Weeks Vacation

Published on Jul 24, 1997



"A Week's Vacation" Copyright 1991 by Mathis B. Rogers

This is a Gay Adult Story. It was written by me in 1990. If you are not 21 or over, then it is against the law for you to read this story. This is pure fiction, and none of the characters or places are real. Any resemblances of such is purely coincidental. Any comments or constructive criticism is welcome. Send them via email to Mathis B. Rogers mathis@mathisbrogers.com

A Week's Vacation

I was sitting at the kitchen table playing dominoes with David and Sue Bennett. They were friends of mine that I had met at church, and we had kind of teamed up together. We spent most of our weekends together.

David was a hunk. He had black hair and blue eyes. He was very muscular and had a dark tan. He was six feet tall. I fell in love with him the day we met.

Sue was a lovely blonde, she was like me and couldn't tan. I always burned then turned white again. She didn't even suspect that I was head over heels in love with her husband.

I had told them about a month before that I was going to be on vacation the next week.

David looked from me to his wife then said, "You know, Scott, I decided to take my vacation next week, also. I'm planning to go up to the cabin that my parents own and spend the week fishing. Since Sue has to work, and she doesn't care for the outdoors anyway, would you like to come along?"

Would I? A chance to spend a whole week with the guy I was in love with, without his wife.

"Sure," I said non nonchalantly. I couldn't make them suspect.

"Well, you don't have to be so enthusiastic about it," Sue said.

"I would love to go," I said a little more enthusiastic.

"Good. I tell you what," David said pushing his chair back, "why don't you run home and pack and we can leave this evening?"

"So soon?" Sue asked surprised.

"Sure," David replied. "The fish start biting early, this way we'll be there early in the morning to get the best catch."

This was agreed on, and I ran home to pack.

I lived about three blocks from them in an apartment complex.

Sometimes they would come over and go swimming or we'd all go to the workout room, or to play pool. Although they came over frequently, I had never seen David nude. I made a vow while I was packing, that if nothing else I would at least find out what that bulge on the other side of his swim trunks looked like.

I got back to their house at about eight and David was ready to go. We decided to leave my car in their garage and take his jeep wagoneer.

It was only a hundred miles up to the cabin, so we sat and talked on the way. My eyes kept wandering over to him. He was wearing a pair of shorts and a half tee shirt. The black hair on his stomach was so thick and soft, I just wanted to reach over and run my fingers through it.

It was about ten when we pulled up in front of the cabin, since we had stopped at the store and bought groceries when we reached the little town a few miles south of the cabin.

There was a nice front yard, and we could hear the stream running behind the house. About a quarter of a mile east of the house the stream ran into the lake.

"The couch makes a bed," David said as he walked through the living room into the bedroom. He threw his suitcases on the bed then returned to the living room. "But I don't see any point in fucking with it, we can both sleep in there. That is, if you don't mind sleeping with me?"

He startled me because I'd never heard him curse before.

"No, I don't mind," I replied as I took my suitcases into the bedroom and sat them on the floor. I was hoping he wouldn't notice the way my heart was pounding in my chest.

"Good. the couch is not that comfortable, anyway. I'd hate to think you weren't sleeping good."

Little did he know, if I was laying next to him I may not sleep at all.

"When we were growing up, I had to sleep out here with my brother, usually we'd just wind up on the floor."

"That is bad," I agreed as we went out to get the bags of groceries.

"I think Mom and Dad bought this place to get away from us," he said with a laugh as he closed the front door and locked it.

"Hikers try to get in at night, and will if you leave the door open," he said looking at his watch.

"By the time we get unpacked," he continued, "and put the groceries up, it's going to be pretty late."

After we put the groceries up, we went into the bedroom and put our clothes up in the closet. It was about eleven when he stretched and said we'd better get in bed if we were going to get up at five in the morning.

"Early bird gets the worm, or fish in this case," he said.

I went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. I always slept in a night shirt and my briefs, and I had my robe with me.

"It's all yours," I said after I had finished.

He got up from the chair he was sitting in, and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I took off my robe and lay down on the bed and pulled the sheet up over me.

A few minutes later the bathroom door opened and he came out, turning the light out. The moon was shining in through the window, so the room was well lit.

I was laying on my left side facing his side of the bed. He walked around the bed and stood there for a moment as he straightened his pillow. He was nude. I could see him clearly in the moonlight. He was about seven inches long, and limp.

He turned around and sat down on the side of the bed, then lay down on his back beside me, pulling the sheet up to his waist. His body was so warm, I just wanted to slide over and lay my head on his warm hairy chest.

"Boy am I tired," he said with a sigh raising his right arm over his head, and resting it on the pillow.

"Me too," I replied, yawning. My entire body was tingling, I felt the butterflies in my stomach. My heart was pounding so hard that I just knew the bed was shaking.

Somehow I managed to fall asleep because later, I opened my eyes, I was laying on my right side. I could feel David's warm body pressed up against my back, his arm was around me.

I rolled over onto my back and he rolled over on his at the same time, so I turned onto my left side and put my head on his chest. The clock on the table said it was three am.

With some difficulty, I managed to go back to sleep. When I awoke again it was five till five. I knew that he had set the clock to go off at five. I was still laying with my head on his chest. His right arm was around me and his hand was on my shoulder. I looked up at his face. He was still asleep. I didn't want to move, but I didn't want to get caught in such an awkward position either. I slowly ran my hand down his hard body, through the soft hair, then, watching his face, I raised the sheet up. I could see well enough by the early morning light to tell he was fully erect. He was about ten inches long and eight inches thick. I had to fight the urge to take it in my mouth and wake him up the way a lot of my former lovers liked me to wake them up.

My own organ was screaming for attention. I slowly slid out from under his arm and got up and dashed to the bathroom, closing the door behind me. I took my night shirt and briefs off and got into the shower and masturbated like I never had before. The vision of David lingering in my mind.

After I had come, I took my shower and made sure all of my sperm had gone down the drain. I had just pushed the shower curtain aside and began drying off when the door opened and David walked in. He was still nude but he was limp.

"Morning, early bird," he said with a smile as he walked over to the toilet.

"Morning, sleepy head," I returned as he urinated.

"Did you sleep good?" he asked as I stepped out of the tub.

"Yes, I did," I replied as he took a towel and dried the steam off of the mirror.

I held my towel in front of me and leaned up against the counter so I could face him while he washed his face. Then he straightened up and looked at his face in the mirror.

"I wish I didn't have to shave," he said rubbing the bristles of his morning beard.

"Don't then," I said.

