Well it was my idea TG story

By moc.tramstib@adnamA

Published on Mar 7, 1999



The story of how Colin made his mother very happy No sex, no violence just lots of dressing up Amanda@bitsmart.com

Well it was my Idea

"Ha, Ha, very funny" said Colin as his mother held the dress against him and joked "Oh but dear you'd look lovely in this!" The dress was amongst some jumble she was sorting through and was a pretty floral cotton affair, it looked brand-new, as did a lot of the other things. This was an affluent area and it would probably have been worn only once or twice before it's owner tired of it. She looked at her son and although she loved her only child dearly she would have liked to have had the chance to bring up a daughter, but that's the way thing's go she thought and returned to the sorting. Nothing more was said and the clothes and other items were packed away in the garage for collection the following week.

Colin was all Boy, he certainly was interested in Girls but he had to admit to a certain fascination for the way they dressed in light and dainty things. He knew how tights felt on his legs from the sports Lycra he wore when running and cycling. But he had never considered actually dressing up. He had recently seen pictures of some transvestites in one of his mother's magazines with their before and after pictures and he was fascinated by the change in appearance that could be achieved.

Later that week he had come home from school early as there was a study or sport option and he was in his room before any one else came home. He heard his mother come later in with a friend and start chatting. "Oh you're so lucky having one of each and now Diane is getting married it's every mothers dream. I'd love to go shopping for a daughters wedding things."

"Well maybe you can get involved if Colin pops the question to Anne. They are coming to the end of their time at college, you never know!" replied the lady from across the road. This was news to Colin, he was very keen on Anne but hadn't thought that far ahead. He felt sorry for his mother but he wasn't going to get married just to help out her fantasy!

At the weekend they brought the bags back into the house to await collection and once again the dress came into view. Once again but only in jest his mother held it against him and said "Oh yes it's definitely you!" He blushed and pulled away smiling then he went back held it to his young body and did a twirl "Mum, you could be right!" then handed it back as they both laughed.

Later when he came back from football all the sacks were still there, "has my dress not gone then?" he joked. "No, I'm afraid the van has broken down so we're stuck with all these bags for another week" said mother. He went to the kitchen to make himself a drink and made a decision.

He sat down beside his mother and smiled craftily. "What are you up to?" she said.

"I don't want you to think I'm strange or weird but will you listen to an idea?" he said. "Will you let me try on that dress, we keep joking about it but I would want to do it properly, hair, make-up, shoes etc. then I can be your daughter for a day. Just for fun. I know Dad's away next weekend. How about it?"

Well she was struck dumb, many differing emotions coursed through her head but when she saw he was serious and still smiling she did not feel disturbed by the thought. It would be fun and it would go some way to providing an outlet for her own fantasy.

"Colin, I am surprised. You're sure you'd like to do this? I do hope that if there was any thing you needed to tell me you would feel able to do so."

"No don't worry Mum, it will just be a bit of fun between you and me!"

"It could be fun but… let me think about it."

"OK mum, no worries, let me know when you decide" and he went up to his room, impressed with his own audacity and the way he'd thrown his mother.

Colin's mother had been totally unprepared for this suggestion and needed time to think. The idea appealed to her but she worried that perhaps he had felt pressurised by the game with the dress. He had assured her it was to be in fun and seemed very happy, so what would be the harm in it? All the other things that they might need were in the jumble sacks and she could get some hosiery and underwear so this wasn't going to cost much. OK!

She called him down. "My dear I've thought it through and if you are happy we'll do it, but if you change your mind just say so. I think you know I would have liked a daughter, as well as you of course, so I would enjoy the illusion. We can put together an outfit from what we have here and your father is away like you said. Next Saturday then?"

"Yes Mum, I'm up for it. We'll have a good laugh, I can't wait to see how I look and how it feels."

"OK Colin, I'll arrange everything, don't you make any other plans for Saturday. What shall we call my new daughter? Your father and I would have liked `Keri' if you'd been a girl?"

"Sounds alright to me"


"Now make sure you have a bath, then bed for you young lady!" He smiled and followed his orders, he was surprised and amused to find a night-gown on his bed with a note `just to get you in the mood' when he had finished in the bathroom.


What he didn't know was that his mother had been talking to her friend Cathy at the hairdressers and that she had offered to give him a makeover and do his hair if he came in early on the Saturday. Cathy thought it was very amusing but also knew that it meant a lot to Colin's mum and she planned to do a special job. His mum had also spoken to some of her other friends but more of that later. Accordingly she had to get him up early and into Cathy's salon before the other customers.

