Welcome to the Neighborhood

By Joe B

Published on Jul 13, 2015


This is a story that has gay actions and could be offensive to some people, do not read if you are offended by gay sex.

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I had Bill sit in the built in seat in the shower and I knelt down in front of him and began to suck his cock, I was taking it as deep as I could and was enjoying the cock in my mouth I could feel my cock getting harder and harder. I jerked his cock as I sucked the hard cock, I looked up at him and please cum in my mouth and went back down on him hoping for a warm load to be shot in to my mouth. he pulled me off his cock and gave me a deep kiss sucking my tongue, lets move to the bed he said with a smile. we got out and dried off a bit and Bill laid down on the bed and I moved on top of him doing the same fucking motion he did outside to me, our dicks were leaking and they were both slick with the clear pre-cum, I came close to cumming so I stopped grinding on him and went back to sucking his cock, Bill moved me around so he could reach me ass. I could feel his finger pressing against my hole, I pushed back and his finger slid in to my ass, the feeling was incredible and I was turned on that much more. He slowly moved his finger in and out, I would push back against his finger wanting more and more. if someone were to walk in the room right now and climb in top of me and push a cock in my ass I would explode with pleasure. oh Fuck! I am going to cum Bill yelled to me and I jerked his cock and sucked, as soon as the first shot him my tongue I took his cock deep and milked every drop of cum out of him I could. His hips bucked as I finished sucking him. I pulled off of him and laid on my back, Bill climbed on top of me, reached back, grabbed my dick, and aimed it towards his hole. whoa! I am about to fuck him in the ass, I felt my cock pop in to his ass and he slowly guided me all the way in. he slowly rode my cock and his ass was tight and I now thinking what must this feel like. his cock was growing as he rode my rock hard dick and I could feel my balls tightening up. I told him I was about to cum, he looked at me, and said shoot that load in my ass. I started unloading in his ass, my cock was so sensitive that I jerked as he moved around. without warning his cock shot a load on my stomach and he slowly lay down on me. we kissed softly and my dick shrunk and slid out of his ass, Bill moved off the bed and said he needed to clean up a little. Give me a few minutes and then come in, i heard the shower come on and a couple minutes later Bill called for me to come in. I got up and headed to join him in the shower, the shower was refreshing and it was like we were in a locker room shower goofing playing grab ass and laughing. I headed downstairs naked to get dressed, my clothes were still on the deck. i put my clothes on minus my boxer briefs since I was fairly clean now, I headed back in, grabbed a cold beer, and chugged it. Bill turned the corner and saw me chugging the beer and asked if I was okay. yeah I am good, I just realized that I have had more blowjobs and anal sex in the last week then i had in my entire marriage. Bill looked and asked how many times have you done anal this week with a look of concern on his face, including what we just did? once my friend i said with a laugh. what about blow jobs? I have given more blowjobs than she gave me, I should have known when she said I don't want to do that it is weird that i would never get anything but straight boring sex. Do you know one time she called me a homo because i jerked off, she said that masturbation was gay. My answer to her was then we have a bunch of gay men in the world. Bill laughed and said your sex life was crap, i asked my wife to ride me once and she said "i don't like how I look on top of you" she never would ride me, I did all the damn work when it came to sex! i smirked and said I'll ride that cock, i will hold you to that, we both laughed and had a couple more beers, we decided that it was getting late and I needed to head home. Bill drove me home, we arrived at my house, and I invited him in for a quick drink. we had a few drinks, shook hands, and said good night.

