Were All Capitalists Now

By LA Guy

Published on Jul 30, 2003


This story is entirely a work of fiction and all rights to it and its characters are copywrite and private to and reserved by the author. This entire story is fictional and not based upon any individual living or dead. No reproduction by anyone for any reason whatsoever is permitted. This is a novel of gay sex, some of the sex depicted will be consensual, a great deal will not, some will even go well past that point into the territory of deep fetishes. If, where you live, you are underage to read this kind of material, or this material will be unlawful for you to read regardless of your age, I'm sorry but please leave now. If you are offended by gay sex, then fuck off this isn't intended for you, besides why are you browsing around here anyway? If this story is the kind of thing that pleases you and/or gets your juices flowing, then enjoy it with my blessings

Chp. 5

Gathering the Team

Andre Vasilievich

What fun it was to see Miki again. He was as much of a cut up as ever. There sat my beautiful Pavel, half on the arm of Miki's chair and half on Miki's lap, trying desperately to fulfill my command and tell Miki everything he knew about me and the project that he'd gleaned from his work as a codes clerk. And, Miki had insinuated the joy finger from his left hand into Pavel's chute.

Pavel, who'd never before had anything at all go up that pipe found this development distracting, indeed. I could see the look of concentration on Miki's face coupled with a series of slight, even subtle movements of his arm. Suddenly, Pavel's voice cracked like an adolescent's and his eyes grew huge with surprise. Miki had found what he was looking for.

Pavel's prostate was now under attack. He looked across at me and I nodded sagely as if intent on encouraging him to continue his recitation. Pavel's beautiful helmeted warrior was beginning to stand up and look the room over. In no time, however, that proud soldier was surely rendered blind as his solitary eye was soon weeping copiously.

Pavel was becoming more agitated and he looked down at Miki with confusion and fear in bold relief across his face. Miki, his face the mask of one extremely interested in what he was hearing continued his direct assault on Pavel's pleasure center.

The boy kept up his discourse but it was becoming increasingly disjointed. Mercifully, Pavel came to the end of his confessions, for make no mistake that's just exactly what his monologue was. Pavel admitted everything he' d learned about the project while decoding my "Eyes Only" messages from me to the Chairman. And, while he didn't know everything, he knew a lot. The Chairman had been right to remove him from his barracks mates and give him to me. My sweet, innocent, beautiful Pavel was unintentionally dangerous, and had to be neutralized - one way or another.

Once Pavel had finished his recitation, I then made Miki an offer to come on board the project as my second in command. Miki had no reservations and wholeheartedly agreed to serve the project and me. At just that moment Pavel's prostate gave up the fight and began spitting the boy's baby batter all over the place. Mindful of the fact that I'd told him he was not to ejaculate without permission, he exclaimed, "Oh, General, I didn't mean to. I've done nothing to cause it. . ." His hooded pink soldier fired its first salvo, followed by an impressive barrage.

When he'd finished his impersonation of a sexual machine gun, I ordered him to attention and he fairly flew to obey. This boy was new to his slavery, but he'd been working in the Lubyanka for something close to three years and I'm certain he had a very good idea of just what our capabilities were down in the basements. "Look at the mess you've made on the officer's pants, the chair, both your legs and even your stomach. What do you think you should do about it?" I asked.

He was in a panic and didn't know which way to turn. Miki prompted him, "Don't you think you should clean up your mess?" "Oh, yes Sir! Do you know where the. . . " "You don't need cleaning supplies, you stupid slave. Use your mouth" I ordered. "And start on the blobs you shot onto the officer's uniform trousers." It took probably three seconds for the meaning of my words to sink in and I could see the reaction he had to overcome as it telegraphed across his face.

He'd never tasted semen before and he was now to suck up his own cum or go to the basement cells. Fear of the Lubyanka's basements overcame any revulsion he might have felt as he fell to his knees and began trying to suck his jism out of Miki's pants. Miki smiled at me over Pavel's head. We were playing again as we'd done for so many years spent working alongside each other.

