Wet and Loose

By moc.liamtoh@efil4reeuq

Published on Jun 23, 2013


Wet and Loose 4

Fiction: An artwork of fantasy tinted with the brushstrokes of reality.

This is a work of fiction, all characters in the mind of the author and have no basis in fact.

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Frankie didn't know what to expect from middle school, other than a bunch of kids from six different grade schools now massed together in one place to learn. He had trouble learning anyway, what with the ADD, but the medications he took kept him focusing pretty well on the important stuff. He'd read some books over the summer in the reading program at the library, and his name on the big board behind the checkout counter had five gold stars beside it. He also watched a lot of porn on the internet. Frankie was subscribed to two sites he liked the best, one called Scatwise.com, and another that was about young guys fucking and sucking and things. A couple of times some guys asked him to do a chat thing on Skype, and maybe they could do web cams, but he'd seen some web cam stuff posted online and he didn't want his naked body all over the internet.

The first day of school went okay, like just going around and getting used to the big buildings and distances to travel between classes. Meeting the teachers and eyeing the torrent of kids mashed together in the halls between classes, trying to locate a familiar face from grade school so maybe he wouldn't feel so apprehensive all the time. There were so many boys and girls. He saw a few of the girls looking at him, but he didn't look back vary long. He saw a couple of boys that he wanted to see naked, and the thought gave him half a boner so he had to put a notebook over his front.

The second day he discovered he thought he might like the biology class because the teacher, Mr. Milborne, made it all sound fun. When he went to his gym class and got into his jock and gym trunks in the locker room he heard a voice that made him a bit more comfortable. Finally someone he knew well, Jacob, his best friend through grade school. He walked around the corner of the bank of lockers and there was Jacob, a little taller than the other boys, standing with his hands on hips and feet planted wide, and he didn't care that he was naked in front of a lot of other boys. Frankie looked at his dick and it looked big and was getting pretty hairy above. The last time he saw it it was smaller.

"Oh oh fellas," Jacob said in a loud voice when he saw Frankie, "cover your assholes and dicks, there's a faggot in the clubhouse."

Frankie looked around him to see who Jacob was talking about, but didn't see anyone obviously gay.

"It's you dipshit," Jacob said and looked right at Frankie. "This guy is Frankie and he likes to put things in his asshole. For all I know he might want to fuck you too."

Now Frankie had been in a few fights in his short life and wasn't afraid of Jacob or any other kid in the locker room. He wasn't real big, but an average sized kid. He had the advantage of a dad who wrestled in college and taught Frankie some moves, plus he taught him about the rabbit punch, the uppercut, and the right cross. He broke a kid's nose in fifth grade with a right cross.

"That's just not true Jacob," Frankie said, but he had blushed when Jacob talked about him liking things in his hole. It was so true, how could he hide it in his face.

"That's just not true Jacob," Jacob mimicked Frankie and put a lisp into his voice. "I seen you put your finger in your butt."

By the end of class other boys were calling him faggot, but nobody challenged him physically. He guessed Jacob told them he could fight okay. But the words hurt him. Not cause they weren't true, he did like guys, liked to look at them naked, liked to jack off to the videos of the young guys fucking and sucking each other. And the scat site made him so horny he thought his dick would break off when he touched it. The word faggot hurt cause the boys didn't like him, and he wanted to be popular.

The next day Mr. Milborne wanted to start some lab work, dissecting a frog, and he split the class into working groups of two lab partners.

"Frankie and Doug," Milborne said.

A boy in the back of the room whispered, "The faggot and the leaker, what a pair."

"Okay, get with your partner and start cutting," Milborne said.

Frankie went to the assigned work table that had a lab dish with a dead frog in it, some straight pins, a cork board, some exacto knives, and glass containers for frog parts. He sat on the chair and waited for his partner and in a minute a kid that looked like Harry Potter in the first movie stood opposite Frankie and put his hands on the back of the chair as if to steady himself to speak.

"Hi, I'm Doug," he said so quiet Frankie found himself leaning forward to hear him.

Doug pushed his black-framed glasses up on his nose with his index finger, a habit Frankie would see repeated often during the following weeks as Doug's lab partner.

"Frankie, and you've got to talk louder man or bring your chair over here beside mine so I can hear you. I'm not deaf, but you're whispering."