"Sue would kill me if I came home with a mustache," he said with a laugh. "I had one when we met, but she didn't like it, so I shaved it off. I never liked wearing a beard though."

Then he frowned at me and reached over and ran his warm hand down my cheek, making my body tingle. "You don't shave, do you?" he asked.

"I had a skin problem when I was younger," I said, "so I had electrolysis. When I shaved my skin dried up and got real flaky. So I finally got tired of it and had it removed."

"You're lucky," he said with a sigh and squirted some shave cream on his hand.

"You can wear a mustache this week," I said with a shrug. "I think you'd look good with it."

He looked at me and smiled, then he nodded, "You know? I think I will."

I sat on the counter and watched him shave, leaving the mustache so it ran down either side of his mouth to his wide, strong chin.

He dried his face off then looked at me. "What do you think?" he asked.

I looked down at his crotch then slowly ran my eyes up his body and looked into his eyes. Then, smiling, I nodded and said, "Looking good."

He smiled back and shook his head, then leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. "Why don't you go see what you can find in the kitchen for breakfast while I take a shower?" he said and turned around and climbed into the tub.

I didn't tell him what I really wanted for breakfast, instead I went into the bedroom and got dressed in a pair of swim shorts and a t-shirt. Then, after making the bed, I went through the living room to the kitchen.

I had just finished making breakfast when David put his warm hands on my shoulders and looked over my right shoulder.

"Smells good," he said.

"So do you," I said pressing against him as I turned around.

He was wearing a pair of swim trunks and holding a t-shirt in his hand. He smiled at me, then put his shirt on as I filled our plates and took them over to the dinning table.

After breakfast I did the dishes while he went out to the jeep and brought the tackle box to the front porch.

When I finished, I joined him outside where he was getting everything ready to go fishing.

"Come on," he said picking up the tackle box and two rods.

I closed the door and followed him to the end of the house.

"Wait!" I cried stopping.

"What?" he asked turning around.

"I forgot something," I said and turned and ran back into the house. I picked up my suntan lotion and a blanket then ran back outside.

"What do you need those for?" he asked frowning.

"I burn easily, remember?" I reminded him.

"Yeah, that's right, I forgot," he confessed. Then I followed him down the path to the stream. From there, we made our way to the lake.

He picked out a nice grassy patch close to the bank and sat the tackle box down. "This looks like a good spot," he said.

I unfolded the blanket and spread it out as close to the edge of the water as I could. "I have to admit something," I said.

He raised his eyebrows. "I don't really like to fish."

He smiled and shook his head, "Then what did you come out here for?"

I know I turned red, "To be with you," I admitted. "I didn't have any plans for this week, so when you asked me to come out here, I couldn't pass up the chance."

He reached over and squeezed my arm and smiled. "Thanks. I appreciate that."

Then he looked out over the water. "I wish Sue would do that," he said with a sigh.

"Do you know how to cast?" he asked changing the subject as he baited a hook for me.

"Yes," I replied. "I used to go fishing with my grandparents when I was little. I was always playing around the water or in the sand instead of paying attention to my line," I told him.

"Ever catch anything?" he asked handing me the rod.

"Yeah," I replied, "but by the time I got around to trying to reel them in, they always got away."

I casted my line then sat down on the blanket and watched as David baited his rod and casted it, then he sat down beside me. A few minutes later he caught one, and I was still sitting there waiting. I sighed as he recast and put the trout in the bucket he had brought to hold them in until we were ready to leave.

Within fifteen minutes he had caught three and I hadn't caught any. I lay my rod down and took my shirt off and began applying the sun tan lotion I had brought with me.

"Would you put some on my back?" I asked.

He had just cast off again, but smiled and nodded, and stuck his pole in the ground and took the lotion. I lay down on my stomach and he squeezed some lotion out on his hand.

The lotion was cool against my back as he rubbed it in with his strong warm hands. "Mm," I moaned. "That feels good."

"You really can't tan?" he asked softly as he rubbed my back.

"No, I always burn, then peel, then turn white again."

"Take you're trunks off," he said.

"Why?" I asked frowning, my body was tingling with excitement.

"Just take them off," he urged.

I took them off, then he applied the lotion on my rear and all the way down my legs to my feet.

"We'll get you an all over tan this week," he said. "If we do it right, you won't burn."

Then he took his trunks off and handed me the suntan lotion. "Do you mind?" he asked.

"Not at all," I replied rolling over and sitting up.

He lay down on his stomach and I put the lotion in my hands and rubbed them together. Then I rubbed the lotion onto his back. He was so muscular. My organ began to grow as I rubbed his back down to his rear. There was a white strip around his mid section where he always wore his swim trunks.

I rubbed lotion onto his smooth ass and massaged it in. Then I ran my hands down each of his legs. At the top of his thighs I made sure my hand rubbed against his balls. He didn't say anything. When I finished, he turned over onto his back.

"Would you mind putting some on my front?" he asked, noticing I had a hard on.

Of course not, but I didn't say that.

I started by putting some on his forehead, then his cheeks and down his neck to his chest. Then across his broad shoulders and down each muscular arm. He kept his eyes closed as I spread the lotion down his upper torso to his stomach.

He stayed limp as I spread the lotion on his right hip and down his long hairy leg to his foot. Then I put more lotion in my hand and ran it up his left leg.

His cock began to grow as I started up his left thigh. By the time I reached his left hip, he was totally erect. I couldn't resist it anymore. I leaned over and put my mouth over the head of it. He was huge! I could only get the head in my mouth, and that was painful. I ran my tongue down the back of his shaft, then back up to the head. Then I put the tip of my tongue on the base of his head and licked back and forth.

"Ohhh..Scott," he moaned. "What are you doing? That feels sooo good."

He put his hands on my head and rubbed my hair as he pushed his hips toward me. I continued to suck him and lick him.

"Ohhh Scott, yes, I'm coming!" he panted. I put my mouth over the head as his shaft expanded and his warm juice filled my mouth up. I sucked him dry and swallowed all of it.

He pulled me up to his lips and kissed me on the mouth.

"Oh, shit," he said with a sigh as he leaned back and pulled me down beside him, my head on his warm hairy chest.

"You've done that before, haven't you?" he asked and kissed me on the top of my head.

"A few times," I replied, "but never with a hunk like you."

"I wish Sue would do that," he said pulling me closer.

I knew a lot of women didn't do that, but I didn't say anything. I rolled over on my back and we lay there with sun beating down on us.

I felt David's warm hand on my back as he kissed me on the cheek. "You're getting red," he said softly as I woke up. "We'd better get back to the cabin."

