
By Garrett Sparks

Published on Sep 20, 2001



Howdy! I haven't written in a good while, but watching the MTV awards, inspired me some and I wrote down this story. I had to take a break from it last week (wasn't really in any kind of writing mood), but I came back to it this weekend to get my mind off things. And here is the finished work.

If you like it, please check out my other stories - Next Window Please and Hold the Pickle (they're listed somewhere in the boyband section). Those stories are longer and more complex - this one is just flat-out sex for the most part.

The usual disclaimer applies here: if you shouldn't be viewing this for whatever reason, please don't. And even though I have my suspicions, I don't know for sure about the sexual proclivities of anybody in this story. It's fiction. Enjoy!


"Come on guys. It's really easy. Just step twice before the kick and you'll be fine."

Wade Robson was tired, but he had to make sure the guys in NSYNC were getting it. They were going to do a performance for a charity benefit in three days and with their busy schedules, they hadn't had much time to rehearse. It would've been okay if they were doing something that they had done a hundred times, but the performance space was much smaller than the massive stages they had been using on the tour, so Wade had to improvise something less 'showy'.

Even with the no-frills moves, the guys still needed to really work on getting it. Their minds were still fresh with the choreography of the tour and Wade knew it was so engrained in their heads, it wouldn't be easy to shake it.

Still, the five fellows were working hard and getting it for the most part. Wade wasn't worried that they wouldn't have it down by the show on Friday, which was three days away. All except for Lance, though.

Wade loved all the guys - they were like his second family, and Lance was the awkward cousin. He was a great guy and he knew how to sing well and how to move well, but sometimes those two didn't mesh together. Still, Wade liked to watch him try.

Wade had a crush on Lance. But, for the most part, it was purely just lust. Not that Lance wouldn't make a great boyfriend, but Wade just didn't have time for that right now. Now, sex - that was a different story. Of course, he wasn't going to ever try anything with Lance. Sure, he knew Lance was gay (he was pretty open with the guys), and they knew he was gay (he was a choreographer - hello!), but he never got the feeling Lance looked at him in other way than strictly a friend. So, he just admired him from afar. It was getting late and instead of subjecting them to more torture, he turned off the stereo, "I think we should call it a day guys."

Applause filled the room. Joey and Chris were out the door before Wade could even unplug his radio. JC, Justin and Lance were getting their things together and talking. Wade grabbed his stuff and headed over to them, "What's up guys? Any plans tonight?"

JC smiled, "Yeah. J, Britney, Bobbie and me are gonna double date tonight. We're going to the Janet concert."

"Cool," wade replied and turned to Lance, "No hot date for you?"

Lance laughed, "Naw. Didn't you hear? My baby Janet is working tonight. Besides, I got a million things to do to get ready for my movie premiere in a couple of weeks."

The four guys started walking to the door. Wade and Lance fell behind the other two as they headed down the hall. Lance looked at Wade, "I know you've noticed that I haven't been up to par with this thing."

Wade shrugged it off, "Oh I understand, man. You've got a lot to worry about."

"But, I don't want you to think I don't care. I'll get it before Friday." Lance replied.

Wade put a calming hand on Lance's shoulder, "I know, dude. I'm not worried. You always get your stuff together. I admire that a lot."

Lance smiled and Wade felt a slight chill go through him. And it was a good thing.

They got to the door. Britney was there, waiting for Justin and JC. She hugged Wade and they exchanged small talk briefly. "You need a ride somewhere?" she asked as Justin and JC climbed into the car.

Wade shook his head, "I've got my car here. Thanks though."

Britney smiled and turned to Lance, "What about you?"

Lance hesitated and then spoke, "Actually, I need to talk to Wade for a minute,"

Wade was surprised at this, and Lance went on, "Can I get a ride with you?"

Wade shook it off and answered, "Absolutely. No problem. I can do that. Definitely."

He realized his answer sounded like a giddy school boy, but he couldn't help it. He tried to get it out of his head that this talk would be anything more than business, but it still felt good.

