Were All Capitalists Now

By LA Guy

Published on Sep 8, 2003


This story is entirely a work of fiction and all rights to it and its characters are copywrite and private to and reserved by the author. This entire story is fictional and not based upon any individual living or dead. No reproduction by anyone for any reason whatsoever is permitted. This is a novel of gay sex, some of the sex depicted will be consensual, a great deal will not, some will even go well past that point into the territory of deep fetishes. If, where you live, you are underage to read this kind of material, or this material will be unlawful for you to read regardless of your age, I'm sorry but please leave now. If you are offended by gay sex, then fuck off this isn't intended for you, besides why are you browsing around here anyway? If this story is the kind of thing that pleases you and/or gets your juices flowing, then enjoy it with my blessings

Chp. 9

Victor continues

I left the sergeant sleeping and returned to the gallery. Everything seemed to be progressing as I'd left it. The young rebel was pleasing two more of my soldiers. His erstwhile protector was now deeply into watching his rapes and judging by his raging erection he was enjoying what he was seeing. That, of course, was not what I'd planned when I ordered these rapes. The intent was to provide my men with some much needed relief while humiliating the would-be sacred warrior, before executing him.

An alternative plan had occurred to me and I was about to implement it. I caught the eye of the private I'd left in command and with a hand gesture summoned him to me. He braced to attention and saluted, then scurried up the stairs to join me. "Private, has every man had the opportunity to use the young rebel?" I asked. "Yes, Sir and some have taken him more than once. I believe these two are about to finish their second go 'round with him and are the last pair still interested. Do you want him shot now?"

"I've decided on a different way to punish that fat merchant. He doesn't seem nearly as miserable as I thought he would be from witnessing the humiliation of his protege. Have the 'recruiting' detail returned with their 'volunteers'?" "They have, Sir," he answered adding, "The volunteers have been stripped to the skin and subjected to a body cavity search, then each was re-issued his underpants and they now await your instructions."

"Good Private, come with me," I ordered as I went down the stairs two at a time. As we got to the center of the garden, the two soldiers finished with the young rebel and were dressing. The would be rebel commander was staring at his protege's ass as it leaked some of the good Soviet semen with which it had been filled. His cock was ragingly erect and it seemed he had ceased to be aware of anything or anybody else. The young rebel had slumped to the ground in exhaustion. His cock was almost fully erect and he'd reached for it. He scooped up some of the cum which more or less everywhere covered his body and was carrying it in his hand over to his cock. It was apparent that he intended to bring himself off using the cum of his captors as a lubricant.

He had just succeeded in slathering up his cock when I ordered the private to tie his hands behind him. The rebel hadn't the strength left to offer any resistance, even if he'd been inclined to do so. As his wrists were grabbed and pulled behind him he made a low whimpering sound. It was then that I noticed semen on his belly and asked the private if the rebel had been able to ejaculate during his rapes. "Oh, yes, Sir, Lieutenant," he said, "Actually, he came at least twice that I know of. The second time it looked like a fire hose was squirting. That was when Serge the Giant was fucking him."

