Weekend With Tim / Visit From Tim

By Jack Santoro

Published on Feb 8, 2005


Visit from Tim, Part 3 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

NOTE: This is a sequel to "Weekend with Tim," in which I'd visited him, and in the following episodes he comes to stay with me. Despite the difference in our ages, we'd become very attracted to each other, enjoying an intense emotional relationship as well as hot sex.

We awoke the next morning, fingers wrapped around each other's pricks, and I saw Tim's radiant smile when I opened my eyes.

"We're both hard," he commented. "Is it because we have to pee or because we turn each other on?"

"Both, I'm sure," I replied, returning his smile.

"I already told you I like the way your foreskin covers the helmet, even when you're rock-hard," he continued. "I was wondering about something, though. Has anyone ever jacked your cock by running his finger around inside your skin? I saw a picture of that on the Internet."

"No, nobody ever did that to me, Tim. I thought of it a couple of times, but never did it to myself, either."

"Want me to try it now? Before we get up to pee? I think we'll have hotter comes if we really have to pee."

"That's been my experience too, Tim. I found my orgasms are hotter if I'm straining against a full bladder." Tim moved closer to me and I felt his fingers tighten slightly around my prick, pulling up from the base.

"Okay, now I've got lots of skin over the helmet. Are you sure it won't hurt if I put my finger inside? It won't stretch your foreskin too much?"

"No, Tim, it shouldn't hurt or even be uncomfortable. I think you'd better use a couple of drops of Astroglide on your finger, though, to make sure it's lubed. It always feels better when I have a lot of lube." Tim reached for the squirt bottle and dripped a few drops into the pucker of my foreskin before putting his finger into the opening. I felt his fingertip tracing small circles around my teardrop shaped orifice, slightly stretching the thick cowl.

"That feel nice, Jack? It's stretching your foreskin at the same time I'm tickling the front of your helmet."

"Oh, it's nice, really nice, Tim. Don't stop." I felt his finger push deeper into my foreskin sac, caressing the broad upper surface of my glans and then traveling down to the twin lobes underneath, injecting very erotic sensations into my tender tip.

"Your helmet really feels good this way. I'm feeling my way around it, exploring the contours. Now I'm at your hot spot underneath, and I can imagine how that feels for you." His finger strummed my hot spot, the remains of the frenulum that had been cut away with my foreskin when I was born.

"I'd like to do you, too, Tim. Just let me slip a condom over your helmet, because I know you really enjoy that." I reached for a condom and the Astroglide on the bedside table, and Tim slowed his probing of my foreskin while I tore the foil envelope. I felt his finger slowly moving around my corona, tenderly caressing the nerve endings.

"Okay, I've got it on your helmet now, and I'll start unrolling it. Tell me how it feels." My fingers slowly worked the rolled latex down Tim's glans, engulfing the rim and groove behind it, pausing at his circular scar.

"It feels like you're putting on a foreskin, Jack. You know how that turns me on." I continued rolling the latex sheath down his shaft to the base.

"Now that tight ring around your veins is gonna make your prick harder, Tim. I've left a lot of slack up front to give you that sliding action on your helmet." I began working the wrinkled latex over the compound curves of Tim's shapely helmet, making him sigh in delight.

"Ohhhh," he sighed. "That feels so nice the way you're slidin' it." His finger continued to circle my glans, following the slant of the corona. "That feels good for you, too, huh?"

"It really does, Tim. You're fingertip's hitting all the hot nerve endings."

"I can feel how hard your helmet is, Jack. It's so smooth and hard. I'm glad your foreskin's stretching to let me run my finger around that big helmet." Now his finger slipped into the vee-groove under my helmet and began a back and forth pumping action, a delicate friction that made the nerve endings sing.

"I'm working on your helmet too. Now I'm working my fingertips all around your rim." I had my thumb in the vee-groove underneath while my other four fingers caressed the flaring rim.

"That feels so good, Jack. Now I'll keep rubbing you under the helmet while my other hand works on your rim. I love the way your rim flares, even through that thick foreskin." The fingers of his left hand, stabilizing my prick, caressed my corona, sliding the tight foreskin over it.

