Weekend With Tim / Visit From Tim

By Jack Santoro

Published on Jan 14, 2005


Weekend with Tim, Part 2 By Jackinnm@yahoo.com

Saturday morning we awoke wrapped in each other's arms, and happily without hangovers, as we hadn't drunk too much merlot the previous evening. This was a good thing, especially as we'd been drinking on empty stomachs, because our need for sex had overshadowed any hunger we might have felt.

As we'd turned over several times during sleep, we'd let go of each other's pricks, but now Tim again reached for mine.

"I love to hold your cock," he said, with his eyes still closed. I hugged him to me and wrapped my fingers around his.

"What do you want to do this morning, Tim? Did you work up an appetite after last night?

"I'm hungry," Tim said as he opened his eyes and leaned forward slightly to plant a dry kiss on my lips. I hugged him harder in a rush of emotion, as I felt a close bond with him as a result of the evening before. After a minute I relaxed my grip and said:

"Okay, let's get showered and shaved, and we'll go out for breakfast. You know the places around here. Pick the one you like." We got up and hurried through our bathroom chores, finishing in 15 minutes. Tim led me to his vehicle, a 1995 Dodge Ram pickup truck, and he drove us to the restaurant, which wasn't crowded because of the early hour.

We picked a booth in the corner and ordered our meals. We were both into eggs, bacon, home fries, and biscuits, and Tim assured me that this place served generous portions. The waitress soon brought our plates and as we dug into the food, Tim said:

"Again, I'm really glad you came. I was wondering what you were like, and now I know." I understood the implications, because I knew that some people lie profusely about themselves on the Internet. They take advantage of the anonymity to cloud their true selves and create a false persona. This can lead to unpleasant surprises if they end up with a face to face meeting.

"Well, I got to like you a lot from your e-mails, and I felt you were being honest with me. Still, I'm as relieved as you are to find out that I was right about you."

"That was some evening," Tim said, lowering his voice even though nobody was within earshot.

"I know it was," I responded. "Half the thrill was giving you your orgasms. That did a lot for me."

"I really enjoyed playing with your cock. I like it a lot, especially because of that long thick hood."

"I like yours too, Tim," I said.

"Mine doesn't have a hood like yours, though," he replied with a note of dejection in his voice.

"Now look," I said, "I like your prick because it's yours. Although I understand that you wish yours was intact because I've been there myself, I'm not turned off because yours doesn't have a hood. It's you. I do wish yours had a hood because you'd be happier. Anyway, you know my hood's just a replacement, not the real thing. I was exactly your age when I had it done, by the way."

"I wouldn't have the guts to go for plastic surgery," he said. "Ever have any regrets?"

"Yes and no," I replied. "I'm glad I've got the new foreskin, because it's made sex much more enjoyable for me. It also did a lot for my self-image. I wish I'd known about the stretching method, though. That's far less risky than surgery and it looks better in the end because there aren't any surgical scars and because the skin matches. My scrotal graft doesn't match my shaft-skin, as you saw."

"It looks good enough for me, Jack. That's all that counts. You're one of the few guys I could discuss this with. That's another reason I'm glad we got to meet. Anyway, I also like the rest of your cock. You've got a big helmet, like I do."

"Yours is attractive too," I said. "You've got a straight shaft that tapers a little from base to neck, and the helmet sits nicely at the end of it. The slit's right at the end, and the rim stands out from the neck of your prick. You've got six inches just like mine, and that's just fine. I'm not really impressed by guys who claim to have nine or ten inches, whether it's true or not."

"I like you for other reasons too," he said. "I like the way you think, for starters."

"Me too, Tim. You're very down-to-earth, and that impresses me a lot. I've met guys who were real egotists, legends in their own minds. I could tell from your e-mails that you're really level-headed. You're Bi, like I am. You've been with both men and women. We have that in common."

"Well, what do you think we should do today?" he asked.

"We spoke about "Princeton," I suggested. "You can always jack off alone, but you can't do Princeton without a partner, so..."

"Was that really named after Princeton University?"

"I don't know, Tim. I just know the name, and have no idea who really started it. I'd bet guys were sticking their pricks between each other's thighs thousands of years ago, such as in ancient Greece."

"That might be, Jack. It's like `French Kissing.' I'd bet people were doing that before there even was a country like France."