I headed upstairs to bed, i stripped down to nothing, and I got in bed. I thought about what I had done today and remembered that Mike was coming over for dinner and a sleep over, I better get some sleep. I was out in about 5 minutes and was in a deep sleep, i slept better than I had in awhile. I woke up feeling great with a hard on but I had to pee something fierce so I could not stroke it, i went to the bathroom to pee, had to piss in the shower because my cock would not go down. i threw some clothes on and headed to the kitchen for some water, and decided I should get a quick ride in on my exercise bike. I headed to the basement and started my ride while watching last nights sports highlights.I rode for about an hour, did some stretching, and headed back up to the kitchen for some coffee. i wanted to read the paper but not on my tablet or PC, i wanted an actual newspaper to read with my coffee. the coffee was brewing so I jumped in my car and headed to the convenience store to grab a paper. I arrived back home with the paper and poured some coffee and headed to the deck to read, I was enjoying my paper and coffee. if I was still married, I would have sat out here for 2 minutes and would have been called inside to do some meaningless chore and never would have been able to enjoy this time. I read the paper in peace and had about two cups of coffee before noon and needed to figure out what I was going to cook tonight for dinner. i figured we could have steaks and baked potatoes, i headed to the store and picked up what i needed plus ingredients for mojitos I hit the liquor store and grabbed some rum, beer, and red wine to have with the steak. On my way home I received a text from Mike, we still on for tonight? yes sir I responded. should I bring an overnight bag? and I responded with a yes. as soon as I put my phone down another text came in from Bill inviting me over on Sunday for football in his theater, I responded hell yes! i will bring the beer, i turned the car around and headed back to the store for more beer. i got home and made sure the house wasn't a total wreck, looks good to me i thought.

I had a few hours before Mike was going to be here so I decided to take a nap and relax. I headed upstairs, laid on the couch in my room, and turned the TV on. I put my hands down my pants and started playing with my soft cock and thinking about what i wanted to do tonight, my dick slowly grew in my hand and I started stroking it slowly, i pulled it out so I could look at it while I stroked it. i was starting to leak pre-cum and rubbed it on the head of my dick, the head glistened with the slick clear pre-cum, I gave my cock a squeeze to get more and a bubble appeared from my slit. i took my finger and rubbed more on the head and brought the finger to my lips to get a taste, that turned me on more and I wanted to suck my dildo. i went in to the bathroom and started sucking my dildo, i would squeeze some pre-cum from my dick and place on the dildo and suck it off while stroking myself, i was extremely close to cumming, i stood up and stopped stroking and put my dick on the dildo as some cum slowly flowed from my dick. i hadn't exploded but a good amount came out and was on my dildo, i was back on my knees, my hands on the wall sucking the cum off of my dildo. i removed the dildo from the wall and placed it on the shower seat, i went down on it and lubed it up with my mouth, i was going to try something new and was nervous. i stood up, turned around and slowly brought myself down on the dildo, i could feel the tip hitting my hole, i guided the dildo in to my ass. the seal was broken and i felt a shot of pain, i wanted to wait until i put more in but my legs were cramping up being in this position. i pulled it out and moved the dildo again, this time to floor where I could kneel, i again guided the dildo in to my ass and again pain hit me but i was able to wait for the pain to subside before inserting more, i slowly pushed down on the dildo until it was fully in my ass, i started moving up and down on the dildo and the pleasure was intense, i closed my eyes and rode the dildo as if it was real. i could feel my balls getting tighter and i was going to cum without stroking my dick. i started moving faster and getting longer strokes in my ass, my dick erupted shooting cum on to the wall as i rode the dildo. the organism was strong and i felt weak. I slowly removed the dildo from my ass, i don't like the feeling of it coming out, feels like i am shitting. i stood up feeling weak in the knees and an empty feeling now in my ass, what must a real cock feel like? and what does it feel like to have someone ejaculate in your ass? I wondered if i wanted to experience this or not, Bill seemed to like the feeling when i was in his ass. i guess it is going to be a wait and see moment for me.

i got dressed in some shorts and a t-shirt, no need to dress up i thought, and headed downstairs. As i walked towards the kitchen i could see Mike heading my way just steps from my deck, i opened the door and said hey dude whats up? long week brother, glad i can relax and hang with you and not be concerned with work. we were two guys hanging out having beers and watching some college football, Mike told me about his work week, and I started cooking the food. we ate dinner on the deck and cracked jokes back and fourth about life, work, and the news. there was no sexual innuendos or even what we did at his house last week, again just two guys hanging out shooting the shit. I liked it. after dinner i made a couple mojitos and we sat on the deck and relaxed, i need a couch out here i told mike, the lounge chairs are nice and so is the table and chairs but a couch would be perfect right now. Mike agreed and suggested that we go in to town tomorrow and grab one, I will bring my truck over and we can do it in the morning. Mike said that he had to go do something in the afternoon but his morning was free, i looked at him and you wouldn't be going over to Bill house for football would you? He turned and said that is exactly where I will be with a smile, how did you know. He invited me over this morning right after I texted you, that fucker didn't even tell me you would be there. I told Mike that I grabbed beer to take over and if he wants he can ride over with me.

