Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Nov 28, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this.

Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such.

Some characters are fiction, while others have been influenced by real life people. Some places are fiction while others and real. Blah Blah Blah....

Feedback is welcomed at: Danielsummers1219@gmail.com

P.S. I do realize there was some weird formating issues with the last chapter. I hope that doesn't happen with this submission, if it does, I apologize and I'll try something else to fix it!

Chapter 9 -- On the Prowl

I got up to a rough shake of the bed. Jerking upwards I rubbed my eyes, trying to shake the sleep away. I got out of bed, pushed Lisa onto it and went into the bathroom. It was a sunny day out so I thought today was a perfect day for contacts and Oakley sunglasses. Heading back to my room I saw Lisa laying on my bed in a seductive pose.

"Oy!" I shouted at her. I went over to the bed picked her up, hauled her over my shoulder and walked towards the living room with both of us giggling like a couple of idiots.

"Put me down!" she squealed and slapped my back. I got to the couch and flung her off my shoulder.

"After I change my dear, I will make us a quick breakfast." Her eyes lit up like a Christmas Tree.

"You mean it?!" Her mouth gaped open with a half smile, half shock look.

"Yes now go get dress you Cougar!" she growled at me playfully. "Oh and before I forget, I made a list of apartments that you might like." With that said she headed to her room. I went to mine, fumbling through my bags I finally found something clean to wear. Orange shorts, light blue T, and my Saskatchewan Roughriders football hat. I walked out to find Lisa sitting patiently at the dining room table.

"Eager are we?" I exclaimed.

"With your cooking, who wouldn't be?!" I laughed and went into the kitchen pulling out everything I would need. Bacon, eggs, cheese, milk, Wisk, and some ham from the refrigerator. I cracked the eggs into a bowl, whipped them in submission, added milk, salt and pepper. About fifteen minutes later I placed two plates of my bacon cheese ham omelettes on the table.

"Bon Appétit" I said kissing my fingers.

We headed down Circle Drive just a little after 10. "So about this list you made," I paused, "is it any good?" I looked over at her.

"Well were going to see soon aren't we." She smiled and winked. Within twenty minutes we arrived at the first place. We both got out and headed to check out the place. Upon entering I was immediate hit with an `oh shit' feeling. The place looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years! I saw mouse droppings scattered amongst the floor, and other things that no one should see in their lifetime.

"Nope." We both chimed together and ran out of there. "So where next?" I asked from the passenger seat.

"The next one is actually North of the University." She put her car into drive and launched forward. We drove for what seemed like hours, but had really only been minutes. Finally we arrived. I looked around the street, it actually looked like a nice neighbourhood! We got out and went inside the building, climbing the stairs and reached a door with the letters 4D plastered on the side. We opened the door and I was totally amazed by just what I saw when I first entered! A beautiful tiled kitchen with a brand new stove, microwave, sinks, counters and spot lights throughout the roof with a center island in the middle of it all.

"Holy shit!" I gasped, "This kitchen is-" I struggled to find the right words, "it's totally amazing!" I ran around the kitchen checking everything out.

"Hold on there tiger." Lisa warned. "We still want to check out the rest of this place." So we took off examining the whole place. They had brand new everything! Bathroom was big, with a huge tub and shower! We followed the stairs up to a new landing in the living room, up top was fair sized office space, and a padio that led to a gorgeous outside landing that looked over the university grounds. We went downstairs to sit in the living room.

"So how do you like the place?" I feminine voice asked from behind me. I turned to see a short red headed lady.

"What can I say? This place is absolutely amazing!" I smiled still in a little shock.

"I'm absolutely delighted you love it! I'm Wynonna Herling" She told me. Ms. Herling overed her hand to me, I took it and shook it nicely. "Have you checked out the master bedroom?" She asked me.

"Actually that's the only thing we haven't yet. I kind of wanted to surprise him." Lisa walked up beside me and winked.

