Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on Apr 14, 2013


Disclaimer: I hope you know what you're doing!

The following story is purely fictional. Please read it legally - be of a legal age and in a legal place. Any similarity in plot or resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and/or publish this story without expressed permission from the author. Thanks :)

Pre-story author's note:

Wow I'm sorry it has been over 4 months since I last posted a chapter. Life just got on top of me with work and all that – you know how it goes. I love all of you who wrote to me, encouraging me to keep on going. You are my angels!

I think one of the biggest problems I had been having was the pace I was going at. Initially, I wanted this story to be quite slow moving where I develop the characters into quite some depth. Unfortunately, I got really bored with it and it made it really difficult for me to continue chapter 4 in quite the same rate. Hence, I've sped up the story line quite a bit in this chapter. As you'll see, I've skimmed' over some, what some of you may consider, essential parts of their relationship. If this were a movie, consider this the video montage' part of the film. I may or may not come back to some of these parts in more detail in the future. Some of you have been asking for this and so you'll be happy with the progress. Some of you have asked me to maintain the rate of plot progression at what I had been doing in the first 3 chapters and won't be too happy with me speeding up. Who knows, maybe I'll re-write this chapter completely in 5 years' time. I feel like the first 3 chapters have done what I wanted them to do and now it's time to move on. Don't fret. This means I can get onto the really deliciously smutty stuff. I tried really hard to maintain the intimate style of their relationship because I know you all loved that.

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I apologise for any typographical errors!

Wet shame, wet fun

Previously on Wet shame, wet fun

He never enjoyed pleasuring his cock, Jake reminded himself. It always led to something unwelcome. He looked down at his naked lower half, suddenly incredibly uncomfortable with the exposed feeling.

Before going to bed, Jake made one final trip to the bathroom in hopes that he could avoid what he dreaded in the morning.


Chapter 4

Jake woke up to the uncomfortably familiar feeling of dampness in his bed. Throwing back the sheets he revealed dark patches of urine. He whined as he jumped out of bed, pulling off his soiled pants and underwear as fast as possible. He ripped the sheets off the bed, got dressed in a set of clean clothes and ran with his soiled sheets out of his room.

As Jake was heading off to the laundry room with this bed sheets bundled up in his arms, he bumped into Theo who greeted him.

"Hey buddy. What's up?"

Without looking into Theo's eyes, Jake just gave a self-explanatory nod to his sheets and continued rushing off to the laundry room. After setting the machine, he made his way back to his room and found Theo standing outside his door. Again, Jake kept his eyes down.

"Hey, you okay?" Theo asked, sensing Jake's withdrawn front. Jake remained quiet for a second before answering with a non-committing shrug. Theo took hold of Jake's shoulders and gave them a gentle squeeze. "You sure?" Jake responded by shrugging again.

Theo grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him into Jake's room. Once he closed the door behind him, he wrapped his arms around Jake's waist and pulled him in. Theo gave Jake a gentle, affectionate kiss before Jake buried his head into Theo's neck and sighed.

"You sleep okay?" Theo asked. Jake nodded, face still buried in Theo's neck. Theo's hand gripped Jake's neck and gave that part a gentle squeeze. He heard Jake sniffle. He looked past Jake's shoulder and saw Jake's bare bed, recently stripped of its linen. "Did you have an accident?" Theo said in a quiet and unassuming tone. Jake sniffled and nodded into Theo's neck again. Theo felt Jake's embarrassment radiate through him. With Jake still in his arms, Theo shuffled them together over to Jake's bed, sitting him down gently and cuddled the boy.

Over the next few months, their relationship just exploded with adorable fluffiness. Theo became Jake's rock, and Jake provided Theo's life with a great sense of direction and fulfilment. They spent a hefty amount of their time together. They discovered each other's likes, dislikes, fears and aspirations. Jake opened himself up to Theo like he'd never before to anyone else, and with each day, Theo would find a moment to kiss Jake's forehead and thank him for being himself.