Once the spots on Miki's pants were saturated with Pavel's saliva and no further trace of his semen was visible I barked, "Now, clean the chair as you did the officer's trousers." Pavel rushed towards the chair on his knees and leaned into it licking and slobbering. This raised his ass into the air and both Miki and I exchanged glances of approval. Miki was the friend of my youth, my comrade in arms, but I was going to have Pavel's cherry and no one else, and the look on my face told Miki that!

When he believed that he'd cleaned the chair of every last vestige of his cannonade, he looked expectantly at me. "Must I tell you everything?" I demanded. "You slopped onto your legs and up your abdomen. Use your hand, gather your slime and then clean your hand with your mouth." Quickly he scraped himself clean and then sucked his fingers like a kid who'd been licking his mother's baking bowl, except that unlike the kid with the bowl he was very obviously very unhappy. Compliant, indeed, but unhappy. Well, given time, I could change even that about him.

"Come on Miki. You and I need to go downstairs and grab some supplies. We can take the four clerks in the outer office and of course the slave can come and help carry things back." The look of shock on Pavel's face was wonderful. While I enjoyed seeing the panic with which he contemplated leaving the office and sauntering down to the basements naked, I couldn't let it continue as we had mountains to move. "Hurry up slave, put on your trousers and tunic, nothing else. Your nakedness is for my pleasure and that of such of my friends as I designate. In the meantime going with us barefoot will serve to remind you of your true status should you consider any form of misbehavior."

He rushed over to the corner where he'd laid his clothing. He had his trousers and tunic on in almost as short a time as it'd taken to get them off him. While he was thus occupied Miki lifted his left hand up and passed it back and forth under his nose then looked at Pavel and raised his eyebrow at me. I shook my head "no". Pavel had made extraordinary progress adapting to the realities of his new life. I didn't want to push him so hard that I broke him. "All in good time my dear Miki, all in good time," I told him then I pointed toward the office's private loo. Miki smiled at me, shook his head and passed his hand under his nose again. We locked eyes and burst into laughter, opened the door and left the office trailed by Pavel and the four clerks.

At the door to the outer office there were four guards thoughtfully provided by the colonel. I instructed two of them to attend us and required the other two to maintain their stations. Our passage through the hallways to the elevators was uneventful. Occasionally someone would notice Pavel's bare feet, now and again an individual made as if to reproach him for his disheveled condition. They, however, were silently warned away by our two guards. The elevator was a bit tight for nine but we made do. In fact, my five little spies that had reported so exhaustive on Pavel's body through his uniform to me, made cursory investigations of two, very startled, clerks.

It was interesting to observe our fellow passengers as the elevator sank below ground. The two guards were stone faced, they'd obviously made this trip many times before bringing wretches to their doom. The four clerks were uneasy, but Pavel, who'd had all his comfortable notions about personal safety ripped from under him, was as nervous as a thoroughbred at the starting gate. His problem was that unlike the horse, he had no place to run and knew it.

Miki lead us past the reception and intake areas heading directly for one of the central halls surrounded by cells. It was into these halls or chambers that prisoners were dragged when it was time to work on them.

Miki called some guards to help us. He instructed his staff to find a box for each clerk and one for Pavel and to fill them with ankle chains, wrist chains, steel collars and all the sorts of things we'd be needing. He pointed to me and told them not to keep the Colonel General waiting. They jumped to their chores with a pleasing alacrity. Miki then winked at me and instructed Pavel to follow him. He unlocked a cell door and stood at its mouth and barked, "Come out!" A naked youth shuffled out as the chains on his ankles clanked against the floor. Miki positioned Pavel so that he had an unobstructed view of Miki and his prisoner. "This German was spying on the transportation grid of the peace loving peoples of this Union. Kneel spy." The prisoner made as if to say something (perhaps to protest his innocence?) but at Miki's shouted order, "Open your mouth" the prisoner was so well trained that his mouth shot open as if spring loaded. Miki, then inserted the first and second fingers of his left hand into the prisoner's mouth. "Now suck my fingers clean, dog," he instructed. Pavel was transfixed, rooted to the spot. Obviously he was having trouble processing everything he'd been undergoing this day He, Miki, and I watched the broken German lad sucking Miki's fingers like a calf at its mother's udder.