"I'm gonna shift my grip now,' I informed him. "I'll put my thumb on top and my other fingers in your vee-groove to work your hot spot." My fingertips caressed his thick gee-string under the head, while I flicked my thumb over his flaring rim, compressing it slightly with each flick. I heard his sharp intake of breath, followed by his fingers tightening on my prick.

"Too much, too much," he said. "I'm gettin' so turned on playing with your helmet and foreskin, and you're gonna make me pop if you keep this up." I slowed my action, using a lighter grip, and felt him relax somewhat.

"I know, Tim. You want this to last. You like edging, and so do I. It's just that I got a little carried away touching your beautiful prick. I love running my fingers over your helmet, especially with that latex foreskin to help me." I was barely sliding the thin membrane now, wanting to avoid precipitating his orgasm. "I felt your helmet gettin' hard, but now I think you can relax and last awhile."

"Your helmet's beautiful too, Jack, and runnin' my finger around it under your foreskin's so hot for me." He relaxed his grip on my prick, and I felt his fingertip slowly following my corona around the top, and then down the other side in a slow, measured pace calculated to avoid triggering my explosion.

"Now I'm gonna move back a little, and just run my fingers around your scar. I think you're pretty sensitive there, too, but not as much as your hot spot under the helmet." I worked back along Tim's prick, running my fingers over his flaring ridge and down into the groove behind it, caressing the sensitive tissue around his scar. He sighed again.

"That feels really good, but you won't trigger me," he said. "That okay, the way I'm fingering your helmet? I don't want you to blow too soon, either." His finger continued to probe deep inside my foreskin, caressing the ridge and stretching the sheath.

"That's just perfect, Tim. Your finger feels so warm inside my foreskin."

"Your helmet feels hot to me," he said. It's really hot and hard, congested with blood. I can see the tip, and it's a little darker than usual. Your slit's really pouting, like a teardrop."

"I can feel the warmth of your prick through the rubber," I said. "It's really hot too and the helmet's dark." The thin, translucent latex let me see the shape and color of his glans perfectly.

"Hey, Jack, can I try getting two fingers in there? I think your foreskin can stretch far enough. That would be a real thrill for me, and it might be hot for you too."

"Go ahead, Tim. You're not hurting me now, and I think it can stretch to take two fingers." He grasped the front edge of my foreskin with two fingers of his other hand and gently slid his third finger inside alongside his index finger. Now he was using both fingertips to caress my rim, making a definite bulge in my foreskin.

"You're pretty well lubed in there, Jack, but I'll add a couple more drops of Astro just to be sure." He drizzled several drops from the squeeze bottle into the gap between my helmet and foreskin next to his fingers. The fresh lubricant gave me a sudden sensation of warmth.

"See? It stretched to take the other finger. It's pretty stretchy skin."

"The way your skin stretches, I think you just might be able to dock someone. You've got a lot of skin there, Jack."

"Yeah, my foreskin stretches to take your fingers, but I don't think it would stretch enough to take your big helmet." Also, it's not long enough to cover your whole helmet."

"That's too bad, Jack. I'd be in heaven if I could dock with you. You know how your foreskin turns me on, and if I could slip my helmet inside it, feel your real live warm skin around it, that would be a terrific turn-on."

"Maybe too much of a turn-on," I replied. "If somehow I could dock you, I bet you'd shoot your load the second your helmet was inside me."

"I think you're right there. I'd probably blast off in one second." As he spoke, his two fingers continued their slow travel around my corona, caressing the broad upper surface along the way.

"You're still gettin' me excited," I said. "Two fingers in there are really stretchin' my foreskin. It's pretty tight in there, and my hood's pressing your fingers against my head." I kept working around Tim's scar, just enough to maintain his excitement.

"You wanna come, Jack? I can feel your helmet gettin' harder, and I know you're almost ready." He increased his pace now, rubbing the top surface of my glans and then working down underneath, caressing the sides of my corona where they met underneath in twin lobes.

"Okay, go ahead. I'll come and then bring you off."

"Let's go for it, then. Watchin' and feelin' you shoot's gonna give me a hot inspiration." His other hand squeezed the base of my shaft while the index and third finger of his right hand massaged the underside of my helmet. I felt my excitement mounting, and began breathing deeply to delay the inevitable.

