Wet Dreaming

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 25, 2009


Hey guys! Thanks for the warm reception and I can't believe there are so many of you funny pervs that enjoy the Wet Dreams. As promised I have another one for you from Will's Journal. I wonder who he dreams about this time aye? And better yet! I know it might seem like date rape to you guys (It's a fictional journal about some guy's fantasy cmon!) but who was that mysterious guy who did a "Shag and run" on will?

We'll find out soon :D

About myself: I am Cody Samuels, I am twenty and I am an English Creative Writing student in London. I am the author of Jack and Daniel and Tailoring to your needs. This is my third story that is in the making. I hope you guys enjoy this

Please do send the emails- I love hearing from my fans and I always try to get back to each and every one of you.

Here we go!

The previous journal entry was Dedicated to Damian: Thanks for the inspiration. I did so some Wet Dreaming over them

The Journal of Will Barret

DISCLAIMER: This narrative has scenes of male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find disturbing or inappropriate for ages under 18. Please do not read if you comply with both of those categories.

This is copyrighted to the Nifty Alliance Archive and is exclusively for the readers of this website. Do not attempt to copy this and redistribute. This is for the private and personal viewing pleasure of your own.

The characters are all fictional with vague and few references to real people. If they come across coincidentally as someone in reality please take it as a compliment. Events are also referenced from certain real life scenarios and are fictional. If you have experienced them feel free to contact me about it.

NOTES: This is a fantasy- Reality is different, use a condom.


After that really hot dream about Professor Rothford I decided to keep up this tantra of constant celibacy so that I could continue do to dream these wet dreams. This didn't affect me in anyway apart from my grades when I handed in my assignment three days before.

Political Science had jumped a grade from B to A, which I was shocked about. Maybe Prof did help me out in his dreams. It certainly helped with my grades.

I couldn't help but feel "Damian" smile at me for getting such a good grade on a paper.

Also the fact that I had someone enter me in my dreams and then run out of my dorms was a sure shock for me. It made me believe that the dream was so real that I actually doubted whether the dream, was actually a dream.

Never the less, I was confused and rather excited at the idea that some guy came into my room, and had sex with me while I was having an erotic dream of my own.

The next week though kept me distracted from dwelling on my "night sex".

I am competitive by nature. I need to beat other people at their game so I can feel the satisfaction of winning, and gloating in their faces. One such guy however made me want to compete for his affections, Like I genuinely really liked this guy, and whenever I would graze his shin with my calve as we sat down, My heart would triple its beating. My ass would pulse in wards.

I would occasionally feel his arm against mine and even if it was just a minute second in which we had touched- I went haywire with all sorts of emotions.

This guy was John Casey.

Tall guy at about 6'3, Lanky and broad, He had a build of a swimmer, runner and a track athlete but he played soccer. He had a full heat of curls in his hair, brown auburn curls at were seriously sexy. He had a cute button nose, chiseled chin that squared out and these deep set green eyes that made you want to stare at him. He had fuzz. That was something that set him apart from the more cleaner looking P.S. Students at MIT.

But I rarely stared at his eyes. I was competitive but never straight forward. Ah! Thats me! I had to look at something else to mean what I was saying, so it would be his abs I would talk to in conversation about the state of current political

struggle versus the old political struggles and how the compared. If I had something serious to say, it was his cock I looked at. His yummy 5 o'clock shadow that stuck out of those jeans and writhed as if it was dancing to perform for me.

He was some guy. Deep voice, quiet, recluse, hidden and retracted deep in and then when he conversed it was the most riveting thing he had ever said. Yeah he knew how to work a crowd. Keep it silent with baited breath and then unleash his pent up thoughts in one burst of complete revelation like earth shattering truth.

When he talked today, it was about how he thought the Capitalistic nature of the West and the Communistic nature of the east will one day collide.

I was wrapped the entire time he talked and constantly agreed with him. But there was something more to the topic he was discussing- because he met me at eye level and then look away, as if by looking into his eyes: I would find out something truly dark.

This excited me so much I spent the next three days trying to get on his case and figure out what it was that made him look away when I met his gaze. Those next three days I didn't have any dreams though.

Which was really shit. I had been saving myself up just so I could have a dream about John. But I didn't and I figured that it would take a couple more weeks of pent up sexual libido for me to have another one of those "mind-blowing" dreams.

It had been six days since I actually wrote in the journal and I gotta say, a lot had progressed then.

Firstly I did manage to hound John about this. But he still isn't letting up. He said to me that "I'm a little embarrassed to say anything to you at the moment Will- So can you leave me alone for a bit?"

Of course I gave him space. And I think I just let him be after a while. Understanding that he might actually not be gay anyway. If anything he might be straight. HAHA! I'm having gay thoughts about straight men.

My dreams however said differently.

That night I dreamed of John Casey.

And man oh man was it just a wonderful dream.

