Weldon Appeared

Published on Apr 22, 2015



Alan awoke and didn't know why. He smiled at the image of himself in the mirror, his smooth naked body in full view. He stretched enjoying the feeling as well as the view.

As normal, his hand fluffed his balls and then rested on his thickness. Usually he would milk until his morning boner demands were satisfied.

But that morning he played and didn't milk. The pearl drop of liquid on its tip, he wiped and stuck his finger into his mouth, enjoyingthe taste.

It had been a good night with pleasurable interruptions. He noted it was strange he felt so rested, energetic and fresh. Of course he knew why.

The sound of the motorcycle that had awakened him wasdistant now. He quickly turned towards the window and saw the bike just turningat the end of the street and disappeared.

He smiled again and realized he still felt Weldon inside him... Where he had been several times since last night.

Alan closed his eyes and moved his hand back to his morningcock and began to milk recalling the first time, then the second. And hourslater being awakened to see the silhouetted figure above him gripping hisankles for a third invasion, that time less aggressive and fully satisfying.

Alan shot spurts that landed on his warm and reddened skin.He could feel each stream landing on him as he felt in the darkness the last time. Weldon's hands were working him, front and back. The older boy was relentless leaving him panting.

And in the darkness with moonlight offering glimpses of Weldon'skneeling body he had watched the furtive near animal attempt to self-milk andshoot all over Alan's body. There seemed to be unending streams that landed onhis face as well as self spermed body.

There wasn't much to remember after that except Weldon's spent body pressed against his back and the tattooed arm over him pulling himback.

Alan was expecting yet another assault..but fell asleep inthe boy's clutch instead.

Weldon was in the same classes as he, though older, at leasttwo years older. Alan remembered him from High School, though he hadn't seenhim for years since then.

He was one of the guys who wore torn sleeve shirts, Levijackets, boots and some rode motorcycles. They were a group everyone avoidedless they became victims. There were rumors of juvenile detention, crimes, beerdrinking and other gruesome happenings.

Alan, like others avoided the group. He had his own friends,normal ones, the jeans and dress shirt kind that occupied extracurricular clubmeetings, basketball fan stands and such.

He remembered seeing Weldon and others strip half naked atthe end of school during the hot weather, even staring at those that revealedbare arms or chests thru open shirts. He had masturbated thinking of those andother similar images. But that was "kid stuff" along with summer camp jack offcontests and birthday hand jobs.

Graduation had come and gone, the trends of time hadreplaced the motorcycle group even before Alan became a senior.

A gap year of fun and part time jobs had come and gone,along with his first encounter with the brother of a high school friend home onmilitary leave that began his sexual life.

Another year of City College had come and gone establishinghis plans to transfer after the second year.

A midnight sexual act on the lawn behind college buildingsnearly ended those plans with his thoughts of joining the military instead. Butthe Dean just smiled and winked. Alan knelt and paid the price for hisindulgence wearing the Dean's sperm spatter on his bare chest all day until hecould go home and shower.

The second year occurred as planned. Alan saw Weldon thefirst day. There were no boots, no traces of his high school life. The tattooon his arm remained and the torn sleeve tee shirt was seen during lunch.

"Hey aren't you uh" It was Weldon who walked to where Alanand others were sitting on the lawn eating lunch.

"Alan" Alan finished the sentence, "Weldon right?" he asked.

Weldon stuck out his hand in a gesture Alan never saw yearsbefore. Their hands touched and Alan felt something. He wasn't sure what itwas. It was kind of a "shock" or "jolt".

"I thought it was you, I remember you from Broder" Weldon notonly spoke friendly but winked.

"Uh yea Broder, a long time ago, where you uh been?" Alanasked as Weldon sat next to him so close their folded legs touched.

"Working mostly, was going to do the Navy but they didn'twant me, you know Juvie stuff" Weldon didn't seem to mind revealing his luridpast.

"Right, so now you're here" Alan said

"Yea gotta do something the rest of my life, so trying thisout. Want to make it work, you know?" Weldon said "And discovered stuff aboutmyself you know, it's been a few years"

Not only Weldon's words but the pressure of his thigh againstAlan's during the last sentence seemed to reveal other things.

