Welcome to My Life

By Daniel Summers

Published on Dec 3, 2010



This story belongs to me (Daniel Summers) please do not copy and paste it anywhere! Please be of the legal age to read stories such like this. Finally this story is fiction, so it should be treated as such. Some characters are fiction, while others have been influenced by real life people. Some places are fiction while others and real. Blah Blah Blah....

Feedback is welcomed at: Danielsummers1219@gmail.com (Thanks for all the feedback I received I really loved

I wanted to thank Tisha, I really enjoy our conversations. ;)

Chapter 10 -- The Truth

The monitors he was hooked up started to beat faster, as if to a brand new tune. Doctors and nurses came rushing in, shoving me to the side. "What's wrong?" I shouted at them. They ignored me completely. One of the female doctors shone a light in his eye.

"Bryan, Bryan can you hear me?" the kept asking him. I nearly cried when I heard a little groan. I looked over at his face, almost willing him to completely wake up. His eye lids flickered, opened to reveal the beautiful ocean blue eyes I remembered. Painful noises erupted from his mouth...

"He's trying to talk." Pointed out one of the nurses.

"Bryan.." The same doctor started again, "I'm going to remove the tube from your throat, I'm not going to lie, it's going to hurt." His head gave a little not. The doctor tilted his head to face directly up, grabbed the tube and gently pulled it out. His lips trembled and coughed. The nurse brought over some water; he sipped small amounts until he laid his head back down again. His lips fluttered again.

"P..Peter?" Barely whispering his eyes scanned the room looking for the spoken one. I walked over to him, grabbing his hand again.

"I'm right here Bry." Our eyes locked onto each other's, not letting our gazes slip for anything. I just sat beside him, holding his hand, looking into.... looking into his soul, all while the doctors worked on him until finally they left. "I'm right here Bryan." I cooed to him. His lips formed into a slight smile.

"He's awake!" Someone squealed behind me. Lisa ran over to him and hugged him, but his eyes never left mine. My mouth formed a big smile too. He was alright. She finally let go of him and turned to me. "What did you do?" She asked. I opened my mouth to speak-

"I love you too Peter." She looked at the speaker lying down on the bed. My mind was swimming, before when he said those words, all my thoughts were say no, but my heart was saying yes; now those words had my entire body and soul screaming YES, KISS HIM! My smile widened at those five words... he loved me. I leaned down and kissed his warm lips. But this time was different, he kissed me back. My hands cradled his beaten face, while my skull crushed against his. Our lips smacked with a passion unknown to even Romeo and Juliet.

"This is like Sleeping Beauty!" Lisa squeaked behind us. I lifted my head and raised my eyebrows. "It's just, you tell him I love you, and I'm guessing also kissed him, and he wakes up. It's like a fairy tale!" I rolled my eyes at my best friend and turned back to... to the man I loved. I still couldn't believe what was happening, but I was accepting it. For the first time in my life I was accepting a whole new kind of love. Not homosexual love, but love from another human being, unlike anything anyone has ever given me before. I leaned in to kiss his lips again-

"Bryan sweetheart!" An unknown female's voices sobbed from the doorway. All three of us gawked at the doorway to identify the newcomer.

"Mom?" he asked.

"Yeah it's me." She bustled over to the other side of the bed, knocking Lisa out of the way and smothering his cheek with kisses. He finally broke free of her lips.

"Where's Rachel?" He asked, looking around the room searching for this woman.

"She's stuck at work, I'm keeping her up to date on everything. Honey, I'm going to go talk to the doctors I'll be right back." She turned to leave-

"I'm coming with you Mrs. R!" Lisa ran after her, turning her head to wink at us.

"Who's Rachel...." I dropped my head, "Your girlfriend." He started to laugh, my head turned to look at him, sadness welling in my heart.

"You're funny you know that!" He laughed again. "Holy shit it hurts to laugh. No she's my sister!" My head dropped again, trying to hide my burning, embarrassed cheeks.

"Holy crap, I feel so...." He pulled my down into a warm hug. My arms curled into his body, soaking up the heat. Before I knew it, more tears flowed down my cheeks, hard sobs emanating throughout my body.

"Shhh Shh." He comforted me, rubbing my back. "What's wrong?" He asked before he kissed the top of my head. I rubbed the salty drops from eyes.

"I thought I lost you! I've never felt so helpless in my life." His arms flexed around me tighter. I burrowed my head into his chest even tighter.

"You'll never lose me, ever." I pulled my head up the look in his eyes.

