Weekend With Tim / Visit From Tim

By Jack Santoro

Published on Feb 7, 2005


Visit from Tim, Part 2 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

The following morning I woke up just before Tim, propped myself up on one elbow, and smiled down at him when he opened his eyes. "Ready for some coffee?" I asked. "Yeah, but I've gotta get into the bathroom to get rid of some liquid first," he replied. He got up, sporting a hard prick, and I watched him walk into the bathroom. While he was in there, I put on a bathrobe, went to the kitchen to make coffee, and retrieved the newspaper from the patio. I watched him walk into the kitchen, his now soft prick swinging from side to side in front of him. "Man, I like those heavy-ended pricks, I commented. "Yours is just as heavy-ended as mine," he riposted, "but you've got skin over your helmet." "Yeah, but gettin' that skin put back on cost me almost $8,000 all told, I reminded him. "Well, I think the plastic surgery was worth the money," he said. "I like to see your helmet covered, the way it should be. It looks really good, with the shape of your helmet showing through the thick foreskin." He reached down and grasped the nipple of my foreskin and gave it a couple of playful pulls. I pinched his big purple helmet a few times between thumb and forefinger. "Here, sit down," I urged him. "I'll get us some coffee and we can read the paper." I poured two cups and handed him the first section. We sat silently reading, legs touching under the table. I enjoyed feeling his warmth against my skin, even with the heat of summer. After a few minutes, he spoke: "I'm gonna take my coffee and the paper to the bathroom. You gotta go?" "No, not yet," I replied. "Just take your time. I'll go after you." I read a couple more sections after he left, and refilled my cup. When he returned, I topped up his coffee and said: "Okay, my turn," and I left him to read the rest of the paper in the kitchen. When I got back I asked him if he was getting hungry. "Only a little bit," he replied. "I'm not usually hungry right when I wake up. How about you?" "I'm like you. I can wait for breakfast. Want to take a shower after we finish the paper?" "Only if I can take it with you," he said with a smile. I smiled back and said: "I wouldn't want to shower without you. It might be pretty lonely in there." "It'll be pretty sexy showering with you, Jack." It took us only a couple more minutes to finish the newspaper, and then we went into the bathroom. Inside the shower I turned on the water. "I like that shower head on a hose you have. I think I'll install one when I get back," he said. "That's fine, Tim. Glad you like it. Want me to show you what it can do?" "I'd love that, Jack. What you showed me yesterday left me wanting more." I detached the shower head from its bracket and adjusted the water to a needle spray. Lifting the front of his prick, I directed the spray on his glans. "Feel that hot spray on your helmet, Tim? If you have to get rid of some coffee, this is gonna do the trick for you." "Oh, that feels good. It makes me want to pee real bad," he said as I saw a trickle start between the long lips of his slit. The flow became stronger, and now splashed against the wall of the shower. After it had stopped I continued to play the water on his glans. "Now I'll see what else it does for you," I said as I moved the shower head to spray directly on the front dome of his prick. "Yow! That feels like a million little hammers hitting all the nerve endings in my helmet, just like yesterday." "It's making your thick prick swell in my hand," I commented. Now I moved the shower head to spray the underside of his prick, hitting the hot spot with its sensitive frenulum. "Ooooohh, that feels so good," he said as his prick came to full erection. "I can make you come with this," I said. "Want me to do it?" "I'd love it, anything you do to me, Jack." "Better sit down, then," I advised him. "Otherwise your knees just might buckle when you cream. Here, sit facing the shower and I'll sit right behind you" We arranged ourselves on the floor of the bathtub and I reached around him to hold his hot hard prick with my left hand while I directed the shower spray with my right, playing it over the front dome of Tim's helmet. His arm snaked between us, eager fingers feeling for my prick.

"That really feels good," he said, his hot hard prick twitching between my fingers. "It feels even better than the vibrator." I kept the spray head moving, working the spray all over his big purple helmet.

"Now I'll hit the underside, where your hot spot is," I said as I lifted his prick to let me spray directly into the vee-groove on the underside. I felt Tim writhe against me, responding sensually to the stimulation.

"Man, that feels so hot!" he said. "It's makin' me tighten up."

"I can feel your prick getting harder now," I commented. "The helmet's darker, too." I clamped my fingers tightly around the base of his shaft.

"Now I'm compressing the veins, Tim. That'll make your prick even harder."

Ooooohhhh," he moaned, flushed with excitement. "You'll have me coming any second."

"Just try to relax, but don't fight it," I coached him. "Just let things happen naturally. I'll be here for you when it hits." I saw the needle jets splay the lips of his orifice, digging inside his hole, stabbing at the nerve endings inside his urethra. His body tensed against mine as his fingers tightened around my prick.

