Welcome To the 23rd Century

By John O'Connor (Coltrane)

Published on May 22, 2001



Title: Star Trek: Welcome To The 23rd Century Author: John O'Connor Email: lushcoltrane@yahoo.com Rating: NC-17. Pairings: Commander Areel Shaw and Dr. Gillian Taylor Category: First Time. Date: 22 May 2001 Series: None.

Disclaimer: "Star Trek", it's characters, locations, etc are copyright Paramount Pictures. No infringment for profit is intended. This is strictly for fun.

Summary: As Gillian Taylor journeys to her first Off-World post, she shares a cabin and more with Areel Shaw of Starfleet's JAG Office.

Notes: This is an entry in the Third Round for the femme_fuhq_fest. Others can be found at geocities.com/femme_fuhq_fest Check'em out, they're really very good.

I also want to thank my betas Ann, Tamy (also my archivist!), & Jazz for their help. And Vonda McIntyre for the novelization of "Star Trek IV" which gave me some great add'l info for Dr. Taylor's 23rd century mission. _______________________________________________________ Welcome To The 23rd Century

Gillian Taylor looked at the futuristic decor of her cabin and wondered just what the hell she was doing here. She felt completely out of place in this century. And to top it off, she was on a starship - a starship! - rocketing across the galaxy!

She wondered if anyone back in the 20th century would miss her. Doubtful, her parents had been gone for years and she had no close relations. Professionally...well that was another matter. She left the Cetacean Institute in a major mood after learning that George and Gracie had been released into the Pacific. She smiled at the not-so professional look on Bob Brigg's face when she slapped him before storming off in her old Chevy pickup.

She at least hoped someone would, or rather had, taken care of her plants. Not that it realistically mattered after over two hundred years.

So now here she was, light years from Earth, on her way to a largely aquatic planet to find out if the indigenous creatures were compatitable genetically with George and Gracie. Unfortunately, Gillian knew that just two whales was too small a genetic base to repopulate a species.

There was work being done on Earth trying to draw DNA from old whale bones, scrimshaw, and other traces left behind when the whales had died out. This trip was to explore another avenue to save the gentle creatures, as well as recruiting people to assist her with her open-sea research when she returned to Earth.

Glancing at the computer terminal, Gillian steeled herself to trying to absorb more knowledge of the world, or worlds, she was part of now. At least they had fast cures for headaches now.

Sitting down, she considered what to look over now. She had already dealt with the world war in the mid-21st century and the first contact with the Vulcans. The Earth/Romulan War was a possibility but there was little beyond battle statistics in the history files. Too little was known about the Romulan Empire, she couldn't even find any information on why Earth had labelled the Empire and it's homeworld with names that referred to the ancient Roman Empire.

What about the Klingons? They seemed to be a particularly nasty race. Why did they hate the Federation so much? That would be worth researching.

With that thought, Gillian began to enter the search parameters into the terminal when the comm unit beeped.

Fortunately, by now, Gillian had gotten used to the trilling whistle. She touched a screen contact and said, "Hello?"

"Doctor Taylor? This is Captain April. Could you come to my ready room whenever it's convenient?" came the disembodied voice.

"Of course, Captain. Would now be a good time?" Gillian asked.

April agreed and told her how to reach his sanctum. Gillian signed off with "Good bye." She then got up, checked her appearance in the mirror and stepped out of the guest quarters she'd been assigned.

When she made her way to Deck 1, she stood at the door for the captain's Ready Room and knocked. She knew there was some chime but she still hadn't figured out the 23rd century equivalent of the door bell.

Fortunately, John April heard her knocking and opened the door. "Come in, Doctor." He walked up and shook her hand, "How has the trip been so far?"

"Well, I don't have a lot to compare it with but it's fine," Gillian answered, thinking of the Klingon Bird of Prey and the orbital shuttle, the only spaceships she had been aboard. 'So far,' she added to herself.

She looked around the small cubby-hole April considered an private office. Not much more than a table with a terminal, two chairs in front and his larger chair between the table and the bulkhead. Not a port or even a viewscreen to break up the blank wallspace. Just a couple of holo-prints of various stellar phenomena.

