Welcome to the Neighborhood

By Joe B

Published on Aug 18, 2015


This is a story that has gay actions and could be offensive to some people, do not read if you are offended by gay sex.

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I spent a week away from home and was able to not think about Mike by diving deep in to work, I dove so far in to work I knocked out everything in a very short time and was heading home Saturday morning.

I would be back at my house on Saturday night and would take all Sunday to chill and do nothing but watch football. I told Mike before I left that i wasnt to return until Monday and I would hang with him on Tuesday.

I flew in and arrived back at my house at around 7pm and i was exhausted, i headed upstairs, stripped my clothes off, and passed out. i slept all night and when i woke up and 8am it was only to pee and I returned back yto bed for a few more hours. It was 12 when I finally got out of bed. i stood up and and headed downstairs to start a pot of coffee and check out the game schedule, headed back upstairs for a shower.

I hoped in the shower and cleaned up pretty good, i saw my dildo while I was in the shower and started thinking about sucking dick and my dick started to grow, I dont feel like jerking off right now i thought and got out of the shower. I put a pair of athletic shorts on and a tshirt to lounge in, nothing on underneath of my shorts since i wasn't going anywhere. you could see the outline of my dick through the shorts since i was still semi hard from the shower and i had to touch myself through the shorts, my dick wanted to be played with and the fabric felt nice when i touched it. i headed downstairs and thought about Mike wearign a pair of these shorts and pulling his cock out of the leg hole and sucking him off. i grew harder as the thoughts filled my head, i hadn't cum in a week and was starting to get horney as fuck. I poured a cup of coffee and went outside to sit in the sun and read the paper to take my mind off of sex.

i started shrinking as I read and enjoyed my coffee, the first game was about to start so I headed in and had another cup of coffee on the couch. I was watching the game and wanted someone to watch with me but I wanted a guy to hang out with and just be guys. i thought about it and decided i would text Mike. Hey Mike I got back late last night, watching football today if you want to hang come on over. I finished my cup of coffee while watching the first quarter and decided I was ready to have some beers to watch the game. the second quarter started and about a minute in my phone went off with a new text. welcome back dude, i can drop by for the 4 pm game if that is cool, i am in town doing some shopping. then he sent another text: this is to watch football right? i replied yes just hanging out watching football, i chilled day. he replied: sounds good.

that was great, now I have someone to watch the game with a hang like a couple of guys. The first game was great and was coming down to the wire and i wished I had bet on the game to make it that much more exciting, during a timeout I ran and got my laptop and decided to place a wager on the next game. the game ended and i was now pumped for the next, i had cash on the game, and it was already going to be a battle. i got up to grab a beer and I heard a knock at the back door, i waved Mike in.

"Hey man whats up?"

"not much, thanks for the invite, i brought some beers"

he walked over to me and my heart pounded wondering what was going to happen, is he expecting a kiss, handshake, fist bump? i was nervous as hell. he reached out and gave me a handshake.

"Welcome back to the neighborhood"

"anything new"

"not really, want a beer?" he replied "of course" and we headed to the couch to watch the game, we discussed the week and work, never speaking of our last night together.

Mike did look at me at one point and smiled, "what" i said

"dude every time you lift your leg up I can see your dick as plain as day, did you run out of underwear or something"

"this is my lazy lounge gear for Sunday, you should try it" i got up and went upstairs and came back with a pair of athletic shorts and a t-shirt. "go change in to this and learn to relax"

Mike got up and went to the bathroom to change and came back looking comfortable and the outline of his cock was right there. uh oh what have i done this was supposed to be a football watching day and now i am getting turned on by Mikes cock and i was getting hard. I turned away and focused on the TV, and told Mike that I placed a wager on this game to get my mind focused on football. Mike could tell i was flustered and laughed at me, "dude relax we are just hanging and having fun watching the game" he then said how he wants to be able to hang with me and there not to be any weirdness between us. he then said you dont invite someone over that you have had intense sex with and walk around with your cock bulging from your shorts and then tell that person to put on the same outfit and not expect some kind of sexual tension. lets just chill and watch the game, he grabbed a couple of beers for us and asked what I bet on. i said i took Denver minus the points,

he looked at me and said there is no way that Denver will cover that. I looked and said "oh yeah how about you put your money where your mouth is" he then suggested a side bet. if i win you give me a back message on that message table that you have folded up in your living room and i will do the same for you if you win. "hmmmm for how long?" i asked how about 20 minutes, this way we can watch the night game right after and not miss anything. you are on my friend. At halftime i went and set the table up and cleaned it off, I threw a sheet over it and a towel down. i had message oils from when I purchased it and I got those out as well.