"Miki," I said to him while I was thinking about it, "I'd like you to review in your mind the staff down here and come up with the names of a few good men who'd fit in with our project. We can't take too many but we can take some."

"What about prisoners?" he asked. "Oh, they don't count. Of course you can take prisoners, but other than your little pet here, why would you want to bring prisoners? Effectively all our trainees will be prisoners," I countered.

"Yes, but remember when were raw recruits and they took us for Chemical and Biological Warfare training? There we were all suited up in our protective gear and they brought in condemned prisoners. They were naked and cuffed. Then our instructors opened the atomizer of whatever the agent was that we were being shown on that day. What happened to that prisoner right there in front of our eyes was always a better classroom example and motivator than any dry lecture ever could be. I was thinking to have a starter group available if and when really persuasive examples were required," he answered. "Remember," he said, "If we only threaten and threaten, sooner or later our threats will cease to terrify. But if our trainees can see someone who actually pays a price. . . that example will be worth more than a thousand threats."

I beamed at him, "Ah, Miki, we are going to do so well out of this project! Come on, they're back with the boxes, let's get up to the office. You and I have a lot to do." Miki locked his pet back into his cell, we gathered our little caravan and returned to the offices. I had the boxes taken to the office that used to belong to the Party's man and instructed the clerks to empty them and sort and catalog their contents. I had Pavel follow Miki and me as I didn't want him talking to the clerks.

On my way into my inner office, I instructed Pavel to call the Chairman's assistant and request a five minute meeting as soon as would be convenient for the Chairman. "When you've a time for my meeting with the Chairman, knock on my door," I told him. Then I closed the door behind me and to Miki said, "Come here Miki I want to show you where we'll be located." I unrolled an old Red Army survey map of the abandoned gulag we were about to inherit.

Miki came, stood beside me and together we poured over what would shortly become our mini-kingdom. It had once housed fifteen thousand prisoners and staff. There was agricultural land adjacent which the prisoners could work. To the north and the west we were bounded by dense mixed forests of pine and some hardwoods. A large fresh water lake to the east was fed by a tributary and should provide us with water and fish. The agricultural land was to the south. It had been worked by Stalin's prisoners and shouldn't require too much to bring it back to the point of feeding our detachment.

The map even showed notations of some unspecified kinds of mines and wells. When time and the press of necessary work allowed, we'd have to investigate them and see if they could be worked and made to help further defray our operating expenses. Even if they aren't particularly productive, they'll provide an excellent method for building up those of our trainees who arrive there skinny and underdeveloped.

We made plans for re-opening the facilities and determined at length the manpower requirements for each separate section of our project.

We picked up the personnel files of the men in the basement and between us we reviewed them with an eye to culling out the best suited for our needs. While going through the stack of files I came across Miki's own file and quietly moved it aside. We were deeply into our task when Pavel's knock sounded. I tucked Miki's file under my arm and leaving him to peruse the other files opened the door. "Yes?" I called. "Sir, the Chairman's assistant says that no time is good because of the coup but if you need only five minutes, he says to come now," Pavel said.

Knowing Miki had overheard, I called to him saying I'd be right back and to carry on. "Pavel, to back into my office and resume your office uniform. See if you can't be of help to the Guards officer. Guard," I barked, "whichever of you is best able to handle the switchboard is to take over my assistant's place. The rest are to insure that no one, absolutely no one enters without my permission." Then in what I hoped looked no more hurried than a trot I left the office heading toward the Chairman's office.

Mikhiel Petrovich

Andre showed me the map of the abandoned gulag we were about to inherit and we went over it together. It definitely had great potential. Using it's facilities and the lands that surrounded it, we would be able to engage in all the training programs he had proposed. My heart fairly sang!