"Your helmet's really hard now, Jack. I can feel how hard and smooth it's become, and your shaft's really stiff too. The big vein on the right side's really bulging too." His fingertips continued their insistent caress, working on the hot spot underneath, and now they moved around my corona, reaching the flare at the top, flicking at the nerve endings to tease them into responding. My prick ached for release, and my breathing became more shallow and rapid.

"You've got me really hot," I whispered. Any second now."

"Is your rim tinglin' yet" he asked.

"Oh, yeah, it's really tingly now. I can't hold out much longer."

"Your eyes just closed. You're right at the edge." His fingers danced around my helmet under the foreskin, and I felt a surge of sensation as he pushed me relentlessly toward the brink.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I grunted loudly as my insides exploded, driving a hot torrent of boiling cream up through my aching prick, distending my orifice as it poured through the lips. Tim now pulled back hard on my foreskin, and I felt him blow on my helmet as his fingertips continued to attack my nerve endings. I cried out again as a second hot blast of lava surged up through my prick to boil out of the teardrop shaped slit. His fingertips continued to massage the nerve endings, grazing my corona before dropping down to press into my hot spot underneath while his thumb compressed my flaring rim.

Now he removed his fingers, but pulled back hard on my shaft skin because he knew how sensitive my helmet gets when I come, stretching the nerve endings and bringing forth another hot eruption from my straining prick. I moaned loudly, totally lost in the sensations, my mind on "HOLD" as the glorious feelings spread through my body. I felt my fingers mindlessly tightening on his prick, stroking rapidly, and I heard his anguished cry as the orgasm overtook him too.

We lay side by side our straining bodies pressed against each other, as we both released our pent-up sperm. Tim lay on his side, pressing hard against me, while I shot my cream onto my stomach. My orgasm was fading but his was in full stride and I felt his prick throbbing hard through the thin latex, filling it with his cream and making it even more slippery. I was in a daze, the last spasms flickering out deep inside me as he pumped his prick into my encircling fingers, thrusting hard in mindless releas e.

Minutes later, I opened my eyes. Tim lay inert beside me, and I waited until he revived. He spoke;

"Man, when I saw that cream shootin' from your big helmet, with my fingers around your foreskin, I was really excited. Then when you squeezed my cock all of a sudden, I just lost it. It happened so fast that I couldn't hold back. My cock just started throbbin' and my juice shot out. I felt your fingers around my hot cock and helmet, and that drove me over the edge." He moved forward slightly to kiss my neck, and I reached around him and hugged him to me.

"That was so hot for me, my fingers deep inside your foreskin," he continued. "Touchin' your big hard helmet, feelin' it throb, and then I skinned you back and saw it, from front to rim, big and purple."

"I felt your prick throbbing too," I said. My eyes were closed so I missed the show. Imagine what might have happened if you'd been docked inside me."

"Yeah, we would have been blastin' our cream at each other," he said.

"I think we could use a shower now,' I suggested, getting up and heading towards the bathroom. Tim followed, and we got under the warm water, enjoying the sensual feeling of the water sluicing over our bodies.

"You shot all over your stomach," he said. "It's all in your pubic hairs. I'd better soap you up good down there." He picked up the sponge and liquid soap and began applying it to the hairs on my stomach and around my prick.

"Since your skin's still back I'll be careful not to soap your helmet. It just needs rinsing," he said.

"Yeah, but when you rinse me off, make sure you don't leave any suds inside my foreskin. Soap irritates it." Tim finished washing the residual juices out of my pubic hairs and handed me the sponge and bottle to let me begin doing him.

"Okay, I'm making sure you don't have any soap left under your foreskin," he said, cupping his hand and pouring clear water over my pubic area and my prick. "I'm holding back your skin all the way to make sure there's none around the rim." Now he pulled my foreskin forward to cover the precious helmet while I worked the sudsy sponge all over his body.

"I like running my hands over you, Tim. You're so muscular, so solid."

"I'm glad you like doing that," he replied. "It feels really good for me.

"Developing an appetite?" I asked as we dried each other.

"You bet I am," he replied. "Got any bacon and eggs left?"

"I do. Let's get into the kitchen. You can cook the bacon while I do the toast and the eggs, but be careful. You don't want any bacon grease splattering on your precious helmet."

Within minutes we were sitting at the table wolfing down the food. I had made coffee while the bacon had been sizzling, and by the time I'd finished the toast and eggs the pot was full. After we'd finished, Tim spoke:

"I've been wondering what it would be like to dock with you."

