Wet Dreaming

By Cody Samuels

Published on Jul 7, 2009


Hey guys

I am Cody Samuels, I'm 20 years old and I live in London studying English at university.

This is a journal that contains the dreams of Will Barret, a Young man who has wet dreams and journals them along with his life.

Enjoy this one. If you have any comments please by all means send me an email at Literally.naked@gmail.com

DISCLAIMER!: This has scenes of extreme male nudity and sexual acts between two men that readers may find distrubing. If so, stop reading lol. This story is copyrighted to Cody Samuels of the Nifty Alliance Archive. Use only for your personal usage.

Oh and in the real world- make sure your protected and use rubber! It's totally important!

Cody -------------------------

Wet Dreaming

I am Will, and I am 18 years old- and I've been dreaming about a lot of guys- Therefore I am gay. This is my journal for dreams and things I consider dreams that have come into reality.

A Basic 411 on me is as follow. White male- 5'9, Runner/Swimmer build, no hair on my body (I shave monthly) and I have a 6 hard 3 soft, 3 in circumference (I'm a chubby guy). I have brown hair, blue eyes, dimples and a button nose. Nothing else is special apart from a scar on the back of my shoulder from a stupid cat.

29th June 2009

I found myself on the floor laughing to a feverish set of fingertips on my sides. I was laughing so hard that I was beginning to feel the pain.

The guy that was tickling me was Andrew. He was 5'10, blonde brown hair that was long up to his chin, and swayed to one direction. Almost like those pretty boys that you see in films. He had a seriously charming smile, rosy cheeks and high cheek bones, with hazel eyes. He had a build fairly similar to an athlete, although his body composure wasn't quite the same in terms of muscle.

He had an awesomely sweet bubble butt that curved out of his body. He wore black really well. You could see his pecs jut out of his t-shirt.

I was writhing all over the floor and I had to get the upper advantage. I remember entangling with my legs to my waist as I tipped him over and rolled him on his. He was in shock and giggling fits. It was cute. He had gone completely read from the tips of his ears downwards to his neck.

I had to take a minute of breathe before I tickled his rather solid sides. I over powered him a little bit and then managed to pin his arms down. He was still giggling, and I could feel his abs contort on my butt. It was a good feeling if I remember. I looked at him and gave him a sweet kiss and ran my fingers through his hair. He was breathing hard- And getting hard.

I felt his cock slowly becoming the 7 I had guessed in my head. He was chuckling again and I loved his laugh. A Young man's blissful love was truly intoxicating.

"Stop tickling me!"

I told him I wasn't going to. I was tickling him with one hand as I unbuttoned his shirt with another. I was slowly seeing his beautiful tanned torso under the black. I licked the cleft of his pecs and he giggled and the whooshed out air. He was so cute, I was going to enjoy this.

He was blushing now. "Brent- I hope you take it easy on me" Andrew asked. He was so sweet- I think I might get diabetes. "Sure buddy. I will be- don't worry. You're in good hands"

I spread my hands across his right pec showing off his brown/pink nipples, which were slowly getting stiff by my hand. He sighed quietly- I guess he wasn't a moaner. This was going to be sexy still.

I rubbed his nipples with my thumb and it slowly got erect and then reached for his hair again, running my fingers through it and then down to his face to cup his cheek. He sighed and his face was beat red, his eyes closed and scrunched.

It felt exquisite his skin - Soft and yet growing the hair that most teens were getting about his age. I felt the faint lines of his developing abs, and then reached to his navel, where the fuzz grew the most before giving a treasure trail to his cock.

I ran my nose along the train and smelled his man-boy scent. It was intoxicating, but I wondered why. It was a dream and I wasn't meant to be smelling things. As I got lower, I unzipped his jeans, and lowered his waistband, kissing the hip bone v that we sometimes called "Atlas' Belt" which I suppose was aptly put for Andrew here.

I'd stripped him completely except for his cute black boxer briefs which hugged him snugly around the ass and imprisoned his straining cock. He wanted me to get naked to I could see it in his eyes, and I did comply- Only with taking of a shirt though so he could see my pecs at least.

He eyed my hungrily and then closed his eyes and sighed quietly while I breathed in the scent of his juicy cock. I felt the need to be with him, but not to fuck him- Which was odd because most guys wanted to fuck. Even I'll admit it- we're all whore's us guys.

