Weekend work

Published on Feb 1, 1998



Rad dissappeared almost everyweek -- "to work", as he put it. I never asked him where he worked or what he did. All I knew was he always had money to go out, pay bills and so on. We had been roommates at the dorm and decided to share an apartment the next year rather then join a fraternity. That just wasn't interesting to me..or him. So for two years we had roomed in a small apartment near the campus. It was a small apartment...and so we got used to sharing our privacy. I tried not to stare at him when he was naked or nearly...but I thought about him whenever I masturbated....and that was all the time. My Dad lost his job and suddenly I was without money. So I had to find a job of my own. Only three weeks delivering pizzas and my grades were suffering. I had hoped to get a job on campus when I graduated..so I could continue to get my Masters..but all that was looking pretty doubtful. Rad told me he knew a way I could make lots of money in just weekends like he did. I asked what he did but he didn't answer. "Let me ask you a few questions so I'll know if it's right for you. But you got to answer totally honestly..it's between just you and me, right?" I nodded. "Have you ever had sex with a girl?" I hesitated then shook my head..ashamed that at 21 I hadn't. His response was strange. "Cool. OK, now be honest, have you ever had sex with a guy?" I blushed. In my head I had had sex with men many many times..most of it was with Rad. But I shook my head. "That's ok. What about messing around when you were a kid, you know, jacking off and stuff?" "Hell, I jacked off since I was twelve" "I meant with another guy," he said I hesitated but then admitted that a school chum and I had jacked off together. "Did you jack each other?" he pressed. I nodded. "What about blowjobs?" I looked at him. "No never" "I would have thought...oh well, do you know what one is?" I didn't know how to answer. "Let me show you. Just close your eyes" I closed my eyes and didn't move as he unzipped my fly and had my cock in his mouth before I could say anything. I couldn't believe the sensation as his mouth turned my soft cock into a rock hard rod...and then kept going. I pushed his head back. "Wait a minute, man" "Feel good?" I was bright red revealing my pleasure. We talked about his job after that..and how he used to get twenty bucks as a kid getting blowjobs from older men. If I weren't so excited to be talking about sex this way wiht him, I might have been shocked. His job was sex. Every Friday night, he'd go to a place where he would have sex all weekend and be paid for it. "A boydello" I blurted out and he laughed...and I joined in. Friday I was very quiet and nervous during the ride. The man who greeted us was nice, and shook my hand as if we were old friends. As Rad stood there telling him I was a virgin, I saw the man smile even wider. I fumbled my fingers as I began to undress so he could look me over. "Rad why don't you help your buddy?" Rad was soon undressing me....my cock took notice and by the time I was naked, it was rock hard and bobbing. "I think he has a thing for you Rad" the man said. I blushed more then I had before. Rad response surprised me "I hope so". The man slid his hands all over me....made me bend over to look at my butt and then asked me a bunch of questions about my health, sex history and told me the rules. That first weekend I stayed in a room with four other guys. "The virgin room" the man called it..patting my butt as he opened the door. Rad said he'd meet me Sunday night for the drive home and went down the hall after putting his clothing in a locker. After awhile men came in and looked us over. We were supposed to stand with hands behind our heads and feet apart whenever a customer came in. One large man took two of the boys and left. Soon there were only two of us left. "You nervous?" the other kid asked. He must have been 18 or 19. He was realy skinny and had a head of thick blonde hair. His body was smooth...and his cock had shrunk...he WAS scared I thought. "Yeah... first time" I didn't have to tell him that as we were in the so called virgin room. A man came in and looked us both over and led the other kid out. I began to wonder what was wrong with me. I jacked my cock a bit thinking of Rad undressing me earlier. A young guy came in..he looked like some sort of athletic type of guy. He smiled at me and told me to relax when I stood poised as instructed. We kissed. The first time I had ever kissed a man like that..and his arms around me made me feel warm..wonderful..and excited. "Don't worry, I'll teach you everything" The bedroom was sparse of anything but a huge bed, a sink and a table with various beer and munchies on it. That was good because I didn't leave the room until early Sunday morning. "I have to go to church..it's my job" he said apologizing for ending our session. But by then I had learned to suck cock, get fucked, get sucked and learned that I loved to wrestle naked with another man. It was a time full of romance too..with lots of kissing, licking, massaging and cuddling. We did nothing but have sex and sleep..with an occasionaly snack inbetween. He had me pour beer all over him and lick it off..and he did the same to me. By Sunday morning, I was not only no longer a virgin, but I knew what I wanted. I wanted to spend a weekend like that with Rad. I showered in the group shower with some others there. They were chatting about this trick or that one. I dried off. "So you through, or ready to have some more fun?" The man who had met me Friday night asked me as I threw the towel into a bin. He didn't wait for an answer but showed me to the waiting room where the non virgins were. It was much larger, with a television set on which pornography was playing. There was a refrigerator full of food, juices and other snacks. Around the room were other naked guys about my age. One or two, I thought I recognized from campus..but I didn't let on. Very few talked....and when a man came in, we'd all stand and await his inspection. Three times that day I left the room with men to demonstrate what I had learned. They weren't all as nice as the first guy but the sessions were shorter too. I had to admit my butthole was sore as were my jaw muscles and the third customer didn't seem to enjoy himself as much as the others. I apologized and said this weekend was my first time doing this..and that seemed to make him feel better..and hornier. I was turned in several positions until his sperm shot all over me. "You ok? I didn't think you'd last this long" Rad said as I joined him in the shower. Without a word, he spread soap all over my back, butt, legs and chest. I let him..enjoying his touch and too tired to have an erection after my weekend. We dressed and I accepted an evelope from my new boss. As we drove back to the campus, Rad didn't ask me any questions..although occasionally asked if I was ok. I guess I was being too quiet. I counted the money in the envelope and couldn't believe it..I had made twice as much money that weekend then I made in a month delivering pizzas. In our small apartment, I sat drinking a beer. Rad sat next to me..so close his body was touching mine. "OK tell me about all of it...you'll feel better" I actually didn't feel bad..I was overwhelmed. I told him every bit from the first time till the last time. "Cool. Maybe sometime a guy will pick us both and we'll put on one hell of a show huh?" That image was in my head as I undressed and slipped into my bed. Rad stood by my bed as he undressed. "If you want to keep doing it, we can have lots of fun, look out for each other and stuff, ok?" "Sure" I said.... He stood naked by the bed. His cock was within reach but I was too tired. "And from now on we can share lots of things" He got into my bed..his naked body against mine. I turned over and kissed him as I had learned to do with that first guy. Rad kissed me back and we fell asleep that way. I had to rest, there were classes ahead and another weekend on my new job. I needed my sleep. And I enjoyed my dreams about Rad and me too.

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