"Well, you know my foreskin's just not roomy enough to take both big helmets," I answered.

"I had an idea," he continued while I washed the dishes and he dried. "We could use a rubber. Cut off the end and we could slip both our cocks in there, head to head. Those Magnum condoms you have would be perfect, I think, because they've got a lot of slack."

"I think you're right," I said as I turned off the water. "Let's rest up for a few minutes and we'll try it." We went back to bed, lying silently side by side, holding each other's pricks and feeling the warmth of each other's bodies.

"You're starting to swell," he murmured. "I felt his fingers lightly stroking my prick, inducing a hardness that was beyond my control.

"Okay, you're right, Tim. I think we're ready. Just let me get a condom and some Astro." I propped myself up and unwrapped a condom. Taking the scissors from the drawer, I cut off the end.

"Want me to get a towel?" he asked. "Even with the rubber, some could spill."

"I'm sure some's gonna spill, the way we both shoot. Get a towel out of the linen closet." Back on the bed Tim spread the towel, folded in four, between us.

"There, that should absorb it, no matter how much we shoot. Maybe the rubber might even tear," he added as he rolled over to face me. We were both fully erect now from anticipation.

"Okay, now I'm gonna lubricate your penis and slip on the rubber." I unrolled the condom onto his now hard prick, leaving about half of it dangling off the end.

"Let me put the other part on you, Jack. I want to touch your cock and feel how hard it is. I'm gonna skin you back, so I can feel your helmet through the rubber." His strong fingers pushed my thick fleshy hood back until it locked behind my rim, and then he squirted a generous amount of lubricant on my prick and eased the condom over my glans and beyond my rim.

"I guess we're ready to go," I commented. The condom's far enough down on your prick, behind the scar ring, and it's an inch behind my rim too."

"Let me stroke you, Jack. I can feel your hard helmet against mine, but I want to feel it with my fingers. Anyway, I want you to come first. Your tip's more sensitive than mine, anyway."

"Sure you'll be able to hold off, Tim? You told me that when you and the hitch-hiker were going at it, you shot right along with him."

"I can't be sure, Jack. This is turning me on so much..." He trailed off.

"I can see that. Your balls are already very tight. Well, the worst that can happen is we come together," I reassured him. His fingers began a slow massaging of the thin latex over my hard helmet, fueling my fire. I felt him thrusting lightly against me, his engorged glans pressing against mine, and I think he was unaware that he was thrusting.

"This is really nice, Jack. Before, I felt your helmet through the foreskin, but now it feels terrific. That rubber's so think I can feel every sexy curve perfectly and even the little bumps along your ridge."

"Oh, yeah, that feels so good for me, Tim." I reached between us to cup his sac, but I didn't knead it to avoid adding to his excitement. His fingers massaged my rim, and I felt him pull back on my shaft skin with his other hand.

"I'm makin' sure you're skinned back all the way so I can feel the back of your ridge," he explained. "Now I can feel the little bumps even better. I know that's doin' a lot to you."

"Oh, yeah, Tim. You've got me really turned on." My prick twitched as Tim ran his fingers behind my corona, caressing it through the thin, lubricated latex.

"I felt that," he said. "Your helmet throbbed right against mine. Man, this is such a hot experience." Hi fingers continued their exploration of my corona and probing the deep groove behind it.

"I know you like edging, Tim, but you're not gonna last long this way.

"No, I might not," he admitted. "Look, maybe you'd better take your hand off my balls. I really want to make you bust your nut first." I removed my hand, while he continued massaging my glans, now thumbing the broad upper surface as well as fingering my ridge.

"I know I won't last long, Tim. What you're doin' is so exciting to me." I sighed deeply as another twitch rocked my prick.

"Just come when you're ready, Jack. I love slidin' this rubber foreskin over your tip. I just love feelin' your hard helmet like this. It's really hard now, and I can see it got darker." He was right. My glans ached for the hot release of orgasm, and a steady tickle had begun in my corona.

"Oooohhh, Tim," I sighed. "You know what you're doin' to me?" I took a deep breath, trying to remain relaxed, but it was futile as Tim's strong fingers continued to slide over my tender flesh. Tim's blue eyes bored into mine as he snuggled closer to me, and now our chests were against each other and I could feel his respiration. He kissed my lips.