But Andrew didn't bring that side out of me. He brought the lover out of me. I couldn't stop wanting more of him. This dream quickly traversed to the bed though. I had completely stripped down to my boxers too. He wore black and I wore white. It was so symbiotic and appealing colour chemistry sometimes.

I was on top of him, and in between his legs as I kissed his tender lips. I felt his saliva mix in with mine and his tongue invading my mouth as I invaded his. My hands roamed around his silky soft hair and his body while his ran across my short hair and along my spine- sending shivers.

He had a seriously sensual sweet touch to him- like his fingers were laced with warm honey that you could taste through your skin and get ecstasy and high off. It made me want him more. I was grinding into him, my cock rubbing on the taint between his balls and hole. He breathed hard- with a series of ragged breathes

I went to kiss him and as I kissed him tenderly on the lips, my hands roamed to the waistband of his boxers and slowly stroked the base of his throbbing dick to the tip of his swollen dick.

He shivered and tried to regain composure but he couldn't. He was in utter bliss as I had him. But he wasn't content on just having me please me. I was pushed on my back and then he removed my boxers and the began licking my balls. If this was real, I would be in heaven, but this dream- it felt so real, his breath, his wet touch the silky bedsheets on our asses the way that his mouth engulfed my cock.

I let a slow moan and tried to contain myself. But he was giving it so good as his tongue swirled around in rounding motions, licking my head, flicking the cum hole, screwing with my mind as he massaged my hole and then removing me from his mouth before he put me in completely.

The dream skipped a bit, I lost a few blissful memories that I was kicking myself for, but I couldn't forget the good bit- as he turned on on his stomach and laid there and asked me in his sweet sultry alto voice "Will, would you make love to me?"

That drove me while, as I parted his cheeks, which now were slick with my spit and parted his legs. I placed my cock head at the ring of his beautifully sweet fuck hole, and then I felt him relax and dilate a little. I insert a finger and felt him contract around my finger and then I slipped another one in and I heard him sigh and breath a little more ragged.

I kissed the back of his neck and rubbed my head into his long brown-blond locks. He shivered and I kissed him on the meaty part of his shoulders.

He sighed again and I pushed myself right in. He had a sharp shock and gasp. He was tight and amazingly flexible and strong. I felt his muscles ripple along my cock. I grunted quietly to him as I pushed more of myself into him.

He quietly moaned under his breath and gripped my hand that was on his shoulder and said "Will- Take me!"

I began retracting myself out of him and he gripped my hand to say "Don't Leave me". But I didn't leave him. I left my head in him and then pushed in hard.

He breathed out and exhaled in pleasure and then I continued again. I must have been hitting something because he was gripping my hand hard and nearly clawing my fists (I didn't feel it. It was a dream)

We went at the thrusting-pushing-pulling-thrusting-motion-in-his-fuck-hole for 5 minutes and he wanted to see me as I he was about to cum. He did the hottest thing I thought a guy could possibly do- contract his ass around my cock as he turned around to lay on his back.

I was in ecstasy and so was he as he lifted his legs and brought his knees to his shoulders as I parted him, grabbed a hold of his cock and pushed in.

He was so close! I could feel him contract, and every time I pushed in harder, as the sweat glistened on our bodies- waves of sheer pleasure, sex and desire filled my veins. I felt his engorged prostate on my dick.

My hands were so slick with pre-cum that my grip was sliding up and down as I pushed into him and then pulled back. He was whimpering quietly and thrashing his head into the pillow. His locks covered a good portion of his face which was so sexy to me that I looked at him as he made fuck-faces.

Contortions in his face, from the eyes closed hard to the open jaw told me he was about to get there and I could feel it along my dick. He ran his hand up and down my body and I pushed hard until he clamped down instantly!

Whoosh! It was so powerful! I was cumming instantly and I felt my juice fill his sweet hole. He was spilling all over my hand and thrashing about, grabbing the sheets and screaming his silent orgasm!

I was spent after the the sixth thrust and I was so .... Well Actually I was reinvigorated because the next thing I knew, I was awake with the sun in my face and so much cum on my sheets.

I'm just lucky I live on my on in the dorms and not with my room mate. ------------------------------

Any comments are appreciated! Literally.naked@gmail.com

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! :D

Next: Chapter 2

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