April himself was a middle-aged man, by 20th century standards, but was in very good shape. He didn't quite look like a man in his late forties with only traces of grey and a few lines around the eyes and mouth. He looked much more comfortable in his Starfleet uniform than Kirk had. And while Kirk had a white turtleneck denoting Command, April had an olive green shirt for Science.

"Good. Everyone treating you well?"

"Yes, no complaints. Your crew has been very kind. Well, once they got over the fact that I'm from the 20th century. But they've been extremely helpful and kind to me," Gillian replied. "But you could call me Gillian," she added with a smile.

"Certainly, and please call me John," April offered.

Gillian shook her head, "Thank you Captain but I have some military background in my family and I always call people in the service by their rank. Old habit from my uncle the colonel. As a joke, we used to call him Uncle Colonel," Gillian explained.

April nodded his understanding. "Gillian, as you know, the Cousteau is primarily a research vessel. We don't have a lot of room for passengers."

Gillian nodded, remembering the briefing she had attended. The ship had been fitted with tanks of varying sizes that could hold a variety of mediums; the primary one being water. The larger tanks were used to ferry diplomats from any of the aquatic races that helped make up the Federation. The smaller tanks were usually reserved for specimens. Unfortunately, the increased cargo space meant fewer cabins. She counted herself lucky she had a cabin to herself.

"I need to ask a favor. We have to stop and meet the USS Jefferson. We're going to pick up an officer from the JAG, uh, Judge Advocate General's office, and proceed on to Mer. I apologize for the delay but it shouldn't be more than one standard day."

"That's quite alright, Captain. I've been using my time to get caught up on the history of the last three hundred years..."

"Thank you, Gillian. The delay is only part of the reason I asked you to see me. We have more people on board than is standard for this ship. Your stateroom is currently the only one with an extra berth. I was hoping we could impose on you to let a Captain Shaw stay in your quarters," April said. "I met her once on Starbase 32. Nice person, as long as she's not prosecuting you."

Knowing full well that April could just as easily order this officer to use her quarters, Gillian gave her consent. It might be fun to have a roommate; maybe Shaw could help her with her studies.

"Again, thank you. I am sorry for the inconvenience," April said. "I hope you won't be too crammed for space."

"That's quite alright, Captain. After that alien ship, this ship is huge," Gillian said with a smile.

Gillian turned to go but stopped and looked at the ship's captain. "May I ask you a question, Captain?"

April smiled, "Of course, Gillian. Outside of security matters, I'd be happy to tell you anything."

"My friend Kirk is the captain of the new Enterprise. He was also the captain of the old ship. I saw in the records that the first captain of the original Enterprise was Robert April. Any relation?" Gillian asked.

"Yes, he's my father."

"Wow, talk about a small universe," Gillian smiled. "Is he still in the service?"

"No, he's retired and spends his days painting and writing his memoirs on Mars. Since the loss of the first Enterprise, there's been a lot of interest in that ship and as it's first captain, a lot of interest in him." April grinned, "He loves it!"

Gillian returned his smile and left the Ready Room for her quarters. She spent a short time clearing some space for her new roomie.

'I haven't had a roommate since I was an undergrad,' she thought. She didn't count the fellow student she lived with when they were in grad school; she didn't think of a lover in the same context.

Six hours and thirty-four minutes later, she felt a change in the ship as it came out of warp. She had questioned this before but everyone she asked on the crew claimed not to notice the effect. Gillian was sure they were simply used to it and supposed she would too, eventually.

Her routine didn't vary while they waited for the Jefferson to arrive. She split her time studying Earth history and reading the latest works on genetics.

While reading further about the first encounter between Earth and a Vulcan science ship, Gillian couldn't help but be impressed by how much Cochrane accomplished in what was essentially a post-holocaust world. Her growing admiration of the man who developed warp capability for Terrans was interrupted by a hail from the Bridge.

Gillian made a dash for the nearest turbo-lift and took it to the Bridge. She loved the sensation of standing and looking at the viewscreen to see the incredible view of the galaxy. She had heard some of the larger ships, especially passenger ships, had forward lounges. The Cousteau didn't have space for such luxuries and so Gillian had to content herself with her occasional trips to the Bridge.

