Wet Shame, Wet Fun

By Kyle Newton

Published on Nov 22, 2012


Disclaimer: I hope you know what you're doing!

The following story is purely fictional. Please read it legally - be of a legal age and in a legal place. Any similarity in plot or resemblance to a real person, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Please do not copy and/or publish this story without expressed permission from the author. Thanks :)

Author's note:

Greetings reader! My life is no longer consumed by university and I'm now free again to continue writing. Let's rejoice! Don't forget I have a mailing list. Let me know if you want to be on it, even if you email me relatively regularly, as I wouldn't want to contribute to any unsolicited mail!

I apologise for any typographical errors!

Wet shame, wet fun

Previously on Wet shame, wet fun

"Oh Theo," and he pushed his lips back onto mine with much enthusiasm. I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him into me. His hands came up to my face and pulled me deeper into the kiss. What was that? Oh, his tongue. Ooh, his tongue. I opened my mouth and sucked his tongue in. He whimpered into my mouth. I felt his hardness pushing against my thigh. I pushed back against it and he gave a low needy moan. "Please, Theo."

I pushed him on his back and climbed on top of him. I looked down to his beautiful brown eyes and innocent smile. I slowly leaned down to give him a light kiss, but before my lips touched his, I whispered to him again.

"You're so special to me."


Chapter 3

I pressed my eager lips onto Jake's and I felt him respond initially with equal enthusiasm. But as I was licking at his lips with my tongue I felt him pause and gently pushed me back.

"What are we doing?" Jake asked after an awkward pause.

I made a face before chuckling, "What do YOU think we're doing?" I rolled over to lie at Jake's side and slipped my arm around his waist. Jake squirmed a bit and furrowed his brow in thought.

"Umm.. we're.. umm." I giggled and gave him a peck on the cheek. He turned towards me before asking me in a small voice, "Do you like me?" He didn't look up into my eyes. If he had then he would have seen my surprised look.

"What kind of question is that?" I spoke softly. He shrugged and when he didn't say anything else I proceeded to respond. "Yeah Jake, I do. I like you. A lot even." He looked up and I smiled back at him. His hopeful eyes were adorable. He fidgeted some more before smiling back at me with an honest smile.

"Thanks, Theo. I really like you too." I grinned and gave his waist a squeeze with my arm. "But, umm.." Jake looked uncertain. "I haven't done this before." I was sure I heard him breathe out an apology.

I pulled Jake back into his arms and buried my face into his neck, "Don't apologise, Jake." I nuzzled his cheek. "We can take our time, buddy. Sweet and slow." Jake gave a satisfied sigh and pressed his lips back onto mine. I slipped my hand behind his neck and pulled him tightly into me. I gave a soft growl and nibbled on his lower lip. A soft moan left Jake's lips as I grinded my hips against his. Jake mumbled against my lips and pushed me back again. I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Umm.." a small shy grin appeared on his charming face, "We still up for that movie?" I stared at him for a few seconds before shaking my head as if clearing it. He was hoping that I could take the hint.

"Ah, taking it slow, right. I got it. Okay movie night!" I jumped off the bed and pulled Jake up to me. "Okay you go shower. I'll go shower. I've got some snacks for the movie too." I gave his lips a kiss and pushed him towards his clothes drawer.

After my shower I grabbed a bag of candy and chips from my food stash and raced to Jake's room next door. But before I entered his room I stood outside at his door thinking about how I should treat the night. All I wanted to do was wrap him up in my arms and kiss the evening away. But I had to be careful with Jake. I always had to be careful with Jake – poor, fragile Jake. I didn't want to ruin it. I needed to take this slow; at Jake's pace. Slow but steady. I opened the door to his room and stepped in. He was dressed in a fresh pair of sweat pants and a loose white singlet.

"Your favourite," I exclaimed as I threw a packet of sour gummy worms at him. He opened it up and began chewing on a green worm looking as happy as a kid eating, well, candy. The light began to return back into his eyes, the unfortunate events of earlier that day nearly forgotten.

"So what do you wanna watch?" Jake asked with a mouth full of gummies. "I finally got The Avengers on DVD. Unless there's something else you want to watch," he shrugged his shoulders.

I nodded in agreement and grabbed a few worms out of Jake's hand. "Sure. I wanna see that again. Captain America. Hottt!" I knew Jake was thinking the same when a blush decorated his cute cheeks. "Come on," I said as I led him by the hand to his bed. He popped the DVD into his laptop and we made ourselves comfortable on his bed. I scooped him into my arms and we sat together to watch the wonderful movie that graced us with beautiful faces of Chris Evans and Jeremy Renner.