While we were discussing the facility and what we would need to re-open it and begin our work, his slave knocked on the door. Andre grabbed what looked like a file and ran to the door. Pavel, the slave, announced that the meeting Andre had requested with the Chairman was to take place immediately and after ordering Pavel to enter the inner office and "resume his office uniform" then make himself helpful to me. He ordered a guard to take over the receptionist's desk and then instructed all four guards that no one was to enter the office without his express command. For the briefest moment, I wondered if that also meant that I was to be kept in? But, that did not seem so as Andre had said what he intended and the order was to keep people out, not in. He then hurried away to his meeting.

Pavel entered the office closing the door behind himself and very quietly moved over to a corner of the room and began removing his tunic. Once that was carefully folded and lain atop his underclothing and boots he unfastened his trousers, then just as quietly came over and stood at attention slightly behind me and off to my side. I let him remain there for a minute or so before turning to stare him directly in the eye.

"So slave, your Master has ordered that you assist me. Do you know anything about manpower staffing? About planning for the feeding, housing or care of thousands of men?" Of course he answered in the negative and I could see exactly the reaction I was trying to build in him rising to the fore. As he continued to confront his inadequacy on each front he was being inexorably brought to fear that he'd be determined to be useless and sent to the basements and from thence out as a small box of ashes. He had, of course, no way to know that a small box of ashes had already been sent out to his parents with his name on it. When the time was right, I'd make sure that he saw the shipping receipt for the box.

"Well, slave, I have work to do. I'm going to sit at this desk and I'll be pouring over the maps and reports here. There is something that you can do which will 'assist' me while I work. You've already today tasted semen for the first time so any additional semen will no longer be new to you. Get your worthless ass into the foot well of the desk and turn so that you are facing me as I sit there. Good, you are able to follow orders exactly." By now I was seated on the big chair and looking past my knees and under the desk at the slave's upturned face. He was a study in fear and apprehension. "Do I have to tell you everything? Can you not figure out how to 'assist' me as I work away up here on the desk?"

There was a pause of only a moment or two while the slave hoped that he didn't understand what was expected of him. Then the moment of epiphany when he realized exactly what was expected and resigned himself to it. After all he'd just been to the basements, seen the cells and one of their occupants and knew that however bad his current circumstances were, they were infinitely better than they'd be downstairs. He sort of gulped and then nodded his head in acknowledgement and acquiescence. "Good, slave. Then I'll get to my job and you get to yours," I said as I rolled forward in the chair, trapping him under the desk and bringing myself into a position from which I could get some work done.

"What are you waiting for? Open my trousers, pull them down, there'd better not be any more spillage on my pants' legs, and get to work. Start suckling. Slave, you'd do yourself a favor if you make sure that I don't have to waste my time giving you minute by minute, point by point instructions. Now suckle, damn you!" Sure enough, in only a beat or two I felt his fingers at my belt then the button at the top of my trousers. In no time his shaking fingers had all the buttons undone and because I was in a mood to be merciful, I lifted my ass and taking his cue, he slid my pants and underpants down to my ankles.

Oh, I was looking forward to this, so forward, but I wanted him to do the work and had deliberately not allowed myself to harden. I was, admittedly, half hard but who wouldn't be under these circumstances? And, it had been hours since I'd had my German, I was ready to give the slave a high protein snack. The slave had seen my German suck clean the fingers that had been up his chute and while my cock had been up my German earlier today, there shouldn't be much scent as I'd made the German suck it clean, but still there might be some residual scent, perhaps from the German's saliva?

I could feel his long tapered fingers pick up my cock, (hum, I wonder if with those fingers he played the piano, it would be a waste I he didn't - amazing the extraneous things one thinks of while preparing to get a blow job) I slid forward a bit to give him easier and more thorough access. I could actually hear him sniffing my cockhead. He was having to deal with all the ingrained responses that he'd now have to abandon if he hoped to survive in his new life. Then I felt it, his velvet smooth tongue. It licked just the very end of my cock, my head always poked a bit past it's hood. I'd always thought it looked rather like a pink monk with his hood partially up but not completely obscuring his face. There was a part of me that envied the slave his extra skin.