I looked up at him as he stood up. His white stripe was tan now, but it wasn't as dark as the rest of his body. I looked down at myself. I was light pink. I didn't know how long I had been asleep, but it was ten o'clock. I put my shorts on then slipped into my t-shirt. David put his shorts back on, but left his shirt off and we made our way back to the cabin.

"You need to take a cool shower," David said as he put the fishing equipment on the front porch. "Then I've got some ointment that will help you keep from peeling."

I went into the cabin and took a shower.

I was patting myself dry when he opened the bathroom door.

"I'll take a quick shower," he said dropping his shorts, "then I'll put the ointment on you. Go ahead and lay down on the bed, I'll be there in a minute."

"Okay," I said and went into the bedroom.

I pulled the covers back, then lay down on my stomach on the cool sheets. About five minutes later, David sat down next to me on the bed.

"How do you feel?" he asked softly as he put some of the ointment in his hands and rubbed them together.

"Kind of tender," I replied.

"This will help," he said and put his hands on my back.

I flinched. "You okay?" he asked.

"It's cold," I said.

"Yeah, but it'll cool you off."

"Wanna bet?" I replied as my cock began to grow.

He rubbed the ointment on my back, ass, and legs. Then told me to roll over.

He looked at my hard on and smiled, but didn't say anything. Then he put the ointment all over my body. But he didn't put any on my swollen cock.

"That should help," he said and stood up. "I'm going to go back out and see if I can catch a few more fish," he said. "You stay in here and rest. When I get back this afternoon, I'll put some more lotion on you."

"Okay," I said and reached up and rubbed his arm. "Thanks."

He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks for coming with me," he said with a smile.

"My pleasure," I replied. "Sorry I can't go back out there with you."

"Me too," he said. "But you will be able to tomorrow."

He put his shorts back on and went out into the living room. A few moments later I heard the screen door slam, and I knew that he was gone.

I lay on the bed for a few minutes then I looked over at the clock. It was eleven-thirty.

I sighed and got up and remade the bed.

I put my robe on and, as I walked into the living room the front door opened.

"I don't know, Greg," the man that was walking in was saying to someone behind him, "it looks like David's."

The man that entered stopped when he saw me. He was about six three and had greying black hair. He was wearing a pair of shorts and his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a nice hairy chest. He looked a lot like David.

"Well, hello," he said as he stopped. The guy he called Greg ran into him.

"Sorry, Greg," he said and moved out of the way so Greg could enter.

Greg was about six foot and also wore a pair of shorts and his shirt was open also, but he wasn't as hairy, and his hair was brown.

Both men looked enough alike to be brothers and, not only were they both gorgeous, they had nice tans.

I pulled my robe tighter around me.

"I'm Ray Bennett," the taller of the two volunteered. "This is my brother, Greg."

"Nice to meet you," I said. "Uh, I'm Scott Campbell. You must be David's father?"

"Yeah, I am," he replied sitting his suitcase on the floor beside the couch."

Greg looked around then at the door behind me. "Where is David, anyway?" he asked nervously as his eyes darted from me to the bedroom door.

I could tell by the look on his face what he was thinking. I only wished it were true.

"He's gone down to the lake, fishing," I replied and walked over and sat down on the couch.

"We just got here last night," I continued. "We spent the morning down there, but as you can see, I started to burn, and had to come back in."

"Is Sue with you?" Ray asked sitting down in the chair beside the couch.

"No," I replied. "She had to work this week."

"I guess we should go find David," Ray said with a sigh. "I wasn't aware that he was going to be using this place this week. The sleeping arrangements are going to be kind of awkward with the four of us here, and only two beds."

"Yeah, well, I'm sure we can work something out," Greg said.

I stood up. "Would you excuse me while I go get dressed?"

"Sure," Ray said and I went into the bedroom and closed the door.

Everything I had planned for David for the rest of the week had just been blown wide open. Luckily I had been able to give him a blow job. I put my shorts and shirt on. That was kind of tricky; I was starting to hurt.

I started to open the door when I heard David exclaim, "Dad! Uncle Greg, what are you doing here?"

I peeked out the door as David hugged his father. He was wearing his shorts, but still hadn't put his shirt on.

"We were just going to ask you the same thing," Ray said as they sat down on the couch.

I was relieved that he was back.

"I had my vacation this week, so I decided to come up," he explained looking around.

"Who's the fag?" Greg asked jerking his thumb toward the bedroom door.

I quietly pushed it shut as the pain seared through me. No one had ever called me that before.

"Greg!" Ray scolded. "He might hear you."

"He's no fag," David replied hotly. "He's the best friend I've got right now. He knew he would burn if he came up here, and he doesn't even like to fish, but he came up here to be with me. Sue wouldn't even go as far as to come up here and stay in the cabin while I went fishing."

"She still won't let you fuck her?" Ray asked.

"No," he replied.

"I told you to get it annulled after your honeymoon," Ray said with a sigh.

"I know, but I love her," he protested.

"Since you got here last night, has he?" Greg asked sarcastically.

"No, but he would if I wanted to, which is more than I can say for Sue," David said sadly. "And I'm not ashamed of him one bit," he added hotly.

"Did you sleep together last night?" Ray asked softly.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't expect me to let him sleep on this hard couch, would you? And besides, nothing happened, even it it had, it wouldn't have mattered."

"We changed the mattress on this couch about six years ago," Ray said. "Greg always sleeps on it when we come up here. He hadn't complained since."

"Oh," David said. "Where is Scott anyway?" he asked changing the subject.

"He's in the bedroom getting dressed," Ray said. "He should be done by now," he added.

"He shouldn't be wearing clothes anyway," David said as his voice got louder. I could tell he was heading toward the bedroom door.

I rushed into the bathroom and closed the door.

A moment later the door opened and David walked in.

"Oh shit," he said taking one look at me. He closed the door and walked over to me. I was standing in front of the sink with my hands on the counter.

He put his arms around me. "You heard everything, didn't you?"

I nodded as he pulled me into his arms. I put my head on his shoulder and cried.

"No one's ever called me that before," I sobbed.

He kissed me on the cheek. His mustache pricked my sore skin and I flinched.

He laughed. "That's what Sue does when I have a full mustache," he said.

"I'm sorry," I said. "It wasn't the kiss or the mustache, it was the sunburn." I reached up and kissed him on the lips. "See there? that didn't hurt," I said forcing a smile.

He shook his head and smiled, then pulled me back into his arms.

"When you told your father that Sue wouldn't let you fuck her, did that mean you have a non-sexual relationship?" I asked running my finger around in the mass of soft black hair on his chest.

"Not totally," he replied. "She lets me suck her, and I can tit fuck her, and finger fuck her. I just can't cunt fuck her."