As the movie ended, the playing of credits plunged the room into darkness. Jake had twisted himself in my arms and had rested his head on my chest. His breathing was slow and deep indicating his sleeping state. I planted a kiss on his head. Reaching over to the desk, I tried to shut the laptop off without disturbing Jake. However, I was unsuccessful. Jake stirred and sat up as my arm was flailing at the laptop trying to reach it.

"The movie ended?" Jake rubbed his eyes. I stroked his back lightly.

"Yeah. Go back to sleep, buddy," and I pulled him back down into my arms.

"Theo-," he paused as I kissed him on the lips. "Theo. I think you should head back to your room," he sounded hesitant. I'm glad it was dark so that he couldn't see my expression. I looked like I just drank some bad coffee. Or ate dark chocolate. Gross dark chocolate. Chocolate should never be bitter!

"Uhh.." I was a tad speechless. Jake picked up on my discomfort.

"I'm sorry, Theo. Please don't be mad," he mumbled into my chest. He looked up at me through the darkness. "I think.. I think we should.. umm.. slow?" Jake was so scared of disappointing me. He sounded like he had just done the worst thing in the world.

"Hey, it's okay," I whispered into his hair, "I'm sorry, Jake. I'm not mad. At all." I nuzzled him on the side of his face. "I don't mean to push. Forgive me, buddy," and ended that with a kiss.

I detangled myself from him and walked over to the other side of the room to flick the light switch on. I squinted as my eyes adjusted themselves. I walked back to Jake and sat next to him, bringing his hand to my mouth and giving it a kiss.

I took a breath and my face grew serious. "You can tell me anything, you know," I reassured him. "You have the right to. Don't ever feel shy or hesitant of telling me that we're going too fast or that I'm being a dick, okay?" I paused to let Jake soaked it in. He nodded gently. I really needed him to understand this. I needed him to feel safe with me. "Jake, don't ever be scared of speaking up, yeah?" I asked him. "You promise?"

There was silence.

Jake sat up and tugged me by the shirt to get me to move closer to him. He gave me a light kiss on the lips. I could feel his warm breath. It smelt sweet, like gummy worms. He studied my face for a moment before silently giving me another soft kiss. Everything about my boy was so soft. His skin. His personality. His love. It made me want to protect him from the whole world. He brought his hands up to my face and he cupped my face as if to make sure that I was real, that I wasn't some cruel dream. When he was satisfied that I wasn't going anywhere he started nodding his head again.

"Okay," he said in the softest voice. "I promise."

We sat there for about another 20 minutes holding each other and slowly making out. As I explored his mouth with my tongue, my hands caressed his thigh and sides. It was a moment of both peaceful silence and invigorating physical contact. However, it was still early days for Jake. He was still apprehensive and a bit tense. He kept his hands firmed grasped around my bicep or on my shoulder. He feared of letting them wonder anywhere else. I intended to give him all the space and time that he needed. I pulled apart from him and gave me a smile as I wiped some spit off his bottom lip.

We both went to the communal bathroom to brush our teeth and we returned to Jake's room. I gave me a final kiss for the night.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"Yeah... I'm sorry about making you sleep back in your-" I interrupted him.

"Jake, really. Don't worry about." I took his hands in mine again. I really like his hands. It's like holding the paws of a kitten. I kissed him again – I lied about the previous one being the last one! "Remember what I said? Don't feel sorry for speaking up, yeah? We need to take this slow." Jake started nodding slowly again.

Jake smiled. "Thanks, Theo."

"You'll always be my buddy, remember?" and I nudged him with my shoulder. "My sexy buddy," I added and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. I winked at him and hopped out of his room, closing the door behind me.

I heard him giggle, no doubt.

That Saturday evening I took Jake out to a party with me. An exchange student from Argentina was having a birthday and some people in our hall was throwing a party for him.

"Happy birthday, Tomi!" I greeted my Argentinian friend with. "I hope you're having a great time," I said as I nodded to the beer in his hand. I introduced him to Jake before Jake and I found ourselves a nice corner to stand in with nice cold drinks in our hands. We played Jake's favourite game, "Let's observe everyone!". A few minutes into making speculations with Jake about our classmates, a few of my other friends dragged me away to do a few alcoholic shots, among other things, and when I returned to Jake's corner 30 minutes later I was slightly more disinhibited and my face was starting to feel a bit warm. Before I could get a word to Jake another lot of friends pulled me away for some more alcoholic-fuelled shenanigans. It was another 30 minutes before I got back to Jake. My balance was starting to waver and my mouth was running off on its own, much to Jake's displeasure.

