Weekend with the Babysitter

By James Mid

Published on Jul 31, 2001


Please note that this is intended for adult reading. If it illegal for you to view this material in your area, please don't. If you find gay material offensive, then don't read on. If you like it, enjoy.

Jay-My Weekend with the Babysitter Part 3

Well the day was shorter, all right, but it was more exhausting than I had expected. The pace was so fast that I never got a chance to have a break for food or coffee. I didn't have much time to think about what had been going on in the last few hours either. I guess that was good, because I would have been so distracted with guilt and fear that I may have screwed up everything I was involved in that day.

It was 4:30 and I was free to do whatever I needed to do. There was a lecture that evening but it wasn't anything that pertained to my line of work, so I decided not to attend. I headed out the door, knowing that I needed to pick up some groceries on the way home for supper and the next couple of days. I couldn't leave the sitter in the house alone with kids and no food and I knew it!

I picked up my cell and pushed number 2 for home. "Hello, Johnson residence."

"Hi, Jay. I'm just leaving the conference and going to the grocery store. Have you started on supper yet?"

"James, don't worry about the groceries. I packed up the kids today and borrowed my Mom's car and got some."

"Oh! How did you pay for it, Jay! You shouldn't be doing that!"

"I used the petty cash that you leave in the jar on the counter for that."

"Oh, yeah. Smart guy! Did you have enough?"

"Yeah. I got everything we needed to get us through the next couple of days. But there isn't much left in the jar."

"Not a problem. I'll put more in it. Thanks, I really appreciate you doing that. I am totally wiped!"

I drove for the next half an hour in a dreamlike state. I was aware of what was going on around me, but not really. I hate driving like this. It is so dangerous. Anyhow, I made it home. Jay was out in the front yard with the kids on the grass. It was a beautiful day and he was making the best of it with three kids crawling all over him. I stopped the car a little ways away from the house and just watched him play with the kids. "He is so good with those kids. How did I luck out having a guy for a sitter? Not just any guy but HIM!" I pulled away from the curb and drove in our driveway. I was hardly in park when my eldest was almost ripping the door off the car. The other two were just sitting in the grass just calling for me. They hadn't started walking yet.

I walked over to them and gave them the usual hugs and kisses and said I'd be right back. I looked at Jay and said I had to get into some comfortable togs. So I went into the bedroom and got changed into some shorts and a tank top and then headed back out to see the kids and Jay.

Supper came and went and we got the kids off to bed safe and sound. I went down to the family room and sat down on the couch. The next thing I knew I was sound asleep. When I awoke, Jay was sitting quietly at the other end of the couch watching the t.v. "Hope I didn't snore to loud."

"You snored like a lumberjack saw! - No you didn't. You must have been really tired." He said.

He reached over and started to run his hands up and down my legs. My cock was already hard from the sleep. Now it was screaming! I could see his bulge in his shorts too. "James, I want you to fuck me tonight."

Well, I didn't need convincing. But before I could do anything he had his mouth around my crotch through my shorts. He was a real natural. Within a few minutes he had me totally undressed. I decided to wait to undress him. He started sucking on my cock with real passion. I started to climax. I knew that I was about to come and pushed him away from my cock. He then went for my hole with his nice long tongue. He flicked and licked my pucker hole with real pleasure giving force. I was in heaven again, almost delirious.

He then started to work his way up my scrotum and cock again. This time only sucking for a few minutes before moving up my belly to suck my nipples and then onto a deep kiss. He was a great kisser, I tell you. This is when I thought that I should go to work.

I started to kiss his ears and lick them. He started to moan. I worked my way down his neck to the nape and just licked and kissed and sucked on him. I pulled his t-shirt off and went straight for his lightly haired armpits. I licked them up and down. He just groaned and tossed his head from side to side. I sucked on one nipple then the other and back again. I reached down to his bulge and my hand was just soaked. He was just so hot! I worked my way down the center of his chest to his button and started to lick at it. He had a nice light blonde line of hair that led to his treasure chest below. I followed it with my tongue to the top of his pubes. I then went straight for his pelvis and licked and kissed and sucked, teasing the hell out of him. He was gyrating his hips and throwing his head from side to side. His cock was out and just drooling precum. It was just all over his pubes and legs. I started to lick up the precum and he started to thrust at my face. I couldn't wait any longer. I went for his hole. I started to lick it and stick my tongue in it. He was almost howling now. His pucker hole was just puckering open and shut like a heart valve. I moved to his balls and licked them. Then I went up to his shaft and started to lick around the base. His precum was just drooling down the shaft now that it was straight up in my hand. I licked it all up and then stopped at the base of his head. I sent my tongue around the glands. He grabbed my head and just shoved it onto his cock. He started fucking my face with such power; I almost choked on his huge rod. It was much more swollen than last night. I was just wanking at my own rod at the same time. He let out a cry and started pumping his teen juice into my mouth. Oh it was so sweet.

Then he suddenly pulled out of my mouth and pushed me off of him and flipped over on the couch, kneeling on the floor. He grabbed at something from under the cushions and out came a tube of Wet, which he'd obviously found in my bedroom. He put his butt in my face and said, "Fuck me! I want to know what it's like!"

I looked at his pucker hole and it was open and ready....

Next: Chapter 4

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