On arrival, she saw a Federation destroyer apparently floating dead ahead. 'That must be the Jefferson,' she thought.

"Doctor Taylor, I thought you might like to know that the Jefferson has arrived," Captain April said as she stood staring at the image of the starship before her.

Something about the Bridge seemed to require more formality, as well as a tendency to state the obvious Gillian had found.

"Would you care to accompany me to Transporter Room 1?

The Jefferson's captain is interested in meeting you and it will give you a chance to meet your, uh, roommate."

Gillian nodded eagerly. April led the way back to the turbolift. As he stepped into the lift, he said, "Mister Green? You have the conn."

In the transporter room, the technician was setting the system to accept the energy beam from the nearby starship. Gillian heard the growing hum of the beam as the system accepted the Jefferson's transmission.

The following event was something Gillian was sure she'd never get tired of seeing. Two humanoid figures began to take shape in glittering columns of light. Slowly they solidified into solid, physical forms.

The figure on the left, a tall dark-skinned Vulcan, was apparently the captain of the nearby ship. He was introduced as Sokuda. Gillian shook his hand and smiled as he told her, "It is an honor to meet you, Doctor Taylor."

This was followed by the usual platitudes that Gillian had been hearing since arriving in this century. She managed to smile and carry on the required small talk but her attention was all but captured by the second figure.

The woman, also in a Starfleet uniform, stood politely to the side. She was Gillian's height and had short, golden hair. She looked to be in her mid-thirties. She was one of the most attractive women Gillian had ever seen, at least in the twenty-third century.

Shortly she was introduced by Captain Sokuda. "Doctor Gillian Taylor, this is Captain Areel Shaw, Judge Advocate General's office. Captain Shaw, Doctor Taylor."

"Please, call me Gillian," the biologist said as she shook Captain Shaw's proffered hand.

"Only if you call me Areel," the blond officer said.

"Okay, Areel."

"Doctor Taylor, would you be so kind as to show the captain to your quarters? I need to go over some supply manifests with Captain Sokuda. Ladies," April said formally.

"It was an honor, Doctor," Sokuda said as he followed April into the corridor, turning towards the Bridge.

"Well, Areel, need any help with your bags?" Gillian offered, seeing the two small cases that transferred over with the two Starfleet officers.

"Oh, no. Thank you, but I can handle them. Just lead the way," Areel said as she stepped back to the transporter pad to retrieve her luggage.

"Do you always travel this light?" Gillian asked, indicating the cases.

"After over twenty years of this, yes." Areel smiled and Gillian felt something inside of her. The woman's face lit up when she smiled.

"Twenty years?" Gillian exclaimed.

"Yes. Since Stardate 2632.6." Seeing the blank look on Gillian's face, Areel added, "I'm sorry. Um, that would be 2263 by the old calendar."

"Wow, you don't look at all like... That is..." Gillian fumbled for the proper words before giving up.

"You just don't look old enough."

"Why thank you. Actually, I'm forty-five years old. Still fairly young, uh, by today's standards that is," Areel replied. She felt a sudden, pleasant rush at Gillian's off-handed compliment.

"Well, I'm twenty-nine years...uh, better make that three hundred and twenty-nine years old," Gillian said with a chuckle.

"You don't look a day over one hundred and ninety-two," Areel said.

Both women were laughing when they arrived at their shared quarters.

"Well, for what it's worth, this is home for the next few days," Gillian said.

"Looks much more comfortable than I expected. Usually science vessels are low on comfort standards," Areel said, shrugging off her jacket to reveal her white turtleneck stretched across her bosom.

"So you travel through space a lot?" Gillian asked.

Areel nodded as she began to stow her gear, "Yes. I don't even keep a place on Earth anymore. Just stay at hotels or Starfleet facilities when I'm home."

"That's a shame. Everyone should have a place to call home," Gillian said.

"Even you?"

Pausing for a long moment, Gillian shook her head, "No. Not even back in my time. Not since my parents died. My life revolved around George and Gracie after that."

She didn't need to tell Areel who she was talking about; George and Gracie had become quite famous throughout the Federation and beyond. They had even created a resurgence in interest in the original George and Gracie; the old radio and video recordings that had survived the 21st century were in great demand.

