Weekend With Tim / Visit From Tim

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 15, 2005


Weekend with Tim, Part 3 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

Tim and I awoke the next morning, having slept 14 hours straight. I'd turned over in my sleep and lost my grip on his penis, as he had on mine. When I reached for Tim's prick, I found it was hard. Mine was still soft.

"I've gotta take a wicked piss," he said with a grin as he came awake. "I also need to come."

"I figured that, Tim. Maybe you could do both. First you come, and then you flush out your pipes. I don't think you can pee as long as you're hard like that."

"Fuck, yeah, that's a good idea," he replied. "You want to come too? Yours isn't hard, though."

"No, I don't often wake up hard at my age, and don't feel like it quite yet, but let's take the Albolene with us into the bathroom. I'll make you come into the sink, and then we can get into the shower where the hot water will make us pee." Inside the bathroom Tim stood at the sink while I got behind him, wrapping my left arm around his waist while scooping up some Albolene with the fingertips of my right hand. His erection hadn't softened at all.

"I like the way your prick bobs from side to side when you walk," I said as I began massaging the silky lubricant into his helmet. "That heavy-ended prick looks really nice, whether you're hard or soft."

"Yours bounces from side to side too, Jack. You've got a heavy end on yours too, and a thick cover over it." I worked the Albolene into his penis, covering it from tip to base.

"Now I'll get you all lubed up, and then I'll make your prick explode." My fingers encircled his warm shaft, stroking up to the head, and then back to the base.

"Ooooohhhh, that feels so good," he said as I stroked him slowly, letting him feel all the sensations.

"Your prick's already pretty hard, and your balls are lifting now." My eyes met his in the mirror over the sink as I spoke. I kissed his ear.

"You're really very gentle, Jack. You know exactly what I like." I held him more tightly to me as I kept working on his erection, feeling it throb between my fingers.

"Feel it when the web of my hand snaps over your rim?" I asked.

"Oh, yeah, Jack, and I can feel it when your fingertips rub my gee-string too. That gets me very hot."

"I can tell. Your helmet's gettin' darker now. You're really primed to shoot."

"You're doin' it to me, Jack. My helmet's becoming tingly now."

"I know. I can feel it gettin' harder too." I twisted my fist around his engorged helmet, knowing that I was sending thrills into the tender flesh. Tim raised his left hand to put it around the back of my neck and he gripped my right forearm with his muscular right hand. I pressed myself hard against his back, enjoying the warmth of his body.

"I'm gettin' close, Jack." I felt the mounting tension in his body as I lovingly massaged his prick. Now I brought my little finger to the front dome of Tim's helmet and inserted the tip into the gaping lips of his long slit, making his prick jerk in my hand. "Ooohhh," he groaned. "Very close."

"I know you are," I said. "The pressure in your bladder's gonna make you come faster than normally." "I know it will, Jack. I can't hold off too long."

"Just stay relaxed if you can and let it happen," I coached him. "I want to see and feel you come." His body was becoming tenser.

"I just saw your eyes close," I continued. "I'll be here for you when you let go." Tim's helmet was now very swollen, the ridge pronounced against my fingers.

"HAAAAHHHH-HAAAAAHHHH!" he cried out as I felt his prick throb hard in my hand. A thick ribbon of white liquid shot from his deep purple helmet to splatter into the sink, and I watched avidly as the heavy stream parted the long lips of his slit as it gushed through them. He cried out again, sending another load into the sink as his knees buckled. I tightened my arm around him, holding him upright, and pressed myself against his straining body to hold him against the bathroom counter. I also tightened my grip on his shaft and pulled back hard to put tension on his gee-string and make his turgid helmet dip.

Tim cried out as I felt his prick throb again, and again a ribbon of white cream gushed from the lips of his slit. I could see the front of his helmet in the mirror, and watched the long lips distend as another load of semen slammed through them. Tim was now collapsed against me, sobbing and moaning, totally enraptured by the hot thrills flooding his body, while I stroked and held him.

His prick throbbed several more times as he emptied himself, until the last dribbles changed to a final droplet. I held him as he began to recover, enjoying the feel of his muscular body against me.

