Welcome to Salem

By Chase Donovon

Published on Mar 6, 2001


Advisory: This story is pure fantasy and doesn't reflect the actual characters or actors on Days of Our Lives. The show and characters are trademarks of and copyright Corday Productions Inc., in association with Columbia Pictures Television.

Note: Once again, sorry for the delay. As someone wise once said, shit happens! I'm still way backed up on answering emails, but I will get replies out to everyone who wrote. I couldn't continue without feedback, so please keep it up! :)

I shook my head slowly, a smile spreading across my face. The Brady Pub, a building that only existed on some sound stage in a studio in California, was directly before me, the lights from it's windows spilling out into the darkening evening.

Inside, I could see patrons sitting in the booths, laughing and talking with each other, enjoying an evening meal out.

Opening the door, I stepped inside and was met with the delicious smells of the Pub. My stomach rumbled a little and it hit me all over again how real being in this body, Philip's body, was.

"Hello, Philip," a friendly voice broke into my thoughts. It took me a few seconds to realize the voice was talking to me, since I still wasn't used to being called by Philip's name.

"Oh, Car... Mrs. Brady!" I stopped myself just in time from addressing Caroline by her first name, which probably wasn't something Philip would do. "How are you?"

"I'm wonderful, thanks. Would you like a table?"

"Yes, please, I'm starving!" I laughed, feeling a little giddy still at the experience I was having.

"Right this way. How is your father doing?" Caroline asked, making conversation as she showed me to a booth. I recalled quickly that Caroline and Victor had a history, including a son, together.

"He's great, Mrs. Brady. Better than ever," I smiled at her as I took off my jacket and sat down.

"Well, tell him I said hello. Now, what can I get you?"

"Some of your delicious Brady Chowder, please," I said, my mouth already watering in anticipation.

Caroline moved over to the bar, where I spotted Shawn Brady- Grandpa Shawn, that is- filling up some mugs for customers. I let my eyes drift over the other people in the pub, but none of the faces were familiar.

Caroline returned with a steaming bowl of chowder, which smelled great, and a glass of soda. I thanked her and took a bite, but before I could even swallow, the door to the pub opened and Shawn Brady came in laughing, followed by Belle Black and Mimi Lockhart.

"Phil, my man! What, is it the cooks night off?" Shawn asked, a sexy grin on his face. I looked up into his eyes and felt my heart quicken just a little and a stirring in my pants.

"Something like that," I smiled back. "What are you guys up to?"

"Food! I need food!" Mimi moaned falling into the booth across from me.

Belle sat down next to her and I scooted over and let Shawn sit down right next to me. He smelled incredible and I could feel the warmth radiating off his body, which was now only a few inches away from my own.

"No date tonight Phil?" Shawn asked.

"No, I'm solo," I smiled at him, feeling like I could just melt into him.

"Where is Ghoul Girl?" Mimi asked, her voice registering her dislike of Chloe.

"Meems! Don't call her that. Chloe is our friend!" Belle chastised, words I'd heard from her mouth many times on the show.

Caroline arrived to welcome her Grandson and take his and the girls orders and then left us alone. I sighed a little, wishing that it was just Shawn and I and not the girls.

As we talked, I stole as many glances at Shawn as I could. His sleeves were rolled up to just beyond his elbows, showing off his tanned arms, with their sexy dusting of dark hair. He was so close to me in the booth that if I moved my leg by just a few inches, it would be touching his under the table.

I let my mind drift, imagining my hands caressing those arms, and the beautiful upper body that I knew was hidden behind Shawn's shirt. I could almost hears his moans of pleasure and feel the way his fingers would run through my hair as I coated his body with kisses, licking my way down to the ultimate prize, which was waiting for me, packed deliciously into Shawn's jeans. I wondered, would it be boxer shorts? Or briefs? What would be the last layer, touching him in all the places I couldn't wait to touch him?

"Are you okay? Philip! Hello?" Belle's voice brought me out of my fantasy world and I quickly looked around, noticing that all three faces at the table were locked onto mine. I swallowed quickly, finding my throat had gone very dry. That, much like that aching hardness in my own pants, was a definite side affect of my thoughts of Shawn.

"Sorry, Belle, what?"

"Phil, are you sure you're okay? You've been really weird today," Shawn said and I felt a tingle run up my back at the look of concern in his eyes. Eyes which were looking back into my own.

"Is it Chloe? Did you two have a fight?" Belle asked, sounding concerned.

"No, it's just.." I paused. Just what? Just that I'm not really Philip Kiriakis and you guys don't really exist because you're all characters on a soap opera? Just that in this purely straight world created by people too cowardly to introduce a gay character I was lusting after just about every guy I saw? And lusting after Shawn Douglas in particular? What could I tell these people?

"Philip, you know you can always talk to us. We're your friends, we're here for you," Belle said earnestly. I felt a rush of annoyance at her goodness. Why must she always be Saint Belle? How annoying was that? Of course, I had to admit that my dislike of her also stemmed from the fact that Belle and Shawn were head over heels in love and had been from the first scene they'd had together. Only, they were too stubborn to admit it on the show.

"I really can't talk about it right now, Belle. Anyway, I'd better go, I've got some things to do tonight."

Shawn gave me another look and then scooted out of the booth to let me pass. I slid over, feeling the warmth of the seat where he'd just been sitting. I paused for a second, wondering if my still erect state would be too noticeable.

I solved the problem by grabbing Philip's- my- letterman jacket off the seat where I'd tossed it and placing it strategically as I stood up.

Shawn slapped my arm lightly as he sat back down at the table. "Are you sure you're okay, man?"

