Welcome to Beckingham Palace

By PCW Tosh

Published on Apr 22, 2021


Disclaimer: Hey folks, this story is just a fantasy and I have no evidence that this actually happened, but we can all dream.

Stay healthy and please practice safe sex and/or know your partner well! S.T.I.s can kill.

Happy reading.

Previously: Sticky Blinders

Tom found his rhythm instantly sliding down the 24-year-old's shaft like a pro. Finn beamed in surprised delight watching his pole disappearing inside Tom's face.

Welcome to Beckingham Palace

Tom Holland arrived at the Kensington Hotel, a glitzy evening of fashion followed more importantly by a night of drinking. Positively buzzing, Tom entered the reception to the buzz of voices talking, socialising and networking. Tom's hand was filled with a glass of champagne and he was ushered through to the reception room.

Scanning the room he looked to see any faces he recognised. "Tom, how are you doing?" A familiar voice interrupted his search from close by. He turned towards the voice to see David Beckham beaming back at him. "David, how are you?" "I'm good I'm good, glad to see you here." David smiled. "If you have a moment, my kids are big fans of yours, do you mind us getting a quick snap?" David continued. "Course." Tom agreed, David raised his hand and beckoned his kids over. Tom instantly recognised Brooklyn, all grown up and looking more and more like his dad. Romeo, he guessed looking like a taller but slimmer, young David Beckham. A shorter version of Brooklyn, that's gotta be Cruz and the girl, so that's Harper.

Two mini Beckhams on either side of him and with David pointing his phone at them, Tom posed the standard professional smile. "Thanks." David beamed, "I'll send it to you." He promised hurrying off to greet another new guest. The mini Beckhams remained with Tom, Cruz and Harper drifting off into their own conversation about their fizzy soft drinks.

"Thanks for the photo mate." Brooklyn nodded politely whilst Romeo watched them quietly sipping his champagne. "No worries mate." Tom replied, "you guys modelling tonight?" He continued. Brooklyn shook his head while Romeo began to snigger causing him to choke on his champagne. The younger Beckham coughed and spluttered embarrassingly, his face turning pink with a mixture of the coughing and his embarrassment.

"Shut up Romeo." Brooklyn hissed, "I'm sorry Tom. Yeah mum wanted us to model but we try and avoid it these days. Still doesn't get us out of being here though, the lightweight over here is getting drunk." Brooklyn explained frowning towards Romeo. "Ahhhh. Don't worry." Tom chuckled winking towards Romeo, who turned to hide his face in embarrassment. "I wanna try some acting though, that looks like a laugh." Brooklyn started. Tom glanced at him a little bemused, "it can be a laugh, but there's a lot of research you have to put into your work before you even start filming." Tom explained. "Yeah, but I'd love to do a nice long fight scene or a hot love scene." Brooklyn replied daydreaming, Tom could practically see the boyish hormones pulsing through the 21-year-old. "Alright Romeo, calm down! A pro would be able to do that work without getting a boner." Tom replied smartly. "He's Romeo, I'm Brooklyn." The older Beckham snapped impatiently. "That was the joke." Tom sniggered, champagne spurted out of Romeo's nose and the teenager's body convulsed as he tried to contain his laughter yet again. Tom glanced over to him with a wink as Brooklyn turned pink with embarrassment. The 21-year-old threw back his glass of champagne and beckoned a waiter over for a refill, [dick, the joke wasn't even funny] Brooklyn fumed.

They were ushered into the great room, Tom followed the mini Beckhams in before turning off to find his seat. He located himself between a couple of names he didn't recognise and went to get settled. "Hey Tom, come up front, I insist." David reappeared out of nowhere. "oh, yeah sure." Tom glanced sideways to check his neighbours' expressions, no one seemed to notice. "Vics would be honoured to meet you, and I think I've won best parent with those pictures earlier." He beamed. Tom pushed himself up and followed David to the front row. The Beckham kids smiled up at Tom as he appeared alongside David, except Brooklyn who was still peeved by his Romeo joke.

"Viks, Tom, Tom, Viks." David explained hurriedly. "Hello Tom." Victoria smiled politely, "nice to meet you Mrs Beckham." Tom replied leaning in to give her a peck on each cheek. "Make some space for Tom kids." David told them before he took a seat. Harper remained sat closest to her dad, followed by Brooklyn. Romeo and Cruz went to shuffle up one, Brooklyn hastily grabbed Romeo by the elbow pulling him back down. Tom went to sit in the vacant seat between Romeo and Cruz. "Yesss." Cruz beamed as Tom got comfortable next to him. Tom took out his phone and pulled a silly face whilst leaning into Cruz, the youngster mimicked him for the selfie.