I flung an arm around Jake's shoulder. "Hey baby," I stage-whispered. He wrinkled his nose at the smell of alcohol that poured off my breath.

"Maybe we should go," he suggested. The shade of anxiety that had shadowed his face for the past hour was converting into boredom. I hiccupped and agreed with him.

"Let's go, sweet thing," and I grabbed his ass through his jeans making him jump. I chuckled to myself, but Jake was less impressed.

"Theo!" he quietly scolded me. He started walking back to the sleeping quarters where our rooms were and I followed him. He quickened his pace when I started chasing him and pulling him into my arms. "Quit it, Theo. People can see." He pulled himself out of my arms and continued marching off towards our rooms with his arms crossed.

As we were walking across the lawn in front of the dining hall I made a lunge at Jake, but my inebriated state was not doing me any favours. I tripped over air and face-planted on the ground.

"Oww.." I groaned. Jake turned around to find me lying on the grass. I heard him let out another annoyed huff before walking over to me. I rolled myself around so that I was lying on my back and stared up to Jake's who was looking down at me. His mouth has formed a thin line and his brow was set in a furrow. He just stood there and continued to look down on me not saying anything. I pouted at him.

Jake looked around and saw that the area was deserted of other students. He knelt down beside me and started rubbing my chest. "Oh Theo. You're drunk," he said shaking his head at me.

I grinned up at him. "and you're beautiful," I replied back to him. Jake tried to suppress the smile that was threatening to break open on his face. I hiccupped again. "I mean it, Jake. You're beautiful."

Jake just sat there and continued rubbing my chest, still looking into my eyes. After a few more seconds he shook his head again at me and stood up.

"Come on, Theo. Let's go. You're getting dirty." Jake reached for my hands to pull me up, but I pulled them away and grabbed my crotch and shook it at him.

"Yeah, I'm getting dirty," I winked at him, my tongue hanging out of my mouth. "For you, Jake. For you." I almost didn't hear the frustrated `oh my god' that came out of Jake. He quickly knelt down again and slapped me hard on the chest.

"Theo, if you don't get up then I'm leaving you here," he asserted. I felt that he had had enough of me.

"Okay, okay. Give me a sec." I tried to push myself up off the ground, but somehow managed to face-plant for a second time. "Wait, hang on. Give me another sec," I mumbled into the ground. Jake almost growled. He took my arms and pulled me up, helping me balance myself out.

"Thanks, muffin." I leaned in for a kiss but Jake pulled his head back. Wrapping his arm around my shoulder he walked me the remaining distance to our rooms.

When we reached my door Jake held his hand out to me. I stared at him and his hand. I frowned and slowly bent down to lick his hand.

Jake quickly withdrew his hand. "Oh my god, Theo," sounding exasperated again. "Key! Give me your room key!"

I made an `oh' face and searched my pockets for my keys. I found them after having searched the same pocket three times and put them in Jake's hand. After unlocking my door he pulled me inside and pushed me towards my bed.

"Oooh someone's ready for action!" I fumbled with the button of my jeans. Jake grimaced again and took hold of my hands.

"Stop, Theo. We're not doing what you think we're doing." He tugged at my jacket. "Come on. Get ready for bed. You need to sleep this off."

I stripped off my jacket, shirt, and jeans and fell into bed wearing just my grey boxer shorts and socks. I closed my eyes and buried my face into my pillow. I mumbled something incoherent about becoming a flower if I had stayed face-planted in the ground long enough. Jake just watched my sleeping body. He couldn't help but let his eyes wander over my exposed torso and down to my clothed groin, and wondered what sat underneath. Before his thoughts could wander any more, he shook his head.

"Theo, move over." He tugged at the blankets that I had flopped on top off. After freeing them, he placed them on top of me and tucked me in. I mumbled something about ordering caramel fudge slices. Jake sat down on the bed next to me and watched me sleep for a bit. After he was happy that I was settled for the night, he let himself out and went back into his room.