"Well than, shall me?" The lady pointed in the directed with an open palm. She took off walking in the direction of the bathroom. "I think you're going to like this." She told me as we traveled down the hallway. She leaned forward and opened two big doors. We followed her inside to find a huge bed littered with gorgeous red silk sheets. The dresser was on the opposite side of the room with a 45 inch LCD TV mounted on the wall just like in the living room. She showed us to the master bedroom. Inside was a a walk in shower that could fit three people."

"I think I've died, and gone to heaven..." I stared around the room, taking it in. I stopped what I was doing, my eyes bulging from their sockets. "Ho-how much?" I stuttered.

"Rent is $800 a month."

"That's it?!" I almost shouted.

"Yes. The old woman who used to live here did some major redecorating. She entrusted her apartment with me when she moved with explicit instruction. Give it to a good kid, who's going to school and keep the price low."

"Wow. I really don't know what to say. Can I have a couple days to think about it?" I asked her.

"Oh absolutely! Your the first to look at it, so you have priority; but I can only give you a week tops before I'm going to need an answer." She warned.

"I'm not going to need that much time." I said.

"Great!" She smiled at me. "Here's my card." She handed me a piece of paper. "Call or Email me when you decide."

"Thank you very much!" I shook her hand and we all exited the building.

"So what do you think?" Lisa asked me and we crawled into her tiny car.

"It's perfect! Good price, amazing location, and look they even have a garage for tenant parking!"

"So are you going to get it?"

"I'm not sure. I think I want to get Matthew's opinion; like he's going to school here so he might be a little help."

"I went to university too you know bub." She spun at me.

"In New Brunswick yes, so you're not too much help with my little Saskatchewan problem." I stuck my tongue out at her.

"Yeah whatever. What are you going to do for a job." She asked while pulling her car into traffic.

"Oh my god! I totally forgot! I got offered a job for when I'm done school!" I squealed with excitement.

"And you haven't told me!" She flipped out. "I want details man!" Lisa glared at me sideways.

"Well when I was in San Diego, the chairman of ICCDOP asked me if I wanted to join one of their elite teams. I'm so fricken excited!" I couldn't contain myself!

"ICCDOP?" She asked slowly.

"The International Cyber Crimes Division of Protection."

"Oh, that's great! I'm really proud of you Peter." She took my hand in hers and squeezed. "I don't mean to be Ms. Johnny Storm Cloud, but what are you going to do to pay for your apartment and food and stuff."

"Well my grandmother told me she would pay for my apartment because she wanted me studying not worrying for money. As for everything else, I saved up four hundred thousand dollars give or take a few hundred when I was working back at home."

"Impressive, but that can't last forever." She warned me.

"I know. But my education is all payed for, and I'm great with finances so I can monitor my money as I spend it, and if it get's low I'll cross that bridge when I come to it." Finishing my sentence I reached into my pocket for my phone because I remembered I had a coffee date with a friend.

"You have it easy boy." She told me as I typed in my message.

"I know, something is bound to go wrong someday." I finished my text and hit `Send'. We drove a little longer in silence, Lisa broke it with a question.

"Do you want to look at the other places on my list, or just go home. It's nearly 7pm. We've been at this all day."

"No." I yawned out. "Let's go home and eat some leftovers."

I laid in bed, wondering where my luck was coming from, and would it run out? What would happen if it did? These questions panged in my brain, keeping me away for the last four hours. Amidst the entire unknown in my life, I did know a few things. I was happy, maybe not the happiest I'd ever been, but still happy. I was loved, I had friends, and family that I knew would be with my through whatever crap came my way.

I glanced over at my clock which read 4:00 in the morning. I closed my eyes again and sighed; I needed something to take make me a little sleepy. I got out of bed and crept into the kitchen gathering the milk from the fridge, hot chocolate mix from the cupboard, a mug and a pot. Warming the milk on the stove I added the mix and gently stirred until I had an excellent blend of chocolaty coco. Added small white marshmallows, I sat down at the kitchen table and gently drank the hot mix.