The lights went down and the show began to the sound of loud and repetitive music. Tall, paper-thin supermodels began to appear one after the other, each wearing an outfit more outrageous than the one that preceded it. "Fuck me, they're skinnier than mum!" Brooklyn whispered into Romeo's ear, the younger Beckham shuddered silently trying to control his laughter. "What's up?" Tom whispered leaning in. Romeo froze, "don't you worry matey." Brooklyn replied bluntly for his brother. Romeo glanced towards Tom apologetically as the 24-year-old sank back into his chair.

[That shut him up!] Brooklyn grinned to himself triumphantly. The eldest Beckham took a swig of his beer and settled back into his seat. [God this is taking forever.] Brooklyn groaned as the music changed theme, getting louder and faster. Now the models came out in pairs wearing all different types of swimwear. The flesh on show increased along with the size of Brooklyn's crotch. He jabbed his elbow sideways into his brother's ribs excitedly, "she's not actually that bad in a bikini." He hissed into Romeo's ear. "Definitely better looking than you in a bikini." Romeo replied sorely, "fuck off poking me will you!" "Sorry." Brooklyn snapped dismissively, Romeo rolled his eyes and sniggered.

After what seemed like 5000 costume changes later the music ended with a few low budget pyrotechnics. The room broke into a generous applause, both David and Victoria rose to their feet, followed by their kids, Tom and then the rest of the audience. The designer stood beaming, acknowledging the standing ovation.

The crowd filtered out into the reception area where more refreshments were being served to the sound of ambient music. "How did you find that Tom? What was your favourite design?" David asked Tom excitedly. "Errr, I dunno. They were all very interesting." Tom lied, his mind had gone walkabout as soon as the music hit. Why did Brooklyn hate him so much, because of one little joke?

"David, stop harassing the poor boy." Victoria demanded as David's expression searched Tom for more detail. "Tom, would you like to come back with us? I'm sure the kids would love to have you over." Victoria smiled. Tom couldn't think of a way out, but a night with the Beckhams could be a laugh. "Yeah sure why not." He nodded politely. The elder Beckhams led their kids out and Tom along with them. "Second car for you mate." Brooklyn cut in as the Beckhams cars pulled up. David, Brooklyn and Cruz climbed into the first car whilst Tom followed Victoria, Romeo and Harper into the second car.

The journey to Hertfordshire was quick through the night time traffic, the car turned into the impressive mansion's drive and came to a halt. The driver climbed out to open both doors on the passenger side and they clambered out. Tom followed the family inside the mansion, "Tom how about a nightcap?" David offered, "sounds good." Tom replied with a grin. "I'm off to bed." Victoria announced as the rest of the family headed into the living room.

Tom's eyes wandered around the grand room, marvellous wooden architecture surrounded them and 4 large red leather couches were placed in the middle of the room all facing each other. "Brook, Romeo, do you mind getting us the drinks." David requested. Brooklyn nodded and was followed by his younger brother.

"What would you like Tom?" David smiled as he settled down into his chair and made himself comfortable, "I'm having a whisky, but we've got pretty much everything." David finished sensing Tom needed clarification of the menu. "Ahh ok, please can I have a lager then?" Tom replied, "of course." David nodded gesturing for Tom to sit down on the couch across from him.

The Beckham brothers prepared each of them a drink, Brooklyn made the drinks while Romeo delivered them. "Thanks very much." Tom smiled warmly up at the teenager who blushed and nodded. "So Tommy." David grinned, spreading himself deep into his chair while Cruz rested his head on his dad's chest drinking a cola. "Can I call you Tommy? What's the next film of yours my kids will be dragging me to see and will I like it?" David finished thanking Romeo as he placed a glass down on the table for his dad.

"The Devil All The Time is my next film out on Netflix, but it's probably one for the older boys. But I will be doing another Spiderman film next year?" Tom explained taking a sip of his beer. The actor's face dropped in shock, [fuck that's bitter!] "You ok?" David asked, looking concerned. Tom quickly regained his composure, "oh yeah, I was just expecting lager and this is ale. It's fine though, ale's good too." Tom smiled. "You sure, the boys can get you a lager, it's no trouble?" David replied. "Nah I'm good." Tom confirmed by taking a long draught of his beer then glancing over towards Brooklyn giving him a nod. The look Brooklyn gave in response told Tom that the Beckham boy had given him an ale on purpose.

"You get out to Miami often?" David started, "errr sometimes." Tom replied, "good, let me know when you're there next time, I'll take you along to see my team play. You heard of Inter Miami?" "Yeah I have. Sounds like a plan." He beamed as Brooklyn settled down on the couch perpendicular to them closely followed by Romeo each clutching a beer. "Do you mind if I use your toilet?" Tom asked. "Course mate, Harper darling. Can you show Tom to his room?" David nodded turning to his daughter. "Yes daddy." Harper rang, jumping up and waiting for Tom to follow her.