Britney said good-bye to the guys and hopped in the limo. As they sped away, Lance led Wade back inside, "I wanted to talk to you about the number."

Of course he did, Wade thought to himself.

Lance went on, "I know I'm sucking and I was hoping we could have a little one on one time to work out the kinks."

Wade nodded, "Sure, when?"

Lance replied, "How about now?"

Wade smiled. He was tired, but the thought of seeing Lance shake his thing was too much and he readily agreed. They headed back to the studio and set up.

After about an hour, Wade could tell Lance was improving. He had everything down and was probably ahead of the other guys. But Wade was enjoying this alone time and wanted to prolong it as long as possible.

Wade sat back on the edge of the small platform that lined the wall and watched as Lance, sweat glistening on his face and arms, moved around. He had to readjust a couple of times, as he was getting extremely aroused watching Lance move his hips. He only hoped Lance couldn't see.

But, he had. Lance stopped and caught his breath. He went to grab his water bottle and pointed to Wade's crotch, "Like something you see?"

Wade tried to play it off like a joke, "Yeah, well you know how hot you sweaty guys make me."

Lance went over and sat next to Wade, "Usually with me, the sweat comes after I get hot."

Wade laughed, but could feel the tension in the room mount. He wasn't sure if that was a good thing or not, but when he turned and looked Lance in the eyes, he knew it couldn't be bad.

He didn't know how he got up the nerve to do the next thing he did, but before he could think, he had leaned in and kissed Lance. He was about to back off, realizing he might have just done something really, really stupid. But, he suddenly felt Lance's hands on the back of his head, bringing him even more into the kiss.

Wade felt his lips part and hungrily accepted Lance's tongue as the kissing became more passionate. His hands reached up and pressed against Lance's back and they slid closer to each other. Wade could feel the heat from Lance's sweat-soaked body as he pulled him into a tight embrace. He knew now, as he and Lance kissed, that there was no way the Nsyncer could miss his aroused state. And as Lance and Wade leaned back onto the platform, he could feel that he felt the same way.

Lance climbed on top of Wade and continued kissing him. Wade let his arms move up and down Lance's body, eventually caressing his sandy blonde hair. After a few minutes of this, Lance lifted his head and stared into Wade's eyes.

"I, uh, didn't know you felt this way about me," Lance stated.

Wade replied, "Dude, you're hot. How could I not be attracted to you?"

Lance smiled, "You just seem so businesslike a lot of the time. I wasn't sure if you would be into this or not."

"Oh, I am so into this," Wade smoothly said as he ran his fingers along Lance's arm.

Lance climbed off of Wade and sat up, "I did want to say something before we go any farther though."

Wade sat up, worried. But, it was just what he wanted to hear, "I really want to do this and everything, but I want you to know, I don't really have time for a relationship or anything."

Wade said reassuringly, "That's fine. I don't either, what with Britney's tour coming up and all."

This calmed Lance and he turned back to Wade, his bright green eyes staring lovingly into his, "Then this is just going to be two guys having some fun, right?"

Wade stood up and pulled Lance with him, "Definitely."

Lance approached Wade and began kissing him again. Wade was almost half a foot taller than Lance and the kiss was somewhat awkward, but it was too enjoyable to worry about anything. Wade's hands made their way down Lance's back until the lightly cupped his ass. Lance let out a small moan and returned the favor. Wade was extremely horny and wanted nothing more than to feel Lance's bare flesh against his. He backed away slightly and spoke, "You know. You're kinda sweaty. I think you need to shower."

Lance grinned widely, "I assume you're going to join me?"

Wade began leading Lance to the locker room adjacent to the rehearsal hall, "I wouldn't have it any other way."

Their clothes made a trail to the locker room as they headed for the shower.

Luckily, the place was deserted and as Lance turned on the water, Wade took a minute to admire his form. He had seen him in various states of undress over the years, but now, as he looked at him totally nude, he was very happy.