"Yeah. I'll see you guys at school tomorrow," I smiled briefly at the girls and then let my eyes feast on Shawn one last time before I tossed some money on the table to pay for my dinner and turned to leave.

Philip's friends called out a final goodbye and I turned to wave as I left the pub. The chowder really had been the best I'd ever tasted, and the company had been pretty good, too, even though I could have done without the girls.

I walked on, my thoughts still on Shawn's hot little body. After a few minutes I looked up and found myself on the darkened pier. It was a set I'd seen many times on the show, usually set an night. Only now, it really did front a large river, complete with anchored boats and a light fog.

In spite of myself, I felt a little creeped out. This place, though familiar, wasn't exactly the Brady Pub or the Kiriakis mansion. I turned to head up the rickety looking wooden steps and stopped short, my heart rushing into my throat.

I was looking directly into the eyes of another man, someone who'd come up behind me without making any sound at all. My heart raced as I experienced a sudden adrenalin rush and it took me a several seconds to catch my breath and find my voice.

"Brady! Damn it!" I finally managed to spit out. The words brought malicious sounding laughter from the hunky blond standing in front of me.

"Scared you, didn't I?" Brady sounded very pleased with himself. In spite of my anger at being caught off guard by the smug Mr. Black, I was taking in all the details of this sexy guy I'd only seen on tv until now.

His blond hair was a little over long, especially in the back. I'd been shaking my head at the tv screen for weeks, wishing he'd get it cut. Still, even with his hair too long, he looked good. His eyes, especially, were arresting. And right now, they were sparkling with amusement.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you lurking in the shadows," I said, trying to make Philip's voice hard.

"Seems to run in the family, huh Uncle Phil?" Brady laughed again. I shuddered slightly at his use of the 'Uncle' as it reminded me again of the fact that I was now related to most of these hotties.

"Don't call me that. You're older than me, it sounds stupid," was the only thing I could think to say. My heart was still racing, only now it was more from the excitement of meeting yet another Salem hottie face to face. I noticed that Brady had a strong scent about him, a mixture of cologne and sweat that was almost as intoxicating as the clean and natural scent of Shawn.

"Whatever. So what are you doing, hanging out on the pier at night? Waiting for you little wannabe Opera Diva?" Brady sneered, which seemed to be his usual facial expression.

"No. I just got some dinner at the Pub. And what about you? What are you up to now?" I asked. With Brady, it had to be something that was anti-Marlena. Not that I minded that, it was nice to see someone loathe the sainted Doctor Evans for a change.

"Out for a walk. So where is your little girlfriend, anyway?" Brady's eyes still gleamed with some private joke that was amusing him.

"She's not my... I don't know where she is," I said. God, I hated all these Chloe questions! If I was really going to be Philip from now on, the first thing I had to do was break it off with the girl.

"Trouble in teen paradise? What's the matter, she's not satisfying your needs?" Brady laughed.

Unbidden, my mind flew to my session that afternoon with Jason. I could almost seen his tight, sexy body lying back on the bed and feel his cock in my mouth.

"Ah, that's it, huh? She won't put out for you!" Brady continued to laugh and I snapped out of my thoughts with surprise at how they'd engrossed me so totally. This being Salem, I guess I was now prone to flashbacks.

"Who cares, Brady? I get my needs satisfied in other ways," I snapped. He was sexy as hell, but damn was he annoying!

"Oh, really! What, some little cheerleader putting out for Mr. Popularity?"

"Wouldn't you like to know? What's with all the interest in my sex life, Brady? Could it be because you lack one of your own? When was the last time you got any?" I asked.

"I get plenty! The girls at school go wild for me. I'm sure I've scored more times than you've ever dreamed of, unless of course you count your right hand as a date," Brady shot back. I noticed that most of the amusement was gone from his eyes and knew I'd touched a nerve.

"School? Brady, you've been home from college for months! I think you're the one who's been dating Mr. Hand lately!" I laughed, enjoying the turn of events. Now it was me getting under his skin.

"Like you have this hot sex life! In your dreams, maybe. When was the last time you were with a girl?" Brady demanded.

I paused, an image of a certain girl in the back of my parents car flashing in my mind. My one foray into heterosexuality, it had been a disaster and I'd never looked back. That had been years ago, in high school. Only now, I was back in high school again, in a different body.

"A long time ago," I admitted. Brady's amusement came back quickly, mixed with a look of triumph.

"I knew it! You're all talk, aren't you? Say hello to Mr. Hand for me when you see him tonight, okay Uncle Phil?" Brady laughed and pushed past me, walking off in the direction of the Pub.

"Oh, I won't be needing Mr. Hand, Brady," I called after him. "I'm too tired from this afternoon. Sex can really take it out of you."

I watched as he slowed down and then turned to face me, a confused look on his face.

"You asked about girls. Not about guys," I enlightened him as I turned and started up the steps, enjoying the look of complete shock that had spread across his face before I turned away.

I bounded up the steps and started for home, laughing to myself. I'd outed myself, or rather, Philip, to Brady Black, but I really didn't care. The guy could be a real jerk and I'd just managed to one up him in the most perfect way.

Besides, this was my life now. I was Philip Kiriakis, yeah, but I was still me. And I was going to enjoy myself.

Tune in next time, as they used to say. Here's a little preview of what I have planned for the next chapter: Philip is going to get it on with a certain hottie who turns out to be a little kinky!! Plus, since this is my story and I can pretty much do what I like with the Salemites, look for a few past hotties to return to town as the chapters progress. :)

As always, I'm open to ideas and suggestions, and I love to just here what you think, about my story or the show, or whatever. You can write me at chase_donovon@yahoo.com or talk to me on Yahoo! Messenger.

Next: Chapter 5

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