I placed my dishes in the dishwasher and made my way back to bed. I crawled out on top of the covers and tried to drift away from reality. I threw my hands up in frustration! I slumped over to the side of the bed to sit. Something was wrong. I had a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. My breathing sped up, my eyes scanned my room looking from something out of place. Something was very wrong somewhere. I pulled out my phone only to find that it was almost 7:30. Where had the time gone? I decided it was time to lug my butt out of bed. I slipped on a bunny hug (sweatshirt) and slipped into the kitchen to start the morning coffee.

"Morning sexy." A warm voice greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey hun. I added a little extra ingredient to the brew this morning." I flung the jar in my hand into the cupboard before she found it.

"Is it the `secret' ingredient?" she asked with enthusiasm.

"Of course!" I assured her. "It isn't Reid coffee without the secret ingredient!" I handed her a cup and she doctored it up with cream and sugar. "And...?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Heaven in a cup." She smirked at me. "Are you going to have some?" She asked.

"Actually no. This one is all yours! Matthew is picking me up in half an hour. We're going to Tim Horton's, and find a place to sit and relax and talk and stuff." I poured the pot into a thermos, and left to my room.

"OK bud. I have to work today so I'll be back around 6."

"Ok, have fun "saving lives!"" I teased through my closed door.

"I'm a accountant buddy, probably won't be saving any lives."

"Whatever, just go to work! I have some stuff I need to do, emails to send, phone calls to make so leave now!." I ran out of my room and ushered her out the door, laughing all the way. Once I finally got her out of the apartment I went to my laptop and opened my email. With some great thought I emailed Mr. Hansen, the chairman of ICCDOP with a yes, and explained to him that I would absolutely love to work from him. I lurked around my room trying to find something to wear. I finally decided upon a pair of black cargo shorts, and red T-shirt, and my shark's tooth necklace. I sat down on the living room floor to read the paper. Half way through a knock came from the door.

"It's open!" I called and set the paper on the couch. I heard the door open, and close with a click.

"Peter?" came Matthew's voice. I hopped up, and crept in the hallway to meet him. I peered through to see his back turned to me. I crept on the tip of my toes, once I was close enough to his body I jabbed my hands into his sides. He jumped in the air with a yell! He whipped his body around to hold up his assailant. I dangled in the air by his arms. "Why you little..." He smiled and carried me into the room I had just escaped from. I bent my knees to go behind his. I squeezed them and we fell to the floor laughing. His face was just a foot away from mine. We still laid on the floor, him on top of me laughing. We stopped but I continued to stare into his hazel eyes. He brought his head down, catching me off guard. Our lips touched, then again, and again. My eyes closed in bliss.

"Bryan" I moaned into his face. He pulled his head back.

"Who's Bryan?" I opened my eyes to see Matthew, not the man I was hoping it would be.

"Oh my god Matt, I'm sorry!" I scrambled out from underneath this hunk. "This isn't right," I gasped trying to stand, "You have Jesse, and I'm not gay."

"Who's Bryan?" He asked with authority in his voice.

"Please don't." I told him and turned around. He shuffled onto his feet to grab my shoulder.

"Tell me who Bryan is. And don't say he's no one. I heard the way you said his name."

"He really is no one. Please drop it!" I tried to unglue his grip. He only squeezed harder. "Please Matt. Please don't do this." I started to sob and I spoke the last words. I dropped my head so only I could see the tears. His hand left my shoulder and came to my cheek to lift it up with the other one following suit. He made me look at his face, I could see the urgency lined in his face. Why did he care so much? "It was just a reflex is all." I managed to hiccup out. He just held his hands steady. "Fine!" I yelled at him and poured out my whole story.

"Oh honey come here." He whispered to me. His arms overtook my body in a strong hug. "I didn't mean to kiss you, at least not like that." He confessed to me. "Please don't tell Jesse."

"I won't. I don't even know the guy." I whispered into his chest. I hugged his body closer to mine, my tears dried up on his shirt. We finally let go of each other with small sighs emanating from each other's chests.