"Well, we'll try Princeton for ourselves when we get back," I said. We finished up our breakfasts and I picked up the check. Tim drove us back to his apartment, where we stripped as soon as we got into the bedroom. Our anticipation had already made us half-hard.

"I like the way your big helmet make a bulge in your skin," Tim observed.

"Your tip's big, too, Tim. It's easy to find and grab. Your balls hang low, too, lower than mine."

"That's because some of that skin was used for your new hood, Jack. Didn't yours hang as low as mine before the plastic surgery?"

"I think they did, although it's been 23 years. I know for sure I had more skin in my sac then." We sat side by side on the edge of the bed.

"My stomach's full right now. We ought to take it easy before starting or it's gonna be a bit uncomfortable for me," Tim stated.

"You like to take it nice and slow anyway, Tim. That's one reason you like me. We see things the same way."

"That's for sure. Mind if I turn on some Wagner? You know how that gets me fired up."

"I'd love it. Tim. I like Wagner too, and I like it more since I found out what it does for you." Tim walked into the living room and returned, with the strains of "Meistersinger" filling the air. Something occurred to me:

"Hey Tim, ever see that old black and white movie `Brute Force,' with Burt Lancaster and Hume Cronyn? That was made back in the 40s, and Wagner was part of the background music. Cronyn played the sadistic prison guard captain, and he put Wagner on the old Victrola while he was beating the shit out of one of the prisoners with a rubber hose."

"I think I saw it a long time ago. It was pretty brutal." Tim sat down on my left, and his right hand reached for my prick, rolling the nipple of my long hood between two fingers.

"That feels nice," I said as I grasped his sculptured helmet between thumb and forefingers, squeezing it rhythmically. I knew this would make his cock-root throb and induce erection.

"I love the feel of your fingers on my cock," he breathed, getting very aroused.

"Your fingers are giving me a tingle in my prick," I whispered back.

"I can feel it gettin' hard, Jack. "The core of your cock's startin' to fill out your skin. I like the way your cock swells into its skin." He cupped my scrotum with his other hand as he spoke, and I did the same for him.

"Your helmet's swelling in my fingers," I said. "It feels so good to me."

"I can feel your helmet through the skin, Jack. I just love sliding your skin over that big beautiful helmet." His manipulations now had me almost fully erect, and the delicious friction of my foreskin sliding over my glans was very arousing.

"I wanna get closer to you, Jack," he said as he let go of my prick and pushed me flat on my back and climbed on top of me, chest to chest, hugging me tightly. Our pricks were between our abdomens.

"I like you close to me, just like this, with our pricks pressed against each other. I can feel your hardness against mine," I said, so excited that I was almost breathless.

"Am I too heavy for you, Jack?"

"You're not heavy; you're my brother," I laughed.

"You could be my brother," he replied. "I wish you were," he said tenderly.

"Me, too," I said.

"I feel very close to you," Tim added.

"I feel the same way, and I don't mean just physically," I answered. Tim kissed me on the forehead.

"Man, we're really hot," Tim observed. "Tell me how you want to do Princeton." He rolled off me.

"I think the best way is for us to lie on our left sides, since we're both right-handed. You put your penis between my thighs, right under my balls, and you pump away. You can reach over me to hold my prick."

"Okay, then you'll be bottom?" he asked.

"Yeah, if that's what you call it. "You wear a condom, though."

"You mean for safe sex?"

"No, not really," I answered. "You wear a condom because you might get hair burns otherwise. Another thing is that it's hard to get the cream out of my pubic hairs. I'll get one for you." I reached into my shaving kit lying on the bedside table and withdrew a Trojan Magnum."

"Magnum. That's really something," Tim said.

"I like the Magnum because it gives lots of room. You can slide and take long strokes with it. I'll squirt some Astroglide into it for you. That way, your prick can move around inside the condom. Albolene contains petroleum products. They rot rubber."

"Put it on me," Tim whispered. "I want to feel you putting it on my hard cock." I unwrapped the Magnum and squirted some Astroglide into it, and then placed it on the front dome of his helmet.

"Feel the warmth? Astro has glycerin, and that gives a warm feeling in your glans."

"Yeah, Jack. That feels warm and pleasant," Tim answered as I carefully unrolled the condom down his head and shaft.