"She don't know what she's missing," I said kissing him on the cheek.

"She says I'm to big for her, that I hurt her," he said.

"I don't think you're to big," I said running my finger along the inside of the top of his shorts.

"I know," David said. "Let's go out and see if we can talk my uncle and father into letting us have the cabin for the rest of the week. They don't live as far off as we do."

We walked back into the living room, Ray was sitting in the chair and Greg was stretched out on the couch. It was obvious that the bulge that pressed against Greg's shorts, ran in the family.

"'Bout time," Greg grunted, sitting up. "What did you do, fuck him in the bathroom?"

"That's enough, Greg," Ray said hotly. He stood up. "Don't mind Greg," he said. "His latest fling just ran off with another guy, and he's taking it out on everyone."

"I can see why she left him," I said under my breath.

"What was that?" Greg snapped jumping up.

David put his arm around me, "Nothing, Uncle Greg," he said as Ray suppressed a laugh.

"Why don't we go out to the lake?" Ray asked putting his arm around Greg and pushing him to the door.

"Dad?" David said as Greg went outside.

"Yeah, son?" Ray asked turning around.

"Would you mind if Scott and I stayed here this week, and you and Uncle Greg came back next week?"

He looked at me, then back to David. "I think we can make this work out," he said. "Greg and I have to be back at work next week too, you know?"

"Oh, yeah, I guess so," he said, sadly.

"Chin up," Ray said cheerfully. "We'll manage," he walked out closing the door behind him.

David put his arms around me. "Sorry, Hon. I tried."

"I know," I said kissing him on the cheek.

"I'd hate to go back home now, but if Uncle Greg gives us any more shit, we'll leave in the morning."

"Okay," I said. "Would you like something for lunch?"

"No," he replied with a sigh. "But I'm dying of thirst. That's why I came back, to get a thermos of tea or lemonade."

"I'm glad you did," I said putting my head on his shoulder as the door opened again.

I pulled back as Ray walked in with two bags of groceries.

"I almost forgot to bring these in," he said taking them over to the kitchen counter.

"You have to bring groceries every time you come up here," he continued, making conversation. "Can't always count on the fish to bite."

"They've been biting pretty good this morning," David said as we walked over to the kitchen.

"Good," Ray said as Greg came in with two more bags.

"I caught three in the first fifteen minutes we were out this morning."

"Great!" Greg said sitting the bags on the counter. "How many did he catch?"

I was lucky my face was already red, but I knew it got redder.

"None," David replied. "He doesn't like to fish."

I started taking the groceries out of the bags and putting them up.

"That's our stuff," Greg said yanking a box out of my hand. "We'll put it up."

"Okay, fine," I said putting my hands in the air.

I took down the can of lemonade and got the pitcher out of the cabinet and started fixing two quarts.

I took down two glasses then turned to Ray. "Would you like a glass of lemonade, Ray?" I asked.

"Yes, please," he replied.

I took down another glass then looked at Greg and sighed. I had always heard that the way to a mans heart was through his stomach.

"Would you like a glass, Greg?" I asked politely.

"No thanks, not if you made it," he snorted.

After handing Ray and David a glass, I put the pitcher in the refrigerator.

"If you change your mind, it's in there," I told Greg closing the door.

"Don't worry, I won't," he replied as he finished putting the last empty sack in the drawer they kept empty sacks in.

"That wasn't very nice," Ray scolded as I went into the living room.

"I think we'll go ahead and leave this afternoon," David said as he followed me to the couch.

"No," I said taking a drink. "You go ahead down to the lake with them and have a good time, I'll stay up here. When you get back this evening, I'll fix dinner then we'll see what happens. If he's still obnoxious in the morning, we can go home."

"You don't have to put up with him, you know?"

"I'm not going to let him ruin your vacation," I replied.

"He's really a nice guy," David said with a sigh, "I don't know what his problem is."

"Don't worry about it," I said rubbing his leg. "I'm not going to let him get to me."

"Where were you fishing this morning?" Ray asked as he and Greg joined us.

"About fifty feet from the mouth of the stream," David replied.

Ray sat his empty glass on the coffee table. "We'll meet you there, then," he said.

"Okay," David said as he and Greg headed out the door.

"You sure you'll be okay?" David asked sitting his empty glass down beside his fathers.

"I'm sure," I replied as he stood up.

He bent down and kissed me on the top of the head.

"I guess I'd better get down there with them, or Uncle Greg's imagination will run away with him when I do show up."

I stood up. "Would you like to take a thermos of lemonade?"

"Yes, I'd better. It's going to get hotter this afternoon."

I filled the thermos up with the lemonade then, after David left, I fixed another pitcher and a sandwich and sat and watched TV for a while.

"Damn," I said after a while. "This is more boring than fishing."

I looked at my watch, it was three o'clock. I had watched a lot of TV. I slid down on the couch and put my head on a pillow as the next show came on.

"Scott?" I opened my eyes. David was sitting on the edge of the couch. The six o'clock news was just starting.

I smiled up at him. "Hi," I said softly.

"You okay?" he asked rubbing my arm. I flinched.

"I guess not," I said forcing a smile and trying to set up.

The sunburn had gotten worse and I was bright red. It was hard to move.

"I was afraid this might happen," David said.

Greg walked by on his way to the bedroom. He had taken his shirt off. He didn't say anything.

Ray sat down in the chair by the sofa. He too had his shirt off.

"You have anymore of that ointment?" I asked as David stood up.

"Yea," David said as I stood up, also. "Let's go in the bedroom and get some more on you."

When we got into the bedroom, I noticed that the bathroom door was closed and we heard the water running in the shower.

With some difficulty, and David's help, I managed to get my shirt and shorts off. David pulled the cover back and I lay down on the bed on my stomach.

"You've got a lot of heat trapped in your body," David said softly as he rubbed the ointment on my back. It was still cold, but I didn't flinch this time. It felt good.

I rolled over on my back and David rubbed some on my front. I was in to much pain to be horny, and David even rubbed some on my limp cock, which was just as red as the rest of me.

After he had the ointment on me, he put the cap back on and sat it on the night stand. Then he bent down and kissed me on the cheek.

"You stay here," he said, "I'll fix you some more lemonade and bring it in. Then I'll take care of dinner, okay?"

I smiled at him. "Thanks," I said running my hand down his cheek.

He left and I rolled back over onto my stomach.

A few minutes later the bathroom door opened and Greg came out. I looked over at him, he was nude. He was about the same size as David. He saw me laying on the bed and shook his head and sighed irritably. "What the fuck are you gawking at?" he snapped.

"If you didn't want me to see you, you shouldn't have come out naked," I said.