"Well, you really got me off, and fast," he said as he opened his eyes. "You sure you don't want me to do you now?" He looked at me tenderly.

"No, your sex drive's higher than mine," I replied. "You told me you often come four times a day. Anyway, I want to save myself for the electro."

"Yeah, you told me you brought your electro stuff with you."

"It's still in my car," I said. "I can bring it up after we come back from breakfast."

"Okay, let's get cleaned up and then we can go eat." He stepped into the shower and turned on the warm water as I followed.

"Now that your prick's softening you ought to be able to pee. I know I'll be letting go in a second." As I spoke, I felt a steady dribble begin, flowing through the nipple of my foreskin.

"I'll pinch your skin and make it balloon again," he said as he grasped the end of my fleshy nozzle. The trapped fluid quickly distended my hood, and when it was fully swollen he let go. "I'm always fascinated by that," he continued. "I wish I had one of those hoods to play with."

"You can play with mine all you want," I said as I noticed the flow beginning from his dangling helmet.

"You're really beautiful, you know," he said as he pinched my foreskin nipple again. "I mean, you're a really nice guy, and I enjoy being with you. I'm really glad you came." He inclined his head and kissed my chin.

"I'm glad I came here," I said as I hugged him close to me. "It's turning out to be a wonderful weekend." Tim had now released my foreskin and we stood together as our pricks drained themselves.

"There, that flushed out the residue, didn't it?" I asked as we separated and he reached for the washrag. He began soaping me, and when he had done that he rinsed my body, paying special attention to my foreskin, and then I did him. Once he'd rinsed, we got dressed.

"Let's take my car this time," I suggested as we came out into the street. "I know the way from yesterday." The previous day we'd enjoyed breakfast so much we'd decided to return. We got into my 2002 Isuzu Rodeo and drove to the same restaurant, anticipating another excellent breakfast. Inside, we got the same corner table, and gave the waitress our orders.

"You know I tried stereo-stim," he said. "I gave up after I got a couple of nasty shocks."

"I never tried it," I said. "However, I've read comments on various web sites and one thing they all point out is that stereo can be dangerous because it's unpredictable. Maybe the worst thing that can happen is your getting house current through your body. If you're stimming in the bathtub, that could happen."

"Sounds deadly," Tim commented.

"Now when you use equipment designed for stimming, you're better off. My unit uses a rechargeable battery, and never connects to the 110 volt line except for charging. It adjusts to a bunch of stim modes, and has controls for intensity, timing, and other functions. You can tailor its output to what works best for you because it's digital." At this point our breakfasts arrived, and we fell silent as we ate our first meal in 20 hours. I picked up the check and left a tip, and then we started back to Tim's apartment. During the drive, Tim said to me:

"That was so nice this morning, Jack. What a way to begin the day. It was very sweet."

"That was nice for me, too. I really enjoyed feeling your prick throb, watching it spurt, and feeling your body straining against mine."

"Well, I want to watch and feel you come too, Jack. When we get back and start with your unit, you go first."

"That would be a good idea," I agreed. "That way you can see for yourself that it's safe and that there are no unpleasant surprises." I parked in front of his apartment and we went inside. I carried the cardboard box containing my stimming equipment. Inside we stripped and went into the bedroom, where I showed him the contents of the box. I pulled out the beige colored control box first:

"Here's the power unit, Tim. It's digital, and has its own internal battery. I'll explain each component as I put it on. Got some paper towels?" Tim went to the kitchen, returning with a roll of towels. I was on the bed.

"I use three electrodes," I continued. "They connect me to both channels through this wiring harness here. Channel "A" goes from the end of my prick down to the base. See this little plastic pad with a wire attached? This goes under my foreskin like this. I use a drop of electro-gel to make sure it's conducting." I demonstrated by pouring a drop of gel on the pad and placing it under my glans as I slipped the hood forward over it.

"Good thing you've got a skin," Tim remarked. I continued:

"This blue conductive band goes around the base of my prick, and it's the common lead for both channels. I'm strapping it in place and using a drop of gel on top. Last is this other conductive pad, self-adhesive, which I put right next to my anus." As I fitted it in place, I explained:

"This lets Channel "B" go through my prostate. Now I brought a fresh set of electrodes for you to use when it's your turn." I connected the harness plugs to the unit and pushed the "ON/OFF" button.