Jake shared his first sexual relationship with Theo. As a virgin boy, Jake was nervous and awkward. But he had love and trust in Theo. Theo began by undressing himself and allowing a clothed Jake to explore his naked body. The exercise was done by a completely blushing and stuttering Jake who was trying really hard not to appear so eager. Theo willed Jake to touch him. The younger boy started off stroking Theo's chest and abdomen, while in the meantime Theo planted soft kisses on Jake. It took little encouragement for Jake to begin grasping and stroking Theo's hardened, cut cock with shaky hands. He marvelled its lewd thickness, his hand barely able to wrap around it completely. Theo began rubbing Jake's belly underneath his shirt, and progressively, he had removed most items of Jake's clothing. Jake was down to his boxer briefs and was shyly holding onto them. A few more moments of passionate making out and petting, Theo had convinced Jake to release his stiffness from the confines of his underwear. For the first time, Theo got to see Jake in his exposed state, and from then onwards, would never tire of seeing him in such a way. Feeling excessively self-conscious, Jake settle on Theo's lap and hid his face on Theo's shoulder. With Jake's permission, Theo explored Jake's body in the same way that the other boy had done with his, but with confidence and lust. Completely captivated by Jake's long foreskin, Theo took his sweet time playing with Jake's penis, pleasuring his timid boyfriend until he was moaning and begging for release. Their play session ended with the climax of both males – Theo pleasuring Jake orally, and Jake rubbing one out of Theo with his hand. It signified a milestone in their relationship. Their love for each other was no longer limited to the emotional dimensions, but now encompassed their lust and enthusiasm for each other's sexual nature.

Jake eventually had a very lengthy and heavy discussion with Theo about his past medical history, explaining this episodes of wetting and embarrassment. By the end of the talk, Jake was a blubbering mess and had been scooped up into Theo's arms like a little kitten. Although Theo's ability to show his love for Jake never wavered, there was always a part of Jake that held himself back from him. Years of social isolation and rejection had etched anguish into his psyche. In the back of his mind, there was always a hint of doubt in Theo's unconditional acceptance of him.

Theo was in his room doing an assignment one afternoon, waiting for Jake to finish class. He heard some quick footsteps outside his door before it opened and someone stepping into the room. He knew who it was.

"Hey baby," Theo said without turning around, continuing to work. There came no reply from Jake but only heavy breathing as if he had been running. Theo swivelled around in his chair to face Jake. He found the boy with a tear-streaked face and his school bag being held over his crotch. Theo got up and approached his boy. Jake gave a whimper as Theo took him by the shoulder. "Oh Jake," he sighed. "What happened?"

"I was fine throughout class," Jake spoke quietly as Theo led him back to his desk. "But then on my way back it got really bad. I really had to go." Theo took his seat back on the desk chair and pulled Jake onto his lap. Jake's backpack dropped to the floor revealing a large damp patch on his pants. Jake dropped his head onto Theo's shoulder. "I got to the bathroom but most of it had gotten on my pants already," that last bit came out real quiet.

The smell of fresh urine permeated the air, hitting Theo's nose. The sharp saltiness caused his cock to thicken slightly. A hand was rested on Jake's wet thigh, massaging the wet material. Theo wondered what it would be like to lick it. He nudged at Jake's face with his nose and planted a soft kiss on his lips. Such a sexy boy with wet pants on his lap. He nibbled on Jake's lower lip and sucked on his tongue. His fingers continued to play with Jake's wet pants, coating his fingers in warm piss. He brought his hand under Jake's shirt and stroked his flat tummy, leaving urine residue on his skin. Theo returned his hand onto Jake's thigh.

Jake wrapped his arms around Theo's neck and buried his face into it. He breathed a small moan into Theo's skin as his boyfriend's hand moved over his soaked junk and groped him. He gave a tired chuckle and shook his head lightly, still pressed up against Theo.

"Theo... this is so wrong," Jake whispered. Not in a million years did he think that his accidents would be sexualised. It was so wrong, but Theo made him feel so good. Theo smiled against his cheek before leaning down to lightly bite down on Jake's neck, sucking on the soft skin. Jake felt Theo press down on the length of his hardening cock with the palm of his hand, causing the smaller boy to buckle gently, pressing his crotch further into Theo's hand. Much of his initial reservations dissipating.

Theo licked the teeth marks that he left on Jake's neck. "There's nothing wrong with this, baby," he reassured Jake. "There's nothing wrong with me here playing with your wet cock," he continued slyly. He pressed against Jake's cock again, now fully stiff. The boy squirmed on Theo's lap and spread his legs further apart. Jake breathed heavily onto Theo's skin trying to process what was going on.

"Theo, I'm getting your pants wet." Jake glanced at this soaked pants which were in contact with Theo's.

Theo gave a low growl and nibbled on Jake's skin again. "Yeah you are, baby." He squeezed the outline of Jake's cock. "So wet."

Jake's self-consciousness finally got the best of him and he dragged himself off of Theo's lap. He saw the slight dampness he had left on Theo's shorts. Jake tried to cover his raging boner that obscenely tented his pants. He couldn't help but notice Theo's own obvious bulge.

"I'm making a mess." Jake continued to stare at Theo's lap. "I-I should get changed."

Theo gave his head a shake before getting out of his chair and approached Jake. The back of Jake's feet hit the base of Theo's bed and he fell down onto the mattress. Theo climbed on top of the fallen boy and placed his hands on either side Jake's head.