Once inside, Jake prepared himself for bed – visited the bathroom, brushed his teeth, changed into his sleeping singlet and shorts, and slipped into bed. He closed his eyes but the image of a near naked Theo was still etched in his sensitive mind. Theo's taut pecs and his smooth flat tummy looked amazingly delicious. Jake could imagine his own hand trailing down Theo's creamy skin. He was no stranger to how firm Theo's muscles were. He frequently fidgeted with Theo's shirt, feeling his hard body underneath. He wasn't intentionally feeling him up – he was often restless around his friend. Theo filled out his cotton boxer shorts so nicely. Jake had seen the faint outline of his friend's cock against the material. He blushed at the thought of perving on Theo. Never had he considered someone in such an intimate way. As his mind ballooned with thoughts of his best friend, his hands moved down into his pants and he cupped his warm balls before rubbing them. His hips pushed up involuntarily into his own hand.

He so seldom touched himself. After years of wetting himself, he had long associated his genital area as an unfriendly, unco-operative part of his body. He didn't feel the need to pleasure it in that way; he didn't find it attractive.

But tonight, his mind had been set on fire.

Jake pulled his short off underneath his blankets and spent a moment lying in bed in his navy blue briefs. The feeling was unfamiliar. After a hesitant second, Jake slid his briefs off as well. The cool linen caressed Jake's sensitive skin, brushing against his thighs, penis and scrotum. The sensation increased his arousal. His hand made contact with his warm, erect cock and he gave a shudder. He needed this. He needed this so bad. His nipples were hard; his sleep singlet rubbing against the nubs. He took his foreskin between his thumb and forefinger and rolled it up and down his cock head, gliding against the precious glans. His body convulsed at the unaccustomed feeling and Jake moaned lightly. Pre-cum wetted his foreskin and slickened his cock head. He kicked off his blankets and let the cool air wash across the naked bottom half of his body. He gripped his shaft with his fist and began pumping at a comfortable speed. As he stimulated his stiffness, images of Theo's partially clothed body fuelled the chaos that stumbled Jake's innocent mind. Jake couldn't stop; he wouldn't.

He continued to imagine how Theo's skin would feel against his own; how it might taste if he licked it. His fist sped up, rubbing all the sensitive parts of his cock through his lubricated foreskin. His mind eventually floated over to the thought of Theo's bulge, the bulge that he managed to catch a glimpse of. Jake imaged running his hand over the soft bulge, feeling the cotton as he often did with Theo's shirt-covered torso. He imagined Theo's own cock stiffening; how it would feel, how it would smell. Jake was getting so close. His hand sped up further. He tightened his grip, letting the friction rub away against his young flesh. He imagined what Theo could do to Jake with his hands, playing with Jake's hard cock the same way he was doing to himself now. At the last stroke, Jake remembered Theo's soft lips against his own, remembered the affection that Theo delivered each and every time. Theo's tongue would lick the underside of Jake's tongue and suck hungrily on the tip of it. The thought of Theo touching Jake's stiff cock as they shared an intimate session of kissing rocketed Jake through his orgasm. He couldn't help but groan out in delectable sin. Spurts of warm, thick cum poured out of his red, swollen piss hole, flowing out and over his foreskin and down his sweaty fingers. Jake's body spasmed with such uncommon pleasure. A feeling of rhythmic pulsing filled the space just under his balls. Cum began to pool in his pubic hair and around his belly, and he continued to stroke his slick cock as it began to soften. The head became unbearably sensitive. Each light stroke zapped Jake like erotic torture.

After a moment, Jake's mind and body stabilised from its sexual adventure. Jake looked down at the mess he had created for himself. Streams of cum coated his fingers and cooling cum stained his groin. The smell of cum lingered in the air. Guilt began to precipitate as he reached for an old shirt to wipe off the remnants of his self-abuse. He never enjoyed pleasuring his cock, Jake reminded himself. It always led to something unwelcome. He looked down at his naked lower half, suddenly incredibly uncomfortable with the exposed feeling.

Before going to bed, Jake made one final trip to the bathroom in hopes that he could avoid what he dreaded in the morning.



Authors note Hello again! I apologise for the long long delay. I'm going through a very active and slightly jumbled part of my life at the moment so my concentration and writing has been sporadic. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. So I may have lied a bit about the sexy time. There was no sexy time between our two boys, but Jake did have himself some fun! So that sorta counts, right? Still slowly developing the story line – yes, it's going to be one of those stories. Sit tight, folks. It's going to be a bumpy ride.

Next: Chapter 4

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