"Feel anything yet?" Tim asked.

"No, I've got to select a mode first, and then turn up the power." I pushed one button, waited a few seconds, and turned up the two channel knobs. The power levels appeared on the LCD display.

"See, I'm in Waves mode, and at 30 percent power. This seems to be the threshold for me."

"What's it feel like?" Tim asked.

"To me, it feels like several rippling sensations are going through me, right from the tip of my prick to the base, and the other channel as well. The waves keep changing, although the pattern repeats every 20 or 30 seconds."

"You're not gettin' hard yet," Tim observed. "Want some help?"

"It's not necessary, Tim, although if you want to help I won't mind at all. This device can give me an HFO, a Hands Free Orgasm." I turned up both power knobs to 40, producing a more powerful sensation in my prick and lower region. Tim's warm fingers closed around my prick.

"I wanna feel it get hard," he said.

"Now I'll turn it up to 45 percent on both. Once you get past the threshold, you should turn it up only a couple of percent at a time." My prick began to swell, partly because of the pleasant ripples and partly from the warmth of Tim's clasping fingers. I turned both knobs to 47. Hot rippling sensations flooded my prick, varying in frequencies and timing. Tim stood up suddenly.

"Hold it for a minute," he said. "I wanna put on some Wagner." He went into the living room and when he returned seconds later the strains of "Tannhauser" filled the air.

"Sounds nice," I said as he sat down beside me and clasped my prick again.

"You're getting hard," he said as he squeezed my shaft gently a few times. "Your cock-core's really filling that skin." I turned the power up to 48 this time, and my penis began to jerk with the peaks of the pulses.

"I think I ought to switch to the mode that gets me off the quickest," I said, and began pushing buttons on the power box. "I really want to give you a demonstration, and it's hard to explain exactly what the different modes feel like.

You have to experience them."

"What are you on now?" he asked.

"Look at the screen. This mode's called "Toggle," and it alternates the power between my prick and my prostate. I'll turn it up a bit and you'll see and feel how it makes my prick tighten up." I turned the power to 50 on both channels, and then incrementally higher.

"Man, your helmet's making a big bulge in your skin, Jack. I've never seen it so big." He was right. The flare of my corona contrasted with the taper of my glans and the tight pucker of the end of my foreskin ahead of it. I kept inching the power up until it was at 65 on both channels.

"Can you feel how it makes my prick jerk and tighten up when the light on Channel "A" comes on? The skin's got autonomous muscle in it, and it's not under my conscious control. The pulses, though, make the muscle contract. It feels like someone's squeezing my prick rhythmically. Also, each time Channel "A" comes on it makes my cock-root tighten."

"Will this make you come soon?" Tim asked. "I think you'll need paper towels to catch your juice." With his left hand he tore a couple of sheets from the roll and placed them flat on my stomach. He held my prick a few degrees above horizontal, the end over the towels.

"I'm gettin' there," I muttered through clenched teeth.

"I can feel you gettin' there, Jack. Your helmet's really big and hard now through the skin, and I can feel your cock jerk." My eyes closed involuntarily and I felt myself slipping away, drawn in by the hot erotic pulses.

The tension in my body built up with each electrically-induced contraction in my prick and prostate, and I knew that I was going to tumble into the free-fall of orgasm any second. I took a deep breath as my prick tightened under the surge of current, and then my insides exploded.

"HHHAAAAHHH!" I cried out as the first hot flood surged up my shaft, searing the delicate tissues and erupted from the end of my helmet. I felt the torrid fluid spread inside my hood as my prostate contracted again, sending another torrent of hot lava up my prick. I was gasping and moaning, helpless in the throes of an orgasm made more intense and vivid by the relentless electric pulses. I felt Tim lie down beside me, full-length, feeling the hot spasms that wracked my body. Several more intense pulses came, and then I was drained. I quickly forced my eyes open to turn down the power on both channels.

