Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Nov 11, 2010


Chapter 3 - What Have I Done Now?

I was abruptly awoken to the most annoying thing in the history or the world. That's right, you guessed it, my alarm clock! 7:45 am Monday morning. I quickly sat straight up, my eyes gaping in surprise. I graduate Friday! Holy crap. I hopped out of bed, slipped on a pair of jeans, put on a short sleeve shirt, put my necklace on and bounced up the stairs. I slipped over to the refrigerator, gathered three eggs, milk and brought them to the stove. I proceeded to crack the eggs into a bowl, added just a little bit of milk, salt and pepper. "Morning sweetie, making scrambled eggs?"

"Yes mother I am. Dad left already?" I asked.

"About 20 minutes ago." She said as she reached for the coffee pot. I continued my stirring in the frying pan. "Mind if I have just a little bit of those?" she asked.

"Nope, but I'm hungry so don't take a lot." She just shook her head.

"Teenagers-" I cut her off.

"Enough said." I scraped the eggs into a bowl and littered it with ketchup! It's the only way to eat eggs. I sat down at the table just in time to hear a familiar beep beep. I dove my hand into my pocket to retrieve me phone.

"Hey" was written on the page.

"What's up bud" I replied. I plunged at my eggs, savouring the taste as I chewed. One thing I sure know how to do is cook. Beep beep, my phone went off again.

"Oh not much jst thinkin. Do you and wanna go see a concert Wednesday night?" Wait a second, why was I being nice to Bryan?

I simply replied, "shure id love to! Just the two of us?"

"No lisa wants to come too" Damn it! Why does he have to have her too?

"I wouldn't have it any other way" I sent back.

"Awesome your going to love Breaking Benjamin"

"Are you kidding I already do! Listen i got to go to school, but I will text you on my lunch break if I get a chance."

"Ok ttyl" he wrote back

"Mom I'm off to school, have a good day at work!" and I left the house.

I walked in the doors of the school and looked at my watch. 8:14. I had about thirty five minutes until classes start. "Peter mind if I ask you a question?" I turned to see our principal Mrs. Humn.

"Sure anything."

"Well I do realize that this is sort of last minute, but I was hoping that you could present a speech to the audience at the hall on Friday. If you do this I will give you Thursday off to make sure all the preparation are ready." She crossed her arms and waited for an answer. My major stage fright started to kick in. I really needed that Thursday off if I was going to go to this concert.

"Yes ma'am I would gladly speak on behalf of all of us." She smilled.

"Peter I do have to admit that out of all my student you are my favourite. I can always count on you for anything. I really appreciate everything you do."

"Thank you Mrs H. That really means a lot."

"You are very welcome, now what is the status of our yearbook?" she looked at me.

"It is one hundred percent complete, I have submitted it into the LifeLongMemories and I do plan on having a Yearbook Meeting at 12:25 to discuss a few things. Do you mind if I announce it over the PA system at a quarter to twelve?"

"No be my guest. Enjoy your day and I'll see you in math class."

"Have a good day Mrs. H." She walked off and I went to my locker to gather my books.

11:45 came rather quickly. I hurried off to the library to see the school secretary. "Hi Tracy!" I greeted her as I walked through the door.

"Hi Peter." She responded. "I know you need to use the PA so feel free whenever your ready."

"Thank you." I went over to the little box and held down the system wide button. "Attention," I spoke into the box, "Could I please get the yearbook committee to meet in the library at 12:25. Again could I please get the yearbook committee to meet in the library at 12:25. Thank you." I released the button and headed to my locker to get a head start on lunch.

14-16-33 and I was in my locker, grabbed my lunch kit and hurried off to the microwaves with my notebook, and book in hand. My mother had packed my left over meatloaf. Yum. My mom makes the best meatloaf you have ever had in your life! I placed it in the microwave and set it on for forty-five seconds.

Ding! Went the microwave, and I opened the door to retrieve my food. I went to my lunch table just as the bell rang for classes to end. Kids poured into the hallways.

"Peter!" Staci called to me. "Just give me five minutes and I'll be there. Amanda is going to be here soon too."

"What the hell are you doing here?" I was so confused.

"Visiting you of course." She called behind her shoulder.

"Hey Pete."

"Hey Manda, how was class." I asked.

"Oh shut up, just because you know how to do everything in this school doesn't mean you get to brag about being able to miss class just because a teacher called you out for help." She fumed and I laughed. She was a random person, but how could you not be friends with someone like that.

"Ok so I'm a electronics nerd, and I know how to work everything I see in about five minutes. Give me a break for being so S-M-R-T." I laughed again as she rolled her eyes. Beep Beep. My phone went off again.

"You didn't txt me so i thought id txt you."

"Who's that?" asked Amanda.

"No one really." I replied.

"Ok if say so Joe." She continued to eat her salad.

"Oh sorry its been super busy around here. Whats up?"

"not much just taking my break between classes."

"classes? Aren't you a little old to be in high school?"

"Well considering the fact that im in university then the answer would be yes lol"

"oops sorry. So what you taking?"

"we can talk about school later."

"shit sorry bryan but i got to go, i have a meeting ttyl."

He responded "Aye talk to you later bud."

"Sorry Manda but I got that yearbook meeting." I apologized.

"It's ok." She waved me off. "I'll just wait for Staci to get back."

"Bye sorry again! Tell her I said bye!" I yelled as I walked down the hallway towards the library. "Sorry I'm late guys." I apologized again as I entered the room.

"Oh no problem boss, so what's this about?" asked a small red haired boy.

"Well Timothy, I just wanted to tell you guys that we are now one hundred percent done the 2009 – 2010 Yearbook." Cheers and applauds erupted from the quietness of the room.

"About time." Someone called from the noise.

"Yes it is!" I agreed with a sigh. "Now we need to decide what we want to do for our year end party. Any suggestions?" I quizzed.

"Go Karting!" called tall girl.

"Laser Tag" called another.

"You guys are all pussies, bungee jumping!"

"Oh hell to the no!" Everyone include me shouted at him.

"Ok well stick up your hand for Laser tag." I stated and counted the hand that sprung into the air. Now who votes for Go Karting?" I once again counted the hands. "Woa and go karting wins by a land slide!" I roared.

"Is that all?" asked Timothy.

"Yes that's all. I'll call another meeting when everything has been set up. Have a good lunch guys." I made a bunch of mental notes. Great Peter, now you have to make a speech, set this up, pick up your tux, actually find a date and somehow manage to sleep Thursday night. I can just feel the stress a flowin' through your veins

The rest of the day passed by in a blur and before I noticed anything it was 3:20pm and time to go home.

Next: Chapter 4

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