"Up you get sleepy-head".

He awoke and was pleasantly surprised to find the silky negligee encasing his body. Mmmm this feels nice already I might just keep it, he thought in a dreamy moment.

"Now come-on we've got to get moving. Have a shave. Put on some underwear and your tracksuit and trainers, nothing else, and get downstairs for some breakfast"

"What's going-on Mum? Why the rush?"

"Just do as you're told young lady I'll be downstairs waiting for you."

Being called `young lady' jolted him back to reality, this was it, THE day. He completed his ablutions and dressed quickly as he had been told and joined his mother at the breakfast table.

"Now please don't be cross but I didn't feel I could do justice to your hair or make-up so I've asked Cathy to help-out. She's more used to the younger styles and has agreed to make you over before her regulars arrive and is very discreet, you've nothing to worry about. Is that alright?"

"Yes, I think so", this was something he hadn't reckoned on but what the heck, things would be done right and it was only a one-off. "But how do I get there?"

"Don't worry. I'll take you down and bring you back, your hair is long anyway and you'll be wearing your track-suit nobody will see anything out of the ordinary". With that and after they had finished breakfast they drove the short distance to the salon. It looked closed but the door opened and Cathy welcomed them in.

She saw the look of anxiety on his face and took him to one side. "Now don't worry, your mother's told me everything and I think what you're doing will be fun and a nice gesture. Just lie back and enjoy it, we're not going to do any permanent changes!" She turned to his mother. " Now we're going to be about an hour so you get off home, I'll give you a ring when 'she's' ready." His mother smiled, squeezed his hand and left him to the tender mercies of the beautician.

"Now then, it'll be easier if I call you Keri from the start won't it? Just do everything I say and we'll have you home soon looking lovely, just relax and enjoy being pampered. Your mother and I are old friends and I'll make this special for her and for you.

First lets see what we have to work with. Go into the back and take off your track-suit, there's a robe in the cubicle"

When he came out and she saw him she said "right then, slip off the robe and lie on this table" she then began to rub cream all down his legs and arms and across his chest "this will remove your body hair. I know there's not too much but we will start right." After a few minutes his skin began to tingle and she led him to the shower room. "Now just shower it off and I'll be back in a moment".

He hadn't been very hairy but he certainly wasn't now, his legs and arms felt beautifully smooth. Cathy was waiting for him as he left the cubicle and towelled him dry then laid him down again and rubbed a soothing cream on his smoothed limbs. It hadn't occurred to him that he was completely naked until he felt Cathy grasp his member and say "now then, nice girls don't want to have one of these dangling between their legs do they." He was taken by surprise and agreed. "These rubber pants are used by drag artists and will take care of things." The flesh toned pants had a pocket for his penis and even had realistic pubic hair on the front, at first glance his manhood had gone. "Now pop these panties on and everything will look correct, you'll be able to use the bathroom but you'll have to sit like us girls!"

This makeover was going further than he had planned but, like the lady said, lie back and enjoy it. Next she gave him back the robe, took him to the sink and washed his hair, then started putting in rollers. This seemed to take a long time but eventually she was finished.

"Take off your robe and lie down on the table again, dear and I'll put some gel on your chest while the rollers set, it looks a bit sore." The gel was very cool and soothed the irritation he had felt after the hair remover. She then put a face pack and eye pads on him. He also felt another pressure on his chest. " These pads will cool the gel, you just lie back and relax and I'll manicure your nails."

This was luxurious, he could now see why women went through it, and it did feel nice all over. He could feel the constriction around his male parts but had been impressed with the concealment it offered. What would his mum think? Cathy worked on his nails and occasionally paid attention to his chest, but he could see nothing as the eye patches were still in place. Later he could smell nail polish and felt the gentle stokes on his fingers and his toes. This is a thorough job, its going to take some removing, he thought.

"Let the polish dry, I don't want you to peek until I've finished the make-up. Just sit up a moment". He then felt her wrapping something around his chest and fastening it behind, then she replaced his robe and sat him at the make-up chair. She removed the face pack and eye patches and he felt most refreshed. "You have a lovely soft complexion, don't worry I'll not make you up too much." He felt he foundation, mascara and lipstick going on and wondered, just what do I look like? Next she began to remove the rollers and started to style his hair, when she had finished a mass of curls tumbled onto his shoulders.