"Well, after this mission...?" Areel suggested.

"I'd like a place on the Pacific coast so that I can feel some ties to my...my friends," Gillian responded.

"Some place not too close to a city or town so that they might visit."

Areel nodded in understanding before stowing her cases. She had seen the look in her new friend's eyes when the humpbacks were mentioned. It was like they were her best friends. The captain was just beginning to see that Gillian didn't see the large creatures as pets, the way the various news media had portrayed them.

"How do you feel about the way the news groups are calling them your pets?" Areel asked.

Gillian's eyes burned with anger, an anger directed at the same type of stupidity that led to the whales extinction in the 21st century. "It's ridiculous! They are not pets! George and Gracie are intelligent, caring beings! To compare them to...to goldfish, for God's sake! Absolute crap!"

Areel had expected that type of answer but not the vehemence in Gillian's tone.

"I thought the future was more enlightened. That was the impression I got from Kirk and Spock and the rest of the Bounty's crew. I mean the equal rights movement seemed to finally include everyone regardless of race or religion or sex, or even species... But then to have George and Gracie regarded as pets..."

"Gillian, take it easy." Areel stood and placed her hands on Gillian's shoulders, "I don't think that was any more than sensational journalism to get people interested. I bet that given time, they will be accepted by people. I mean, look at the Horta..."

At Gillian's blank look, Areel told her what little she knew about the strange creatures from Janus VI that contracted with the Federation to assist deep-rock mining operations around the Alpha Quadrant.

Fascinated, Gillian accessed the ship's computer for more information while Areel used her portable system to go over the situation she was being sent to Mer to investigate.

Time passed quietly when Gillian heard her stomach growl. Smiling in embarrassment, she apologized to Areel.

"That's alright. I'm starving too. Join me for dinner?" the older woman asked brightly. She was ready for a break, having gone over enough information for her investigation; it should proceed quickly.

They joined various members of the Cousteau's crew in the ship's mess hall. Gillian, still unsure of all that a replicator could do, stood and watched while Areel ordered.

"Barbecued spare ribs, baked sweet potato with butter only, corn, a dinner roll, and hot tea with sweetener," the attorney told the wall unit. The unit opened and a tray containing savory ribs and a steaming potato as well as the rest of Areel's order slid into view.

"It's like the Automat. When I was little, we went to New York and had lunch at the Automat," Gillian only half-explained. "But,I still can't believe I can get any food I want from this thing."

"If it's in the ship's memory, you can get it. What do you have a taste for?" Areel was curious about this Automat, as well as many other aspects of 20th century life, but decided to pursue that line of investigation later.

"A couple of slices of pepperoni and mushroom pizza with extra onions," Gillian replied. "And a Michelob." The replicator flashed a couple of indicator lights as it processed her order.

Areel saw the machine furiously trying to fill Gillian's request. She asked, "What's a Michelob?"

"Uh, it's a brand of beer."

"That might be the trouble. Most of the businesses and corporations from your time have vanished or changed over the last three hundred years. There really are no brand names anymore," Areel explained.

"Oh! I hadn't thought of that! Uh, computer?" The indicators froze, waiting. "Change the Michelob to a, um, a pilsner beer." The machine hummed and a tray slid out with two slices of pizza and a glass of amber liquid. Taking a sip, Gillian smiled and proclaimed, "This tastes just like beer!"

"It won't get you drunk either. Made with synthehol," Areel responded.

They sat and enjoyed their meal. Gillian explained that she'd had a taste for pizza ever since her aborted dinner date with Kirk. Areel glanced at the young scientist at the mention of Kirk's name but said nothing.

Shortly after dinner, they returned to their shared quarters. By this point, they were feeling very comfortable and at ease with each other, laughing and joking like old friends.

"...so I said, 'Sorry, Commodore, but sexual harassment can be the result of improper tentacle usage.'" Areel was saying as they entered the cabin.

Gillian was laughing hard, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh God! Tha-at's hilarious!"

Gillian collapsed on the small couch still roaring. Areel sat next to her, laughing in spite of the fact that the incident was years before and not that funny to her anymore.

