and grasp Theo's cock, gently massaging his length.

Nuzzling the side of Jake's soft face, he also planted kisses down his jaw. "Are you sure you want this, Jake?"

"Yes definitely, Theo." He gave Theo's cock a firm squeeze. "You heard me begging just before. Don't make me beg again." This made Theo chuckle and he planted a firm kiss on Jake's lips.

"I'll give you everything you want, baby. I'm all yours." And with that, he slid down and took Jake's left nipple into his mouth. As he nibbled on the erect nub Jake lightly moaned. Theo moved over to the right nipple and gave it the same treatment. When he removed himself, Jake's nipples were erect, red and wet. He moved south some more and took Jake's stiff cock into his hands. He pulled the foreskin back, exposing the cockhead, which oozed beads of precum still. He placed the head into his warm mouth and let his tongue wash over Jake's sensitive glans while he stroked the shaft. Jake's eyes were closed and soft moans escaped his mouth as he automatically spread his legs wider. Theo's finger found the entrance of Jake's virginal hole again and teased it. He felt the anus pulse and quiver as he caressed the soft, hairless skin.

Jake had gripped the bed sheets in his fists again. "Theo, please, I need you inside me now. All of you." His chest was heaving in anticipation; his eyes reflected the raw sexual hunger that young men possess.

Theo hopped off the bed and grabbed a bottle of lube that he had brought with him. After he settled back between Jake's legs, he slicked up his cock with a generous amount of lube. It warmed up momentarily after being applied to his skin. Both boys visited a sexual health clinic earlier in the year and both were clean. Knowing this, Theo abandoned condoms. He pushed Jake's legs up so that knees were to his chest and with his fingers still lubed-up, he gently inserted two of them into Jake's tight hole. He spread the excess lube in and around the sensitive ring, earning sexy moans from the smaller boy. After a minute of opening Jake up, he pulled his fingers out and lined his cock up with Jake's butt hole.

"I think you're loose enough, baby. You ready for my cock?"

Jake feverishly nodded. "Yes please. Put it inside of me."

Theo touched the head of his cock against Jake's opening and felt the heat coming off of it. Theo groaned in unrestrained lust and nudged the head into the hole, feeling the resistance of the sphincter. The thought and feel of penetrating his adorable, virginal boy was sending zaps of sexual hungry through his tummy and down his cock. Theo gritted his teeth and tried with all his might to not plunge the rest of his thick cock into Jake's warm orifice.

"Holy fuck, Jake. You're so tight. So fucking tight. You need to relax. Shit." Before Jake had a moment to adjust to the head of Theo's cock, the sweet contractions of Jake's sphincter around Theo's head sent a subtle pleasure down his cock and caused him to involuntarily push another inch of his cock deeper in Jake.

Jake let out a moan most whorish and pulled at the sheets still in his fists. His sphincter clamped down even harder on the cock that invaded his back passage. Theo bent down and quickly slammed his mouth onto Jake's, distracting him from any pain that radiated from the boy's tight ass.

"Fuck, I'm sorry, Jake." Theo let out a groan as Jake's butt contractions continued to massage the tip of his cock. He continued to control the urge to slam the entire length into the boy. "I didn't mean to sink in deeper so quick. Fuck you're so tight, baby, so hot inside. I need to get all the way inside you." Theo's breathing was shallow and rugged.

Jake whimpered and felt his hole quiver around Theo's hot piece of meat. "You're so thick, Theo" he moaned. "But it's so good," he admitted. He shuddered as he felt the cock throb inside of him.

Theo pushed another inch inside, which caused Jake to emit another lewd moan as the wide girth of Theo's cock stretched the smaller boy open in a way that he had never experienced before. Jake's breathing became laboured and a melody of curses escaped his mouth.

"Fuck fuck fuck. Holy shit, Theo. Oh my god. It's so thick. Fuck. So thick. Urghh." However, his words were said not in pain, but in sinful pleasure. Theo's thickness had given Jake a feeling of fullness that no other man had ever given him, and no other man probably would. Despite the foreign, unfamiliar feeling, Jake found delight at the thought of being stretched out by his sexy boyfriend. It has lit an unholy desire within him and he knew that he would never tire of having Theo inside of him.

Theo purred against Jake's ear and nibbled gently on it. "You want the rest of it, baby? You want this thick cock, yeah? Tell me to shove the rest of it in. Tell me how good it feels."

Jake whimpered at Theo's libidinous words. "Please, Theo. I want more. It feel so good!" Jake let out another whorish moan as Theo finally sunk his entire cock into Jake's welcoming hole. The massaging warmth that engulfed his rigid meat made him pull out and slam back in causing Jake to scream out in a sexual bliss. Satisfied with Jake's response, Theo again pulled most of his cock out and slammed it back into the tight hole. Jake's whole body shook as his ass took abuse from a thick, hard cock. "Oh my god, Theo. Keep doing that. Harder." His own cock throbbed each and every time he felt Theo's cock throb deep inside of him.

Theo developed a rhythmic thrust, gently pulling his slick cock out before sharply stuffing it back into the younger boy's accommodating hole. Depraved sounds of skin-on-skin slickness, and male grunts and moaning filled the room. Jake's body responded phenomenally in both movement and sound. Theo grinned as he watched Jake clawed at his back, swearing and begging with abandon as he got the living lights fucked out of him. Theo's thick cock smashed up against the walls of Jake's insides, rubbing against the pleasurable spots. He watched his cock repeatedly disappear into a hole that looked overstretched around his thick meat.

Stronger and longer contractions began massaging Theo's cock. Jake tensed underneath him and had dug his fingers firmly into his skin.

"Oh Theo, fuck, I'm gonna cum," Jake screamed as he felt the cumulative pleasure of being ploughed in the ass move through his balls and up his cock. His entire abdomen started contracting in rhythm as his cock throbbed continuously, shooting strings and strings of hot cum on his belly. Jake moaned Theo's name over and over as, for the very first time, he orgasmed to the feeling of having his ass fucked.

Theo only pumped into Jake a few more times before Jake's intense orgasm on his cock caused him to unload his hot seed deep inside of his boy. Shoving his cock as deep as it would go, he grunted passionately as he felt the biggest load of his life empty into his boyfriend's ass. Jake whimpered as he felt the hot liquid fill him up, feeling the pulses of cum hit the walls of his rectum.

Suddenly tired, Theo dropped on top of Jake and enveloped his boyfriend in his arms. Covered in sweat and cum, the boys held onto each other as they regained their breath. Still hard, Theo kept his cock inside of Jake, trapping his load inside the no-longer-virginal hole of his boyfriend. The boys shared a relaxed, post-coital kiss to commemorate their first love making.

"I love you," Theo whispered, looking loving into Jake's eyes.

Jake looked back, eyes half closed as sleep began to take over. "I love you too, Theo. Forever."

Without another word said, both boys drifted off to sleep, satisfied with their morning sexual affair, no doubt dreaming of many more to come.


Post-story author's note:

Hey guys! Thanks for staying with me. I hope you've enjoyed this latest chapter. Let me know what you think at: kylenewton25@yahoo.com. I want to say `hi' to my new readers! :]

In between posting this chapter and the previous one, I wrote a little short story titled `A taste of back passage pleasure', which involves a straight guy looking to get finger fucked, but ends up with something more. It can be found here: http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/a-taste-of-back-passage-pleasure. Let me know what you think of it!

Next: Chapter 7

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