"AAAAAHHHH!" He cried, as his hard thick prick throbbed in my hand, a long stream of white shooting from his slit to fall into the water. He wailed again, helplessly, as the sensations overwhelmed him, and I felt another hard throb in his shaft. His body strained against mine, and I saw another hot stream erupt from the lips of his long slit, distending them as it slammed through. The spray of hot water washed away the layer of cream around his slit as it precipitated another ejaculation. He cried out again as another spasm wracked his cock-root, and I saw another gush of hot cream pour from his distended slit.

Tim's prick kept dribbling semen as his orgasm faded, until he was still. I kept the spray on his helmet to wash away the residue until I felt his prick begin to soften, and Tim's breathing changed from grunts to a more even pattern. His body relaxed against me, and I clasped him to me as I dropped the shower head. The water ran down the drain, carrying the last drops of his juices with it. Now I milked his prick, from behind his balls and up along the shaft, my finger pressing into the underside to compress his tube.

"That was out of this world," he said weakly when he finally spoke. "I never felt anything like it before."

"That means you really will install one of these shower sprays when you get home."

"You bet I will!" he said. "Now let's do you. I wanna see your cock shooting like mine did." We got up and changed positions so that I was sitting in front of him. He picked up the spray head and directed it at my hard prick, the needles of water caressing my foreskin and the entire length of my shaft.

"That feels very nice, Tim."

"I know what you're feelin'" he said. "Now I'm gonna move that foreskin back so I can work on your helmet." I felt his strong fingers gently easing my foreskin down until it locked behind my engorged rim. The direct spray on my glans made me shudder.

"I'll probably come even faster than you did," I said.

"I know you will, Jack. You're already worked up from making me come, and your tip's more sensitive than mine." The hot needles sprayed insistently against my hard glans, hammering the nerve endings, and I felt myself floating with the sensations.

"Your helmet's big and purple, getting darker, Jack. Your cock's very hard. I'm gonna pull the foreskin back even more so I can get the back of the rim." I felt the pressure of his warm fingers drawing my foreskin down away from my flaring rim, exposing it to the hot spray.

"Ahhhhhhhh," I sighed as the sensations took over. I felt my insides tighten as my excitement mounted, and I became lost in the storm of tickling sensations in my glans. My eyes closed as the intense tickling changed to a hot tingling, and then I cried out helplessly as the first wave of orgasm hit me.

My cock-root contracted sharply to send a surge of hot lava pouring into my tube, where it seared its way up toward the head. The needle spray was hammering the lips of my distended orifice as the stream of juice shot forth, and I cried out again with the intensity of the sensations. I felt another hot spasm deep inside me, and I grunted loudly as my second load surged up my urethra and poured out of my straining helmet. I was dimly aware of Tim's warm body behind me as I shuddered with my third come, my prick erupting like a geyser.

More spasms followed, and I was totally lost in the torrent of mind-numbing sensations. Tim kept the erotic water jet playing on my engorged helmet and the drawn-back foreskin until my spasms had stopped, and then I went limp against him. I was dimly aware that as my prick became less swollen he pushed my foreskin forward to re-cover my helmet.

As I roused myself from my daze I felt his arms around me, holding me against him. He'd turned off the water and we sat in tandem on the bathtub floor.

"Oh, wow, that was hot, very hot," I murmured as I opened my eyes.

"I know," he replied. "I felt the way you were coming and the way your cock was throbbing. Your helmet was really dark purple, and with your foreskin back I saw it all." I felt him get to his feet behind me, and a moment later he grasped my arms to help me up.

"I've brought myself to orgasm a few times with that water spray, but this is the first time anyone did it to me. That made it hotter. You made it hotter." Tim hugged me to him and kissed me on each cheek, and then on the lips. I hugged him back. Reaching behind me, he turned on the water again and we rinsed ourselves.

"Here, let me wash you under your foreskin and milk you down," he said as he reached under me with one hand while he pushed my foreskin back with the other. He gently forced the drops of residue from me, and then rolled my foreskin forward again to protect the precious head.

After we'd turned off the shower and dried each other, I suggested breakfast:

"We can go in my car, and I can take you to breakfast or we can go to the supermarket and I can get some bacon and eggs. Which would you like?"

"Oh, I'd rather eat here with you, Jack. I'll even help you cook if you want."

"Okay, you can make the toast and watch the bacon cook. Like your eggs scrambled or sunny side up, once over easy, or what?"

"Any way you like `em, Jack. I'm not a fussy eater. I'm just like you. Just as long as we can eat together, I'll enjoy whatever you fix." I hugged him to me, planting a kiss on his lips. We got dressed and drove to the supermarket to get the groceries. Back in my kitchen, I said:

"We've got the rest of the morning after we eat. Want me to show you around the area, or what?"