"That one blew you away," Tim remarked as I turned my face to him. "I couldn't feel the current, but I felt each contraction in your cock."

"I can still feel the orgasm," I said. "I turned the power down, but it still feels pleasant." At this point I pressed the "ON/OFF" button and the pulses ceased.

"The come kept pouring out of your hood, Jack. I caught it all on the paper towels, but we'll have to skin you back to get it all."

"Okay, just skin me back enough to get that electrode out of there, and I'll milk my prick." Tim's strong fingers drew back my hood as he peeled the conductive pad from the underside of my glans. I squeezed the residue from my urethra and caught it on a Kleenex. Then I unstuck the conductive pad from between my buttocks.

"Now let's try to hook you up the same way," I suggested. "I can't tell if this is the best for you but we have to start somewhere." I handed him a conductive pad to stick between his butt cheeks.

"Take this blue band and fit it around the base of your prick, as far down as you can get it. You're already almost hard so that should be easy." Tim slipped the band down his shaft, tightening at when he reached the base.

"Now for a drop of conductive gel," I said as I poured a drop onto the band at the top side of his shaft.

"What about the one for my helmet?" Tim asked. "I don't have a hood to hold it on."

"I'll use a condom," I said as I put the electrode on the underside of his shapely helmet. "I'm using a regular size condom for a tight fit, and so I can see your helmet when it swells. See, now that I've got it in place, and with a drop of lube, I'll unroll this rubber right down your prick and that's that." I connected the wires and turned on the power box.

"Now I'll turn the mode to Waves, so you can feel the same sensations I did when I began," I said. "You turn up the power knobs, though. Just turn them up until you feel something." Tim eased the "A" channel knob up first, reaching 31 percent, and then turned the "B" channel knob to 33. He clasped my prick with his left hand.

"That's givin' me a pleasant tingle all through my cock and balls," he said.

"Okay, just relax and get used to the sensations," I said. "When you're ready, ease the power controls up slightly. Remember, now that you've hit the threshold you only need one or two percent change to make a big difference in what you're feeling."

"It feels like the frequency's changing all the time, and the power level changes too," he said.

"That's why they call it waves," I explained. "That's what giving you a rippling feeling in your prick."

"Oh, yeah, that rippling feeling's terrific." I saw that his prick was firming up.

"Now that knob just to the left of the power knobs is the multi-adjust. That controls the tempo. Turn it clockwise and the waves come faster. The other way slows them," I coached him. He twisted the knob slowly, experimenting with the different sensations.

"This is nice, very nice," he commented. "It all feels good. I could stay like this for hours."

"Well, there are more than a dozen modes, and you can modify them in several ways with the controls. I'm sure you could edge for hours with this set-up." Tim continued to twist the knob, exploring the variations in sensations it produced.

"This is really nice. I think I could stay hard for hours without coming."

"That's right, Tim. Just use enough power to keep yourself hard, but not enough to come."

"Can I try another mode?"

"Yeah, but turn down the power first. Let's get you on Climb." I pushed the mode button until "Climb" showed in the display. "Now you turn up the power slowly." Tim twisted the knobs until they showed 40 percent.

"Now that's nice. It feels like a glissando." He smiled at me. "It's a hell of a lot better feeling than I ever got from my stereo."

"Yeah, and no nasty shocks, either," I reminded him. "Try the other knob. See how that changes the sensations." Tim twisted the adjustment knob and then bumped the power knobs up one percent.

"I know I could stay like this all day," he said. "There are so many sensations..." He trailed off.

"Take as long as you want. I've got the time, and the battery's good for several hours." I clasped his left hand in mine as I sat next to him.

"Let's try another one," he said.

"Okay, but turn down the power before you change modes," I reminded him. "The power unit includes a Ramp feature that slowly increases the power from zero when you change modes, but I feel it's better to lower the power manually."

I pushed the selector button until the Orgasm mode displayed, and then Tim adjusted the power level up to 35.

"This feels like just the frequency's going up, not the power," he said. "It's going in cycles, going up, then stopping, and then starting over at the bottom."