I'd had enough of his pusillanimous little licks and half hearted tongue swipes and barked, "Slave!" I was immediately rewarded by feeling my cock slip into the bliss of his mouth. "Keep your damn teeth off my cock. Wrap your lips over your teeth and get to work on me. You don't want me to have to stop what I'm doing to correct you again. You really don't." I told him. For what had to be his first foray into the art and practice of cock sucking he showed promise, though I certainly wasn't going to tell him that. For now, at least, what he needed to further his training was to be kept off balance and made to keep trying.

I was enjoying his efforts but I had work to do and bent to my tasks. Being distracted by work from what he was doing to my cock meant that he'd have to work harder and longer to bring me off. I was being immediately rewarded for working at my job by the prolongation of the suck job I was enjoying. Isn't life wonderful?

"Boy, you're still a ways away from coaxing my load out, but I'm warning you now. When it comes out, you'd better catch every drop and eat it. If only so much as drop is found on the floor, the chair or wherever, you will rue the day you were born. We're not that far from the basements. Now back to work. Suckle, little piglet. And, while you're doing that, bring your hands up and taking one of my balls into each of your hands, massage them gently." I'd always been partial to having my balls played with while I was being sucked off. The slave's long tapered fingers obeyed me instantly.

Andre's meeting with the Chairman must have truly been for only five minutes because the door opened and he strode into the office with the look of the cat that'd gotten the cream. Andre closed the door behind him and looked around the office, probably wondering where the slave was? He looked at the pile of the slave's clothing in the corner. I'm sure he noted the presence there of the slave's tunic and trousers. I sat there grinning at him and suddenly understanding lit up his face and he burst out in laughter.

"I guess I know where the slave is and what he's doing? Not much else he could do to be of help to you while you work on the manpower and logistics we're going to need," he said. We both burst out laughing and the slave's mouth continued with its task.

"I got everything I asked for. The Chairman, it appears, has been ruminating about our requirements and in some cases he beat me to the punch. He volunteered that there must be at lease a couple of tons of restraint devices lying in some of the unused cells way back in the old "Okhrana" sections. He's already sent orders for them to be boxed and prepared for shipment to our little "principality". He's arranged for sufficient battle rations to sustain a force of seventy-five hundred for eighteen months to begin their journey to the camp. Actually, they're to be dropped on pallets by parachute right into the center parade ground and should be there before we arrive. He also picked out for us a major to command our Spetznatz unit to train the security teams for hire that we're going to develop. Oh, and I'm sorry Miki but he felt that a Warrant Officer was too low ranking an individual to be my second in command so he has appointed a colonel to back me up. I got all that in actually, less than five minutes," he told me.

I had been agreeing with each thing he'd been saying as he said it until he got to the last item. I'm sure my disappointment showed on my face. Of course I said nothing. I'm a soldier and a soldier takes his orders and performs them to the best of his abilities. I would soldier on only now for the first time in my career, I found myself looking at my future in the basements as "second best". I ruefully looked at the map and the manpower workups I'd been working with and as I brought my eyes back up to Andre's face, he burst into the deepest laughter. He pointed at me but couldn't say anything, he was laughing so hard. I sat there a figure of misery and couldn't understand why my old friend could so enjoy my unhappiness.

Finally, Andre got control of himself and again pointing at me said, "Your promotion is, like mine only a brevet, but who knows how long that 'temporary' status will last, Colonel Miki?"

Suddenly the import of what he'd said sank in and in that instant I came like I'd never come before in my life. I hadn't even realized that I was so close to the edge, but over I crashed like a train wreck in Siberia. The poor slave was only just able to swallow fast enough to keep up with my production. As Andre watched my reaction and heard the frenzied swallowing coming from under the desk he was again thrown into gales of laughter. He came over to the desk and cocking his head looked under it and said, "Well, young Pavel, today has been a day of first for you, hasn't it? Only the first of many. Hurry up and clean up my friend the Colonel as he and I have to get over to the central supply depot and obtain some uniforms that reflect our new rank and status and you're going to have to drive us there."

End of Chp. 5

Next: Chapter 6

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