"Or what sounds better to me. I'd like nothing better than a long, slow, mutual jacking with you while we talk about some of the sexual things we did. I think that's gonna get us hot and keep us up there without comin' too soon."

"I think you're right, Tim. We unloaded so much that we drained ourselves. We can last a couple of hours, at least." When the food was ready we sat and ate in silence, anticipating what we'd say during the next couple of hours. After I'd washed the dishes we returned to the bedroom and quickly stripped and I sat on the bed close to the end table.

"Come on, Tim, sit right here next to me. I want to put a condom on your prick. Since you'd like to have a foreskin, I'll use a condom to keep your helmet covered and I'll slide it back and forth like I would a foreskin." His eyes grew brighter as I outlined my plan to him, and he sat down next to me. His fingers were already tweaking the end of my foreskin, and I squeezed his helmet a few times.

"Okay, now that yo ur prick's hard enough for a condom, I'll squirt a few drops of Astro into one. I can't use Albolene. It's got oil in it. That's not good for latex." I grasped his prick behind the corona and gently unrolled the condom over his swollen helmet, working it down so that the ring was tight around his base. Meanwhile, he continued to stroke my foreskin gently over my swollen tip. Now I began gentle up and down strokes, sliding the latex foreskin over his helmet, using as little pressure as I could.

"That feels really good, Jack. I guess it's just like having a foreskin should feel."

"I'm going nice and easy, Tim. I don't want you to come now. I just want to keep you hard for a couple of hours." I felt the warmth of his prick through the thin latex, and the occasional twitch as the sensations penetrated.

"The rubber's a lot thinner than your foreskin, Jack, and I can even feel your fingertip ridges through it." I was sliding the thin membrane over and around his helmet, knowing that the soft sensations would maintain his excitement.

"I can see what it's doing to you, Tim. Your balls are getting tighter now."

"Yours are always tighter than mine. Your cock feels very warm." His fingers were sliding my foreskin, giving it an occasional twist for variety.

"You're makin' my tip get really swollen," I said.

"I can feel it through the skin. I know it's gotten harder in the last few seconds. It's funny, though, even though your foreskin's really thick, I can feel the helmet perfectly through it."

"I like the way your prick looks through that latex, Tim. I can see your helmet perfectly. Now I'm just gonna run my fingertip around your rim while I tell you about the first time I jacked off." I told him of my first orgasm at age 12 as I caressed his corona lightly, knowing that my words were having as much effect on him as my fingertip caress.

"That was nice," he said after I'd finished. "I'll tell you about mine wile I twist your foreskin just a bit." He began to tell me about his first experience with masturbation, and as I listened avidly I felt his gentle fingers stretching the nerve endings in my foreskin. I kept my fingertips on his rim, tracing its sexy curves.

"This latex is so thin I can feel the little bumps of your nerve endings," I said after he'd finished telling me how he'd attained his first mind-blowing orgasm. "Now I'll tell you about the time I did Princeton."

"I was 19, and I'd been jacking with a friend when he told me he'd like to try pumping his prick between my thighs," I began. "He put a condom on his prick, and then on mine. We stood for this one, and he slipped his prick between my thighs and started thrusting. He put his left arm around my waist and began jacking my prick with his right hand. I'd never done Princeton before, and this was his first time with me, so our timing was off. We didn't come together, but it felt very nice anyway. He was really humping hard, and his breathing was heavy. I could tell he was really into it, and I felt his thighs slamming against my butt."

"Sounds hot," Tim said. "I know it was hot for me when we did it at my place."

"Yeah, it was hot. I heard him grunting, and felt him holding me tighter, and I knew he wouldn't be long. Then he howled and his prick was throbbing hard under my balls, and I knew he was shooting his load. I think he would have fallen if he hadn't been holding on to me so tightly. After he'd finished, he relaxed, and then he began pumping my prick hard. He really wanted me to come too. I was glad we had the rubbers on to catch the cream. He'd skinned me back before he'd put on the condom, so I felt his rough fingers through the thin latex, and he was all over my helmet and shaft. He knew I liked a twisting action, and he twisted his fist with each stroke. Now I was ready to go because I'd felt him coming between my legs and this had gotten me even hotter. My helmet began to tingle, and in a couple more seconds I felt the spasms starting inside me. Now it was his turn to hold me up because I felt my knees buckling. I emptied myself out, filling that condom, while he continued to pump my prick until I yelled for him to stop. My tip became really sensitive while I was coming, and it almost hurt."

"I know, Jack. I felt you coming when I did Princeton with you. Even though I was coming at the same time, I remember how hard your cock throbbed in my hand."

"Well, he really drained me that day. After it was over, we went into the bathroom and stripped off the rubbers and threw them in the toilet. Then we took a shower together because we were really hot and sweaty."

"I guess taking that shower with him was fun, wasn't it?"

