Welcome to Salem

By Chase Donovon

Published on Dec 23, 2011


This is a modern continuation of my story 'Welcome to Salem'. Days of Our Lives and all characters belong to Corday Productions and Sony and this story isn't meant to imply anything about the sexuality of any of the actors who plays these characters.

I was face to face with Chandler Massey, watching as he held up his t-shirt with one hand and tweaked his own nipples with the other. Only it wasn't really the hot young blond actor from Days of Our Lives I was staring at, it was his character, Will Horton. To top it all off, I was looking into a mirror, and Will's reflection was my own, but not my own. Confused? Me, too.

I was in Salem, the fictional setting of Days of Our Lives and I'd become a character on the show. I wasn't crazy, or dreaming, this was actually happening to me. I understood now, without a doubt, what my uncle Chase had meant when he'd insisted that his own experience in Salem years ago hadn't been a dream. You usually can't tell when you're dreaming but you always know when you're awake, and I was fully conscious.

Fully conscious and quickly becoming fully erect, I realized, staring at myself in the mirror. Will- I- was wearing what must be his usual sleeping attire, a pair of sweat shorts, and a very noticeable bulge was beginning to tent the front of them as I let his- my- fingers explore my hot new chest.

The best part was that Will was clearly not wearing anything under the sweat shorts and I could easily see the length and width of his cock outlined in the cotton.

No, I had to stop thinking of Will as a separate person. It was my own cock that I could see in such mouth watering detail reflected back at me in the mirror. I looked down at myself and smiled as a wave of elation mixed with pure lust rushed through me. Glancing back at the mirror I lifted the Salem U t-shirt up and over my head, tossing it to the floor. I watched my reflection as I explored my new upper body with one hand and began to squeeze what felt like a fairly sizable cock with the other.

Taking a deep breath, I pulled the shorts off in one swift movement and moaned softly as my cock bounced free, achingly erect and easily eight inches long and topped with a somewhat wild bush of blond hair. Will Horton was packing some real heat, it turned out. I reached down and gave my new cock a few pleasurable strokes and then cupped Will's balls in my hands, loving that they were covered with blond fuzz.

"I can't believe this is really happening," I whispered. God, just hearing Will's voice coming out of my mouth as I watched him/me stroke his big cock in the mirror was a turn on! I was overcome with an urge to hear Will talk dirty, even if it was just to himself.

"Yeah, look at that big cock. You're such a stud!" I whispered the words, not wanting to bring Sami Brady flying back into the room. "Fuck yeah, I want to see that big cock cum."

This was so wild. I began beating off in earnest while I watched myself in the mirror, listening to the little moans and sounds I was making in Will's voice. It wasn't long at all before I felt myself getting very close to shooting a load. I was just starting to stand up on tip toe and arch my back when there was a knock on the door.

I came back down to Earth with a thud. "Will?"

Rafe. Rafe Hernandez was mere inches from me, on the other side of the door. The thought was almost enough to make me start stroking my cock again, but I was too worried that Rafe would barge right in, with Sami and the kids following right behind. That wasn't a scene I wanted to play out.

"Just a second!" I scrambled to pull the shorts back up over my cock and then jumped back in bed, safely hiding myself under the covers. "Come in."

The door opened and the Latino stud that was Will's stepfather stood before me. As if my cock wasn't already throbbing enough, Rafe was only wearing a tight pair of jeans, his delicious looking chest on full display. My eyes were riveted to the sexy treasure trail of dark hair leading from his belly button into his boxer briefs, which were peeking out over the top of his jeans. It was all I could do to tear my eyes away from it and look up into his face.

"Are you still in bed? I wanted to see if you'd drop the kids off at daycare on your way to class."

"Uh..." I had no idea where my car was, let alone how to find day care. "I can't today. I'm getting a late start and I've got a lot to do."

"Okay. I'll take care of it. You okay? You looked pretty flushed." I felt Rafe's eyes raking over my face and my own exposed chest and nearly came right then.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Okay. See you later." Rafe closed the door and I breathed a sigh of relief. He'd looked so incredible standing there without a shirt on, but he was married to Will's mother! I couldn't think like that.

My heart began to pound in my chest in a whole new way as the reality of my situation began to sink in. I was Will Horton, and Salem was now a real place. How was I going to find my way around? I didn't even know what kind of car Will drove, let alone how to find my way to Salem U or the Brady Pub.

I suddenly wished that I'd taken the time to ask my uncle Chase more questions, like how he'd managed all of this. I went over what little he'd told me, recalling that he'd lived in the Kiriakis mansion and gone to Salem High while he was here.

He'd also had sex with three other characters. Brady, Austin, and someone named Jason who I didn't really remember but whom I assumed was part of the Salem High storyline from that time.

How the hell had he managed to do that? Those characters were straight. In fact, Will and Sonny Kiriakis were the first two main characters in the history of the show who were gay, and Will hadn't even really come out yet. So how did my uncle get three straight characters, two of whom were related to Philip, into bed? I really wished I could ask him that.