"Promise?" I asked. A low chuckle ripped through his body.

"Promise." He pulled me in close once again and kissed my forehead. His kisses ran down my forehead, gently pecking each eye, my nose, my cheeks and finally... my lips. He kissed me tenderly, not wanting to rush this moment.

"Bryan?" We both looked at the door, fear striking us.

"Mom! This isn't what it looks like!" I turned to him panic stricken. We'd been caught, not even an hour before we started.

"I think it's exactly what it looks like..." She stared at us.


"Aren't you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?" We looked at each other, both shocked. I thought for sure that she'd kill me. His mom walked over, noticing the shock and fear in our faces. "Oh dear lord Bryan." She rolled her eyes. "Do I always have to be so forceful?" She looked at me. "I'm Carol, Bryan's mother." She extended her hand. I reached for hers and took it, shaking it gently.

"I'm P-"

"He's Peter, my boyfriend." I turned to look at him for what seemed like the thousandth time that night, but I never got bored of looked at that face. I couldn't help but smile. Boyfriend, I liked the sound of that.

"Peter, it's been almost two weeks, the only time you've left is to change and shower. Go home, relax, do what you need to do." He tried ushering me out of his hospital room. "Love, even my mom has left." I had to smile. I absolutely loved hearing him talk, his Scottish accent made everything sound that much better, that much sweeter, that much more calming, it made him seem that much sexier.

"I have so much to do at home! If I leave I can almost guarantee I won't be back for awhile." I went over and set down on the bed. He was getting better today, he was stronger.

"All the more reason for you to get a breather from this place!" He smiled his killer smile. "Go, I'm not going anywhere, and if anything happens, I'll get them to call you." I threw my head back in defeat.

"Fine. You win."

"Yes! Now come over here." He pulled me roughly to him, kissing me then pushing me off the bead. I couldn't help but laugh.

"I get the message, I'm going, I'm going!" I backed away from the hospital bed, making sure to record Bryan's every movement. I finally got out of the room and headed downstairs. I scanned my pockets looking for my phone. Shit! I must have left it at Lisa's. I ran to the parking lot, wanting to find some quiet in the solitude of my car. Resting my head, I let out a sigh. I opened my eyes and started the car. I made my way back to her home, I needed to not only find my phone, but gather the rest of my stuff.

I hopped up the stairs to her home; I turned the corner of the hallway to see a figure to standing in front of the door I wanted to enter.

"Can I help you?" I asked the stranger. He turned. "Oh sorry Matt, you look different from the back."

"Where have you been? I've been trying to get a hold of you for days!" I sensed the panic in his voice.

"Whoa calm down dude, I'm fine." He came over and hugged me. I rubbed my head into his shoulder. Unlike Bryan, Matt was a little shorter than me.

"You like hugs don't you?" He asked cheekily.

"I'm a sucker for them." I sighed and pulled away from this hunk. Did I just say hunk? Wow, accepting you love a man really changes you.

"So where have you been?" I led him into the small apartment and told him the whole story. Just as I finished there was a knock at the door.

"Coming." I called. I got up and opened the front door; there stood a short, green eye, blonde haired kid. He looked to be a little older than me, twenty years old at the most.

"Is Matthew here?" His small voice rang. The definition of `Twink' would have carried his name in the description.

"Jesse? What are you doing here?" Matt's big hands moved me out of the way.

"Just missing you." The young kid winked. Matt's big frame leaned in and kissed Jesse. His arms wrapped around his body and lifted him in the air. This was going to escalade to more than just kissing. I cleared my throat.

"Sorry." The both said as they pulled apart, and everyone's feet finally found the floor again.

"Hell, where are my manners? Peter, this is Jesse, Jesse this is Peter." We shook hands and greeted each other with the traditional, Nice to Meet Yous. I led everyone into the living room to mingle. After a few I left to pack all of my stuff and finally give my best friend her spare room back. As I was making my bed, Matt came in and took a seat on the very thing I just spent like twenty minutes making.

"Shoo!" I almost shouted at him and slapped him upside the head. "You're not messing this bed up." I smiled and giggled at him.

"Yeah whatever. So... what do you think of him?" His lips curved upward into a smile, his tongue sticking between his teeth and bottom lip.

"Well Mr. Cheeky, he seems great..."

"But.." He finished my sentence.

"But... doesn't he seem a little, unno, boyish to you?" I turned to pick up my backpack and a box full of other assorted living necessities.

"I guess, but he's more mature than most men. Now it's your turn."