"That was the first time I'd taken a shower with another guy. It was all right, but it wasn't like when you and I were in the shower together. I really enjoy it with you because it's special, getting to soap you up and feeling you doing the same to me."

"I know what you mean, Jack. Taking a shower with you is really special. I feel very close to you, just like I'm feeling now." We were lying facing each other on the bed and Tim leaned forward to kiss me lightly on the lips.

"I feel very close to you too, Tim. Here we are, telling each other all these intimate details, and we're perfectly comfortable about it." I felt his fingers jiggling my foreskin back and forth along my helmet, the delicious friction keeping me hard but bringing me closer to the point of no return.

"I can feel your helmet swelling through the foreskin," he said. "I think you're gettin' close." He paused in his stroking.

"You're bringing me close, Tim. It's a good thing you stopped now. I'd like this to last a while longer."

"I'm not as close as you," he said. "My helmet's not as sensitive as yours, although you're gettin' me very excited."

"Your helmet hasn't started swelling yet," I told him. "I'm sure I'd feel it if it did."

"I'm really enjoying your fingers on my cock, Jack. The way you're sliding that rubber over my helmet feels like a foreskin."

"You're doing just fine, Tim. Just let me work on your prick while you fantasize that you do have a foreskin. I know how much foreskins turn you on, and now you're playing with mine and imagining that you have a foreskin too."

"You got it, Jack. I'm glad you understand exactly how this turns me on. Now it's my turn to tell you about one guy I met at a truck stop." His fingers resumed stroking my foreskin as he began his story:

"I was at this truck stop one evening after work, looking to get a blow job. I'd heard that some guys stopped there just for that. I saw this trucker looking at me from his cab, and I went over to say hello and ask him for a light. I smoked at that time. He gave me a light and invited me in. One thing led to another and soon we were in the back of his cab on the bunk. When we got naked I saw he was uncut. I told him how much I was into foreskin, and he told me to help myself while he blew me." As Tim spoke, I felt my glans swelling again, and this time I felt his corona flare out even more through the thin latex.

"Well, his cock was about the same size as mine, about six inches, a comfortable handful, and about the same shape, except that it had that beautiful foreskin. I started working his foreskin up and down the head, and when I skinned him back I saw that he had a helmet that looked a lot like mine, except it was shinier. His lips locked behind my rim and I felt his tongue digging into my slit. You know I've got a long slit, and he was able to get the tip of his tongue inside it. That really sent me, and between his tongue and his foreskin I didn't take long to come. I came first, and I think that was a good thing. I always wondered what might have happened if he'd come at the same time. He might have bitten me. Well, after I'd shot my load into his mouth, I realized that he'd swallowed it. He must have been really into my cock. I pumped him harder, stripping his foreskin back all the way hard, and I saw his gee-string pulled the helmet down just like it does on mine. There was a box of Kleenex on a shelf and I grabbed some because I knew he was right at the edge." Tim paused and I felt his fingers stripping my foreskin back firmly but gently.

"Well, his helmet was a lot like yours and mine, but shiny like yours. He had a long slit too, and then I felt his cock throb and he shot a big load right into the Kleenexes I was holding in front of his tip. I pulled his foreskin all the way up, and made him shoot again. He was really soaking those Kleenexes, and when I pushed his foreskin back off the head he shot a third load." Tim paused in his stroking, sensing that I might shoot right then if he'd continued.

"Now I kept his foreskin, back, because I'd jacked uncut guys before and I knew how sensitive the head gets. He unloaded a few more time, gettin' weaker, and he ended up dribbling just like you and I do. After he'd finished we milked ourselves down and wiped up. He thanked me for lettin' him blow me and asked if I came there often. I said I came there maybe once a month and he said he'd keep an eye out for me. I went back there a few times but I never saw him again."

"That must have been quite a feeling, with his tongue-tip drilling into your hole. I've never had anything like that happen to me."

"Oh, it was, Jack. You know that the inside of my hole's really sensitive, and felling his tongue drilling and tickling me there just pulled the come out of me. I couldn't have held off coming, even if I'd wanted to."

"He swallowed it, too. That was good for you."

"Yeah, that surprised me. Most others just spit it out." Tim's fingers were now stroking my foreskin more urgently, as if willing me to come.

"You're gonna pull the orgasm from me if you keep that up," I warned.

"I want to, Jack. I need to come now. All that talk's got me worked up. I think you're ready too, aren't you?"

"Oh, I am, Tim. Go ahead, make me come. I know you want to make me come first because you like working my foreskin." He was stroking me faster now, with more pressure, and I felt a tickling sensation begin in the rim.

"Okay, Jack. I can feel your helmet's swelling even more now. You're ready for it." I reached for a towel as Tim pumped my foreskin, and placed it between us.