I got up and went inside to grab a couple more drinks, Mike followed me in and said the bugs are killing him. As I stood at the kitchen island, Mike came up behind me, pressed against my ass, I turned just my head, and started kissing him. He was grinding against my ass, I could feel his cock growing, and pushed against him. He started to undress me by pulling my shirt off while still pressing his hard dick against my ass. I bent over the kitchen island and he simulated fucking my ass while I was bent over. Mike pulled me back up, turned me around and was on his knees taking my pants off. My hard cock sprung from my pants and was in his mouth in 2 seconds, I watched as his head bobbed up and down and twisting as he worked my cock. Fuck! this is the best blowjob I have ever received, I grabbed the back of his head and closed my eyes as he worked my dick. Mike stood up, stepped back, and stripped all his clothes off while staring at me. He moved in, started making out with me, and stroked our cocks together. i was very turned on at this point, our dicks were slick with spit and pre-cum. I grabbed his hand and took him over to the couch and sat him down, I knelt down in front of him and began sucking his cock hungrily wanting to taste his cum. I took his cock deep in to my throat and worked my tongue on his shaft, i could feel Mikes hand reaching for my ass and pressing against my hole. i pulled the dick from my mouth and licked the shaft down to his balls and had both of his balls in my mouth and stroked him as i sucked his smooth balls. Mikes finger entered my ass and he pushed it in as deep as he could and began to slide it in and out making me want to feel a cock in my ass. I slowly stood up and straddled Mike, I leaned in and gave him a long deep kiss, as I kissed him I reached behind me and lined his cock up with my waiting hole. I pushed until the head popped in my ass, oh my god that hurt at first, but the pleasure was more than the pain. I left just the head in my ass and continued to make out with Mike, once I was relaxed enough i lowered myself down on to Mike's cock and had it all the way in, our kiss broke and i started slowly riding the dick. My dick was extremely hard as i rode his cock, I was starting to ride his cock like i could not get enough in me. i was going to cum i said out loud and as my dick erupted, I slammed down on Mikes cock, and clenched his dick. I was cumming extremely hard and grinding on Mike with his cock buried deep in my ass, I was enjoying this fuck fest we had and was feeling so good I forgot that Mike might cum and felt mike jerk and felt my bowels filling up with hot cum, i leaned in and kissed mike as he unloaded in my ass. Holy fuck I said to Mike that was awesome! I could feel his cock shrinking in my ass and eventually popped out, I need to clean up a little dude, you want to get in the shower? show me the way he answered, we headed upstairs to my shower, I turned the water on and told Mike to get in, i need to hit the toilet first. I sat on the toilet and pushed the cum out of my ass, that was an odd feeling and a lot of cum! I finished and got in the shower and started cleaning up, Mike washed my back and I returned the favor, we both got out and started drying off, mike hung up his towel and went in to the bedroom, i finished drying off and when I cam out of the bathroom, Mike was laying in my bed. i got in next to him and we started making out slowly, i reached down and stroked his semi erect cock, he broke our kiss for a second and softly said suck my cock. i kissed him a little more and worked my way down and took him in my mouth, it was not fully hard and was a different feel but slowly grew hard as I continued to work his cock. i closed my eyes and slowly sucked his cock. i would pull it out of my mouth, run my lips down the underside of the shaft to his balls, back up pausing right below the head to suck and lick, then i would take the cock as deep as i could. i sucked his cock for a long time and he was enjoying my mouth, he pulled me back up and kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth like he was wanting to taste himself. He pushed me on my back and began to suck my cock as I had sucked him, my cock was also not rock hard and grew in his mouth as he sucked me. after some time i told him to get in the 69 position, he moved and straddled my face, dropping his cock in my mouth. this went on for about 15 minutes and i started cumming, it was a long orgasm but not to intense, still felt great. about a minute later i small gush of cum was deposited in to my mouth by Mike and his dick went soft quickly. he got off of me and we slowly kissed sharing tasting each others cum. i was worn out from the drinking and fucking I quickly fell in to a deep sleep.....

Next: Chapter 7

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