"What?" I asked a little confused.

"I showed you mine, now you show me yours." I rolled my eyes.

"God I hope Jesse didn't hear that." We both started laughing. "And later, he's in the hospital!" I let my visitors out the door, my crap in tow. Matt and I parted ways on the sidewalk with a hug, that seemed to piss Jesse off, but I didn't care. I didn't care about much right now, just getting back to him.

I opened the door to my apartment. That also had a nice ring to it, my apartment. I walked into the kitchen to find boxes on boxes stacked in the middle of the floor. I looked a little closer and saw a note on the side of the box in the middle.

Dear Peter,

I made your life a little easy, me and your grandmother bought you everything your going to need to get started living on your own. It's all in these boxes and just needs to be put away by you. You might also see that we packed your clothes, and everything you wanted to take from home. I miss you sweetie, please don't be a stranger and know that I'm always here for you!! XOXO

Love Mom

I laughed out loud. I loved my mom so damn much! I opened one box to find most of my electronic equipment; I opened another to find clothes. Within only four hours I had unpacked everything and had official moved into my new house! I couldn't contain my excitement, I need to celebrate or something!

Knock Knock. I banged my knuckles on the door. The man in the room turn and scowled at the sight of me. "What it's been-" I looked at my watch "four and a half hours." The scowl faded on Bryan's face into a smile. His left eye blinked at me and waved me over.

"Who am I kidding? I missed ya." I crawled into the hospital bed with him. His arms wrapped around my body and held me close. He nuzzled his face into my neck, "Hmm you're so warm, I could literally stay like this for days." I pulled his hand up to my face, kissed it and put it back where it was. I could feel his mouth form into a smile behind my head. His warm lips touched the back of my neck, than the top of my head. "I love you." He said.

"Me too." I sighed.

"Guess what." He whispered sexily behind me.

"What?" I asked, excited about the answer.

"I get to go home today." The sentence registered in my brain and my body shot up onto my feet and turned to look at him.

"Really?" I asked like a little kid having the best day of their life. He chuckled and reached to stroke my face with his fingers.

"Really really."

"Than let's get your ass moving!"

I helped him hobble his way back into his home. With his bag on my right shoulder and his hand on my left for support, I managed to manoeuvre through his house, to the living room and set him on his couch. "Where do you want this bag?" I asked.

"Umm put it on my bed, you should know where that is." he smiled, in fact his bed is where he nursed me back to health, were, to my mistake, he admitted his true feelings for me to Lisa. "Oh and could you put the suit that is on my bed in the closet, I mean only if you want to."

"Hush," I said wile facing him and walking backwards, "I'll do it." I walked into his room, set his bag down on his bed. I saw the black suit in its clear plastic covering laying down on the bed. I gently picked it up by the hook and carried it over to the open closet. Shoving some hanging clothes aside I hung it in an open space. I turned my body to leave, but something caught my eye. What was that hanging? I shoved clothes aside once again to get a better look? Was that his? I walked back into the living room, Bryans was laying down watching TV. I sat down at his feet. I looked over at him, he looked tired. I picked up his bare foot in my hands and started to gently rub my thumbs and fingers into it, gently massaging it.

"Ugh." He moaned. "That feels so good." I couldn't help but smile. I seemed to be doing that a lot more now that I spent a lot of my time with this man.

"Bryan," I began my questions as I switched to the other foot, "mind if I ask you something?"

"Anything you want."

"That Canadian Forces uniform in your closet, is it yours?" He sat up to look at me.

"Yes. They paid for Medical School. In return I have to serve for at least two years."

"So what do you have to do?" I was kind of scared to be honest.

"Well right now I'm working in the infirmary at Fort McCain Airbase. But I do whatever I am needed to do. I might even have to deploy to Afghanistan sometime." I looked at him. I knew what happened when people went away to fight. My mothers friend lost her husband. He came back a complete and total different person. If there was one thing I had learned, it was that war changes people.

"I hope you don't ever have to go." I confessed.

"Come ere'." I crawled over to kneel down beside him. "Me too." His lips kissed mine. I felt safe again.

So sorry this chapter took so long to get up, and even worse that it's short. Oh well. I have lot's planned for the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed this and I hope it was worth waiting for. I have absolutely no idea when the next chapter will be posted but hang in there with me.

Til next time. ~Daniel

UPDATE: Novemeber 30th

I updated all the chapters, and hopefully the next one will be uploaded sometime before hell freezes over. :)

Next: Chapter 11

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