"I want to make you come. I want to feel your helmet throb against mine when you do come. I wanna feel your jizz shooting against my helmet." His fingers tightened slightly around my glans, deepening the sensations as they compressed the nerve endings in its surface.

"I'm feelin' a tingle in my rim," I whispered as my eyes closed. It felt as if my glans were swelling tremendously, distended and ready to burst.

"Just let it happen, Jack," he said as he twisted his fingers sharply around my rim, one finger probing into my vee-groove under the head. This triggered a sudden spasm deep inside me, and I cried out helplessly as the first hot wave overwhelmed me.

"HAAAHHHHHH!" I bellowed as I felt the sharp contraction expelling a torrent of boiling fluid into my shaft. My mouth was wide open, but I couldn't make a sound as the heavy gush shot up my prick and poured out into the condom against Tim's waiting helmet. I cried out again as another hot surge shot up my shaft to distend the lips of my opening as it erupted against Tim's tender flesh.

Now I found the breath to cry out again as the thud-thud-thud continued wracking the root of my penis. I was utterly helpless, lost in the torrent of mindless sensations that swept over me as my sperm continued to boil out of my throbbing prick. I slowly became aware that my orgasm had faded, and that I was lying inert in Tim's arms. I realized he'd stopped massaging my helmet because he knew it had become too sensitive.

"Did you come too?" I asked as I opened my eyes. I'd been so out of it I had no idea if Tim's orgasm had overtaken him as he'd thought it might during my storm.

"No, but it was close, Jack. Even though you weren't touching me with your hands I felt your big hard helmet throbbing against mine like a hammer when you came. Then you shot, and I felt your hot jizz splashing against my helmet and spreading around it inside the rubber. Feeling that almost made me lose it right then." He kissed me again after he'd finished.

"Darling," I said as I hugged him to me.

"Darling," he whispered in my ear just before kissing me on the neck.

"Now I've got to help you get off," I said. "I thought of something you might like."

"What, Jack?"

"My prick's getting soft now. Remember yesterday I told you that there wasn`t enough room for two big helmets inside my foreskin? Well, mine isn't big anymore, and it's gonna stay soft for awhile. Let's get this condom off and I'll slip my foreskin over your helmet. That way I can dock you for real." We separated while Tim slid the condom from his hard penis and my soft one. A copious amount of cream dripped onto the towel, and then we prepared to dock for real.

"Let's get our heads together," he said as he pressed his hard glans against my shrunken one. My foreskin was still retracted, and as soon as I felt his tip solidly against mine I began sliding it forward. My hood expanded as it covered the front dome of his glans and I began pushing it up the taper of his hard helmet.

"Just a little more, and I'll be over your rim," I said as my fingers urged the thick hood forward in its unaccustomed role. "There, now I'm covering your helmet completely and I think I can stretch it back to your scar ring."

"Ooooohhhh,! Tim moaned his eyes closing. "This is so fuckin' hot..." I began stroking my foreskin over the sensitive front end of Tim's prick, helmet, neck, and scar ring, knowing that this was exciting him in a way he'd never experienced. I felt his hot hard helmet pressed against mine, and knew that he was very close to unloading. I felt the tenseness in his body. I hugged him to me, chests touching, so that I could feel him totally.

"Just stay with me, Tim. Just try to relax if you can..." I trailed off as I rotated my foreskin over the hardness of Tim's engorged helmet. I felt his big helmet throb against my shrunken one, and knew that he'd be ejaculating within a second or two. I gave my thick foreskin another twist over his glans and was rewarded by a heavy throb. His body strained against mine.

"YAAAAHHHH!" Tim cried as his throb was followed by a torrent of boiling cream that shot against my glans and swirled around inside my foreskin. He cried out again, thrusting against me, as he shot a second load into my distended hood, and I felt the hot cream swirling around my glans. Tim thrust again, his big tip straining against mine and spurting another heavy ejaculation against my tissues.

I was aware that Tim's spurts were not as forceful now, and that he'd stopped thrusting. I stopped stroking my foreskin over his helmet because I thought it might have become super-sensitive at this point. When he became still, I lay still with him, waiting for him to recover from his daze. Meanwhile, I felt the thick juice leaking from the end of my foreskin onto the thick layers of towel.

