Werewolves and Boybands and Tours

By moc.loa@7pucaeTliLytterP

Published on Mar 9, 2001


Title: "Werewolves and Boybands and Tours, Oh My!"; part 1/? Author: Joyful Email: PrettyLilTeacup7@aol.com

Summary: Oz/other, slash. The idea came to me @ 3:30 Friday morning, and I had to write it. It'll get better, don't worry. Btw, if you can't hear about 'Nsync w/o throwing up, don't read this. Spoilers: up 'til the end of the 4th season. Oz is in control, & Willow is w/ Tara. The Dingoes go on tour!

Rating: G or PG for now. I'm not gonna say that you have to be 18 to read this, because you don't. There is no sex in it, so have a ball!

Disclaimer: I don't know them, I'm just playing with them, I promise not to hurt them...much. Buffy & Co. belong 2 Joss Whedon, the WB, and Mutant Enemy. 'Nsync belongs 2 themselves, Jive, & whoever else. Danny and the drummer are mine. Oh yeah, the song verse is mine. I am in no way inferring that any member of 'Nsync are gay.

Notes: For Shala-Chan , 'cause she's my beta girl, all credit's her's for the name!

Feedback is a good invention! =)

~|~|~|~|~|~|~Werewolves and Boybands and Tours, Oh My!~|~|~|~|~|~|~

"I'd say I love but that's not true,

I Loved you last night, but today we're through"

Devon's voice faded out as the Dingoes finished up their last song of their audition. They got the nod from the judges and began to pack up their equipment. When they were all packed up, one of the judges called Devon and Oz over.

"Well, you guys are nothing like we had planned, but we do like what we hear. We still have to talk it over with some people and take a vote, but how would you like to open for 'Nsync?"

Devon and Oz looked at each other, Devon trying unsuccessfully to keep a smirk off his face. "Well, I think we feel the same way, but we'd love too." Devon said, trying not to make any smart remarks. Oz decided to save Devon by speaking for once. "What he means is, we were pretty surprised that the "big act" was you, because we don't really pay much attention to the pop music scene, but a gig's a gig, and we might learn some new stuff. We'd be honored." They all shook hands and went their separate ways.

"Oz, man," Devon spoke up, "I don't think I've heard you say that much to a total stranger in your entire life, but I'm sure glad you did it now." Oz blushed. "Dude, i don't do compliments, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, I forgot."

"Anyway, do you think we can all survive hanging around 'Nsync for two months without totally destroying their pride?"

"God, I hope so. Wait, two months? Oz, man, are you absolutely sure you have IT under control? Because I REALLY don't want to have to explain missing boyband members."

"Dev, I'll be fine. Let's tell the others."

So they all left to go back to the hotel they were staying at while in LA.


"So, basically, we all agree that "Dingoes Ate My Baby" have the most talent of all the groups, right?" J.C. and Chris had watched the auditions from the back of the room, and the boys of Nsync were now discussing the choices with their manager, and their producer Johnny Wright.

"I dunno," J.C. said, "They're so different from us, I mean, they're pretty edgy."

"Yeah, but think about it," Chris said, "that'll appeal to a larger audience."

"I guess," J.C. had been the only hold out, if he agreed, the Dingoes would be their opening act. "Come on 'C, they'll do fine." "Ok, I guess they're pretty cool."

"Great," Johnny said, "I'll go and call them now."

Johnny went out to make the arrangements.

~|~|~|~|~|1 week later|~|~|~|~|~

Management had decided that the nine guys would be on one bus for "bonding time." In other words, they wanted to know if four "normal" guys could survive being woth 'Nsync without bloodshed. With nine guys, the bus was pretty crowded, but they managed.

"So, where are you guys from?" Joey asked Oz, trying to break the ice between the two groups. "Sunnydale, CA, ever hear of it?" "Hm, I dunno. Don't think so." "Yeah, I have," Lance spoke up. "Isn't that the place where the whole entire town got laryngitis last year?" Oz shot a questioning look at Devon who answered for him. "Yeah, you were in Tibet." Oz nodded, and it was Nsync's turn to look confused. "Tibet?" Lance asked. "Uh, soul-searching." Oz answered. Suddenly the Danny, the bassist decided to join the conversation. "Dudes, don't be surprised if Oz doesn't talk a lot. I think he has a 20-words-a-day rule." Devon and the drummer snickered, and Oz tried to argue.

"Hey, I talk!"

"Sure you do," Devon said,"I think I'm the only person in Sunnydale who's heard you say more than 1,000 words in your life."

Oz had nothing to say to that. He knew of someone else, but the Dingoes knew better than to speak her name. They liked having all limbs attached.

"Ok," Chris said,"I think we should all hit the sack, whatever bed you grab is yours, except, of course, Justic and JC are in the back."

The drummer snickered.

Devon asked what they were all thinking."Are they a couple?"

"Kinda," Justin answered, blushing, "Is that a problem with you guys?"

They all shook their heads. "Just so everyone knows, Oz isn't the quietest person in his sleep. It's funny, he never says a word all day, and then he talks like a maniac at night." All the guys laughed at this, except Oz, he just shrugged it off and got ready for bed.

Once everyone was settled into bed, Oz in the bunk below Lance, Oz laid awake thinking. Most everyone was asleep, so Oz decided to concentrate on the feeling he got. JC and Justin were hopelessly in love, Oz could smell it, but he knew there was loneliness in the room. He concentrated on Chris, no, not him. Joey slept around, Oz could smell at least three different girls on him, the way Devon always smelled. Lance, Lance was scared and lonely. Little did he know, Lance was doing a similar search.

Lance's empathetic skills had long ago earned him the nickname "Scoop" from the 'Nsync guys, he always knew what others were feeling. Except with Oz. thought Lance. <They're so faint...but they're there. He's afraid. Oh my god, he's fighting with himself, trying to supress something> Lance had no idea how right he was.

Next: Chapter 2

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