Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Nov 18, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this. In this story unsafe sex is practiced. Unsafe sex can be really dangerous so please use caution. Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such.

All characters may by based on real human beings, but other then that are fiction. Some places are fiction while others and real.

Feedback is always welcomed! Please email me at: danielsummers1219@gmail.com

P.S. I realized there hasn't been any sex in the story so far, I don't think it will come in for a least a couple more chapters. I'm also planning and writing way longer ones!

Chapter 5: Back to Reality

"Oh my god Peter, wake the hell up!" Violent hands shook me awake.

"What the hell? I'm awake, I'm awake!" I complained. I opened my eyes, flinching at the bright lights. Everything seemed to haze into place. "Where the hell are we?" I looked around. We were still on the highway, but everything was so dark. I scanned the horizon again and say lights. That was one weird.... gay dream. And what the hell why did Bryan call me love? And what was with the rape? And the secret society? What the hell! My brain confuses the shit out of me.

"Just outside Saskatoon; I thought you might want to be awake and make yourself look good before we see Mr. Sexy!" She giggled and winked at me.

"Do I look like shit?" I asked her. I reached up and pulled down my visor, opened the mirror and gazed into it. "Holy shit!" I groaned. My hair was a mess, I was covered in sweat, and I stunk.

"Yeah, what the hell were you dreaming about, the end of the world?" She asked while keeping her eyes on the road.

"Close to it." I mumbled. I reached into my pocket to check my phone. 15 Missed Messages displayed itself on the screen. I unlocked my phone. Bryan Williams was displayed in a list 15 times. "Woa!" I exclaimed. "Bryan seriously needed to get a hold of me, I have 15 messages from him."

"What do they all say?" She asked curiously.

"Where are you? How much longer until you get here? What's taking so long? That's basically it." I hit reply and started to type. "Sorry dozed off, be there in about 10 minutes, see you soon dude." I put my phone on vibrate and set it on the dashboard. "Think he will let me shower quickly? I don't have any clothes though."

"I don't see why not. Where actually like an hour early so I wonder why he's so excited to see us. I only live like 10 minutes from his house." Lisa looked over at me and smiled. It always made me feel better when she smiled, it made me feel safer.

"I didn't know that-" my phone vibrated off the dashboard, "and I want to know why he's so excited to see you." I grabbed my phone off the floor.

"Awesome can't wait to see you guys tonight is going to be awesome!"

"I know eh? See you soon."

"How do you know he really want to see me?" she questioned. I could see the smile on her face. Her teasing smile.

"Well I dunno. Maybe he could be attracted to my sparkling chocolate brown eyes, my tall 5 foot 6 inche body . Maybe he loves how my short brown hair just shines in the sun. Maybe he loves my giant size 13 feet. But maybe, just maybe he loves my personality: Loving, Kind, Funny, Caring, Loyal." I couldn't help but smile. For the first time in a long time there was stuff about me that I loved.

"You know Pete, all of what you said is true. And even with your glasses your brown eyes look absolutely stunning. I've never seen anything like them!" She looked my straight in the eyes. She really was my other half. My twin. My soulmate. " I hate to ruin the moment, but were almost at Bryan's house." I sighed.

"Yeah I guess." I looked straight ahead. Watching the street lights. Just a little after 10pm. Man I still had to write a speech for Friday; but at least I got tomorrow off. "Lisa just to remind you, you need to be at my house by 4 o'clock on Friday."

"Yup I know. Is your table full?" I asked her to be my escort, and no surprise she had said yes.

"No I'm allowed to invite 12 people and I still have 2 spaces left."

"Cool-aaand were here." Lisa turned to the left into a driveway. The house beside us was white, and bigger then my house. His black SUV was parked in the driveway "Come one, lets go in." I reached for the handle and got out of the car. I looked all around me taking in my surroundings. "What are you looking at" Lisa asked.

"Nothing lets go." We starting walking on the sidewalk path beside the path. We got to the door and she pounded her fist against it.

"Coming!" Called a familiar voice from inside; the door opened for us to see our Scottish friend. His features absolutely lit up. Oh please, stop laying it on thick I already know you want her. "Good to see you guys, come on in!"