Doug stared at Frankie for a minute and Frankie felt uncomfortable in the silence. He didn't know why, but there was something familiar about this boy, like maybe if Frankie had a twin who was kind of his opposite this might be him. Doug slid his chair over beside Frankie, sat and stared at his hands folded on the table.

"Hey, you know what we're supposed to be doing?" Frankie said.

"Yeah, I did this in a class at camp last summer," Doug said. "We got to pin the frog to the board on his back, and like spread his feet all out, and cut him open and find his organs."

"Do we cut out his like heart and stuff?"

"Yeah, and we put them in the jars and label them. Don't worry, we'll get a good grade and I'll tell you what we're doing so you'll know it."

"When we spread his legs will we see his dick?"

"No stupid, they don't have one like us."

On impulse Frankie said, "Why do they call you the leaker?"

"Why do they call you faggot? And I know these guys call each other faggot, but not like they do it to you."

Frankie explained about what Doug said in the locker room and how the rumor spread. He didn't know why he was telling this boy that he and Jacob jacked off together. It seemed weird and risky.

"That's too bad," Doug said, and now he looked Frankie right in the eyes and quit staring at his hands.

"So did you do it? Like put your finger into your asshole."

"Why do you want to know?" Frankie said, feeling defensive. "And why do they call you leaker. Come on, you got to tell me, I told you."

"You guys acquainted now?" Mr. Milborne said. "You'd better get to work you've only got forty minutes left."

The boys put on the blue surgical gloves and Doug began to show Frankie how to pin the frog and cut into it to locate the assigned organs.

"This will go quick and we'll be done early. I think we'll get an `A' on this. One time last year in school I had to piss real bad, and I hate to use the boy's room because it stinks and there's no privacy, not even if I got to shit. They don't have doors on the stalls. Did they have doors in your school?"

"Nope," and Frankie thought of his accident at the school because he wouldn't use the boy's room to shit.

"Well I waited and waited, and school was almost out, but I couldn't hold it forever, so some squirted out into my pants and made a circle on the front. Some of the boys saw me when I stood up from my desk and before I could get my jacket on to cover it, so they started to call me that name. You ever done anything like that?"

Frankie trusted this boy for some reason. He guessed it was because the boy had nothing to gain by making fun of Frankie. They were at the bottom of the pecking order. He told Doug about the incident where he couldn't hold his shit and let it go in class. He didn't tell him about the excitement when he got home.

They worked in silence for a few minutes and they got most of the organs into the jars and labeled.

"Did you like it?" Doug said.

"Like what?"

"You know, like pooping in you pants. Did you like the way it was like all squishy and stuff?"

Frankie blushed. How did this boy know it. What if the boy were baiting him into saying more so he could use it against Frankie to gain ground with the other boys. He felt on the defense again but wanted to know more about Doug.

"Did you like peeing yourself?" Frankie said.

"Yeah, sort of," Doug said. "It didn't feel so great at school you know, but when I got home I went into the shower and did it more, like let it all go into my pants and it felt so good I jacked off."

"Are you fucking with me?" Frankie said. "I don't trust you so I'm not saying anything else."

Doug looked Frankie right in the eyes.

"If I show you something now will you trust me?" he said.

Frankie nodded his head yes.

Doug leaned forward and put his hand down inside the back of his pants, way down, and came out with a little brown on the tip of his blue lab glove. He smiled at Frankie, moved the finger to his mouth and sucked it. Frankie felt his dick go all the way hard in an instant. He didn't know he'd be so excited watching Doug lick some shit off his finger. Doug looked down at Frankie's lap and could see the outline of his hard dick in his pants. He held the finger out to Frankie, right by his mouth, and Frankie opened it wide enough so Doug could stick his finger inside. It tasted good, just a hint of it left on the finger, and it was sweet like Frankie's own.

"Do you want to do something together after school?" Frankie said.

"My mom and dad work late, like until six, and I don't have any brothers or sisters. I'm not supposed to bring anyone home until my parents get there, but why don't you come with me today and we can play after school. I'll call my mom and let her know I'm bringing you home."

Frankie was almost panting, his hands shook and his voice shook too when he spoke. His mouth felt real dry.

"I got to call my mom at lunch and ask," he said.

"It's Friday so maybe you can stay over for the night?" Doug said.

"Oh shit that would be so cool," Frankie said. "I'll meet you by the trophy case after lunch and tell you." Now he had an ally at school.

Doug smiled for the first time since they met. They finished their project early, watched while Mr. Milborne inspected their work and gave them an `A'.