"Well I promised you coffee, so shall we." I smiled at him.

"Sure! Just let me grab my stuff." I walked away wiping the left over tears away. I made it to my bedroom, grabbed my phone, hat and sunglasses. I went back to the door and we made our way downstairs to the busy Saskatoon streets. I climbed into his truck and we sped off. "Oh before I forget, I need your opinion on something."

"Awesome. What is it?" He asked.

"An apartment."

"Ok show it to me." I gave him directions and before we knew it we were in front of my dream home. I gave him the tour of the place, showing him absolutely everything. When we were done we sat on the stairs in the living room. "This place is totally awesome, and close to the campus too! Only one problem." I looked at him with a worried glance. "How much is it?" He finished off.

"Eight hundred a month." I barely finished the sentence when he practically yelled.

"Take it!" I laughed and told him I was thinking of doing just that.

"Actually you know what? Watch this." I pulled out my phone, and the realtor's card from my pocket. I dialled in the number and listened to the humming rings. After about four rings someone picked up the phone.

"Delta Realtors, how may I help you?" a perky female voice asked.

"Wynonna Herling please."

"One moment sir." And the line went quiet. About ten seconds later the line picked up again.

"Wynonna Herling." I familiar voice chimed.

"Hi, Ms. Herling. Me and my friend met with you yesterday about that amazing apartment."

"Oh yes. Peter how are you?"

"I'm fine. I'm just calling to tell you I'd like to take the place." I smiled at the driver's side. Matthew's eyes glistened as he smiled.

"That's great news! I do need you to sign some stuff before everything is finalized. What time would work best for you?" She asked. My mind kicked in and picked out a time.

"Would today at 3 work?" I asked.

"Sure would! Would you be able to meet me at the apartment?" She asked, a little hope in her voice.

"Yes that is perfect!"

"See you this afternoon."

"Bye." I pressed end on my phone and gazed over at my `audience'.

Time went by, and by. We made our way from one part of the city to the other. Half way across the Broadway Bridge I was hit with another feeling that something bad was going to happen! It hit me like a slap across the face. I bowed my head to help keep me from crying. What was wrong with me? What's going on?

"You ok?" a concerned Matt asked. My fists rubbed my eyes to remove the tears.

"I-I don't know." I sniffled out. "The truth is I feel like I was just hit by a truck or something."

"Do you still want to do this?" He asked.

"Listen mister." I said staring at him. "It's a little after 11, and I haven't had my caffeine. We are so going and nothing is going to change that." I smirked at my forceful statement. Matt raised his hand in a mock salute and we kept our direction.

I arrived at my new home at about 2:45. I sat in my seat of my still relatively new Mustang. My nostrils widened as my lungs inflated, I could still smell that new car smell. Exiting my thoughts, as well as my car I shut the door and locked it up. I opened the door to the building and bounded up the stairs. I arrived at the door with 4D painted on the side. I reached for the handle and was hit with an odd sense of nervousness; brushing off the feeling I reached for the handle, turned it and entered.

"Ah you're early Mr. Reid!" Ms. Herling warmly greeted me.

"It's both a blessing and a curse I bare." I said while walking into main part of the kitchen.

She gave a little smile "There is just a few forms you need to sign, and you are the now owner of this place." The red haired realtor dug into bag and produced some papers which I assumed was the contract and such. "Read through these, fill in the blanks and if you have any questions, ask away. Actually..." She interrupted herself, "As I understand it your under 18 is that correct?" I nodded my head yes. "Well I will need you to get your parents to sign this waver. It basically decrees that they give permission for a minor to own a house for under six months. You will be 18 within that time period will you not?" She fished.

"Yes Ma'am. I turn 18 September 24th." She dug in her bag with another smile on her face. She handed me yet another booklet of papers to sign.

"Just take this to your parents, then hand it back into me." I laughed at her words.

"Sorry, it just sounds like I'm in school again." We both smiled and went about our business.