"Okay, now I'm ready. Just stroke my foreskin and make me come," I urged.

"Just try to stay relaxed, Jack. It'll feel more intense for you that way. Man, your helmet's really hard, and when I strip your foreskin back I can see how dark it's gotten. Feel the tingle yet?"

"Uh-huh," I grunted as my body tightened up involuntarily. My tip was all tingly, especially around the rim, and I knew my spasms would start any moment. MY eyes closed as I felt the heat build up in my glans and foreskin from the friction. Suddenly I felt an intense tightening deep inside me, and I knew I was gone.

"OOOOHHHH!" I cried out as the first hard contraction shot a torrent of cream into my tube. My back arched as the hot lava shot up my shaft and slammed through the lips of my slit, searing my sensitive tissues. I cried out again as a second spasm wracked me, and another hot jet gushed from my slit. Tim yanked my foreskin back and I felt it snap down into the deep groove behind the rim, triggering another release. My crotch muscles tightened hard as the fluid boiled its way up my prick, making me cry out helplessly at the intense sensations.

Now Tim's fingers held my foreskin tightly back, keeping my helmet bared so that he could see the remaining gushes clearly, and I felt another torrent of cream pour from my orifice. More followed as my orgasm exhausted itself, declining to mere dribbles instead of bold gushes.

I lay still, exhausted by the sublime effort, but gradually emerged from my daze. When I opened my eyes, Tim was smiling at me, his blue eyes twinkling.

"Was it everything you expected?" he asked.

"Everything and more," I replied, sated by the experience.

"Then you're not disappointed?"

"No, and I'm not disappointed in you, either. I know you asked me before we met the first time if I might be disappointed in you, or you might be disappointed in me. Well, it didn't happen, Tim." I pulled him down and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I'm glad we weren't disappointed. I really feel good about this."

"There's a reason why, Tim. We're both realistic guys. We both know we're not perfect, and we didn't expect the other to be, either." I realized as I spoke that my fingers were still wrapped around his prick, although my hand was still. I began sliding the thin latex along the contours of his penis, feeling the large corona beneath my fingers.

"That feels so good," he said as I worked the membrane along the end of his prick, adding to his excitement. "Can I hold your cock while you finish me off? That turns me on so much." I nodded and spoke again:

"I know my foreskin inspires you. Just relax and fantasize that you've got a foreskin and that I'm using it to stimulate your prick. I'm sliding it up over your helmet now, and you can feel how it's hugging your helmet, giving you hot sensations."

"Ooooohhhh, that feels good," he moaned, and I knew he was being overwhelmed by the delicious friction in his prick.

"I'm not gonna use too much pressure, and I'm gonna go kinda slow, Tim, so that you take your time getting to orgasm. That's gonna make it hotter for you."

"I'm already very hot, after slidin' your foreskin to make you come," he whispered. "It won't be long now."

"Don't try to talk anymore," I counseled. "Just concentrate on staying relaxed, just let me bring you to the peak. I like stroking your beautiful prick and feeling the contours of your big helmet under my fingers. I love feeling every twitch of your prick. The helmet's really hard now, all swollen, and very dark. I can see it through the condom, and I can feel it too. You balls are very tight, and you're right up there."

"Oooohhhh," Tim moaned helplessly as the sensations flooded his hot hard prick and reached deep inside him. I systematically worked my fingertips around his rim, massaging the many nerve endings, fueling his fire.

"Now Tim, I'm gonna make you come now. I'm gonna massage your rim but use one finger to dig into the underside of your helmet to hit your trigger." I pushed my index finger under the head, feeling the thick frenulum through the thin membrane, strumming it to launch his climax. His prick throbbed hard at my touch, and a moment later his entire body tensed and he howled with joyful release.

"OOOOWWWWW!" he cried as his prick throbbed hard between my fingers. I saw the end of the condom fill with his cream as he began unloading, and I gave his gee-string another caress to heighten his sensations. Tim cried out helplessly as his prick throbbed and spit another load into the restraining rubber. I squeezed his glans and flicked my thumb over his rim through the thick layer of fluid and felt him throb again as another heavy load poured into the condom.

His cries suddenly increased in pitch, and I guessed that his tip had become too sensitive. I let go, letting his hard pole drop to his stomach as it continued to throb and spurt, filling the end of the condom and making it balloon the way my urine distended my foreskin when I pinched the end.

Tim's face was flushed, and his breathing was ragged as his orgasm ended. I knew he was still seeping into the condom, but he was coming down off his high. I let him lie still as the tension left his body, and watched his face. His eyes were still closed, and I knew he was dazed by the biological storm that had just wracked his body. I snuggled up to him, feeling his warmth, happy knowing that I'd just given him a mind-numbing orgasm. His fingers were still wrapped around my prick, which was too exhausted to respond.