"I forgot to bring my suitcase in from the living room," he replied.

"You could have wrapped a towel around you," I informed him as David came back with the glass of lemonade.

"Are you two at it again?" David asked.

"He started it," Greg said and went into the living room.

David sat down beside me and I rolled over and sat up.

"I didn't either," I explained and told him what happened.

"I figured as much," David said as I took a drink.

David cooked dinner; fish that they had all caught that day, and brought a plate in to me. I wasn't very hungry, but I ate a little. Then I spent the remainder of the evening in bed.

It was about ten when David came in and went to the bathroom. After taking a shower, he came out and climbed into bed with me, he had closed the bedroom door.

"Are you asleep?" Ray asked opening the door.

"Not yet," David replied.

"I just need to get in the shower," he said and closed the door and crossed to the bathroom.

"I wish they would have put a door from the living room into the bathroom," David said with a sigh as he lay down on his back.

I was laying on my stomach. He raised up and leaned down next to me and ran his hand across my back.

"How do you feel?" he asked softly.

"Better, thanks," I said, rolling over.

"You're not as red as you were," he said running his hand over my chest and squeezing my left pec.

He leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I reached up and pulled him down to me and returned his kiss on his lips.

"You think you can take it?" he whispered in my ear.

"I'm going to try," I replied kissing him on the cheek.

He rolled over on his back. By then he was fully erect.

"You sure you want it?" he asked.

"I've wanted it since the day I met you," I confessed. Then, after spitting on my fingers, I put them up my ass and moved them around until my muscles were relaxed.

I turned my back to David and reached back and took a hold of his dick. Then I guided his big organ into my throbbing asshole.

He put his hand on my hip and pushed. "Ohhhh yes, David," I moaned as he penetrated me.

He slowly began to pump after I got him inside of me, pushing himself deeper and deeper. I felt like my insides were going to split open, but it felt so good.

"Ohhh David, don't ever stop," I moaned as he pulled me closer to his warm body. I turned my head back to look up at him and he kissed me on the cheek.

He pulled out of me and rolled me over on my back. Spreading my legs, he re-entered me, laying down on top of me. He began kissing me on the lips as he pumped. I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his strong back all the way down to his nice rounded hips. I squeezed each cheek and pulled him deeper into me.

He began pumping faster and kissing me harder. I could tell he was getting close, I knew I was.

"Ohh, babe I'm here," he panted and shoved his organ deeper into me. Then he collapsed on top of me as I squirted my own juices between us.

After a few moments he caught his breath and leaned back and smiled.

"I think I could get used to this," he said.

"So could I," I replied as the bathroom door opened and Ray came out, he was wearing his towel around his waist.

He looked over at us, but didn't say anything, just sighed and went out to the living room.

David got up and went into the bathroom.

A few minutes later he returned and I got up and went in and cleaned the cum off of my stomach, then cleaned out my ass. It was throbbing.

I went back into the bedroom and lay down. David was laying on his back with the sheet over him, he had his right arm up over his head.

I lay down and he reached over and pulled me against him. I lay my head down on his chest.

The early morning light was coming in the window when I opened my eyes the next morning. It was about fifteen till five. I knew the alarm would go off again at five.

My head was still on David's chest. I stretched and looked up at his face.He opened his eyes and looked down at me and smiled. "Morning," he said softly.

I raised up and kissed him on the lips. "Morning," I said smiling.

He looked over at the clock. "How do you manage to always wake up before the alarm goes off?" he asked.

"Just lucky, I guess," I replied rubbing his chest.

"What do you suppose we should do now?" he asked with a twinkle in his eye. "It's to early to get up."

I reached down and pushed the cover off of him. His organ was erect, crying for attention. I marveled at how it reached to about an inch above his belly button. Mine only reached to an inch below mine, and I was short waisted.

I licked the head with my tongue, then down the back to the base and back up. I watched his face as I put my mouth over the head and began licking the base of his head. His moaning and facial movements told me I was doing something right. I took his balls in my hand and began to rub them as I sucked and licked his head. He took my head in his hands and pressed me against him and pushed up with his hips. "I want to fuck you," he gasped.

"Okay," I said raising up. I lay down on my back and spit on my fingers and stuck them up my ass.

He rolled over on top of me kissing me on the lips, then he pushed his big cock up into me. I pulled him down on top of me, his warm body felt so good against me. It only took a few moments before he was pumping harder and faster and his kisses grew more intense.

"I'm coming," he panted in my ear, then he pulled back and shoved his dick in deeper, holding me tighter and kissing me hard on the mouth.

He collapsed on top of me. Then after he caught his breath, he kissed me on the neck, then up to my mouth.

He leaned back and smiled. "You didn't come that time, did you?" he asked as the alarm went off.

I shook my head and kissed him again. "It doesn't matter," I said.

"You sure?" he asked rolling off of me and turning the alarm off.

"I'll let you make me come if you want to," I said as he lay down and pulled me over to him.

"I don't think I'm ready to go that far," he said.

I looked up at him. "I don't mind," I said smiling.

"You know," he said rubbing my arm, "if you wouldn't have gotten up before the alarm went off yesterday morning, you might have gotten it then."

"Oh?" I asked surprised.

"You didn't think I didn't know I was holding you night before last, did you?"

"Well, yes," I admitted. "I thought it was just habit that you would be holding me, cause you probably hold Sue that way. But I figured I'd really be in trouble if you woke up and I had my head on your chest."

"Actually, I don't hold Sue that way," he said. "She lays on her side with her back to me. She won't lay her head on my chest because the hair tickles her. I told her I would shave my mustache, but I wouldn't shave my chest."

"I'm glad you won't," I agreed.

"I woke up when you turned over and I rolled over on my back and you lay down on my chest. I even jacked off while you were in the shower, I was hoping you'd come out of the bathroom and catch me, then I'd would have asked you to help me. I know that you've wanted it for a long time."

"I sure have," I replied. "At least I've got it now."

"It's all yours," he said and then leaned down and kissed me. We got up and went into the bathroom. He shaved while I took a shower.

I climbed out of the tub and he turned around and took the towel from me.

He turned me around in a circle. "You've got a soft tan this morning," he said smiling. "No redness anywhere. I think if you just lay out about an hour today, you won't be in as much pain as you were yesterday."

I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him on the lips. "How am I going to lay out with your uncle and father here?"

"We'll manage," he said and kissed me on the lips.

"Why don't you get in the shower before I drag you back to bed?" I said pulling out of his arms.

He smiled and kissed me again. "That might not be a bad idea."

"Me dragging you back to bed, or you taking a shower?" I asked.