"Thanks Bryan. Umm I kind of had a wicked ride in, so umm," I paused, "could I please use your shower." My cheeks turned rosy red with embarrassment.

"No need to be embarrassed buddy. It down the hall, second door on the left." He smiled and pointed the way. I walked up the stairs into the living room. Wow nice place. Then made my way to the bathroom. I turned the taps on, gently coaxing the water temperature to a comfortable level. I pealed my shirt of my skin, tossed it to the floor and went for my belt buckle. My pants slid off followed by my underwear. I gazed into the mirror, taking in how terrible I looked. I removed my glasses, and hopped into the shower. The water felt great. A gentle knock came at the door.

"Peter its Bryan. Mind if I come in?" He asked through the door.

"Umm no It's fine." The door opened with gentle foot steps sticking to the linoleum floors.

"Here's a towel. Do you have a change of clothes?" He asked.

"No I don't." I panicked! My clothes stunk and I didn't have a fresh pair. How could I be so stupid?

"No worries. I'll give you a change of clothes and I'll wash the ones you were wearing." I could hear the kindness is his voice.

"You don't have to do that Bryan." I poked my head through the side of the curtain. I could see the haze of a person's body.

"Probably not, but I want too." I could faintly see the smile on his face. I slipped my head back in just as he was leaving. I reached for the shampoo, and gently lathered up my head.

Hours seemed to slip by and I enjoyed the relaxing hot water hitting my body. Another knock came from the door. I heard the familiar click as the handle turned and a person emerged through the door. Bryan's Scottish voice came over the splashing water. "I'm setting the clothes on the counter, they might be a little big but they should do. Don't rush yourself we still have 45 minutes until we leave." He left with another closing click of the door.

I stayed in the shower for another couple of minutes, completely enjoying the feeling of becoming clean again. Finally I realised it was probably time to get out as the water was turning colder. I turned off the taps, opened the curtain and grabbed the towel of the floor. I tried my best not to get any water on the floor; but of course it happened. I dried my hair, my chest, my back and my legs. I finally stepped out of the shower, and attempted to look for my glasses. I found them exactly where I left them. Slipping them on, I looked into the mirror again. I looked 10 times better; my skin even seemed to shine! I looked over at the clothes: blue jeans, red tee-shirt, underwear, and white socks. I pulled on the clothes, combed my hair, slipped on some deodorant I found and left the bathroom.

"Hey love. Feeling better?" Lisa piped up. My eyes took in the living room. I went over to the couch Lisa was sitting on and sat down beside her.

"Yes I am. Thanks for asking." I leaned my head on her shoulder, closing my eyes hopefully being able to pass the time. Her arms came around me body holding me close to her, her head rested on mine and I sighed. "Thank you." I whispered to her.

"It's only because I love you." She kissed my head. A sudden white flash came out of nowhere. I opened my eyes to see Bryan holding a camera at us. I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed and lowered his camera.

"Sorry I couldn't help it." He smiled at us again. I closed my eyes and snuggled my head into Lisa a little bit more.

"Peter we got to get going." She whispered into my head. I snuggled my head into her a little bit more.

"Give me five more minutes." I moaned.

"No, but I'm staying over at your house tonight so you can cuddle with me all you want." I felt her lips move into a smile. I lifted my head, opened my eyes and brought my hands back to their sides.

"Fine." I complained. Lisa laughed.

"You really do love to cuddle don't you?" She questioned me.

"It's a package deal. You knew that when you met me all those years ago." I smiled and got up.

"Yes I did." She said. I offered my hand to her. She took it and I helped her up. She slipped her arms around my waist.

"Well if you two are done flirting, maybe you would like to get going" Bryan coldly said while leaning against the wall. I threw him a dirty look and he backed off. All three of us made our way outside to Bryan's car.

"Shot gun!" Lisa called running to the car.

"Looks like I get back." I said. We all hopped in the car and took off.

We made it to the CUC! "Ok guys let's go have some fun. Oh and Peter I have so school papers there so when you get out please be careful, I don't want the winds taking my homework." Bryan stated.

