Weekend with the Babysitter

By James Mid

Published on Aug 28, 2001


Please note that this is intended for adult reading. If it illegal for you to view this material in your area, please don't. If you find gay material offensive, then don't read on. If you like it, enjoy.

Jay-My Weekend with the Babysitter Part 5

I crawled as quietly as I could without to many waves, on to the waterbed. I went from the bottom of the bed up between his legs and ran my tongue up his right inner thigh to his ball sack. Then I did the same up his left thigh. He moaned so quietly. He was still asleep. I then started licking his balls. I licked from perineum to the base of his shaft. His boner started to rise of his belly quite a bit. He moaned and shifted a little. But I could still have all the access that I wanted for the time being. I licked each ball and sucked it into my mouth gently without touching him with my hands at all. His breathing started to get shorter and his moaning a little longer. I decided to move my work along. I couldn't believe that he was still asleep (or was he). I licked again from the perineum all the way up his shaft this time to his dick head. I noticed that he had dribbled quite a bit of precum onto his belly by now. So I licked it up very gently. He gave a little giggle. Now I was sure he was still asleep. I put my lips around his head and started to tongue the underneath of his head. He let out such a moan that I was sure that he would wake the kids. And then out of the blue he shot his load into my mouth. I was so shocked that I just about choked on it. Wad after wad of hot cum was shooting into my throat as he lay stiffly, but calmly on his back.

I licked the last of the cum off his cock and got up on my knees and moved over to my side of the bed. I just lay there in disbelief that he had cum and not even woken. I was so horny now it wasn't funny. My cock was alive and well and just throbbing. I decided I would just have to jerk off.

So I played with my balls and started pulling on them and rubbing them between my fingers. There was precum coming out now and I smeared it all up and down my cock. I always had a lot of precum to spare funny enough. It was a great lubricant. I gripped my shaft lightly and started to pump it. I could feel that familiar build up in my gut. It wouldn't be long at this rate, I could tell. I didn't want to cum to quickly, so I moved to my nipples and balls again. I pulled on my nipples and balls and stuck my finger into my ass. It was tight and hot. The precum was oozing out all over my belly now. Jay lay sound asleep next to me still. He turned on his side with his back to me and I had an idea.

I reached up to the headboard and got the lube and put a great wad on my cock and smeared it all over my balls and just loved the feeling. I was almost there! I reached over to Jay and rubbed some lube on his pucker hole. I shifted myself and placed my cock head at his opening. I started to lightly thrust my cock against his opening. He was so relaxed that I went in with very little effort. I felt him reach his hand round to my butt and he said quietly, "Put it in, go on!" He was awake! How long had he been awake? Oh, well, to hell with it. I shoved my cock all the way inside of him. He started that wonderful moaning again. I was gong to blow my load and I knew it. I started to thrust and he told me to slow down, "I want to enjoy it for longer." He sounded so quiet and peaceful. Not hot and horny like all the other times. So I slowed down.

I snuggled closer to him so that we had full body contact and kept my thrusting fairly slow so that I wouldn't cum to quickly. I was quite surprised when I shifted though to reach and round his groin to get my cock in further, to find that his cock was hard and oozing again. It had only been a matter of minutes since he blasted off in my mouth. I put my hand around his cock and started to pump it as I thrust my hips into his ass. He was moaning again. My breathing was getting faster and so was his. I couldn't hold on any longer. I needed to unload. So I started to pound his butt harder and faster. From deep within me came this deep growl which came up out of my belly and just as I started to cum with full force turned into a yell. I couldn't hold back. I thought I was going to explode.

At the same time as I was exploding into Jay's guts, he was grunting quite loudly. I was empty and very embarrassed that I had yelled in the poor guy's ear. We both relaxed in that position and next thing I realized it was morning. I woke up with my dick still firmly planted in his hole and my arms around him. When I looked over him at the clock I saw that it was only ten minutes until I had to get up. But I decided to just lay there and enjoy the feeling of having him stuck to the end of my cock.

As I put my head back on the pillow I looked out the window and was shocked to see that something was splattered on the bottom of the window and on the wall and had run down the wall. I looked closer and started to laugh. This woke Jay from his slumber (not too happily I might add).

"What's so funny, you?"

"Look at the window and wall!"

"Oh my Gawd! Is that cum?"

"Well it wasn't there last night!"

He started to laugh to and we both just lay there laughing. We were suddenly interrupted by creak of the door opening into the room. It was my eldest daughter. I plucked my cock out of him with a pop and grabbed the covers at our feet and covered us just in time to have the door open all the way and have my daughter walk in. Fortunately the door opens away from the bed so it was in the way of her view until it was fully open and she was in the room.

"Daddy, did you have a bad dream in the night? I heard you scream! Jay started to howl with laughter! I think I must have turned all the shades of red possible before I blurted out, "Yes sweetie, it was a nasty one!"

The saga continues for one more episode...

Send your comments to mid_island_guy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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