I pulled my car into the driveway of my old home. I left Lisa a note to tell her I wouldn't be staying the night with her, I'd actually be at home, asking my parents for help once again. I hopped out of the blue beauty, and bounced up the stairs of the deck attached to our house. I knocked on the door, I have no idea why it just felt appropriate, and opened the door. The loud barks of my dog announced the arrival of someone. I picked up the little hair ball and held him in the air. "God Maxie, I'm really going to miss you." I cradled him like a baby, kissed his head and laughed. He never did like to be held like that. I saw my mom sitting in the living room knitting. I silently crept up behind her, one foot in front of the other and grabbed her shoulders.

"Ahhhh!" She shrieked. Her head whipped around, "Jesus Christ Peter! You're going to give me a fucking heart attack!"

"Mom!" I said through guffaws, "Language!"

"Yeah yeah, tell that to my heart." Her eyes scowled at me. I continued to giggle as she spoke, "So what are you doing home?"

"Well," I began, "I found an amazing place! It's just that I need you and dad to fill in the form because I'm still a minor. Also I need your help boxing my crap, and help me shop for the other things I need."

"Honey that's great!"

"I know. You're going to be absolutely jealous of my place. I mean you're going to hate me for life." I winked and laughed at my mom.

"Yeah well we'll see about that!" We both laughed at each other. "Tell you what. Let's start packing your stuff into boxes, and I'll get your father to sign his half of this thing; then tomorrow you and I will go to your place and see what else we need to get." I hugged my mom extra tight!

"Thanks mommy! I don't know what I'd do without you! By the way the place does come furnished.

About an hour later we had half my clothes packed, my DVDs, my DVD player and of course my Xbox 360. "Were going to need to get you towels, cooking supplies and a bunch of other stuff." My mom huffed out as we closed the last box for the day. My phone went off in the next room rather loudly.

"I have to get that." I ran into the living room to answer my phone. "Peter here."

"Peter.... it's Lisa." I could hear the distress in her voice.

"Lisa, what's wrong?" I turned my head to see my mother standing in the hallway, her arms crossed with a confused look on her face. "Lisa, please, what's wrong?" I asked again.

"Just come home fast!" She whispered into the phone.

"OK I'm coming right now, I'll get there as fast as I can!" I hung up the phone and slung it into my pocket.

"Peter, what's wrong?" asked my worried mom. I just looked at her with a horror struck face.

"I don't know. But I'm really scared; Lisa never sounds like that unless it's really bad." She walked over to me; put her hands on my shoulders and kissed my forehead.

"She needs you, go to her. I'll finish up everything here and I'll bring it all out tomorrow ok?"

"Ok mom, thank you." I hugged her again. "I love you."

"Oh sweetheart!" She kissed the side of my head, still locked in a hug, "I love you too." We parted and I darted for my car. I hopped in the driver's side, tears flowed from my eyes. I wiped them away. What was wrong? I reversed the car out of our driveway, and slammed on the accelerator, my tires screeching in agony.

I raced through the quiet streets of the city. Lucky enough not to attract attention from the police I finally made it home.... home. I ran up the stairs and opened the door. I saw Lisa crying on the couch in the living room. I rushed over to her, wrapping my arms around her she started to cry harder. "Shh shh shhh." I cooed to her frail body. "Tell me what's wrong. Come on Lisey." She got up from my arms, wiping her eyes and nose.

"Peter. I know what happened between you and Bryan." My eyes widened, before I could even open my mouth she covered my mouth with her hands. "Just shut up and let me finish." I nodded my head, and she removed her hand. "He told me, I don't care what you say I know you have feelings for him." I dropped my head. "Look at me." She demanded. I raised my head but kept my eyes down. "Look at me." She repeated herself. My eyes looked at her face. "It's nothing to be ashamed of. But if you truly feel something for him, now would be the time to show it." Tears started free flowing from her eyes once again.

"What. Happened?" I grabbed both sides of her head desperately.