"OK Keri, unveiling time! Close your eyes and I'll stand you in front of the mirror." He hardly dared open his eyes as he could feel the light tug of the mascara and eye shadow and wondered what had been done to him. He finally opened his eyes and thought were did that other girl come from? But as he moved to look realised the girl moved when he did, she wasn't a ravishing beauty but he would definitely give her a second glance. He looked to Cathy and she smiled, "it's you dear, don't you recognise Keri?" As the realisation overcame him she steadied the girl/boy. "Now undo your robe!" He was tempted to rub his eyes in disbelief, the panties showed no trace of manhood but amazingly the matching bra contained some very real looking breasts.

"I don't know what to say" said Colin in hushed tones, "I didn't realise this was possible, I look just like a girl. I don't recognise this body in front of me! How can I thank-you?"

"Just make your mother happy today! I'll call her now to come and get Keri." She left him to stare in wonderment at this transformation. "One last thing before you leave. These complete the ensemble" and she wrapped the suspender belt from the same lacy beige Warner's set around his waist. "Stockings are the final feminine touch for a very pretty girl. Ease them gently up your leg, that's right, now clip them on. Perfect! I'm expecting my regular customers pretty soon so get into your tracksuit and wait for your mother. Do have a lovely day Keri darling. I'll tell your mother how to remove everything!" Then she gave `Keri' a big kiss and handed him a small bag with the cosmetics she had used.

He saw his mother's car arrive and ran from the salon with a wave and jumped in quickly. She was pleasantly surprised and pleased at how the hairstyle and make-up had transformed her son. It was still Colin but it wasn't difficult to think of him as `her' for a day.

He returned her smile but was nervously holding his head down, he didn't want to be recognised, and he didn't know what she'd think of what was under his tracksuit. The sensation of the fine fabrics, stockings and particularly these breasts was pleasantly confusing.

"Hold your head up Keri! No one will think you are anything but what you appear to be. You're quite beautiful. I can't wait to get you home and into that dress." He laughed and sat-up straight and they were home in minutes. Fortunately they had a drive and there were only a few steps to get from the car to the porch, although waiting for his mother to bring the key seemed like an eternity, and he felt very exposed.

"Right my lovely daughter, upstairs with you and let's get dressed. I've laid everything out on my bed for you."

"Now mother close your eyes while I take off the track-suit. I assure you, that you are in for a surprise. Cathy was very thorough." Once undressed he sat on the edge of the bed. "OK now you can look."

"Oh my dear what has she done to you? It looks real. Does it hurt, are you OK? She has given you a girl's body"

"Don't worry it feels fine, it's latex and should peel off, and apart from getting used to this weight on my chest I'm very comfortable. The underwear was her present."

"Oh! You look wonderful, I must get my camera, wait there a moment." Seconds later the flash was firing and she was asking `Keri' to pose this way and that. "Now one last request, you can refuse if you wish, one without the underwear. The body modifications are so realistic. Please?"

"In for a penny… Go on then, but I keep the negatives, you're enjoying this mum"

And despite her initial misgivings she was. She now only saw a daughter in front of her. Keri had been born and she was going to mother her girl. And she took more than one photo…

Keri replaced her underwear then waited to see what her mother was going to dress her in.

First she held up her arms to allow the under-slip over her head, the whispy material flowed over her body with a deliciously cool feeling. Next she stepped into the dress, yes that dress. Remarkably it was close fit, just a fraction too big, but once it was zipped up and the cuffs were buttoned the freedom of movement and lightness of material made her feel wonderful. A pair of white sandals also from the jumble followed, they had been worn before and were a little small but they had a reasonably low heel and after a few moments she felt able to walk cautiously.

"I told you that dress suited you. Now to finish it off, a necklace and some clip on earrings.

Oh and of course some perfume, Chanel No. 5, only the best for my girl!"

He felt dreamy, he couldn't believe this was happening and as he looked in the full-length mirror and inhaled the expensive cologne he felt faint for a moment. He felt his mother steady him and kiss him and smile with deep love in her eyes. He felt so happy. A few more photos' and she lead him toward the landing.

"Now to plan the rest of our day over coffee! Take care on the stairs!"

It felt so strange to sit at the breakfast bar, the feel of the clothes, seeing the polish on his nails, the aroma of the perfume and the way his mother was treating him just like a real girl. "First we must brush up your girl skills. You've had so little time to learn basic walking and sitting. Then we must get you some new things, those shoes in particular need replacing. Then I think a new dress and some accessories. Oh! I am going to enjoy this."