"Not just yet, baby." Theo pushed his tongue inside of the other boy's mouth. Jake responded reluctantly at first.

"I'm gonna mess your bed up," Jake pleaded as Theo assaulted his mouth. "Fuck, I'm a complete mess, Theo. This is embarrassing." The other boy just growled. He dipped his hips and thrusted against Jake, rubbing against the warm wetness.

Theo spoke between kisses. "You're my baby, got it?" Jake moaned as Theo thrusted up against him again. "You never have to be ashamed with this." Jake clutched at Theo's shirt and pulled him closer. Theo gave in and let some more of his weight bear down on the smaller boy. "You are fucking sexy as hell right now". He continued to rub his thick cock against Jake's wetness, which was driving him insane. Theo licked the skin from Jake's shoulder up to behind his ear. He then stuck his tongue in the boy's ear before sucking on this earlobe. Jake shuddered underneath Theo's weight, his senses going into overdrive.

"Oh shit," Jake pushed at Theo's chest, still clenching at his shirt. "Theo, get up. Please get up," Jake said frantically. "I gotta go. I gotta pee again. Please."

Before Jake could push Theo off completely, Theo landed his hand on the other boy's chest and pushed him down. "No, stay," he commanded. Jake's eyes were filled with disbelief. Theo jumped off the bed and fetched a few towels from his drawers. Returning to the bed, he indicated for Jake to lift his butt up. When he did so, Theo laid the towels down, lining the mattress just under Jake's lower half. Just before Jake was going to protest whatever plan Theo had, Theo pushed himself back on top of the boy and resumed assaulting his mouth.

Jake pushed against Theo again. "Theo, what the hell. I need to go really bad." He shuddered involuntarily again as Theo pushed his hips against his own, rubbing their two sensitive organs together.

"Then go. Right here, baby." Theo nodded at the bed before returning to Jake's lips. His hand reached under Jake's shirt and stroked his torso again, ignoring the bewilderment and panic on Jake's face.

"You've got to be kidding. Theo, please. I'm going to wet myself if I don't get to the toilet soon," Jake said with more urgency. But Theo wouldn't shift his weight off of him. He was trapped underneath as the urge to piss finally broke past his hold.

A choke escaped Jake's throat as he felt the dolefully familiar feeling of warmth spread over his front. He grabbed at Theo's shirt again and clenched it in his hands. His own eyes were tightly closed, unable to look at his boyfriend in this most vulnerable state. Theo had stopped thrusting and had proceeded to run his hand through Jake's hair, whispering words of reassurance, love and encouragement.

"That's it, baby. Got absolutely nothing to be scared about. I've got you," he said gently into Jake's ear. After a few seconds, the last squirt of piss soaked Jake's pants, Theo's shorts and the towels. Theo took Jake's face into his hands. "Look at me, Jake." Jake shook his head. "Baby, look at me."

Jake took a deep breath and finally opened his eyes, brimming with tears. Theo smiled sympathetically and gave each of his eyes a kiss.

"You're so beautiful, Jake."

Theo gently pressed his hips against Jake's. He felt a new wetness to his shorts. The rubbing of wet material made a squishy sound. Jake groaned lightly at the unsightliness of it all. But he couldn't resist letting a moan fly out of him as Theo's hand made its way down to Jake's newly saturated crotch and gave his soft cock a firm squeeze.

"Please don't," whispered Jake. But his eyes gave it all away. "So wrong," he mumbled as he pressed his crotch into Theo's hand. Theo stroked Jake's hardening cock through the soiled pants while nibbling up the boy's jaw to his ear.

"There's nothing wrong at all, Jake." He undid the button of Jake's pants. "Let me do this for you, baby. Let me make you happy." He pushed his hand into Jake's pants and felt the soaked boxer briefs. Jake shuddered at the contact.

"Please, Theo." A plea so quiet.

"Let me, Jake." And with that, Jake pulled Theo into him and shared with him a kiss that fuelled their sexual desires. Theo had unleashed a new outlook on Jake's accidents and Jake was in a state of wet, salty lust.

As their tongues danced about in each other's mouths, Theo unzipped Jake's pants and pulled them off leaving Jake in his soaked boxer briefs. The material had turned to a darkened tone at the moisture. His boner was pressed up against his belly, pointing up. In great haste, Theo shucked his shorts and threw them onto the floor. He pushed his hands into his own boxer briefs and rearranged his cock so that it was also pointing up towards his belly button, lying flat against his abdomen. After that, he wrapped his hand around Jake's cock through the material of his underwear. Warm piss leached from the cotton and onto his fingers, coating them. Theo pulled his mouth away from Jake's momentarily and inserted a finger into his mouth, sucking off Jake's salty liquid.