"Yea me too" Alan said "it's cool, got someone special?"

"Naw, just doing wild oats stuff now and then" Again a thighpressure.

"How did you know?" Alan tried to test Weldon.

"Saw you looking even back then, thought as much. You?" Weldonsaid it all matter of factly.

Alan was surprised at the revelation. Even in High School hewasn't sure about himself and never thought Weldon or others whose images hementally recorded were like him.

"Juvie, guys did stuff, you never knew if it was just beinghorny or something more." Weldon took a deep bite of his sandwich.


"Something more" Weldon laughed as if it were all a joke.

"Good for you, took me awhile to adjust, some experimentingyou know kid stuff, but ...." Alan shrugged not fully accepting the fact thatthis former gang member was coming out of the closet to him and seemed to knowhe was gay to begin with.

"Maybe I can come by sometime, you know..." Weldon was gettingup "We can have some fun"

He stood above Alan now and began to peel his shirt off. Thesmooth torso had some chest hair and a line of hair that seemed to connect hisbelly button to whatever was hidden beneath his jeans.

"You finished for the day?" Alan asked

"Naw just going over for a swim, if you don't got a class,why not join me?" Weldon wiped his armpits with his tee shirt.

"No suit" Alan said wishing the Campus pool allowed nudeswimming. He stood up gathering his books and half eaten lunch.

"Shame" he looked up and down Alan's body "Maybe anothertime, see you" Wheldon winked again and walked away.

He couldn't believe that Weldon was not only gay but seemedto seek him out just to tell him.

He watched the Levi covered buttocks move as Weldon walkedand then trotted towards the swimming pool complex. Alan would remember tobring his shorts after that, just in case that day's encounter would behopefully repeated.

The night was quiet. Alan could hear his parents watching TVin the front of the house. He stretched form his reading to hear them yell "goodnight" hours later and he returned to the computer screen's article on Worldhistory.

He followed temptation and changed the screen. Visuals ofnaked boys and men replaced the boring statistics and dates.

Alan peeled his shirt off and pushed his underwear off. Hiscock was already hard and signaling for his attention. It wasn't his first timeexploring the internet and his own body at the same time.

He clicked on videos that played and further aroused him. Hefingered under his body remembering the last time it wasn't his own finger orbody part for that matter. His fluids were oozing and he was breathing deep andhard.

"You're ready for me I see" the voice made Alan yell soloud, his mother yelled from her bedroom. "Al honey you ok?"

He saw Weldon propped on his elbows in the open window whileAlan replied he was ok.

"What the fuck..." he said noticing Weldon too was shirtless.

"You gonna ask me inside?"

"Uh yea, be quiet, they're just down the hall" Alan fumblednot sure if he should cover his aroused penis or even hide his entire nudity.

Weldon was halfway in the window as Alan stepped back in aninvitational motion.

"Looks like you've been waiting for me" the older boy wassmiling. He glanced at the computer screen then back at Alan's naked body.

"And I'm ready for you" he pulled his jeans open. Alan heardthe buttons pop as he did so. It was like a porn movie.

Weldon sported an erection too. His jeans disappeared sofast it was like a dream seeing his now naked body standing in front of him.

"Don't worry, you'll make more noise then I will" Wheldonpushed his fingers at Alan's chest forcing him backwards until he fell back onthe bed.

"Shhhh" Weldon put his finger to his lips.

Alan felt the body heat hover over him like a comforter as helowered himself until the two bodies became one.

Alan's mouth was already open as his brain struggled withthings he should say. But Weldon's tongue went inside and his lips sealed theconnection.

Confusing images in his brain conversed until Alan wasseeing the motorcycle riding, jeans and leather jacket image of his high schoolpast and change to a shirtless Weldon who had approached him that very sameday.

His hands felt the flesh on top of him. His body felt thehardness that was sandwiched between them. They didn't speak. It was time toexplore, expand and extend the natural attraction and activity that was to fillhours into the morning.