"Ok no problem." I told him. I opened the doors and sure enough 3 papers launched out the door. I managed to grab 2 but the other sped off into the alley that was beside us. "You guys go in, I'll grab it." I took off running after it. The damn thing was still traveling down the dark alley. "Man this is creepy." I said to no one in particular. I continued running after it until it stopped at the very end. "There now back to the car." I whipped around and ran into something knocking me flat on my ass. I looked up and was shaken with fear. Four tall guys dressed in sweaters with their hoods up stood tall and intimidating.

"Hey there. Your going to regret running into here." They all laughed, and I braced myself for what was coming.

-=-Bryan's POV-=-

"So what do you think of Peter?" Lisa asked me.

"I think he's a cute kid." I laughed at what I had said.

"He really is. He's my best friends. No scratch that he's like my brother, but were closer than that." She smiled.

"I know what you mean. Oh shit! The cars locked. I'd better go wait for him." I turned to leave to the car.

"Ok. I'll wait for you guys here." She called to me as I ran. I got to the car and waited for a couple minutes.

"Where the hell is he?" I asked myself. I looked down the alley, but it was so dark I couldn't see anything. I turned to lean on my car when a low scream caught my attention. I turned and started cautiously walking down the alley way when I heard another scream followed by low thuds. I took off running down the alley.

"Please stop. Your hurting me!" A voice cried. I picked up speed.

"You little bitch. This will teach you do to as your told." The thuds turned into punching and kicking sounds. I saw 3 black figure standing up, and one behind a body on the ground. "Marcus here is going to break in your ass." The voice laughed. I launched myself and the nearest body I could get at. I landed on him, slamming him into the ground. I punched at his head; it rebounded into the ground knocking him out cold. I turned to the other figures coming at me. Two of them emerged at my sides. I swung my lugs up hitting them both. I threw myself to the left, catching the man. I swung my fists at him, catching his throat. He started gasping for breath as I ran after the figure on the right. He staggered up, just as get got to his feet I grabbed his neck slamming him into the wall, knocking him out. I turned my attention to the guy behind the body of the ground. I kicked him in the face, he hunched over on the ground in pain. I kneeled down to look at the person on the ground.

"Stop please stop." He moaned. Oh my god, it's Peter!

"Shhh Peter, I'm here. Let me call an ambulance." I reached for my phone-

"No!" He screamed at me.

"Why?" I asked and looked over his beaten and abused body. I saw his pant's around his ankles. "Did they-" I paused to take in a breath, "did they rape you?"

"No." He wimpered and relief flooded my body. He closed his eyes and faded into unconsciousness. I checked his vitals. He had a strong pulse. I picked him up and started to carry him out of the alley.

I was being carried somewhere. "Is he going to be ok?" A familiar female voice asked.

"I don't know. We will have to wait a couple hours to see." Someone said with an accent. I was gently lowered down onto a soft bed. "Quick go get some face clothes, wet it with warm water. And get the hydro peroxide, bandages and some tape from the medicine cupboard in the bathroom." A warm hand caressed my face. "Your going to be fine Peter. I promise." My senses went dull as I blacked out again.

I came too, but still couldn't find the strength to open my eyes. "What do you mean- love?" Lisa hushley shouted at someone.

"I do, and I don't know why!" came Bryan's voice. Everything faded out again.

"Protect? Why are you telling me this?" Lisa whispered from somewhere in the room.

"I don't know." Bryan whispered from beside me. I was hazing in and out. I could only barely hear parts of their sentences.

"Love-" Bryan cut off.

"I..... love..... too." Lisa said. My worst fears had been realized. They just told each other they loved one another. My heart ached. I could feel my heart shattering into a million pieces.

"Peter. Peter wake up." Bryan whispered into my ear. Gentle hands shook my sides. My eyes flickered open. The darkness of the room made my eyes settle a bit. Finally I could make out a person in front of me. "Hey Pete, are you ok." I couldn't move. I was to scared something would hurt. The tears started to flow more and my vision got blurry. "Don't cry. It'll be ok. I promise." Bryan moved over so Lisa could be close to me.

"Oh Peter. I'm so scared!" She buried her head into my chest and started to cry. I don't know how, but I put my arms around her and held her close.

"Shhh. I'll be ok." I barely managed to whisper. She lifted up her head sniffling.

"I know. You sleep. You need your rest." Lisa's hands came up to my face, her fingers closed my eyelids. I drifted off into a sleepless slumber.

Next: Chapter 6

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