"That's about right, Tim. Try it for a couple of minutes to see if it does anything for you." Tim gradually brought the power levels up to 52 on each channel, and stayed there for several minutes, a dreamy look on his face.

"Okay, I've got an idea of this machine's potential," he said. "I guess I could stay here all day and edge. Now I'd like to find out what coming is like. I've only seen video clips of it on the Internet."

"Well, you could increase the power, or you could try another mode. The one that works well for me is Intense." I brought both power levels to zero and punched the selector button until Intense appeared on the display. "Increase the power and tell me what you feel." Tim turned the Channel "A" knob to 40.

"That feels like a steady tingling all through my cock." He then raised Channel "B" to the same value.

"Now that feels like a pounding in my prostate."

"That sounds right," I said. "Channel "A" gives you a steady current and you can see that the LED is steady. The "B" LED is blinking, which means that it's giving you pulses from the base of your prick through to your anus. Now adjust the other knob for the best frequency." Tim began twisting the left hand knob experimentally until he said:

"There. That's it. Lower felt too rough. This is just right. Very erotic." Tannhauser was still playing in the background.

"Now start raising the power on both, and try to remain relaxed," I coached. "Go nice and slow, and tell me what you feel." Tim began twisting each knob incrementally, raising the power levels slowly to 50.

"This is really nice. I feel my muscles deep inside contracting with each pulse, and the feeling in my cock is really heavenly."

"Go ahead, give them both more power," I said. Tim increased the power on both in small steps, until he reached 60 percent.

"You told me to relax. That steady current through my cock makes my muscles contract. I can't relax. I just keep tightening up." I nodded and said:

"Okay, you're almost there. Just raise the power on Channel "A" and see what happens. Go slowly, though." Tim twisted the knob clockwise until the display read 70 percent, and I saw his entire body begin to tighten.

"I can't go any further. I think it'll hurt if I do." His breathing had increased.

"You're close, Tim. Your balls have been up against your body for a few minutes now." I reached to feel his glans through the thin latex. "Your helmet's very hard now. I think you're right there. You don't need any more power. Just lie still and try to relax. Let the sensations come to you."

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh," Tim gasped as his breathing increased. His thighs were moving, spreading and contracting, and I knew that he was totally caught up in the sensations. I placed my left hand on the inside of his thigh because I wanted to feel the muscular contractions when he'd begin to come. I didn't say anything because I know that all of his attention was focused on the powerful tingling in his lower region.

"Ahhh, ahhh, ahhh," he breathed, as his face reddened. His eyes closed, and now he took deeper breaths as the sensations mounted. Even though the power level remained the same, the insistent rhythm of the pulses through his prostate was having a cumulative effect, while the steady tingling in his penis was preventing him from relaxing. I felt him squeeze my prick several times.

"AAAAHHHH!" he cried. I was still holding on to his helmet when it pulsed against my fingers and a second later I saw the rush of fluid bursting through the long lips of his slit and distending the thin latex. Tim cried out again and I felt the second throb in his helmet. I reached over and turned both power knobs down slightly. Now that his orgasm was in full flight he didn't need as much to keep it going.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" he cried out again, his thighs spreading and stomach muscles rippling, as another hot discharge poured into the condom. He was helpless in the embrace of the electric pulses, as I'd been earlier. I lowered the power settings again, as his orgasm was obviously blasting through his tortured body, draining his fluid.

Tim's cries became fainter, until the end when he was merely whimpering as his penile throbs had lessened. I turned the power knobs down again, reaching 30, and left them here for a minute to let him feel the pleasant sensations, before shutting off the device.

Tim was utterly still, his breathing slowing to normal, and I knew he was sinking into the daze of the after-shock. His hand relaxed on my prick. His face and body were sweaty from the efforts of the many muscular contractions he'd undergone. Finally he opened his eyes and looked at me.

"That was powerful," he said. "I never felt anything like that in my life. Even the stereo-stim I tried didn't feel that good."

"I'm glad you enjoyed it," I said.

"It was like my cock was alive in ways I'd never felt

before. It felt like a foreskin was rolling over my helmet at one point."