"Good work men," he said and moved on to the next group..

On the way out the door a bigger boy with a pile of curly blond hair came up behind Frankie and spoke in a whisper.

"I saw what that guy did with his finger, like put it in your mouth," he said. "That was real weird man."

Frankie stopped and the boy nearly ran into him. He turned around.

"If you tell anyone about it I'll pound the shit out of you."

"Okay man," the boy said and held his hands up defensively, "I was just saying you know."

Frankie phoned his mom during lunch and she said he could stay overnight, but he had to have Doug's parents call and talk with her. He promised he would. He ran to the trophy case and Doug was leaning against the wall watching the boys walk by. Doug looked like a kid you'd want to pat on the shoulder and tell him everything will be okay.

"I got permission," Frankie said. "Your mom has to call mine and then she'll come over later and drop off some things for me. Like pajamas and shit," Frankie giggled.

"Great," Doug said. "Thanks. I don't have many friends here. I have one friend in my neighborhood and he's ten. I'll tell you more about him later, when we're at the house."

"I'll meet you in front of the school after the last bell," Frankie said.

Doug picked up his backpack and walked away. Frankie liked looking at him. He wondered what he looked like naked. What did his dick look like.

"Say dude, can I talk to you?"

It was the taller curly haired boy from the biology class.

"What do you want?" Frankie said.

"I just want to ask you a question. Please don't be mad."

"I'm not mad. What's the question?"

"Well, like, are you like really gay?"

"I don't know for sure. Why do you want to know that?"

"I don't think about girls at all," the boy said. "In the locker room I have to turn away in the shower and not look at the guys naked cause I'll get a boner."

"Do you have a study period," Frankie said. He had an idea, and maybe it would work out.

"I've got one fifth period."

"Me too," Frankie said. "I'm Frankie. Who are you?"

"Carl," the boy said.

"Look Carl get a pass to the library during your study period and meet me there so we can talk more."

"Okay. Thanks Frankie." He walked away with his shoulders slouched forward and his hands in his pockets.

The study period came an two hours before school let out, and Frankie got his pass to the library. He had a couple of books he wanted to check out anyway. One was about a guy who walked across Borneo with some natives. He found the book, got a magazine on hot rods and sat at a table to read it. Carl came in five minutes later, looked around and saw Frankie, came over and sat next to him.

"Hi, what you doing?" he said.

"Reading about cars," Frankie said. "What's up?"

"I don't know, I just wanted to talk you know. I don't know who to tell about this, and I don't want to be the one they always call faggot, you know."

"Like me?"

"Well, yeah. But I want to know more, you know, like what do I do about it? I look at boys in my neighborhood and I want to see them naked and touch them all over. I jack off thinking about them. Sometimes I wrestle the littler boys and put my hands between their legs and on their butts, but not for long. I get real hard. You know what I mean. I don't know what to do dude."

Carl's eyes got all liquid and Frankie thought he was going to cry.

"Why don't you just get with a guy and do stuff?"

"How?" Cal said and his face screwed up all hopeless and shit.

Frankie had never really done much with guys either, except jacking off with Jacob and his little cousin. He had an idea though.

"What if I touch you right now, you know, like between your legs, would that be okay?"

Carl looked at him and smiled.

"Would you do that, like right here?"

"Nobody can see our legs under this table, it's right against the wall. Here I go now."

Frankie put his hand gently on Carl's thigh, and his leg shook. Then he slid it into his crotch and pressed down. He could feel Carl's hard dick and he squeezed it then let go.

"Oh, fucking shit, I think I almost shot off in my pants. How can it feel so good? Let me try it on you."

Carl put his hand on Frankie's leg like Frankie did to him, then he slid his hand into Frankie's crotch and pressed down. Frankie was already hard from touching Carl, and Carl rubbed it quickly then put his hand back on the table.

"Did you like that?" Carl said. "I got even harder touching yours."

"We can do other stuff too," Frankie said. "I've seen it on the internet. You want to try it sometime?"

"When," Carl said.

"I got stuff to do tonight and tomorrow. What about Sunday?"

"You go to church?"

"No way," Frankie said. "You?"

"Naw, my parents are atheists. Where will we do it?"

"Come to my house, nobody comes into my room unless they knock first. We can look at porn on the computer and find stuff we want to do to ourselves."

"Okay, I'll come over. About ten in the morning."