"That really shook me," he whispered when he finally opened his eyes. I kissed him tenderly on the cheek and said:

"That long build-up made it super-hot for us both. I know you made me drain myself, and I'm sure I drained you just now." Tim's fingers continued to finger my foreskin, lightly twisting the cowl around my helmet.

"Now that it's over, I really gotta pee," he said, disengaging himself from me and heading for the bathroom. I followed and as he stood over the toilet, I gently slid the condom forward, careful not to spill the copious mixture of lubricant and sperm.

"That's not all cream in there," I commented. "I think your were lubing a lot while I was stroking your prick. It felt very slippery before you came." I let the bulging latex tube drop into the bowl and milked his shaft to expel the residue.

"I hope I did as well for you," he murmured as I continued to press my finger into the underside of his shaft.

"I think you're still too congested to pee," I said. "Come over to the sink and I'll run a little hot water over your helmet." Tim turned to the left and stood in front of the sink, while I gathered a handful of very warm water and dripped it over his still swollen helmet. After several handfuls I saw a slight trickle begin.

"Yeah, that's got me goin' now," he said. "I can feel myself relaxing inside." I continued to hold his prick, aiming it into the drain, as he emptied himself.

"Well, I think that got you flushed out just right," I said, giving his helmet a squeeze. Then I gripped his shoulder and turned him to face me. His arms went around my body and I felt him hug me tightly. I kissed his forehead, and then his ears and cheeks. I felt his soft lips on my neck. Our pricks were between us, being squeezed by our pubic bones, as we hugged tightly.

"It's so great bein' here with you," he whispered passionately.

"I'm glad you came, in more way than one." He laughed at this double entendre and kissed me on the neck again.

"You know it's well after twelve?" I asked. "We missed lunch."

"I'm not even hungry, Jack. Just bein' here with you is enough for me."

"Maybe we'd better get dressed and go out. I don't know if you're in the mood for pizza but there's a very nice pizza joint a few miles down the road."

"Oh, I know, Jack. By the time we get there I'm sure I'll have an appetite." We went back into the bedroom and dressed, and minutes later we were enjoying the sunny summer weather on the way to the pizza restaurant. The air conditioner kept us comfortable, and I pointed out several sites to Tim along the way.

The lunch crowd had thinned by the time we sat down, and the service was quick. We ordered pizza, salad, and cokes. Tim smiled at me as he nibbled on a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"You know, this is really relaxing. After this morning, I feel very relaxed, but the food adds to it."

"Oh, I know. I feel the same way. After we finish, I just might be ready for a nap."

"That's a good idea. We've gotta recharge our batteries." I leaned forward and whispered:

"Yeah, and sleeping alongside you is a good way to spend an afternoon." There was nobody at the next table, so I didn't risk being overheard.

Back home, we undressed and went to bed, hands clasping each other's prick, and fell asleep immediately. When we awoke it was dark, and we felt refreshed.

"Feel like a glass of merlot?" I asked Tim.

"That would go over well," he replied. We went into the kitchen, naked, and I poured two glasses and left the bottle on the table. We felt warm, as the summer heat filled the room.

"Just help yourself," I said. "Don't ask." We lifted our glasses and sipped.

"Jack, I was really turned on by your stories while we were stroking each other today. It was nice holding your cock too." I refilled our glasses.

"Same here," I replied. "You really had a good time with that trucker. When you told me that, I had a clear mental image of him lip-locked around your rim while his tongue drilled into your hole." My prick began to fill out with the memory, and I noticed that Tim's had started to swell too.

"Maybe we could sit in the living room. You could put another rubber on my cock. I'd really like that." We got up and took the glasses with us. I got a towel, another condom, and the bottle of Astro. We sat next to each other on the couch, thighs touching, which reinforced the erotic atmosphere. I opened the foil envelope and squirted some lube into the condom.

"Let me put it on you again," I said. "You're hard enough now. I'll jut roll it down enough so that the ring locks behind your helmet." Tim's warm fingers grasped my foreskin and began tugging on it gently.

"I like the way your skin covers the helmet, even when you're hard like now," he commented. "That looks really good."

"It feels good, too," I added. "Your fingers really feel good on my prick. Now I'm gonna roll it down a little more."

"Yeah, go nice and slow, Jack. That light touch is gettin' me so hot. I've got a buzz on from the merlot, and your fingers are just magic to me."

"Now I've got it right over your scar ring," I said as I began massaging Tim's helmet with the fingers of my other hand as I held the condom ring in place on his shaft.

"I'm glad you left a little slack at the front," he said.

"That's so I can slide the latex over your helmet, like a foreskin. I can see your balls are already gettin' tight."

"Oh, yeah, you're exciting me, Jack. I can feel your fingertip ridges like before."