Tom pushed himself up off the couch and set off after the female Beckham. "Nice house." Tom started. "Yeah it's nice, my brother likes you." Harper replied curtly. "Oh really?" Tom chuckled, the surprise in his voice was clear to Harper. "Yeah." she giggled. "So that's why he's being mean." Tom replied thoughtfully. Harper glanced at Tom looking confused. "Here's your room, there's an en suite." She explained opening the door and flicking on the light. "Thanks." Tom smiled gratefully as he stepped inside. The room was massive with a double bed, large TV and a couch.

[Son of a bitch] Tom chuckled to himself as he fired a long stream of piss into the bowl. No wonder Brooklyn was fucking about with him, he was flirting. [I mean Brooklyn's alright, but Romeo is starting to really look cute. Come on Tom, don't be a heartbreaker.] The actor zipped himself up then cleaned himself up before heading back. Harper had left him to retrace their steps in reverse down the staircase then turning left and following the voices.

The three remaining Beckhams all looked up at Tom as he entered. "Tommy boy." David beamed, "you find everything ok?" "Yeah I did thanks. Where's Harper?" Tom replied looking confused. "Lil'un's have gone to bed mate." David explained as Tom settled back into his seat.

After sipping down the rest of his whisky David turned to Tom. "Ok I'm going up. Boys you look after him. I'll chuck a few things in your cupboard for you to change into tomorrow, but otherwise it's been a pleasure, good night." David smiled with his famous toothy grin. "Night David." "Night dad." Brooklyn and Romeo chimed in unison.

A few seconds of silence passed, Romeo shifted awkwardly. "Hey Brooklyn, I'm sorry if I said something to upset you earlier." Tom offered. Brooklyn eyed him, "you're good mate." Brooklyn answered burying the end of it with a mouthful of beer. Romeo jumped up and hurried out of the room.

"Look mate, don't beat yourself up about it. I just don't like you yeah." Brooklyn explained with a satisfied grin. Tom's heart sank. "And why is that?" He replied, "don't really have a reason mate, I just dislike you." Brooklyn replied with a tone of irritation in his voice. "Brooklyn, it's cool if you like me, I'm flattered, you don't need to lash out." Tom replied softly. "Pah!' Brooklyn blasted, "like you? What gave you that idea?" He snapped. "Errr Harper said..." "Fuck sake, silly girl can't keep her mouth shut." Brooklyn groaned, his face reddening. "As I said mate, I'm flattered." "Fuck off, she's not talking about me. Romeo likes you!" Brooklyn spat indignantly. Tom's face fell and turned to Romeo who stood frozen in the doorway. "Tell him Romeo." Brooklyn finished before taking another sip of his drink.

The silence was tense as Romeo stared at Tom who tried to look warm and approachable. The teenager turned on his heel and disappeared back through the door. Tom jumped up from the couch to chase after the teenage Beckham. Tom followed the sound of him running up the stairs and looking down the long hallway he saw Romeo running down the corridor. "Romeo." Tom hissed trying not to shout whilst people were trying to sleep on the other side of the doors. Romeo ducked into a room and closed the door behind him before Tom reached it.


Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed the story.

If you like what you've read please let me know by emailing me on pcwtosh@gmail.com.

I write these stories for fun, but I would greatly appreciate any contributions you are willing to give as a result. If you would like to make a donation then feel free to contact me on the email above.

Here is the rest of my collection:

Sticky Blinders, After party at the OSCARs, Cole Me By Your Name, Happy 18th Bro & Coffee for John

The Diving Squad

England Cricket Boys & From Rapid to Star

Gymnastics Fantastics

Scrum Down & Clash of the Centres

Raging Scott, Swim Team, HRVY PTY, Swimnasium & Ripped Roses

Vamp-ing & One Direction to Dunkirk

Tennis series: Touring with the Next-Gen, Double Fault, A Break in the Bahamas, Bulging Bulgarian, Winner Takes All

Football series: Chelsea Training, Winter in Portsmouth, Graduation Ceremony, Welsh Cherries, Cherries Go Blue, King Power, Three Lions of King Power, Loving Gunners, Bad Boys Gone Naughty, Confident Canary, Lilywhite Hoops, From Paris With Love, Lion Cubs & Behind Blue Doors.

F1 Series: F1 World & Life in Monaco, Magic Monza, Marina Bay, Surrey Holiday, The Home of British Motorsport, The Champ is Here & Samba in Sao Paulo

Ice Hockey Series: On Ice, On Ice Mighty Ducks, Buffalo Bound & Power Surge

You can show your appreciation for all the guys at Nifty by donating here, http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

Next: Chapter 2

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