When the laughter subsided and both women were able to catch their breathes, Areel looked over and asked, "Gillian, I'm curious. You mentioned Kirk earlier. Did you and he...?" Areel quickly added, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"No, that's alright. We shared a kiss in a hospital and a couple of tight hugs. But no, nothing happened," Gillian said, not mentioning that nothing would have happened even if Kirk had tried to woo her.

Areel felt some twinge of jealousy when she heard Gillian had kissed Kirk, but she pushed it aside before Gillian asked, "Why?"

"Well, I know Jim Kirk." Gillian raised her eyebrows questioningly. "It's a long story but suffice to say I was a cadet and he was already a lieutenant commander between assignments. Sparks flew and we had a hot and fast love affair before he shipped out. I've seen him only a few times since. The longest was about four years after we...we broke up. I was..."

"Yes?" Gillian prompted.

"Long story short again. I was prosecuting him for gross dereliction of duty resulting in the death of a crew member. Jim was framed by the crew member, Ben Finney, who held Jim responsible for his inability to get his own command. Finney was discovered in the lower decks of the Enterprise and Jim Kirk was cleared," Areel said, omitting the near-destruction of the Enterprise with the tribunal aboard. "Finney managed to access the computer core, falsified the images in the log, and hid after 'dying' to get back at Jim."

"Do you still..." Gillian began.

"Love Kirk?" Areel laughed. "No, not for a long, long time. We're still friends but he's too much of a free spirit to get tied down. Surely you've heard the rumors...?"

Gillian shook her head, "No. Rumors about...?"

"Jim and Spock? Those have been making the grapevine circuit for years. But they've gotten a renewed burst of interest since Jim went out on a limb to save Spock."

"Wow! Kirk and Spock? Really?" Gillian asked. "Wouldn't that cause problems for them? You know, being gay?"

"Well, first, homosexuality isn't a taboo. Hasn't been since humans started meeting other races and, especially other cultures. It's hard to fret over a same-sex partnership when there are species with three, or even more, sexes."

"That must get complicated," Gillian said. "Sorry, shouldn't have interrupted you."

Areel smiled it away and continued, "Second, while I personally don't believe they're lovers, it's not the first time a commander and their first officer have had an on-going affair."

"He definitely didn't strike me as being gay..." Gillian said thoughtfully.

Areel chuckled, "Jim? No, not gay but... Hmm, what's the right term?"

"Bisexual?" Gillian offered.

"Too limiting," Areel said, shaking her head. "He's more...omnisexual, I guess."

"Omnisexual?" Gillian giggled.

"To be crude, he'd bang just about anybody or anything if they turned him on," Areel explained to a laughing Gillian.

"Did you enjoy kissing Jim?" Areel asked, instantly regretting her question.

"We did it to get out of a jam while trying to save Commander Chekov. It was...interesting," Gillian said simply.


"But...he's not really my type."

The young woman had Areel's attention now. "What do you mean?"

"I prefer... I'm gay," Gillian said, steeling herself for any latent homophobic feelings the other woman might harbor.

"Really?" Areel said, her interest completely locked on the extremely attractive woman sitting next to her.

"You prefer women? Any particular type?"

Relieved by Areel's 23rd century enlightenment, Gillian still hesitated, "I, uh, I like... This is kinda weird."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," Areel said quickly, lightly placing her hand on Gillian's forearm.

Gillian placed her hand over Areel's, enjoying the other woman's touch. "No, it's not that. I'm not embarrassed it's just..." She looked at the woman next to her. Areel had a lovely face, with just a hint of wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. Her short, feathery hair was light blond with just a hint of white. She was more beautiful than Gillian's last two girlfriends.

'Just say it, Gill! She might not be offended,' Gillian thought to herself. Heart pounding nervously, she said, "I like intelligent, confident women. And if they happen to be blond, well..."

Her voice fading out, Gillian looked at Areel from the corner of her eye to see a smile spread across her beautiful face.

"You know, when I told you Jim was omnisexual? Well, I'm bisexual. Lately I seem to prefer women to men too," Areel said.

Her throat suddenly dry, Gillian swallowed quickly before she could ask, "What do you find...attractive in a woman? Or a..."

