Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Nov 10, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere!

Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this. In this story unsafe sex is practiced. Unsafe sex can be really dangerous so please use caution. Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such.

All characters may by based on real human beings, but other then that are fiction. Some places are fiction while others and real.

Feedback is always welcomed! Please email me at: danielsummer1219@gmail.com

Chapter 2 -- Oh What a Joy. Not!

"That movie was awesome." Lisa exclaimed as we exited the theatre.

"Yeah it was alright." Both of us guys agreed.

"Hey Peter." Bryan chirped up.

"What?" I asked rather annoyed

"Can I get your cell number, just in case we want to hang out or something?"

"Umm sure. 1-306-555-8720. Got that"

"Sure did. I'll send you a quick text just so you can add me aswell." About 10 seconds later my phone went off.

"Oh my god Peter you would have the hamster dance as a ringtone. I freaking love it!" Lisa started to do a little dance in the parking lot.

"Ha and only you would dance to it." Me in my infinite wisdom went and started to dance with her. We started giggling as people looked at us like we were high or something. I finally remembered why my phone went off in the first place. "Hey" I texted back. "Bryan what's your last name.?


"Mmk thanks. You are now officially in my contacts. Bryan is that a Scottish accent you have, I never really payed much attention until now."

"Yes it is! Not very many people can guess that. It's not thick enough for most people to think I'm Scottish but it's light enough that people get confused."

"I see. Well I think it sounds cool." What the hell you like him now? No I just gave him a compliment it ain't the end of the world!

"Well I'm sorry to seem like I'm running away, but I have to get home. Got an early day tomorrow, lots to do!" I confessed, wanting to get out of here as fast as possible.

"Oh like what?" Lisa looked at me like I was bluffing.

"Grad planning, living plans, school, damn yearbook, yearend volleyball and baseball stuff. You know the usual pains in the ass! Lisa are you spending the night?" She sighed.

"Yes my busy bee I am. Well it was nice seeing you again Bryan. Maybe next week we can all get together and do some stuff again. Tonight was... fun to say the least."

"Sure I'd love that. Peter will you be joining us?"

"Oh most likely." I took a glace at my phone and took notice of the date. "Holy crap! I just realized it's May 31st!"

"Yeah so?" they both asked.

"I official graduate in twelve days., still got to study for my finals. Then I am done!"

Bryan offered his praise. "Congratulations bud!"

"Thanks! This has been fun but I really got to go." I bluffed.

"Ok, well text me sometime, and if you don't I will." he warned.

"Ok see you later dude!"

"Aye goodbye!" I do have to admit I did like that Scottish accent! Lisa and I got into her car, me in the passenger seat this time. We watched as Bryan walked in front of the car to his, got in and pulled away.


"Don't what?" she asked defensively.

"Don't start on about the whole tall, dark and handsome thing, about how he's so dreamy, or ask me what I think of him."

"Fine." She sighed. "You know you really are stubborn most days."

I laughed. "Yeah it's part of my charm `member?" With that said I closed my eyes, laid my head back, and drifted off in fantasy world.

"Peter wake up! We got stuff to do!" my mother called from the top of the stairs. "Peter get up!" I still didn't reply just groaned. "Peter get your ass up."

"Fine! I'm coming." I snapped back. I got up groaned, and patted my hair down. I reached for my glasses, pulled back the covers and headed for the main room. I climbed up the stairs into the kitchen where I saw my mom looking over some of my old things. I got myself some coffee and went to sit down beside her. I could see the tears forming in her eyes. "What's wrong mommy?" I always hated to see her sad. We had had a hard life. She has a liver disease, and had cancerous tumours on her brain and around her wind pipe. I was accustomed to pain, and fear.

"You'd think after you've seen two of your kids graduate, a third won't be as bad. But it seems worse just `cause it's you Petey." She started to really sob.

"Aww mom I'm not going anywhere yet. Besides look and Jayden and Kevin they are perfect. Jayden is engaged, and has a son, your grandson, my nephew. I'm going to be fine and I will always love you." I went over to her, got down on my knees and took her in my arms. "I love you mom, I really do."

"Ugh hem!" someone cleared there throte from the backdoor. I turned even though I know who it was.

"Morning Lisa. Morning Staci." I went over to them and gave them both a hug.

"Well since you would get you ass out of bed, I went to see Staci and catch up on things."

"Morning Peetah." I laugh. She always greeted me like that

"Morning Bubbles!" I gave Staci another big hug.

"So what is on the agenda for today." Asked both girls.

"Well" I started, "Get up, survive, go back to bed."

"How about something a little more detailed." Stated Staci.

"Well I'm going to go work on the Yearbook for a couple of hours. The deadline is the 15th. So I need to get the grad pages ready, and make a couple notes for the meeting I'm holding Monday. Mom, can you please look after everything else." I didn't even let her finish. "Thanks mom, love you too!" and I ran to get my laptop. I heard Lisa talking to my Mom as I was in the living room.

"Well since you have everything covered, me and Staci here and going to go to Saskatoon and do some shopping. We both need to pick up Peter's grad gifts."

"Girls take a look at what we got him." I heard papers being ruffled. I swear I heard gasps.

"Oh my god he will absolutely love that!" I can't wait to find out.

"I can hear you!" I called out to them.

"No you didn't!" they all shouted at me.

"And Peter," my mother started, "are you going to being in your Pjs all day?"

"Hell to the yes! C'mon mom, SpongeBob is bitchin." I laughed. Now I needed to get back to the task at hand.

Next: Chapter 3

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