Westlife Story

By ethan coleman

Published on Oct 14, 2000


The Westlife Story

This story is completely fictitious; all the situations described in it are NOT REAL, and non-of the members of Westlife are gay.This story is continued on my site: www.geocities.com/westlife02/stories.html

Chapter Three Nicky stared at Shane "Okay" he said calmly, not sure whether he was doing the right thing or not, but Shane was his best friend it made sense to tell him everything. Shane sat down on the bed, waiting for Nicky to start, suddenly getting a bad feeling in his stomach. "I don't know how to say this" Nicky said, gazing out of the window ..."I'm in love Shane" he added after a slight pause. Shane's heartbeat picked up as he heard those last words, he wished he could see Nicky's face while he said those words, but Nicky still had his back to him. "With who?" he asked. Nicky turned to face him, a serious expression dominating his beautiful face "It's...Kian" he said, blurting it out. Shane held his breath and quickly turned his back to Nicky, his head began to spin and tears began falling freely. He tried to speak, to show Nicky the support he had promised, but he couldn't. "Shane...say something, please!" Nicky begged, scared by the awkward silence. But Shane said nothing; he didn't know quite what to say, so he left the room without looking back. Nicky's heart sank, suddenly realising that he may have lost his best friend forever. He assumed that Shane had left because he didn't like the idea of Nicky being gay. 'If only I could change everything, Shane' he thought to himself 'if only'.

Shane cried like never before that night, he tried to hold back, to fight his emotions but there was no use. His heart was broken, the one person he loved the most broke it, and it was impossible not to cry. He knew the best thing to do was help Nicky through this, because he couldn't see Nicky get hurt. But what about him? What about the hurt he was feeling now?..He could never forget about Nicky, and that's what hurt the most!

Mark, Kian, Bryan and Nicky sat in the foyer waiting for Shane; they were heading for the local community centre that had been booked for them to rehearse in. "What's keeping him?" asked Kian, getting impatient. Mark shrugged "Why don't you go and drag him along" he suggested. "Okay" said Kian, leaping out of his seat and heading for the stairs. Nicky looked anxiously at the other two; he wanted to talk to Shane about last night, but hadn't had the chance. He thought if he could just get him to the side for a few minutes, and now seemed like a good time, but before he could say anything, Kian was out of sight. Kian knocked persistently on Shane's door, calling out to him. "I'm coming" he called back, wiping his eyes furiously. He was ready to go down, but the thought of facing Nicky upset him and his eyes filled with tears, he didn't know how he would cope, but he knew he had to. He washed his face with cold water and rushed out of the door storming past Kian. He didn't feel like talking to Kian, he knew it wasn't Kian's fault but he couldn't help but feel bitter towards him. "Hey" Kian called, surprised by Shane's attitude, he followed him down the stairs but decided to leave the matter for the moment. "Thank God" Bryan sighed, exaggerating like usual, both him and Mark clapping in unison. Shane stared at them coldly, but avoided any eye contact with Nicky. Who was staring at him intently, disappointed that Shane was acting this way. They got into the car, Nicky was about to sit next to Shane, but he quickly moved to other side, taking Kian's place. Kian sat next to Nicky, pressing against him while trying to get c omfortable. Nicky felt his heart flutter but for some reason he was disappointed by the seating arrangement, he wanted to sit next to Shane, he always sat next to Shane, it was a habit, and now that it was broken, he felt uncomfortable. "What's wrong with you?" Bryan asked Shane, looking at the sad expression on his face "You're quiet". "Nothing" replied Shane, attempting to smile. Bryan looked at Nicky questioningly, Nicky shrugged, pretending he had no idea, but he thought he knew what was troubling him.

To be Continued! Comments and suggestions: ethancoleman@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 5

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