Before she could complete her question, she felt Areel's soft lips on hers. She leaned into the kiss and opened her mouth. Areel's tongue did a slow, sensuous exploration of Gillian's mouth before twisting and caressing her tongue. The young scientist slid her tongue along Areel's and into the older woman's mouth.

For long minutes, they kissed. The only other physical contact was when Areel turned her hand to grip Gillian's.

Breaking the kiss, Areel said, "I find you so lovely and sexy. I've wanted to do that since I came aboard."

Gillian smiled, pleased that Areel was as attracted to her as she was to the older woman. "I haven't been with anyone in... Well, add three hundred years, and it's been almost three hundred and one," Gillian joked. "I want to make love to you, Areel. I think I have since I saw you materialize."

Areel smiled and kissed Gillian again, "I want to make love to you, too." Standing, she held out her hand to Gillian, saying, "Come."

Gillian placed her hand in Areel's and let the Starfleet officer lead her into her bedroom. Once there, they embraced and kissed.

As their tongues built up the flames of passion within them, their hands were busy exploring each other' body through the clothes they were wearing.

Areel stood back after the kiss and began to take off her uniform. She tossed her jacket to the side and slid her turtleneck up and over her head. Kicking her boots off, she jerked her trousers off and kicked them after the boots. Soon, she stood clad in only a small pair of panties and a bra.

Gillian reached out and cupped one of Areel's partially covered breasts, squeezing gently. Her other hand slid along the woman's flank and settled over her covered mound, gently massaging and probing the wet material and the heat hidden beneath.

"Oh God, Gillian! You have no idea how long..." Areel ran her fingers through Gillian's short brown curls and pulled her closer. "I'm going to kiss you again. Then I want you out of those things," Areel declared in a husky voice.

Matching actions to words, Areel kissed Gillian again.

Gillian happily returned the kiss and pressed her body against Areel's nearly nude form.

As their tongues danced, Areel began to pull Gillian's tunic up and ran her hands across the smooth skin of the young woman's torso. One hand slid down below the waist of Gillian's pants and cupped her round ass and the other slid around to squeeze her breast. Gillian moaned into Areel's mouth as her nipple was brushed by the woman's thumb.

Areel pulled back and tugged Gillian's top off her body. She stood before Areel topless, but not for long. Areel pushed her pants down, panties caught and pulled down too. Kneeling to remove Gillian's shoes and then the bunched clothes at her feet, the woman caught the scent of Gillian's arousal. Looking straight ahead, she saw dewy drops of the woman's nectar twinkling in her brown pubic hair.

Areel leaned forward and swiped her tongue quickly through the silky hair, loving the taste. Gillian grabbed her head and pulled the woman more firmly into her. As Areel's tongue slid along the outer edges of her pussy, Gillian felt herself begin to get weak-kneed.

Areel saw this and reluctantly pulled her mouth away. Standing, she kissed Gillian again then said, "Lay down. I want to make slow sweet love to you tonight."

"I want to see you naked," Gillian responded. Lying back, she watched Areel remove the last of her garments. The woman's breasts were lovely. Not too big and no trace of age. Her nipples looked like pencil erasers, hard, pink, and rubbery. Her crotch was covered by a trimmed growth of blond hair, darker than the hair on Areel's head and showing more traces of white. 'Sooo sexy!' Gillian thought.

"Oh God, you're beautiful," the young woman said. "Please..."

Areel crawled up on the bed with Gillian and pulled her nude body close. The feel of the other woman against her was wonderful, a sensation she had been missing for far too long.

They lay together for a long time, lips locked together, breasts rubbing against each other, and legs scissored together causing their hot cores to rub against the other.

The friction of each woman's pubic hair on the other woman's hot flesh brought them each to several small climaxes as they devoured each other's mouth.

Finally, Areel pulled back and leaned on one elbow, her breath coming in little pants and her skin glistening with the sweat of their torrid embrace. She looked at Gillian to see her new lover was in a similar state. She ran a finger lightly over Gillian's shiny skin.

"You are so lovely," Areel finally said.

Gillian smiled up at the woman above her, "No, you are. Absolutely beautiful!"

Areel lowered her head and stole another passion-filled kiss from the girl.