I explained to Mike why I had all this message gear, that I purchased it all trying to get a flame back in my marriage and it failed. but I hung on to it just in case i needed to use and today is the day.

it was halftime and i needed to stretch out a little so I headed out to the deck to get some sun, Mike and i headed outside with our beers and sat in the sun.

"so whats up with us" I said

"i dont know dude, i thought about it all week and am not sure, i like hanging with you as a guy, but I also enjoy the sex we have"

" i also enjoy these things but that last encounter we had felt like more than just sex. I am not complaining just observing"

"Yeah, i felt it was more than just sex also"

"so now what the fuck do we do?, discuss feeling and crap like that or can we just enjoy each others company"

"I say we enjoy each others company and hang out when we can"

with that we went inside to catch the second half, we both knew that we had a moment an we both were just ignoring the obvious. maybe one day we will get in to it deeper but for now we were prepared to keep it like it was.

the game was tied and I needed 2 points to make the my bet a tie and 3 to win outright, it was coming down to the last drive and Denver was on a role, time out was taken with 5 seconds left and i needed a field goal to win, i was more worried about the cash bet than the message bet, I was standing pacing back and fourth and the ball was snapped and the kick was good! "Hell yeah!" i screamed. mike was stunned at my reaction "Sorry mike but I put $500 on the game that is why I am so excited" Mike smiled and said "i can understand that"

I looked at Mike and said "we are going to that steak house sometime this week with this money dinner is on me"

"I guess i owe you a message" mike said with a smile

"lets go" I walked over to the table and laid down.

"You need to remove your shirt"

"oh yeah and I think you should take your shirt off also"

I pulled my shirt off and Mike pulled his off and he started on my calves, he moved up and down needing them as he went, he was doing a good job.

i was relaxing as he moved up to my thighs and dug deep in to them, i felt his hands go under my shorts up to my ass, "should I take these off?" i asked looking back with a smirk.

He responded by saying "if you take your shorts off do i need to take my shorts off as well?"

" i think that would be fair"

he slid my shorts down and asked me if I could help him with his, he cam to the head of the bed, i moved up and placed my fingers in his shorts and pulled them down, his cock was an inch from my lips.

he leaned in and started to work on my shoulder, when he leaned in his cock hit my lips and i swallowed his cock and started sucking him as he messaged me. I loved sucking his cock and forgot what is was like. my head moved up and down turning as i sucked it in, I dragged my tongue up his shaft as i pulled away. the pre-cum was flowing from his dick and the taste was wonderful, i slurped on the head and used my hand to slowly jerk him while i sucked him. I felt his hands reach my ass and his fingers slid across my hole. I pushed my ass up in the air so he could get a finger inside me, he was moaning from the blowjob i was giving and said "turn over i want to suck you" i did not want to stop to re position i wanted to taste his warm thick cum in my mouth. he begged, "please turn over, i want you in my mouth, i am going to cum soon and i want to taste you before I cum" it was too late, i was in a rythem and took him deep in to my mouth and could feel him

tense up right before a huge load of warm cum hit the back of my throat, this was more cum than i was used to, i couldn't swallow it all. I sucked his softening cock and squeezed cum from him as i ran my tongue over his piss slit. i sat up and pushed my tongue in to his mouth allowing him to taste what i experienced, as i did this his hand was pulling on my cock. i broke our wet kiss and said "were you saving up that cum? that was more than I have ever had" Mike smiled and said "i haven't cum since the last time we had sex" and leaned in and kissed me some more. this was a slow long deep kiss and while he kissed me he laid me down and began giving me a blowjob that was incredible, i watched as he worked my cock in and out of his mouth. I leaned back, closed my eyes and enjoyed the feeling, I reached for his soft dick and gently stroked it while he sucked me. i could feel my self about to cum and grabbed the back of his head to feel him bobbing up and

down, i started cumming and arching my back as i did, i was have a big orgasm and it was an all over my body experience. I could feel the warm cum dripping down my balls as he continued to milk my cock. he pulled off of my dick, pulled me up and we started making out, the taste of my cum filled my mouth as he kissed me. our slick cock rubbing against each other as we continued our kiss. I broke the kiss and went over to the couch and sat down, "straddle me" I said and he did and our kiss resumed. we were both in rhythm with each other and our kiss was intimate and loving once again. our kiss broke and we just gave a couple small kisses and i said "why dont you spend the night" he looked at me, smiled, and answered "I was hoping you would ask" another kiss was had and we got up to get dressed and move back in to guy hanging out mode.

how was tonight going to play out? I am just going to go with the flow and if this gets more loving and intense i will need to re-evaluate what i have going with this guy.

To be continued....

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Next: Chapter 11

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