"Petey.... He was in a car accident..... he's in a coma." That sentence stabbed me right in the heart. My hands flew to my chest to try and grab it, to cover the hole.

"Wh..wh...what?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"He's in a coma at University Hosp-" I didn't even let her finish before I jumped up and ran downstairs. I reached the bottom but couldn't see the door through the tears in my eyes. I shuffled around for the handle, I banged my head against the door when I could find it. I started crying and fell to the floor. I leaned against the door, my knees at my chest, crying. I felt like some part of me was being tortured, like there was some part of me that I'd never get back if I didn't go see him that instant! Lisa bounded down the stairs after me. She bent down on her knees to pull me into a hug. I held her so close. "Let's go see him." She helped me up, and into my car. She drove us all the way to the hospital. I couldn't sit still the whole time! I was distressed at the thought of losing him. We finally got to the reception desk in the entrance of the building, not to soon either, I felt like I was going to fall apart at any minute.

"What room is Bryan Williams in?" I asked the older women behind the counter. She typed in random keys on the keyboard.

"3rd floor, room 329." I could see how sorry she was for us, I guess she knew the whole situation.

"thank you." I whispered to her and made my way to the elevators. The elevators seemed to take ages to take us from the ground floor to the third. It was if these metal maniacs were purposely trying to kill me. After wondering the halls for ages we finally found room 329. I entered to see the scariest thing I had ever seen. There was Bryan, but if I hadn't been told he was here, I wouldn't have recognized him! He had IVs running from his arm, he was hooked up to a respirator so he could breathe! His face was red and bruised. He had stitches above his right eyebrow.

I made my way over to the chair beside him. I reached for his hand, touching it I felt some relief that it was still warm... he was still warm. A nurse came in to check his vitals and IVs. "You know, it might help if you talk to him." She gave me and Lisa a sympathetic smile and left the room. I looked over at Lisa, she was just standing there watching us. I turned my attention back to this Adonis in front of me.

"Hey Bryan, it's Peter." I croaked out. "I know I'm the last person you'd expect to be here, but the truth is I don't want to be anywhere else." I grasped both sides of his hand with mine. I gently massaged them and continued to talk to him. "Listen to me ok. I.... I can't lose you! I'd die inside if I did." I brought his hand to cup my face. I leaned into his warmth finding even more comfort. I took a big breath in through my nose. Even with all the things the doctors and nurses had done to him, I could still smell his intoxicating smell; it still drove me wild. I smiled at him. "I'm sorry I let you go. I can't help think this is my fault. If I hadn't let you go, maybe you wouldn't have been in that accident today...." I paused taking in a breath before continuing so only he could here. "Maybe you would have been with me instead." Tears stung their way down my cheeks. Lisa came over and kissed them away.

"He's going to make it through this. He the second strongest person I know."

"Oh yeah, who's the first?" I asked. She just looked at me and smiled.

"You." I leaned over to her and hugged her.

"I love you so much."

"Ditto. Listen I'm going to go get something from the cafeteria downstairs, I haven't eaten all day. You want anything."

"Just get me a bottle of water please."

"Ok." And she left the room.

"Bryan you need to get better, you need to wake up." I told him. "Because well..." I whispered, scared of what I was about to say. "Because Bryan John Williams, I'm totally one hundred and fifty percent, head over heels in love with you." I leaned into his lifeless body, and gently kissed his lips once.

Well that's all for Chapter 9 folks. Hope you enjoyed it! What do you think will happen in Chapter 10? I'd really like to get some responses to that question. I really enjoyed writing this chapter!! If anything doesn't make sense to you guys please email me, I don't want my readers confused! I am Canadian so if any references confuse you, tell me and I'll explain them.

I know for sure that two people read my story, are there anymore? I'd really like to know your thoughts on this story so far, and if you have any ideas please send them to me!

P.S. I don't have a person that helps me edit these so, forgive me if I make a few mistakes!

Well I guess that's all for now, until next time!

~DS~ Danielsummers1219@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 10

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