My hard on had deflated while I was thinking about what I should do next. I decided to find a shower, get dressed, and then take things from there. Climbing out of bed, I grabbed Will's Salem U shirt and put it back on, and then cautiously opened the door. Will's room and the hallway outside of it had never been shown on TV, at least not that I could recall, so as crazy as things had felt so far, it didn't really hit me how surreal all of this was until I stepped out into the living room of Sami and Rafe's apartment, a set I'd seen many times on TV but which was now a real place.

There was no sign of life. Sami, Rafe, and the kids must have departed while I was sitting in bed, contemplating this strange turn of events my life had taken. After standing there in a daze for a moment, I started exploring and found the bathroom.

After a shower in which I'd spent far too much time marveling at the fact that I was soaping up Will Horton's amazing pecs but refrained from jerking off since it wasn't as much fun without a mirror to look into, I threw on some pants and a light blue v neck sweater with a gray t-shirt underneath, something I knew I'd seen Will wear on the show, and ventured out of the apartment.

I had no clue what I was going to do. I just started walking down the street, hoping that sooner or later I'd see some kind of street sign that would direct me... where? Salem U? I had no idea where Will's classes were. I wished again that I'd taken the time to ask more questions of my uncle.

I'd reached the end the street and was contemplating which way to turn when I saw a bus coming my way. The lighted destination sign jumped out at me: HORTON TOWN SQUARE.

"Perfect," I muttered. It was at least a familiar place to start.

An hour later I finally stepped off the bus into the town square. The first time I'd tried to board, I'd discovered that not only did Will not possess a bus pass, he didn't have exact change either. After a dash back to the apartment, where I dug around for change in Will's room and in the cushions of the couch and finally scraped together just enough, I headed back to the bus stop.

This whole living in Salem thing wasn't proving to be any easier than real life. I thought about my uncle's wistful statement about living in the Kiriakis mansion and wished Will was similarly situated. At least if he was I'd probably have a driver to take me wherever I needed to go.

Still, I'd managed to find my way to Horton Town Square. It was a fairly recent addition to the show, but already perfectly familiar to regular viewers. I was standing before the plaque honoring Tom & Alice Horton, wondering just what I should do next, when I felt a hand on my shoulder.


I turned around and found myself looking at the only openly gay guy in Salem.

"Sonny!" I threw my arms around him and pulled him into a hug.

"Uh, hi," Sonny said, pulling back to look at me with a smile. "You okay?" I realized then that a hug probably wasn't normal operating procedure for Will & Sonny, but I'd been happy to see another familiar face, especially one belonging to another gay guy.

"I'm good!" I smiled and gave his arm a squeeze, checking him out while I did so. His dark hair was a stylishly unruly mess and he was dressed in a blue t-shirt and a gray jacket. There was a tantalizing hint of chest hair peeking over the top of the shirt. "You look great."

"Uh, thanks," Sonny said, smiling but looking a bit puzzled. "You do, too."

It occurred to me suddenly that all the soapy drama of Will coming out, which would be fun to watch onscreen but tedious to live out in person, could be easily avoided.

"Hey, Sonny, I've been meaning to tell you something," I said. "Can we sit down for a second?"

"Sure." Sonny and I walked over to a bench and sat down. "What's up?"

"I'm gay." There. No drama at all.

"What?" Sonny looked shocked.

"Yep. I'm gay. I was dating Gabi to try and convince myself I was straight, but we only had sex once and I was completely not into it. Life's too short to be in the closet. So, I'm gay."

Sonny was just staring at me, saying nothing. For a moment I worried that I was doing going too far, changing the story too much or something, and that Salem would somehow eject me, send me back to my own life before I'd even had the chance to really experience all of this.

Finally, though, Sonny grinned. "Wow, Will that's fantastic! I'm impressed. To go from trying to lie to yourself to being completely comfortable with your sexuality so quickly, that's amazing. Are you sure you're okay, do you need to talk about anything?"

Before I could answer, I saw Sonny's expression change as he looked over my shoulder. "How out are you ready to be? Just to me, or do you want to tell the rest of your friends, too?"

"Uh, I hadn't really thought about it," I said.

"Well, Chad is headed this way, so you might want to decide."

"Chad?!" My heart began to pound. I turned around in my seat, and there he was, walking right toward me, a smile on his face. "Oh fuck, he's even hotter than I thought was possible."

I heard Sonny give a slight gasp behind me and realized I'd spoken aloud. Before he could say anything, though, Chad was towering over us in all his glory.

"What's new, boys?" Chad dropped down on the bench next to me, his long legs sprawled out in front of him and a sexy grin on his face.

"I'm-" Sonny grabbed my arm before I could finish my thought. I'm still not sure if I was about to say "I'm gay" or "I'm in love with you." Maybe I was going to say "I'm Nate, and I love your on Days of Our Lives." I don't know.

"Will and I need just a second, Chad. We'll be right back." Sonny pulled me up and dragged me a little way across the square, leaving Chad looking a bit perplexed.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Do you have feelings for Chad?" Sonny demanded.

"Well, look at him! Who wouldn't?" I said with a smile, my eyes lingering on my idol.

"Will, you can't be with Chad."

"Sonny, I know he's with Abby-"

"Will, this isn't about Abby, okay? Chad is mine!"

Cliffhanger time, of course! If you're enjoying these stories, please let me know at chase_donovon1@yahoo.com.

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