"There's lot of room for that big helmet," I pointed out, knowing how proud Tim was of his large helmet-shaped glans. I leaned forward and kissed his glans through the latex. Tim shuddered slightly.

"Now I'll lie down and let you slip in behind me," I said. Tim stood and reached for a towel, which he spread in front of my body.

"That's to catch your come," he explained. "I'll bet you come a lot this time, just like you did last night." He lay down behind me and I felt his hard penis against my buttocks.

"Okay, now I'll lift my right leg and let you get in. Go as far as you can, and then when you start pumping you won't risk punching through the condom." I felt his hardness against my perineum, sliding forward until the tip touched my balls. Lowering my leg, I said:

"Okay, we're set now. You can begin pumping at your own speed." I saw and felt him reach over me to clasp my prick in his right hand, sliding my foreskin back and forth gently.

"I'm glad you have so much skin, Jack. I can take long slow strokes with all that skin, make your cock feel really good." His skilled fingers manipulated my foreskin expertly, sending shock waves of sensation into my prick. I felt his penis begin to move tentatively between my thighs.

"I can feel the ridge of your helmet sliding against my balls," I remarked. "That feel good to you?"

"Yeah, nice, really nice, Jack." As he spoke I squeezed my thigh muscles to give him more friction.

"Oh wow!" he said as he felt the pressure surrounding his thrusting prick. "You'd better ease up, or you'll make me come too fast, and I want this to last." I relaxed my muscles and I felt him slow his pace on my prick, taking long slow strokes that completely uncovered my glans and then brought my foreskin fully forward to envelop it once more.

"Just relax and take your time," I coached him.

"Jack, you've done this before, haven't you?"

"I did it a coupl e of times when I was 18 or 19," I answered.

"Did you come together then?"

"No, we didn't. He came first, and then I turned around and he stroked me until I shot."

"Was that good for you? I mean, coming separately?"

"It was okay, better than okay, but I think we'll enjoy it more if we synchronize this time," I replied.

"Okay, how can we be sure to bust our nuts together, then?"

"I think we can do it by you stroking me until you're close, and then you tell me. Then you speed up and when I feel I'm on the edge I'll slip my fingers between my thighs and press them into your gee-string, right under the head."

"Man, that's sure to trigger my coming," he said. "Right now, let's go nice and slow. I wanna keep my cock pumping between your legs while I work on your cock as well."

"Okay, do it," I said.

"I really love moving that long skin up over your big helmet. I can just feel your thick ridge through the skin, and I can feel the underside, too, where you've got that deep groove under the head."

"I can feel it when you slide my foreskin. I like the way you're pulling back hard on the down-stroke. That really stretches the skin and the nerve endings inside it."