"Here's my address," Frankie said and wrote it down for Carl.

"Thanks dude. See ya."

Frankie grinned. Now he had two friends at school, and two fuck buddies.

Doug waited in front of the school by one of the big stone lions on either side of the front porch. He had a big green backpack with a logo of a rock and roll radio station on it. Doug grinned when he saw Frankie.

"Hey dude, wow, let's go," he said when Frankie arrived.

"Do we need to catch a bus or anything?"

"No we can walk there in about fifteen minutes. Did you pee or anything before you left school?"

"No, I hate to do it here, especially this school because hoodlums hang out in the bathrooms. I got to shit since after lunch. How about you?"

"Me too. I been holding it since this morning. Wow this is going to be so great. I can't wait to get there."

They walked the sidewalks to Doug's house and went in the back door to the basement. It was a big split level house.

"I got the basement, like two rooms," Doug said. "A bedroom and another room with TV and music system, computer and shit like that. I got food down here too."

"We'd better hurry man," Frankie said. "I don't think I can hold it much longer."

"Let me show you, oh wow, I got this thing all figured out you know," Doug said.

He tossed his backpack aside and so did Frankie. He followed Doug to his bedroom, and he had a queen sized bed. Doug reached under it and pulled out a big plastic sheet, big enough to go over the bed and tuck in under the mattress.

"Fucking great huh?"

"Yeah, great," Frankie said. "Oh dude, I'm going to start leaking. I got to get my pants off."

"No, leave them on," Doug said. "I got a washer and dryer down here. We got like two and a half hours so there's lots of time to clean up. Watch.

Doug stood in front of Frankie with his legs spread wide and hands on his hips. A spot formed on the front of his pants, then it got bigger and darker. Frankie reached out and put his hand on it and it was warm. He put his hand to his face and sniffed it. Nice, he licked his hand. He let his bladder go and piss formed on the front of his pants. He pulled his thigh material tight so it wouldn't run out and into his shoes. He toed off his shoes and pulled off his shirt.

"Come on, get on the bed," Doug said. He stripped his shirt off. He was real skinny with hardly any chest. He climbed onto the bed and lay on his back.

Frankie got on beside him and put his hand on Doug's chest and stomach, rubbing them.

"That feels good," Doug said. "Let me lay on you and piss."

Frankie lay on his back and Doug knelt between his legs and rubbed his dick through his pants. He rubbed Frankie's stomach and hips and chest and Frankie shook all over he was so hot.

"I can't hold it any more," Frankie said.

He didn't even have to bear down he had to piss and shit so bad. He just relaxed and the pee began to flow, soaking the front of his pants. Doug lay on top of him and peed onto him, and together they got thoroughly soaked. As Frankie peed his bowels let go and he filled the back of his pants, and because he was lying on his back the shit squeezed between his legs onto his crotch.

"Oh dude, I love that smell," Doug said. "Here I go."

Frankie felt Doug's pants fill up with his hands, and he pushed it and rubbed it around.

"Oh fuck, that feels so good. I got more, but I want to save it so we can do it when we're naked."

Frankie had more too. But right now he wanted to feel Doug's shit in his hands. He put his hands down the back of Doug's pants until they went into the warm soft shit, almost to his wrists. He moved them around rubbing the shit on Doug's ass cheeks and into his crack.

"Oh yeah, that is great," Doug said.

Doug rolled off Frankie and his hands came out loaded. He rubbed them on Doug's chest and went down the front of his pants. Doug put his hands down the front of Frankie's pants and found the shit that pushed up onto his balls and dick. He rubbed it around and squeezed Frankie's balls and his hard dick, pushing one hand down between his legs to get more shit. Frankie peed and got the shit wetter.

"Oh yeah, that's it, more."

Frankie opened Doug's pants, unzipped them, slid them down, and Doug worked them off using his feet. Now all he had on was his soiled jockeys, turning brown and wet. He took off Frankie's pants and ran his hands over the front of his jockeys, smearing the shit around inside. Doug peed more, soaking his shorts and the shit inside. Frankie rolled onto Doug and sat on his dick. He pulled out his dick, it was covered in shit, and aimed it at Doug's stomach. He peed a stream onto Doug and rubbed it in with his hands. Then he peed up his own chest all the way to his mouth, and a little went inside.

"Come on, let's get naked," Doug said.