I prided myself that I knew every man in my unit, but I only knew one Serge and he was the shortest man in the unit. He was not only short, but built on a slight frame. In fact the first time I saw him I wondered why he hadn't been sent to the submarine service or failing that to the tank corps. Then I was told he had claustrophobia, and that put him right in the infantry. My confusion must have been readable on my face as the private chortled and called the little guy I had been thing of and ordered him to stand to attention in front of us. The private, with a knowing grin over his shoulder to me, sank to his knees and reached up unbuckling little Serge's trousers and pulling them to his ankles. Then in a flash he had pulled down his underpants to lay on top of the trousers. My soon-to-be junior sergeant then ordered a very red faced "little Serge" to pull up the tales of his tunic. That laid open to my view a cute little cock resting on a scrotum the size of an average sized lemon, a bit larger than his body size would have suggested, but nothing particularly unusual. His skin hung down well past the head, but that was all that was remarkable about it. His pubic hair was a auburn color which was a surprise because the hair on his head was a light brown. The private then reached up and gently grabbed "little" Serge's cock and began jacking it. Serge made a slight almost worried sound and his cock sort of fluffed up a bit, but not much happened. He'd just recently shot up the rebel's ass, after all. The private decided to hurry things along and took the cock into his mouth. Serge gave a contented sigh and closed his eyes as the private's head was bobbing over his crotch. Within two minutes or less the private pulled back to reveal a decent sized cock. It was perhaps 15-1/4 centimeters long and 12 centimeters around. I looked at it and at the private and sort of shrugged as if to say 'no big deal' but the private gave me a serious look and said, "Just a minute or more, Sir and you'll see something breathtaking." He began to slide his hand up and down the saliva slicked cock. Serge certainly didn't seem to mind. His cock continued to grow. In no time at all the private was forced to use both hands at the same time. When the private pronounced himself finished and rocked back on his heels "little" Serge had grown a cock of inhuman proportions. The damn thing was easily 33 centimeters long and 20 centimeters around. It was readily apparent how our "little" Serge had gotten himself re-named Serge the Giant. Actually I think he should be called Serge the Destroyer. I was astounded that the rebel had been able to take that thing up his ass and said so. The private told me that Serge had waited until several men had left a serious amount of semen in the rebel to serve as lubricant. Besides, Serge wasn't cruel, he didn't just slam in, he entered slowly stopping frequently until he'd gotten all the way in. Then he started a gentle in and out motion that picked up pace as the rebel became more and more accustomed to Serge's cock. Finally, Serge had gotten to the point where he was able to power fuck the rebel and his huge cock stroked the rebel's prostate all the way in and all the way out again.

The private told me that the rebel was practically chanting and just as Serge's balls fired off their load into the rebel, the rebel's balls shot buckets of cum that because of the curvature of his cock, painted itself in long lines up his abdomen, between his tits and onto the underside of his chin.

I went over to the rebel and prodded him in the ass with my boot, ordering him to finish Serge off with his mouth. With a hand gesture I had the private remove the rope from around his wrists. The rebel crawled over on his hands and knees and sucked the head into his mouth. That really was just about all that would fit. He grabbed the shaft with both hands, one over the other as you might grab an ax handle and began jacking him feverishly. A thought occurred to me and I leaned over and whispered into the rebel's ear, "I want you to hold his ejaculate in your mouth and when he's finished I want you to show it to me before you swallow it." He bobbed his head to show that he'd heard and would obey.

Serge was no longer standing at attention, but actually seemed to have become a bit bow legged. His ass was punching forward in short almost spastic little jerks. Then suddenly he made a gurgling sound very much like an old man's death rattle and became stock still, almost rigid. At the same time, the rebel started making choking sounds. I watched him take his thumbs and strip them along the underside of Serge's cock making sure he'd gotten everything it had to give. He held Serge's cock head in his mouth for a moment or two more then turning on his knees towards me, he crooked his head back and opened his mouth. It looked as if his mouth was absolutely filled with semen. Because of the angle I was able to see the tip of his tongue but the rest of the tongue was submerged beneath Serge's amazing deposit and was invisible. "Alright, swallow now and see you don't waste a drop. In all likelihood that and what you got before will be all the supper you'll get today."

Having watched my young rebel enduring his punishment, I was drawn inescapably to the conclusion that he was not only very good at the tasks to which I'd set him, but he seemed to enjoy them. this realization forced me to reformulate my planned punishment for his mentor and erstwhile military commander.

I gave some quick orders to my miracle working private, "Have the young rebel taken to the lavatory and washed down. The noose is to remain, his hands are to be bound behind him and high on his back. The noose is then to be attached to his wrists. that way If he relaxes his arms, he'll begin choking himself. While that is being done, I want his "commander" brought down from his current position, his hands bound behind his back and I want him staked by a rope around his neck in the same place his young protege occupied. While that's happening, I'll be welcoming our volunteers. Come get me when the bastard is bound and staked. It shouldn't take but five minutes." "Yes, Sir," he acknowledged my orders and moved rapidly to implement them.