"Okay, now I'll roll it down all the way. That rubber ring's gonna be tight around the base, and you know how it constricts the veins."

"That's gonna make my cock even harder." Tim's fingers continued to jiggle my foreskin gently over my glans. "Ever get together with another guy who had a reconstructed foreskin?" he asked.

"Yeah, I did once. This was about 15 years ago. Mike hadn't really been circumcised when he was born. The doctor had done a dorsal slit, cutting the foreskin along the top and pushing it back behind the head, so he hadn't lost any tissue. The foreskin just lay behind the head like a thick cuff of skin, permanently retracted. He started stretching it to get in it shape to cover the head again."

"Did he have a big helmet too?"

"Yeah, his was almost exactly like yours and mine. When he had the foreskin shaped the way he wanted, fully covering the head, he went to a plastic surgeon and had it sutured along the top, and I think he was really just as good as new."

"Did his cock make cheese?"

"That was the best part. He hadn't lost any tissue, and so he still had his inner lining and his frenulum. Once he had the foreskin permanently over the head, it began secreting smegma. "

"You said permanently. You mean he couldn't skin back?"

"No, I meant that he had it in place the way it was originally. His foreskin went back easily, easier than mine, in fact. It was a natural foreskin in every way. I could hardly see the scar line along the top. That surgeon must have used fine sutures, because they didn't leave any marks."

"What did you do when you got together?"

"Well, we went to his hotel room and talked for awhile. We exchanged experiences, and that made us hot. His prick was hard and he was leaking lube like crazy. We stripped and I had him lie flat on the bed with a towel over his stomach. I started stroking him, working the foreskin up and down over the head. This really got to him because his balls tightened up right away, and he started breathing hard."

"I'm not surprised, Jack. You have a way with cocks. I mean when you touch mine, I always get very excited."

"Well, he was getting hot. I felt his head swell up through the skin and each time I pulled the foreskin down it seemed a bit darker."

"You made him come, right?"

"That's right. We were both so hot we needed relief. I told him I wanted him to come first, so that I could watch him shoot, and then he could do the same to me. I pumped his prick, sliding that long foreskin up and down the head, and he got closer and closer to coming."

`Was his skin long enough to cover the head when he was hard?"

"Oh, yeah, you bet it was. Remember, he'd been stretching it out before he got it sewn together. I really don't know how long it was before he started, but when I saw him his foreskin covered his big helmet right to the end, with a little pucker in front. That's when he was hard. When he was soft, he had a little nipple in front of the head."

"Did he come hard, like I do?"

"You bet he did. I pumped his foreskin faster, and he was breathing hard. His eyes closed, and then when his prick started throbbing in my hand, he grunted very loudly. I was wondering if anyone heard him out in the hall, he was so loud. He shot several streams onto the towel. He really shot; he didn't dribble."

"I think that was because your hand was on his cock, Jack. He probably wouldn't have come so hard if he'd just been jacking himself."

"Oh, I think you're right, Tim." My fingers continued to massage Tim's helmet, very slowly and very gently, through the thin latex, as I spoke, and I felt his gentle fingers sliding my foreskin in short strokes along my glans.

"I guess he unloaded a lot of come," Tim said.

"He really wet down that towel. After he revived, he got up and went to the bathroom to wash himself, and then he came back to do me. I took his place on the bed and he sat next to me. My prick had gotten a bit soft while I was waiting, but he quickly got me hard again. He was pumping my foreskin like I'd done to him, and he had me going. Mike kept at it, and at one point he told me he could feel my head getting harder through the skin. I was pretty far along then, and I closed my eyes, because I was getting that tingling feeling in the rim. He kept pumping my foreskin and a couple of seconds later it happened. I just lay there, helpless in his hands, while he pumped the cream from my prick. I felt the hot cream shooting up my tube like hot lava, and I know I was crying out as loudly as he had."

"That was really hot. You gave each other hot comes, just like we did."

"Yes, but there wasn't the emotion that's been part of it with us. We hardly knew each other, and here was no tenderness to it. I don't mean we didn't enjoy it. We enjoyed it a lot, and we really drained ourselves, but it wasn't like with you and me." When I'd finished Tim turned and kissed me on the cheek.

"That's what makes it so wonderful with you, Jack. I want to make you come hard, give you a good feeling, and I know you want the same thing for me." I kissed Tim's cheek then and gave his prick a longer stroke, sliding the thin latex membrane down until the end stretched over the front dome of his helmet.

"Want to come now?" I asked. I could see that he was very excited by what I'd just related to him.

"No, I'm gonna make you come first because your foreskin inspires me. While I'm strokin' your cock, I'll tell you about an uncut guy I met about 10 years ago. He was hitchhiking and I picked him up. We were both horny, and got to talking about sex. After awhile, he said that talk was makin' him hot, and he needed relief. I told him I needed it too, and I pulled over down a side road."

