
Published on Jan 14, 2006



Kenny sat at his computer, trying to finish the paper that was due on Monday.

He had rolled out of bed and showered, put a poptart in the toaster they kept in their drom room and went to work, not bothering to replace the towel around him with pants.

Marc, he thought, was still sleeping. His breathing was deep and easy with an occasionaly sound as he turned over. He, like Kenny, slept naked and often on top of his bedding. So Kenny could watch his naked body as he turned in his sleep and jack off.

Once or twice during the night Kenny would stand nearer the bed thinking of shooting all over Mark but he always stopped short of that. He did reach out and gently touch his roommates hard dick in the middle of the night form time to time, wanting to kneel by the bed and take it in his mouth or even straddel the boy and slowly sit letting the rock hard boner move into him.

But those were only thoughts and fanasies.

Now and then he would wake hearing Mark obviously jacking off. If he was in the right position, Kenny would slightly open his eyes hoping there was enough light to see the boy's smooth body tensing up as he shot. Now and then he could see that happen.

But this morning was different, Kenny had work to do.

He jumped as Mark's hands rested on his shoulders.

"Working this early?" Mark said

"fucking paper due" Kenny said hoping that his rising dick couldn't be seen under his towel. He liked the feelign of Marks hands on his shoulders.

"Shit man that's the last thing I think about when I wake up" Mark said "I usually have a boner to take care of before I can start anything, and I see you have one too"

Kenny shifted himself "yea well, i'll have to deal with that later"

Mark slide his hands to Kenny's chest and started playing with his nipples.

"Of all times for him to want to finally play" Kenny thought. He flinched as the thumbs and forefingers pinches his nipples really hard. He knew Mark could make him do anything at that point.

"Come on, you can do the paper later" Mark said "We've waited long enough to do this"

It was true of course, they had been roommates two months and here it was in early December with only two more weeks of classes before the holiday break.

Kenny felt Mark's hard cock rubbing his shoulder now and his own cock definitely throbbing.

"Shit man, if I don't get this done, I'm fucked" Kenny said

Mark didn't move away however.

"Tell you what let me do the fucking and then you can finish the paper" Mark said rubbing his cock on Kennys bare shoulder. His fingers were still working the boys nipples.

"And maybe Davon will want to come over and join us"

Davin was a tall neighbor whose cock was very long. He couldn't sit in shorts without it popping out it was that long.

Kenny had joked about it like the others on their dorm floor, but in his mind he wanted to suck it's head and see how much of it he could swallow. Or if he was lucky see how it felt sliding in him.

"Not sure Marsha would like that" Kenny said. Marsha was Davon's girlfriend.

"Oh you haven't heard. She found Davon and Aaron going at it in the room and broke up wiht him"

"Aaron?" Kenny was surprised. Aaron was one of the two classmates he had had sex with over the Thanksgiving break. There were a few students in the dorm and Kenny, Aaaron and Larry were the only ones on their floor.

The night they got together, it was to stay warm. "Hey let's crash in the same room since the dorm heat is off"

That decision led to the next one they had to make and that resulted in the three of them sleeping on mattresses pulled on the floor under all the blankets they had. And in the darkness their bodies moved together first for warmth then for pleasure.

"How about Aaron?" Kenny asked.

"Wow you are a slut" Mark said "Sure why not, Ill be back"

Kenny turned in his chair to see Mark still naked go out the door, presumbably to see if Aaron and Davon were around. He had fogotten to mention Larry. But then how could five horny guys find a way to have sex so everybody enjoyed it.

He returned to his paper trying to forget the memories of Thanksgiving let alone what Mark had planned.

He was inbetween Aaon and Larry and felt their bodies tight against his. His cock couldn't resist and already had seemed to get harder to the point it hurt.

"Guys" Larry whispered, "I can't sleep until I get rid of this erection" they all laughed but nobody answered. Then Kenny pulled his shorts down and pressed his bare buttocks back against Larry. Without a word Larry moved about until his cock was pressing into Kenny's ass.

Kenny touched Aaron's hips and pulled his shorts down. Aaron took them off the rest of the way and reached around for Kenny's cock aiming it and pressing his butt so it was soon buried where he wanted it.

Kenny moved fucking himself on Larry's cock and moved forward fucking Aaron. The night gaave them enough timte to switch positions until all three of their bodies were satisfied..

"We're back, and gues who's joining us?"

Kenny smiled as he saw Larry along with Devon and Aaron coming into the room with Mark...and all were naked.

The weekend had begun.

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