"That's because the electro works directly on the nerves, even if the nerve endings are gone. You were getting sensations that felt like they were coming from your foreskin, even though you haven't had a foreskin since a few days after you were born. I think cut guys get more out of this than naturally intact guys."

"It felt like the skin on my cock was tightening around my shaft, too."

"The same thing happens to me, Tim. The skin has autonomous muscle, not under conscious control, but the pulses make the muscle contract."

"I guess that's why my cock and balls contract when they're cold." He released my penis.

"That's right. They respond to temperature and sexual excitement, Tim. Your balls contract when they're cold and when you're sexually aroused." Suddenly Tim seized me and pulled me down to him, hugging me tightly.

"Damn! I'm so glad you're here! I'm so glad you came!" I wrapped my arms around his body and hugged him back.

"I'm glad I came too," I whispered in his ear. "It's better than I'd thought it would be."

"Too bad this is only a weekend," Tim said.

"I know. I get the same bittersweet feeling as you. I wish it could last forever but we both know that it can't. The odds are against us."

"The age difference doesn't seem important right now, Jack."

"Thanks, but I think we both know in five or ten years it would be much more important. Sooner or later I'd be a burden on you, and I wouldn't blame you for resenting it." I kissed the end of Tim's nose and saw a couple of tears flowing from the corners of his eyes.

"I can't imagine that happening, Jack." He blinked rapidly as he said this, and I felt myself beginning to shed tears as well.

"I really appreciate your loyalty, Tim, but I think it's inevitable, Tim. I'm 23 years older than you. When you'll be 50, I'll be 73, if I'm still alive. When you get to 60 I'll be 83. Maybe you can't think of what it would be like right now, but imagine how I'd feel. I'd feel very guilty tying you down when you could link up with someone better suited for you."

"You certainly have a lot of feeling, Jack. I hadn't expected this in just a weekend."

"Well, there's a bit more to it than that, Tim. Okay, I'll say it, although you might think I'm premature or even stupid. I love you, Tim. You know what that means? It means that, to me, your happiness is more important than my own. It would really hurt me to know that you were tied down to me when you could be free." My tears were flowing copiously as I finished speaking, my voice cracking. Tim hugged me hard.

"I didn't know you felt quite that way, Jack. I'm a little bit surprised, but I really appreciate it." He kissed me on the forehead.

"Look, we ought to go out to lunch," I said. "That would give us a chance to think about it, and talk about it." Tim released me and we took the electrodes off him. Then we went into the shower. Under the hot water, I said:

"Maybe it'll take time to get used to, but no matter how strongly we feel for each other, some relationships just aren't workable in the long run."

"I know you're right, Jack, but it's hard to accept. After this weekend, being with you seems so wonderful..." his voice trailed off.

"Look, I feel as strongly about you, Tim, but we've got to be realistic. I wish things were different, but I can't imagine any practical way to make this a long-term relationship." Tim had been looking right at me as I'd spoken, and by the time I'd finished I was crying again. He hugged me under the hot water, patting my back.

"We think alike on so many things," Tim said. "We sometimes don't even have to talk about it. We were already agreed on safe sex, even though the subject never came up."

"I think we do on this one," I replied. We soaped each other in silence, and then rinsed and dried ourselves. We hugged again before getting dressed.

"Let's go in my truck," Tim said as we came out onto the street. "I want to take you to a really nice German restaurant and I know the way. You do like German food, don't you?"

"I love it," I reassured him. "I also love that thin German bread with lots of butter on it."

"Good. This place has it all. It's not all that far, either." Half an hour later we were sitting inside a well-lit restaurant filled with Sunday diners. The waitress passed out menus and we pored over them.

"I'll have the sauerbraten," I said when she'd returned to take our orders. She turned to Tim.

"Same for me." After she'd left he said:

"I guess we both like sauerbraten. Our tastes are alike in many ways."

"I know. That's why we get along so well," I answered.

"We like the same things in sex," he said in a low voice so as not to be overheard by the couple at the next table.

"Music, wine, food," I continued. We sat pensively until the meal arrived, and then ate with enthusiasm, too busy eating to speak much. We washed the food down with steins of beer, and then told the waitress that we had no room left for dessert. When she brought the check Tim reached for his wallet but I said:

"No, let me. After all, I'm enjoying your hospitality. This is much less than I'd have to pay for a motel." He shrugged and said:

"Oh, I thought I'd treat you this time."