I think we were at the beach for this one. I could remember wearing nothing but shorts, getting hit on by girls and having John sit somewhere nearby with his friends and talking about stupid stuff. I had Amanda and Jill on my left, tanning away and talking about Channing Tatum's scrumptious body, And I wouldn't mind some of tat myself, and then Melissa reading some Archie comic or what not. I couldn't remember, but what I heard was corresponding to what was going on at the time because then and there as she said it- it was happening to me and John...

It was as if she was narrating and controlling what we were doing.

She said:

"Will had his yes on John, and although Will knew John couldn't see it- He could definitely feel it, so John turns to meet Will's gaze"

Which he did and my heart quickened ten fold. Not triple, but ten. I felt like I was going to blow up like a rocket and fly over to him- because his eyes and stare- they were intense.

"Secretly- Will wanted to just go and sit next to John: But obviously they couldn't. They would attract attention."

She was right about that.

"And so what more could they do but sit and stare at each other? They would just have to endure it. Endure it because thats what people who are not meant to be together do- Endure."

Mellisa paused for a moment. And then just erupted with "Thats fucking bullshit! I think Wendy should just go over to Jasper and kiss him silly. Or Jasper do the same. I hate it how people can constrict two lovers from being together.

That did it. It snapped me in my dream and I decided to just go over to John and say hello.

But I stopped dead in my tracks- because his friends had decided they all wanted to go swimming in the ocean.

Oh god was this a brilliant way to stop me, and an even more brilliant idea to stop cars that were driven by gay guys and women because boy! He started to STRIP!.

And normally- stripping was such a over-embellished thing: In John's case it did little justice.

Because he was unbuttoning his shirt buttons one by one, and a little fuzz popped from his toned chest. It made me hungry looking at his body as he revealed more and more, sliding his hands of of his sleeves and then throwing the shirt on his bags as he showed me his torso in all his glory.

Fuck I could have creamed myself! I was so hard! I was so fucking hard and wet from just looking at him. It wasn't just the sexiness of his entirety that got me, but just how fucking gorgeous this guy was. He was fire to my dynamite!

The dream skipped a little and I couldn't remember a lot, probably because it was unimportant, except for the bits where he was laughing and throwing girls in the ocean and then I joined in with my friends and we all played water tag.

At one point his body came into contact with mine- fully.

He gave me a huge bear hug from behind and I could feel his rigid body as he laughed. I wanted him so badly and he was mine and I was his for that couple of seconds in the dream, it felt so good and right to be in his arms.

The dream skipped again and we were at this beach house. Well there were loads of beach houses. And when I mean beach houses, like these very Asian looking Bamboo beach houses, where nearly every bit of furnishing matched the house.

And we were alone- Me and John. I guess he wanted to take a break from the partying or something. I don't know.

But the next bit I remember very clearly. Crystal actually.

He was sitting next to me on the bamboo steps that lead up to the house. We were drinking Buds and talking intensely about something that President Obama was facing. I can't remember.

Anyhu- I did remember how his feet would brush against mine every now and again, and I wouldn't make a single move. I would just listen intently because knowing myself- I'm chicken shit scared of making any moves if I really like someone. Shit scared- which explains why it took me three days to even approach John.

But here he was in my dreams. My back was supposedly meant to be killing me so I leaned back onto the bamboo flooring. He was still sitting up. And then he brought a odd question. Well odd because I have never heard him talk about it before.

"Do you think Gay men and women should have the same right to marry as straight people?"

I was a slightly shocked. But I didn't want to out myself. I don't know why. I had just recently got to grips with being gay and I think even though it was in my dreams and it was the safest place to "out myself" - I still closed myself in.

I told him what I thought- That people can marry whomever they want- person, male, female or animal: As long as they are happy and they can get just the same rights as everyone else.

He went silent for a little while. And then he asked me if I was gay.

And I think- I nodded. "Good" was all he said

because there: He dived in and kissed me.

Gave me the sweetest and tastiest kiss I had ever had. Even if it was in my dreams I count it as the best I had ever had.

It was full on, tongue probing but at the same time tender and soul-satisfying. I felt converged with feelings of sexual high, intimacy and outright sex at the same time. I even felt my toes curling in the blankets.

I was in bliss. He gave me all that I wanted then. I could have stayed in that dream a little longer but the morning had started filling up in my eyes.

And I woke to find myself wet- hard and still gagging for more.

Fucking hell! I was pissed the dream ended.

And recently though- I only started to get to know John a little more as we worked in class.

I found out that he was on the track team and was indeed thinking of applying for the soccer and swimming team. I knew that if he needed to shave for swimming- I would be the firs to bat other people away and claim it as my job!

He learned more about me but I didn't think it was important.

And then there was that classic situation of "Have you got a girlfriend?"

I told him no. But I was so embarrassed with his question that I nearly dropped asking him as well. He said no too. There was hope! MAYBE!

I am such a jerk aren't I? I give you two logs full of sex and this one barely has any in it? HAHA! Any comments please send them to Cody Samuels at Literally.naked@gmail.com

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