He pulled me back into his arms. "Both," he replied kissing me.

"They'll probably be getting up pretty soon," I said pulling away again, "you'd better get your shower. I'll go start breakfast."

I went into the bedroom and got dressed, then, after making the bed, I went into the living room.

Greg was laying on his left side with his back to Ray. The sheet covered him from the waist down.

Ray was laying on his back, the sheet had slid off of him, exposing his erect cock. He was about twelve inches long and ten inches thick. My own organ began to grow as I stood there and stared at it. He opened his eyes and saw me staring at him. He looked down at his organ, then back up at me and smiled.

"You like that, huh?" he asked softly as he sat up.

"Nobody in their right mind wouldn't," I replied as he stood up and put on his robe.

I went into the kitchen; he followed.

"Do you think you can make David happy?" he asked as I started the coffee.

"I've loved him since the day we met," I replied. "I didn't even know that he and Sue didn't have a sexual relationship until yesterday. If you wouldn't have asked him about it, I still wouldn't know.

"But to answer your question," I continued with a sigh, "I don't know. But if he wants me, I'm going to try my hardest."

He nodded and turned and went into the bedroom.

I walked over to the couch where Greg was laying. He turned over on his back and the sheet slid down exposing his erect organ. He was the same size as David.

He opened his eyes and looked at me and sat up. He sighed and shook his head and headed for the bedroom door.

"I only wanted to know how you like your eggs," I said.

He stopped at the door and turned and looked back at me and shook his head. "Scrambled," he said with a sigh and went into the bedroom.

I had just put the biscuits in the oven when David put his arms around me and kissed me on the cheek. "Morning," he said softly. "That smells good," he said referring to the scrambled eggs and sausage I had just made.

"So do you," I said turning in his arms. He smiled and kissed me on the lips.

A few minutes later, Ray joined us. Then Greg came in.

We ate in silence. Ray was sitting at the head of the table and David at the foot. I was sitting on the left side and Greg sat across from me.

Greg ate slowly and kept looking up at me. I caught him a few times, and he just smiled and looked down at his plate.

After breakfast, I did the dishes and David dried them and put them up. I made a pitcher of lemonade and filled up David's thermos.

"Are you going to go down to the lake with us, Scott?" Ray asked.

"For a little while," I replied. "I need to lay out for about an hour."

"Better not lay out any longer than that," Ray said.

The four of us went down to the lake. Ray and Greg picked the same spot that we had used the day before. David and I went down the bank a little farther and around a bend so we could lay out nude without them seeing us.

I was laying on my stomach, and David was sitting beside me fishing, when Greg came around the bend.

"Hey, Guys," he said sitting down on the blanket beside me.

I looked up at him and he smiled.

"How's it going?" David asked.

"Pretty good," he replied. "How about you?"

"I've caught about six," David said holding up his bucket.

"I was wondering if I could talk you out of some of that lemonade, Scott?" he asked.

"Sure," I replied raising up and handing him a glass. He filled it up, and took a drink.

"Sure is good," he said. "Mind if I take some to Ray?"

"No," I replied and handed him another glass.

He filled it up and got up and went back around the corner to where they were fishing.

David ran his warm hand down my back as I lay back down on my stomach, "You'd better get back to the cabin before you start to burn," he said kissing me on the cheek as he pressed his hard body against my back.

The rest of the week flew by. David and I slept in the bedroom, and Ray and Greg on the couch.

It was Sunday morning when I woke up with my head on David's chest, and looked up into his eyes.

"Morning, Darling," he said softly as he smiled at me.

I raised up and kissed him on the lips. "Morning," I replied and looked at the clock. It was four-forty-five.

David reached over and turned the alarm off. "There," he said, "now that won't bother us."

He pushed me over onto my back as he kissed me on the neck, ear, and check, as he slowly made his way to my lips.

"I love you," he said between kisses.

I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him closer to me. "I love you, too," I replied.

He raised up and spit on his fingers, then reached down between my legs and pressed them up my ass.

"Oooo, David, that feels good," I gasped as he moved them around inside me.

"Are you ready?" he whispered.

"Oh yes, Babe," I replied.

I helped him guide his big dick up into my ass, then he pushed it in deep. He pulled my hips up against his, then he slowly began to pump, and he lay down on top of me, kissing me on the lips, as he did.

He made love to me slow and easy this time, it was a good hour before he came this time. We were just lucky that his father and uncle didn't wake up and come through to the bathroom.

After he came, he raised up and kissed his way down my chest and stomach. Then he kissed my throbbing cock, and licked it from the base to the head.

"Oh, Darling, yes, that feels good," I moaned as he swallowed it and began to suck.

It didn't take long before I was getting close, and I told him that I was going to come, and he took it all as I squirted into his hot mouth.

Then he raised up and lay down next to me and kissed me on the lips. "I love you," he whispered.

We lay there holding each other for a while, then he raised up. "We'd better get up and around. I told Sue that we'd be back by three this afternoon, and we don't want to be late."

"Oh, do we have to?" I protested as he sat up. Because I knew that if we went back home, I'd never have him again.

He smiled at me and leaned down and kissed me on the lips again. "Yeah, we do," he replied and got up and went into the bathroom.

I sighed and got up and followed him. While he shaved, I took a shower, then got dressed and went out through the living room to the kitchen. Ray and Greg we sitting at the breakfast counter drinking coffee.

"Morning sleepy head," Greg teased and gave me a hug as I walked by.

"Who says I've been asleep all this time?" I asked.

Ray cleared his throat as I began making breakfast.

"I think I'll go take a shower," Greg said as the water stopped running in the bathroom.

A few minutes after Greg went in, David came out dressed.

A short time later, Greg came out dressed, he had taken a shower and shaved.

After we ate, Ray went to take his shower while David and I did the dishes.

"Would you mind making a pitcher of lemonade for us before you leave, Scott?" Greg asked.

"Not at all," I replied. "I think I'll fill the thermos for us too," I said as I began making it.

After we got our bags packed, David took our suitcases out to his car, then we all stood on the porch to say good-bye.

Ray gave me a hug and said, "You take good care of him."

"I will," I promised.

"I'm sorry I was such an asshole when we met," Greg said giving me a hug. "I think you're very special. Who knows, if it don't work out with you and David, I might even give you a chance."

I kissed him on the lips. "Well," he said pulling back, a little startled, and a little embarrassed, because David and Ray were laughing, at him, "on second thought, I guess I won't."

"Why not?" David asked pulling me into his arms and kissing me on the lips. It was a long drawn out kiss, and I had a hard on by the time it was over. "I think he's a good kisser."