"No need, Tim. I appreciate staying with you a lot. I'm just trying to pay you back with a good meal." I left enough to cover the meal and a generous tip, and we stood up to go.

"I'm sleepy after that heavy meal," Tim said as we walked into his apartment.

"I feel weary myself," I echoed. "Maybe we ought to take a nap."

"Yes, we'll feel better afterward," he said. We went into the bedroom and were naked within seconds, eager to get into bed. I turned toward him and hugged him to me, saying:

"I love to feel you against me." His hand snaked between us to clasp my penis.

"I love to feel this." We stayed that way until we fell asleep. We awoke around six, and I noticed that we were both hard.

"Is that from horniness or just having to pee?" I asked Tim.

"I don't know about you, but for my part it's both."

"I'm not surprised, Tim. You told me you often have several orgasms a day."

"Yeah, and I need one now. I don't even want to hook up to the electro box."

"I understand, Tim. You need relief right now. Let me get the Albolene and you can hold on to my prick while I do you." I got a towel from the bathroom and laid it over his lower body as I sat next to him and began applying the creamy lubricant to his hot hard penis.

"I'll start by holding your prick vertically while I run this finger full of cream around your helmet," I said. "First I'll go around the front dome, and now following the corona back to the top. Now down the other side, stopping to spread it on the broad upper surface of your helmet, and finally underneath where the two sides of your rim meet. Now right into the hot spot, and just pressing that made your prick jump." Tim drew in his breath sharply as his warm fingers closed around my prick. I shuddered at his touch.

"Just being with you made me horny," he said.

"You're already pretty hot, Tim. I can see your balls tightening even now. Can you feel my fingertip going around the neck of your cock, between the rim and the scar?"

"Yes, I can, and it feels so good. I'm also stroking your cock, Jack. Do you know what I think of when I hold your cock and you're doing mine?"

"No, but go ahead and tell me," I answered. "I'd really like to know."

"I'm fantasizing that it's my cock I'm stroking, my cock with skin on it, and that's a big turn-on for me."

"I'm really glad I can help that way. Since my prick turns you on so much, help yourself."

"I knew you wouldn't laugh at me, Jack."

"No, I never would. I take you and your preferences very, very seriously."

"I guess because they're so close to yours, right?"

"You're right, Tim. We do think alike in so many ways." I continued to work around behind his rim, gradually tracing circles around his shaft as we talked, fueling his fire.

"I'm glad we do," he continued. I leaned over and kissed him lightly, feeling his scratchy mustache against my lips.

"Now I'll wrap my fingers around your prick and take long strokes from the base right up to your helmet." I did as I'd said, and felt his body begin to tense. I used my other hand to cup his balls.

"That feels great, Jack. You know just what to do." I increased my pace and said:

"Now I'll twist my fist when I reach the rim of your helmet. I know what that does for you. Your balls are already very tight."

"Ooooohhhh!" He moaned as my encircling fingers rode over the rim of his helmet with a sideways stroke that inflamed the nerve endings.

"I can tell this is really reaching you, Tim. Your legs are spreading a bit and your stomach muscles are gettin' tighter." I kept caressing his beautiful prick, feelings its heat in my fingers.

"Ooooh," he moaned again, becoming caught up in the hot sensations flooding his lower region. His fingers tightened on my prick, slowly stroking it.

"You're gettin' right along, Tim. I can feel your helmet gettin' harder, and I can see it gettin' darker too." What I didn't say was that I was very excited from his expert fingers stroking my prick, and that I was in danger of losing my sperm very quickly.

"I can feel your helmet all swollen through the skin," Tim gasped between ragged breaths. I increased my pace on his shaft and helmet, wanting to give him relief before he made me come.

"Your eyes just closed," I gasped, becoming caught up in the same wave of excitement that was propelling him toward the brink. Tim's face was flushed and his breathing had become ragged. I knew he wouldn't be saying anything more for awhile, and probably wouldn't understand anything I said either.