I strode off to find the room full of our nearly naked allies. When I got there they'd been waiting some time wearing nothing but their underpants. They'd been brought to the room with very little or no explanation, stripped to the skin, subjected to a humiliating body cavity search and at its conclusion only been given their small clothes back to wear and made to wait for they knew not what. I'd allowed them to stew, and fret and judging by the worried looks on their faces and the scent of cold sweat in the room, that's exactly what they'd done.

The sentries at the door braced as I entered and the crowd of our volunteers became instantly quiet and attentive. The were going to find out the part they were about to play in the meeting out of Soviet/Afghan justice to a rebel and a murderer. I stood in the room for a few moments, letting my eye rove over them. There was a one eyed beggar from the market place with his younger companion whom I took to be his son. The son, if that's what he was, had the slack jawed, vacant stare of a mental defective. There were a number of middle aged men who seemed to be working at preserving their idea of their dignity. There were even some who looked like they knew all together too much about being held in custody by authorities and there were three good looking youths whose smooth bodies, smoldering black eyes and pale skin must have made it very easy for them to secure mentors of their own in Kandahar. Hopefully, they would have obtained a better mentor than the one our young rebel had.

One of my soldiers handed me a sheet of paper with the names and addresses of each of our volunteers. I looked the sheet over cursorily then cleared my throat and began.

"My Comrades, just a few hours ago, in a little rocky outcrop only a few kilometers from this city a lawless band of rebels under the leadership of one evil man attempted to ambush your Soviet protectors. It had been their hope and intent to kill every member of my troop and me, as well." At this point there was murmuring among our volunteers and two or three pretended to be indignant that someone would try such a thing. I smiled and quieted them down with a hand gesture. When they finished their play acting, I resumed.

"Thank you, my Comrades, for your show of support and concern. As I'm sure you know, we your Soviet brothers and protectors, feel a kinship with our great Afghan allies. The bandits of whom I spoke to you, instead of succeeding with their evil plans were, instead surprised and taken prisoners by my men." This announcement was met with loud applause and that peculiar ululation one hears in that part of the world. I smiled at them, letting them know that they'd played it right. Once again I quieted them before continuing.

"Unfortunately, the leader of that group of bandits, had managed to conceal a pistol after surrendering his rifle and when my sergeant turned his back, that slime shot him in the head." Again, there was more noise as they gave vociferous and elaborate evidence of their anger and dismay. I let them wind down, then resumed.

"Other members of the troop wrestled the gun from the bandit chief. As you know, all members of a group involved in an act of murder, are equally guilty of that murder. They were also rebels and that alone is a capital offense, but might have been overlooked had it not been for the murder of my sergeant. The rebel band met swift justice out among the rocks, but their leader, I have brought back so that, together, we Soviets, and you our brave allies could share in first making an example out of this bandit chief before his execution." General, you could have heard a pin drop in that room.

"This murderer is to feel the depths of despair and plumb the limits of degradation before my men execute him. We haven't brought you here to make executioners of you, but our allies, we do need your help to bring him to a full realization of how far from civilized humanity his murderous behavior has carried him.

"Having just witnessed your heartfelt demonstrations of patriotic fervor, I am certain that you will step forward and perform your honest duty. To do less, would be to shirk a citizen's and an ally's duty. While I know better than to believe that any of you would elect to insult your allies, or offer encouragement to the rebels, thereby becoming a rebel yourself and subject to the penalties mandated for rebels, there may be others not so sure of your patriotism. Now will be , unquestionably, the time to show the stuff of which you are made." That hooked them, I had them boxed into a corner, General. They'd either do as I instructed, or become rebels themselves and incur the wrath of their government and our army.