"I'll stick to kissing girls," Greg replied.

"Okay, whatever you want to do," David replied.

David gave them both a hug, and then we climbed into his car and they stood waving as we drove off.

On the way back home, I sat next to David. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a half tee shirt. I was wearing shorts and a full tee shirt.

I lay my head on his shoulder and rubbed his leg.

He put his arm around me as he drove. "On the way up here, I had this urge to run my hand through the hair on your stomach," I said rubbing his stomach.

"I wish you would have," he replied kissing me on the top of my head.

I ran my hand up closer to his crotch, "You'd better stop that, or I'll have to pull over and give it to you," he said.

"That would be fine with me," I replied smiling up at him.

"No, I told Sue we'd be back at three, so we need to get back," he insisted.

"Okay," I said reluctantly and lay my head back down on his shoulder.

I slid back over to the passengers side door about two blocks from their house.

Sue was standing in the doorway waiting for us when we pulled into the driveway.

She ran out to meet us, then she froze as David climbed out of the jeep.

"David," she said stunned. "You grew your mustache back."

He put his arms around her and kissed her, she pulled back like he had struck her.

"You know I don't like that," she said brushing her face.

His muscles rippled. I could tell he was mad. He got his suitcases out of the jeep and took them into the house. I put mine in the back of my car.

"I see you got a tan," Sue told me. "Did you have a good time?"

"Yes, we did," I replied as we went into the house. "David's Dad and Uncle Greg showed up.

"Mind if I use the bathroom?" I asked. It was a rhetorical question, but I asked to make conversation.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door. The bathroom had a door to their bedroom and to the hall. David was sitting on the edge of the bed. He looked up at me and smiled as I closed the door. Then I went to use the toilet.

I had just flushed the toilet when I felt David's arms around me.

He pulled me against him and turned me around.

His warm lips touched mine as he kissed me.

"This morning was the first time I made love to you," he said, softly.

I frowned. "What do you mean?" I asked looking up into his eyes.

"All this week I imagined that I was making out with Sue. This morning I didn't, it was totally you."

At first I was stunned, hurt, that he had been dreaming of Sue while he made love to me. Then I realized something, when he made love to me that morning, it was the best that it had been all week.

I smiled and kissed him. "I love you," I said.

He smiled back. "I love you, too," he said and kissed me again.

"What are you going to do about Sue?" I asked as we walked into the bedroom.

"I don't know," he replied dumping the contents of his suitcases on the bed.

He went into the bathroom and got the dirty clothes hamper and returned with it. Then he put the clothes in it that he had dumped on the bed.

"You didn't bring any fish back with you, did you?" Sue asked entering from the hall.

David laughed and pulled her to him, "No, Darling, we didn't."

She dodged his kiss, but let him hold her.

My insides churned. Jealousy? I imagine it was. I wanted him to kiss me, I wanted him to hold me. "I guess I'd better be going," I said heading for the door.

"Okay," David said. "Thanks for going with me," he added winking at me over Sue's head. "I'll see you later."

"Thanks for taking me," I replied. I couldn't make any facial movements because Sue was looking at me.

I forced a smile and went out to the garage and drove home.

I took a shower and put on clean clothes and started the laundry.

I was sitting out on the balcony looking out at a few of the hunks at the pool when the intercom buzzed.

I ran over and pushed the 'talk' button. "Who is it?" I asked.

"Scott, I need to talk to you," David said.

I pushed the 'door' button and told him to come up.

I left the door unlocked and went back out on the balcony.

"Would you mind coming in here?" David asked.

I turned around and he was standing in the patio door with his left arm on the side of the door frame.

I could tell he had been working out, he had on a pair of shorts and a half tee shirt, and his muscles were bulging.

I went into the living room and he pulled me into his warm arms. Although he was sweating from his work out, he smelled good.

His soft warm lips touched mine as he kissed me. Then he pulled back and led me over to the couch and we sat down.

"Sue wants me to shave," he said with a sigh.

"What do you want to do?" I asked rubbing his leg.

"I like it," he replied. "But I don't think a mustache is considered a grounds for divorce."

"So, what are you going to do?" I asked.

He pulled me close again and held me. "I told her I would shave if she would let me fuck her."

"Uh oh," I said kissing him on the cheek.

"Yeah," he said with a sigh. "She slapped me."

I pulled back and kissed him on the lips. "I'll let you fuck me, and keep the mustache," I said with a sly smile.

He smiled and pulled me closer and kissed me again.

"I think I'll take you up on that," he said. "Mind if I spend the night?"

"No," I replied. "But does Sue know you're here?"

"No," he replied. "She went to church this evening, I told her I was going to stay home and work out. I'll call her later and let her know."

I gave him an "Oh really?" look and he shook his head and smiled.

"No, just that I'm spending the night," he said hugging me again.

I lay my head on his shoulder and put my hand on his stomach, then ran it slowly up underneath his shirt. I put my hand on his left thigh and ran it up to his shorts. The bulge in his shorts began to grow as I slowly massaged his thigh.

"You're going to get into trouble if you keep that up," he said softly, kissing me on the top of my head.

I got down on my knees on the floor in front of him and pulled his shorts and briefs down, his swollen member was throbbing. I put my mouth over the head of it, and licked the base with my tongue.

"Ohhh, Scott, yes," David moaned.

I licked the back of it down to his balls and sucked on them while I stroked his dick with my hand.

"Oh shit, I'm coming," he gasped.

I barely had a chance to get my mouth over the head again before he was shooting his load. The creamy white come ran down my chin onto his thighs. I licked his thighs off. Then he pulled me up laughing.

"To big a load for you, huh?" he asked and licked his come off of my chin, and began french kissing me.

He pushed me down on the couch on my back and pulled my shorts off. Then he bent down and started sucking my cock. It took me longer to come than it had him, but I knew I had made him feel as good as he was making me feel as he sucked.

After I had come, we put our cloths back on, then we spent the remainder of the evening sitting on the couch holding each other.

It was about a quarter to nine when the intercom buzzed.

I got up and went to the door to answer it. "Yes?" I asked pushing the 'talk' button.

"Scott. Sue. Is David there?" she asked worriedly.

I looked over at David, he sighed and nodded his head.

"Yes, come on up," I said and pushed the 'door' button.

I left the door unlocked and went over and sat down on the love seat. A few moments later the door opened and Sue entered. She was still wearing the sun dress she had worn to church.

"I'm sorry," she said sitting down beside David, "but I got home and you weren't there, but your car was, and there was no note."

"I had planned on being back when you got home," David said, "but Scott and I got to talking and I forgot to keep an eye on the time."