"That's the idea, Jack. I wanna give you the best sensations I can. I know I'm gonna blow a hell of a load on this trip, and I wanna be sure you do too. I think you will, `cause your cock is so hard." As he spoke, his gentle pumping between my thighs continued, and I felt his bulging glans distinctly against my perineum and scrotum. "Let's go slowly, then. I think we can make this last a long time, Tim. The longer we can keep going, the more intense our orgasms will be." "I know, Jack. That's why we like to take our time. Anyway, I really enjoy a long build-up. My cock feels so good, and I can wait for the explosion." "We're reading off the same page, Tim. We both love the way our pricks feel during the build-up." "I can't understand why some guys are so impatient," Tim said. "Maybe they don't understand that getting there is half the fun," I contributed. "It's lots of fun with you, Jack. My cock feels so good sliding between your legs. I could go on forever this way." "No you couldn't," I laughed. "You'd get friction burns, even with all that lube." "I'm glad you're coaching me on this," he said. "If you hadn't had me slip it in first and leaving a little slack at the end, I might have bottomed out, and it wouldn't feel as good." "Yeah, I'd hate to have you punch through the condom when you're thrusting hard," I said. "When you're coming, and your body goes on automatic, you lose all control. If you punched through you'd shoot all over me and the bed, and you might get friction burns on that beautiful helmet." I felt Tim raise his head to look over my shoulder. "Your helmet's really swollen," he said. "I can see it when I skin you all the way back. It's gotten darker, too. Your rim's really standing out now, with the skin back." He pushed my foreskin forward now, and I felt it slide down the taper of my glans to engulf it completely. "Those long slow strokes are so hot," I said. "I like it when you do that. I paid a lot of money for all that foreskin, and I'm glad you're using all of it." Tim laughed. "I'll use the whole length, Jack. "That's what turns me on the most. You've got so much skin on that cock. Your helmet's as big as mine, and you've got enough to cover it all, even when you're hard." "I think you're getting turned on both ways, from pumping between my thighs and from handling my prick." "You bet I am, Jack. That rubber gives me a nice sensation with my cock sliding inside it. Stroking your skin's really hot, too. I like the way it bunches up behind the rim when I pull it back. I can feel it bumping the rim when I push it forward. It stops for a second, and then slides up over the rim and sort of rushes forward to cover the helmet. When I skin it back again, I see the big helmet appear, and it's swollen and glossy and purple. Then the skin stretches out when it reaches the rim, and I can see and feel it snap down into the groove. That's a real turn-on." "It feels very good for me, the way you're stroking me." "I know, Jack. I know your helmet's very sensitive, so I'm not using much pressure." "If we come together," I said, "you're not going to be able to see me come. Your eyes will be closed." "I guess you're right at that," he replied. "I won't be able to see that big helmet shoot, but I saw it last night when I did you. Now I just want to shoot my load between your legs and feel your cock throbbing at the same time." "I'll feel your cock throbbing between my thighs," I said. "I'll also be able to feel it throbbing in my fingertips because I'm gonna trigger your orgasm by pressing the underside of your tip. I'll feel the head throb and I'll feel it sliding past my fingertips too." "This sex talk's making me hot," Tim said. "I'll bet it's turning you on too." "You can be sure of that. Your fingers wrapped around my foreskin help a lot too." "I'm really hard now, Jack. My cock feels like iron. I think I'll start gettin' that tingle soon." "I'm about the same place, Tim. "You've got my prick all worked up sliding my foreskin." "I can feel that, Jack. I can feel your helmet's gotten harder through the skin. Now that I've got your skin back I can see it's darker too." He slid my foreskin forward and continued: "What really turns me on is that in a minute or so I'll be feeling that big helmet of yours throbbing through your skin. Yours will be throbbing and mine will be throbbing too. I'll hear you moan and I'll be moaning too. I'll be shooting my load between your legs and you'll be shooting your into my fingers at the same time!" "This is gonna be the first time we're coming together," I said. "I know. I'll be right next to you, feeling you come, and I'll feel your body too." His fingers continued to stroke my foreskin as he pumped between my thighs. "It'll be different this time," I said. "Coming together, I mean. It'll be so hot for both of us..." My voice trailed off as my breathing increased with the excitement. "I'm gonna slow down," he said. "We're so close, I think we both want to feel it coming, step by step." His fingers slowed their pace, and I felt my foreskin being gently slid back over my glans, and after a pause his fingers slid it forward again, bumping over my sensitized corona and sending a delicious thrill down my prick. Tim's penis was thrusting slowly between my thighs, and I felt the ridge on top of his glans sliding forward along my perineum to touch my sac, and then it withdrew just as slowly, the ridge again sliding along my tender flesh. "My tip's