"But, doing your duty will not be onerous at all, in fact it will bring you pleasure and then wealth, into the bargain. The most humiliating thing for a man to undergo is to be used by other men as a woman. To become the bitch slut used to slake the sexual drive of better men, of loyal men, is the greatest humiliation we can inflict on this rebellious murderer. He is now staked out in the inner garden of this house. He awaits your just punishment and your pleasure. Your country and our alliance are depending on you to step forward and do your duty. It is expected that each of you will use both of his holes at least once. If you're man enough to go at him in your patriotic rage and righteous anger more than twice, then do so and your portion of the wealth that had been his will be greater than your compatriots. Yes, I said your portion of his wealth, because you will all be allowed to empty this house and whatever you take away will be your property and when the last of you has left, the house will be dynamited as a lasting warning to any who might be considering joining the rebels.

"So as not to embarrass you if any of you is suffering from a difficulty becoming erect, my soldiers are ready and able to do whatever is needed to assist you. There are a number of sections of broom handle that have been greased up and prepared to help by applying an internal prostate massage. Now, remove your under shorts and form a line and my soldiers will bring you out to do your duty." I left them gaping at me, before any could protest or attempt to excuse himself, I was gone. I had noted that three or four seemed to like what they'd heard and as I left, I motioned for the miracle private to follow me.

He moved swiftly and once we were outside I told him, "I noticed at least three maybe four who seemed to brighten right up when they understood that I wanted them to plug someone else's holes rather than have theirs plugged. Did you mark them, too?" He assured me that he had also noticed the reactions. "Good. I'm going to the gallery upstairs, bring the volunteers out to the space under the gallery, below me. Give me three minutes then bring them out. Step out into the garden yourself so I'll know that they're here and can hear me." He braced, then saluted and left to obey his orders.

I went upstairs where the young rebel was being held. He was wet all over, my men had poured water over him until all the garden dirt, and the cum of a our entire troop had been washed off him. He looked very like a bedraggled kitten someone had saved from a raging river. But he still was attractive. He was of moderate height, alabaster skin, dark brown hair and black eyes. He had the physical development of a youth, his abdomen was flat, his tits proud and planed. There was no heavy muscular differentiation in his abdomen yet, that should come later. As is the custom in his culture he was circumcised. He had a nice looking nut sack. It was all contracted up into his crotch, because of the cold water and the fear which had also shrunk his cock up into his pubic bush. Under different circumstances. . . . . .

But the circumstances weren't different. They were what they were and his life now was forfeit for his actions. But, just maybe. . . . . "Rebel, how old are you?" "I'm sixteen, Sir." "Sixteen, that's old enough to make a man's decisions and, like a man to be responsible for them," I said as I reached out and took his scrotum into my hand. I sat there manipulating his balls looking at him. Fear etched itself across his face, but he held still. After all, where was he going to go? "Rebel do you want to die? That is the penalty for your crimes you know." "No, Sir, I don't want to die. I'm only sixteen, I want to live." I deliberately decided to overlook the fact that he'd not answered the second question.

"Rebel, there may be an escape from your death sentence for you. You have exhibited a certain skill today. It seems that you know how to use your holes, even to enjoy using them?" He blushed a deep crimson and nodded his head, his eyes alternating between staring at the floor and at my hand as I continued to roll his balls between my fingers. "I have decided to offer you the chance to change your sentence. In a little while I will ask you publicly if you renounce the rebellion and wish to dedicate your life to improving relations with the Army. If you answer "No" you will be executed. You will be taken into the garden, tied to a tree and your cock and balls will be severed. You will bleed to death. If you say, "Yes" you will be taken by this unit to our barracks where you will keep the barracks immaculately clean. You will be responsible to clean and change the bedding, wash the soldiers' clothing and perform any and all jobs related to the cleanliness of the barracks. You will also be responsible to maintain the morale of my soldiers. If any member of this unit feels the need to pop a nut, you will be there to offer him your mouth or ass as he prefers. You will do all this with a cheerful demeanor. If any member of this unit reports any incident of insolence, or unwillingness on your part, your original sentence will be imposed. I don't want you to answer now, I'll let you know when. For now, all I want to know is, do you understand your choices?" His eyes were rimed with un-shed tears. He looked up at me through wet eye lashes and in a small voice said, "Yes, Sir."