And Lance seemed the same way as he made his way to Wade and rubbed his hands down his lightly hairy chest. Wade placed his hands on Lance's flat stomach, running a finger over his treasure trail. Lance sighed a little and turned around, pressing his back into Wade. He slowly grinded his ass into Wade's crotch, causing him to let out a gasp of excitement.

Lance pushed away from Wade and jumped into the shower stall. Wade immediately joined him and as he walked into the steamed compartment, he felt Lance's wet hands place themselves on his chest, followed by his mouth, which encased one of his nipples and he bit lightly on them. Wade wanted to scream in ecstasy, but instead relaxed and leaned against the back of the shower wall. The water beat down on Wade's legs and he felt he might collapse if it got any more intense.

His concerns were about to be tested as Lance fell to his knees and licked Wade's throbbing cock. Wade shuddered and Lance looked up, hot water streaming down his face, "I take it you like that?"

Wade couldn't even reply verbally, but instead nodded. Lance returned to Wade's member and took it in his mouth. Wade placed his hands on Lance's head and closed his eyes as Lance continued to devour his cock. Lance moved up and down on the shaft and then released it, moving down to his balls. Wade was on the brink and not ready for this to end, so he reached down and pulled Lance up into an embrace. He began kissing him, tasting his own salty precum on his lips.

Wade reached over and grabbed the bar of soap. He lathered up his hands and ran them over Lance's chest and down to his penis. He brushed against it, but didn't grab it. Lance pouted a little, but Wade just smiled and continued soaping up his lover.

He massaged Lance's back, all the time grinding his own stiff cock into his ass. Lance moaned as Wade reached around and grabbed Lance's own cock, pulling lightly.

He spun Lance around and fell to his knees, taking the hardness in front of him into his mouth. Water ran down Wade's face as he devoured Lance's penis. He reached between Lance's legs and ran his finger across Lance's asshole, causing the Nsyncer to gasp. Lance's knees buckled slightly and Wade looked up through the stream at his lover - a look of pleasure across his face.

Wade got up and pulled Lance into a hug. His hands ran down Lance's back and rested on the crack of his ass. Lance stiffened slightly as Wade lightly pressed a finger against Lance's hole. Lance smiled at Wade, "Do you want to fuck me?"

Wade nodded silently and Lance leaned forward against the front of the stall, the water spray now over his head and running down his back. Wade took one lathered hand and rubbed it over his own hard cock, causing a slight, but pleasing burning sensation. With the other soaped hand, he inserted a finger into Lance's awaiting hole.

Wade leaned forward, placing kisses along Lance's smooth back. Lance was moaning louder now and Wade inserted another finger. Lance winced slightly, but from his expression, Wade knew he was enjoying it. After a minute, he removed his fingers and placed his moist, lathered cock against Lance's ass. As he slid in, he saw the intense mix of pleasure and pain on Lance's face. Slowly, he began fucking Lance, easing his cock in and out of his tight butt. Lance began groaning and Wade reached in front and grasped Lance's hard, throbbing dick.

As he started pumping Lance harder, he could feel his lover's muscles constrict around his cock as he was getting closer to orgasm. This caused Wade to pump even more furiously and soon he was again on the brink. With one last shove, he felt his orgasm spread through him and his cum filled the inside of Lance, which caused the Nsyncer to shoot his own load on the shower wall.

The two stood there for a minute, with only the sound of the shower beating against their worn bodies to break the silence. Wade pulled out of Lance, who turned around and lightly kissed him on the lips. Wade leaned back, letting the now-cooling water wash away the remnants of their tryst. Lance pulled him into a hug and they stood there, in each other's arms until the water had turned cold.

As they shivered, they backed out of the stall. They dried themselves and Lance smiled at Wade, "That definitely eased some of the tension I've been having."

Wade laughed, "Well, then I think we should do this as much as possible, so as to avoid any more problems."

Lance kissed Wade, "Sounds good to me".

THE END...hope you liked it!

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