The final line stifled the protest he was about to make. He hadn't thought this through. Of course mum would want to take her `daughter' out that was a major part of the fantasy.

"I thought we'd go into town, after we've sorted out you deportment and got you a handbag filled with the essentials."

"Into Manchester?"

"Yes of course dear that's where the best shops are! No one knows you there, even if they did they'd never recognise you. Don't worry everything will be fine, I'm in charge and I'll look after you. Remember this is for fun I won't make you do anything against your will."

"OK I'm alright. Let's get to it!"

They finished the coffee; he was amused to see the lipstick smear on the cup and the additional taste when he ran his tongue over his lips. Walking wasn't easy, the shoes weren't a perfect fit but her persevered and eventually could make gracious progress. Sitting, standing, how to hold your hands. He never knew there was so much to it. After about an hour it was 10:30 and mother decided it was time to go. She showed Keri how to touch up the her lips and loaded a small shoulder bag with the cosmetics Cathy had given her along with a few other girl things for effect and a small wallet with 30 pounds and some change in.

They were ready for Keri's big challenge, going beyond the safety of the house. "Just act naturally treat people as they treat you. No one will know you. You are my niece Keri if anyone asks locally, you'll be my daughter in town. OK?"

"OK but I'm really nervous mum"

"That's understandable my love, a girls first day out. What an occasion! Let's get out there and shop `til we drop!"

He left the house scanning for anyone looking at him, the cool breeze on his stockinged legs emphasised his vulnerability as he saw it. Of course he had to wait for a moment as his mother locked up and then plipped the car to unlock the doors. They left the drive uneventfully and left the quiet street in Altrincham for the 20-minute journey into Manchester centre. Every time they were forced to stop at traffic signals he was convinced people were staring. "Hold your head high, Keri!" scolded his mother, and in time he settled to his role, even smiling back at one van driver who had shown a lot of interest.

They parked in the Multi-storey car park behind Kendals and after being reminded to pick-up the shoulder bag they set off for the lift. There was no one around as they entered the empty lift car but once they were in and just pressing the buttons a young couple rushed in and they were forced to share. Keri's first contact with anyone other than her mother while fully dressed-up was to be pressed against the young man, of about the same age, in the confined space of the lift. Keri could sense the man's eye's checking her out, until his companion shot him a black look. As the lift reached ground floor he stood back and said "after you ladies!"

As they distanced themselves from the pair he mother whispered " well, he had a close enough look! Satisfied that no one will know now?"

He had to agree, the guy was checking `Keri' out no doubt about that.

As they made their way from the back streets towards St.Ann's square, he realised the only looks he was getting were interested ones from men on their own, the women didn't notice, couples didn't notice. He was accepted as a she. His mother slowed and began looking in clothes shop windows and chatted to him regarding the fashions on display, he went along with this thinking it would satisfy her. Eventually she drew him inside one of these previously forbidden places and began showing an interest in a silky cream coloured spring dress. The assistant pounced and invited Keri to try the dress on and despite her initial reluctance her mother immediately encouraged this.

"Don't worry I'll come with you dear." Reassured mum.

They went into the cubicle and swiftly changed, they had just fastened the last hook and eye when the assistant called "come out then let's see how it looks". The dress fit Keri perfectly but no longer matched her stockings or shoes and, despite herself, she was disappointed by this.

"Ah ha. I can see the problem," said the assistant, " allow me to choose some matching footwear and hose, is it stockings or tights young lady?"

"Stockings" she squeaked in shock. The assistant returned with some cream micromesh stockings and a pair of cream 3" heel sandals. " I've guessed your size, do please try them on I think it will make all the difference."

They returned to the changing room and for convenience Keri removed the dress and started to change stockings. Her mother helped to show her how and just as they had finished and begun to try on the sandals the assistant poked her head through the curtain. "Would you ladies like a coffee?" She nearly died of shock, the assistant would have seen everything but of course would have suspected nothing.

"That would be lovely," said mother, "we'll be out in a moment." They readjusted the dress and stepped outside. Keri looked at herself in the full-length mirrors. The dress was perfect, the hose and shoes complemented it, and the effect was stunning. She saw her mother standing with the assistant and both nodding in agreement. "Just sit here and have your drink, I'll be back in a moment." After her mother had gone the assistant came over and snipped off the label. "Such a fine choice" she said.