dark, really dark," I said. Tim's glans felt very swollen through the latex between my thighs, and I knew he was at the same stage as I. His movements were very slow, prolonging the delicious feeling of anticipation for both of us, but his breathing was becoming ragged, as mine was. I felt the tension building in my body despite my best effort to relax. "Oh, Jack, here it comes..." His voice trailed off as his pumping picked up speed and his fingers began working my foreskin more aggressively. I felt the tickle in my rim, and a couple of seconds later it changed to a hot tingle, and I knew I was losing it because my eyes were closing. I grunted loudly as my prick jerked and the first convulsion began deep inside me. A hot rush of fluid burned its way up my tube and slammed through the lips of my glans as I pushed the fingers of my right hand behind my balls and probed for Tim's vee-groove. As I pressed in, I felt his prick thrusting and a moment later he cried out the familiar cry of release. I felt the heavy throb of a prick in orgasm between my thighs and I squeezed my thigh muscles to give him more acute sensations. I was grunting and moaning helplessly, caught up in the hot fury of my orgasm. "HUNH! HUNH! HUNH!" Tim grunted as he thrust again, his hips slamming against me. His second explosion came at the same instant as mine. Now that I knew he was coming with me I let myself go and abandoned myself to the hot, thrilling sensations. I felt his encircling fingers tighten on my prick, compressing the foreskin and glans as he worked hard to provide me with the best, most intense orgasm he could. I felt his body straining against mine, both of us gripped in the frenzy of orgasm, as his fingers worked my foreskin convulsively over my bloated and throbbing glans. Another heavy stream of hot lava seared my urethra as it poured through my prick, and I cried out again. Our cries of agonized ecstasy filled the air as we experienced each other's climax penetrating through the erotic fog of our own. Tim's thrusts were declining in power, and my ejaculations were also diminishing, yet the hot thrills still flooded our bodies as we struggled together, draining ourselves in a thrusting, pumping, gasping furor. When our torrents turned to dribbles, we were finally still, sobbing as our bodies relaxed. "Oh, Jack, I fuckin' drained myself," I heard Tim say minutes later. "How about you?" "Oh, Tim, it was hot and intense, so intense," I replied feebly. "When your fingers hit my hot spot I thought I was gonna die. My cock just exploded. I felt yours throbbing hard, and I knew you were busting it too." His voice was stronger, and I sensed that he'd opened his eyes. "I'll lift my leg now," I said and I felt his prick slip from between my thighs. Now it was shrunken, and the condom dragged against my sweaty flesh as he withdrew. He crawled over my body and turned to face me as he used the towel he'd placed in front of me to capture his condom and sop the thick liquids off his deflating prick. Mine was limp, the tip touching the pool of cream I'd discharged. Tim grasped it and eased the foreskin forward to protect the sensitive glans. "I felt every sensation in my penis," he whispered as he faced me. "First, there was the tickling feeling around my rim, and then in the front of the helmet." "It was the same with me," I interrupted. "I felt it just like you did." "Then my whole helmet was tingling, just as yours started throbbing, and you stuck your fingers in there and hit my fren with your fingertips. "I felt them as my groove slid over them, and they rubbed against my fren. That's when my penis exploded." He paused. "Did your cream feel hot when you ejaculated?" I asked. "Yeah, it felt like boiling oil in my urethra. That happens only during an especially hot and intense orgasm. How about you?" "It felt the same for me, Tim. "I was almost in pain because the sensations were so intense." "Each time I came I felt the convulsion deep inside me, and I felt the stream running up along my penis. I even felt it when it rounded the slight curve up into my helmet, and then it burst through the lips of my hole." He paused again to catch his breath. "There was one difference, Tim. How did it feel when your cream was trapped in the condom, running around your head?" "All that cream filled the end of the rubber, Jack, and it felt like my helmet was swimming in it. I didn't get the same friction I'd got from the top of my helmet rubbing against you, but your fingers pressing into the underside kept me going." Now he lifted my penis and pushed his fingers under my sac. "You want to milk me down, right?" I asked as I let him do his thing. "Yeah, Jack, I want to get all the cream out. I'll skin you back a little now that I'm squeezing your shaft and I'll catch the drops with this towel." I felt the lips of my slit part with each drop pushing its way through them. Tim held a corner of the towel to my glans and the now clear drops soaked into it. "Okay, now I'll do you," I said as I grasped his prick and slipped my fingers behind his sac. Pressing into his urethra, I worked the residue towards his prick. "That feels nice, Jack." "It's supposed to. I'm working it forward and when it comes out your slit I'll get it with the towel, like you did me." Squeezing his shaft I grasped the towel. "You've got an unusually long slit," I remarked as I dabbed at it. "Last night I was able to stick the end of my finger in there, and you