"Did you just jack off, or did you do each other?"

"Well, I wasn't sure about that until I stopped the truck in the woods. He looked at me and said it would eel better if I jacked him, and that he'd do me in return. He said he wasn't into sucking, just a good hand job. I told him that was okay with me because I like hand jobs too. When he pulled his pants down I thought I was in heaven because he was uncut. He was about my age, but he'd been born in Arkansas, where practically nobody gets clipped. That's what he told me."

"Lucky you ran into him."

"Yeah, the sight of that foreskin turned me on. He didn't seem to mind that I was cut. He said he'd handled a lot of cut cocks before."

"How did you do it, right in the truck?"

"Yep. Right there. We had our pants down, and I had both some baby oil and a towel in the truck, so we started in. We put the towel over our laps and he lubed my cock and started stroking. He was good, too, because he knew just how to do it, twisting his fist around the helmet at the top of each stroke. We were very hot, and needed to come bad. My cock's not as sensitive as an uncut one, but I was so turned on my doing his foreskin that I kept right up with him."

"Did you come together?"

"We did. I didn't think we would, but my helmet as all tingly when he started to shoot that the sight of his shootin' and the feel of his cock throbbin' set me off. We just shot our loads all over the towel, and the way we were yellin' it was good thing we were deep in the woods." Tim's account has me very aroused, and he noticed it because he now began pumping my foreskin in earnest.

"You're gonna make me come," I grunted as the hot sensations coursed through my body.

"I wanna make you come right now, Jack. I wanna make you cream so I can feel your cock throb, watch your face, and stroke that foreskin." He kept pumping my fleshy cowl over the head, pulling back hard on the down-stroke, knowing that the stretching of my nerve endings would intensify the sensations for me.

"Your helmet's really hard. I bet you're all tingly now," he said. I could only grunt as my eyes closed, and the tingle in my rim because a hot flame of sensations that spread all through my glans and down my shaft.

"HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" I grunted helplessly as the sperm boiled up my shaft, and my mind shut down as I discharged my first load. Now his expert fingers brought my foreskin up fully over the head, and my insides contracted again, sending another hot torrent of cream burning up my tube and slamming through the lips of my hole. I was helpless in Tim's hands as he pumped a third shattering spasm into my straining prick, the sensations rippling out through my body.

Somehow it ended, the spasms fading while I slumped breathless on the couch next to Tim. He still held my prick as he put an arm around my shoulders and hugged me to him. I became aware that I was still holding his prick but the mind-numbing orgasms had driven all thoughts of stimulating him out of my consciousness. I opened my eyes.

"Oh, Tim, that was so hot," I whispered, still recovering from my daze.

"I didn't know you could still cream so much," he said. The towel in front of me was wet with my thick viscous fluid, which was slowly soaking into the terrycloth. Tim began to milk my softening prick, pressing his expert finger along the underside. He gave the helmet a final dab and rolled my foreskin up to cover it.

"Thanks, Tim," I said as I kissed his neck. "Now I've got to do the same for you." I resumed stroking the thin latex sheath over the front part of his prick, caressing the scar and the tissue between it and his rim, and then working over the flaring corona.

"You won't have too much to do," he said. "I'm so hot that I just can't hold out." I massaged his glans avidly, wanting him to experience the same shattering orgasm I had.

"Now I'm massaging your helmet, feeling how hard it is, following the contours with your foreskin," I said, fueling his fantasy by sliding the thin latex over his head. "Your balls are real tight. Just let it happen, Tim." I kissed his neck again as I worked his hot hard prick, wanting to give him the utmost in sensation.

"My helmet's all tingly..." he said as his eyes closed and he stopped speaking. I twisted the latex over his broad helmet, hitting the nerve endings with my fingertips and the wrinkled latex. He moaned as I cupped his tight sac, gently kneading it to add to his sensations. His fists clenched and his mouth opened.

"HHHAAAANNNNHHH!" he wailed as the first blast of the orgasm hit him with full force. His straining prick throbbed in my hand as I saw the front of the condom distend with his discharge. He grunted again as the second load pumped up his shaft to empty itself into the sheath. I felt his hot body writhing against mine in the frenzy of his orgasm, and he cried out again as the third load filled the thin latex.

I twisted my fist, working it around his hard helmet, as it throbbed again. Now lesser spurts erupted from him, and I felt his body relax gradually as his orgasm faded. Tim slumped against me, utterly spent.

After several minutes he opened his eyes and I helped him to the bathroom, where I stripped the dangling condom from his softening prick, stood him at the sink, and rinsed the viscous fluid off him. He didn't say a word as I helped him to the bed, and we fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

End of Part 2

Next: Chapter 6: Visit from Tim 3

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