"You know what I want, don't you?" Areel said with a wicked gleam in her eye.

"The same thing I want?" Gillian giggled, reaching down to cup Areel's sex. A low moan from the woman caused Gillian's smile to widen.

"I'm sure it is," Areel managed to say as she felt Gillian's fingers toying with her.

"God you are wet!" Gillian announced. "I have to taste..." Her words were cut off when Areel kissed her again.

Moving from the kiss, Areel crawled around on the bed to straddle Gillian's head. Her face hovered over Gillian's wet sex. She licked her lips in anticipation of the taste she had already experienced.

Areel lowered her head and began to explore the hot, aroused flesh. As her tongue began to trace the labia, she felt Gillian's tongue enter her!

The two women were fused mouth to pussy, their tongues licking and lapping at each other. Both avoided the clit to prolong the exquisite feelings they were experiencing.

Areel had one of her hands wrapped under Gillian's thigh and the other holding the outer lips open as her tongue explored. She occasionally squeezed the sensitive flesh with her fingers to bring little squeals of delight from Gillian into her.

Gillian had her mouth plastered against Areel's pussy, her tongue licking all around the inside of her. Gillian's hands were holding Areel's ass tightly, keeping her from bucking away from the probing tongue.

Deciding to get back at her lover, Gillian slipped a finger into the sopping tunnel as she licked around the digit. After swirling it around, she pulled it out and trailed her finger up to Areel's tight rosebud. Tracing the outer edge, Gillian smiled as she felt the shivers flow through Areel. The wet finger probed at the tight ring and slowly penetrated into Areel's anus.

The lawyer groaned loudly at the unusual but pleasurable feelings radiating out from her ass. It wouldn't be too long before she came.

Gillian was also on the verge of a strong orgasm. She increased the pace of her tonguing as the pleasure wave built up within her.

Within moments, Areel screamed into Gillian as she came, her juices flowing onto Gillian's waiting tongue. As her orgasm blasted through her, Areel's vision faded to bright white before finally returning to normal.

When Areel screamed into her, the vibrations pushed Gillian over the edge and she came; her orgasm almost simultaneous with Areel's.

Areel rolled off to the side and lay there collecting herself. Gillian tried to regain her wits as well.

Finally, Gillian crawled down alongside Areel. She looked down at her lover and smiled, "Thank you. That was incredible!"

"Yes, you were," Areel joked as she reached up and brushed at the sweaty bangs on Gillian's forehead.

They kissed again, tasting each other. Gillian hadn't felt this comfortable with anyone except George and Gracie (in a much different way) in years. What she didn't yet know was that Areel felt the same way.

Pulling back from the kiss, Gillian rested her head on Areel's breast, kissing the nipple lightly. As she lay there with Areel stroking her hair, she muttered to herself.

"What?" Areel asked.

"I was just saying I never even kiss on a first date," Gillian giggled.

"First date?"

"Well, you did ask me to dinner..."

"If I'd known this was a date, I would've arranged something romantic," Areel said.


"You deserve romance," Areel said, stroking Gillian's soft curly hair.

"That's so sweet," Gillian replied.

"Maybe I'll get the chance when we arrive at Mer..."

"I'd like that," Gillian said.

"Will I get a kiss?" Areel joked.


"On what?"

"How tired we are after tonight..." Gillian said as her fingers trailed through Areel's damp, silky pubic hair.

18 Months Later

Gillian waited on the platform skirt for the aircar to settle. As soon as the vehicle came to rest she trotted up to the hatch, feeling giddy like a schoolgirl.

As she waited for the hatch to open, she was almost hopping from one foot to the other. She hadn't been this excited since Gracie gave birth to another calf.

She had to make a conscious effort not to leap into the arms of the first person to exit the craft. Gillian chuckled when she saw a technician step out. 'That would've been interesting,' she thought.

As soon as her visitor stepped out, Gillian's face split in a wide grin. Yelling, "Areel!" she ran up to the woman in the Starfleet uniform and threw her arms around her.

"Gillian!" Areel said smiling and hugging the young scientist tightly. The she whispered, "I've missed you."

Gillian, not so quietly, said, "I've missed you too!"