wrote to me that you did that too." "Yeah, it feels good when I do that. Just sticking your finger in my slit gets me hard." "Was it that way naturally, or did the doctor cut it to lengthen it?" "I don't know. It's been long as far back as I can remember." Now I placed my fingers on his glans, spreading the slit. "Look, when I pull the lips apart I can see right into it. It's a pink color inside." "Let me turn around and look at yours," he said as he swiveled on the bed. When he was in a "69" position with me, I felt his hands on my prick. "Now I'll skin you back all the way so that your skin stays in place behind your helmet," he said. "Now I've got your lips apart, and the inside of yours is pink too." "You wrote to me that you get very stimulated by putting a bead into your urethra. Want to try that now?" Tim got up and reached into the drawer beside the bed, withdrawing a small thin rod with a ball about ¼" mounted at the end. "This is it," he said. "I'd like it if you did that to me. Just push it in no more than about ¼" or maybe a little more." He down again beside me and I reached for his prick, stabilizing it with my left hand while I pressed the ball against his slit. "Your urethra's still pretty well lubed so it's sliding in easily," I said as I eased the ball through the lips of his slit, parting them and watching them gape. "Ooooooh, that feels good," he said and I felt his prick thickening in my hand. "I'm not too far in, am I?" I had the ball fully inside him, and was gently jiggling it to stimulate the inside of his urethra. "Just a bit more, Jack." I pressed it in farther, and felt resistance. "This is about where your urethra narrows, I think. I'd better not go any farther." Now I used one finger to caress the gaping lips, slowly working around the edges, knowing that this was also very stimulating. Tim's prick was fully hard now, and I felt it throb in response. His fingers were around my prick, slowly stroking me. We went on like this for several minutes in silence, savoring the sensations, until he spoke again: "We're both gettin' hot again," he said. "We really turn each other on. Just a few minutes ago we blew really hot loads and now we're ready to go again." "We have that effect on each other," I said. "Want to do Princeton again, but the other way? This time you go between my legs." "That would be nice. I think we can come together again." "Then let me put a condom on you," he said. I reached into my shaving kit for another Trojan Magnum and handed it to him. As he tore the envelope I withdrew the ball from his urethra. "I guess you need your skin back to wear the condom. I'm gonna put some of that Astro inside it. I know you like it and you need the lube, anyway." Now he had the condom poised on the front dome of my glans. "This is what I really enjoy," he said. "I get a thrill out of rolling a condom down that big helmet of yours. Good thing it's the big size. A regular condom would bind on that big helmet." I felt his fingers slowly unrolling the thin latex down over my swollen helmet. "Yeah, good thing it's the large size," he continued. "That thick ring of skin behind your helmet's even thicker than your rim." Now he was reaching the base of my shaft. "I'm gonna get us another towel," he said as he got up. "This one's too wet. When he returned he handed me the jar of Albolene and lay on his left side in front of me. "Okay, just lift your leg a little," I urged as I got into position. "I'll put it in as far as I can to give me room to slide." He lowered his leg, and I felt the pressure on my penis. "Now I'll get some Albolene on my fingers and massage it into your beautiful helmet. There, does that feel good?" I asked as my fingertips slid silkily over his engorged glans. He'd spread the towel in front of him, and I knew that it would catch any discharge. "Feels really nice, Jack. Now just go nice and slow. I want to feel the ridge of your helmet under me." I began thrusting slightly, eager to follow his direction, because I knew that we'd enjoy it the most this way. As I thrust, I massaged the purple head of his penis. "I'm going with long slow strokes, Tim. I don't want to come too soon." My prick slid back and forth inside the lubricated latex, and I felt his perineum against my sensitive tissues. On the forward stroke my tip bumped his balls lightly. As I pumped, my fingertips glided around his curvaceous helmet, following all the contours and working on all of the nerve endings. "I like what you're doing to me, Jack. Your fingers feel so good on my helmet." "I'm using only light pressure, Tim. I can feel your helmet's already pretty hard, and that means the nerve endings are pretty sensitized. If I stroked harder or faster it would be over for you in no time." "Oh, you're right. That Albolene thins out a lot when it's warm and I can feel every ridge in your fingertips." "Your helmet's pretty hot right now because of the blood flow. I can feel the heat in my fingers. Now I'm gonna work around your ridge a little." "That's always nice," he said as my fingertips began tracing his thick corona down one side and up the other. My palm brushed his front dome as I did so, and his prick jerked in my hand. "That reached you, didn't it? I felt that," I said. "You're making my rim feel ticklish," he replied. "I'll do more than that," I said as I ran a fingertip into the vee-groove under the head, probing for his thick gee-string. His prick throbbed hard in response.