"Must have been an intense discussion," she said with a laugh, "you don't even have the TV on."

David gave me a nervous look. "Would you excuse us?" he asked.

"Sure," I said and got up and went into the bedroom. I closed the door, but left it open a crack, they didn't notice.

I usually don't eavesdrop, but I wouldn't have been able to stay in that room without going insane if I had closed the door and lay down on the bed, and turned the radio on. So I watched and listened.

David took Sue's hands in his. "I hate to do this to you," he said softly. I could barely hear him.

"What are you talking about?" Sue asked nervously.

"I'm going to file for divorce tomorrow," David said.

Sue's eyes grew wide with terror.

"I'm also going to try to get an annulment," David continued. "We've been married for almost eight months and we haven't consummated it yet."

"But...but..." Sue stammered.

"I'm going to let you have the house," David continued. They were renting anyway. "I'm going to move in here with Scott."

Sue frowned. "Are you sure that's a good idea?" she asked. "I've told you before I think he's gay. What if he tries something? I've noticed how he looks at you."

"It'd be more than you ever did," he said standing up.

By Sue's expression he'd just slapped her.

"Scott and I'll come over in the morning after you go to work and get my things," David said walking her to the door.

"I'm not leaving you for anyone," he said. "I do love you, Sue," he said as I heard the door open, "but if you can't preform your martial duties, I have to find someone who can."

"Even if that's Scott?" she asked venomously.

"Goodby, Sue," he said closing the door.

I walked out of the bedroom. He was standing with his forehead on the door and his right hand still on the knob.

He looked up at the ceiling as I walked up behind him.

"Yes, Sue," he whispered. "Even though it is Scott."

I put my arms around his waist and lay my head on his strong back. "I'm sorry," I whispered as he turned around and held me tight as his tears spilled down on my shoulder.

"Why should you be sorry?" he asked with a forced laugh. "You get me all to yourself. That's what you've always wanted, isn't it?"

"Yes," I replied with a sigh. "But you and Sue are my best friends. I'd a lot rather see you both happy and never sleep with you again, than to have you, and both of you be unhappy."

He looked at me through tear stained eyes and smiled. "Sue told me once you'd make someone a good wife. She was right. I never dreamed it would be me, neither did she."

He pulled me against him again and I rested my head on his chest.

"Let's go to bed," he whispered.

"Okay," I said and we went into the bedroom.

David took his clothes off while I took off mine. We climbed into bed and I lay down next to him with my head on his chest.

"Do you mind if we don't do anything tonight?" he asked softly. "I'd like to just lay here and hold you."

"I don't mind," I said kissing him.

"Thanks," he said as I lay my head back down on his chest.

"I'll call my boss in the morning and ask him if I can take tomorrow off and work Saturday," he said. "That way I can get moved in."

"Okay," I said playing with the hair on his chest.

"Oh, shit!" David exclaimed.

"What's wrong?" I asked worriedly, looking up at him.

"Here I am making all these plans to move in with you, and I haven't even asked you if I can."

I smiled and leaned up and kissed him. "Of course you can," I said.

He kissed me. "Thanks," he said softly.

I lay my head back down and we drifted off to sleep.

I opened my eyes. I was laying on my right side, David had his left arm around me, and I could feel his warm body pressing against my back. The alarm was blaring. It was six-thirty.

I rolled over and David turned over on his back as I reached across him and turned the alarm off.

He put his arms around me and pulled me down and kissed me.

"Mm," he said smiling sleepily. "Good morning."

"Morning," I said kissing him again. As we kissed, he rolled me over on my back, rolling over on top of me.

He pressed his hard organ against me. "I've got something for you," he said with a smile and a twinkle in his eye. "Do you want it?"

"Mm hum," I sighed and pulled him down to me and kissed him again.

After a few moments of heavy kissing, he raised up and spit on his fingers, then he reached down and spread my legs and stuck them up my ass. He watched my facial expressions as he moved them around inside of me.

"You ready?" he whispered raising up and pulling my hips up to him.

"Oh, yea," I moaned and he pushed his dick up my ass.

He lay down on top of me and we began kissing again as he began to pump.

"Oh, David I love you," I moaned as he pumped slowly.

He began to pump faster and his kisses became more intense, I could tell he was getting close.

"I love you too," he panted and kissed me on the neck, then up to the mouth. "I'm coming," he said pushing his organ deeper into me.

"So am I," I said as I pushed my hips against him.

I felt his organ expand inside of me as mine exploded between us.

He collapsed on top of me and continued kissing me.

He raised up and smiled at me. "You haven't done that since the first time at the cabin," he said.

"I know," I replied. "It makes it feel so much better when I do, though," I admitted and kissed him again.

He raised up and looked over at the clock.

"Shit," he said getting up. It was seven and we both had to get dressed and call our bosses before eight.

"You didn't wake up before the alarm went off this morning," he teased pulling me out of bed.

"I didn't, did I?" I agreed as we went into the bathroom.

We took a shower together, then, while he shaved using my old razor, I called my boss and asked him if I could work Saturday.

"You know we're closed on the weekends," he said.

I worked as an accountant for a law firm.

"I know," I replied. "But I could still come in and work."

"Oh, all right," he said with a sigh.

"Thanks," I said happily.

"You just be here in the morning," he warned and hung up.

David called his boss while I got dressed. He worked as a salesman at a computer store. They were open every day of the week.

"He's not too happy," David said as I got dressed, "but he said okay."

"That's the way my boss was," I replied.

We drove over to David's house in my car. It was a little past eight when we arrived and Sue had already gone to work.

She had left a note on the kitchen table. David picked it up and read it.

"'If you change your mind,'" he read aloud, "you can come back anytime. Love, Sue.'"

I put my arms around him and held him.

"I wouldn't leave if she'd change her mind," he said softly as he pushed me away and started packing his things.

He didn't have much, and he decided to leave some of his things that he didn't need, so it only took about an hour for us to get him moved.

After he got unpacked at my place, we went down to the managers office and signed him up on the lease and got his keys.

The rest of the day we spent at his lawyers office getting the proceedings for the annulment.

After the annulment was over with David remained living with me. I have been able to give him all the things his wife couldn't.

We found another church to go to, so we wouldn't be running into Sue, and we haven't seen her since the divorce.

I read in the newspaper where she got married again, to a computer programmer in another city, about six months later. And, through mutual friends from around town, we learned that she was pregnant.

"I guess the guy she married has a smaller dick than I do," David had said.

"Well, I'm glad that she's happy now," I said putting my head on David's shoulder.

"So am I," David said kissing me on the top of the head. "I know I am."

"Me too," I replied smiling up at him.

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