Yes indeed a lovely dress, but they were only playing at this, so in a moment after the drink she'd be changing back. To her surprise her mother re-appeared carrying one of the stores bags and Keri's shoulder bag which did match the new dress very well. "I've said you'll wear it now, all your old stuff is in the bag, apart from the stockings, I've put them in your shoulder bag as they were brand new."

"Mum! I thought this was supposed to be a bit of fun, this dress must have cost a fortune and it'll only be worn today."

"Just indulge your mother dear, and let me worry about what we spend. I'm enjoying myself and I think you are too. Now come on, I've got a stunning daughter for the day and I want to make the most of it."

Well, this was my idea, he thought. Roll with it.

"It must be time to get some lunch soon, come on I think I know the very place."

They headed off through the square and on past the church to the pedestrian part of King Street where the smartest designer shops are. There followed a whirl of looking in windows, checking labels and trying on more dresses and suits but thankfully, from Colin's point of view, no more purchases.

"This morning has been wonderful for me, Kerri, I had dreamed of taking a daughter out shopping and you've made it possible. Thank-you so much."

"That's fine Mum, it's a bit of a culture shock at first but I am enjoying it. The clothes feel so much nicer than Boy's things and people do seem to treat me better. I'm quite relaxed now."

"That is marvellous dear, I really am very grateful. Now let's get that lunch." With that they headed off towards Deansgate and back into Kendal's. The ground floor cafe is self-service but is a place to see and be seen.. They collected a light lunch and found a table.

"That man over there keeps staring at me Mum."

"It's quite normal, just smile back and return to your food, he thinks he sees a beautiful young girl, you should be flattered."

They continued with their meal and as they were collecting their things to leave the man came across to them. "I'm so sorry to intrude, Madam, Mademoiselle, but I couldn't help noticing this attractive young lady, surely too old to be your daughter?"

"You are too kind Mr?

"I am so sorry ladies, Jean DuPont"

"Charmed I'm sure, I am Jean Andrews and this is my daughter Kerri. How can we help you Mr. DuPont."

"Two lovely English ladies! I hope we can help each other. I am a fashion designer and I have an exhibition of my latest creations this evening, my favourite model. " He pointed to a girl at his table who was not looking very happy, "is sick and cannot continue. Would Mademoiselle Keri do me the honour of taking her place? It is a small private showing, there will not be a large crowd. You, Keri, have the same light in your complexion as Francine and you look to be the same size, I would of course pay the usual fee and you may choose one of the dresses from the collection to keep." Keri and her mother were stunned into silence. "I realise this may be something of a shock, but please, I implore you, help me out."

Mrs Andrews regained her composure first. "This is indeed a great honour for my daughter to be chosen in this way but she has never done anything like this before and is quite shy."

Keri still unable to speak stared at her mother with frightened eye's, just say no she thought.

"Do not worry, I saw you two walking in, she is a natural and Francine will assist her. You would be most welcome to attend to her backstage Please! once again."

Mrs Andrews now totally carried away said "Of course we must help, what an opportunity for a young Girl! " 'and her mother' she thought.

The evening came and Keri despite herself had gone along with this charade. They had left the cafe and gone to the hotel where the exhibition was to be held and Keri had practised walking on a catwalk for the first time. Francine had helped despite her illness and poor English. Keri's measurements were almost the same as Francine and the seamstresses took the creations away for small adjustments so Keri did not get to see what she would be wearing. There were plenty of people around so despite the situation Keri eventually calmed down and enjoyed the experience.

The first few dresses were well cut French fashion there followed some more daring designs where the underwear could be clearly seen. Thank God everything looks real thought Keri. It was the final dress that threw her. A wedding dress, quite exquisite with French lace arms and bodice, Keri looked and felt fantastic, the design required her to go bra-less her fake cleavage clearly visible through the see through white material. What she didn't see was the Male model who met her on the catwalk and as a final raised the veil and kissed her gently on the cheek. She was so overwhelmed with emotion by now it just seemed so right.

The show over Keri and her mother joined the designer and his party for a drink then made to leave. Keri's mother had chosen one of the earlier designs and collected the modelling fee they were both tired now.

"Madam, Mademoiselle please I have one last favour to ask. The wedding dress, it looked so right on you don't you agree. Please will you wear it one more time? We have booked a little church near Macclesfield for a photo shoot tomorrow if you would return here tomorrow we could dress you and take you by limousine, I will be most generous with the fee and you can keep the dress."