"Careful, Jack, we want to make this last. Another jolt like that and you'll have my load. You've got me so turned on right now..." His voice trailed off. I resumed just running my fingertips around his swollen corona, carefully avoiding his trigger spot under the head, and continued to pump my prick slowly between his thighs. "I like that feeling, being between your thighs," I said. "It's so erotic." "Wait until you come," he said. "You'll really enjoy that feeling of hot cream swirling around your helmet." "Too bad I'm not gonna see you cream, Tim. My eyes won't be open." "It's okay. We both had our eyes shut last time and we were in heaven." "Well, I'll at least have a mental image of that big helmet pumping out its juices," I replied. "Just thinking of it makes me tingle." "I can feel your big helmet down there, and that makes me tingle." "Think we'll be as loud as last time?" I asked. "We were both moaning and grunting when we came." "No louder than last night, Jack. We were both loud when we unloaded, especially you." "You do that to me, Tim. Feeling your hands on my prick gave me a more intense orgasm than I could have had alone." "That makes a difference for me, too. Feeling another guy's fingers wrapped around my cock makes it hotter for me. Feeling your fingers was really something special because you know how to pleasure a cock." "Believe me, Tim, your hot touches did the same for me." "I'm glad, Jack. I'm glad I was able to make it better and hotter for you. That's important to me." After he spoke, Tim turned his head and kissed me on the arm. "That's tender of you, Tim. I appreciate that." I gave his shaft a squeeze. I felt him tighten his thigh muscles to squeeze my prick in return. "I love massaging your helmet like this," I said. "You've got a really nice one, very attractive, a gift of nature." I ran my fingertips over its broad upper surface, caressing the nerve endings in the mucus membrane. "It feels so good," he said again. As he spoke, I felt a slow tingle begin in my glans. "I'm gettin' close," I said. "I don't know if I can hold out for much longer." "Me too, Jack. I think we're gettin' to the edge. "I'll try to stay relaxed, but your fingers are magic on my cock." "Tim, I'm slowin' down, but my tip's all tingly now. I'll make you pop and then you can use your fingers to hit my hot spot." I ran my fingertips down his corona, probing into the groove, and found his thick gee-string, loaded with nerve endings. "Now I'll strum you there to trigger you." His prick responded immediately with a hard throb and I knew he was at the brink. "I'm right there," he groaned as my eyes closed. I thought that his eyes must be closing as well. "Go for it!" I cried and swept my fingertips across his lubricated hot spot, making him cry out as his dam burst. I felt his fingers probing for my hot spot under the glans just as I felt his prick throb in orgasm. The tingling feeling in my glans exploded, sending a hot jolt of sensation down my shaft to trigger my first gush. I felt the heavy pounding of orgasm begin in my cock-root as I thrust my prick hard into him, my hips slamming against his body. "HAAAAHHHH!" he cried out as his prick throbbed again, and I knew he was gushing his second discharge onto the towel. I pulled back to give him another hard thrust, my frenzied body now on automatic, and felt the sharp sensations in my glans trigger another spasm deep inside me. The hot torrent filled my tube and I cried out as it poured from my orifice and swirled around my thrusting glans. We both cried out in joyful agony as our bodies strained against each other, my back arching as I drove my hips hard against him. Now my fingers completely engulfed his glans, twisting to heighten his sensations, and his next spurt shot right into my palm. My fingertips closed around his rim, dancing over the swollen surfaces, stimulating his nerve endings and making him cry out in ecstasy as another spasm swept though his body. Gradually we relaxed as our convulsions died down, and our engorged pricks dribbled their last drops. We lay still for a very long time, exhausted and dazed, unable to speak or even open our eyes. Finally, I felt him stir, and he lifted his leg and let me out. My hand was still clasped around his softening prick, and I gave him an affectionate squeeze. I opened my eyes and leaned over him, kissing him on the neck. "Let me milk your prick," I said as I crawled over him. I saw that he'd flooded the towel with his cream, and I smelled the characteristic chlorine odor. His prick was shiny with his fluids and with the Albolene, and I carefully wiped it with a corner of the towel as I ran my fingertip up under his shaft to force the last drops from his long slit. His fingers probed behind my sac to drain me, forcing the residue into the already distended condom that hung slackly from my shrunken prick. Okay, I think I've got it all out," Tim said tenderly as he grasped the condom and began sliding it off my limp prick. It slid easily, lubricated by the Astroglide and my juices, and he wrapped it in the towel. Then he used a corner of the towel to dab the copious fluid off my penis. "Now I'll pull your skin forward to cover the precious