I felt his prick throb in my fingers just as his balls contracted sharply, and watched a thick ribbon of white cream spurt up from the long slit in his helmet. At the same moment he cried out in joyful agony and his fist tightened sharply around my prick. I felt his fingers flicking my foreskin over my engorged helmet, sending hot sparks of sensation stabbing deeply into me, and the orgasm began welling up deep inside.

A heavy throb began deep inside my cock-root as my eyes closed and I let out a loud groan. I kept stroking Tim's prick as I felt the rush of hot lava coursing up my tube, and I knew that I hadn't been able to hold back. My prick throbbed hard as it discharged, and then I felt Tim's prick throb again.

I fell over onto him, and our pricks were throbbing between our stomachs. We were very much together on this, shooting our jets joyfully as we shared the magic moment. I'd let go of his prick and his hand had released mine. We were grinding our pelvises together, caught up in the spasms, seeking release as we spurted our creamy jets between us.

I don't know how many jets we spurted together, nor the moment we began to sink into the heavy daze that follows release. I just know that we lay still for a very long time, enjoying each other's warmth, sharing the afterglow, and wanting the moment to last forever. Once more we slipped into sleep, the sleep of exhaustion and fulfillment.

We awoke around midnight, and Tim turned on the bedside lamp.

"I feel like a shower," he said. "I bet you'd like one too."

"You know it. I'm all sticky just like you. We came all over each other." I followed him into the bathroom, and soon we were enjoying the flow of hot water. We soaped each other languidly, taking our time, talking softly above the rushing sound of the shower.

"I'm going to pack when we get out of the shower," I said. "You have to get up early to go to work, and I may as well get on the road at the same time as you."

"I guess you're right, Jack. I won't even have time to fix us breakfast unless we get up extra early."

What do you do when you go to work, then?"

"I usually pick up something light on the way and eat it in the truck. Maybe I'll get a Denver sandwich and a container of coffee. How about you, Jack?"

"Well, usually I'm not hungry right when I get up. It takes me a couple of hours to work up an appetite. I'm sure I can find a place along the freeway where I can eat something. Most rest stops usually have a food court along with the gas pumps." I was soaping his groin as I spoke, working out the dried sperm.

"That's makin' me hard again," he said. I wrapped my soapy fingers around his shaft and began long strokes that slammed against his prominent ridge, compressing the nerve endings and making his prick jerk in response.

"You're pretty horny, Tim. It doesn't take much to get you excited." I maintained my strokes, knowing that he needed another orgasm for relief. I slipped around behind him, keeping my left arm tightly around his waist as I caressed his hot hard penis with my right hand.

"I'm gonna come pretty soon," he whispered. "The way you're doin' me, it's really hot." I felt his shaft harden even more between my encircling fingers, and knew that he was nearing the brink.

"Now go for it!" I murmured in his ear as I brought my fist up to twist around his hot purple helmet.

"AAAAHHHH!" he cried out as his prick pulsed between my fingers, shooting a thick rope of fluid against the wall of the shower. As I'd expected, his knees buckled and I had to hold him tightly to keep him from falling. I caressed his throbbing, spurting helmet several more times to drain him thoroughly, and then removed my hand.

Tim slowly recovered, relaxing in my arms, confident that I'd keep him from crumpling to the floor of the shower. The hot water sluiced over us, rinsing away the streaks of semen he'd shot onto the wall and floor.

"Thank you," he whispered as he turned in my arms and opened his eyes. I kissed him tenderly on the cheek and he hugged me fervently. We finished showering, dried each other, and returned to bed for a few more hours' sleep. As before, we held each other's pricks.

The alarm awakened me, and I sat up quickly. Tim was slowly turning over and yawning.

"Time to get up," he announced. We quickly got dressed and ready to go. "I'll help you carry your stuff to your car," he said. Then he turned to me and held me tightly to him.

"I'll miss you," he whispered into my ear.

"I'll miss you just as much," I whispered in reply, fighting back tears.

"Call me when you get home tomorrow," he said.

"I promise I will." I meant it.

The End of the Story.

Next: Chapter 4: Visit from Tim 1

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