The dress, that wedding dress, he shouldn't like it he shouldn't feel good in it, he shouldn't have enjoyed being kissed by a man while wearing it, but he did.

"Yes" said Keri before her mother could speak, "we'll be here I would love to help."

They returned to their car, which one of the designer's assistants had brought to the hotel and returned home. The streets were quiet and the journey along Chester road was uneventful. There was no one about in their road so Keri did not worry this time about being seen, anyway why worry? No one seemed to have clicked.

Keri went to what seemed the alien environment of Colin's bedroom and changed into the night-dress her mother produced, another purchase she hadn't noticed. Keri was so tired she was falling asleep as her mother cleansed her face. When she lay down sleep and dreams came easily. She didn't hear her mother making a few phone calls.

The next day still in their nightwear Mother and 'Daughter' had a light breakfast. They decided on light makeup and a simple skirt and blouse as Keri would be dressed and made up by DuPont's people. There were people about this Sunday morning but nobody appeared to take notice of the young girl and her mother. They drove the same route as the previous day this time Keri kept her head high and appreciated that attention she received. The designer and his dressers were ready for them at the hotel and soon Keri's hair was re-styled, make-up done and she was wearing that dress. There were more photographs and then it was time to leave. Keri was looking for her mother. She appeared wearing a beautiful suit, very 'Mother of the bride', and was beautifully made up. "Oh my dear child you look lovely" she exclaimed. "And so do you mother," replied Keri.

"Your mother will follow in the second car," explained an assistant. "Now we must go!"

Keri walked outside, people were smiling and taking photos they thought this was real. A small elderly lady came to her and said, "you look so lovely dear what a lucky man your husband to be is."

She climbed into the Rolls Royce with one last look back for the photographer and set off.

The car set off through the southern suburbs of Manchester, at every junction when the car slowed Keri could see people looking into the car and admiring the bride. The car suddenly turned off the main road and entered a pub car park. "Just a moment," said the driver "someone is meeting us here." A man emerged from the Pub doorway in a morning suit and carrying a top hat, another extra for the photo shoot thought Keri. The man got into the car and sat beside her.

"Hello my dear. I believe you are called Keri today."

Keri was struck dumb with shock.

"Don't worry Son, or should I say lass! Your mother has told me everything. I couldn't miss this. It's the proudest moment in a father's life giving his daughter away. I thought my chance had passed after your mother couldn't have any more children after you. You don't mind do you, I'm so proud of you for what you've done. Your mother has had such a wonderful weekend."

"But Dad you don't mind? I am a boy not a girl."

"Of course I don't mind, you've made your mother very happy I've told you. It was a bit of surprise mind, I've been to fancy dress parties in drag but this takes it to a higher plane. I wouldn't have known looking at you and I'm your Father. How does it feel dressed like that?"

"Well don't think I strange or anything but it feels very good. Boys don't normally get to wear such fine and delicate fabrics. I quite like fooling people but don't worry I don't think I want to do this much more. Getting a lady ready seems to take such a long time."

The car slowed as it negotiated the country lanes and came to a little chapel. There were people dressed as guests there with the designer and the photographers. Keri spotted her mother waiting at the churchyard gate. "Oh my dear you look radiant, you don't mind about your Father do you?"

"No of course not Mum, I seem to be making a lot of people happy today."

Then the photographers took control. "We want to go through the whole thing, just like a real wedding we've got guests, a groom and a vicar. Just enjoy it as if it was the real thing."

"If only they knew." thought Keri.

The photos were taken, proud Mother and Father with their beautiful bride daughter. Two little girls in bridesmaid outfits with design accents taken from the wedding dress joined them. An organist struck up and the party entered the church. There were people on each side and occasional flashes of cameras but they could not identify any faces, the restricted vision caused by the veil didn't help. The groom and best man moved into position at the altar rail, not looking back, as is tradition. Keri could see the groom's hair slicked back in a ponytail, when she stood beside him she looked straight ahead at the vicar. He lent between them and whispered. "I know this is all make believe so we're not doing the full service, let's go straight to the rings so the photographer can get a shot." The groom turned to the best man for the rings and then posed placing the ring on Keri's finger as the cameras fired off.

"You may kiss the bride!" said the vicar.

Oh no thought Keri as the groom raised the veil. Anne looked at her boyfriend and said, "You've made your mother a happy woman. Now will you marry me?"

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