"Oh fuck.." Jake uttered.

"You taste fucking delicious," said Theo before returning to the kissing session, and in doing so, shared Jake a taste of his own saltiness. Jake moaned into Theo's mouth. Jake continued to thrust up against Theo, rubbing their clothed cocks against each other. Both boys moaned into each other.

As the boys both neared their climax, Theo returned his mouth to Jake's neck. The teeth marks he previously left had nearly faded completely and so he bit down to revive them. As he sucked on the skin, Jake tugged even harder at Theo's shirt that he had in his fists and began convulsing against the body on top of him.

"Theo I'm cumming!" He pushed back against Theo's cock, intensifying the friction between them. His cock pulsed, pushing spurts of cum into his underwear, adding a new warmth. "Oh, Theo. Yes."

Theo felt his boy buckle relentlessly underneath him as he unloaded inside his boxer briefs. Theo quickened his thrusts and pushed even harder into the boy. Jake's cum began to saturate the material, slicking up the space between them. The smell of fresh cum mixed with warm piss floated up to Theo's head. He groaned lustfully into his boyfriend's skin, getting close to his own orgasm.

"Fuck, Jake. You're so hot. Fuck, I'm going to cum. Gonna cum all over you, baby."

Theo screamed as his own cock began pulsing against his piss-soaked briefs, coating the inside with hot streams of cum. He continued thrusting against Jake, each push gave him shots of pleasure throughout his body. Jake felt his hot cum being squished all inside his briefs as his boyfriend thrashed on top of him, digging his hips into his wet package over and over. Theo's mouth clamped onto his shoulder and he sucked and sucked at the skin, his moans muffled.

As Theo's orgasm began to subside, he fell beside Jake onto his side. He flung a leg across Jake's and pulled the smaller boy into him.

"Fucking hell, Jake." Theo nuzzled Jake's ear. A mix of cum, sweat and piss coated their bodies. If anyone were to walk into the room right that instance, all they'd smell was dirty, dirty sex.

They laid there in silence before Jake turned to Theo and grabbed onto Theo's shirt again, pulling himself into the other boy's chest.

"Oh my god," Jake spoke as he buried his face into Theo's shirt. "What the hell, Theo?"

Theo chuckled. "Yeah, what?" Jake looked up at him in disbelief. Theo answered before he could say anything else, "Now you know that pissing yourself is nothing to be ashamed of." He gave Jake a peck on the lips.

"So whenever I piss myself you're just going to grind the shit out of – wait no – grind the cum out of me?"

Theo laughed. "Only if you want me too," he said before he reached his hand around and gave Jake's butt a squeeze. Jake jumped a bit.

"Oh my god," Jake said again, this time squeezing his eyes shut. "I can't believe you did that. You-you tasted my piss. You put your freaking finger in your mouth." He shook his head against Theo's chest.

"Yeah? It tasted so good, baby," he said gleefully. "I'd do it again and again."

"You're disgusting, you know that?"

Theo paused at a thought before grinning at his boy. Jake grimaced. "What?" he asked reluctantly.

Theo hopped up onto his hands and knees again, trapping the boy underneath him. "Don't tell me that it didn't turn you on?" he suggested with a devilish smile. He started grinding his hips against Jake's again.

Jake just shook his head, ignoring the blush that was appearing on his face. "No. Just no, Theo." He grinned, pulling Theo back down next to him and stuffed his face back into Theo's chest.

"It totally did," Theo murmured, stroking Jake's hair.

The boys laid there for a few seconds as the cooling wetness was starting to get uncomfortable.

"Can we get changed now?" Jake asked. Theo nodded and they both stripped themselves. Naked, Theo got busy putting the soiled clothes and towels away in his laundry basket. When he turned around, he found a red-faced Jake standing naked by his bed, his hands cupped over his genitals.

"Umm... I don't have a change of anything.." he admitted.

Theo chuckled and pulled Jake into his arms, freeing Jake's hands from his privates.

"Why so shy?" Theo grinned. He gave Jake a deep kiss while groping Jake's ass. Jake's face didn't get any less red.

"Cut it out, Theo," Jake whined. Jake silently pleaded himself to not look down.

Theo reached into a drawer and pulled out a pair of briefs. "Here."

Theo also offered Jake a pair of pants and a shirt to wear. When Jake enquired about having a shower first, Theo stopped him.

"No way. You smell fucking sexy as it is." He gave him another kiss. "You look adorable in my clothes, Jake."

Jake bit his lip and stared down at his boyfriend's clothing. He fidgeted with the hem of the shirt. "Thanks," he replied shyly.

"Come on. Let's get some grub," Theo offered before grabbing a hold of Jake's hand and pulling him out the door.


Next: Chapter 5

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