helmet." Now we lay side by side, holding hands. "That one was pretty hot for me," I said. "I think thrusting made it hotter because I was using my crotch muscles. "I found that too," he replied. "Lying there while you stroked me was very nice, but when I was actually pumping into you my body tensed up and I really blew a hot load." He turned toward me and his other hand found my prick. "I guess you still like holding my prick," I suggested. "You bet I do! I really like the way it feels, the way the skin slides over the helmet, Jack." I noticed that Tim's prick was swelling again. "It's gettin' you hot," I observed. "Maybe you're ready for another one. You did write to me that you often have multiple orgasms." I grasped his hardening penis and began squeezing it. "Here, use a little Albolene on it," he said, and I reached to dip my fingers into the open jar. "I'll work it in for you," I said. "First around the head, and now along the shaft. This is gettin' you very hard." "You turn me on, Jack. Between my fingers feeling the skin sliding over your helmet and your hand around my cock, I'll be shooting off in a minute." "Go ahead, Tim. I want to watch your come again. I just love stroking your big beautiful helmet because I know that gets you hot." "Oooooohhhh, Jack. Ooooohhh, just do it to me like you're doin'. That feels so good." I was stroking his prick back-handed, my thumb towards his stomach and my little finger stroking the rim of his swollen glans. "I'll give you a few twists now, Tim. I think that'll send some thrills into your helmet." I began pumping his prick forcefully, twisting my inverted fist around the glans with each stroke. "You need to come right now, not edge. You're too hot to hold out." "Oh, yeah, Jack. I need to drain myself right now. Just keep pumpin' that helmet." "I can feel your shaft's gettin' stiffer, and the helmet's gettin' harder. You're really excited now." "Yeah, I'm close, very close," he said as his eyes closed. "I'll help you go over the edge, Tim. My fingers are pumpin' your prick, and twistin' around that big helmet." "Close, close," he whispered as his body tensed in anticipation. "Your helmet's very hard now, and I can see it's very dark. That rim's very hard and it's standing out from the neck." Tim shuddered as I felt a hard throb in his prick, and a moment later he cried out as a thick ribbon of cream erupted from his slit to slam into my stomach. "HAHHH! HAHHH! HAH-HAH!" he cried helplessly as I twisted my fist again around his throbbing helmet, bringing forth another torrent of cream. His hips bucked as he cried again, and I smelled the heavy odor of chlorine as more sperm shot from his hard, throbbing penis. More jets spurted from his straining helmet as he drained himself for the second time in 15 minutes. His body began to relax as his jets weakened, and I watched the residue dribble from the long lips of his slit. Luckily the towel was between us, catching and absorbing his copious fluids. I let him lie quietly, knowing that he was dazed from this second climax and needed time to recover. "That was nice," he said when he opened his eyes. I was milking him gently, extracting the last drops from his limp prick, dabbing at the tip with the towel. "I could see that you needed that badly," I replied. "Maybe we should have done things differently last night." "How do you mean, Jack?" "Maybe we should have gone for quick orgasms first, just to take the urgency out of it, Tim. That way, we would have been able to edge much longer the second time." "Yeah, maybe you're right, Jack. What about tomorrow? Did you bring that electro equipment you mentioned?" "I did. It's still in the car. I'll bring it in tomorrow and you'll get to feel what an electro-orgasm is like." "I tried hooking my cock up to the stereo a couple of times, but all I got was a nasty shock." "Well, Tim, stereo is dangerous because you can't really control it. The equipment I've got allows a lot of control, and you can set it for mild pulses that make you hard and keep you that way, to stronger ones that bring on your orgasm, without even having to touch your prick." "Feel like something to eat?" he asked, and I realized that we'd gone last lunchtime while absorbed in our sex play. "Yeah, I think that breakfast's worn off, Tim." He got up and led me into the kitchen, where we began to prepare lunch. Tim pan-fried a couple of steaks while I prepared a salad. We ate with gusto, because of all the calories we'd burned during sex. "This is really relaxing me, even making me sleepy," he said between bites. "Yeah, a full stomach does that to me too," I replied.

"Maybe we'd better turn in after we finish, Jack." "I feel the same way. I really enjoy sleeping with you next to me. That makes me feel so secure." "When I feel you holding my cock, I feel really secure and relaxed, Jack. Last night I went to sleep right away." I helped Tim do the dishes and then we returned to the bedroom. We lay on our backs, covered only with a sheet because of the heat, holding each other's pricks. "I think I'll really enjoy tomorrow," he said just before our eyes closed in sleep.

The End of Part 2

Next: Chapter 3

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