Taking Areel's hand, Gillian led her to the ramp that led down to the habitat level. After tossing Areel's bag in her quarters, Gillian said, "I have something special to show you..." before leading Areel down to the lowest level.

"Our house?" Areel asked eagerly. She had happily agreed to move in with Gillian when she was going to be permanently assigned to JAG Headquarters in San Francisco.

"No Commodore, not yet," Gillian teased Areel about her upcoming promotion. "This is even better. Anyway, the house won't be done for another six days."

In a locker room, Gillian began to strip out of her clothes. Areel stood there with a smirk, watching her young lover shed her clothes. Finally she said, "What are you doing?"

"Getting ready," Gillian said.

"I'm not doing it down here. Let's go back to the cabin..." Areel's suggestion was stifled as she caught a thin wetsuit. "Oh? Well, alright..."

Gillian now had a chance to look at the officer's slim figure as it was slowly revealed. "If I hadn't already promised, I'd drag you back to my room right now."

"Promised what to who?" Areel asked.

"You'll see," the biologist promised.

A short while later, the pair stood on a diving platform. Gillian handed her lover a rebreather, explaining, "This is the neatest thing. If this had been around three hundred years ago..."

She was holding a small device that fit over the mouth, nose, and eyes of the diver. It allowed them to filter oxygen out of the water much like fishes gills do. The special lenses allowed vision in all but the murkiest water. The rebreather also was fitted with a small communicator to allow divers to talk clearly underwater.

After each woman had placed the rebreather over her face, Gillian gave a thumbs up and jumped in the warm Pacific water. Areel rolled her eyes but followed her young friend into the clear water.

Gillian said, "Follow me. There's some people I want you to meet."

Intrigued, Areel followed Gillian through the water. As they swam, Areel was glad she hadn't let herself go like so many of her colleagues in the JAG. She was surprised to find she was enjoying the exercise, almost like a Zero-G gym.

Soon, she could discern several large shapes in the water. They were quite large she observed with a slight feeling of fear. Seeing Gillian swim straight for the things calmed her somewhat.

The shapes resolved themselves into what had to be Gillian's whales. There were three swimming around with some smaller, humanoid figures swimming with them.

Gillian went up to one and placed her hand on the massive flank of the animal. "Come on. Gracie won't bite," the young woman teased.

"Doctor Taylor, is this our guest?"

Areel looked around for the source of the voice. It was another swimmer coming up underneath Gracie.

"Yes, Doctor S'renev. This is Captain Areel Shaw. Areel, this is S'renev. I met him on Mer after you returned home. He's our 'Universal Translator' so to speak." Gillian smiled under her mask, "For a Vulcan, he's a pretty good swimmer

"I'm honored, Captain," the Vulcan said as he gave her the time-honored Vulcan salute. He pointedly ignored Gillian's teasing. "What we have been able to do here is unusual considering humans have low telepathic levels, but it does work. Come."

The three smaller figures turned towards the nearest humpback. S'renev held out his hand and gently placed it near the whale's eye. He took Areel's hand in his other. Gillian grasped Areel's free hand. They hung suspended there, maintaining their position by paddling their feet slowly.

Greetings, Small Friend. Areel felt the words in her mind and the warm feelings behind them.

Hello, Gracie. How's the new mama? Areel could feel Gillian in her head, it was quite unique. 'What would it be like to make love while telepathically linked?' the officer thought.

Gillian squeezed her hand and gave her a strange look.

Areel thought she heard the words "maybe later" but she wasn't sure.

I am quite well. My mate and I are quite happy. Is this new small one your mate, Small Friend? The one we spoke of?

Gillian positively beamed behind her mask, Yes, Gracie. This is Areel. She's my lover. She is also a friend of one of your other friends, Kirk.

Areel felt competing waves of pleasure vying in her. One wave was the result of being introduced as Gillian's mate and came from within her. The other was a shared feeling from Gracie at the mention of Kirk, one of her saviors.

Greetings, Areel. It is a pleasure to meet our friend's mate.

It is an honor to meet you, Gracie.

The conversation continued between the four sentient beings for quite some time. All the while, in the back of her mind, Areel was trying to think of the proper way to thank her young love for this incredibly unique gift.

The End.

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