When he opened his eyes I looked at him, waiting for a sign of recognition. I felt him put an arm over me and hug me.

"That was awesome, Jack. I never came that hard in my life!"

"Oh, I felt you coming hard. Your helmet was throbbing against mine almost like a jackhammer."

"I was able to hold off while I was making you come, but once I felt that foreskin of yours over my helmet I couldn't hold it any longer. It was better than the rubber, maybe because I knew it was a real foreskin, not a rubber one."

"I'm glad I was able to do that for you, Tim."

"Oh, it felt so warm, your foreskin over my helmet. Then when you started sliding it, it felt hot. My helmet was so swollen I thought it would burst." Our pricks had separated now that they were both soft, and we relaxed in the beautiful afterglow.

"Your cock's really dripping, Jack. I'll skin it back and wipe it for you. You've got a lot of my jizz inside that skin of yours." Tim lovingly squeezed my prick, gently skinning it back and dabbing my exposed helmet with a corner of the towel before returning the shroud to its natural position.

"Yours is all wet too, Tim. Let me wipe it for you." I took the towel and wiped the thick, sticky liquid from his shaft and glans.

"That foreskin of yours is really sexy, even if it's not the original one," Tim said.

"Well, it worked pretty well getting you off."

"Yeah, and even now, when it's limp, I can see your big helmet through the skin." He tweaked my long foreskin nipple, and then rolled onto his back. I grasped his warm limp prick. We fell asleep that way, utterly exhausted.

We awoke about noon, feeling pretty good and very calm. There was no need for words as we took a shower together, a quick one just to rinse off the sweat and residual cream on our pricks.

"Like Italian food?" I asked as we dried each other.

"I love it, Jack. Want to do that for lunch?"

"Yeah, that would be nice. We can have a long sit-down lunch and then maybe I can show you around the area."

"That's a good idea for the afternoon," he said. "I'm all jazzed out." Suddenly Tim became very serious:

"This is our last day. You know I'm headin' for California to see friends in the morning." We were dressing, and I paused, reaching for him.

"I really enjoyed it, Tim. You're a hell of a nice guy." I drew him to me, holding him close, and I felt his heartbeat against my chest.

"This has been great," he whispered as he kissed my neck tenderly. I felt his warmth against me and hugged him more tightly. I kissed his ear and then held his head against my cheek. After a minute we separated and went outside.

It was a short drive to the restaurant, and when we got there we ate to our fill, which only made us sleepy. We returned to my place and undressed, lying side by side on the bed.

"I'm sorry I don't have the energy to drive you around," I said.

"No prob, Jack. I wouldn't be able to stay awake, anyway. I'm all whacked out from this morning."

"Yeah, we both had really intense orgasms."

"I've never had as many comes with another guy," he said.

"I haven't either, Tim. Also, I've never felt as close to another guy as I feel to you." Tim turned his head to me, and I saw tears in his eyes.

"I know how you feel," he whispered. I pulled him to me and hugged him tightly, our bodies in full-length contact, as tears came to my eyes.

"I can feel your prick against mine but I can't get aroused right now," I said.

"That's okay, Jack. We're both drained."

"I guess you'll be leaving in the morning," I said.

"Yeah, I'll be heading out to California to visit some friends."

"Maybe next year we could get together at some resort," I suggested.

"Maybe, Jack, but there's something you ought to know now."

"What's that?"

"My friends want to introduce me to some guy. They say he's my age, and a really nice guy." I was surprised at his words, but also relieved and happy.

"That's very good news. You might establish a permanent relationship. I'd like that."

"I thought you'd be disappointed."

"No, not at all. Remember I told you a few weeks ago that I thought your happiness was important to me?"

"Yeah, I remember very well."

"Well, Tim, if you find some guy and you want to get together with him permanently, that would make me very happy. Find that hard to believe?"

"I guess not, Jack. I shouldn't even be surprised to hear you say it. I remember you were very serious about that, and I believed you."

"Okay, then. Let's celebrate with some merlot." I got up and brought back a bottle and two glasses.

"Here's to you, Jack," Tim said as he lifted his glass.

"Here's lookin' at you, kid," I wisecracked as I lifted mine.

The End

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