They rolled onto their sides and reached for their shorts, pulled them down and off, and both brought them up and looked inside. There was still some shit in there, so they scraped it off with their hands and rubbed it on themselves, down over their balls and on their dicks while they watched each other. Frankie was shaking all over. He couldn't get enough of it.

"I want to sit on your dick," he said.

"Do it," Doug said and he lay on his back.

Frankie faced him with his knees on either side of Doug's hips, and he sat back towards Doug's hard five inch dick. Doug peed a stream onto Frankie's asshole getting it real wet. It felt so good, Frankie sat back and Doug guided his dick into Frankie's asshole. It felt a little tight going in, but Frankie got past the pain and then it felt real good, like a big turd going back inside him.. Still on his knees, he began to move back and forth getting Doug's dick in and our.

"I'm going to pee inside you," Doug said. "It's hard to pee with a boner, but I'm going to try."

He pushed, bore down hard, and at first all he did was shit and it came up through his legs onto his balls. Frankie put his hands behind him and scooped it up and smeared it on Doug's chest, and then his own. He put his fingers into his mouth and it was sweet, like Doug had eaten lots of candy today.

"Yum, it's sweet," Frankie said. "Are you peeing yet?"

Doug bore down some more and more shit came out, then he began to pee freely, and filled Frankie's bowels with it so it leaked out onto his cock and balls and stomach, mixing with the hot shit from his asshole. Now the boys had shit all over their upper bodies, and it was Frankie's turn.

"I'm going to pee on you," Frankie said.

"Do it dude," Doug said.

Frankie bore down hard and nothing came out of his hard dick. But shit came out of his asshole onto Doug, and it made a squishing noise as Frankie drove Doug's dick in and out of himself.

"Slow down Dude," Doug said, "I don't want cum yet."

Frankie peed onto Doug's chest and into his mouth, on his face, and into his hair. Doug rubbed it in with his hands, mixing the shit on his hands into his hair. Frankie shit a load, he didn't think he had that much left inside him, but Doug's pee loosened it up. It flowed out and covered Doug's balls, and he put his hand into it and brought them up, put them on Frankie's cheeks and made them shitty brown. Frankie laughed.

"War paint," Doug said.

Frankie put his hands in the shit and painted Doug's face. Doug put some in Frankie's hair.

"Come on, let's do it, let's pee all the rest out and see if we can shit the rest too," Doug said.

They remained still, Doug's dick in Frankie's asshole, and focused on pissing and shitting. Both grunted and made more shit come out, and now they peed free until it stopped, playing the stream from Frankie over their faces and bodies, and Doug filled Frankie up so he pushed and piss came out his asshole. They both got their hands in it and rubbed it everywhere, now lost in the lust to smear shit and piss and enjoy the feeling that couldn't be recreated in any other way. Doug bounced up and down and he began to pant hard. Frankie smeared shit and piss onto Doug's stomach and hips, into his ass crack. Doug grabbed Frankie's dick and using shit and piss jacked him off, all slippery, they worked with their eyes closed, their breath coming in gasps, and Doug went Ah Yes, and he shot into Frankie's ass. That did it for Frankie, he went over the edge and drops of cum came out and mixed with the shit on Doug's stomach. They kept going even after they finished shooting, Each lost in the feelings that they didn't want to stop. Then Doug did something Frankie didn't expect. He leaned down and put his mouth onto Frankie's. He could taste the shit on Doug's breath. He opened his mouth and their tongues met and they kissed long.

"Holy fucking shit," Frankie said. "That was so cool."

"Come on shit face," Doug said. "Let's go shower then we can come back and clean this up. We got an hour and a half."

They slid off the bed, Doug took Frankie's hand and led him to the bathroom, got the water started and warm, then they stepped inside and closed the door. Frankie wanted more. He put his arms around Doug while the water pounded on them, leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth. They kissed a long time, their hands playing down over each others hips and asses.

When they got the shit off themselves they washed each other with the liquid soap, shampooed and rinsed off, then they did it again. Naked, they went out and got their clothing and put them into the washer, and Doug showed Frankie how to rinse off the plastic from the bed in the shower.

"When our clothes come out of the washer I'll put this in and it'll get clean too. Come on, let's go on the computer and see what we can find."

"Wow, I don't know how we can to what we did," Frankie said.

"You'll see. I'll call my little friend Bruce and he'll come spend the night with us. He's a real creative kid, you'll see."

Thanks for reading. Comments?: queer4life@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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