Alan didn't know if he raised his own legs as an invitationor if Weldon had lifted them. He only knew the cock had stretched him open andwas sliding in and out of him.

It wasn't the first time so Alan wasn't shocked. It had beenawhile so Alan's sphincter had to adapt as it had before.

He clutched the firm buttocks he had watched earlier thatday, though now they weren't covered by denim cloth.

He moved his own hips to meet those that were anglingtowards him. It made the internal sensations go faster and deeper with eachthrust.

He heard Weldon curse in a whisper. Alan wondered what wouldhave happened if they two of them had crossed the line in high school,revealing the facts they both had learned about themselves since then. Maybe hewould have become known as a queer and Weldon just known as a horny man takingadvantage of him.

It would be more romantic if Weldon would have given up hismotorcycle gang ways and become a known partner in the newly revealed gaycouple. But both would have been rejected by everyone.

It was now, the time was right now and Alan wanted to makesure Weldon enjoyed what they were doing as much as he was.

Too soon, Weldon was collapsed on top of him, panting like. "Youok?" Alan asked.

"Fuck yea" Weldon whispered "not done yet"

The man was still inside and apparently still hard or hardagain. Alan felt the fucking more aggressive now, he moved about, Weldon lifteda leg, they moved on the bed finding new positions that freshened theirsensations.

Using the sperm spurted inside Alan, Weldon slid more easilyand gyrated to press his erection against the sides of Alan's intestines.....pushingto make it go deeper.

He came another time...not caring if it would end the evening experience. Alan hoped it wouldn't and Weldon knew it wouldn't.

Alan felt the skin, fingered through some chest hair andpubic hair. He kissed each nipple and nibbled on them making Weldon moan. Helicked the wetness on the boys cock and extended his tongue to the ball sac andunderneath.

Weldon pushed him backwards and lifted the legs that he beenlifted before. His fingers inserted and then his tongue tasted where his cockhad already been twice.

Alan shivered with each sensation, some new, some imaginedand some experienced before.

"Rest now" Weldon lay next to Alan, his fingers toying with nipplesthat were extended in arousal.

Alan had slowed his breath by the time the next surprisestartled him. Weldon's lips had surrounded his own arousal and teased Alanuntil his body convulsed.

"Nice" Weldon said.

Alan tasted his own cum on Weldon's lips and tongue. Theyplayed with it.

The odor of their body sweat and sperm closed in on them,turning Alan's bedroom into the locker room he remembered from school.

It was there, like for many that cock comparison occurred.Bare buttocks too were easily available for fantasy as well as stimulation forsolo satisfaction later.

The sweat filled jockstraps contributed to the stimulatingair. The shower soaked teenage bodies were everywhere, enticing many, perhapsexciting the same number gay or otherwise.

Alan clutched Weldon's body tighter.

"Want more?" Weldon asked and Alan nodded this timeknowingly lifting his legs.

Weldon entered him slowly this time in a nearly teasingfashion. Alan thought Weldon hadn't learned all he was doing in the Juvenile deliquet Center. He'd find out ... but later.

"Want it deeper?"

Alan nodded his head "yes" not thinking about the darknessor if Weldon could see him or wanted to. The cock moved slowly into him.

He wanted to be filled up, his muscles and intestinesstretched, his flesh slickened, and his hip bones pounded his own cock jerked.

It didn't end then. The sleep that overtook them both endedwhen Weldon wanted him again.

Alan didn't dress. He wanted to stay naked, stretching and posingfor himself in the full length mirror. He saw the note Weldon left and took a selfie in the mirror, immediately sending it to the phone number on the paper.

His parents had already gone to work, Alan knew. So as hehad done in the past, breakfast was eaten while he remained naked. His hardnessreturned as the odor, sensations and memories enticed.

The shower he usually took was ignored. Alan wanted to keepthe inhaling the odors of Weldon that was kept in the stains on his body.

He would be late for class but Alan returned to his bedroomand fumbled through the closet where he kept it. The red Speedo he wore twosummers ago, the summer he became fully active as a gay man, was stuffed in abackpack.

Alan grabbed it, he'd wear it later.

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