"Good now come with me." I released his balls and took him to the gallery and positioned him behind me so he could see and hear but not be easily seen from directly below. The private was in the garden and upon seeing me enter, he braced to attention and saluted. The would-be military commander was staked to the ground as his protege had been earlier, except that his hands were bound behind him. I gave a hand signal and the private grabbed the hair on his head and jerked his head up so that he was looking up at me.

"You murdered my sergeant and comrade, shooting him in the back. You are personally responsible for leading your men to their destruction. They trusted you and you threw away their lives. The blood of my sergeant and the blood of your men cries out of the earth into which it was wantonly spilled for your punishment. You will be punished by your own people and by me. To demonstrate their solidarity with us some of your fellow citizens are here to participate in your punishment.

"Each one of them is going to fuck your ass and then fuck your face. You will become a bitch slut for the use of good men. Any refusal, any attempt by you to deny the use of your holes to these good men and true will be met with the severest punishment. You will know a level of pain previously unimaginable to you. Private, I have need of your miracle working grip. Let someone else hold his head. Get two men to hold his elbows." I waited until the private was unencumbered and two soldiers were gripping his forearms, holding him immobile before I again spoke, "Private, assume the grip. Excellent, I was sure, given how small his package is, that you'd only need one hand and you've proven me right. Now, rebel, I do not expect you to believe me when I tell you of the kind of pain I can inflict on you. Why should you? You don't know me. So, to establish a trust between us. . . . You to trust that I am capable of and willing to do exactly what I have said, me to trust that you really know my capability and willingness, I'm going to order the private to squeeze your scrotum as tightly as he can. First he'll do it using only one hand, then he'll do it again - using both hands. If I feel after that, that you still need further proof, I'll order him to rupture one of your balls. Private, begin."

In almost no time he began to yell and try to twist away, but my soldiers held him firmly. He wasn't going anywhere. His face became bright red, slobber was running from his mouth. There was a moment when the yelling gave way to sobbing while the private repositioned himself, then he again squeezed but this time with both hands. The rebel's yell became a shriek, his voice cracked, his piss ran and a small amount of fecal material ran down his leg.

I gave the private a gesture and he released the scrotum and stood up. The rebel was sobbing, attempting to roll himself into a ball, but my soldiers prevented it. "Tell me rebel," I said, "Do you trust me now? When he tried to speak all that came out was gibberish and sobs. "Do I have to order the private to the next step? You do remember what it will be don't you? Speak up rebel answer me. Do you now trust me?" His head was pulled back so that he was looking up at me on the gallery. He choked out, "Yes, Sir, I do. I swear that I do." and then his voice devolved into short sobs and gurgles.

As his head was jerked up to look at me, he'd caught sight of the band of our "volunteers" who had been brought out ready to begin their part in his punishment and degradation. "All right then, rebel, I'm going to make an act of faith and trust that you really do trust me. I noticed that you have seen the band of patriotic Afghan volunteers who are here to demonstrate and prove their loyalty to their government and their utter rejection of you and your rebellion. Each of these men is going to use your holes. As happened to your former protege, they will take their pleasure from you, forever making you into a bitch slut used by better men than you are. That is now your one and only place in the world, to serve loyal men and be degraded in the process. Private, bring the first two forward and begin this slime's punishment."

To be continued?

NOTE: Since the publication of Chp. 8 I have received in excess of 500 virus laden e-mails which have been caught either by my subscribed security system or by that of my ISP. I have, therefore requested that my e-address be deleted from this story.

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